Tell Your #Story In Your #CoverLetter

Post on 11-Aug-2014

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A frequently asked #question among #jobseekers remains, "Is a #coverletter #important?" In fact, it's not unusual for #jobseekers to treat the #coverletter as an afterthought. They've put so much time and thought into their #resume that they may view the #coverletter as nothing more than a required but unimportant attachment. In actuality, this #coverletter can be instrumental in helping your #resume leap to the top of the pile. The #importance of a cover letter cannot be overstated. Don't you repeat your #resume in your #coverletter! Tell a #story why you are the one for the position with VietnamWorks'tips



#1: Choose correct types for the right purpose

#2: Share your story

#3: Include keywords

#4: Personalize your cover letter

#5: Explain Employment Gap

#6: Format your cover letter

#7: Inform when and how you'll get in touch.

#8: Follow instruction of employers when submitting cover letter

#9: Review before sending