Telling your brand story through your B2B website

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Telling your

through your

has a story.


But not every website effectively tells that story.

It should. Here’s why.

Even in the B2B world, customers make purchase decisions based on

two types of reason:

To do its job well, your website needs to appeal to both sides of the brain:


A really good brand story, just like any good story, appeals to your customers’ emotions.

That’s why the best B2B websites take advantage of the

power of a really good brand story.

A website that communicates a strong brand story:

Captures visitors’ attention

A website that communicates a strong brand story:

Captures visitors’ attention

Creates an emotional connection between your audience and your brand

A website that communicates a strong brand story:

Captures visitors’ attention

Creates an emotional connection between your audience and your brand

Differentiates your brand

A website that communicates a strong brand story:

Captures visitors’ attention

Creates an emotional connection between your audience and your brand

Differentiates your brand

Makes your brand more memorable.

So, how do you build a website that tells your brand story better

than JK Rowling could?

Use our website brand story checklist:

Define your brand

Tell a story

Get personal

Aim for consistency

Leverage your logo

Define your brand

Tell a story

Get personal

Aim for consistency

Leverage your logo

Before you can get to work communicating your brand story

to your audience, you need to make sure you know exactly what

your brand is.

Start by asking yourself three questions:

What’s your offering?

What’s your USP?

What’s your brand’s personality?

What’s your offering?

The kind of brand you create will depend on the services and products you offer.

For example...

A payroll software brand should naturally portray a sense of trust and security.

A teambuilding events company could build a brand based on ideas of fun and connection.

What’s your USP?

Your USP (unique selling proposition) sets you apart. Focus on creating a brand concept that communicates this.

What do you do differently?

What makes your offering unique?

What can you give customers that none of your competitors can?

What’s your brand’s personality?

Is your brand fun and spontaneous, or trustworthy and analytical?

Are you a rebellious game-changer, or more of a

traditional, no-surprises sort of brand?

The personality you pick for your brand will infuse your entire marketing strategy, including the tone and style

of your website copy and design.

Beware of using internal company lexicon or highly technical industry jargon when

coming up with a brand concept.

Rather, put yourself in the end user’s shoes and define your brand in a way that’s

accessible and easy to understand.

For a full crash-course on defining your brand, check out this blog.

Define your brand

Tell a story

Get personal

Aim for consistency

Leverage your logo

is an inherently human trait and a powerful marketing and communication tool.

Your future customers can’t resist a good yarn.

So give them one.

What your brand story isn’t:

Boardroom Flavour was formed in 2014 by Joe Soap and Jane Doe.

They pride themselves on providing food that is innovative, tasty,

and healthy. Today, Boardroom Flavour caters some of the biggest

corporate events in London. Last year, they were awarded the

prestigious London Taste award.

What your brand story is:

Amateur chefs Jane and Joe were tired of being fed congealed mini pizzas and cold

sausage rolls at the corporate events and business meetings they attended. After

one-too-many bowls of stale crisps, they joined forces to create Boardroom Flavour, a

catering company that believes inspired food fuels inspired business. Now, Jane’s love

of innovative presentation and Joe’s genius for flavour profiles is transforming London’s

corporate events into a foodie’s gourmet dream. In 2016, London Taste named them

catering company of the year. But they’re not in it for the accolades; they’re in it for the

love of flavour. After all, who says business needs to be bland?

A good brand story:

Communicates your values

Appeals to emotion

Tells the stories of the people behind the brand

Explains why – not just how – you started your company

Reveals your inspiration and passion

Is infused with your brand’s personality

Underpins every webpage and piece of marketing you create.

Make the most of your ‘About us’ page.

This is your chance to tell your story, so make sure you do it well!

Consider using videos, interactive timelines,

‘meet the team’ features, or moving infographics to

really engage your visitors.

Then, keep telling your brand story on every single page of

your website.


That doesn’t mean retelling the actual story again and again

(that would be infuriating).

It means constantly communicating and reinforcing your values and

your raison d’être at every opportunity.

Every single time you respond to a web comment, write a blog post, design an ad, or hold an event, you’re telling your brand story.

Make sure that your

underpin everything you do.

Define your brand

Tell a story

Get personal

Aim for consistency

Leverage your logo

No matter how great your brand story is, if it doesn’t resonate with

your customers, it’s useless.

Remember, even in B2B, you’re still selling to human beings.

To communicate effectively, you need to know your customers inside out.

What excites them?

What scares them?

What’s most valuable to them?

Tell your brand story in a way that your customers can relate to.

If you customers are largely conservative, don’t go the quirky, crazy route.

If they’re young professionals, on the other hand, an innovative, cutting-edge brand will appeal.

Define your brand

Tell a story

Get personal

Aim for consistency

Leverage your logo

Make sure your entire website is on brand.

Stick to the same tone of voice, look and feel, colour palette, and style throughout.


Similarly, aim for brand consistency across all your channels.

That way, your customers can easily recognise your content.


Define your brand

Tell a story

Get personal

Aim for consistency

Leverage your logo


functions as a quick and easy way to identify your brand.

Don’t settle for a less-than-perfect logo.

Find one that embodies your brand story and resonates with your audience.

twisted melon

Make it easy for customers to identify your website by making your logo highly visible on every webpage.

01435 998 765

01435 998 765

twisted melon

No one said it was going to be easy.

A truly brilliant B2B website has to tick a lot of boxes. Not only does it need to tell your brand story, it also needs

to generate leads, serve content, educate and delight your customers, and more.

Building a website that does it all can be a challenge, especially if you’re trying to do it all in-house.

Don’t be Shy is a B2B marketing agency based out of London and Manchester, but we like to travel. We have the tools and

experience to take your raw brand story and translate it into something your website visitors won’t be able to resist.

Get in touch with us here.

Get some help.

Transform your website from

content chaos to

content perfection

If you found this deck useful, check out therest of our ‘better B2B website’ series here.




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