“TEMENOS” - alps-uk.com

Post on 30-Oct-2021

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“TEMENOS” a unique Rope Access contract

TEMENOS is one of a series of five world-class art installations by internationally acclaimed sculptor Anish Kapoor

and leading structural designer Cecil Balmond.

Temenos is located at the north-eastern corner of Middlesbrough Docks. It is 110m in length and almost 50m high.

It is constructed from 10mm & 16mm stainless steel wires & 3200 SS clamps, these terminating at to two large steel

hoops, one at either end of the structure.

In order to construct this unusual structure ALPS were contracted to supply a team of specialist Roped Access

operatives working with specialist suspended access and portable lifting & pulling equipment.

Industrial Rope Access Techniques proved the only logical method for accessing this unique sculpture enabling

some 3200 stainless steel wire rope clamps to be installed gradually forming this unique structure.

A team of only four Rope Access operatives completed this task within the allocated time frame.