Temporary Structures Technical Data-Condit Exhibits

Post on 09-Dec-2014

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At Condit Exhibits, we deliver innovative temporary structures that are at the cutting edge of semi-permanent building technology. Learn more about the technical aspects of designs and creating these spaces.


temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

Temporary  Structures  ::  Technical  Data  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

Condit  can  handle  every  detail  of  your  project:      

§               Event  and  Logis=cs  Management  §               In-­‐house  Fabrica=on  §               Wood,  Plas=c,  Steel  and  Aluminum  Construc=on    Condit  recently  added  the  latest  in  graphic  produc=on  services  to  compliment  our  fabrica=on  capabili=es.  

§               Inkjet  prin=ng  §               Posters,  fabric,  vinyl  §               Large  format  murals      When  we  say  we  are  full  service,  we  mean  it.      

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

 With  produc=on  facili=es  across  the  United  States  and  the  United  Kingdom  and  loca=ons  across  the  world,  Condit’s  Temporary  Structures  offer  unparalleled  quality  and  reach.    Designers  at  Condit  keep  up  to  date  on  the  latest  in  design  and  display  trends  across  mul=ple  industries.      Condit’s  graphics  department  con=nually  upgrades  produc=on  capabili=es.      The  fabrica=on  shops  pride  themselves  on  providing  the  highest  quality  products  for  our  customers.  They  know  every  counter,  every  wall,  and  every  beam.      

temporary  structures  and  event  services…  

Condit  Exhibits  Sky  Curl  Interna=onal  Business  Director  scurl@condit.com    Phone:  +1.800.541.6308  Direct:  206.552.4743    www.condit.com    Loca=ons:  Denver,  Sea\le,  Las  Vegas,  and  the  United  Kingdom  

temporary  structures  and  event  services…