Ten Basic Safety Rules

Post on 01-Jan-2016

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Ten Basic Safety Rules. SafetyShare.org. Ten Basic Safety Rules. Follow instructions Do not take chances; if you do not know, ASK!. Ten Basic Safety Rules. Correct or report unsafe conditions. Ten Basic Safety Rules. Help keep the job site clean and orderly. Ten Basic Safety Rules. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Ten Basic Safety Rules


Ten Basic Safety Rules

from SafetyShare.org2

Follow instructions Do not take chances; if you do not know, ASK!

Ten Basic Safety Rules Correct or report unsafe conditions.

from SafetyShare.org3

Ten Basic Safety Rules

from SafetyShare.org4

Help keep the job site clean and orderly.

Ten Basic Safety Rules

from SafetyShare.org5

Use the right tools and equipment for the job.

Ten Basic Safety Rules

from SafetyShare.org6

Report all injuries immediately to your supervisor no matter how minor. Get first aid treatment, if necessary.

Ten Basic Safety Rules

from SafetyShare.org7

Use, adjust and repair equipment only when authorized.

Ten Basic Safety Rules

from SafetyShare.org8

Use personal protective equipment. Wear seat belts and keep personnel safety items

in good condition.

Ten Basic Safety Rules

from SafetyShare.org9

No horseplay – avoid distracting others.

Ten Basic Safety Rules When lifting, bend your knees. Get help for heavy loads

from SafetyShare.org10

Ten Basic Safety Rules You don’t want to spend the rest of your life

looking for this sign.

from SafetyShare.org11

Ten Basic Safety Rules Comply with all safety rules and signs.

from SafetyShare.org12

SafetyShare.org disclaimer

from SafetyShare.org13

Material presented on the National Mining Association's SafetyShare.org website is intended for information purposes only and does not constitute advice. The National Mining Association tries to provide content that is true and accurate as of the date of writing; however, we give no assurance or warranty regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or applicability of any of the contents. Visitors to the SafetyShare.org website should not act upon the website's content or information without first seeking appropriate professional advice.

The National Mining Association accepts no responsibility for and excludes all liability in connection with browsing this website, use of information or downloading any materials from it, including but not limited to any liability for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or misleading statements. The information at this website might include opinions or views which, unless expressly stated otherwise, are not necessarily those of the National Mining Association or any associated company or any person in relation to whom they would have any liability or responsibility.