Ten Leading Pay Per Click And Natural Search Engine Optimization Strategies and Tactics

Post on 08-May-2015

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Michael Gustman of TenGoldenRules.com presents the Ten Leading Pay Per Click And Natural Search Engine Optimization Strategies and Tactics at the PRSA Event on June 19 in Palm Beach, FL.


Ten Leading Pay Per Click And Natural Search Engine

Optimization Strategies and Tactics

PRSA Gulfstream Meeting@michaelgustman

Michael @TenGoldenRules.com561-620-9121


1. PPC Strategies and Tactics2. SEO Strategies and Tactics3. Advanced Strategies, Tips and Tools

Sponsored Links ‘PPC’

Search Engine Marketing

Free Search “PR”‘Natural’ or ‘Organic’

‘I know half of my Advertising is wasted… I just don’t know which half’

John Wanamaker

With Pay Per Click You Can Measure ROI…to the penny

Pay Per ClickSponsored Link

Position #2

Pay Per Click – Measure the Cost Per Click and Cost Per Lead (Conversion) to the Penny

How to get started with Pay Per Click

Step 1 – Set Up Campaignhttp://adwords.google.com

Step 1 – Set Up Ad Groups

Step 1 - Set Daily Budget!Set CPC on AdWords and Content

Step 2 – Select Keywords

• Brainstorm, Site search, Analytics, SpyFu

Step 2 – Write Ad Copy

Test 3-4 Ads

Step 3 – Set up Conversion Tracking

Step 3 – Test Landing PagesLanding Page Performance + 44%

Step 4 - Test TacticsLocal, Checkout & Phone Numbers

Step 5 - Rinse and RepeatSales Funnel Testing, Analysis

Ten Leading Search Marketing Strategies and Tactics1-5 = Pay Per Click

1.Set up Campaign, Ad Groups, Daily Budget!2.Select Keywords and write Ad Copy (test 3-

4 ads at a time)3.Set up Conversion Tracking and test

landing pages4.Keyword insertion, Phone Number Trick,

Google Checkout5.Analyze, Test, Rinse and Repeat

The Ten Leading Natural Search Engine Optimization Strategies and Tactics

“Read Your Prospects’ Minds”

Natural Search Engine Optimization# 1 – Do Your Research

Key Website Measures

• SEOQuake.com– Free Toolbar

• Alexa.com http://download.alexa.com/index.cgi – Ranking based on unique visitors and page views – Traffic Details– Related Links

• Google Page Rank http://toolbar.google.com

– A link from page A to page B is a vote for page B.– Votes cast by "important" pages weigh more heavily – Relevant pages weigh more heavily

Free Golden Tool

Alexa Rank #2

Alexa Rank 192,423

Google Page Rank 5/10

SEMRush finds 199

results on the first two pages

of Google

# 2 – Website Build BasicsGoogle Can’t Read Flash (very well)

# 2 – Add Meta Tags to Your Site (View > Source)

# 2 – Website Build Basics

• No Flash Websites• HTML with Flash or Animation is OK• Site Map Link• Clean Links for Spiders to Follow• Meta Tags

# 3 – Content is King5,050 Pages Indexed “Read” by Google

Target 250-1000 words on each page on your website

# 4 – Keyword Research

# 5 – Build Links TO your Website

Links from Clients and Vendors

Links from Associations and Organizations

Links from Priority Paid Directories

Links from Free Directories

Online Press Releases


Article Syndication

Web 2.0 Links

The Ten Leading Natural Search Engine Optimization Strategies and Tactics

1. Do your Research2. Website Build Basics 3. Content is King4. Keyword Research5. Build Links to Your Site

• Marketing Consultants• Drive more visits to your site• Convert the visits to sales• Strategy, Creative, Search, Landing Pages,

Affiliate Management, Blogs, Optimized PR

What is TenGoldenRules.com?