Ten words of grace #8 july 31, 2011

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Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet and

a light for my path.

Psalm 119:165

Great peace have they who love

your law, and nothing can make

them stumble.

Rediscovering the Good News that We Dare Not Forget!


129 questions and answers

52 Lord’s Day Readings

The Heidelberg Catechism (1563)

The Apostles’ Creed

The Ten Commandments

The Lord’s Prayer

The Master’s Handbookon Prayer

August 2011

Matthew 6:9-13

Doing Life Together

September 2011

Exodus 20:15

You shall not steal.

86% of adults in the

U.S. are satisfied that

they keep this


1. This commandment implies

the right of ownership.

We must always remember the

“bottom line” of ownership.

Deuteronomy 10:14

To the LORD your God belong the

heavens, even the highest

heavens, the earth and

everything in it.

1 Chronicles 29:11

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness

and the power and the glory and

the majesty and the splendor, for

everything in heaven and earth

is yours.

Job 41:11

Everything under heaven

belongs to me.

Psalm 24:1

The earth is the LORD‟s, and

everything in it, the world, and

all who live in it.

1 Timothy 6:17

Command those who are rich in this

present world not to be arrogant nor

to put their hope in wealth, which is

so uncertain, but to put their hope in

God, who richly provides us with

everything for our enjoyment.

“John, I object!

I have worked hard

for all the things

my family and I


Deuteronomy 8:17

You may say to yourself, “My

power and the strength of my

hands have produced this wealth

for me.”

Deuteronomy 8:18

But remember the LORD your

God, for it is he who gives

you the ability to produce

wealth . . .

1. This commandment implies

the right of ownership, but

always remember: God is the

ultimate owner of all!

When a baby is

born into this

world, what

does he have

in his little



Job 1:21

Naked I came from my mother‟s

womb, and naked I will depart.

The LORD gave and the LORD

has taken away; may the name of

the LORD be praised.

1. This commandment implies

the right of ownership, but

always remember: God is the

ultimate owner of all!

2. This 8th word of grace

touches the very essence of the

Christian Life.

What is the essence

of stealing?


Is stealing a problem

in our society today?

Consider the growing

epidemic of fraud. . .

What is the essence

of stealing?


What is the essence

of the Christian life?


Matthew 10:8

Freely you have received; freely


Acts 20:35

It is more blessed to give than to


Ephesians 4:28

Anyone who has been stealing

must steal no longer, but must

work, doing something useful with

their own hands, that they may

have something to share with

those in need.

2. This 8th Word of Grace

touches the very essence of the

Christian Life (which is GIVING

vs. GETTING!).

3. This Word’s reach is far

broader than we often realize!

The Two Dimensions of Theft

Others Others




Colossians 3:22

Slaves, obey your earthly masters

in everything; and do it, not only

when their eye is on you and to

curry their favor, but with sincerity

of heart and reverence for the


Colossians 3:23-24

Whatever you do, work at it with all

your heart, as working for the

Lord, not for human masters, since

you know that you will receive an

inheritance from the Lord as a

reward. It is the Lord Christ you are


The Two Dimensions of Theft

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Proverbs 22:1

A good name is more

desirable than great riches; to be

esteemed is better than silver or


The Two Dimensions of Theft

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Matthew 22:39

And the second is like it: „Love

your neighbor as yourself.‟

The Two Dimensions of Theft

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2 Corinthians 5:7

We live by faith, not by sight.

The Two Dimensions of Theft

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Credibility Notability

Malachi 3:8

Will a man rob God? Yet you rob

me. But you ask, „How do we rob

you?‟ In tithes and offerings.

The Two Dimensions of Theft

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Credibility Notability

1. This commandment implies

the right of ownership, but

always remember: God is the

ultimate owner of all!

2. This 8th Word of Grace

touches the very essence of the

Christian Life (which is GIVING

vs. GETTING!).

3. This Word’s reach is far

broader than we often realize!

The Master’s Handbookon Prayer

Next Sunday: Prayer 101

Lord’s Day readings #45-46

Matthew 6:9-13


No one in this life can obey

the Ten Commandments

perfectly: Why then does

God want them preached

so pointedly?

A. 115

First, so that the longer we live

the more we may come to

know our sinfulness and

the more eagerly look to

Christ for forgiveness of

sins and righteousness.

A. 115

Second, so that, while praying

to God for the grace of the

Holy Spirit, we may never

stop striving to be renewed

more and more after God‟s

image, until after this life we

reach our goal: perfection.

How willing are

you to strive to

live out your

day-to-day life by

these ten words

of grace?