Tengowski - II 5 beginnings of american affluence

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Balanced the Budget 3X

1956, 1957, & 1960

GDP Increased by 3%/year

Inflation remained between 4 – 6%

National Debt Grew to $291 Billion

9% Increase from the Truman Administration

Eisenhower Recession hit in 1958.

Drop in Auto Sales

Drop in New Home Construction

America was becoming too liberal

Too Dependent on others for help!

Feb. 1953 – Ike abolishes govt. control over wages

Ike cut back on military buildup (10% GDP)

Block any new expansion of Social Welfare Programs

Increasing numbers of illegal aliens in the 1950’s

US orders deportation of 1.4 million Mexicans

Most voluntarily went back to Mexico

Others put on boats or trucks and taken to Mexican Southern border

Ike’s Popularity

In all things that deal with people, be liberal.

In all things that deal with money, be conservative.

Increased Minimum Wage to $0.90/hour

Ex. Department of Health, Education, & Welfare created Designed to help

those at the bottom of the ladder.

As a soldier in 1919, Ike was asked to go from NY to San Francisco w/ a military convoy 2 Months to do it!!

In WWII, the autobahn and its use in defense also peaked his interest.

Today, 47,000 miles of interstates in the US

Other Uses National Defense-1/5

miles must be straight Evacuation from natural


Numbers that are Even go East and West

Ex: I-80, I-70, I-76

Numbers that are odd go North and South

Ex I-79, I-95

Interstates that have 3 numbers are special!

An even number in front of an interstate means it connects in 2 places

Ex: I-279, I-495

An odd number means that it connects in 1 place (Spur)

Ex: I-579, I-376