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Term 1 Week 10 Wednesday 30th March 2016


Term 1 Week 10 Wednesday 30th March 2016



st April Books in Homes Presentation Assembly

9:30am Wed 6

th Disco

Fri 8th

ANZAC Day Assembly 9:30am Last day of Term

TERM 2 Mon 25

th April Public Holiday - Anzac Day

Tues 26th

Staff Development Day Wed 27

th All students return

Tues 10th

May NAPLAN Language Conventions & Writing tests for Year 3 & 5

Wed 11th

NAPLAN Reading Tests for Year 3 & 5 Thurs 12

th NAPLAN Numeracy Tests for Year 3 & 5


Week 10 and Term 1 is nearly finished, I would like to wish all our families a safe and relaxing holiday, the students have demonstrated outstanding commitment to their learning over the past ten weeks and deserve a holiday. Congratulations to all of our students who have achieved their first level in the Home Reading program, remember that reading in the school holidays counts towards the next level. I would like to invite our school community to join our students and staff in the ANZAC Day Assembly on Friday 8th April starting at 9.30am. ALL students are also invited to march with the school on ANZAC Day on the 25

th April.

Students will need to wear school uniform and meet Mr Rudd on the grassed area behind the ANZAC memorial at 10. 40am. Please also be aware that over the next few weeks the police will have a greater presence in the area especially around the school in the mornings and afternoons. I urge all motorists and pedestrians to continue to obey the road safety laws to ensure the safety of our students and school community, especially in the Kiss and Ride zone. Kids and phone bills: How do you teach your child to use

their credit wisely? Ever seen the monthly phone or internet account and felt sick? It's called "bill shock", and there are many new ways families accidentally rack up hundreds of dollars of costs each month. Find out more: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/technology/using-technology/avoiding-bill-shock Managing depression: One in four kids over 12 have

symptoms of depression. Would you know what to look for and how to help? In this podcast, brain and mind specialist Professor Ian Hickie chats with James O'Loghlin on helping kids beat the blues. Find out more: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/wellbeing/health/managing-depression-in-children What makes a good book for young kids?: Books with

vivid imagery, exciting stories and strong characters will not only entertain your child but set them up to enjoy reading for the rest of their life. Find out more: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/zh/homework-and-study/english/my-book-club/what-makes-a-good-book-for-young-kids

Helping kids learn how to make friends: If children are

happy socially they tend to be more engaged in their learning. Teaching your child about the importance of making friends is as vital as learning their ABCs. Find out more: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/wellbeing/development/how-friendships-boost-your-childs-learning Mark Rudd PRINCIPAL


Thank you to everyone who was involved in our Easter Hat Parade, the children looked fantastic. Thanks to the parents and teachers who helped their children make some wonderful hats, to Mrs Prendergast for her great work with the music and to the members of the P&C who volunteered their efforts in the barbecue, canteen or in the various aspects of the wonderful raffle. Well done. Win Bin Winners

Congratulations to Chloe KD and Hamish 4B who were win

bin winners. Congratulations and well done to all of our

outstanding students who have received win bins.


Year 3 & 5 students will be doing the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (Naplan) tests in Week 3 of next term. The Language Conventions and Writing tests will be held on Tuesday 10

th May, the Reading tests on

Wednesday 11th May and the Numeracy tests on Thursday


May. Friday will be used for catch up tests for those who were absent on any of the previous days.


School Disco Wednesday 6th April

$5.00 entry

Kinder to Year 2 - 5.00pm to 6.15pm

Year 3 to Year 6 - 6.30pm to 8.00pm

TEPS Movie Night Under

the Stars

Friday May 20th

Tickets will go on sale

Term 2

Term 1 Week 10 Wednesday 30th March 2016



Thank you to all the wonderful parents who came to help make Easter Hats. The hats looked amazing and we couldn’t have done it without you.

For those children who catch the Assisted Transport Bus to school there have been some recent changes to pick up and drop off times. This is to accommodate additional children who have joined the run and to ensure that children arrive at school at an appropriate time for adequate supervision to be provided. We thank you for your cooperation.

Home Reading Awards

Well done to the following students who have recently received:

Home Reading Awards:

25 nights (Sand) - Paul, Alana

Assembly Awards

Congratulations to our fantastic Assembly Award Winners: Remy – Huge improvement in spelling Jahmin – Settling well into class routines

Mary Best, Gemma White, Chris Green & Sabien Stragliotto Support Class Team


Our Easter Hat Parade was fantastic last week. Thank you to everyone for the effort you put into making the Easter hats. There were some very excited boys and girls when they discovered the

Easter Bunny had visited our classrooms.

Kinder are now starting to receive home reading awards. Congratulations to these students.

Kinder Ainslie 25 nights: Blair, Scarlett, Sarina, Amarisa

Kinder McFarlane 25 nights: Cooper, Yvie, Kayleigh, Kaiden, Ruby

Kinder Andrews 25 nights: Chloe, Ruby, Zachary, Caleb, Isabella, Jamie,

Kiana, Michael

A big thumbs up to everyone who received a

RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY or PERSONAL BEST award at our mini assembly. Keep up the great work.

Stephanie Ainslie, Nicole Quye, Donna Andrews and Mardi McFarlane


How wonderful did everyone look for our annual Easter Hat Parade last week? Always an exciting, fun time. Thanks to those who were able to attend and/or supply their child’s hat.

Congratulations for the following children who received a class award at our Stage 1 Assembly. Our clever home readers are included as well.

2C: Class awards Aaron- a fantastic start in 2C Chloe- excellent creative writing

Value awards Caileigh – for always displaying the 5 L’s Jayden – he is a kind, helpful and respectful class mate

25 nights: Chloe 2K: Class awards Emily – good contributions to class discussions Rylee –using paragraphs to organise her ideas

Value awards Talon – for being a kind, caring and respectful class member Sunny – for always displaying a positive attitude towards his


25 nights: Jessica, Nakeisha & Liam 50 nights: Jordan 2W: Class awards Kirrilly & Ashlyn – being independent learners in group


Value awards Kyle & Terrance – becoming more confident in writing

25 nights: Eric, Jack, Hayden & Bella-Rose 50 nights: Ivy 2/3M: Class award Naomi – quality work during handwriting practice

Value award Ty – always gives 100% to all tasks to the best of his ability


Class awards Avneet – a wonderful class member Storm – a clever mathematician

Value awards Jaxson – displaying respect and responsibility at all times Mikayla – doing her personal best in all written tasks

25 nights: Hunter, Talia, Ty and Aurora 50 nights: Jaxson 1B: Class awards Czhaay – being an independent learner with a focussed

approach to all tasks Jordan – beautiful handwriting and amazing writing about


Value awards Kaitlyn – always showing respect and kindness to her

teachers and friends Cohen – for being a kind and caring member of 1B

25 nights: Jordan A, Chloe B, Kaitlyn J, Zylah P, Er Kai and Czhaay 1P: Class awards: Gabrielle – excellent contributions in class discussions Johnson – wonderful contributions to our Harmony Day



Term 1 Week 10 Wednesday 30th March 2016


Value awards: Charlie - having a ‘can do’ attitude Mia – doing her personal best to speak clearly and


25 nights :Cohl, Charles & Georgie K/1A: Class award: Ruby - for becoming more confident

Value award: Kingston: for being a responsible class member who gets

along with everyone

25 nights: Lylee

Thanks to all our Stage 1 parents and caregivers for your support this term at school. The students have had a fabulous first term and we’re sure this will continue throughout the year. Sport in schools will begin the first week back after the holidays, Thursday, 28

th April. Still time

to pay your $15 if you haven’t already so. Regards Stage 1 Teachers


Dear Parents/Caregivers, What a great term this has been for Stage 2. We have setup up our Stage sporting program, participated in our annual school swimming carnival, attended Koori Choir sessions, started Code Club among a host of other things.

Term 1 Review

It is hard to believe that the term is just about finished. It has been an extremely busy term for one and all. I have included some of our highlights below:

Students in Years 3-4 moved into their new classes without fuss and quickly settled into class routine

Stage 2 students participated in the School Swimming Carnival with Justin C & Amien D being crowned the Junior Swimming Champions for 2016

A group of students attended the Zone Swimming Carnival

Whole Stage Physical Education program being implemented

Students participating in Koori Choir Students taking part in Code Club Active participation from everyone during Harmony Day

activities Families who attended Parent/Teacher Interviews

received Parent Feedback sheets about their child’s learning

Easter Hat Parade and Easter Raffle

And as you would be well aware the list could go on and on. Thank you to The Entrance learning community for your continued support.

Student Behaviour & Responsibility

The Entrance Public School should be a place where children can be successful learners and happy at play. In order for this to happen at school, students should:

Actively participate in all learning opportunities Respect and show they care about the right of others Be responsible for all their actions and decisions Be well-mannered Be co-operative

Be able to communicate Get along with others Help solve problems rather than create them Achieve his/her potential Strive to be a positive role model for others

All students have the potential and capacity to do the right thing and make the right choices. If they do then they will put themselves in the best possible situation to make the most of their day.


In May 2015 the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) will be completed by all students in Years 3 and 5 in all government and non-government schools. NAPLAN has the support of all State and Territory Education Ministers and will assess the literacy and numeracy learning of students in all Australian schools. The results of the tests will provide important information to schools about what each student can do, and will be used to support teaching and learning programs. Parents will receive a report indicating their child’s level of achievement. The tests will be conducted across Australia.

Staff Development Day Term 2

On Tuesday 26th April, teachers from our school will participate in a professional development day at our school. This day will allow teachers an opportunity to continue to gain new curriculum knowledge and professional development plans. School will resume for students on Wednesday 27th April.

Reading with your child at home

Even though the holidays are coming up soon, that is no excuse to stop reading! Everything you read fills your head with new bits of information, and you never know when it might come in handy. The more knowledge you have, the better-equipped you are to tackle any challenge you’ll ever face. What’s your child reading right now? Talk to them about their choice of home reading and promote a healthy discussion because talking about reading is just as important as reading.

Attendance Chatter What is my responsibility as a parent/caregiver?

Make sure your child: attends school on ALL school days is on time every day

Make sure you: provide the school with an explanation if your child is late

or away contact the school if your child does not want to go to

school arrange doctor and dentist appointments out of school

hours arrange personal shopping trips with your son/daughter

or birthdaycelebrations out of school hours do not allow your child to stay at home for minor reasons.

Did you know that if a student misses as

little as eight days in a school term, by the

end of primary school they will have missed

over a year of education?

Term 1 Week 10 Wednesday 30th March 2016


This will be the last newsletter for the term. On behalf of Stage 2, I hope that everyone enjoys the school holiday period. Remember to relax, have fun and most importantly stay safe! Regards Stage 2 Teachers


Hey Team, Harmony Day Celebrations

Just before the Easter holidays, students from Stage 3 were visited by the education team, from the Roosters NRL club in order to promote harmony, inclusiveness and to educate students

about the nature of and effect of racial discrimination. Anthony Minichiello was the key presenter and speaker. It was an informative afternoon and one that impacted our students with its crucial message.

SLAM (Successful Learners All in Meet)

Next Monday morning all Stage 3 students will meet for SLAM at 9:30 am in the school hall. This meeting of SLAM will be a celebration of all the learning that has taken place this term in Stage 3.

At this assembly students from each Stage 3 class will receive AVID awards for their effort and achievement in class this semester. AVID awards include:

A- The Overall ADVANCEMENT Award D- The Determination Award WICOR awards include:

W- an award for Writing I - an award for inquiry

C - an award for collaboration O - an award for organisation R- an award for reading. Each Maths teacher will also present awards for achievement and effort in their class. Term 1 has flown by so quickly. It is great to acknowledge and honor the effort, hard works and achievement of students this early in the year.

Year 6 Transition

Thank you to all of those parents, caregivers and students who participated in Tumbi Tours last Tuesday afternoon. By all reports, those that attended enjoyed exploring TLLC- Tumbi Umbi Campus and had many questions about high school life answered. Canberra

Deposits to secure your child’s place on our excursion to Canberra in Term 3 this year are now due to the front office. The amount of the deposit is $75. The balance can be paid off each week until the date of the excursion. If you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact Mr Stefans and arrangements can be made to help support you during this difficult time. It is our aim for every Stage 3 student to attend this great experience. Year 6 Shirts:

The second round of Year 6 shirts should be arriving at school any time soon. Have a safe and happy holiday! Russell Stefans Assistant Principal - Stage 3 russell.stefans@det.nsw.edu.au

The Entrance Public School COMMUNITY FAIR

On Saturday September 17th our school will be having our

first Community Fair. In future newsletters information regarding our fair will be published. Currently we are in the process of organising our Community Fair and are offering stalls for hire to local small businesses who would like to be part of our day. The cost would be $50 or 20% of sales made on the day. If you or a business you know of would like to book a stall or receive more information, please contact:

Ms Ally Bayfield via the office, 4332 2422 Ally Bayfield (allison.grindrodr@det.nsw.edu.au)


Hi Everyone, I hope everyone had a happy and safe Easter. The school disco is on next Wednesday 6

th April, the canteen

will be open selling drinks, chips and lolly bags. New Menu – out soon for Term 2 and 3.


Thurs 31st March Razaan, Kristie, Shelley

Fri 1st April Sandi, Kayleigh HELP NEEDED

Mon 4th

Kriste, Rita, Tues 5

th Leanne, Sammi, Kaylah

Wed 6th Brooke HELP NEEDED

Thurs 7th Shelley, Kristie, Razaan

Fri 8th

Sandi, Kayleigh HELP NEEDED

Cheers, Emma Brophy CANTEEN MANAGER Phone 4333 5174

Term 1 Week 10 Wednesday 30th March 2016


District Swimming Carnival Update

Well Done to our District Swimming Team. Every child gave it their all; they came up against some very strong competition and strived for personal best regardless. They represented both themselves and their school well and should be very proud of their efforts.

Huge congratulations to Justine Carter who achieved overall Tuggerah Lakes District, Junior Girl Champion on the day. Justine finished 3rd in her 10yr 50m F/S final, 2

nd in the Junior IM, 1

st in the Junior Girl BR/S, 1

st in the Junior Girl BK/S and 2

nd in the Junior

Girl B/F. Fantastic results indeed!

Justine competed at Homebush for the Sydney North Regional Swimming Carnival on Wednesday the 16th

of March, she made the finals in both B/K and BR/S finishing overall 7

th in the Junior B/K and 6

th in the Junior BR/S, which is in absolutely fantastic result.

Justine also broke 3 of our swimming records at our school carnival as listed below.

The Entrance Public School Swimming Carnival Records 2016

Boys Girls

Event Name Time Year Name Time Year

All age medley Bradley Woodward 2.43.09 2010 Kea Leger 3.22.06 2013

8 years 50m freestyle Bradley Woodward 43.89 2006 Caitlin Lloyd 49.19 2015

9 years 50m freestyle Bradley Woodward 36.63 2007 Justine Carter 44.69 2015

10 years 50m freestyle Bradley Woodward 32.39 2008 Justine Carter 39.00 2016

11 years 50m freestyle Bradley Woodward 31.98 2009 Kea Leger 35.28 2013

12 years 50m freestyle Bradley Woodward 30.23 2010 Kea Leger 33.60 2014

13 years 50m freestyle

Junior 50m breaststroke Bradley Woodward 47.09 2008 Justine Carter 49.06 2016

11 years 50m breaststroke Bradley Woodward 45.23 2009 Kea Leger 47.72 2013

Senior 50m breaststroke Bradley Woodward 43.85 2010 Kea Leger 50.00 2014

Junior 50m backstroke Bradley Woodward 38.36 2008 Kea Leger 44.41 2012

11 years 50m backstroke Bradley Woodward 36.11 2009 Kea Leger 41.03 2013

Senior 50m backstroke Bradley Woodward 34.20 2010 Kea Leger 39.03 2014

Junior 50m butterfly Bradley Woodward 38.17 2008 Justine Carter 47.37 2016

11 years 50m butterfly Bradley Woodward 36.05 2009 Kea Leger 44.34 2013

Senior 50m butterfly Bradley Woodward 34.10 2010 Kea Leger 43.40 2014

Open 100m freestyle Bradley Woodward 1.09.99 2010 Kea Leger 1.18.56 2013

Mrs Liana Haslam Organising Teacher

Term 1 Week 10 Wednesday 30th March 2016



The Premier's Reading Challenge (“PRC”) for 2016 has begun. The Challenge aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students, and to enable them to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge to each student to read, to read more and to read more widely. We are encouraging all students to participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge in 2016.

Please note: There is no cost involved for the challenge. Children can borrow books from our school library or local council libraries.

The Challenge finishes in August, 2016, so there is plenty of time to complete the challenge.

Students must read a certain number of books to complete the challenge.

K-2 – 30 books (minimum 25 PRC books plus a maximum of 5 personal choice books)

3-4 – 20 books (minimum 15 PRC books plus a maximum of 5 personal choice books)

5-6 – 20 books (minimum 15 PRC books plus a maximum of 5 personal choice books)

K-2 students can read the books on their own, read them with someone, or someone can read the books to them. Consequently, all students in Years K-2 will complete the Challenge at school, as books will be read to them in their library lessons and with their classroom teachers. However, students in Years 3-6 must read the books on their own.

Student Reading Records are available from the library or from the PRC website.

Please note: it is a condition of entry that all students who

successfully complete the Challenge will receive an official PRC certificate and their name will appear on the PRC Honour Roll. The Honour Roll lists student names in the PRC website only. Names are listed in alphabetical order (not by school) and no other identifying features are included. If you do not wish for your child to receive a certificate or have their name published on the PRC Roll please let us know and they will not be registered for the Challenge. These students may take part in the Challenge unofficially - they may use the PRC booklists and will be recognised by The Entrance Public School only.

If you would like more information about this program or if you wish to view the appropriate book lists please see Mrs Haley in the school library or visit the PRC website https://online.det.nsw.edu.au/prc/home.html


Great news, the Child Dental Benefits Schedule continues in 2016! The Commonwealth Government dental scheme provides eligible children with a $1000 free kids dental benefit* on selected dental services within a 2 year calendar period.

In 2014 and 2015 many families were surprised that they were eligible for the free $1000 benefit*.To gain access to benefits, children must be eligible for Medicare, must be between 2 and 17 years of age for at least 1 day of the calendar year with the child or parent, guardian or carer receiving Family Tax Benefit Part A or another relevant government payment.

Not sure if you're kids are eligible? Contact your local Pacific Smiles Dental Centre, have your Medicare card ready and they can easily check to see if your kids are eligible or have remaining benefits from 2014. Information provided by Pacific Smiles Dental: visit pacificsmilesdental.com .au for further information.

Free when services covered by the Commonwealth Government 's Child Dental Benefits Schedule are bulk billed by participating dentists for treatments provided to eligible patients.

Term 1 Week 10 Wednesday 30th March 2016