Term 1 Week 6 · Sunday 11th March Fourth Sunday in Lent Monday 12th March Day 1 Year 9 HSIE...

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MacKillop College Creating authentic, courageous, faith-filled people with a passion for

learning, respect for relationships and an ability to contribute to a global community Strive for Excellence

What 's On - Week 7 Term 1

Sunday 11th March Fourth Sunday in Lent

Monday 12th March Day 1 Year 9 HSIE Farmgate excursion

Tuesday 13th March Day 2 CAFS excursion, St Vincent de Paul, McCosker House 8.45 to 10.50a.m.

Taree Health Career Forum in Taree for selected Year 11 students from 10.30a.m. to 3.30p.m.

Wednesday 14th March Day 3 Year 7 Mass and Reflection Day

Selected Year 12 students to attend Queensland University talk on accommodation, period 4 in the Library

NSWCCC volleyball selections in Homebush

Thursday 15th March Day 4 Out of uniform day for Caritas

Years 7 and 8 Trivia afternoon commencing at 3.30p.m. in the College Hall

Friday 16th March Day 5 National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence

Years 8 to 10 SRC students, Gen Next: Student Wellbeing and Leadership at the College

Com ing Up - Week 8 Term 1

Sunday 18th March Fifth Sunday in Lent

MacKillop College Parent Social Group 3.30 to 6.30pm - Tacking Point Surf Lifesaving Club

Monday 19th March Day 6 SAPSS Parent Consultative Committee Meeting 5.30pm.

Tuesday 20th March Day 7 Cross Country (competitive only) periods 1-3.

Wednesday 21st March Day 8 Year 7 Immunisation Day

Thursday 22nd March Day 9 LEAD Youth Ministry rally - Grafton

Friday 23rd March Day 10 LEAD Youth Ministry rally - Grafton

Shakespeare Festival

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Year 9Year 7 Year 8

Canteen Roster


Assistant Principal Pastoral Care

Community News

Homework Club and Maths Tutorials

Principal Office

Year 10 Parent News

Student of the Week

Library NewsSubject news

Year 11 Year 12


Pr incipal's Repor t

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In the early part of the year it is always a good idea to reflect on the words of our school prayer. The words of the prayer are guidelines for our community and the prayer is foundational to all that we do at MacKillop College. The ritual at the end of each College assembly is to pray together and commit to these core values as we journey through the school year as a community together.

Father, God of truth, knowledge and love, you have created us in your image.

We are your hands who mould and fashion your creation.

Guide us to speak and act with justice and kindness and to treat others with respect.

Help us to live in harmony with each other,

as we work in partnership with our parents, teachers and friends.

May this school be a place where we have the opportunity to grow in faith and appreciate the

splendour of your creation, by caring for our school and our environment.

Keep us faithful in our friendships, forgiving in our disappointments.

Let no one be less good, less true, less kind for having been part of our school community.

Help us learn the value of work, discipline and striving for excellence,

and may the lessons of our school days prepare us for the challenges of tomorrow.

We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

I?d like to highlight the idea of ?Par t nership?. Your child?s education is a partnership with the school and parents play a very important part. I encourage you to be involved in as much as you can at the College. I am sincerely encouraged by the parents who have attended the Year 10 and 11 parent nights and the Year 8 and 9 breakfasts and the Year 7 morning teas recently.

Throughout the past few weeks we have had these events so that all parents had the opportunity to participate in the various year group gatherings.

Some other ways to help make the partnership more effective are:

- Diary ? please sign it each week and assist your son/daughter in their planning and organisation. In Year 11 and 12 we expect students to be responsible for their own study and diary but it is a good idea to have regular conversations at home about the pattern of study, to ensure that it is consistent and productive.

- Newsletter ? emailed every Friday. Please read it and keep up to date.- Participating in the upcoming year specific activities which are advertised in the respective year group

sections of this newsletter.- Canteen and senior café support ? this is a great way to meet other parents and it is a great service for

our students (one day a month would be wonderful).- Attending social activities organised by the MacKillop College Parent Social group (MCPSG).- Contact your son or daughter?s teachers whenever you have a concern. Problems are best addressed as

soon as they arise.

Two key sentences for students:

Firstly: ?Guide us to speak and act with justice and kindness and to treat others with respect?.

In our actions and words we need to treat each other with justice and respect ? our number 1 rule is respect . We all must think before we act, we should ask ourselves, ?Am I being respectful???. If in doubt then we should change our actions and review our words.

Secondly: ?Help us to learn the value of work, discipline and striving for excellence?.

- Yes there is hard work in high school? . you'll have to get used to that and it certainly pays dividends.- Discipline ? we have quite simple rules and by following them you won?t need to worry about some ugly

things called: Lunch detention, afternoon detention and Saturday detention.- ?Summa Tentabo?, Strive for Excellence ? you should always try your best. God has blessed us all with

many talents and qualities; we should all make use of these talents to ensure that we reach our full potential.

Make 2018 your best year yet!


Caritas Austalia?s annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal brings thousands of Australians together in solidarity with the world?s poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. I strongly encourage all members of our community to get involved in this appeal.

The theme for Project Compassion this year is ?For a Just Future?, by demonstrating how education, training and sharing knowledge is empowering individuals and communities in several countries around the world to transform their futures and create lasting change.

"May the Spirit of the Lord be with you"

Anne O'Br ien

Pr incipal


Pr incipal's Repor t

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Assist ant Pr incipal's Repor t - Past oral Care and St af f Suppor t

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Jennifer Cam pbell

Assist ant Pr incipal Past oral Care and St af f Suppor t jtcampbell@lism.catholic.edu.au


Ever wondered where in the world you find trees with square trunks?

If you are interested in finding out the answer to this question, take some time to listen to an interesting Ted Talk by Mathias Gruber, a cognitive neuroscientist tit led This is Your Brain on Curiosity.


What is curiosity? The Oxford Dictionary defines it as a ?strong desire to know or learn something?. We can also think of it as being open to new experiences, wanting to find out something, asking questions, seeking answers, trying something new.

In Wellbeing this week students will be discussing the idea of being curious and how they might implement this in the classroom. This could be by asking more questions, researching topics that interest them, learning a new skill, trying a new activity and/or getting to know students outside their friendship group.

Being curious can increase our understanding and knowledge of the world we live in and of each other; it can assist us to stretch our capabilit ies in a positive way.

We would be curious to hear your ideas about this Wellbeing tip so please don?t hesitate to email adunn@lism.catholic.edu.au with any comments or suggestions regarding curiosity.

Evangelisat ion News

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Fourth SUNDAY OF LENT ? 11th March

This week Evangeline?s story is featured by Caritas Australia?s Project Compassion.

Evangeline is strengthening Aboriginal culture while making a living for herself and creating opportunities for her community. Her work at Djilpin Arts has supported the organisation?s growth from a multi-media project to a multi-level contemporary arts and culture centre.

This year, Evangeline is busy guiding tourists, co-ordinating cultural activities and helping community members to practise and market their arts, such as weaving and jewellery-making.

Evangeline?s career has flourished and she has become an inspirational youth leader.

Evangeline says that Caritas Australia?s support for Djilpin Arts, through Project Compassion, is vital for all Wugularr?s young people. Although their families do their best to pass on knowledge, Elders are dying and she is keen to spearhead the preservation of culture and lore for future generations.

?It?s good for them to learn and to keep their culture strong,? Evangeline says.

Project compassion is offering Evangeline and others in her situation, ?A Just Future?.

During this season of LENT we encourage our students to contribute to Project Compassion 2018 by putting coins into the collection boxes provided in their PC rooms.

"A Just Future" starts with your support!

For further information on Caritas - Project Compassion visit, www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion.


The Year 11 Mass was held on Monday of this week and offered a beautiful way to start the year. The students who volunteered to assist in the preparation and celebration of the Mass did a great job and acted as great witnesses of Christian service to their peers. We thank Fr Roland for being willing to step in and celebrate this Mass for us.

Our Youth Ministry Officers, Emily and Hannah, have been very busy promoting Proclaim Lismore events, helping out in classrooms and with spiritual experiences as well as organising their lunchtime initiatives.

The girls have put together two groups to run every second week of this year. The Junior group, Tim Tam Tuesday, kicked off its first session last week with a fun games session in the hall. It is open to all students in Years 7-10 and in future will be held in room 5 every second Tuesday.

The Senior Youth Ministry Team had its first meeting in week 4, and what a great start it was! The team is all about putting faith into action in and outside of the school. The team plans to meet every second Wednesday in room 16 on the senior site, with their first initiative being to lead the rest of the school in an Easter Liturgy in week 9.

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Evangelisat ion NewsBelow are the Proclaim Lismore initiatives we will be involved with this term:

YEAR 7 TRANSITUS RETREAT: 11th and 12th April - Yarrahapinni Adventist Youth Centre, Grassy Head.

Transitus is a retreat for Year 7 students from the south of the Diocese which aims to assist with a smoother transition to secondary school, where students can celebrate and be nurtured in their faith at a Diocesan level.

Our school has been offered 21 positions at the retreat and so we have collected names of interested students and those whose Religion teacher suggested may be interested.

The retreat will be an overnight experience, allowing students to meet and build relationships with like-minded peers from throughout the Diocese. It is an opportunity to share their faith journey and celebrate with other young people who want to grow and be supported in their Christian faith.

The activities will be a mixture of large and small sharing groups, as well as celebrating the Eucharist together. The program has been geared to meet the needs of Year 7 students.

CSYMA LEAD Year 11 and 12 RETREAT? Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd March at McAuley Catholic College, Grafton.

CSYMA LEAD is a Student Leaders Conference that enhances School Youth Ministry Teams of Year 11 and 12 students to be equipped for ministry in their schools. Returning from LEAD, these students will be encouraged to facilitate Youth Ministry initiatives within our College community and at regional CSYMA events.

The LEAD Conference is about gathering with other young people from across the Diocese for a common experience - encountering Jesus Christ and the Church, experiencing dynamic faith, being equipped for ministry and living the Christian life and having the empowerment to impact the Church and the world.

YEAR 11 and 12 KAIROS Ret reat - Tuesday, 10th April - Friday, 13th April at Francis Retreat, Bonny Hills

St Agnes' Parish Secondary Schools have embarked on an exciting initiative in the delivery of senior student retreats by offering Kairos Retreats in our area. 2018 will be the fourth year that we have been able to offer this opportunity to our senior students.

A Kairos Retreat is a faith-based retreat which invites the participants to explore their own spirituality, and is significantly different from other school retreat experiences. It is smaller, consisting of 20 participants, four student leaders, four staff leaders and a priest. It is unique in that the retreat is led by students themselves. These student leaders have participated in a Kairos Retreat themselves, and then take on the challenge and privilege of leading a retreat for their peers.

This year?s Kairos Retreat will be led by Year 12 students who completed their first Kairos Retreat in 2017. Student leaders invest a great deal of time in preparing to lead the retreat, and are supported and accompanied by staff for the entire process.

Any student who has an interest in being part of these experiences should contact Mrs Gobius ASAP.

Marg Gobius

Leader of Evangelisat ion mgobius@lism.catholic.edu.au

Off ice News

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STUDENT OF THE WEEKIs this you caught on camera in the red circle?

Please see Mrs O'Brien at her office on the senior campus on Tuesday morning to claim your prize - a voucher to the value of $5.00 that can be redeemed at the senior canteen.


College statements were mailed late last week. These fees are in addit ion to St Agnes? Parish School fees. Amounts have been billed for such things as the College diary, elective sports, elective subjects, excursions, performances etc. As far as possible we have endeavoured to bill all amounts for the whole year. Should you have any queries regarding items on the statement, please contact the College office.


SCHOOLWORX is a student management system with portals which aim to assist teachers, students and parents in ensuring students are organised and progress is monitored. Parents are able to access their child?s information through the parent portal of our student management system. Parents are encouraged to do this by going to http://parent.lism.catholic.edu.au/ and creating a new parent login. To ensure security of information, you must use the email provided to the College on your child?s enrolment form. Once an account has been set up it will remain active until a student is unenrolled in the College. Once the account has been activated, parents will be able to select the parent portal to access their child?s timetable, attendance record, reports and learning profiles and later this term, their Term 1 2018 Student Learning Profile.

Year 7 News

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Glen Lit t ler

Year 7 Leader of Past oral Care


The use of the school diary is essential for students to keep on top of all of their activities. Students should be writing in their diary what subjects they have each day and then writing what homework or reminders they have for that subject for that day. There is an example below:

This will assist with organisation and also eliminate confusion when the students get home and are unsure of what is required of them.

Another simple way for students to ensure they are organised for each day is to have the following checklist:

- Diary/hat/pencil case/locker key- iPad charged and packed in bag- Notes for PC eacher- Right exercise books for class- Right textbooks for class- Complete homework/assignments- Bring PE/sport gear (Week 1 & Week 2)- Lunch box

If students have this simple checklist placed somewhere so it can be a constant visual reminder of what they need to check the night before and when they pack their bag the night before, then this will eliminate any concerns about forgetting things as well as allowing them to stay on top of the tasks they may have coming up.


Earlier this week an invitation went out to families to attend the Year 7 Mass. We hope that you will be able to join us at the Mass at 9.30a.m. on Wednesday, 14th March at St Agnes' Parish Church.


Congratulations to Jet t Mast ers and Mack lin Wilm ot who have received a Pastoral Co-ordinator?s Award.

Students in Year 7 are always doing wonderful things in school and they will more often than not be recognised for their achievements in the newsletter. I am sure your child is also doing amazing things outside of the school. It would be great if we could recognise them for these achievements and let the rest of the MacKillop community know. So please email me the details so that I can place them in the newsletter.

Year 8 News

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Ellen McKell

Year 8 Leader of Past oral Care



Year 8 together with Year 7 are invited to get a team of friends together and test their general knowledge at our trivia afternoon next week. Teams will meet on Thursday, 15th March from 3.30p.m. ? 5.00p.m. in our College Hall in order to battle wits, have a fun time, and meet new people - all the while raising money for those less fortunate than themselves. The trivia afternoon is a fundraising initiative organised by Year 9 students to raise badly needed funds for children in poorer communities through Caritas Australia.

Students are encouraged to get together with friends, or simply put their names forward, and dress in anything beginning with the letters C, A, R, I, T, A or S. A $5 donation per student will be paid on the day, and a guaranteed fun afternoon will be the reward.


?Be curious? is the theme of our wellbeing message at the moment. Students have been encouraged to seek out a litt le more information about, well ? everything! Sometimes it is easy to become complacent about the litt le things in life, and as a segue from our previous wellbeing message of ?appreciate the simple things?, this week students were encouraged to think about and investigate how some of those simple things work or exist.

In our lesson this week, students were also given a Wellbeing Journal. Every week, students will be prompted with a phrase to write in their journals, and they then have a few quiet moments out of their busy schedules to express themselves and their thoughts privately, in their Wellbeing Journals. This week the phrase begins as: ?Something I did well yesterday was? ..?. This will provide an ongoing opportunity for students to reflect on their actions, achievements, hopes and dreams and will provide an avenue for them to express their journey throughout Year 8 this year.

Year 9 News

Dom Ashe

Year 9 Leader of Past oral Care


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Thank you to all the Year 9 families who attended our morning breakfast on Tuesday, it was a great chance to chat and catch up. A special thank you to Annie Dunne who discussed her role at school as the Student Support Worker.

Once again Year 9 are continuing to work on their Surf Rescue Certificate, I?m involved every second week and a vast majority are really progressing well. I hope students maintain their organisation throughout the next five weeks to complete this excellent and most worthwhile activity.


Congratulations to those Year 9 students who have put their names down to help run our Year 7/8 trivia afternoon next Thursday from 3.30p.m. ? 5.00p.m. It?s great to see students putting themselves forward to help our younger students to settle into the school.

Have a great weekend.

Year 10 News

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Retreat groups are being finalised for students and they need to prepare for their time away and notify employers where required. A variety of considerations have to be taken into account to organise groupings; one of the aims of Retreat is to be inclusive as well as to reflect and share with others (including peers beyond their friendship group) in order to extend their faith experience.


This week during our Wellbeing lesson:-

- Year 10 PC representatives facilitated a coinline between Year 10 PCs as an almsgiving initiative for CARITAS. It was most pleasing to witness students volunteering their donations to help preserve the dignity of others unknown to them; and

- everyone was also asked to choose a picture or word that helps represent who they are and what inspires them; students will be asked to bring these images and words along to the Year 10 Retreat; they might also like to print out a photo or image at home to add to their resources.

Another initiative raised for community service is a cake stall to be held at recess on Friday, 23rd March, week 8. Each Year 10 student is invited to volunteer an appropriate item to be sold at the stall to support CARITAS.

In addition, tickets for the Easter egg raffle are now selling - 50c a ticket or 3 tickets for $2 - all proceeds are for CARITAS Project Compassion.


Week 7 Commerce (in-class assessment task nominated in a lesson)

Science Task (hand-in) Friday, 16th March

Week 8 Religious Education (in-class assessment nominated in a lesson)

Dance Task 1 (hand-in and in-class assessment period 6 Monday)

Mathematics Task 1 (in-class Monday)

Cross Country Tuesday (periods 1-3)

Drama Task 1 (Friday)

Cake stall (recess)

Week 9 Year 10 RETREAT

Nicole O'Connell

Year 10 Leader of Past oral Care


Year 11 News

Bronwyn Avery

Year 11 Leader of Past oral Care


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Last Monday, students of Year 11 were engaged in gender-specific seminars which covered a range of relationship topics relevant to teenagers navigating the world today. Male students covered topics such as masculinity and relationship decision-making, whilst female students considered topics such as understanding the pressures of living in a hyper-sexualised society and how to appropriately deal with these pressures. Feedback from students has been very positive with every student responding that it was a worthwhile experience. Many students relayed that the day was very interesting and that they learnt a lot about themselves. I sincerely hope that this day evoked conversation within the family unit and that all students were enriched by the experience. For further information you may like to visit YourChoicez website http://yourchoicez.com.au/.

In addition to our guest speakers, Year 11 students planned and conducted our year group Mass. I was very proud to see the number of students participating to make this mass uniquely our own. From IT support to our talented musicians, singers and readers, the students should be proud of themselves for their willingness to build a community of faith-based support for one another. We thank Fr Roland for residing over our Mass and for his inspiring words during his Homily.

In the spirit of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, seeing a need and doing something about it, students were also led through activities to analyse their time, creating an awareness of how time is being used and split between school, social activities, paid work, sporting commitments, family and personal time. Many students have then used this information to create a study schedule. Whilst recognising that any schedule needs to be flexible and dynamic, the aim is to create skills in time management to assist students in achieving their goals alongside a healthy, balanced life.

Thank you to all who attended our Learning Conversations this week. I am sure you will agree that it is an opportune time to bring together teachers and caregivers of our students to assist them as their steer their way through their senior school years. In speaking to many families, both parents and students alike found these conversations provided direction, motivation and, most importantly, feedback and strategies to move forward. As always, if you would like to discuss anything further, please contact our College to make a mutually convenient time.

Year 12 News

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Andrea Huxley

Year 12 Leader of Past oral Care


I was genuinely excited to see the smiling faces of Year 12 on my return from leave this week. I am constantly thankful for their friendly, caring attitude. It is wonderful to see them blossoming into mature young men and women who display a genuine care for others.

There have been some exciting things happening over the last few weeks.

The parent BBQ breakfast was a lovely morning and an excellent way to touch base with parents, teachers and students. I thank those teachers who came along to meet parents and especially those teachers who cooked the breakfast for everyone. My sincere thanks goes to the parents who were able to give up their valuable time to come and join us.

Our swimming carnival was well attended by Year 12; yet again they have shown their strength in participation and being part of our College Community.


It was great to meet with many parents and students this week to discuss their learning. I encourage parents who may have missed this opportunity to continue to keep the communication lines open with your child?s teachers and make contact if you are concerned or needing extra support for your child.


Congratulations to Tom Ber rym an who competed at the Commonwealth Games trials last week. Tom was able to warm up and swim alongside the likes of Cate and Bronte Campbell and Cameron McEvoy. Tom managed an equal PB in his performance and should be extremely proud of his achievements. It?s really quite amazing that he manages to compete at this level as he maintains such a high standard of work as he studies and prepares for his HSC.

Congratulations to Tyesha Schein and Tom m y Brennan who made the Northern Eagles touch team and will compete at the Junior Regional Championships in Penrith in April.

Congratulations to Keely Sinclair who has been competing this week through wet conditions in Coffs Harbour at the National Touch League Competition. Keely was a member of the U20?s Northern Eagles team.

Tom Ber rym an Tyesha Schein Tom m y Brennan Keely Sinclair

Parent News

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Subject News

Rob Mahon

Duke of Edinburgh Co-ordinat or


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Last year a good number of interested students and parents attended an information evening about the New Zealand expedition for MacKillop Duke of Edinburgh students in January, 2019.

This trip is an additional opportunity, not an obligation of doing the Award. All attendees of the meeting are on an email list and will receive an update shortly. If your child is doing the Duke of Edinburgh Award and is interested, but you did not attend the information evening, please email Mr Rob Mahon on rmahon@lism.catholic.edu.au to get details and be added to the mailing list.

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Library News

Suzanne Penson

Teacher Librar ian



Our Keynote presentations at LitFest2444 will be available during all three sessions across the day, giving you the flexibility to include these presentations into your program.

Will Kostakis is an award-winning author, but his real claims to fame are a Twitter spat with Guy Sebastian, and that time a member of Destiny?s Child said his name. After dabbling in celebrity journalism and reality TV, Will now writes for young adults.

His first novel, Loathing Lola, was released when he was just nineteen, and his second, The First Third, won the 2014 Gold Inky Award. The Sidekicks is his latest novel for young adults.

As a high school student, Will won Sydney Morning Herald Young Writer of the Year for a collection of short stories.

Key Not e Present at ion - How I got a book deal in high school (and ot her accident s)

Will Kost ak is signed his f ir st book deal in Year 12. Som e people can have t heir w ildest dream s com e t rue at a young age and rem ain level-headed. Wil l learned very quick ly t hat he was not one of t hose people. He would int roduce him self as ?Will Kost ak is? Ihaveabookcom ingout ? and let ?s just say ? it didn?t go t o plan. So how did he get a book deal so young, what went w rong, and what did he learn?

Spor t News

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Year 7 students will participate in their sport double once a week. Students will need to bring to school with them their sw im m ers, t owel , rash shir t and hat to participate in the Swim and Survive course at either the Wauchope or Port Macquarie pool.



WEEK 7 12 March Monday EDE MM AH 1.30 - 3.00p.m. Port Macquarie Pool

15 March Thursday RA KC NMC 9.00 - 10.40a.m. Port Macquarie Pool

16 March Friday DMC TC TB 11.00 - 12.40p.m. Port Macquarie Pool


Week 7 13th March







Please ensure your child has a t owel, hat , board shor t s, sk ins, rash shir t or singlet and sw im m ers for their swimming lessons. If your child has a wetsuit it is recommended that the students bring this each week. Students will be required to wear a high visibility rash shirt when at the beach (provided by the school).


WEEK 7 13th March








Year 10 students continue with their chosen elective sport ? please ensure your child comes to school with the required equipment for sport. Failure to do this will result in a sport detention where the student attends student services. Students who repeatedly do not attend sport with the correct equipment will be removed from the sport.

Being able to select an elective sport for Year 10 Sport is a privilege. Numbers are limited in each sport and it is always a first in best dressed policy. If students are continually not bringing equipment for their sport or do not conduct themselves in a respectful manner at sport this privilege will be taken away from students.

Spor t News


Our annual competitive Cross Country will be held on Tuesday, 20t h March at MacKillop College during periods 1-3 for all students in Years 7-12. This event is for com pet it ors only ? students MUST nominate on the nomination forms on the sport noticeboard. This means that you must be at the very least attempting to run the entire distance.

St udent s are t o wear spor t uniform on Tuesday including Year 7.

Parents are most welcome to come along and support their children run the cross country or assist our staff to run this event.



The MacKillop College Berg Shield cricket team finished the statewide knockout competition in third place after the finals were held in Campbelltown last week. Unfortunately, the format for the finals changed from two x 30-over a side games played on turf wickets on consecutive days, to two x 20-over a side games played on synthetic wickets on the one day, after the first day of competition was washed out.

The side played All Saints College, Maitland in the semi-final. Maitland won the toss and were struggling somewhat at 2-36 in the 10th over. Some lusty hitting over the small boundaries by their number three and four batsmen who combined for a decisive partnership of 89, enabled them to take their score to 8-136 from their allotted 20 overs. Opening bowler Nicholas Sm it h was by far MacKillop?s best bowler taking 3-9 from his four overs.

MacKillop?s innings did not begin well with Alexander Horder being run out in the first over. Key batsman Jared Hum phreys was dismissed in the fourth over for 16, leaving the score at 2-23. From there the Maitland bowlers bowled very well to restrict the flow of runs. Only Benjam in St ewar t (16), Nit in Naik (18) and Nicholas Sm it h (10) were able to inject some life into the innings while Hayden Ryan batted steadily for a top score of 33. MacKillop?s total of 109 left them 27 runs short of making the Berg Shield final, which Maitland went on to win against Mater Dei College, Wagga Wagga.

The semi-final loss meant that MacKillop now had to back-up immediately against St John Bosca College, Engadine, in the bronze medal play off. Due to time restrictions the match was again reduced to 15 overs per side. Engadine won the toss and invited the MacKillop team to bat first. Despite losing Tom Connolly in the first over for two, the boys played with a lot more freedom in this match. Alexander Horder (15), Jared Hum phreys (25), Benjam in St ewar t (28), Nicholas Sm it h (24) and Lachlan Wood (10 not out) all contributed to the competitive total of 7-118.

In reply, Engadine lost wickets at regular intervals and were dismissed for a paltry 39 runs. Nicholas Sm it h was again the main destroyer taking the first three wickets for just six runs. Tom Nunan (3-5), Benjam in St ewar t (1-4) and Andrew St ocks (1-4) also took wickets but all bowlers performed very well. The 80 run win was some consolation for the semi-final loss and meant that the team finished the competition on a high. The boys were presented with bronze medals for their efforts and should be proud of their achievement. This is the best that a team from our school has ever performed in this competition.

The ?Fearnley? for the player of the finals went to Benjam in St ewar t .

If you think that you are able to assist us on the day with time keeping, recording and supervision around the track please email Erin Denham edenham@lism.catholic.edu.au. We would greatly appreciate your assistance.

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Er in Denham

Leader of Spor t


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Spor t News

Spor t Event Dat e

Volleyball NSWCCC volleyball selections - Homebush 14th March


Rugby league and Football

Diocesan Winter Sport selection trials - Lismore 20th and 21st March

Hockey NSWCCC hockey selections - Newcastle 26th March

Netball Netball NSW Schools Cup - Port Macquarie 28th March

Basketball Diocesan Opens' basketball - Coffs Harbour 29th March

Touch football 9/10 All Schools' touch footaball - Taree 5th April

Swimming and Diving

NSWCCC Swimming and Diving Championships - Homebush

6th April

Soccer Bill Turner girls' soccer - MacKillop College 9th April

Rugby league Northern rugby league CCC trials - Smithtown 11th April

Soccer Diocesan Secondary open soccer - Kempsey 11th April

League tag Girls' Hastings league tag - 14/16/18s 12th April


If your child has achieved outstanding sporting results in their community sport, we would love to hear about it. Please email myself or your child?s respective Leader of Pastoral Care so we can acknowledge these achievements.

If you have any questions regarding sport at MacKillop College, please do not hesitate to contact me either by email or phone at the College.


2018 NSW Count ry Cham pionships - Sw im m ing

Many of our students recently competed at the NSW Country Championships in swimming. I have received some results and would love to hear from more families who had children compete at this event.

Congratulations to Bianca Jam ison who is making a big impact in the pool at the moment. Bianca placed second in the 100m breaststroke, 200m breaststroke, 400m individual medley, third in the 50m freestyle, 100m freestyle, 200m individual medley and fourth in the 200m freestyle.

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Music News

?Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.?- Martin Luther


This year band students from MacKillop College, St Joseph?s Regional College and Newman Senior Technical College have been given the privilege of joining the SAPSS Marching Band. Mrs Jones, who is an experienced Marching Band brass player, has combined with Mr Mark Spence, who is our Drumline Co-ordinator, to establish an ?American style? Marching Band. Mrs Sharon Green and Mrs Samantha Adams are supporting this ensemble through directing music for the ensemble. We have made great progress in two rehearsals; we have learnt a few commands, practised marching in the car park and more recently learnt an essential ?roll step? to help us play and march. We are also rehearsing music in preparation for Anzac Day.

To combine the two different cultures, we have chosen an Akubra hat to be part of the Marching Band uniform, of which our two American music leaders are in total awe.

The Band rehearsals take place this term on Wednesdays from 3.30p.m. - 5.30p.m. at St Joseph?s Regional College, with a bus leaving MacKillop College to transport students to the rehearsal. If any wind players would like to join, please come and see Mrs Adams in the staff work area.

Rob Denham

Leader of Co-cur r icular Music rdenham@lism.catholic.edu.au Return to

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- Senior Stage Band ? 7.45a.m. - 8.45a.m; Theatre- Junior Stage Band - lunchtime, Theatre- String Ensemble - 3.45p.m. - 4.45p.m


- Senior Percussion Ensemble ? 7.45a.m. ? 8.45a.m; J16 Music Room- Choir ? 7.45a.m. ? 8.45a.m; Theatre


- Senior Vocal Ensemble ? 8.00a.m. ? 8.45a.m; Theatre- Junior Vocal Ensemble - Lunchtime; J14 Music Room- Guitar Club - Lunchtime, J16 Music Room- SAPSS Marching Band and Drumline - 3.00p.m. - 5.00p.m., St Joseph's Regional College (Bus leaving from

the junior bus bay).


- Concert Band (sectional rehearsals) ? 7.45a.m. ? 8.45a.m; J16 and music rooms


- Little Big Band ? 7.45a.m. ? 8.45a.m; J16 Music Room- Big Band ? 7.45a.m. ? 8.45a.m; Theatre- Jazz Ensemble - lunchtime, J14 Music Room



- Wednesday, 14th March, period 1, College Hall, Big Band


- Sunday, 25th March, 4.00p.m. - 6.00p.m.; St Agnes' Parish Church, Praise Band and singers.


- Thursday, 5th April, lunch, Junior Campus Fountain Stage, Little Big Band, Big Band and Senior Stage Band


- Friday, 6th April, 12.30p.m. - 1.30p.m; Glasshouse Podium (Steps), Percussion Ensembles and SAPSS Drum line.


- Wednesday, 11th April, period 1, College Hall, Guitar Club

Please contact Mr Denham with any questions relating to the Co-curricular Music Program at MacKillop College or visit the College website and click on the Creative Arts tab.

Cant een Rost er

Day Nam es St ar t t im e

Monday Heather Shears, Mayo Brumby and Ann Todd 10.40a.m.

Tuesday Rob Doyle, Bernadette Doyle and Kristine Fallon 11.00a.m.

Wednesday Morrin Bailey, Kylie Vataladis and Maggie Nash 11.00a.m.

Thursday Priscilla Turnbull, Sonya Pieren HELP PLEASE 10.40a.m.

Friday Angela Marchment, Cindy Mullens, Lorraine Cornell and Leanne Hatherly


Hom ework Club

Junior Library: Monday to Thursday 3.20p.m.- 4.00p.m.

Senior Library: Monday to Thursday 3.15p.m.- 5.00p.m.

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Maxine St one

Junior Cant een Co-ordinat or

The canteen on the senior campus is calling for volunteers to assist this year. The hours will be from 12.30p.m. to 1.30p.m., once a month.

If you or a family member would be interested in helping, please email Jodie Duck on


Jodie Duck

Senior Cant een Co-ordinat or

The canteen is looking for volunteers. if you are able to help out please ring me 0432179365 or call in to the office.

Mat hs Tut or ials

Junior Maths tutorials is on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 12 from 7.30a.m. to 8.45a.m..

There will be no senior Maths Tutoring.


Day Nam es Tim es

Wednesday Jo Sexton 12.30p.m. to 1.30p.m.

Thursday Jodie Richmond 12.30p.m. to 1.30p.m.

Friday Judy Treadwell 10.40a.m.


Com m unit y News

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Can you help w it h accom m odat ion?

At times there are students in our parish schools who are in need of temporary, mid or long term accommodation while completing their schooling. Some families need to relocate while their children are completing the HSC. Other students have to contend with travelling long distances each week and would benefit from boarding closer to their school. There are varied reasons why students find themselves in a position where they are not settled or engaged in their schooling and require support with living arrangements.

If you are interested in, or are able to provide suitable accommodation such as a spare room or granny flat in your home, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. In some cases it would be a minimal rental option but other cases may require more support from the host family. Please feel free to contact me at Parish Administration (6588 7444) if you require further information or would like to assist with providing accommodation.

John McQueen

Coordinat ing Execut ive Of f icer

Par ish Educat ion and Training.

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