Term 2, Issue 3 2016 Girlfit - brewarrina-c.schools.nsw.gov.au · from Academy Alumni, local...

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Term 2, Issue 3 2016

Brewarrina Central School News

Girlfit Last week Girlfit travelled to the Great Aussie

Bush Camp. We had a great time and the girls

participated in a lot of activities that pushed

them out of their comfort zone. The activities

included: The Flying Fox, High Ropes, Leap of

Faith, The Giant Swing, The Giant Slide, Lost

Island Mud Run, Kayaking, Low Ropes and

team challenge. We also went Ice Skating and

to Flip Out. The camp was action packed and it

felt like we did not stop the whole time.

The girls were extremely well behaved and we

received excellent feedback from the camp staff.

Our senior girls led the way with a special mention

to Tegan Bennett for the encouragement that she

had for all the girls and by leading by example

throughout the week. We look forward to our next trip later in the year.

Remember that Girlfit is open to all girls from year 5

and up. Please see Mrs Close for details if you would

like to be part of the program.

Welcome to week 6 at Brewarrina Central School.

I’m sure everyone had a relaxing Mid-Term break

and are ready to finish the term off.

Good Luck to all students who are participating in

the District Cross-Country this Friday at Enngonia.

Bourke Public School is hosting the Bourke

Outback Challenge on Wednesday 8th June 2016.

It will be a day where our students from

Brewarrina Central School get the opportunity to

show off their talent across the day and to the

special NRL guests present. The NRL ambassadors

will be present during this time to promote

positive sportsmanship with all the students who


Next week we are honoured to host a visit from

the Minister of Education. Mr Adrian Piccoli is

visiting a number of schools in the area and will

visit BCS on Wednesday 8th June.

Every day at school counts. Every day away from

school is a lost opportunity for learning. The

whole reason schools exist is to prepare your

children for the best possible life in the future.

Absences from school make preparation less than

ideal and that will affect your child not only for a

year or perhaps 60, 70 or 80 years of their post

school life. We work very hard to ensure that

every student is here every day and makes the

most of every opportunity.

Absence Procedures: To assist in our attendance

monitoring procedures, we ask parents/carers to

do a few simple things:

Please notify the school if your child is going to be

absent. If this is not possible, please, when the

child returns to school send them to school with a

note explaining the absence. If your child is

away from school for 2 days in a row or more

without explanation, please expect a phone call

from the school. Absence notes can only be

accepted for up to 7 days after the absence. After

this time, our rolls are locked and the

unexplained absence cannot be changed. This

may have an impact if you or your child receives

government payments, most of which are reliant

on attendance at school. We are working closely

with the Home School Liaison Officers. They

follow up unexplained or excessive absences for

all students because we know how important

school attendance is.

We will keep monitoring students with full

attendance. Let’s see how many students we can

have at school for the remainder of the term

without any days away. I am sure we can achieve


Have a super week!

Warm regards

Ms. N. Dukic

Relieving Principal.

Wow Week 6, the term is flying by and doesn’t

seem to be slowing down! This week we have

District cross country in Enngonia. I’d like to wish

everyone the best of luck and I’m sure they will

do us proud, as usual. Next week we have the

Minister for Education, Adrian Piccoli coming to

visit and open the new Community Hub. Years 4,

5 and 6 are going to Bourke to enter in a Debating

Competition on Tuesday. On Wednesday Years 5

and 6 will be attending the Outback Challenge

and Thursday we have visitors conducting

workshops for Stages 2, 3 and 4 on Sustainability

Education organised by Wambangalang

Education Centre.

This is the last week for Book Fair and Aunty Kylie

has been doing a great job selling many items.

Parents of children in Years 3 to 6 have received a

note explaining we are having a camp in Term 4.

Mr Beames has been working tirelessly to

organise the camp and we hope all the students

can attend. If you have any queries please don’t

hesitate to contact the school.

Beck Williams

4B Bogeyes

It is almost halfway through Term 2 already, 4B

has been working extremely well, that we think it

is only the start of Term.

We have been focusing on our Reading and

Writing skills. We are all doing really well and

showing that our hard work and persistence is

paying off.

In Maths, we are still focusing on our four

operations (Addition, Subtraction, Division and

Multiplication). We are enjoying hands on

activities in Math Groups. By the end of the Term

we are hoping to know most of our Timetables.

In Sport, we are doing various activities in

different locations of the school. We have been

busy with the annual Cross Country Carnival and

football gala days. We had some amazing

challenges playing different sports with Year 3’s

last term but can’t wait to beat them again this


All teachers involved in 4B are excited for another

Term of fun activities. We have lots of new and

exciting things planned for the rest of the term

and the rest of the year. Family are always

welcome to visit the classroom and see what we

have been up to and engage in student activities.

Our artwork will be on show at our annual

Brewarrina Central School Art Show. It will be

great to see parents there enjoying the artwork.

It certainly has been a great start to the Term for

4B Bogeyes, Aunty Lyn, Aunty Rae and Mr

Beames. Please feel free to pop into our

classroom for a yarn anytime.

Mitch Beames, Aunty Lyn & Aunty Raelene

Kinder- Tashahn Waites, Jharal Jackson,

Harmony Kelly

Year 1- Michael Trapman, Barran Lord, Nikeisha

Bloomfield, Tiffany Frail

Year 2- Anita Shillingsworth, Kirk Eyre, Lauren


Year 3- Shiara Waites, Liam Trapman, Beau-Dean

Williams, Ava Orcher

Year 5/6 P- Rahni Williams, Shakiah Salt, Mattia

Higgins, Ty Boney

Year 5/6 C- Marion Waites, Belmont Kellett-

McHughes, Tanika Shillingsworth, Janayah

Dennis, Jyl Waites

Library Award- Year 5/6 P

Mr Mendes Award- Janayah Dennis, Molly


PBL Greenslip Award- Shakiah Salt, Dylan Rosser

Class of the Week- Year 5/6 P

Breakfast Club Award- Kyle Salt, Shakiah Salt

Congratulations to all those students and classes

that received Awards.

GirlFit Bush Camp

From all reports, an exciting time was had by all, a

good chance for team-building and new


Year 11 Half Yearly Examinations

Examinations will be held through Week 6.

Students are encouraged to ensure they study

and make contact with their teachers if they are

having difficulties in the preparation for the

exams. We wish them luck.


Secondary reports will be out to parents/carers

by the end of term.


A reminder that if your child is away from school

for any reason, to please let us know. Regular

attendance at school is vital to student learning.

Mind Matters

Secondary staff will be doing the Mind Matters

online course over the rest of the year, as we look

at mental health issues facing our students and

community, and ways that the school can support

families and individuals.

Tackling Violence

A domestic violence workshop for students in

Years 9-12 will be held on Thursday June 9. There

wil be boy and girl focused workshops for

students, as well as a community presentation in

the School Hall that afternoon.

If you have any questions regarding your child at

school, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Sarah Trapman

A massive thank you to

all students that

participated in the bin

sticker competition.

The SRC had some

tough decisions to

make, as there were

some fantastic entries!

The following students were chosen as our


Infants: Harmony Kelly

Primary: Beau-Dean Williams & Ashlei Williams

Secondary: Josiah Sullivan

The winning designs will be printed into bin

stickers and proudly displayed around our school,

to encourage everyone to keep the areas tidy.

Over the next few weeks, staff and students are

developing their classroom expectations, to fit in

line with our values of Safe Respectful Learners.

Clear, positive expectations allow us to teach the

behaviour we expect. The displaying of our

expectations also helps the school be consistent.

Area focus of the next fortnight will be

determined by the Millennium data (where the

negative behaviour is occurring the most)

At our school we are




Clontarf News

The Clontarf Foundation exists to improve the education, discipline, self-esteem, life skills and employment prospects of young Aboriginal men and by doing so, equip them to participate more meaningfully in society.

General Comment: General Comment:

The school was a hive of activity in week 4 and

the Academy much the same. There were visits

from Academy Alumni, local services and sports


Monday was cross Country and the effort from all

was outstanding. As always there were some

notable efforts from fellas within the Academy.

We also were pushed along by some of the Girlfit

crew to make it an interesting finish.

Tuesdays Crossfit morning training was one of

the best we have seen. The fellas are really

pushing themselves and achieving some high

numbers in the circuit. We would like invite any

staff to challenge the boys in a Crossfit

competition in week 6.

Tuesday we also hosted the Black Dog Institute

and Daniel Ferguson 2013 graduate to the

Academy room. Daniel gave an interview on his

experience before, during and after Clontarf. This

will be up in the Academy room for anyone to

read. The Black Dog crew gave us an insight into

depression and the sign of depression. This was a

great presentation over lunch in the room and all

the fellas showed interest and got involved in


Thursday was Kurtley Beale Shield at school and

all who participated did the Bre Central School

proud. It was great to see the oval full of teams

and there was some electric Rugby played

throughout the day.


Monday Table Tennis and Bus Washing.

Tuesday homework club.

Black Dog and Daniel Ferguson Visits.

Tuesday/Thursday morning training.

Wednesday Warriors Junior Training.

Thursday Kurtley Beale Shield.

Friday 100% attenders Lunch and Room Clean.


Monday Boot Camp.

Tuesday morning training.

Tuesday Homework Club.

Wednesday Warriors Junior Training.

Thursday-Monday Adam and Charlie Away National PD


pick-ups) Staff welcome!

Tuesday @ School Oval, 7:00-8:00 – Football focus followed by healthy breakfast Thursday @ School Oval, 7:00-8:00 – Fun focus followed by healthy breakfast



Monday Boot Camp, After school.

Homework Heroes, Tuesday after school.

Wednesday JRL Volunteering.

Thursday Chip and Putt after school.


Adam Close Director- 0419 260 028 Charlie McHughes Operations Officer- 0428 985 812

Clontarf Foundation

Brewarrina Academy (BA)


Nursing Staff from the AMS visit our

school every Monday,

Wednesday & Friday to conduct General First Aid

Notice Board

Dates to Remember For this Term

1st-3rd June- Big Picture Exhibitions

1st-3rd June- Year 11 Exams

8th June- Outback Challenge in Bourke

10th June- Athletics Carnival

15th June- Regional Cross Country

27th June – 1st July NAIDOC Week


4th July- School Holidays

Mid Term


27th – 30th


“Term 2

School Holidays”

Last Day of school

1st July

Holidays begin

4th July

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