Term 2 Week 6 thWednesday 6 June 2018€¦ · for his organisation and time in preparing and...

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Term 2 Week 6 Wednesday 6th June 2018


Term 2 Week 6 Wednesday 6th June 2018


DATES TO REMEMBER Thurs 7 June DrumCorp ($10 per session) Dance Group Dress Rehearsal, Laycock Street Theatre 9:20am Fri 8 June P-6 Assembly 9:30am K-6B Multi Sports Day, Newcastle

University Fri 8 June PaTCH Course 1pm Mon 11 June PUBLIC HOLIDAY Tues 12 June Public Speaking Wed 13 June K6B to Boccia Comp at Henry Kendall

High School Thurs 14 June DrumCorp ($10 per session) Mon 18 June P&C Meeting 9:30am Thurs 21 June DrumCorp ($10 per session) Fri 22 June Sydney North Cross Country P-6 Assembly 9:30am PaTCH Course 1pm Tues 26 June Dance Group Performance in Central

Coast Dance Festival at Laycock Street Theatre 6:15pm

Thurs 28 June Books In Homes Assembly 2:15pm DrumCorp ($10 per session) Wed 4 July - Fri 6 Jul Stage 3 Camp to Canberra PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Week 6 already and as always it is very busy at The Entrance Public School. Well done to all our athletes at this week’s K-6 athletics carnival. The level of sportsmanship, determination and participation was outstanding. Congratulations to Mr McInnes, Mr Stephen and the staff for a very well organised carnival. Thank you to the parents who helped cheer for the competitors and our wonderful P&C volunteers for a great BBQ. Congratulations to Mrs Evans and our netball teams who performed with skill, determination and passion at the netball gala day last week and thank you to the parents who assisted with transport. A reminder that if you have a concern regarding a conflict or have a concern with another student and your child that it is NOT appropriate to approach the child. All concerns must be raised with a staff member, Assistant Principal, Deputy Principal or the Principal. Failure to follow the correct way of dealing with these issues may result in the Police enforcing the Inclosed Lands Act which then prevents access to the school. Too sick for school? As the cold weather hits, so do the winter bugs. It’s often hard to know whether to send your child to school or let them stay home to recover, especially when that means an adult cancelling work. For safety's sake, if your child seems unwell you should always keep them home from school and seek medical advice. School A to Z and the NSW Health have created an at-a-glance chart to help answer your questions about common childhood illness and how long sick kids need to miss school. Find it by typing this link into your web browser www.bit.ly/1hytn2E Mental maths strategies: We teach children a range of different strategies to add and subtract numbers. By showing them several methods for solving maths questions, we’re helping them to look for patterns. All this builds a good sense of “number” which means they understand the relationships between different numbers and why different ways to add and subtract work well. The goal is that your child will

understand many ways to approach a maths problem and will be able to choose a way that makes the most sense to them. School A to Z has a lot of resources, including help sheets on mental maths strategies, here : www.bit.ly/JkiUsY Does speaking another language at home confuse children? Are your children fortunate enough to be growing up in a home where two or more languages are spoken? Many parents worry that bilingualism can cause confusion and even delays in learning for their children, but according the Raising Children Network, that’s not the case at all. A good knowledge of your native language can actually help your child with learning English. Bilingual children who are read books and spoken to in their in their native language find it easier to learn to read and write in English when they get to school. More information is at www.bit.ly/1m0agnk Have a great fortnight

Mark Rudd Principal

Impetigo (School Sores)

There have been some cases of impetigo reported recently so we have included some current information:

Time of exposure to illness is 1 to 3 days.

Symptoms: small red spots change into blisters that fill with pus and become crusted, usually on the face, hands and scalp.

Do I need to keep my child home? Yes, until treatment starts. Sores should be covered with a watertight dressing. Careful hand washing can help prevent spreading. DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Halfway through Term 2 already and we had an incredible Reconcilliation Week last week. This year during National Reconciliation Week, Reconciliation Australia invites all Australians to learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories, to share that knowledge and help us grow as a nation. All our activities and celebrations would not have happened without the leadership of Mrs Haslam and we thank her and our Aboriginal Action Team for their hard work, time and organisation of last week. Our Acknowledgement to Country unveiling was very special and moving and our Aboriginal Captains, Brendan and Erin represented our school beautifully. The P-6 Reconciliation Week Assembly was fantastic and we were lucky to have a clearing ceremony by students from The Entrance Campus. The Koori Choir and Kindergarten performed for us – thanks to Mrs Canobie and the Kinder team. We are also all invited to GULANGFEST later in the year. Brendan and Erin will pass the message stick onto Berkeley Vale this week. I am absolutely LOVING our mobile kitchen! I have had cookies from KD, sweet potato chips from KW and, as usual a delicious lunch from K-6B and friends - yum! Thanks Brodie and Kate.

Term 2 Week 6 Wednesday 6th June 2018


Thanks to the clever Thedorina and Tavian from KW for their amazing descriptive writing and Ty from 3/4D who I am sure will be a Scientist one day! His obervations on vegetables and flowers was excellent. Great work students!

This week’s connecting behaviour is:

Please talk to your child about how we encourage others and praise them for when they do this at home.

Model encouraging your child for things such as….. • Smiling and nodding when they do the right thing. • Naming what they do – ‘Well done Jo for…….’ • Encouraging your child mid-effort (eg tying shoes,

making bed, something challenging). • Write a note of encouragement.

Monday was our Athletics Carnival and we defied the rain and ran the best carnival ever! Many thanks to Mr McInnes for his organisation and time in preparing and running the carnival, as well as every single teacher and SLSO at TEPS who made the day a huge success. Thanks to our parents and families who also attended and cheered their children on.

Have a wonderful fortnight TEPS! Nicole Heazlewood Deputy Principal


Our Cross Country team performed incredibly well at the District Cross Country held last Friday. The students ran a very challenging course around EDSAC Oval, with each one of them giving their best effort. The staff were particularly impressed by their team spirit and sportsmanship as they cheered each other on throughout the day. A huge congratulations to Summer (6B) for qualifying for the Sydney North Regional Carnival. We wish you the best of luck and know you will do us proud! Thank you to Mrs Chaffer, Ms Brummell, Mrs Tolman and Ms Thomas for organising and supporting our students. Donna Andrews Organising Teacher

School Banking has arrived at our school with The Greater. Vicki and Aleisha from The Greater will be at school Friday mornings to help open your child's bank account with $5. Any student who wishes to bank money can bring their bank book and money to the office on Friday mornings. A great new reward system is coming for all students who have a bank account, so make sure you start banking each week.

Ms Ally Bayfield Organising Teacher

Term 2 Week 6 Wednesday 6th June 2018


K-6 B NEWS UPCOMING EVENTS Friday 8 June – Multi Sports Day Newcastle Uni • Please have all students at

school by 8am. Children who normally come on the assisted transport bus/taxi will need to be brought to school by a Parent/Carer. We will be back at school in time for normal transport home. Wednesday 13 June – Boccia Competition Henry Kendall High School • Transport will be by private car. All students to be at

school by 9am. Children may catch their normal ASTP bus/taxi to and from school.

HOME READING AWARDS Tayla – 50 Nights (Surf) ASSEMBLY AWARDS Tayla – Being a responsible leader at shopping and fabulous improvement in reading.

Mary Best & Deb Eastment Support Class Team KINDERGARTEN NEWS

ATTENDANCE Department of Education policy indicates that parents must ensure their children attend school every day.

On occasion, your child may need to be absent from school. Justified reasons for student absences may include:

• being sick, or having an infectious disease • having an unavoidable medical appointment • being required to attend a recognised religious

holiday • exceptional or urgent family circumstance (eg.

attending a funeral) Following an absence from school Parents/Carers are encouraged to inform the school within 7 days as to the reason for your child’s absence. That explanation can be verbal over the telephone or written in a letter or sms text through the school app. However, if the school has not received an explanation from you within 2 days, the class teacher may contact you to discuss the absence. We greatly appreciate the cooperation we receive from the vast majority of parents in relation to attendance and appropriate explanations – thank you. HOME READING Congratulations to the following students who received a 25 night home reading award! We are so proud of you all – Well done!

KQ Harley, Izac, Allyrah, Jonah, Noah, Grace, Corey, Elina, Jordiinah, Mikayla, Sierra

KW Emily, Storm, Logan, Theodorina, Alyzah, Thembe

KL Kora, Ben, Lilly, Noah, Thomas, Ethan

KD Cadance, Lachlan

Have a wonderful fortnight, Donna Andrews, Nicole Quye, Nikki Wilson and Adam Lonergan

STAGE 1 NEWS What a fantastic day Stage 1 had at the Athletics Carnival on Monday. It was great to see all the students participating in the events displaying good sportsmanship and having fun.

Congratulations to the following children who received a class award at our Stage 1 Assembly. Our clever home readers are included as well. 2K: Class Awards: Llewellyn – Improved focus and application in literacy groups Ayla – Lovely, descriptive writing

Value Awards: Dane – A kind, caring boy and a nice person to know Ruby – Her happy and positive attitude brightens up our room

50 nights: Kiana 75 nights: Scarlett, Blair and Caleb 100 nights: Summer, Ruby and Jacob 2C: Class Awards: Cameron – Excellent informative writing on Echidnas Courtney – Outstanding improvement in reading!

Value Awards: Parneet – Always being a kind and considerate member Molly – Demonstrating connecting behaviours during class discussions 25 nights: Robert and Courtney 50 nights: Jayden, Declan and Kim 75 nights- Parneet

Term 2 Week 6 Wednesday 6th June 2018


1/2D: Class Award: Lucas – Amazing effort in reading Rosie – Making our classroom a better place Value Award: Sereaya – Contributing to quality talks and leading discussion questions Aston – Contributing to class discussions 25 nights- Sereaya and Aston 50 nights: Sienna, Grace and Lucas 75 nights: Gennavieve 1M: Class Awards: Zardi – Fantastic counting Mannat – Fluent, expressive reading Value Awards: Bodhi – Fantastic contributions to class discussions Jye – Being a great contributor through always ‘having a go’ in sport 50 nights: Mikayla and Jakob 75 nights: Hope 1KN: Class Awards: Tegan – Always coming to school with a beautiful smile and wonderful attitude Aaron – Always being a kind and cooperative class member Value Awards: Zakke – Always contributing to our class by being helpful Diego – Trying hard to be a good listener 50 nights: Tegan and Jameel 75 nights: Stewone and Bailee 1P: Class Awards: Alyssa – A massive improvement in spelling. Well done! Parker – Writing amazing compound sentences Value Awards: Savanna – She always shows respect and kindness to others Declan – For always being polite and well mannered. An absolute pleasure to have in the classroom 25 nights- Shakira 50 nights- Tyler, Blake, Kyarn and Dannica 75 nights- Coco 100 nights- Kai, Hunter and Kahlil Regards, Stage 1 Team STAGE 2 NEWS

Welcome to Term 2 Week 6. Another busy fortnight with Zone Cross Country, Chess Competitions, Netball Gala Days, University of NSW testing, in class Public Speaking and Reconciliation Week activities have flown by. Teachers have been completing assessments with their students in preparation for Semester 1 report writing. These

reports will be handed out in the final week of this term.

Athletics Carnival Well done to all our students who braved the damp conditions and put in their personal best at our Athletics Carnival on Monday. It was lovely to see the

children displaying great sportsmanship and encouraging each other throughout the events of the day. Thank you to all those parents who helped out, or joined in the fun and cheered the children along! Place getter ribbons will be presented at an assembly soon, date to be announced.

Concerns & Queries Teachers always encourage parents and carers to discuss any concerns or queries they may have, however there is a fair and correct process required to ensure an appropriate time is organised for these discussions. Teachers are unable to discuss concerns with parents and carers when teaching or supervising their class. It is not appropriate to approach a classroom teacher in the classroom, during sport or at morning assemblies to discuss individual concerns or queries without prior arrangement. Appointments and return phone calls must be organised through the front office and teachers will happily assist with your enquiries.

Public Speaking continues this week across all Stage 2 classrooms, as every child delivers their prepared speech to their teachers and classmates. Two students from every class will then be nominated to represent their class in the semi-finals, held in the hall next Tuesday 12th June. Parents are invited to come along and support our Public Speaking semi-finalists. What is Bullying? Bullying is a word that is used with a lot of meanings. Making sure everyone in our school shares the same definition of bullying is essential. Sometimes things that are called bullying are not really bullying at all. The national definition of bullying for Australian schools is - Bullying is an ongoing misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that causes physical and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power over one or more persons. Bullying can happen in person or online, and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert). Bullying of any form or for any reason can have long-term effects on those involved, including bystanders. Single incidents and conflict or fights between equals, whether in person or online, are not defined as bullying.

Stage 2 Teachers Mrs Haslam (4H), Ms Ambrose (4A), Mrs Burke (4B), Mrs Canobie (3C), Mrs Kirk (3K) and Mrs Duncan (3/4D)

Term 2 Week 6 Wednesday 6th June 2018


STAGE 3 NEWS Dear Parents/ Caregivers, The Stage 3 Canberra Camp is fast approaching (July 4th). Your child should have received a note outlining activities and a list of what to bring to camp. Please remember that students will need to be in full school uniform on Wednesday and Thursday as these are the days we visit Parliament

House and The War Memorial. It will be very, very cold in Canberra and all students need to be dressed appropriately to keep warm. If your child does not have a school jumper/jacket to take with them to camp, please speak to Mrs Bayfield or myself. Any outstanding payments need to be made to the office.

It is wonderful to see so many Stage 3 students receiving their home reading awards! In my 4 years of teaching at TEPS, I have never seen so many Stage 3 students participate in the Home Reading Program or in the Premier’s Reading Challenge. I encourage all parents to read with their children!

Sports News

Congratulations to our Senior Girls Cricket Team who played against Kincumber PS last Thursday. It was a very close game! Both teams played well with the score being 65 runs each! Our girls beat Kincumber by one wicket and have made it to the next round!

Well done to both Netball Teams who played at the Netball Gala Day last Thursday! Both mixed teams played well with The Entrance Gold Team winning 5 games and drawing 2. The Entrance Black Team won 3 games and lost 3 games. PSSA Netball Girls play round three this week against Woodport Public School.

Fantastic effort to all Stage 3 who attended and participated at our school Athletics Carnival. It was so good to see so many students having a go and trying their hardest. Well done, Stage 3!

If you have any questions regarding camp or any other activities, please do not hesitate to ask your child’s classroom teacher or myself. Kind Regards Miss Martinez - S3 Relieving Assistant Principal Mrs. Robinson, Mr. McInnes, Mrs. Chaffer, Mrs. Bayfield and Mr. Lonergan

NATIONAL RECONCILIATION WEEK Was proudly celebrated last week with many activities and learning experiences enjoyed by our staff and students at TEPS. Last Tuesday was our official unveiling of our Acknowledgement of Country sign that is proudly displayed at the entry to our great school. A very respectful ceremony was held and led by our Aboriginal Leaders Erin and Matthew. The entire school community came together with our Principal, Deputy Principal, Teachers, School Captains and P&C along with representatives from Kuriwa AECG, DEC Gosford District Office, Brooke Ave Public School and Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College Berkeley Vale Campus.

Our National Reconciliation Week Assembly on Friday saw us welcome the Gulangfest message stick to our school, from The Entrance Campus, inviting our school community to Gulangfest 2018. The students looked fabulous in their red, black and yellow mufti clothes and certainly enjoyed eating the delicious cupcakes baked by our wonderful teachers. Money raised will go towards purchasing class sets of quality Aboriginal texts so as our students can continue to learn, share and grow. Kindergarten performed Red, Black & Yellow brilliantly and our Koori Choir sounded amazing. Thank you parents and carers for being a part of our Reconciliation Week activities and attending our special assembly.

Aboriginal Action Team 2018

Term 2 Week 6 Wednesday 6th June 2018



Just a reminder we have our The Entrance Public School Canteen Facebook page which we use to advertise weekly specials etc. CANTEEN ROSTER Thurs 24th Judith, Kathy Fri 25th Kathy, Kylie, Caitlin Mon 28th Sue, Kathy, Rita Tues 29th Sammi HELP NEEDED Wed 30th Kathy, Sue, Mel, Kristie Thurs 31st Judith, Kathy, Razaan Fri 1st Caitlin, Kathy, Kylie Mon 4th Sue, Rita, Kathy Tues 5th Sammi HELP NEEDED Wed 6th Kristie, Sue, Kathy Thurs 7th Judith, Kathy Uniform Shop – Any unwanted uniforms would be most appreciated for our second hand uniform shop. Cheers, Emma Brophy 4333 5174 P&C FUNDRAISING A huge thank you to all our fabulous helpers at Mondays Athletics Carnival who helped out on the BBQ, it was a great success.

Thanks Kathy Walker P&C Fundraiser

Our P&C are doing a Thompson Pie Drive fundraiser, selling pies, sausage rolls, lamingtons, finger buns and slices. Order forms have been sent home this week.

If you would like to order, please complete the order form and return it with payment to the office or Canteen

Please return order form by Friday 22 June Collection date is Wednesday 4 July

If you have any more questions, please contact the Canteen on 4333 5174.

Next P&C Meeting Monday 18 June in the hall

Everyone welcome, great way to meet people. Children welcome.

Food Hub Open Every Tuesday and Friday 9:30am – 4:00pm

Entry is via The Entrance Road

Term 2 Week 6 Wednesday 6th June 2018