Term limits? How about firing squads for treason?...Term limits? How about firing squads for...

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Term limits? How about firing squads for treason?

arnie@arnierosner.com - 1 of 13 - 714-964-4056

Term Limits? Well maybe…

But it was finally figured out as to what the members of Congress were up to when

selling out the American people…

They deny with their lips what they are doing with their hands…

On Jan 29, 2018, at 5:31 PM, Peter Thomas <info@conservativeusa.org> wrote:

Mr. Thomas,

Let us get serious! Even the shortest term limits have no impact on the betrayal acts

of dishonorable people. And what else can you call members of the Congress who are all

acting in dishonor? Just on obamacare alone, all 545 plus everyone who promotes

obamacare as a law is acting in fraud and the members of Congress who definitely know

better are acting in treason.

Most of us recognize that no proposed bill can be converted to a law unless it passes

the rigorous procedures and passes the test of fiduciary accountability of which each

member of the Congress has essentially made public they never read the bill and therefore

it was never passed into law.

Term limits? How about firing squads for treason?

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Congressional Manual: How our laws are made.

Term limits? How about firing squads for treason?

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Term limits? How about firing squads for treason?

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And Ms Pelosi has ably demonstrated her treason and fraud publicly…and more

than once!

We Have to Pass the Bill to see what is in it…

Suspicion of Election Fraud - Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi – Agenda 21 – Treason

On the other hand, Mr. Trump, the CEO of the US Corp, uses his delegated

authority from the American people to establish for the record that the Americans are


Term limits? How about firing squads for treason?

arnie@arnierosner.com - 5 of 13 - 714-964-4056

With President Trump, we finally have a realistic chance to enact term limits for


By-the-way Mr. Thomas…shall we cut the CRAP!!! The lawful decisions regarding the

matters of the people’s business is not for anyone with just delegated authority to decide.

Such decisions are made by the sovereigns…the American people…not our proxies…

Members of Congress and the fake government have for too long distorted the relationship

between the lawful authority…the people…and their public servants.

Term limits? How about firing squads for treason?

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However to get across the seriousness of these criminal abuses on the people…It may

take the actual implementation of a firing squad to act as the perfect deterrent for any display of

dishonor. Can anyone serious debt the complicity of the members of Congress in their ongoing,

and persistent premeditated efforts to destroy the American people from within? And the list is

in no way complete…it looks as though the trail of betrayal goes back to very beginning of our

great republic.

And now address the Congress…



thomas: they want to keep this law hidden away from everyone: – Congress: Joint

Resolution: – President proclaims 1983 as the “Year of the Bible”.

Steven Wayne Pattison: The Oath of Office: The First Act of the First Congress:

Accepting nominations for the first impostor member of Congress to hang

for treason?

Members of Congress (Impostors) commit Treason? This is not politics! This is

a crime!

Revolution? A Sudden Move towards the People by the members of the

Impostor Congress?

A Fraudulent Congress Attempts to deceive the people in Broad Daylight!

The Fourteenth Amendment Hoax – Judge Anna von Reitz Exposes the

Term limits? How about firing squads for treason?

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Fraudulent Congress

Force Congress to STOP this corrupt and anti-gun bureaucrat from being

promoted to ATF Director

Patriots Lead Demonstration – Boo Congressman off stage! USC

Vitter Amendment S.187 A TRAP – THERE IS NO 14TH AMENDMENT! The

Courts and the Congress lied!

And You have accepted the gross distortion that there is a Congress. Not since at

least 1862.

Dear Mr. Mayor: Congress must also resolve the matter of the obama usurpation!

But then you always knew that!

No Impostors Here – Remove the Congressional Impersonators NOW! They are

misrepresenting who they are and what they are doing. They operate in deceit and fraud!


CONGRESSJuly 26, 2013

Congress LIED! ALL American BLACKS are slaves! And so are the rest of US!

Left Behind at Retirement? By order of the Congress?

The American Award of Honor – Let us not dishonor our Heroes by associating

with a Fraudulent Congress!

Mossad/CIA controls Congress by what ever name you choose!

DEMOCRATS control Congress by what ever name you choose!

Communist Controlled Congress EXECUTES A BLOODLESS COUP

Exposed: Secret Chemtrail budget uncovered: Congress Knows! But then they are

Term limits? How about firing squads for treason?

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not our Congress are they? Most likely Congress approved this attack on the

American people.

Thrive – Congressman Bridenstein

What the hell is wrong with you? There is no Congress!! There is no government!!!

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. – The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united

States of America

Georgia, the Lawful State: MEMORIAL TO CONGRESS — 14th and 15th


It was the American people Expressing their will! Not the GOP. Congress Acts in

fraud! Treason!

Congress is a potted plant and a DEN of traitors!

“mortgages on the wealth and income of the people of the country.” Congress 1933.

Who are the 81 Traitors impersonating public officers in the what the American

people believe is their Congress?

Do NOT BE MISLED! The members of Congress are responsible!

Congress caught in more fraud!

The Role of the Trustee…Members of Congress

The 14th Amendment. Congressional fraud!

Congress committing treason right now!!!

The Georgia Legislature charges Congress with treason in 1957

The de jure will be Restored when First Member of Congress is tried for Treason!

ITS OFFICIAL: The state legislature of Georgia Declares the Fraud of Congress –

Term limits? How about firing squads for treason?

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Congress – Enemy Agents. Any Questions?

IT IS THE CONGRESS! Isn’t it time we took action?

Congress Complicit: Democrats Deliberately Gave Communist Victory in VietNam

US Congress Assaults Citizens – Update June 2014

Only Congress can collect taxes. Not the IRS!

Power to collect Taxes – The Congress…Not the IRS!

IRS is Criminally deceptive. However even so it is not above the law! Congress…

Cut the Crap! Produce Lerner’s emails! It is the law!

Surprise..Surprise…Congressional Treason? And in the name of Americans?

Congress: The fruit

Congressman Wolf: Parents…Do you know where your children are?

1933 – Congress Did IT!

Scandal rocks police force – Congress responsible.

Postal Law – 37th Congress

OAS Notice to Congress – 16 May 2014

The People must CRUSH the EPA! – EPA Vows To Go After Republicans –

Congressman Stewart? Man or Mouse?

Too Little…too Late! Utah Stand-up Congressman Exposed as One More fraud?

YOU are an ENEMY of the STATE: Congress Declares in 1933!

Bundy – The Harry Reid Set-up – Congress Complicit? Looks that way to me!

Obama Accused By Congressman: Bundy Ranch Issue

Term limits? How about firing squads for treason?

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Unconstitutional process used by Congress

Top Secret – Details of the Treason by Congress


Independent Congressional Oversight Council (ICOC)

Not only the Congress is complicit…but you were betrayed by your own parents!

Majority In Congress Are Millionaires

Financial Fraud – Congress Complicit

Congress is behind the NSA – Both parties

Congress Complicit in 911?

Congress Commits Treason On NSA Reform

The Biggest Swindle in World History! “Acts of the Congress?”

SWINDLING defined: “Acts of the Congress?”

Foreign Agents; Elected Officials? Congress? County and City Commissions?

Art. XIII Congress Exposed!


Congressman Bridenstine: Repeal the 16th Amendment!

Financial Crisis Report to Congress – 2009

Congress: Guilty of Extortion – Obamacare NOT A LAW!

Congress Must Impeach Entire Obama Administration!

Black American citizens, call for Congress to Impeach Obama



Term limits? How about firing squads for treason?

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Key UnConstituonal Acts – Deliberate Fraud by Congress!

Congressional Oversight

Violation of your Civil Rights – The Congress

Sheriff…Time to arrest members of Congress!

An Open Letter To Congressman Rohrabacher

Congressman Bridenstine Questions President’s Leadership

One more bone? Call for one more Congressional Investigation?

IRS – Fraud on the People – Congress is responsible!

Congressional Net Worth – Gain 2010 over 2004

Beyond the bounds of their lawful authority – It is the Congress

Congress is Responsible.

Congress legitimizes lying to the American people?

About those Congressional Hearings…..?

Who Are The 81 Enemy Infiltrators In Congress?

The Domestic Enemies – Congress?

Credit where credit is due; Congress…guilty of murder?

What is it Congress is hiding? The Australians know.

Acts of the 41st Congress-Creation

Revoke the Delegated Authority of Congress – The County Sheriff

of Corporate Washington DC

Obama Tricks Inept Congress

Eyeing Election, Obama Acts Without Congress

Term limits? How about firing squads for treason?

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Congressman, How come you are committing treason?

PROPOSED: Congressional Termination Notice!

Congressman Rohrabacher… Guilty of treason? Guilty of fraud?

“We the People,” Revoke the Delegated Authority of the de facto Congress!

The 111th Congress GOP Pledge to America – 27 September 2010

$0.14 a day – Congressional Breach of Ficuciary Responsibilites

Congressional Violations of Fiduciary Responsibility

It is the Fault of Congress…Stupid!

Congress: It will be on your heads!

Letter to my congressman

Congressional Political Corruption

Goodby Congress

“We the People,” Revoke the Delegated Authority of the de facto Congress!

Fraud vitiates all!: Open Letter to Congressman Walden

Why is OREGON Congressman Walden not being prosecuted? HE PUBLICLY


Congressional Manual: How our laws are made.

Hell No! Americans Are NOT being judged…We are being Manipulated…

Agenda 21 – Congressional Complicity

Our Civil WAR

Term limits? How about firing squads for treason?

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The people finally agree?

NO CONFIDENCE-Dissolution of government


– T O P S E C R E T –

TREASON – No other description required!

Creating Self-Government Community – No Permission Required!