Term paper on recruitment and selection process on nitol niloy group

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4, Sobhanbag, Mirpur Road, Dhaka


Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management


(Academic Year-2016)

Term Paper Report on

“Recruitment & Selection Process in Nitol Niloy Group”.

Supervised by Engr. Abdul Quader Deputy Director Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM)

Prepared by Md. Rashed Rayhan Roll: 16DH258 PGDHRM, Evening Batch-04

January 2017

Letter of Transmittal

15th December, 2016

Engr. Abdul Quader

Deputy Director

4 Sobhanbag, Mirpur Road,

Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.

Subject: Request to accept the Report

Dear Sir,

You have assigned me to prepare the report on “Recruitment & Selection Process in Nitol Niloy

Group”. I have prepared my report in mentioned timeframe. The report also consists of the

overview of Nitol Niloy Group. I tried to gather accurate information to make it specific and

coherent. Through the process of preparing the term paper, I have managed to get some

practical experiences. To serve your purpose, I have tried my best to find out proper Recruitment & Selection Process

in Nitol Niloy Group.

I truly hope and believe, this report will fulfill the requirements suggested by you.

Sincerely yours,

Md. Rashed Rayhan

Roll: 16DH258

EVE Batch: 04

Session: 2016



I do solemnly declare that this term paper submitted; in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM) of the session 2016

of the Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM), Dhaka in the result of my own research work

and written in my own language. That no part of this term paper consists of materials copied or

plagiarized from published or unpublished work of other writers and that all materials

borrowed or reproduced from other published or unpublished source have either been out

under quotation or duly acknowledge with full reference in appropriate place(s). I understand

that the diploma, conferred on me, may be cancelled/withdrawn if subsequently it is

discovered that this term paper is not my original work, it consists of materials

copied/plagiarized or borrowed with proper acknowledge.


Md. Rashed Rayhan

Roll: 16DH258

EVE Batch: 04

Session: 2016



I express my deep sense of gratitude and sincere appreciation to my supervisor Engr. Abdul

Quader, Deputy Director of Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM) for his valuable

suggestion, guidelines and co-operation. Without his help and guidance it was quit impossible to

come up with this study.

All of my thanks go to my organization Nitol Niloy Group, who have gave me their valuable time to

explore their world. For this I thank my Institution for giving me this nice opportunity to observe

more closely recruitment and selection process in Nitol Niloy Group. I am also grateful to my co-

workers who extended their co-operation for collection data and information associate with the


In writing this term paper, I have drawn as many books which mentioned in the bibliography, I

acknowledge my indebtedness to all those authors for their works which has been great use for me.

I would like to thank all of the counselors of Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM) who had

been very co-operative and support me to do this term paper.

I am also grateful to my parents for their handy support and off course to all of my friends and


______________ Md. Rashed Rayhan

Roll: 16DH258

EVE Batch: 04

Session: 2016


Table of Contents

Sl. No. Contents Pages

01 Chapter 01: Introduction 1-7

1.1 Background of the project 1

1.2 Importance of the study 2

1.3 Objectives of the study (Major and Specific Objectives) 5

1.3.1 Major Objective 5

1.3.2 Specific Objectives 5

1.4 Key Variables 5

1.5 Scope of the study 6

1.6 Limitations of the study 6

1.7 Methodology of the study 7

1.7.1 Sampling 7

1.7.2 Source of data 7

02 Chapter 02: Literature Review and Theoretical Orientation 08-23

2.1 History of Human Resource Management 8

2.2 Functional area of HRM 8

2.3 Responsibility of HR department 9

2.4 Concept of HR Planning & Forecasting: 10

2.5 Steps of HR planning: 11

2.6 Forecasting HR Needs: 11

2.7 Definitions of Recruitment 12

2.8 The recruitment process of Nitol Niloy Group 13

2.9 Sources of Recruitment of Nitol Niloy Group: 16

2.10 Definition of Selection: 19

2.11 Process / Steps in Selection of Nitol Niloy Group: 19

2.12 Undesirable consequences of poor recruitment & Selection 23

03 CHAPTER 03: Company Overview 24-32

3.1 About Company: 24

3.2 Our Mission 24

3.3 Our Vision 24

3.4 The Management Process of Nitol Niloy: 24

3.5 Milestones of NItol Niloy: 25

04 Chapter 04: Analysis & Findings 33-48

4.1 Analysis: 33

4.2 SWOT analysis 46

4. 4.3 Major findings of the study: 48

05 Chapter 05: Recommendation & Conclusion 49-50

5.1 Recommendation: 49

5.2 Conclusion: 50

Chapter 06: Appendix 51-52

Chapter 07: References

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1.1 Background

There is no doubt that the world of work is rapidly changing. As part of an organization then,

HRM must be equipped to deal with the effects of the changing world of work. For them this

means understanding the implications of globalization, technology changes, workforce

diversity. Changing skill requirements, continuous improvement initiatives contingent

workforce, decentralized work sites and employee involvement are the issue for confront. Now

it is a big challenge for the HRM to support the organization by providing the best personnel for

the suitable position in shortest possible time. Starting with recognizing the vacancies and

planning for them is a great task. Moreover selecting attracting the suitable candidates and

selecting the best person in time is a challenge. The cost of the recruitment is significant. So,

proper planning and formulate those plan is the task that require more focus and

improvement. Equal opportunity and sourcing is also a vital part. Realizing this need we tried to

find the difference and similarities between theoretical aspects with the practical steps taken

by the company. We took an attempt to demonstrate the feature for the further improvement.

As an organization needs to succeed and survive, or compete effectively in the global economy

in this era of globalization, employers must be in the position to propound and practice

recruitment and selection of employees in the best way. The success of a business or an

organization is directly linked to the performance of those who work for that organization.

Underachievement can be a result of workplace failures. Every organization has its own

requirements in acquiring employees. It is vital that organizations select people with the quality

essential for continued success in this competitive global village. The only means of achieving

this success is through proper recruitment and selection practices.

Recruitment and selection can play a pivotally important role in shaping an organization’s

effectiveness and performance, if work organizations are able to acquire workers who already

possess relevant knowledge, skills and aptitudes and are able to make an accurate prediction

regarding their future abilities. Recruitment and selection also has an important role to play in

ensuring worker performance and positive organizational outcomes. It is often claimed that

selection of workers occurs not just to replace departing employees or add to a workforce but

rather aims to put in place workers who can perform at a high level and demonstrate

commitment (Ballantyne, 2009).

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Bratton and Gold (2007), differentiate the two terms while establishing a clear link between

them by stating that recruitment is the process of generating a pool of capable people to apply

for employment to an organization. Selection is the process by which managers and others use

specific instruments to choose from a pool of applicants a person or persons more likely to

succeed in the job(s), given management goals and legal requirements. Recruitment and

selection forms a core part of the central activities underlying human resource management:

namely, the acquisition, development and reward of workers. It frequently forms an important

part of the work of human resource managers – or designated specialists within work

organizations. It is the human resources that give competitive edge” and therefore should be

selected carefully and developed in order to achieve employees‟ commitment (Storey, 1995).

However, recruitment and selection decisions are often for good reason taken by non-

specialists, by the line managers (Costello, 2006). There is, therefore, an important sense in

which it is the responsibility of all managers, and where human resource departments exist, it

may be that Human Resource (HR) managers who play more of a supporting advisory role to

those people who will supervise or in other ways work with the new employee. According to

Mullins (2010), for the Human Resource Management (HRM) function to remain effective,

there must be consistently good levels of teamwork, plus ongoing co-operation and

consultation between line managers and the HR manager. This is most definitely the case in

recruitment and selection as specialist HR managers (or even external consultants) can be an

important repository of up-to-date knowledge and skills, for example on the important legal

dimensions of this area.

By using the right selection methods one can ensure that the candidate does not only has the

right skills for the job, but also possesses the right personality to fit into the existing

organizational culture. Once that “right” person has been employed, the company has to

ensure that the right incentives are put in place. However, recruitment and selection is

characterized by potential difficulties and it is necessary to keep abreast of developments in

research in the field of construction. Research from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and

Development (CIPD, 2009a), concluded that organizations should increasingly be inclusive in

their employment offering as younger generations have grown up with the notion of flexible

working, while older people have an interest in flexible working as an alternative to retirement.

This research work seeks to identify employee recruitment and selection practices in Nitol Niloy

Group’s recruiting and selection process that help us to perceive a common picture about

recruiting and selection process in group of company in Bangladesh.

1.2 Importance of the study

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An organization may have all of the latest technology and the best physical resources, but if it does not have the right people it will struggle to achieve the results it requires. This is true across the whole spectrum of business activity e.g. schools, hospitals, legal practices, restaurants, airlines, and diesel engine manufacturers. Poor choices at the recruitment stage can prove expensive. The company needs to be sure of a candidate's technical competence. For example, if an engineer designs a component that fails and has to be re-engineered, the company loses both time and money and may incur penalty charges on any delay in fulfilling particular contracts. Time and money spent in recruiting that particular employee will have proved expensive and wasteful whilst a better candidate may not only have 'got away' but also gone to a competitor.

Recruiters play an important role in the success of an organization. They essentially act as a filter that -- when used properly -- only selects the best candidates. In a constantly changing business world, companies need to hire people who are adaptable, loyal, knowledgeable, dependable and confident, thereby creating a foundation for success. Recruiting staff is a very costly exercise. It is also an essential part of any business and it pays to do it properly. When organizations choose the right people for the job, train them well and treat them appropriately, these people not only produce good results but also tend to stay with the organization longer. In such circumstances, the organization’s initial and ongoing investment in them is well rewarded. Selection is the process that an organization uses to determine which job applicant will be the most successful in meeting the demands of the job or will fit well with the existing work groups and the culture of the organization. Poor selection procedures and processes lead to various unnecessary costs in the organization. In the recruitment process, an organization hires the most suitable and qualified candidate -- whether he is internal or external to the organization -- to fill a job vacancy. Orientation deals with new employees assimilating into the organization.


Cost is a major reason why effective recruitment and selection is important. There are many ways in which poor recruitment practices can result in financial losses. For example, if a candidate's competency is not accurately assessed, he may make mistakes that can hinder productivity. If he needs to be retrained or replaced, this takes up more company time that could otherwise be invested toward remaining competitive.

Loyalty and Productivity

Loyalty and productivity are linked. Employees who feel dedicated to the organization will work hard to help it succeed. With this in mind, recruiters must ask questions that provide information about a candidate's strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, interviewers should inquire about a candidate's greatest achievements throughout her career. Generally, loyal employees will have a track record of striving for excellence, resulting in a more competitive, innovative and profitable business.

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Low Employee Turnover

Appropriate selection procedures applied in the recruitment process ensure that only the most qualified individual is chosen to fill a vacancy. Recruited employees who are satisfied with their jobs lead to a low employee turnover rate. Employee retention is important to an organization, as the costs of hiring and training new employees are very high. Improper recruitment and selection practices can often result in high turnover or involuntary separations. If a recruiter is not careful when analyzing resumes and conducting interviews, she may hire an employee with a weak work ethic or a tendency to move quickly from one job to the next -- "job hopping." Recruiters should pay close attention to the lengths of time at each previous job and carefully check references. Another so-called "red flag" is a gradual decrease in responsibility. For example, if the candidate starts out working as a senior manager and slowly shows progression to a less complex role, this could indicate that he is not as competent as he claims.

Legal Issues

Discrimination is a serious concern among recruiters. If discriminatory hiring practices can be proven, this could result in serious harm, both financially and in terms of reputation. The United States Department of Labor forbids discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, political affiliation, religion or age. Steps can be taken to avoid such complications. First, advertise only the essential requirements for the position. Provide an accurate job description, listing only the position name and the specific duties involved. Things such as language proficiency or physical capabilities should not be listed unless they are absolutely essential for the role. When conducting interviews, ensure that the location is accessible by people with disabilities and refrain from holding interviews on religious or cultural holidays. Use the same questions for every candidate and try to have more than one recruiter present during the interview. Careful notes must be taken so that recruiters can justify hiring or not hiring the particular candidate.

Reduce Applicant Numbers

Recruitment attracts many applicants to a particular job, which may prove difficult to manage, but selection reduces applicants to a manageable number. Candidates who have applied for a job during the recruitment stage are screened in the selection stage. Those who prove suitable for the job are selected, and unsuitable ones are rejected.

Assess Behavior

Selection gives managers an opportunity to assess potential employees' character and personality. This ensures that only an employee with the most suitable personalities and skills is given the job. The organization takes particular notice of the personal flexibility and adaptability of a candidate, which assures that such an individual can adjust rapidly to the tough demands of the job.

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The Time Dimension

A good selection procedure saves time in the recruitment and orientation processes because the applicant is expected to have been introduced to some aspects of the organizational culture, such as the dress code. No time is wasted trying to inculcate the new recruit with various aspects of the organization's culture and norms. The employee is given an adequate picture of what the new job entails, thus eliminating wasting time doing unnecessary chores that are not part of his job description.

1.3 Objectives of the study

1.3.1 Major objective:

The objective of the project is to provide a clear picture of recruitment and selection process

followed by Nitol Niloy Group, through the analysis between the concepts of recruitment and

selection process with Nitol Niloy Group process along with some recommendations.

1.3.2 Specific objectives:

To focus on theoretical knowledge in the field of Human Resource Management.

To find out the initiatives behind the success of Nitol Niloy Group Human resource


To find out the reaction of employees regarding recruitment and selection procedure of

Nitol Niloy Group.

To summarize the recommendations of existing recruitment and selection procedure of

Nitol Niloy Group.

To find relation between classroom study & real life situation.

To find factors that contribute to recruitment and selection of potential employees; and

To find impact of biographical variables on recruitment and selection.

1.4 Scope of the Study

The report deals with the recruitment and selection process in terms of theoretical point of view and the practical use. The study will allow learning about the recruitment and selection issues, importance, modern techniques and models used to make it more efficient. The study will help to learn the practical procedures followed by the leading organizations. Moreover the

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study will help to differentiate between the practice and the theories that direct to realize how the organization can improve their recruitment and selection process. The study covered:

Recruitment & selection Procedure (Interview, Background Checking)

Promotion Policy

Working Hours, Leave Facilities,

Remuneration & Benefits

Training & Development

1.5 Limitations of the Study

Every research has its own challenges. Notwithstanding, this research had its own limitations.

During data collection, most of the workers were on site so it was quite difficult getting in touch

with them. Some senior members were reluctant in releasing vital information about

recruitment and selection in their respective organizations. Due to the combination of studies

and work the researcher also did had limited time, but these limitations did not affect the

validity of the study.

Limitation of time:

The first obstruct is time itself. Due to the time limit, the scope and dimension of the report has

been curtailed. I could not spend sufficient time for my report because the time limit given for

submitting the report was very short.

Data insufficiency:

Since all the officers were very much busy, they were not always able to provide me much time,

I received co-operation from the officials. Since BIBM is a one of the oldest established

organization; there is not enough data to analyze the proper growth .Moreover, all strategic

information is not possible to collect.

Lack of records:

Insufficient books, publications, Facts and figures narrowed the scope of accurate analyses

Fear of disclosure:

Another limitation of this report is organization’s policy of not disclosing some data and

information for obvious reasons, which could be very much useful. As an employee it was not

possible for me to collect all the necessary secret information I had to complete this report

within a very short span of time (Eight Weeks) that was not sufficient for investigation.

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Because of the limitation of information, some assumptions were made. My perception about

some observation may not be correct.

1.6 Methodology of the Study

In addressing the aim of this study, it is important to adopt an appropriate statistical approach,

which would enable appropriate data collection, analysis and interpretation of the findings for the

benefit of practitioners and researchers. Consequently, the research was mainly based on primary

and secondary source of data. The primary source was designed based on information, which was

obtained from the literature review in connection with the research objectives of the study. The

questionnaire comprises of closed and open-ended questions to facilitate categorization and

analysis and to ascertain respondents view on peculiar issues. The secondary sources were obtained

from journals, publications, library and internet. This report is based on the primary and secondary

data. This report also bears the practical knowledge of individual worked at the particular branch during

the internee period. So the methodology is the mixing of primary and secondary data with practical


1.7 Source of Information

In order to make the report more meaningful, two sources of data have been collected.

1.7.1 Primary Data Source:

Data are collected through face to face interview & questionnaire

Informal conversation with the clients

Practical work experience from different department of the organization.

Relevant files and documents as provided by the concerned officers.

1.7.2 Secondary Data Source:

Annual Report of the organization.

Organization Training & Research Department.

Various books, articles and manuals etc

Different web sites.

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Literature Review on Recruitment &


2.1 History of Human Resource Management

The History of Human Resource Management is the strategic and coherent approach to the

management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who

individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business.

The terms "human resource management" and "human resources" (HR) have largely replaced

the term "personnel management" as a description of the processes involved in managing

people in organizations. Human Resource management is evolving rapidly. Human resource

management is both an academic theory and a business practice that addresses the theoretical

and practical techniques of managing a workforce.

Human resource management has its roots in the late and early 1900's. When there are less

labor then there are more working with machinery. The scientific management movement

began. This movement was started by Frederick Taylor when he wrote about it a book titled

‘The Principles of Scientific Management’. The book stated, "The principal object of

management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with the

maximum prosperity for each employee.” Taylor believed that the management should use the

techniques used by scientist to research and test work skills to improve the efficiency of the

workforce. Also around the same time came the industrial welfare movement. This was usually

a voluntary effort by employers to improve the conditions in their factories. The effort also

extended into the employee’s life outside of the work place. The employer would try to provide

assistance to employees to purchase a home, medical care, or assistance for education. The

human relations movement is the major influence of the modern human resource

management. The movement focused on how employees group behavior and how employee

feelings. This movement was influenced by the Hawthorne Studies.

2.2 Functional area of HRM

Human resource auditing

Human resource strategic planning

Human resource planning

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Manpower panning

Recruitment / selection




Management development

Compensation development

Performance appraisals

Performance management

Career planning / development



Staff amenities planning

Event management

Succession planning

Talent management

Safety management

Staff communication


2.3 Responsibility of HR department

Position Job Responsibilities

HR Executive committee

Organization planning

HR planning & policy

Organization development.

Manager recruitment &





Placement & Termination.

Manager , compensation & benefits Job analysis and evaluation


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Performance appraisal

Compensation administration


Profit sharing plans

Employee benefits.

Manager, Training & Development Orientation


Management development

Career Planning & development

Manager, Employee relations EEO relations

Contract compliance

Staff assistance programs

Employee counseling.

Table 1: Responsibility of HR

2.4 Concept of HR Planning & Forecasting:

HR planning is the first step in the recruiting and selection process. `Human Resource planning is the

process of assessing the organization’s human resource needs in light of organizational goals and making

plans to ensure that a competent stable workforce is employed` ---Wendell French.

`Personal planning is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill, and how to fill

them.’—Gary Dessler.

In the words of coleman bruce (1997) HRM is the process of determining manpower requirements and

the means of meeting those requirements in order to carry out the integrated plan of the organization.

According to the above definitions, HRP consists of the following elements:

Establishing and reorganizing the future job requirement; Identifying deficiency in terms of quantity; Identifying the deficiency in terms of quality & specification; Identifying the sources of right type of man; developing the available manpower and Ensuring the effective utilization of workforce.

2.5 Steps of HR planning:

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HR planning is a process involving few stages:

a) Integrate HR planning with corporate Planning:

The integrate HR planning with corporate Planning the first stage of Hr planning is to

integrate it with corporate planning. All manpower planning stems from business

plans in relation to a corporate strategy.

b) Forecasting internal & external environment: The second stage in HR planning is to forecast of assess the internal and external environmental factors that affect demand and supply of labor. Environmental factors include government influences economic, geographic and competitive condition.

c) Assessment of internal HR capabilities: The next stage is the analysis of internal inventory of HR capabilities. Assessment of internal strengths and weakness as a part of HR planning requires the current job and employees capabilities are audited and organizational capabilities are inventoried.

d) Predicting & forecasting HR demand and supply: The information gathered from external environmental Scanning and assessment of internal strengths and weaknesses is used to predict of forecast HR supply and demand in light of organizational objectives and strategies.

e) To locate the required HR: Once the demand for HR has been forecasted, then their availability must be identified. The fourth stage of HR planning is to locate the sources from where personnel required will be available. The source may be internal and external.

f) Allocation of HR: The final stage o HRP is concerned with allocation o human resources within an organization over time.

2.6 Forecasting HR Needs:

When a firm makes a plan for employment requirements, the firm usually needs to forecast

personal needs, the supply of inside & outside candidates. Different techniques like, trend

analysis, ratio analysis, scatter plot can be used to estimate staffing needs.

a) Trend analysis:

Trend analysis means studying variation in the firm’s employment levels over last five years.

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b) The scatter plot

A scatter plot shows graphically how two variables; business activity and firm’s staffing levels

are related.

2.7 Definitions of Recruitment

Recruitment is a positive process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for the jobs in the organization. When more persons apply for jobs then there will be a scope for recruiting better persons.

The job-seekers too, on the other hand, are in search of organizations offering them employment. Recruitment is a linkage activity bringing together those with jobs and those seeking jobs. In simple words, the term recruitment refers to discovering the source from where potential employees may be selected. The scientific recruitment process leads to higher productivity, better wages, high morale, reduction in labor turnover and enhanced reputation. It stimulates people to apply for jobs; hence it is a positive process.

Recruitment is concerned with reaching out, attracting, and ensuring a supply of qualified

personnel and making out selection of requisite manpower both in their quantitative and

qualitative aspect. It is the development and maintenance of adequate man- power resources.

This is the first stage of the process of selection and is completed with placement. Various

researchers have contributed to the field of HRM, and have offered intensive and profound

knowledge on the branches of HRM especially on recruitment and selection. Below is some of

the different definitions of recruitment;

According to Edwin B. Flippo, “It is a process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization.” He further elaborates it, terming it both negative and positive.

He says, “It is often termed positive in that it stimulates people to apply for jobs, to increase the hiring ratio, i.e. the number of applicants for a job. Selection, on the other hand, tends to be negative because it rejects a good number of those who apply, leaving only the best to be hired. ”

In the words of Dale Yoder, Recruitment is the process to “discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force.”

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Kempner writes, “Recruitment forms the first stage in the process which continues with selection and ceases with the placement of the candidates.”

In personnel recruitment, management tries to do far more than merely fill job openings. As a routine the formula for personnel recruitment would be simple i.e., just fill the job with any applicant who comes along.

Joseph J. Famularo has said, “However, the act of hiring a man carries with it the presumption that he will stay with the company-that sooner or later his ability to perform his work, his capacity for job growth, and his ability to get along in the group in which he works will become matters of first importance.” Because of this, a critical examination of recruitment methods in use should be made, and that is the purpose of this chapter.

2.8 The recruitment process of Nitol Niloy Group

The recruitment process involves:

Advertising the role

Selling the job to potential applicants.

2.8.1 Advertising the job

Advertising is the shop window that attracts a potential applicant to find out more about the

job. It should provide enough information to make the job sound appealing and encourage a

potential applicant to take action.

Types of advertising

Traditionally, advertising has been done through the local newspaper or rural media. Other

forms of advertising may include:

Word of mouth through friends and associates

Referrals from other team members

Direct approaches to a potential applicant

Job sections on websites such as www.bdjobs.com

Internet job search sites

Signs on notice boards at local businesses (supermarkets, farm supply stores etc)

Agencies such as Work and Income or Student Job Search

Local school or club newsletters

Print advertising in industry publications

Listing with farm consultants or an agricultural employment agency.

Writing an Advertisement

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Newspaper advertising is the most common form of recruitment; therefore this fact sheet will

focus on that process.

A common advertising format is as follows:


The advert title may either be the job title or an eye-catching phrase. Other eye-catchers such

as graphics or pictures (your farm logo) may also be added.

Job title and property description

The job title and property description tell the applicant what the position is and provides a

context for the role by describing the location, size and facilities available on the farm

Description of the job

This section describes the appropriate responsibility areas, tasks or duties for the role. This can

be taken almost directly from the job description previously constructed.

Realistic job previews: While selling the job is important, it can be a good sales ploy to point out

any particular difficulties of the job, giving the applicant a more realistic idea about what the

job entails. This should only be used where a direct compensation has been built into the


Job specification

A job specification goes beyond a mere description -in addition, it highlights the mental and

physical attributes required of the job holder. For example, a job specification for a trainee

manager's post in a retail store included the following: 'Managers at all levels would be

expected to show responsibility. The company is looking for people who are tough and

talented. They should have a flair for business; know how to sell, and to work in a team. Job

analysis, description, and specification can provide useful information to a business in addition

to serving as recruitment instruments. For example, staff appraisal is a means of monitoring

staff performance and is a feature of promotion in modern companies. In some companies, for

example, employees and their immediate line managers discuss personal goals and targets for

the coming time period (e.g. the next six months). The appraisal will then involve a review of

performance during the previous six months, and setting new targets. Job details can serve as a

useful basis for establishing dialogue and targets. Job descriptions can be used as reference

points for arbitrating in disputes as to 'who does what' in a business. Selection involves

procedures to identify the most appropriate candidates to fill posts. An effective selection

procedure will therefore take into consideration the following: keeping the costs of selection

down making sure that the skills and qualities being sought have been identified, developing a

process for identifying them in candidates making sure that the candidates selected, will want

the job, and will stay with the company. Keeping the costs of selection down will involve such

factors as holding the interviews in a location, which is accessible to the interviewing panel, and

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to those being interviewed. The interviewing panel must have available to them all the

necessary documentations, such as application forms available to study before the interviews

take place. A short list must be made up of suitable candidates, so that the interviews do not

have to take place a second time, with new job advertisements being placed. The skills required

should have been identified through the process of job analysis, description and specification. It

is important then to identify ways of testing whether candidates meet these requirements.

Testing this out may involve:

Interviewing candidates

Asking them to get involved in simulated work scenarios

Asking them to provide samples of previous work

Getting them to fill in personality and intelligence tests

Giving them real work simulations to test their abilities. \

Type of person required

In the person specification you may have identified some special characteristics, knowledge,

skills or experience required in the person who fills the role. Any that are critical to your

business should be detailed in this section. However, be careful to avoid any characteristics that

do not directly affect performance of the role, as this is discrimination.

2.8.2 Selling the job Before an effective sale pitch can be designed, the employer should: Review the terms and conditions for the role

Check the farm budget

Prepare an information pack if one is to be sent out. Sales points Advertising should sell the job by highlighting the opportunities the role provides. These opportunities may include: Learning and growth opportunities (professional and personal development)

The team on the farm

Quality of accommodation

Training provided

Recreational opportunities

Proximity to town

Time off

Leave provisions

Level of salary

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Success stories of previous employees

Farm facilities/infrastructure. Employers should be careful not to oversell the role because if they can’t come through on

promises made, staff will be disappointed. It is also illegal under the Fair Trading Act. In all cases

adverts should avoid overused words, such as “progressive”, “self-starter” and “motivated”.

They are used with such frequency that they have lost their meaning and have become space


2.9 Sources of Recruitment of Nitol Niloy Group:

The eligible and suitable candidates required for a particular job are available through various sources. These sources can be divided into two categories.

Fig: Sources of Recruitment.

2.9.1 Internal Sources of Recruitment: Promotions:

The promotion policy is followed as a motivational technique for the employees who work hard and show good performance. Promotion results in enhancements in pay, position, responsibility and authority. The important requirement for implementation of the promotion policy is that the terms, conditions, rules and regulations should be well-defined.

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The retired employees may be given the extension in their service in case of non-availability of suitable candidates for the post.

Former employees:

Former employees who had performed well during their tenure may be called back, and higher wages and incentives can be paid to them.


Employees may be transferred from one department to another wherever the post becomes vacant.

Internal advertisement:

The existing employees may be interested in taking up the vacant jobs. As they are working in

the company since long time, they know about the specification and description of the vacant

job. For their benefit, the advertisement within the company is circulated so that the

employees will be intimated. Benefits of Internal Sources of Recruitment:

The existing employees get motivated. Cost is saved as there is no need to give advertisements about the vacancy. It builds loyalty among employees towards the organization. Training cost is saved as the employees already know about the nature of job to be

performed. It is a reliable and easy process. Limitations of Internal Sources of Recruitment:

Young people with the knowledge of modem technology and innovative ideas do not get the chance.

The performance of the existing employees may not be as efficient as before. It brings the morale down of employees who do not get promotion or selected. It may leads to encouragement to favoritism. It may not be always in the good interest of the organization.

2.9.2 External Sources of Recruitment:

Press advertisement:

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A wide choice for selecting the appropriate candidate for the post is available through this source. It gives publicity to the vacant posts and the details about the job in the form of job description and job specification are made available to public in general.

Campus interviews:

It is the best possible method for companies to select students from various educational institutions. It is easy and economical. The company officials personally visit various institutes and select students eligible for a particular post through interviews. Students get a good opportunity to prove themselves and get selected for a good job.

Placement agencies:

A databank of candidates is sent to organizations for their selection purpose and agencies get commission in return.

Employment exchange:

People register themselves with government employment exchanges with their personal details. According to the needs and request of the organization, the candidates are sent for interviews.

Walk in interviews:

These interviews are declared by companies on the specific day and time and conducted for selection.


Various sites such as jobs.com, naukri.com, and monster.com are the available electronic sites on which candidates upload their resume and seek the jobs.


By offering better terms and conditions of service, the human resource managers try to get the employees working in the competitor’s organization. Benefits of External Sources of Recruitment:

New talents get the opportunity. The best selection is possible as a large number of candidates apply for the job. In case of unavailability of suitable candidates within the organization, it is better to

select them from outside sources.

P a g e | 19 Limitations of External Sources of Recruitment:

Skilled and ambitious employees may switch the job more frequently. It gives a sense of insecurity among the existing candidates. It increases the cost as advertisement is to be given through press and training facilities

to be provided for new candidates.

2.10 Definition of Selection:

Selection is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify and hire those

with a greater likelihood of success in a job. The Selection is the process of choosing the most

suitable candidate for the vacant position in the organization. In other words, selection means

weeding out unsuitable applicants and selecting those individuals with prerequisite

qualifications and capabilities to fill the jobs in the organization.

Most often, the selection and recruitment are used interchangeably but however both have

different scope. The former is a negative process that rejects as many unqualified applicants as

possible so as to hire the right candidate while the latter is a positive process that attracts more

and more candidates and stimulates them to apply for the jobs.

Although most employees do not use such an elaborate screening device, all employees put

applicants through a selection process. The selection process is a series of specific steps used to

decide which recruits should be hired. The process begins when recruits apply for employment

and ends with the hiring decision.

Recruiting & selection are combined and called the employment function in many HR

departments. In a large HR department, the employment function is the responsibility of the

employment manager. In a smaller department, the HR manager handles these duties.

Employment is often the primary reason for the department’s existence, since the selection

process is central to the HR function.

2.11 Process / Steps in Selection of Nitol Niloy Group:

Therefore, the selection procedure followed by different organizations, many times, becomes lengthy as it is a question of getting the most suitable candidates for which various tests are to

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be done and interviews to be taken. The procedure for selection should be systematic so that it does not leave any scope for confusions and doubts about the choice of the selected candidate.

Fig: Steps in Selection Procedure

Brief details of the various steps in selection procedure are given as follows:

Inviting applications:

The prospective candidates from within the organization or outside the organization are called for applying for the post. Detailed job description and job specification are provided in the advertisement for the job. It attracts a large number of candidates from various areas.

Receiving applications:

Detailed applications are collected from the candidates which provide the necessary information about personal and professional details of a person. These applications facilitate analysis and comparison of the candidates.

Scrutiny of applications:

As the limit of the period within which the company is supposed to receive applications ends, the applications are sorted out. Incomplete applications get rejected; applicants with un-matching job specifications are also rejected.

Written tests:

As the final list of candidates becomes ready after the scrutiny of applications, the written test is conducted. This test is conducted for understanding the technical knowledge, attitude and interest of the candidates. This process is useful when the number of applicants is large. Many

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times, a second chance is given to candidates to prove themselves by conducting another written test.

Psychological tests:

These tests are conducted individually and they help for finding out the individual quality and skill of a person. The types of psychological tests are aptitude test, intelligence test, synthetic test and personality test

Personal interview:

Candidates proving themselves successful through tests are interviewed personally. The interviewers may be individual or a panel. It generally involves officers from the top management.

The candidates are asked several questions about their experience on another job, their family background, their interests, etc. They are supposed to describe their expectations from the said job. Their strengths and weaknesses are identified and noted by the interviewers which help them to take the final decision of selection.

Reference & Background check:

Generally, at least two references are asked for by the company from the candidate. Reference

check is a type of crosscheck for the information provided by the candidate through their

application form and during the interviews. The following ‘Background Checking From’ will be

maintained & completed by Human Resource Division, Head Office, Dhaka as a tool for

background checking.

Background Checking From



Components Please tick

Yes No N/A

01 Whether the employee has put his/her signature and date on the

‘Appointment Letter’ for acceptance of the terms and conditions of

the same by him/her?

02 Whether the employee has provided document / paper evidencing

his/ her permanent citizenship of Bangladesh?

03 Whether the employee has Provided certificate evidencing his/ her


04 Whether the employee has provided medical certificate regarding

his/her physical and mental fitness?

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05 Whether the employee has provided required photographs ?

06 Whether the employee has provided attested copies of all

certificates relating to his/ her academic / Professional qualification


07 Whether the original certificates provided by the employee

apparently seem to be genuine and tally with the attested copies?

08 Whether the employee has provided character certificate from 2

(two) respectable persons?

09 Whether the employee has provided reference of (two) respectable

persons acceptable to the Bank?

10 Has the employee provided ‘Release Order’ from his previous

employer (for lateral entrant only)

11 Has the employee provided attested copy of ‘Service Book’ after

verification of the with the original one?

12 Has the employee executed the ‘Declaration of Fidelity and Secrecy’


13 Has the employee executed the ‘Agreement From’?

14 Has the employee executed the ‘Declaration of Ethics’ in

observance of Code of Ethics/ Conduct in Export Import Bank of

Bangladesh Limited ?

15 Has the ‘Service Agreement’ executed between the employee and

the Bank been obtained?

(for employees on ‘Contract only)

16 Has the employee executed ‘Security Bond’?

(for P.O/OG-II/ Cash Officer only)

17 Whether the employee has submitted joining report?

18 Has the employee completed ‘membership From’ of Insurance

Company for inclusion of self and spouse’s names as ‘Insured under

the contract?

19 Has the employee completed ‘Nomination Forms’ for Provident

Fund, Gratuity, Group Insurance and Welfare Fund?

20 Has the available information of the employee been recorded in the

PMIS Software’ and Registers’?

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Medical examination:

Physical strength and fitness of a candidate is must before they takes up the job. In-spite of good performance in tests and interviews, candidates can be rejected on the basis of their ill health.

Final selection:

At this step, the candidate is given the appointment letter to join the organization on a particular date. The appointment letter specifies the post, title, salary and terms of employment. Generally, initial appointment is on probation and after specific time period it becomes permanent.


This is a final step. A suitable job is allocated to the appointed candidate so that they can get the whole idea about the nature of the job. They can get adjusted to the job and perform well in future with all capacities and strengths.

2.12 Undesirable consequences of poor recruitment & Selection

Poor recruitment choices (i.e., poor person-job fit) can have a range of undesirable

consequences for the organization and the worker including:

Higher rates of turnover

Reduced performance effectiveness

Lowered job satisfaction

Reduced work motivation.

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Company Overview

3.1 About Company:

From a trading company in early eighties, Nitol-Niloy Group has literally become a household

name in less than twenty years. Over the years, it has expanded its activities into different

sectors in order to ensure excellence in service to the customers. Because of its continuous

diversification, it has shaped itself as a true conglomerate from its original identity as a

transport based organization. This was the dream of Mr. Abdul Matlub Ahmad, which he had in

his student days in Oxford. With strong support of dedicated management team, he made his

dream come true. But like he says "This is just the beginning of good times, best is yet to


The main thrust of Nitol Niloy Group comes from, marketing TATA brand of commercial vehicles

in Bangladesh including Buses, trucks, passenger version pickup trucks, Maxi and construction

equipment. Since 1991, it commenced assembly and building body of TATA vehicles, popular in

the country for its economy and excellent value for money, unique pay-as you-earn marketing

system and complete after sales service.

Putting forward its motto "One History-One Brand-One Industry", Nitol Niloy Group has grown

to become the largest seller of commercial vehicles in the country. The company has a

formidable presence in a wide range of product markets, while it also operates in the service

sector. The diversity of its market presence is apparent in its marketing of mass-sold products

like commercial vehicles as well as its being in the notably niche market of helicopter

transportation services. Nitol Motors Ltd., one of the major concerns of the conglomerate,

began its journey in 1983, quickly becoming an important marketer of commercial vehicles in

Bangladesh. In 1989, Nitol Motors Ltd. became the sole distributor of TATA vehicles in

Bangladesh. Since then, it never had to look back as it is currently the market leader in this

sector. In 1991 a joint venture company named Nita Company Ltd. was formed between TELCO

and NITOL for assembly of TATA vehicles in Bangladesh. This company is the flagship enterprise

of Nitol Group and is in the business of assembling commercial vehicles. Chassis of trucks, buses

and minibuses that are imported in completely knocked down condition (CKD) are assembled

by this company. It is currently one of the leading vehicle assembling organizing corporations in

the country.

Nitol-Niloy Group has a strong, diversified profile in Bangladesh. It has opted for trading

assembling of vehicles, bus body making, after sales support, transport and aviation services,

financial institutions, manufacturing industries, real state including building of satellite

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townships, properties development and sports promotion. The group annual turnover is

estimated to cross taka 800 cores. New enterprise is being implemented. Nitol-Niloy Group is

looking at a new horizon of attainable dreams. For Nitol-Niloy Group, “sky is the limit”

3.2 Our Mission

Nitol Niloy’s mission is to enrich the quality of life of people through responsible application of

knowledge, skills and technology. Nitol Niloy is committed to the pursuit of excellence through

world-class products, innovative processes and empowered employees to provide the highest

level of satisfaction to its customers.

3.3 Our Vision

Endeavor to attain a position of leadership in each category of its businesses. Attain a high level of productivity in all its operations through effective and efficient use

of resources, adoption of appropriate technology and alignment with our core competencies.

Develop its employees by encouraging empowerment and rewarding innovation. Promote an environment for learning and personal growth of its employees. Provide products and services of high and consistent quality, ensuring value for money

to its customers. Encourage and assist in the qualitative improvement of the services of its suppliers and

distributors. Establish harmonious relationship with the community and promote greater

environmental responsibility within its sphere of influence.

3.4 The Management Process of Nitol Niloy:

For any financial and non financial organization Management is the most valuable and important

resources of any kind of organization. And a well-organize management provides the organization to

reach its ultimate goal. Management means planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling of all

financial and non financial resources of an organization. Different aspects of management practice in

Nitol Niloy are discussed below.


Nitol Niloy has done its planning within the purview of the corporate plan. The overall planning

approach in Nitol Niloy is top-down. Each branch can plan according to the goal imposed by the

corporate level. It doesn’t plan independently. And Nitol Niloy has a strategic planning division. This

department is mainly responsible for the overall planning.


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Nitol Niloy is organized as per the existing business locations. It has thirty three branches, each of which

is a separate entity. Each unit is responsible for own performance and a Senior Vice President followed

by Manager Heads each. He is directly responsible for the performance of their unit. Within each branch

it is organized functionally.


The recruitment in Nitol Niloy is done in two ways. One as a “Probationary Officer” for the management

program and it has a probation period of one year. Another one is non-management level as “Trainee

Officer”. Probationary Officer is recruited in officer category and their career path is headed towards

different managerial jobs.

Directing and Controlling:

The Management approach in Nitol Niloy is top-down or authoritative. Information just seeks through

lower management layer. Works are designed in such a way that one cannot leave without clearing the

tasks as he is assigned for a day. Sitting arrangement in all office is done in a way that the superior can

monitor the subordinate all time. Budgeting, rewarding, punishing, etc. are also practiced as control


3.5 Milestones of NItol Niloy:

1982: Trading in Automobiles from England and Japan

1985: Dealership: Hindustan Motors Ltd. And Eicher Ltd.

1988: Nitol Motors Ltd: Importer & Distributor of TATA vehicles from TELCO, India

1988: Nikita and Company Ltd: International trading wing for the company

1989: Nikita and company Ltd: Manufacturing Artificial Flowers for export

1991: Nita company Ltd: Assembling TATA vehicles under joint venture with TELCO, India

1992: Service Centre Ltd: Country wide network for after sales servicing of TATA vehicles in


1994: Central Properties Ltd: Real Estate management for Nitol Group

1996: Nitol Construction Company Ltd. (Construction Company for Nitol Niloy Group)

1996: Niloy Cement industries Ltd: Grey cement plant (Public limited Company)

1998: Bangladesh National Car

1999: Nitol Insurance Co. Ltd: General Insurance (Public Limited Company)

1999: Nitol white cement industry: Manufacturer of white cement

2000: Peter Khong Aviation Ltd: Private Helicopter Service

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2001: Nitol Software Development Industry Ltd: On-Going Project.

2004: Nitol Sugar Mills Ltd

2007: Nreach ISP (Internet service provider)

2007: NITS – GPS Unit

2012: Niloy Motors Ltd. (Importer & Distributor of Hero Motocorp, India)

2013: Radio Next (FM Radio Station)

2015: Hero Niloy Bangladesh Ltd. (JV with Hero Motocorp)

2016: Nitol Curtis and Paper Mill.

3.6 Some Concern of Nitol Niloy Group:

Nitol Motors Ltd:

The main thrust of Nitol-Niloy Group comes from, marketing TATA brand of commercial

vehicles in Bangladesh including Buses, trucks, passenger version pickup trucks, Maxi and

construction equipment. Since 1991, it commenced assembly and building body of TATA

vehicles, popular in the country for its economy and excellent value for money, unique pay-as

you-earn marketing system and complete after sales service.

Nitol Motors has introduced Escort Tractor of ITL (International Tractors Limited), which has

been specially designed for Bangladesh making it suitable for small land size & roads. Nitol

Power Tillers have been designed to be fuel efficient and with more output to meet the market

demand. We have also introduced Nitol Reaper,Daedong Combine Harvester & Nitol Mini

Combine Harvester, which have been customized keeping in mind the unique soil condition of

the country. We also have Nitol Diesel Engine and Nitol Water Pump, Rice Transplanted, Crop

Preservation technologies to provide 360° service for the advancement of the rural scene of

Bangladesh. All the brands introduce by Nitol have received tremendous response from the


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It has own sales and service center at Bogra, Comilla, Jessore, and Dinajpur by which ensure

highest quality after sales service, repairs and spare parts. It also provides flexible credit

facilities for farmers for better customer satisfaction and service. ACI Motors are planning to

introduce light commercial vehicles like pickups and mini trucks to support farmers to carrying

agricultural goods. Also, high quality diesel engines and pumps for irrigation purpose will be

offered in the near future. This business shows considerable promise in contributing to the

agricultural productivity of Bangladesh.

Niloy Motors Ltd:

Hero MotoCorp Ltd. has finally started selling Hero motorcycles in Bangladesh. The company

which was known to many as Hero Honda has now parted his partnership with Honda back in

2010 and started their own identity as Hero MotoCorp in 2011. In Bangladesh they started a

joint venture with the Nitol Niloy Group as per which the two companies will jointly invest over

240 crore (40 million USD) in a span of five years. The joint venture, in which Hero MotoCorp

will hold 55 per cent stake and rest will lie with the Bangladeshi partner, plans to set up a new

manufacturing facility which will have an annual capacity of 1.5 lakh units when fully functional

by second quarter of 2015-16.

The plant in Bangladesh will be the the first full-fledged manufacturing facility for the Indian

two-wheeler major outside India. The diversified Nitol Niloy group has interests in various

sectors in Bangladesh.

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Nreach Net Pvt. Ltd:

NREACH.NET is an Internet Service Provider. NREACH is a sister concern of NITOL NILOY GROUP

. It is licensed by Bangladesh Telecom Regulatory Commission (BTRC) and member of

Bangladesh Internet Service Provider Association (ISPAB). NREACH is in a position to provide

the whole spectrum of Internet related services and it has alternative VSAT & Submarine Cable

acting as redundant against each other. We also provide Internet connectivity through prudent

and tested technology like Optical Fiber, WiFi, Radio Connectivity and traditional cable


Aiming to acquire full client satisfaction, we implement our proposals based on exact client

requirement specification with a careful consideration at expenditure. Therefore, we hope to

provide the best solutions for our client at most competitive price. Besides delivering the

greatest Services and products to the market in our respective fields, we have acquired

tremendous reputation in providing documentation, training and pleasant customer support to

our clients.

Nitol Bay Resort:

Nitol Bay Resort in Cox's Bazar is dedicated to the Ancient, Noble and Unparalleled Bangladeshi

Tradition, as it welcomes you to a unique and sublime Hospitality experience. Nitol Bay Resort

is centrally located in the heart of Cox's Bazar. It has 37 elegant rooms and suites with modern

features designed to meet and surpass any guest's expectations.

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Nitol Bay Resort in Cox's Bazar has an aesthetic ambience, luxurious opulence, state of the art

facilities, a professional approach to service and a warm personal touch. This Cox's Bazar hotel

is conveniently located in the city center, which enable the guests to access to various places in

Cox's Bazar conveniently. A heaven for Tourists and sojourners, We invite you to step into Nitol

Bay Resort and come home to your own place in Cox's Bazar as well as Bangladesh. Reputed as

one of the best Cox's Bazar Hotels, it is aesthetically designed and provided with state of the art

equipment to create the right ambience suited to contemporary business needs.

Nitol Insurance Company Ltd:

Nitol Insurance Company Limited is a Public Limited Non-Life Insurance Company. It is

incorporated in Bangladesh on October 04, 1999 as a public Limited Company under the

companies Act, 1994 to transact all classes of non-life insurance business.

We are dedicated to developing a long-term relationship with our clients by providing them

outstanding services.

We offer a wide spectrum of versatile non-life insurance products and services. Moreover, our

highly qualified and experienced professionals will identify special requirements and draw up

plans exclusively for our clients. We pay promptly all covered claims in a just and fair manner.

Our vision is the Apex of Success. We have to reach to that goal by our modern thinking, hard

labor, time-worthy decision, sincerity and unparalleled service. We are committed to our slogan

Your Security is our Responsibility.

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NML Properties Ltd:

To purchase land and properties for the growth and development of the company. It

strengthens the total financial growth of the company. It has the idea to buildup satellite town

for the middle class people under new concepts and ideas and for this purpose the NML

Properties. is trying to purchase lands in and around Dhaka city. And under the name and style

NML Properties Nitol Niloy Group is purchasing lands and buildings in almost all the districts of

the country to setup company's own office buildings there.

Radio Next:

Radio Next 93.2 FM is a concern of Nitol Niloy Group. We began a rudimentary test

transmission during September 2013, followed by our commercial launch during March 2013,

and now we can be heard at this very moment by the population of approximately 15 million

that reside in and around Dhaka, Bangladesh, and growing every day. Young at heart, if not in

physical age. Somewhere in our hearts, we sing the songs, the dreams and the ambitions and

possibilities that are a young and new Bangladesh. We believe age is merely a number, a

boundary; it does not define the youth inside us, the spring that is in every step and every

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heartbeat. And together, we strive to make our country and our lives more awesome, or as the

youth of Bangladesh would say, more “joss” everyday! Radio Next is an infotainment based

radio, giving emphasis on the impact of current affairs on our society. We have a sincere crew

behind all the latest and authentic information that we try to provide. We at Radio Next have

one of the best production units in the country, and attempt to create new and tasteful

productions every day from our studios. Our crew works in diverse ways to give our listeners

the right stories and information, and also a chance to share their views and feedback to make

a difference in the society.

NITS Service Pvt. Ltd:

NITS Service (Pvt.) Ltd, is a fastest growing provider of GPS vehicle tracking systems, aims at

offering innovative and cost effective vehicle tracking solutions comprising of hardware as well

as software. It is a sister concern of Nitol Niloy Group and obtained licensed from Bangladesh

Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC). GPS tracking technology is best suited for

fleet management. It is an unique way for companies and individuals to monitor and control

their cars, jeeps, trucks and other vehicles to their precise details by sitting in the office.

NTrack® GPS tracking system will enable you to monitor the movements of your employees,

drivers, vehicles or any other asset accurately. With NTrack vehicle tracking systems in your

company's fleet vehicles; you will find a smart way of fleet management by tracking your

vehicles. Whether you own one truck or a fleet of thousands of vehicles, our highly skilled GPS

fleet consultants will assist you in selecting the right type of vehicle tracking system that will

give an edge to your company.

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Anylysis & Findings

4.1 Analysis:

Recruitment and Selection process have been identified those were put in a questionnaire.

Respondents were asked to rank the options according to their choice. The survey was done

among a sample size of 31 people.


Sample Size 31

Age limit 25-45 Years

Job Level Officer-Manager

Data Collection: survey data has been collected through these following questionnaires:

SL Questions Agreed Disagreed Neutral

1 The organization clearly define the position objectives, requirements and candidate specifications in the recruitment process

18 5 8

2 The organization is doing timeliness recruitment and selection process.

16 11 4

3 Do proper Job Analysis before Selection Process begins

21 5 5

4 Job Responsibilities and Job Description are clearly defined to the candidates.

18 6 7

5 Provide an adequate pool of quality applicants. 17 10 4

6 The Resume screening and Short listing method used by the organization is satisfactory

22 4 5

7 Criteria for short listing of candidates used by the organization is satisfactory.

18 5 8

8 The Selection Policy of the organization is a good one.

24 5 2

9 HR finds good candidates from non-traditional sources when necessary.

15 8 8

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10 The organization is using satisfactory methods of interview.

17 8 6

11 Organization looks for experienced employees in selection Process.

24 7 0

12 Organization prefers referred candidates 15 8 8

Total 225 82 65

Average 19 7 5

Question 1: Nitol Niloy clearly define the position objectives, requirements and candidate

specifications in the recruitment process:

Before any job posting it is highly needed to clarify the position objectives, candidates’ requirements and specifications for any organization. So that candidates can get a guideline to apply for that particular position. From the survey result it is very clear that, Nitol Niloy clearly define the position objectives,

requirements and candidate specifications in the recruitment process as 18 of 31 respondent

agreed with the statement 5 of 31 person doesn’t agree with the statement and 8 people

remain neutral about this matter.

Question- 1




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Question 2: The organization is doing timeliness recruitment and selection process : Employers must consider all applicants in a timely manner. Timeliness is an important ingredient.

Employers who delay reviewing applicants' resumes or who are slow to respond to applicants risk

having their applications denied.

Survey result shows that, Nitol Niloy does timeliness recruitment and selection process as 16 of 31

people agreed with the statement. On the other hand sometimes they failed to maintain the

timeline as 11 of 31 and 4 of 31 are neutral.





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Question 3: Do proper Job Analysis before Selection Process begins: Every organization has jobs that need to be staffed. Job analysis is a procedure through which organization determine the duties of any positions and the characteristics of the people to hire for them. A job analysis will lead to information that will be used to write job descriptions and job specifications. Keeping the above idea in mind survey shows that Nitol Niloy group does proper job analysis for

each position before any selection process begins. From the data we can understand that 21 of

31 people agreed with the statement, where a few disagree with the statement.





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Question 4: Job Responsibilities and Job Description are clearly defined to the candidates: A job description typically outlines the necessary skills, training and education needed by a potential employee. It will spell out duties and responsibilities of the job. All employees like to know what is expected of them and how they will be evaluated. Job descriptions can also be a great value to employers. From the survey it is very clearly stated their, job responsibilities and job description are clearly

stated 18 of 31 people agreed with the statement.





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Question 5 : Provide an adequate pool of quality applicants: For any HR department it is very important to create an adequate pool of quality applicants. Nitol Niloy Recruitment department always try to provide an adequate pool of quality department. As Nitol Niloy is a large and growing organization so they are facing understaffed problem .So for some department of the organization believe that HR are providing adequate pool of quality applicants. On the other side some of the department facing inadequate candidates. Survey says that 17 of 31 people agreed with the statement and 10 of 31 disagreed with the






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Question 6: The Resume screening and Short listing method used by the organization is

satisfactory: For resume screening and short listing method Nitol Niloy uses latest technology and procedure.

From the survey I got 22 of 31 people who are satisfied with resume screening and short listing

method used by the organization. That means 71% of the sample population agreed with the

statement. Three people remain neutral and three disagreed with the statement.





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Question 7 : Criteria for short listing of candidates used by the organization is satisfactory: Short listing is a very important part of the recruitment process. Although it can be time-consuming it is worth conducting it with care and consideration. Nitol Niloy recruitment section do not want to miss an excellent candidate or waste their time with someone who doesn’t meet their requirements.

In that case to create a adequate pool of deserving candidates the organization follow some criteria

to short listing. Survey data shows that 18 of 31 people satisfied with the criteria for short listing of






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Question 8 :The Selection Policy of the organization is a good one:

Like other large organization Nitol Niloy also have a selection policy which they follow in their

selection process. From the survey it is clear that 24 of 31 people satisfied with the selection

policy, four people disagreed and one remain neutral about selection policy of the organization.





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Question 9 : HR finds good candidates from non-traditional sources when necessary:

Nitol Niloy does not prefer to choose candidates from non traditional sources. If needed then

they go for this type of sources. Survey shows that HR finds good candidates from non-

traditional sources when necessary as 15 of 31 people agreed with the statement.





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Question 10: The organization is using satisfactory methods of interview. Nitol Niloy maintain a three tire process for selecting candidates. Survey says that some people satisfied with the interview methods and process but some are disagree with the statement. 17 of 31 are agreed with the statement and 8 of 31 are disagreed with the statement.





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Question 11: Organization looks for experienced employees in selection Process: In selection process the organization prefer experienced people for their own.Sometimes experience add an extra value to getting selected. No organization does not want to take risk inexperienced candidate. Nitol Niloy also prefers to recruit experienced candidates. From the survey it is very clear that,

17 people of 31 agree with the statement.





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Question 12: Organization prefers referred candidates: Employee referral is an internal recruitment method employed by organizations to identify potential candidates from their existing employees' social network. Nitol Niloy also encourages employees to refer candidates when necessary. From Question 12, 15 people out of 31 which is 48 % agreed with the fact. On the other hand

only 8 people opposed the opinion. As the percentage is low, so it is assumed most of the

employees are agreed with the statement.





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4.2 SWOT analysis


Nitol Niloy Group has been serving the country since 1982. So it has gathered huge experience in the trading & manufacturing market which is now acting as strength for the company.

More than 70% market share maintain in four wheeler industry in Bangladesh through Tata.

Environment controlled and monitored by integrated building management system through zoning concept in all manufacturing areas.

In recruitment and selection process, they involve concern division’s manager like CV screening, preparing questions, checking written scripts etc.

In their management, they follow participative management style. It has independent microbiology department to perform microbiology tests. The organization has adopted ISO 9001 certificate. In HR Division, the data is contained through HRIS. It has environment friendly solid and liquid waste disposal system. Customer loyalty. Welfare for the society Strong image and good reputation. Always consumer focus. Clear vision. Strong Financial Position Highly motivated and pro-active team of employees. High quality transaction processing across the Group. Focused and detailed marketing plan with prior concurrence from Credit Management. Excellent advertising efforts. Quality products and services Better infrastructural facilities and friendly corporate culture


The chain of command Nitol Niloy is elongated. If there is a situation to take immediate decision and deputy directors are not available, that’s time they face problem. The decision will be hanging up until deputy directors are available.

Online base advertisement is proper cannot get right candidate. Their sales centers are not enough to cover whole country. It cannot hold its medical representative and sales and promotional representatives for

the long time. For this problem, it recruits heavy amount of MR and SPR. It makes huge cost.

Marginal capital adequacy High concentration on fixed deposits and large-scale loans

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Lack of adequate marketing (advertising and promotion) effort Lack of full scale automation Lack of proper motivation, training and job rotation Customer service booths are not available. Not flexible. Very compliant to rules and regulations. Some lack of experience and motivation at mid-level management.


People are getting consciousness about healthy and cure life. If they feel sick, they take medicine. So user of medicine is increasing.

Existing demand in the neighboring country’s pharmaceutical market is really big opportunity for it.

Globalization allows Nitol Niloy to enter global market by diversifying its business by utilizing the company image.

Value addition in products and services Increasing purchasing power of people Scope of market penetration through diversified products Increasing trend in international business Government’s policy of encouraging heavy inflow of foreign investment Regulatory environment favoring private sector development


Aggressive promotional actions and movement by the rivals can affect The Nitol Niloy market.

Exchange rate fluctuation can be reason of increasing price high. Likely entry of potent new competitors due to attractive industry profitability. Modern technology are coming to obsolete the existing technology. This will cause huge

capital loss for the production process. The unstable political condition is a big threat for The Nitol Niloy. Hartal or blockage

may result in the delay of distribution of products. It also hampers the regular official work.

Intense competition Market segmentation Government rules and regulation National and global political unrest Default culture of credit Increased competition for market share in the industry Frequent changes of banking rules by the Central Bank Market pressure for lowering of lending rate

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4.3 Major findings of the study: I have observed and found different issues in Nitol Niloy Group. They are: The organization has specific job analysis process. The organization has good manpower planning. The organization source of employment is internal and external. The organization recruitment policy is proper. The organization job vacancy published by newspaper & BD jobs. Managing Director is the sole authority approve finally for any business or functional

decision. Only after receiving approval from the Managing Director, HR Division starts all their functioning as per method.

Modern Human resource management always talks to involve line manager in HR Practices. The Nitol Niloy engages both HR manager and line managers in their recruitment and selection process.

HR division Nitol Niloy does not maintain CV banks properly. Often they lost resumes. They keep failed and passed resumes in same spaces.

In their Recruitment and Talent management, there are only two employees. Only two employees have done all the recruitment and selection process. So when work pressure is really high, number of these employees is not enough.

HR Division of The Nitol Niloy Group does not contact with those candidates who failed in their recruitment and selection process.

They do not publish recruitment advertisement on own website. The organization has no comments for satisfied the position. The organization job security will be considered for new job in other organization. HR division does not arrange physical examination for final applicants. The company always tries to maintain good working environment, health & safety

procedure which is certified internationally. The organization has no comments for satisfied the position. The organization job security will be considered for new job in other organization

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Recommendation & Conclusion

5.1 Recommendation: At the conclusion of the report I would like to say that the Nitol Niloy has practiced the

standard human resource management. Here I have some recommendations that identify

avenues for improving the recruitment and selection policies of Nitol Niloy:

1. Timeliness is an important ingredient in terms of recruitment process. The recruitment

department of Nitol Niloy should look into the matter of consuming less time in the process of

calling the applicants after their responses very seriously.

2. To provide an adequate pool of candidates the organization could use more clear and specific

statements in the ad in terms of the minimum educational degree, preferred institutions and

other necessary criteria based on which the initial screening of the applications were


3. To increase the satisfactory level of current interviewing process they can choose group

interview method to cope up the problem. Sometimes recruitment section has to take

interview of a large pool of candidates group interview method can be great solution to this


4. From the survey we have seen that the organization prefer experienced people in the

selection process. Sometimes they give advantage for the candidates who have experience

even if the positions are not advertised for experience people. This will discourage new

potential graduates apply for the organization in future. The organization should give more

opportunities for fresh graduates.

5. Sometimes the organization provides advantages to the referred candidates. This is also a

bad practice for organization reputation. Sometimes a highly qualified candidates cannot get

the job because of less qualified referred candidates.

5.2 Conclusion:

Nitol Niloy is one of the best trading & manufacturing companies which have seen tremendous

success since its establishment .It has been possible only because of its skilled management,

well trained, dedicated employees and excellent quality products. It has earned very impressive

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operating income over the previous year’s .The Company tries to hold good corporate

governance by maintaining discipline and sincerity all over the organization through its skilled

and dedicated employees.

Nitol Niloy group of company are now one of the most successful industry in our country. They

are trying to increase their business line and their own brand. From this report we will able to

know about the recruitment section of Nitol Niloy group of company. After doing this report I

would like to conclude by saying that it had been a great experience for me. Moreover the

survey that I conducted gave me a stronger and more helpful knowledge about the entire

research. This report may contain few flaws yet I have tried my best to maintain accuracy. I

hope this report can be a helpful resource to use in future.

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1. Does the organization clearly define the position objectives, requirements and

candidate specifications in the recruitment process?

a. Agreed b. Disagreed c. Neutral

2. Is the organization doing timeliness recruitment and selection process?

a. Agreed b. Disagreed c. Neutral

3. Does the organization do proper Job Analysis before Selection Process begins?

a. Agreed b. Disagreed c. Neutral

4. Does the Job Responsibilities and Job Description are clearly defined to the

candidates appearing for selection process?

a. Agreed b. Disagreed c. Neutral

5. Does HR provide an adequate pool of quality applicants?

a. Agreed b. Disagreed c. Neutral

6. Is the Resume screening and short listing method used by the organization is


a. Agreed b. Disagreed c. Neutral

7. Do you think criteria for short listing of candidates used by the organization is


a. Agreed b. Disagreed c. Neutral

8.How do you rate the Selection Policy of the organization?

a. Good b. Average c. Poor

9. Rate how well HR finds good candidates from non-traditional sources when


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a. Poor b. Adequate c. Excellent

10. Do you think organization is using satisfactory methods of interview?

a. Agreed b. Disagreed c. Neutral

11. Do you think organization looks for experienced employees in selection Process?

a. Agreed b. Disagreed c. Neutral

12. Do you think organization prefers referred candidates?

a. Agreed b. Disagreed c. Neutral

Thank You for your co-operation.

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