Terrorist Nelson Mandela

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Only when we have been truly converted by Jesus will be able to be just and loving. We also know that God's laws are laws of love and justice.


This man Nelson Mandela is a terrorist but yet from the liberal biased bohemian grove media we seem to be getting a view that he is a hero, who fought apartheid so the Christian Institute of Law, Peace and Justice got to investigating and the evidence we found was shocking,

Here is what we discovered more people were killed by Nelson Mandela, the ANC and umkhonto we sizwe using weapons

supplied to them by Cuba, Russia and the Communists than all that died during apartheid

Church street bombing committed by the ANC terrorist wing umkhonto we sizwe

More than 100 people died in the Church street bombing mostly black South Africans

Umkhonto we sizwe proudly took boasted about the church street bombing

Incase if you wondering who umkhonto sizwe were, just like how the KKK was the terrorrist wing of the democratic

party, so was umkhonto sizwe the terrorist wing of the ANC

I pray that Nelson Mandela repented for his sins to Jesus Christ other wise he is in Hell

A black south African necklaced by the Communist ANC

Beheaded by Umkhonto sizwe at the command of Nelson Mandela and the ANC

Liberals get on Christians for burning witches but yet there love Nelson Mandela

AK-47 you don't have a gun like that for hunting but to behead some one in two made in Russia

Why was this Thug in Prison? not because of apartheid or racism he himself

plead he criticized Bush for Iraq but yet he is a criminal himself

No Sanctions Thatcher Said And it appears the Conservative Iron Lady was right

ANC and Umkhonto we sizwe (President Jacob Zuma)

The Evidence is conclusive A terrorist is a terrorist and Abortion Clinic

bombers are freedom fighters

It's no wonder why we read in John 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. These United States of America is a nation that is that light it's that city set upon a hill and nothing in the dark stays hidden

In Conclusion to many who hate Religion guess what I do to but Christianity is not a religion here is the difference

between the two

Christian Institute of Law, Peace and Justice

1.We are Underground 2.We have Resources 3.We investigate 4.We find the truth 5.We tell the truth 6.Most importantly we preach the Good news of

Christianity, there is only one way to Heaven can't earn it but it's been earned for you by The cross of Christ alone and you're saved by the mercy and grace of God not your works.