Tertiary basins of Spain the stratigraphic record of …II,IISJ) concluded that the strnligt1l.phie...

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Tertiary basins of Spain

the stratigraphic record

of crustal kinematics Edited by PETER F. FRIEND AND CRISTINO J. DABRIO


Tertiary basins of Spain

the strati graphic record of crus tal kinematics



Department of Earth Sciences, University af Cambridge



Departamento de Estratigrafia, Facultad de Ciencias Geo16gicas and Instituto de Geologia Economica, CSIC, Universidad Compiutense, Madrid, Spain


Published by the Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1 R P 4 0 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011--4211, USA 10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne 3166, Australia

© Cambridge University Press 1996

First published 1996

Printed in Great Britain at the University Press, Cambridge

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Library of Congress cataloguing in publication data

Tertiary basins of Spain : the stratigraphic record of crusta] kinematics / edited by Peter F. Friend and Cristino J. Dabrio.

p. cm. - (World and regional geology series) Includes bibliographical references. SBN 0 521 461715 1. Geology, Stratigraphic - Tertiary. 2. Geology, Structural­Spain. 3. Basins ( Geology) -Spain. I. Friend, P.F. H. Dabrio, Cristino J. Ill. Series. QE69l .T465 1995 551.7'S'0946 - dc20 94-21724 CIP

ISBN 0 521 46 l 7 l 5 hardback



List of contributors ix Preface P.F. FRIEND and c.]. DABRIO xiii Dedication 10 Professor Oria! Riba I Arderiu c. PUlGDEFABREGAS xv Memorial, Etienne Moissenet 1941-1994 P. ANAD6N, N. MOISSENET and O. RIBA


GI. Tertiary stages and ages, and some distinctive stratigraphic approaches P.F. FRiEND

G2. Cenozoic latitudes, positions and topography of the Iberian Peninsula

A.G. SMITH G3. Tertiary tectonic framework of the Iberian Peninsula

C.M. SA NZ DE GAlDEANO G4. Deep crusta I expression of Tertiary basins in Spain

E. BANDA GS. Oil and gas resources of the Tertiary basins of Spain

F. MELENDEZ-HEvIAand E. ALVAREZ DE BUERGO G6. Mineral resources of the Tertiary deposits of Spain



El. Geological setting of the Tertiary basins of Northeast Spain P. ANA DON and E. ROCA

E2. The lithosphere of the Valencia Trough: a brief review M. TORNE

E3. 'Depositional sequences in the Gulf of Valencia Tertiary






Neogene basins in the Eastern Iberian Range P. ANAD6N and E. MOISSENET The Tertiary of the Iberian margin of me Ebro basin:

sequence stratigraphy 1. VllLENA, G. PARDO, A. ptREZ, A. MUNOZ and A. GONZALEZ

Tertiary of the Iberian margin of the Ebro basin: paleogeography and tectonic control J. VILLENA, G. PARDO, A. PEREZ, A. MUNOZ and A. GONZALEZ

Stratigraphy of Paleogene deposits in the SE margin of the Catalan basin (St. Feliu de Codines-St. L1oren� del Munt sector, NE Ebro basin)

















EB. Onshore Neogene record in NE Spain: Valles-Penedes and El Camp half-grabens (NW Mediterranean) L. CABRERA and F. CALVET

E9. The Paieogene basin of the Eastern Pyrenees ].M. COSTA, E. MAESTRO-MAIDEuand CH. BETZLER

EIO. The Neogene Cerdanya and Seu d'UrgeU intramontane basins (Eastern Pyrenees)

E. ROCA Ell. Eocene-Oligocene thrusting and basin configuration in the




eastern and central Pyrenees (Spain) 120 J. VERGES and D. w. BURBANK

E12. The Late Eocene -Early Oligocene deposits of the NE Ebro basin, west of the Segre River 134 E. MAESTRO-MAlDEU and 1. SERRA ROIG

Eil. Chronology of Eocene foreland basin evolution along the weslern oblique margin of the South-Central Pyrenees 144 P. 8ENTHAMand D.W. BURBANK

E14. Evolution of the Jaca piggyback basin and emergence of the External Sierra, southern Pyrenees 153 P.l. HOGANand D.W. BUR BANK

EIS. Long-lived fluvial palaeovalleys sited on structural lineaments in the Tertiary of the Spanish Pyrenees 161 S.l. ViNCENT and T. ELLIOTT

E16. Evolution of the central part of the northern Ebro basin margin, as indicated by its Tertiary fluvial sedimentary infill P.F. FRIEND, M.J. LLOYD, R. MCELROV, J. TURNER, A. VAN GELDER and S.l. VINCENT

Et7. The Rioja Area (westernmost Ebro basin): a ramp valley with neighbouring piggybacks M.l. JURADO and o. RIBA


W I. The Duero Basin: a general overview 1.1. SANTISTEBAN, R. MEDIA VILLA, A. MART1N-SERRANO and C.l. DABRlO




. W2. Alpine tectonic framework of south-western Duero basin 1.1. SANTISTEBAN, R. MEDIAvILLAand A. MARTiN­SERRANO



W3. South-western Duero and Ciudad Rodrigo basins: infill and dissection of a Tertiary basin 1.1. SANTlSTEBAN, A. MARTiN-SERRANO, R. MEDIAVILLA and c.J. DABRIO

W4. Teetono-sedimentary evolution of the Ajmazan basin, NE

Spain 1. BOND




W5. Tertiary basins and Alpine tectonics in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain) J.L. ALONSO, l.A. PULGAR, J.C. GARciA-RAMOS and P. BARBA

W6. Lacustrine Neogene systems of the Duero Basin: evolution and controls R. MEDIAVILLA, C.l. DABRlO, A. MARTIN-sERRANoand l.l. SANTISTEBAN

W7. North-western Cainozoic record: present knowledge and the correlation problem A. MARTiN-SERRANO, R. MEDIA VILLA and J.I. SANTISTEBAN

W8. Onshore Cenozoic strike-slip basins in NW Spain L. CABRERA, B. FERRUS, A. SAEZ, P.F. SANTANACH and J. BACELAR

W9. Tertiary of Central System basins A. MARTiN-SERRANO, 1.1. SANTISTEBAN and R. MEDIA VILLA


Cl. Structure and Tertiary evolution of the Madrid basin G. DE VICENTE, J. M. OONZALEZ-CASADO, A. MUNOZ­MARTiN, 1. GINER and M.A. RODRIGUEZ-PAscuA

C2. Neogene tectono-sedimentary review of the Madrid basin G. DE VICENTE, l.P. CALVO and A. MUNOZ-MARTIN

C3. Sedimentary evolution of lake systems through the Miocene of the Madrid Basin: paleoclimatic and paleohydrological constraints J.P. CALVO, A.M. ALONSO ZARZA, M.A. GARciA DEL CURA, S. ORDONEZ, l.P. RODRlouEz-ARANDA and M.E. SANZ-MONTERO

C4. Paleomorphologic features of an intra-Vallesian paleokarst, Tertiary Madrid Basin: significance of paleokarstic surfaces in continental basin analysis 1.C. CANAVERAS, 1.P. CALVO, M. Hoyosand S. ORD6NEZ

C5. Tectono-sedimentary analysis of the Loranca Basin (Upper Oligocene-Miocene, Central Spain): a 'non-sequenced' foreland basin 1.1. 06MEZ FERNANDEZ, M. DiAZ MOLINA and A. LENDiNEZ

C6. Paleoecology and paleoclimatology of micromammal faunas from Upper Oligocene - Lower Miocene sediments in the Loranca Basin, Province of Cuenca, Spain R. DAAMS, M.A. ALVAREZ SIERRA, A.J. VAN DER MEULEN

and P. PELAEZ-CAMPOMANES C7. Fluvial fans of the Loranca Basin, Late Oligocene - Early

Miocene, central Spain M. DiAZ-MoLINAand A. TORTOSA


C8. Saline deposits associated with fluvial fans. Late Oligocene -214 Early Miocene, LOTanca Basin, Central Spain

1. ARRIBAS and M. DIAZ-MOLINA e9. Shallow carbonate lacustrine depositional controls during

the Late Oligocene -Early Miocene in the Loranca Basin 228 (Cuenca Province, central Spain)




SI. The Betic Neogene basins: introduction










S2. Neogene palaeogeography of the Betic Cordillera: an attempt at reconstruction C.M. SANZ DE GALDEANO and 1. RODRiGUEZ­FERNANDEZ

S3. Depositional model of the Guadalquivir - Gulf of Cadiz Tertiary basin c. RIAZA and w. MARTINEZ DEL OLMO

S4. Late Neogene depositional sequences in the foreland basin of GuadaJquivir (SW Spain) F.l. SIERRO, LA. GONZALEZ DELOADO, C.l. DABRIO, J.A. FLORES and J. CIYIS

SS. Miocene basins of the eastern Prebetic Zone: some tectono­sedimentary aspects CH. MONTENAT, P. OTT D'ESTEVOU and L. PIERSON

D' AUTREY S6. Stratigraphic architecture of the Neogene basins in the

central sector of the Betic Cordillera (Spain): tectonic control and base-level changes 1. FERNANDEZ, 1. SORIA and c. VISERAS

S7. Pliocene-Pleistocene continental infiUing of the Granada and Guadix basins (Betic Cordillera, Spain): the influence of allocyclic and autocyc1ic processes on the resultant

stratigraphic organization J. FERNANDEZ, C. VISERAS and 1. SORIA

S8. Late Neogene basins evolving in the Eastern Betic transcurrent fault zone: an illustrated review CH. MONTENAT and P. OTT D'ESTEVOU

S9. Tectonic signals in the Messinian stratigraphy of the Sorbas basin (Almeria, SE Spain) J.M. MARTIN and 1.C. BRAGA

StO. Basinwide interpretation of seismic data in the Albonin Sea c. DOCHERTY and E. BANDA















W3 South-western Ducro and Ciudad Rodrigo basins: infill and dissection

of a Tertiary basin



In the soulh·western sector of lhc inlrllcontincnlal Ouero

113sin, the posl·HercyniBn ScJiruc:ntury rt.-cord consiSl� of Upper

Cretaceous 10 Quaternary terre.mial sediments. Climates shifted

from Iropi\.-ul. with poorly defined �3l1Ons (cnd ofCrelateous). 10

M(:dllcrraoean (Neogene). Tertiary deposits are divided into Ih!!.'C

Il'CtonOSlt3ugraphic completes. The Late Cretaceouli-P..t!coccnc. related 10 the end of the MesolOic cycle. is l'hurtlClcriscd by a well.

developed weathering profile that WII.$ eroded later. The Eocene­

OJigocene. formed during the 1II0rpho-slrucIUI'lII definition of the

actual basin boundaries, consisl� of three unconformity-boundc:d

units rclull,;ulu SUi".·\:es.�ivc tcctonlc events oflhe Alpine Oroilcny; by the cnd of thi� cycle, progressive incision of thl: Atlantic nuvial

network led to C<lplure oflhe fluvial systems orthc soulhern Duero Ilasin and degradalion (emptyillg) bcilun. The MlOcene-l'hocene,

related to 010 ext�lls;onill ((:clonic reximc. rcprc.'\Cnts the spreading

of exorhek (..'onditlOns to thc whole baSin that m:lrkecl a complete

hydrugruphic reorganisation. I)c]X'!slt;on and aggradlltion COIl­

tlnued In more central areas of the oosin until the end of the Neogene, coeval with degrodation of the south,wl.'Stcm corner or

the Dllero Basin. The coexist�nce resulkd frum <hll'crcntlal .'iuh.�i. dence. hinge lilies (uplift .lonl.'S) separating .'Il1h·baSlOS, and the

dynalll.ies of cap tun: prueesses.


The Duero Ilasin has been coosidered as an intr.lcratonic

basin (.I'm.tu Sloss & Speed. 1974). Its north, sOlllh ulld east margins arc moderately ltetonically active ll.Iountain l'IIngcs. whereas thc

wcstern boundary is a relatively nat HcrcYOlan korder that

fCJ))ained essentially passive during Cllinozoie times (Fig. I). Out.

crops of Puleol!:�'ne scdimcnts occur only !ll lhe edges of the basin.

.... hercas Ncuxcne dcposiu arc be.<;t n::presenled towards the inner

pam of the hasin. Accord ing to the classical ideus. thc bllsin was

fitled hy endorheic continental (alluvial and lacustrinc) deposits of Terliaryagc. Some areas unde!,went grcat subsidence as In the caS(:

of the eastern and southern cugl.'li where thieknc��e.� reach up 10

2000 m.

The 50uth·wcstern corner of the Duero basin can be uesuibcd as the junction of the tCClonic.1l1y aelive southern margin nnd the

passive western horder. In Ihis tlrea there is a NE-SW-lrcnding

half·graben known as the eimlml RuJri1{u Basin (Fou de ('iud�d


Previous studies (Alonso Gav,lan & Canrano, 19157: Corrochano

& Carballeiru, 1983; Jimcne1 i'I nl .• II,IISJ) concluded that the strnligt1l.phie frameworks and e\'olving palaeogcographil.'S of the

Duero and C!ud�d Rodrigo Basins during the PlIleogcne were

different (Fig. 2). The main sUPl)()rt ror this hypothcsis was that

outcrops of the same faeies and age - arc Itt differcnl lopographlc

heiglm in the two basios. Also. the two basios arc morphnlngically

St'parated at present. The reSUlting model visualised IWO closed and isolated. indl:pc:ndent. baSinS wilh endorheic. centripetal drainage pUllerns.

RI.'t:cnl invcstlgation based upon detaikd mapping rc\<eals that

the �tratigraphic records iu tbe Duc:-ro und Ciudad Rodrigo UIl\lnS

are lcienlictll, and Ihis strongly supports thc l'Onciuslon [hilt Ihey

were connected and rollowed a commnn evolu!Jon through thc

Tertio.ry (Santistcban er al.. 1991 b: Marlin·SerTano l'r al.. in press a.

b. c: Murtin·Serrano & Mediavilla. in P{CSS.; Mllrtill-$crruno & Santisleban, 10 press, a. b). The new model conshlS or 1I1Iuvial systems flowing through connected. tectonically conl'lgun:d areas.

locllICd some distan� away from Ihe llreus under maximal defor.

mation (see Chapter W2). In our interpretation, ]'I<1rt of the

topographk and gcometric relatIOnships bclwC('n units are the result oft"e proKrc�sive capture oflhe tluvial network oftbe (south. western) Duero-Ciudad Rodrigo single basin by a nuvial pattern

Ihat drallled lowards the Atlantic. As a conseqUCIII.'C. the former

basin deposits were progrcssivdy crodcd und evacuated to the west,

with a new basc·le\'el. According 10 Mllrtin-Scrrano l'/ al., (In pra� a. h. c). Martin­

Serruno& Medillvilla (in pres.�) and Martin-Serrano& Sanlislcban

(in press. a. b) thc sltaligraphic \lIccession common to the south .

western l)uero and Ciudad Rodrigo basins inciudl.'li, in ast.'ending

order, several TSUs (teetonoscdimentary unit� . . fen.tll Mcgias,

1982). (Fig. 3):

TSU MC -'Siderolithic Unit' (S(,I/$II Millot. 1964) of Llltc Crctaccous-Paleocene age (Blanco (,'/ «I .. 1982:



.. ' " " " " 0'




'" " " " " 0'

WJ SW Ducro and Ciudad Roorigo basins


(A) " ,..

� 3

� 5



, , , (8) , ,


� 2

D 4

� 6

Fi,. I. A. LocAlion mAp orlhe Duero Basin in Ihe Iberian Peninsula: I: Ciud.d RodriJ:o OHin.1: Almnao 8a_�i" • .1: I.a Suteb. C<)(ridu •. H. Stud,. area: L. Ldm. B: Bur,os. p, Plllen..,ia. Su: Suri •• Z: Zwmur •. S: Salama�a: I: Altnlejo-i'lasncia Fauil. A; Canlahrian Range. 8: ' .... rian Range. C: Ceulnl S�sl,·m. 0: Weslun Border. F.: Ci,,"",1 Rudrigu Blsin. KeF PIlIH .... mk. I: mtlan10rphic roc\.:s: Z: tinfOIlS roc\.:5: Mt50l01c. 3: urbonates aoo silicidasliCll; Caium.oie: • .&, �ilicicla.�li"",. urhonal� and t>-apnriles: FIIIIIS. 5: rt.wS<' (null; 6: norllllll rault.


, , , , , • ,

PUOCENl! """"

" u .... , .,.,..... 0 T_oIoeamp;o ""'" C MidoIlo , ... , _ ......... N Cilloruela ....... M_ � Vlrier'w , ..... .�

c...,."lnTnrnt .. --- ''''" ,.., ----� � ��

Moliao dot 1';00 Moh.., .... 1';00 u .... ... ,-- ""'- eo. ....... rawo Al.......diU. C_


f OUGOCENE MolIorido S....ut . """"""" ArlI.,.c

Un; • -> AIcIe&mIhia SoncbI. ........ k'_ Cw'

Cabton- SaDdot. ""' .... '7- Ciucbd R ndrilO Ciudod bdrill" EOCI:NE CIIycy Ycllow Sill. "'"' , ...... t.oo.,

Vill • .,.y<>r s....w.. .......... Alk .... , (Jail (wwwU""",) T.,.....,.. Serieo UIIi.

��-� fz.!1n I\.lma._. �OJn&lom..

\�: �: L I'Al..EUCENE �QW!C1 Sudll. Pdo C.1oolino

M ....

A-"'" SaDdt;(. TOII>IdtIloo s-k. M"" ....... "'" Focioo MOftIamIna FlIdco CRETACEOUS ----;7

'--'" Coaj.IomoralC Prir. lie H ... ro 8001 F.m.h�c Cn>!iI F�C","*

F1J!.. 1. PrHin\l� sluligraphic noml·rlCh'IIIrt.� rur TCrliary de�ils of SW Duero Dasln. I: .lIm�ne� (1970); 1: Aionso CM.ilrin (1981): 3: Corrothano (1977); 4: Mutin-Sctrano (1988); 5: Jim�ncl & Marlin bard (1987): 6: ,\IUIISII CHilim & Polo (1986-87) and Alonso Gal'nin &- CanlaAU (Im): 7: CnnlllllU & Mullna


'98 J.1. Saulislcban et al.

fig. 3. Ter1i.,y unlls orsw I)I/fro H:I�ln. Fonil!!, 0: Absolute agt (KfIAr) 511 J\h (Blllm'U'" ul .• 1982). I: S.nt(llcs Mnd AIl-dlUu (ZlImufll). 2: Teso � la Fk ...... 1I (S.hnnlm .... ).1Id Curnll� IJ (Z.'IH./U). J: l\1uljnu del J·il'\).od S." Morales (Salamallca). 4: C.mlllu Fut .. lll':> IItHl El Mulin., (Ciuthld RodrilU R...'lin), s: FJ Gllijo (Salaula!l('II). 6: Rt"IIH�lIhl (ZanlOl"lI). (Modified r ....... Slnli�ll':b�n '" Ill .• 1991 Ill,

Martin-Sermno. 1988: Molina t" (I/.. J989). Tbisis not

Icpres.:nted in the Ciudad Rodrigo Basin am.! is only I"(.-cordcd as a basal wcatbcnng profile In MIme


- YSU PI (SanliSicb an 1'111/ .. 1991b)-'i\rkosic Unit'

cilann,:h:riscd by impn:l!nUlions or It violet colour.

Early Eocene.

- TSU PZ (Sanlisteban ('I (1/ .. 1991b) 'Subarkosic lilh­

oarkosic: UniC d1Uruclcri�J by duyey and/or carbo­nate ccmcntJl. Mlddle-Latc I�nc (Jimenc7 ('/ nl., 19113).

TSU P3 (Salltist�ban et ft/ .. 1991 b) =' Arkosic lvnglorn. enue Unit' with white-green colou�. Oligocene (Polo

,,(/1., 19K7) .. Red Series (Martin·$(-rrano. 1988: Santis[eban rl ul ..

1991a) Conglomerate claycy Unit. characterised hy a n..'ddish colour. Early Mloccne (Ma7.n & Jimenc7,


.. Ochre Series (Martin·Serratlo. 1988: Sanlis[cban 1'/ ul .•

1991n)-Conglolllcnlte-sandy-dayey Unit. ochre In

colour. It IS ]"K)Orly preserved in this area.

M loccnc-Pliocene.

ln611 (aggndation)

There is only a poor reeord of M�0701C �diments In the

western hordcr of the nucro Ibslll. ThiS is very dlflerent from the eastern border. The Mcsozoic is essclltially representl.'<! by a "dl·

Fi". 4. Pwll'<.l"l'<.la:raphiu! ... kclc� fOl'" basin inlill. A. Top of TSU MC; H. Midd!t ofTSU PI; C. Middk ofTSU P2; I). Bouom ofTSU .,3. Arro .. �

51'''''* of fto-.

develnpcd lall�nllC profile located below the first post-Here),nian

sedimenlS (llu5tillo &. Martin·$enano. 1980: Martin·$cmlllo. 1988: Molina et ut.. 1989). The age ofthill profile: is unknown but ts

thought to elttend h.1ck to MCS070ic limes.

The first post·Hercynian �iUleots of the south·"·eslern Due-ro

Basin are terrestrial deposits laid down after the trdnsgrcssive maximum of Latcsl Cretaceous age; they are relaled In the end-Qf­

Crct:lccous cyde. The ensuing regression. coupled witb faulting la produce C"x\ensive terrestrial deposits in wide an.:as of the l-kspcric

Mussif and high rchef r.tiscd in the 5<)uthcrn margm of the h:l.�in

(Olmo & Martinez·Salanova. 19t19). In general, the margins or the

b.1sin were quitc diffefeot from the present. but in the wcSII.:m arcas (the future Ciudad Rvdrijo Basin) there havc been no ruajnr

ebanges. Here. 5COlments of hraided systems (Fig. 4A) progress­

ively buried the landscape of the late·Mesozoic weathering profile. Increased burial plullIuh:d a rcductiun ufthc braiding pattern and un increllsc in the flond plains. Low frequencie.� of aVIII.�ion :Inll

later:.] shifting suggest continUOIlS subsidence.

tmef. in Early Eocene times, a faulting phase lllooifil-d the busin

tnorgins en.utin)!. the basin of Ciudad Roorigo Rasin as a balf·

graben e(lnnected to the I:lrger Duerl) B:lsm. The uplift of the

southern and western margins of the basin deeply changed the

depocentres oftll(:" ba�ill ltll!.l the pathwuys ofscdiment movement.

Rapid degrddution of deeper hom.nns (If the lalent;c weathering

profile mitmted the deposition of arkoses by low braidiog and moderate to high sinuosity nuviul �y�tell1s favoured by the gentle

topogrnphic slopes (Fig. 48). Low gradlcnu and the devdnpment

of swamps Indicate htgh base levels.

The coarsening·upwards trend of the 'Arkosie Unit' fl'1..'onls

W3 SW Duero and Ciudad Rodrigo basins 199

gre.lter uplili i n the source are.1S: however. the succession is c apped

by a well·developed carbonate crust tllilt r�ords u loug period of 110

sedimentation and erosion. At that timc. faulling causcd a tilting to

the east .• md depocenlrcs shined .

Middle Late EOC<"ne fluvial anastomosing to braided systo:::ms

flowed \0 the east and north-ellst. down relatively steep slopes. oul

the ba.'>l! level was slill high (FIg. 4C): t hIs caused repeatell sequcnces

of channel fill :1nd swamp dcposils. Fluvial deposils buried the

newly created reliefs.

In Latest Eocene times there wa� a 'major' tectonic pha�e in lhi.�

border Ih;1I meant the cnd of the former flat. open landscape in

which the underlying unit was dcposited. Faultingof baso:::mcnt and

basin uplifted the basin margins and produced systems nf horst.� and grahcns in lhe ha.�in. These narrow valleys received an increas·

ing volume of sedimcnts as a consequence of the progressive uplift

or the CCl1tnl1 System ul tin; south.

During Oligot""Cne times. a tcctonieally delimited channel sy.�tem

flowed towards the cast and north·east and joined the m:1in

drainage systems which flowed towards the N NNE condiliom:d

by a lower base level (Fil!. 40).

The coarsening·upwards trend observed in all these Ituvial

deposits (of both main and secondary systems of the no:::twofk) rewrds the increasing uplift of the source ureas. The lllck of proximal alluvial fan deposits In the area can he explained In tenns

of increased distance from maximum uplift. However. to the east

(o:::.g. O jos Albos Mus)if. Avila). coeval S\:"diruents ure involved in

reverse faulting and overlain hy igneous rocks of the Central


ElllptyinK (!A'Kradlltiun)

From L:ne Oligocene-Early Miocenc onwards the slnlli­

graphic record shows pt"Cllliar featurcs. These and younger units

consist of fluvial deposits. with palaeocurrcnt� pointIng to the west.

which occuras almosttahular hthosomes. The b..lsesofthesc bodit'S

of sediment ;lrc highly erosive bases. but their uppcrsllrfllccs arc flat

illld determine the present geoll1orphology. The Ixxhes occur at

progrcssively lower topogr.lphlC heights. and they arc closely

related to present river valleys or water divides All these fe:llUTt'S

indicate that Ihese are old fluvial terraces (Fig. 5A). Alluvial fan

deposits of Early Mivcene to Pliocene age also occur with lhls topographic distrihution. and in theIr dlsl:11 parts they occur lit

progressively lower positions. tanning alluvial terl1lccs (Fig. 5B). In

other cases it has bo..'Cn possible to correlate surfaces of erosIOn or

..... eathering with thl.:sc scdimentary surfaee.� hy means of their topographic position or the mmeralogy and petrology of the

weathering profiles.

The age of these terrat"Cs is a most important discussion point.

The lilhOl0!!}' or these terraces :md the Tertiary sedimtnlS of the

DueTO Basin arc identical and a lithologie correlation is easily

tru\."Cd. This is supported by the parallel evolution of the mineralogy

and petrology of these IWO areas: arkoscs below the older surfaces.

red sediments below the intermediate surfaces, and ochre sediments related to the youngest surfaces. There is also palaeontological

Fi\:. 5. Pal�eoge-ographklllMketcM!l f!lf" hasin �mpl)·ing. A. TupufTSU P3: B. Rt·LI St:ri� IInd (khre Series. Armll! n in the pre.inus figure.

l-1J.!. 6. Schtml.lk Ine� of 'hf1 Tutil.r)· r�d sholl'ing relali.e posItion

felltloftShJPlI httll·et'n units. I: Oa.'IOI'menl, 2: TSU MC,]: TStJ PI, 4: TSU P2, 5: TS ") (inHllinJ.!)' 6: TSLJ P) (emptylnj:), 7: Red �riH (inlilling), R: RMI Serits (emptying), 9: <khre Stries (emptyin�.

evidence of the E.lrly Miocene age (Ma1.O & Jimenez. 1982) of the

Ro:::d Series of UIl intermediate terruee in the Ciudud Rodrigo Basin. According to these arguments the definition of Ihe l1uvial

network and the incision began, most probably. as early as Oligo·

cene Lower Miocene boundary times(oldcrpl,itforms with arkosic

scdiruents of TSU P3). Howcver, the incision ]lroces� was not

synchronous In the whole basin <lnd the resulting terraces arc

diachrollous in age (Martin-Serrano. 1988b. 1991). III some im:as,

1110: uppermost terruee is Oligocenl'-Early Miot"Cne boundary in age

(upper part of arkoses of 1'3 TSU), whereas in othcrs. the upper·

most terrace consists of red sedimellts of the Red Series (Lower

Mio�'ellc) or evclI thc Upper Miocene to Pliocene Ochre Series (Mediavilla & Martin·Serrann, 1989) (Fig. 6). The distribution of

terraces has been modified by a complex interaction of vertical

displaeements of bas.:: level (which stfon}!ly affected the lower

200 J.I. SUnlislcban e/ 0/.

s N

700 ...


1-11:.7. South 10 oorlh ('HISS >4't'lioll sno,,-inl( rd.tionship of unl". NOIf 'INo hi�h relief T ... uled nI north ("'-"II' 900 m )loon' lie. le'-d) that brhal'fs a� a lht�hold along OHgocene and NWj:tnt. /I'IOltOl"er. TSU PJ and RN So.'I'"il'!l dqMJ�jls a� progressj,-cly at loO\'� ,",ighls. (Modifit'd from SlIlIlisl..,ban ('I Il/" 1�lb.)

rcachc� or the streams). tectonic movements Ihul usually modified

the upper reachts of Ihe streams. uncl pnx;1;sscS of fluvial C;!PIU!\":

active in ajlY area and ugc through Oligocene to Pliocene times.

lufill ,'en;us emptying

During the generation of the lerraces in the Ciudad

Rodngo and south-westcrn Duero Basins. a thick succession of lacustnne and 11uvio-lacustrine �dimcnls was dcposuoo in Ihe central p .. rts ofthc Ducro Basin (sce Chapter W6) Coeval aggrada­

tion and dcgrodaliull in onc and thcsame mlsin can beC'xplained by

cOllsiocril111 the palncogeogr;lphy of the basio at Ihal limc.

After th!:! Late Eoccne, t he Pyrenean tectonic pba�c (Brinkmann,

1931 )dceplychanged the p<tlncogeollnlphy of the basin due to uplift

of t he nllrthc�n, southern and eastern bordeN of the I)uero Jlasin.

and gencnltioll of llOrst-grabcn systems III Ihe bailin Ihat divided

somearcas into �rnaller basms. Some oflhcse new basins rcmaiu.:o

conne<:t\!d lu the mam ha�tn hut others evolved indcpendo:nlly.

An example of these hlt)gcljne� or p .. lacogeographieal thrcshold�

is pr<:scrvcd as an e<tS! .... 'est palaeo·hil1.llear the border bel ween the

pTOvmces ofSalamancu and ZanlOn.l (Fig. 7). At pre.<:ent, Ihis uplifl.

70ne rl$CS 10 900 m acting as a divio�'r of the hydrographjc basins of

Ihe Tormes and Dueru rivers. Dunn)! lhe Oligocene and Mioce.m: tb,is palaeo.rang!:! scparated two areas of dilferent behaviour: the

Dut·ro .. nd Tonnes hasms. The Oligoccne :nkust"S ofTSU "3 arc

nol represented north of these hills (in the Duero Basin. PrOVince of

Zamora). hcc:lU$e this area was an uplirt�-d maSSIf rrom Eocene­

Ohgocene boundary lillll:s. OligOl."Cnc arkoscs accumulated

tow'lrds the soulh and east or this palaeo-hlll but never buried it.

Artcl' the OligOl."Cnc seJimenl:l1lOn, :trkoses and palneo-hills modi·

fied tIn: boundlLr1eS of the sedimentary basin. During the Ncogene.

!>Cdimenlat;on took place towards the nurth of the palaco.hllls

onlapping the arkoscs. whereas 10 tile south Ihey formed terraces.

By the hcginning of the Neogenc, the tluvial SYlllel1ls of the

soUlncrn area werc captured by the I'ortuguese fluvial network

draining tQ thl! wesl where the Atlantic Ocean offered a much lower

ba� level, As ratcs of flver incision largely surpasscd the low rates of subsidence in tbis liTe;! there was an o\'<:rall developmenl of fluvial lerraces. Larger �lIbsidenee rates in thl: morc Internal area� or

the Duero HlI.<:m and hinge lines (uplift zoncs) prevented, but only temporarily, Ihe capture of Ihe whole DUCTO Ba»in. However.

captures progressed to th .. ellst and norlh as more hinge lines were

eroded and cut open. This. together wl1h Ihe progressivc filling of the renmining Duero Ba.�ln. eventually resulted in thc eaplure of the

rest of the Ducro fluvial network. Tbe former �'ndorhcic f)uero

Basin turnec1 into a generally cxorheic basin by the end of the

Ncogene (Chapter W6).

The difference in thc development of the exorhci..:: regiml· is

n:corded in the pr.:� .. nt river profiles. Ri\'ers of the south-we�tern

area (Huebru. Agucda and Tonnes) join the main course of the

Duero Rivcr between 2nl) llnd 400 m above se,l level. whereas the

younger fivers (E.<:la. Valderadlley. GWlI'eiia. Pisut'r)!lI. Adaja. (·eg.1

anti Dural6n) join it between 600 and 800 m ahO\'e $Ca Ic\·tJ. The

dlllerellccs in heights reflects Ihe differences in :lj;e lit which these

river.<: began Iheir rcspt'Cti,'c Incisions. Moreo\'cr. the (older) south· ern rivers join the Duero downstream from a convex reach showing

Ih .. present erosIve position of tbe Duero River whereas the

northern (younger) ooes join thl" main course upstream or thIS

reach. The history or Ihe Ducru is very eomples and the present

nver courses afC tbe resull of several capture.� th:l1took plattduring the Tertiary.


The Duero Basin is an intraeontinental basm hounded by

tceloniclllly moderately active borders. 1nl he south·western sector

(includmg the Ciudad Rodrigo Ba'<:ln). the pos\·I·lercynian �dj­

meOHtry record consists of terrestrial �edimCUIS of LaIC Cretaceous

10 Quatefllllry age.

The strutigrnphic rceord ofthc Tertiary rocks is IIrrllngcd in six TSUs (Sl'fI.fll Megi:ls. 1982). which an: groupt.-d into Ihree main

It"Ctonoslraligraphic complexes:

W3 SW Dut!ro and Ciudad Rodrigo basins 201

"" Ht:I�ON -0- IUI!.OOtNCI


1 ,um:AI. DfCill�po,lIO<

1 1G(,It.t.(lA1"""


FI\:.8. liypollwlleal skelcb :;OO"';nl: rc1l1liunsbips bet"rtn simullllrN..-UUS b�in jnfill alwi eml'lying. DilferellCes ill SlIbsidl!llCl' .1I1e!; and palfflhighs pre"cn' Cf}mpl�te bM;n drying.

� late Crctaceous-Palcocenc: related 10 the cnd of the

Ml'Sozoi" cyde.

- Eocene-Oligoccnc: related In the morphO'Slructural

definition oflhe actual bHsin bou ndaries.

- MiOl.-cIII.,-Plioccne: leclouil,; ilnd hydrographie reorgan· isation of the basin.

Climates shifted from tfopieal . with p<:lorly defined seasons (end

ofCrclul,;cuUS), 10 Mediterranean (Neo8t:1H':).

The base of the oldest TSU is characterised by an important

weathering protile Ihal W:lS eroded a fierwards. This profile records

a long pt!riod of stubility and subaerial eXp<:lsure.

Tht: �ecund tl't:tuno�edimcntary complex shows a coar5ening­

upwards trend that records the progressive uplift of thc borders of

Ihe basin and the generation of m:lrginal hasins (connected to the

Duero Basin). At that time. the instability of the basin was great

enough to prevenl the development of weathering profiles. The

cycle is divided into three uneonformity.bounded units (TSUs).

relaled to the slIccessive tectonic events of the Alpine Orogeny that

were responsible for changes in basin paJaeogeography. By the cnd

of this cyr.:k and the beginning of the 11t:�t Ollt: tlll': progress;vl,; incision of the Auvial network and degradation had begun.

The third complex records a new period of stability with develop­

ment ofwcathcl'ing processes both in the basin and the neighbour­

ing areas. The i.:xorheie conditions e:<tencil'l.i to the whole basin. The

tectonic regime was extensiona!.

Coeval with the degradational character of the south-western

corner or the Oucro Basin, deposition and aggradiltion continued

in more central areas of the basin. The different behaviours reflect

ditferenees in subsidence. hinge lines (uplift zones) separ:uing sub­

basins. and the dynamics of the capture process that allowed the

survivul of (:In I,;ndorhcie rl,;giml,; in thl,; ccntnd (:IrellS of the Dueru

Uasin until the end of the Nengene.


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