Tertiary Sector: Other Activities

Post on 18-Feb-2017

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THE TERTIARY SECTOR: OTHERSMaría Jesús Campos Fernández. learningfromgeography.wikispaces.com

Tertiary Sector





BankingEducation and Culture

Healthcare SystemOthers (lower-end tertiary

sector): domestic work; street vending…

Tertiary Sector Definition: tertiary sector; services Diversity:

Tertiary sector vs quaternary sector Upper-end tertiary sector Lower-end tertiary sector

Characteristics: heterogeneous; intangible and inmaterial; imposible to store; close to the consumer; low level of mechanisation; expanding; unequal distribution

Classification: Public services Distribution services Business services Consumer services

Transport Tourism Trade Telecommunications Banking Education and culture Healthcare System

Information and Communication Services

Information and Communication Services

Definition: information and communication services; telecommunication

Types of Communication: Person-to-person, social communication or mass media, the Internet


Means of Communication Person-to-person Social

communication or mass media

The Internet

Banking and Financial Services

Financial Services Activities and

businnesses related to the management of money: Investment Loans Savings

Financial System Institutions, instruments

and practices that enable transfers of money to take place: Banks: attract money from

savers and lend it at an interest.

Insurance companies: cover risks to people and goods in exchange for regular payments.

Investment funds: people contributes to this funds (invest) which are administered by company managers.

International Funds and Bodies World Bank: financial

assistance to developing countries

International Monetary Fund: promotes economic cooperation and assistance to developing countries

European Central Bank: maintains the stability of prices in the Eurozone.

Education and Culture

Access to education generally is only a reality for people living in the most developed countries.

Education can be: Public: managed by

the state Private: managed

by private companies or organizations.

Mixed: paid by the state and by private organizations.

Healthcare System

Developed countries vs Less developed countries The right to healthcare

generally is only a reality for people living in the most developed countries.

In most developed countries the state ensures that everyone has access to healthcar by making it a public service funded by taxes.

In less developed countries the state is often unable to offer basic healthcare services.

Infectious diseases (AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria) are much more common. Even diseases that can be easily prevented are common because of the lack of potable water, acces to sanitation, little access to medication and vaccines.


Personal Services

Domestic staff Assistance to the

elderly at home or in centres

Child care at nursery schools

Maintenance and repair (painters, electricians, mechanics...)

Independent professional services from lawyers and architects.


Developed by María Jesús Camposlearningfromgeography.wikispaces.comChusteacherWikiteacher

Sources: rocio Bautista Slidehare ppt