Test 1 A Units 1–2

Post on 26-Feb-2022

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Name _____________________________________ Class ____________________________

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2006 Pearson Longman ELT


Test 1 A Units 1–2 [Total 80 marks]


1 Circle the correct verb. [5 marks]

They live / lives in Cardiff.

1 I am / is from Turkey.

2 Are / Is you French?

3 They want / wants a photo of you.

4 Do / Does they live in Madrid?

5 He doesn’t like / doesn’t likes rap.

2 Complete the questions and answers. Use the present simple tense. [10 marks]

Is he German?

No, he isn’t.

1 Where _____________ come from?

They come from Brazil.

2 _____________ like reggae?

No, he doesn’t.

3 Where does she live?

_____________ in Manchester.

4 _____________ Physics?

Yes, I like it very much.

5 Are they Spanish?

No, _____________ They’re English.

6 Do you come from Italy?.

Yes, _____________

7 Where’s Newcastle?

_____________ in the north-east of England.

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8 Does your mum like heavy metal music?.

No, _____________

9 _____________ Adam _____________ from Warsaw?

No, he doesn’t. He comes from Krakow

10 _____________ Gabriel from Malaga?

No, he isn’t. He’s from Salamanca.

3 Look at the list. Use there is / are + some or any to write the sentences and questions. [5 marks]

Is there a rug in the room?

1 _______________________________________________________________

2 _______________________________________________________________

3 _______________________________________________________________

4 _______________________________________________________________

5 _______________________________________________________________

4 Circle the correct word. [5 marks]

You can’t / must be at school at 9.30 a.m.

1 You can / must get coffee after the lesson.

2 You must / mustn’t use a personal stereo in lessons.

3 You can / must bring a pen to the exam.

4 You can’t / mustn’t put your mobile phone in water.

5 You can / mustn’t eat hamburgers in bed.

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5 Write the correct prepositions. [5 marks]

There is some paper in the wastepaper bin.

1 The book is _____________ the desk.

2 The pen is _____________ the desk.

3 The wastepaper bin is ____________the desk.

4 The exercise book is _____________ the wastepaper basket.

5 The chair is _____________ the desk.

VOCABULARY 6 Complete the sentences with the nationality or the country. [5 marks]

I’m from Argentina. I’m Argentinian.

1 I’m from _____________ I’m Polish.

2 They’re _____________ They’re from Britain.

3 He’s Portuguese. He’s from _____________.

4 She’s _____________ She’s from America.

5 We’re from Italy. We’re _____________.

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7 Look at the picture of the Wilson family. Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. There are two extra words. [5 marks]

brother/s / children / husband / sister / wife / mother / daughter

Maria is Mr and Mrs Wilson’s daughter .

1 Liam is Maria’s ___________________.

2 Kathy is Noel’s ___________________

3 David is Kathy’s ___________________

4 Liam and Noel are ___________________

5 Noel, Liam and Maria are Mr and Mrs Wilson’s. ___________________

8 Circle the odd-one-out. [5 marks]

white purple lamp grey

1 duvet bed pillow window

2 door chair window wall

3 desk wardrobe mirror cupboard

4 green rug pink beige

5 picture noticeboard vase poster

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9 Write the correct word under each pattern. [5 marks]

checked / patterned / plain / spotted / striped

COMMUNICATION 10 Complete the dialogue and write true answers. [5 marks]

A Hi, I’m Ana! What’s your name?

B I’m _____________________

A What nationality are you?

B _____________________

A Where are you from in _____________________?

B _____________________

A What’s your surname?

B It’s _____________________

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11 Use the words and phrases in the box to complete the dialogue. There are two extra phrases. [5 marks]

Fine / How’s it going / Hello / I’ll get one / Just one thing / Let’s go! / Sorry about that / Who’s who / Sure

A Hello! (1) ___________________?

B (2) ___________________ thanks.

C (3) ___________________ I haven’t got a lamp.

A (4) ___________________ I’ll get one for you.

B And can we play music in our rooms?

A (5) ___________________


12 Read and answer the questions. [10 marks]

a) Choose the correct answers.

1 This is ________________

a) a letter. b) an e-mail.

2 It is ________________ Patrick.

a) to b) from

3 Patrick writes about ________________

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a) his home town. b) his likes and dislikes.

4 Erik lives in ________________

a) Warsaw. b) Manchester.

b) True or false? Write T for true, write F for fal se.

Patrick comes from Manchester. F

1 Patrick doesn’t support a football team �

2 Atomic Kitten are from Liverpool. �

3 There isn’t much to do in Liverpool. �

4 Patrick can’t do his homework today. �

5 Patrick likes Liverpool. �

6 Patrick wants to learn about Warsaw. �


13 Write an e-mail to a new penfriend. Use Patrick’s e-mail and these topic headings to help you. [10 marks]

• location

• things to do

• why you like it / don’t like it

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