Test shots pp

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Test Shots

Key- the key light is one of the most important lights that a cameraman uses its main function to highlight the main object. It is usually included within a 3 point setup, which includes a back light and one more light to focus on the subject. The key usual creates the shadows of the subject.

Fill- the fill light is also used in a 3 point setup, and its purpose is to lessen contrast and shadows around the subject, by being placed at a different angle to the main key light, it is usually softer than the key light. The fill light is placed on the side of the subject and softens shadows.

Back- the light is placed behind the subject to illuminate it, creating a silhouette effect, or to create separation of the subject and the background, or to create depth between characters of objects.

Colour gel filter – transparent coloured gel paper helps balance out colours or can change the colour of the light

Lastolite – are used to light up dark spots on the subject and help diffuse unwanted shadows around the subject.

Barn doors - these are lights with doors on each sit of the light. They can be used to alter the positions of the light and focus of the light

By using the key light we lighted up the subject also creating a strong shadow on the object. We placed a red coloured gel filter to create a horror effect on the subject. We experimented with the focus of the light, seeing what types of affect it creates

Key light

We used different coloured gels and seeing how the green and red differ when expressing specific shots. Here is a mid close up of the subject, with the light pointing only on one side of the face.

Coloured gel filters

Using the green filter gel, here is a close up of the subject holding a weapon. The light is point just to the side of the object to create the balance between light an dark. Allowing us to see the object yet keeping the character in the dark.

The light in this image is focusing on the face of the subject with red filter gel. The creates a very evil feels to the subject. Showing that different lighting positions and colours can change the characters perception at first glance.