Testing Plone Site Security Policy - Is Your Intranet Doing What You Think It Is?

Post on 23-Jan-2015

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Plone is a powerful system that allows you to create complex sites, with complex workflows and user access control. But how do you know if the site you are building really does what you expect it to do? You have workgroups that can be private, public or secret; you have documents that can be private, draft, pending or published; you have users that can be members, authors, reviewers, contributors, managers... How can you be sure that for every combination your site does what you expect? I will present the experiences of developing a complex intranet with a scenario similar to above, and show the tools we developed and the approach we used to ensure that that policy as defined by the client was what the site eventually conformed to. We built a testing system to allow the policy for a site to be easily defined and the thousands of security permutations to be effectively visualised and problem patterns spotted. The talk will also include a step by step run through of the use of the tools and a simple example of testing site policy.


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Testing Plone Site Security Policy

Matt HamiltonNetsight Internet Solutions, UK

(Is your intranet doing what you think it is?)

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What this talk is NOT

• Not talking about security vulnerabilities

• Not talking about code unit testing

• Not talking about penetration testing

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So what IS this talk?

It goes something a bit like this:

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So what IS this talk?

It goes something a bit like this:

Is our intranet secure?


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So what IS this talk?

It goes something a bit like this:

Is our intranet secure?


Yes of course!


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So what IS this talk?

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So what IS this talk?

• But is it really?! Lets think about this:

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So what IS this talk?

• But is it really?! Lets think about this:

➡ You installed Plone

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So what IS this talk?

• But is it really?! Lets think about this:

➡ You installed Plone

➡ You created a set of custom content types

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So what IS this talk?

• But is it really?! Lets think about this:

➡ You installed Plone

➡ You created a set of custom content types

➡ You created a custom workflow

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So what IS this talk?

• But is it really?! Lets think about this:

➡ You installed Plone

➡ You created a set of custom content types

➡ You created a custom workflow

➡ Users have group memberships, local roles, etc

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So what IS this talk?

So our site is now quite complex in terms of who should be allowed to do what and


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Our use-case

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• Belron.net Intranet is based around ‘Projects’ and ‘Groups’

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• Belron.net Intranet is based around ‘Projects’ and ‘Groups’

- Users have local membership and roles of individual groups and projects

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• Belron.net Intranet is based around ‘Projects’ and ‘Groups’

- Users have local membership and roles of individual groups and projects

- Projects may be in various ‘states’: Public, Private, Secret

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• Belron.net Intranet is based around ‘Projects’ and ‘Groups’

- Users have local membership and roles of individual groups and projects

- Projects may be in various ‘states’: Public, Private, Secret

- Users have local roles to their project: Member, Contributor, Reviewer, Owner, Manager

understand, develop, deliver. www.netsight.co.uk


• Belron.net Intranet is based around ‘Projects’ and ‘Groups’

- Users have local membership and roles of individual groups and projects

- Projects may be in various ‘states’: Public, Private, Secret

- Users have local roles to their project: Member, Contributor, Reviewer, Owner, Manager

- Content within a project may be in various states: Private, Draft, Pending, Published

understand, develop, deliver. www.netsight.co.uk


• Belron.net Intranet is based around ‘Projects’ and ‘Groups’

- Users have local membership and roles of individual groups and projects

- Projects may be in various ‘states’: Public, Private, Secret

- Users have local roles to their project: Member, Contributor, Reviewer, Owner, Manager

- Content within a project may be in various states: Private, Draft, Pending, Published

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• If a piece of content is in the pending state, in a private project, in which I am a member and contributor, should I be able to edit it?

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• If a piece of content is in the pending state, in a private project, in which I am a member and contributor, should I be able to edit it?

• If a project is in the secret state, and I am a non-member should I be able to view the project description?

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Policy decisions

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Policy decisions

• These are POLICY decisions for the site, not really CODE decisions.

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Policy decisions

• These are POLICY decisions for the site, not really CODE decisions.

- ie. these are high level objectives set by analysts/managers not coders

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Policy decisions

• These are POLICY decisions for the site, not really CODE decisions.

- ie. these are high level objectives set by analysts/managers not coders

- But they will catch errors in the code or customisation

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• So, we have 3 project states x 5 local roles x 4 content states = 60 permutations

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• So, we have 3 project states x 5 local roles x 4 content states = 60 permutations

• oh... and in Plone Owner has special meaning on a piece of content... so 120 permutations

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• So, we have 3 project states x 5 local roles x 4 content states = 60 permutations

• oh... and in Plone Owner has special meaning on a piece of content... so 120 permutations

• And for each one we want to test: can I View, Edit, List, Delete, Add....

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• So, we have 3 project states x 5 local roles x 4 content states = 60 permutations

• oh... and in Plone Owner has special meaning on a piece of content... so 120 permutations

• And for each one we want to test: can I View, Edit, List, Delete, Add....

• For Belron.net we had approx 1,300 tests needed

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An idea...

• What if there was a nice easy way to test all these different permutations in an automated way and drive it all from a manager-friendly spreadsheet and be able to visually see the results?

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• Similar to PloneTestCase

• Write a bunch of tests

• Export a spreadsheet as CSV

• Run the tests

• See the results in a table

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PolicyTestCaseclass TestDefaultPlone(PolicyTestCase):

def afterSetUp(self):

# Setup the state, eg workflow etc

def ViewContent(self):

# Test we can view the content

def NoViewContent(self):

# Test we can NOT view the content

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def test_suite():

from unittest import TestSuite

suite = TestSuite()

csv = open('%s/test_scenarios_simple2.csv' % PACKAGE_HOME)

suite.addTest(makeSuiteFromCSV(TestDefaultPlone, csv))

return suite

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Demo and walkthrough of the code

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Any questions?

Matt Hamiltonmatth@netsight.co.uk

PolicyTestCase: in collective, will do a release real soon now ;)