Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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God has amazing plans and rewards for everyone. God also has a process in which those rewards are earned. “No pain, no gain; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown” - William Penn. I would add, “no skirmish, no spoils.”


Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


Copyright © Northside City Publishing 2013. All

rights reserved.

Unless otherwise noted all scripture is taken from the

(NIV) New International Version copyright © 1973,

1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by

permission of Zondervan Bible Publishing. All rights

reserved. Used by permission.

Every effort has been made to provide an accurate

source to the stories and quotes in this book where

possible. Where not possible the source is identified

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Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


As you read this short book, please

ask and allow the Holy Spirit to speak

clearly to you to give you wisdom and

insight into your own life. Also, that He

may impart to you the much needed

supernatural strength, power and

inspiration to sustain you and strengthen

you during times of testing, trials and

suffering. The subject of testing and

suffering is almost taboo to talk about. I

admit it is not something I wanted to

study in the scriptures. In fact, truth be

told, I purposely neglected searching the

scriptures and seeking the Lord about

suffering. I was erroneously hoping that

ignorance would be bliss. Oh how I was

wrong. Needless to say the Holy Spirit

won again and I obeyed and began my

study and search of the Holy Scriptures

on the subject of suffering. I have to

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


admit ironically, that I was pleasantly

surprised and comforted as I studied the

Scriptures under the direction and leading

of The Holy Spirit. After all, He is called

the Comforter. The ministry of The Holy

Spirit is to comfort us especially in our


God has amazing plans and rewards for

everyone. God also has a process in

which those rewards are earned. “No

pain, no gain; no thorns, no throne; no

gall, no glory; no cross, no crown” -

William Penn. I would add, “no

skirmish, no spoils.” King David's

passage from obscurity to the throne came

through battling a giant named Goliath.

God's process of lifting us up to higher

levels of faith, glory and relationship with

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


Him involve trials, difficulties, battle and

even suffering.

I will be the first to admit I do not like

pain and suffering like most people.

When experiencing pain and suffering I,

like everyone else, tend to blame God or

the devil. Because in me is the false

assumption that if God really loved me,

He would keep me from experiencing any

kind of pain and suffering. But the reality

is just the opposite. Because He loves us

so much, He allows us to go through

difficulty in order to mold us, shape us,

and refine us into being the person whom

He has created us to be. It is like a potter

shaping the clay, working the clay,

reworking the clay, and if there are flaws

the clay is smashed down to be reworked

on the wheel. The potters goal is to make

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


a beautiful piece of art and it is not ever to

destroy His work of art. So is the same

that God does with His people - molding

us, shaping us, reworking us, and even

refining us into a beautiful person that is

filled with the glory of God and is ready

for the work of the master.

“Go down to the potter’s shop, and I will

speak to you there.” So I did as he told

me and found the potter working at his

wheel. But the jar he was making did not

turn out as he had hoped, so he crushed it

into a lump of clay again and started


“Then the Lord gave me this message: ‘O

Israel, can I not do to you as this potter

has done to his clay? As the clay is in the

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


potter’s hand, so are you in my hand.’”

Jeremiah 18:2-6 (NLT)

It is also important to note that God is not

only preparing His people for this life but

perhaps even more importantly He is

preparing His people for the life to come -

eternal living.

Hosea said, “my people are destroyed for

lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6) In the

process of God's working in our lives, it

can be a great comfort and assistance if

we possess wisdom, knowledge and


“Examine me, O Lord, and try me; test

my mind and heart.” Psalm 26:2

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


The good news is you will be tested. Life

is a series of tests many times set up or

allowed by God. Every Christian (and

every Christian leader) is tested by God.

Perhaps this is my life’s message because

of the severe testing I went through when

I first came to Charlotte and have

continued to go through at various times

in my ministry with various levels of

difficulty. I'm specifically reflecting on a

test my wife and I went through when we

first moved to Charlotte to start a church.

This was our test, not necessarily

something others have to go through- but

you too will be tested nonetheless. Make

no mistake. In our severe trial we had lost

everything. We were stripped.




Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory





It was a severe and brutal test. And I

have found the greater the work that God

has called one to do then the greater the

testing one must endure.

Why testing and suffering?

He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit

and with fire. His winnowing fork is in his

hand to clear his threshing floor and to

gather the wheat into his barn, but he will

burn up the chaff with unquenchable

fire." Luke 3:16-17

Everyone has to go through the fire

of trials, testing and training-suffering. To

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


what extent is determined by God. Going

through the "fire" is the training ground

and Christ like development of God-it's

the school of the Holy Spirit. Greater

baptism in fire leads to greater filling of

the Holy Spirit in our lives. Our hearts cry

is always more of Him in our life; that

means less of us and the only way for that

to happen is going through the purifying

fire so as to give more room for Jesus in

us. Suffering through the baptism of fire

leads to greater power.

Years ago at a youth conference

during the lunch session I was sitting at a

table with a group of people I did not

know, minding my own business,

enjoying lunch. The guy next to me stops

and stares at me and says- "you have been

praying that when you preach it would be

like fire." "Yes" I replied. He proceeded

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


in a monotone voice, "If you want the

fire, you got to go through the fire." Then

he turned back to his friends laughing,

having a good time and enjoying his


I was stunned for a moment but I

knew he was right. I had been praying for

fire preaching. I knew that meant times of

great trials and testing-suffering. I knew it

would be extremely tough but when I

came out of it, God's anointing would be

on me in a great and powerful way and it

would ultimately bring great glory to


The Apostle Paul was one of the

greatest Christians to walk this planet.

Much of the New Testament was penned

through the Apostle Paul. The ministry of

the Apostle Paul was nothing short of

supernatural! The glory that was revealed

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


in and through the Apostle Paul was, and

is, beyond description. However, for

God's power to be manifest in such glory

and greatness, he had to suffer much

through the baptism of many fires. Jesus

suffered the most and received the

greatest glory of all! For obvious reasons

God has chosen only to use broken and

shattered vessels. Because it is then, and

only then, that His glory can be revealed.

“But God chose the foolish things of the

world to shame the wise; God chose the

weak things of the world to shame the

strong. He chose the lowly things of this

world and the despised things—and the

things that are not—to nullify the things

that are, so that no one may boast before

him.” - 1 Corinthians 1:27-29

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


It's important to understand that

everything God does is out of His love for

you. The motivation behind everything

God does in your life is, and always will

be, love. In his book about pain and

suffering, The Blessing of Brokenness,

Charles Stanley writes, “God does not

allow brokenness in our lives because he

is ruthless, cruel, heartless, or without

compassion. No! To the contrary. God

sees the full potential for our lives, and

deeply desires an intimate, loving

spiritual relationship with us. He wants to

bring about our best, and for us to

experience him in the fullness of his love,

wisdom, power, strength, and goodness.

He allows brokenness in our lives in

order to bring about a blessing.”

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


*Hide these passages in your heart as

we talk about suffering and testing.*

“A righteous man may have many

troubles, but the LORD delivers him from

them all;” - Psalm 34:19

“I have told you these things, so that in

Me you may have [perfect] peace and

confidence. In the world you have

tribulation and trials and distress and

frustration; but be of good cheer [take

courage; be confident, certain,

undaunted]! For I have overcome the

world. [I have deprived it of power to

harm you and have conquered it for

you.]” - John 16:33 (AMP)

“And we know that in all things God

works for the good of those who love him,

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


who have been called according to his

purpose.” - Romans 8:28

We live in a culture that values

comfort, pleasure and avoiding suffering

at all costs. We fear and completely

misunderstand suffering as well as

underestimate its value and divine

purpose. When we experience pain and

suffering we naturally think God has

forsaken us. We tend to think that if we

are suffering we are doing something

wrong, we made a wrong decision, or

God is punishing us for sin. “I brought on

this pain and suffering myself.” It may

be, but the truth is that Christ followers

are going to suffer for many reasons.

Perhaps there is much suffering because

of the evil that is so prevalent in our

world today. Light and darkness do not go

together. Righteousness and

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


unrighteousness do not mix well. It is

apparent that God’s glory is revealed

through suffering. Christ's ministers or

leaders, perhaps, have to suffer even

more. To list a few:

Moses suffered for 40 years in the


Joseph suffered 14 years in slavery

and in prison.

David suffered 14 years on the run

from the King.

Apostle John suffered in a boiling

cauldron of oil and was then

banished to the Isle of Patmos.

Apostle Paul's sufferings are almost


Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


How God Uses Suffering

“My suffering was good for me, for it

taught me to pay attention to your

decrees.” - Psalm 119:71 (NLT)

“...where they strengthened the believers.

They encouraged them to continue in the

faith, reminding them that we must suffer

many hardships to enter the Kingdom of

God.” - Acts 14:22 (NLT)

“For it has been granted to you on behalf

of Christ not only to believe on him, but

also to suffer for him...” - Philippians


Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


*Suffering is a test (purifier)

of our faith.

There is wonderful joy ahead for us

in heaven, even though the going is rough

for a while down here. These trials are

only to test our faith, to see whether or

not it is strong and pure. “In this you

greatly rejoice, though now for a little

while you may have had to suffer grief in

all kinds of trials, These have come so

that your faith—of greater worth than

gold, which perishes even though refined

by fire—may be proved genuine and may

result in praise, glory and honor when

Jesus Christ is revealed.” - 1 Peter 1:6-7

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


*It makes us partners with Christ in


Don’t be bewildered or surprised

when you go through the fiery trials

ahead. Instead, be really glad, because

these trials will make you partners with

Christ in his suffering. “Dear friends do

not be surprised at the painful trial you

are suffering, as though something

strange were happening to you. But

rejoice that you participate in the

sufferings of Christ, so that you may be

overjoyed when his glory is revealed.” - 1

Peter 4:12-13

*If we are to share His glory, we must

also share His suffering.

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


Since we are His children, we will

share His treasures—for all God gives to

his Son Jesus is now ours too. But if we

are to share His glory, we must also share

His suffering. “Now if we are children,

then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-

heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in

his sufferings in order that we may also

share in his glory.” - Romans 8:17

1 Peter 4:13 tells us that glories follow


*It develops our strength and


We can rejoice, too, when we run

into problems and trials for we know that

they are good for us—they help us learn

to be patient. And patience develops

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


strength of character in us and helps us

trust God more each time we use it until

finally our hope and faith are strong and

steady. “Not only so, but we also rejoice

in our sufferings, because we know that

suffering produces perseverance;

perseverance, character; and character,

hope.” - Romans 5:3-4

*It drives out the sin in our life.

“Therefore, since Christ suffered in his

body, arm yourselves also with the same

attitude, because he who has suffered in

his body is done with sin.” - 1 Peter 4:1

*It teaches us to be obedient.

“Although he was a son, he learned

obedience from what he suffered and once

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


made perfect, he became the source of

eternal salvation for all who obey him...”

- Hebrews 5:8

“You need to persevere so that when you

have done the will of God, you will

receive what he has promised. For in just

a very little while, “He who is coming will

come and will not delay. But my righteous

one[a] will live by faith.” - Hebrews


*It helps to perfect us.

“In bringing many sons to glory, it was

fitting that God, for whom and through

whom everything exists, should make the

author of their salvation perfect through

suffering.” - Hebrews 2:10

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


*It exposes the disloyal.

“But since he has no root, he lasts only a

short time. When trouble or persecution

comes because of the word, he quickly

falls away.” - Matthew 13:21

*It is part of the struggle to advance

the Gospel.

“Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the

dead, descended from David. This is my

gospel, for which I am suffering even to

the point of being chained like a criminal.

But God’s word is not chained.” - 2

Timothy 2:8-9 (NIV)

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


*It's a part of the process for Holy


“So do not be ashamed to testify about

our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner.

But join with me in suffering for the

gospel, by the power of God, who has

saved us and called us to a holy life—not

because of anything we have done but

because of his own purpose and grace.

This grace was given us in Christ Jesus

before the beginning of time...” - 2

Timothy 1:8-9

“Endure hardship as discipline; God is

treating you as sons. For what son is not

disciplined by his father?” - Hebrews


Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


“...but God disciplines us for our good,

that we may share in his holiness. No

discipline seems pleasant at the time, but

painful. Later on, however, it produces a

harvest of righteousness and peace for

those who have been trained by it.”

- Hebrews 12:10-11

*It is an integral part of ministry.

“But you must be clear-headed about

everything. Endure suffering. Do the work

of an evangelist. Devote yourself

completely to your ministry.”

- 2 Timothy 4:5 (ISV)

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


*It God's process for a blessed and

anointed ministry.

“While they were eating, Jesus took

bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave

it to his disciples...” - Matthew 26:26

A.W. Tozer said, “It is doubtful whether

God can use a man greatly until He has

hurt him deeply.”

*It makes you strong.

“And the God of all grace, who called

you to his eternal glory in Christ, after

you have suffered a little while, will

himself restore you and make you strong,

firm and steadfast.” - 1 Peter 5:10

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


*It gives us cause for great rewards.

“For our light and momentary troubles

are achieving for us an eternal glory that

far outweighs them all.” - 2 Corinthians


“...if we endure, we will also reign with

him.” - 2 Timothy 2:12.

“Do not be afraid of what you are about

to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some

of you in prison to test you, and you will

suffer persecution for ten days. Be

faithful, even to the point of death, and I

will give you the crown of life.”

- Revelation 2:10

“I consider that our present sufferings

are not worth comparing with the glory

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


that will be revealed in us.” - Romans


Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


Paul and his suffering:

“I will show him how much he must suffer

for my name.” - Acts 9:16

“I want to know Christ and the power of

his resurrection and the fellowship of

sharing in his sufferings, becoming like

him in his death…” - Philippians 3:10

“My children, I am suffering birth pains

for you again until the Messiah is formed

in you.” - Galatians 4:19 (ISV)

“We put no stumbling block in anyone's

path, so that our ministry will not be

discredited. Rather, as servants of God

we commend ourselves in every way: in

great endurance; in troubles, hardships

and distresses; in beatings,

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


imprisonments and riots; in hard work,

sleepless nights and hunger; in purity,

understanding, patience and kindness; in

the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; in

truthful speech and in the power of God;

with weapons of righteousness in the right

hand and in the left; through glory and

dishonor, bad report and good report;

genuine, yet regarded as impostors;

known, yet regarded as unknown; dying,

and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not

killed; sorrowful, yet always rejoicing;

poor, yet making many rich; having

nothing, and yet possessing everything”

- 2 Corinthians 6:3-10

“So do not be ashamed to testify about

our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner.

But join with me in suffering for the

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


gospel, by the power of God…” - 2

Timothy 1:8

How are we to handle suffering?

(The answers are underlined in the

following scriptures).

“The apostles left the Sanhedrin,

rejoicing because they had been counted

worthy of suffering disgrace for the

Name.” - Acts 5:41

“Endure suffering along with me, as a

good soldier of Christ Jesus.”

- 2 Timothy 2:3 (NLT)

“Remember those earlier days after you

had received the light, when you stood

your ground in a great contest in the face

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


of suffering. Sometimes you were publicly

exposed to insult and persecution; at

other times you stood side by side with

those who were so treated. You

sympathized with those in prison and

joyfully accepted the confiscation of your

property, because you knew that you

yourselves had better and lasting

possessions. So do not throw away your

confidence; it will be richly rewarded.

You need to persevere so that when you

have done the will of God, you will

receive what he has promised. For in just

a very little while, ‘He who is coming will

come and will not delay. But my righteous

one will live by faith. And if he shrinks

back, I will not be pleased with him.’ But

we are not of those who shrink back and

are destroyed, but of those who believe

and are saved.” - Hebrews 10:32-39

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


“Consider it pure joy, my brothers,

whenever you face trials of many kinds,

because you know that the testing of your

faith develops perseverance.

Perseverance must finish its work so that

you may be mature and complete, not

lacking anything.” - James 1:2-4

“In this you greatly rejoice, though now

for a little while you may have had to

suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These

have come so that your faith—of greater

worth than gold, which perishes even

though refined by fire—may be proved

genuine and may result in praise, glory

and honor when Jesus Christ is

revealed.” - 1 Peter 1:6-7

“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the

painful trial you are suffering, as though

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


something strange were happening to

you. But rejoice that you participate in

the sufferings of Christ, so that you may

be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.

If you are insulted because of the name of

Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of

glory and of God rests on you. If you

suffer, it should not be as a murderer or

thief or any other kind of criminal, or

even as a meddler. However, if you suffer

as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but

praise God that you bear that name. For

it is time for judgment to begin with the

family of God; and if it begins with us,

what will the outcome be for those who do

not obey the gospel of God? And, ‘If it is

hard for the righteous to be saved, what

will become of the ungodly and the

sinner?’ So then, those who suffer

according to God’s will should commit

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


themselves to their faithful Creator and

continue to do good.” - 1 Peter 4:12-19

“I consider that our present sufferings

are not worth comparing with the glory

that will be revealed in us.” - Romans



Don’t be afraid but embrace God’s tests,

because just as Job went through his

testing and received double when he came

out, so is the same with us. Remember

God's plan is always to prosper you and

not to harm you. The tests are designed

to get you to the future He has for you. He

wants you to get double for all your

trouble. (See Job 42:10; Isaiah 61:7 NIV)

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


“Come back to the place of safety, all you

prisoners who still have hope! I promise

this very day that I will repay two

blessings for each of your troubles.”

- Zechariah 9:12 (NLT)

When you go through testing don’t give

up! You will want to. People will tell you

to give up. The devil will tell you to give

up. Just don’t do it- hang on! You will

make it through.

“Let us not become weary in well doing

for at the proper time (God's set time, due

season) we will reap a harvest if we do

not give up.” - Galatians 6:9

God has a harvest for you. It's a harvest of

blessings and rewards. It's a harvest of

greater faith and closeness to God. It's a

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


harvest that will take you to HNL (hole

nutha level)! It's a wonderful harvest

filled with the glory of God. Keep your

eyes on the amazing prize your heavenly

Father has waiting for you!

Testing comes so that we can get to the

place of the great abundance that God has

waiting for His people.

“For you, O God, tested us; you refined

us like silver. You brought us into prison

and laid burdens on our backs. You let

men ride over our heads; we went

through fire and water, but you brought

us to a place of abundance.” - Psalm


Testing, trials and suffering is also God's

pathway to a greater anointing. The power

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


of God is imparted to us and displayed

through the pathway of testing, trials and

sufferings. We desperately need men and

women of God who have the supernatural

power of God within them produced by

trials, testing and much suffering.

The anointing oil used in the Old

Testament was olive oil. Olive oil comes

from olives that have been “crushed”,

“broken”, and “smashed”. So is the same

with us today. We must be crushed,

broken and smashed to receive the

anointing of God. God's power and glory

is displayed through broken vessels. The

greater the brokenness, the greater the

power and glory of God that is revealed in

and through that vessel. People who have

a great anointing on their lives have

suffered much and have been through the

"fire" of testing. That's why the disciples

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


could rejoice when they faced testing and

suffering because they knew that the

result would be a far greater anointing to

advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Nearly every moment of life is a

test. However, there are “seasons of

testing” that can be identified, understood

and passed if we are alert. Leaders

experience greater scrutiny, testing and

judgment than followers do according to

James 3:1. Think about it. Tests are

common to all of us. Tests are given

constantly in schools. Many products and

appliances are tested before they are sold.

Nearly every part of a new car is taken

through intensive tests for safety and

performance. When God tests leaders, He

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


takes them through a crucial screening

which reveals what they are made of.

Passing the test is the pathway to progress

and promotion.

A Definition for Testing:

An opportunity which challenges

leaders/Christians to demonstrate their

potential and maturity.

Tests Reveal Three Truths:

1. Inward poverty- The test reveals that

you have increasingly responded poorly

and have failed to act obediently.

2. Inward plateau- The test reveals that

you have not matured, but have become

stagnant in your growth.

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


3. Inward progress - The test reveals that

you have grown and have responded

better than ever.

Question: Think of a test you have

experienced recently. How did you







Question: What have your recent tests

revealed: Poverty? Plateau? Progress?






Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


(In Genesis 22:1-2, 9-13 you can read

about Abraham’s test of faith.)

David, one of Israel’s greatest Kings,

welcomed these tests in his leadership.

Listen to his insight and note how aware

he was of the need for testing:

“. . . For the righteous God tests the

hearts and minds.” - Psalm 7:9

“Thou hast tried my heart; Thou hast

visited me by night; Thou hast tested me

and dost find nothing; I have purposed

that my mouth will not transgress.”

- Psalm 17:3

“Examine me, O Lord, and try me; test

my mind and heart.” - Psalm 26:2

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


“Search me, O God, and know my heart;

Try me and know my anxious thoughts;

and see if there be any hurtful way in me,

and lead me in the everlasting way.”

- Psalm 139:23-24

Clearly, tests are our friends. Leaders

should welcome them. They tell us the

truth when our friends cannot, or will not,

be so blunt. Paul the Apostle closes his

final letter to the Corinthians with some

sobering words:

“Test yourselves to see if you are in the

faith; examine yourselves!”

- 2 Corinthians 13:5

Observe the positive result of tests from

the book of James:

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


“Consider it joy, my brothers, when you

encounter various trials, knowing that the

testing of your faith produces endurance.

And let endurance have its perfect result,

that you may be perfect, or mature,

lacking in nothing.” - James 1:2-4

The Truth About Testing

1. We all experience tests at each stage of

our growth.

2. Our goal should be to pass every test.

3. Testing always precedes promotion.

4. Self promotion and human promotion

can’t replace Divine promotion.

5. Just as a product is never used until it’s

tested so it is with us.

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


A. W. Tozer said, "God has to hurt a man

deeply before he can use him greatly."

17 Tests That Prove Leadership

Potential and Maturity

1. The test of small things (Ephesians

5:16a / Luke 16:10)

This test comes to prove our faithfulness

and potential for greater opportunities.

“... making the most of your

opportunities, because the days are evil.”

- Ephesians 5:16

“He who is faithful in a very little thing is

faithful also in much; and he who is

unrighteous in a very little thing is

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


unrighteous also in much.” - Luke 16:10

Are you willing to do the small things; the

insignificant things your church may pass

on to you? And are you faithful to give it

your best even though it may seem

insignificant? Promotion from God

always begins with being found faithful in

what God gives you.

God wants to promote you.

God wants to bring you to a higher level.

God has a significant ministry for you that

you probably have no idea about yet!

It all begins right here being faithful with

something small! If God can trust you

with something small He will be able to

trust you with something big! That’s the

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way it works in the Kingdom of God. God

determines when you are found faithful.

2. The motivation test (Job 1:9-11 /

Matthew 6:5-6)

This test comes to the one who is doing

right to examine why they are doing it.

Why do you do what you do? Why do

you love and serve God?

“Then Satan answered the Lord, ‘Does

Job fear God for nothing? Hast thou not

made a hedge about him and his house

and all that he has, on every side? Thou

hast blessed the work of his hands, and

his possessions have increased in the

land. But put forth Thy hand now and

touch all that he has; he will surely curse

Thee to Thy face.’” - Job 1:9-11

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Job was tested on His motivation. Satan

said to God, Job only loves you and

serves you because you made him rich;

because you have blessed him. God said,

“No. He loves me because I’m God, not

because I have blessed him.”(paraphrase)

Satan was allowed to strip Job of all he

had, and God was right. Job loved God,

honored God and served God because

He’s God. When Job passed this test, God

rewarded him by restoring double of all

he lost. Whenever we are tested God has

in mind a reward.

3. The stewardship test (Luke 12: 16-21

/ Matthew 25:21)

This test proves how strategically and

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generously we handle the resources we

presently control.

“And then he told them this parable: ‘The

ground of a certain rich man produced a

good crop. He thought to himself, ‘What

shall I do? I have no place to store my

crops.’ Then he said, ‘This is what I'll do.

I will tear down my barns and build

bigger ones, and there I will store all my

grain and my goods. And I'll say to

myself, ‘You have plenty of good things

laid up for many years. Take life easy,

eat, drink and be merry!’ But God said to

him: ‘You fool! This very night your soul

is required of you; and now who will own

what you have prepared?’ ‘So is the man

who lays up treasure for himself, and is

not rich toward God.’” - Luke 12:16-21

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“His master said to him, ‘Well done,

good and faithful slave; you were faithful

with a few things, I will put you in charge

of many things...’” - Matthew 25:21

“Honor the LORD with your wealth and

with the first and best part of all your

income.” - Proverbs 3:9 (GWT)

“A tithe of everything from the land,

whether grain from the soil or fruit from

the trees, belongs to the LORD; it is holy

to the LORD.” - Leviticus 27:30

My wife and I firmly believe in

tithing. Always have and always will. We

always gave to the church first even at the

expense of our family - when we didn’t

have money for food or rent or anything

else. The church always got what

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belonged to the church. We were tested

big time with this when we first came to

Charlotte and were faced with bringing

our tithes to God's Storehouse (the

Church) or pay our bills and feed our

family. God got his first and still does.

It's a test we continually face because He

always wants to be able to trust us with

more and more. This is a test of trust.

4. The wilderness test (Deuteronomy

8:15-16 / Psalm 42:1-4)

This test comes with the purpose of

revealing your potential for change and

growth when you're spiritually dry. There

are times that come in our walk with God

where He seems nowhere to be found.

You don’t feel like praying.

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You don’t feel like going to church.

You don't feel like worshipping.

You don't feel like giving.

You don’t feel like being around other

people who love God.

You don’t feel like a Christian.

God seems to be so far away.

You don’t seem to be blessed.

Others seem to get all the blessings.

Others seem to have all their prayers


We all have our dry spells.

“He led you through the great and

terrible wilderness, with its fiery serpents

and scorpions and thirsty ground where

there was no water...In the wilderness, He

fed you manna, which your fathers did not

know, that He might humble you and that

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He might test you, to do good for you, in

the end.” - Deuteronomy 8:15-16

“Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into

the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.”

- Matthew 4:1

This is where you are tested to live by

faith rather than your feelings. Are you

going to give up because the feelings

aren’t there? Or are you going to keep on

keeping on because of your faith?

“…the word of God came unto John the

son of Zacharias in the wilderness.”

- Luke 3:2 (my emphasis added)

God will speak a life-changing word to

you in the wilderness! For me it was our

vision for what we are doing now- the

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vision- God’s vision came to me in the


5. The credibility test (I Samuel 16:7 /

Galatians 2:11-14)

This test displays our ability and integrity

to see if we compromise under pressure.

Are we going to do the right thing or are

we going to cut corners? Compromise or


That’s important. You’re not tempted to

cheat or cut corners until you're in a

desperate situation. Then you’re faced

with some difficult decisions.

“But when Cephas (Peter) came to

Antioch, I opposed (tested) him to his

face, because he stood condemned. For

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prior to the coming of certain men from

James, he used to eat with the Gentiles;

but when they (the Jews) came, he began

to withdraw and hold himself aloof,

fearing the party of the circumcision. And

the rest of the Jews joined him in

hypocrisy, with the result that even

Barnabas was carried away by their

hypocrisy.” - Galatians 2:11-13

“But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not

look at his appearance or at the height of

his stature, because I have rejected him;

for God sees not as a man sees, for man

looks at the outward appearance, but the

Lord looks at the heart.’” - 1 Samuel 16:7

6. The authority test (1 Samuel 24:2-20 /

Galatians 2:1-9)

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This test comes to expose your attitude

and willing submission towards God-

given authority. This test exposes any

rebellion that may be in our heart.

Rebellion is a heinous sin against God.

Rebellion is what got Satan thrown out of

heaven. Rebellion has no place in the

Kingdom of God. He will not give His

authority to those who are rebellious. God

wants to give you more and more

authority but to have authority you must

be under authority.

Jesus attributed a Roman centurion, a

Gentile, with greater faith than anyone in

Israel. It was because he, the centurion,

understood authority and was under

authority. Therefore he had authority.

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“The centurion replied, ‘Lord, I do not

deserve to have you come under my roof.

But just say the word, and my servant will

be healed. For I myself am a man under

authority, with soldiers under me. I tell

this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one,

‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my

servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.’

When Jesus heard this, he was astonished

and said to those following him, ‘I tell you

the truth, I have not found anyone in

Israel with such great faith.’” - Matthew


David was also a man who understood

and honored authority. Therefore, God

could trust David with the authority of


“Then Saul took three thousand chosen

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men from all Israel, and went to seek

David and his men in front of the Rocks

and of the Wild Goats... And the men of

David said to him, 'Behold, this is the day

the Lord said to you that He would give

your enemy into your hand’... So David

said to his men, 'Far be it from me

because of the Lord that I should do this

thing to my lord, the Lord's anointed to

stretch out my hand against him, since he

is the Lord's anointed’. And David

persuaded his men... and did not allow

them to rise up against Saul.” - 1 Samuel


7. The forgiveness test (Hebrews 12:14-

15 / Mark 11:25-26)

This test comes to show you're not easily

offended and are ready to forgive others.

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People who do not handle offense wisely

betray others, grow cold in their faith and

eventually turn from God. (See Matthew


“Great peace have they which love thy

law: and nothing shall offend them.”

- Psalm 119:165

“Pursue peace with all men...see to it that

no one comes short of the grace of God;

that no root of bitterness springing up

causes trouble, and by it may be

defiled...” - Hebrews 12:14-15

“And whenever you stand praying,

forgive, if you have anything against

anyone; so that your Father also who is

in heaven may forgive you your

transgressions. But if you do not forgive,

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neither will your Father who is in heaven

forgive your transgressions.” - Mark


8. The persistence test (Exodus 13:17 /

Jeremiah 12:5)

This test exposes your ability to stand

when you're in God's will and experience

adversity. When the going gets tough,

how do you respond? Do you just want to

give up, throw in the towel, do something


“If they face war, they might change their

minds and return to Egypt.” - Exodus


“If you have run with the footmen and

they have tired you out, then how can you

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compete with the horses? If you fall down

in the land of peace, how will you do in

the thicket of the Jordan?” - Jeremiah


9. The time test (Esther 4:14 / Galatians


This test reveals the quality of your work,

based on both opportunity and longevity.

“For if you remain silent at this time,

relief and deliverance will arise for the

Jews from another place and you and

your father's house will perish. And who

knows whether you have not attained

royalty for such a time as this?” Esther


“And let us not lose heart in doing good,

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for in due time we shall reap if we do not

grow weary.” Galatians 6:9

10. The Lordship test (Luke 5:4-7 /

Joshua 1:8)

This test usually occurs in one of your

areas of strength. You find it difficult to

trust God. It reveals your heart response

to whom or what has the final authority in

your life.

“And when Jesus had finished speaking,

He said to Simon, 'Let down your nets for

a catch.' And Simon answered and said,

'Master, we worked hard all night and

caught nothing, but at your bidding--I will

let down the nets.’ And when they had

done this, they enclosed a great quantity

of fish; and their nets began to break; and

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they signaled to their partners in the other

boat, for them to come and help them...”

- Luke 5:4-7

11. The faithfulness test

This test reveals our loyalty to someone

else’s dream or vision.

“And if ye have not been faithful in that

which is another man's, who shall give

you that which is your own?” - Luke

16:12 (KJV)

We all have dreams and visions. The

surest way to see our dreams come true is

to help someone else achieve their

dreams. I knew that one day I would have

my own church, and I know we reap what

we sow - so I worked very hard to serve

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Pastor Arlie. I prayed hard, gave much,

sacrificed, did whatever he asked and then

some to help in any way I could advance

his dream and God gave me my own.

This is a big one. How you serve

someone else’s dream is how people will

serve yours!

12. The Servant test (1Kings 19)

This test exposes our true heart, whether

we are serving God in a leadership

position for personal power, prestige,

position, or a heart that truly desires to

help and serve. A pastor I know once

said, “Everyone wants to be a servant

until they are treated like one.” Those

who want to be trained for ministry need

to pass the broom test. Do you mind

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sweeping the floors in the house of God?

Is it beneath you to clean the bathrooms

or change light bulbs? Is your time too

valuable to vacuum the floors in the

sanctuary or straighten the chairs? If so

you will not last long in the ministry. This

same principle applies in our marriages.

Are we willing to serve in any and every

capacity the spouse we say we love? Or

are we expecting to be served?

“The greatest among you will be your

servant.” - Matthew 23:11

13. The discouragement test

A leader is going to go through the

discouragement test when he allows

circumstances or people to dishearten or

deprive him of the courage in the Lord.

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The number one attack on God’s leaders

and all God's people is discouragement!

“Fatigue makes cowards of us all!”

- Vince Lombardi

1 Samuel 30:6 …David encouraged

himself in the Lord.

14. The giving test

This test reveals the true sincerity of our

love and devotion. It reveals that which is

really the treasure of our hearts.

“But just as you excel in everything—in

faith, in speech, in knowledge, in

complete earnestness and in your love for

us—see that you also excel in this grace

of giving. I am not commanding you, but I

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want to test the sincerity of your love by

comparing it with the earnestness of

others.” - 2 Corinthians 8:7-8

(Jesus said,) “For where your treasure is,

there your heart will be also.”

- Matthew 6:21

15. The obedience test

The proof of our love for God is

obedience. Jesus said if you love me you

will obey my commands. God has

established His authority on the earth and

in the church. We obey God by obeying

our leaders. Often the test comes when we

are in disagreement or at odds

emotionally with our leaders. The test is:

will we still obey even if we don't “feel”

like obeying?

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“Obey your leaders and submit to their

authority. They keep watch over you as

men who must give an account. Obey

them so that their work will be a joy, not a

burden, for that would be of no advantage

to you.” - Hebrews 13:17

“The reason I wrote you was to see if you

would stand the test and be obedient in

everything.” - 2 Corinthians 2:9

16. The Love test

Jesus said, “They will know you are my

disciples by your love for one another.”

- John 13:35

Scriptures teach us that love never gives

up. Love never betrays. Love covers a

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


multitude of sins. Love doesn't take off in

tough times. Love requires unselfishness.

Oh how powerful the church would be in

overcoming evil if every member

practiced love!

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not

envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It

is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not

easily angered, it keeps no record of

wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but

rejoices with the truth. It always protects,

always trusts, always hopes, always

perseveres. Love never fails.”

- 1Corinthians 13:4-8

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17. The vision test

This test challenges the leader to wait on

God’s timing for the fulfillment of the


“After forty years had passed, an angel

appeared to Moses in the flames of a

burning bush in the desert near Mount

Sinai.” - Acts 7:30

Joseph experienced 14 years of trials,

testing, suffering and completely dying to

the God given vision he had of being a

leader. Joseph is my favorite because in

an instant he goes from a zero to a hero,

from last to first, from the back to the

front, from the prison to the palace, from

being a prisoner to world leader.

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He experiences setback after setback after

setback and like a rubber band one day

God lets him go and he shoots to the


(Also consider David-14 years, Moses-

40, The Apostle Paul 17+ years of


The truth is you will go through times of

testing because God is more interested in

you being great rather than just doing

great things! We are more interested in

what God does through us; He is more

interested in what He does in us. The

testing, trials and suffering will come but

in the end you will be better for it.

The key is to never, never, never give up!

Remember the greater the testing usually

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


means the greater work that God has

called you to do, the greater rewards He

has for you and the greater anointing and

glory to God will be displayed in and

through you!

ASSESSMENT: Which of the tests have

you experienced this year? Have you

passed them?

APPLICATION: Whatever test you are

facing now, write down what you can do

to exhibit your trust in God and your

credibility to lead effectively.

Psalm 13, as in the case of most of the

Psalms, is a prayer of David during a

period of deep suffering, testing and

preparation for the glory that would soon

be revealed in and through him.

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“How long, O Lord? Will you forget me


How long will you hide your face from


How long must I wrestle with my thoughts

and every day have sorrow in my


How long will my enemy triumph over


Look on me and answer, O Lord my God.

Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in


my enemy will say, “I have overcome


and my foes will rejoice when I fall.

But I trust in your unfailing love;

my heart rejoices in your salvation.

I will sing to the Lord,

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for he has been good to me.” - Psalm


Out of the depth of His personal

experience with God David also wrote:

“A righteous man may have many

troubles, but the Lord delivers him from

them all...” - Psalm 34:19

Pain and suffering often serve to remind

us that this is not our home. Our home

ultimately is in heaven with God where

there is no pain, suffering or sorrow!

Testing, Trials, Suffering and Glory


What matters most:

“...that the name of our Lord

Jesus may be glorified in you.” 2 Thessalonians 1:12

Jesus revealed a powerful principle in

bringing the Father glory. Right before

Jesus was to be betrayed and crucified,

He said this in His prayer:

“I have brought you Glory on earth by

completing the work you gave me to do.”

- John 17:4

Persevering through the times of testing,

trials and suffering is how God is

glorified in us. Persevering Glorifies God.

Persevering is faith and faith pleases God.

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Persevering is the secret key to passing

the tests.

Paul said the same thing, “I have fought

a good fight, I have finished my course, I

have kept the faith: Henceforth there is

laid up for me a crown of righteousness,

which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall

give me at that day: and not to me only,

but unto all them also that love his

appearing.” - 2 Timothy 4:7,8 (KJV)

As Jesus went through the greatest

testing, trials and suffering, He also

received the greatest glory. As you

persevere through the testing, trials and

suffering, know that God has glory

waiting for you!