TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SERVICESKaren Blanchard Radiation Control Program Texas Department...

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  • file TX-SANG 2.25



    January 28,2016

    Water Remediation Technology LLCATTN: Theodore G. Adams, RSO5525 West 56th Avenue, Suite 100Arvada, CO 80002

    Dear Mr. Adams,


    OCT 0 3 ,nib

    t=' .=; • ... .. .

    P.O. Box 149347Austin, Texas 78714-9347

    1-888-963-7111TTY: 1-800-735-2989



    This letter is to inform you that the Radiation Control Program, Incident Investigation Program,has completed their review of the information regarding incident 1-9366, wherein mediacontaining radium leaked from a water treatment system in San Angelo, Texas, on December 15,2015.

    Our review of the information provided has determined that it contains sufficient information tocomplete our records. Our file is now closed. No violations were cited. During records review itwas found I had not sent you this close-out letter for the event.

    You may request additional information on this event through an open records request toradiationcontrolopenrecords@dshs.state .tx.us .

    If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact me.


    Karen BlanchardRadiation Control ProgramTexas Department of State Health ServicesP.O. Box 149347 Me 1986Austin, TX 78714-9347512/834-6770 ext. 2026karen.blanchard@dshs.state.tx.us

    An Eaual Ooocttunitv Emolover and Provider

  • Ted Adams


    Gent lemen,

    Ted Adams [tgadams01@aol.com]Tuesday, December 15, 2015 3:42 PMMike Dimitriou; Ron Dollar; Duane Bollig; Kent Stovall; David Jonestgadams01@aol.comWRT Notification to TX DSHS Re the Release Event at San Angelo

    Based on my discussion with Kent re t he recent release event at th e Sa n Angelo Water Treat ment Facility, Isubsequent ly notified Ms. Karen Blanchard of t he Radiation Control Program Texas Department of State Health Servicesat 5:05 pm EST of the subject event.

    Since I had only limit ed informat ion, I was only able to prov ide limited informat ion to her. I was mostly int erested inand fo cusing on complying with our current license condit ion re timely not ifi cati ons of leaks/releases from ourt reat ment syste m(s). Ms. Blanchard was satisf ied with th e verbal notification. I committed to providing her moredetai led inform ation once I received it . Thus, I expect t o be following up wit h Ms. Blanchard somet ime tom orrow wi tht he detailed information.



  • Ted Adams



    Ted Adams [tgadams01 @aol.com]Wednesday, January 13, 2016 2:30 PM'Blanchard,Karen L (DSHS)'Mike Dimitriou ; Duane Bollig; David Jones; tgadams01@aol.com; Kent StovallWRT Incident Report for San Angelo TX December 15, 2015WRT Incident Report San Angelo TX December 15 2015.pdf

    Here is the subject incident report.

    Please don't hesitate to give me a call if you have any questions.

    Take care.


    Theodore G. Adams, PMPWRTCRSO

    11 West Main StreetSpringville, NY 14141

    716-592-3431 (office)716 -725-5874 (cell)


  • «IN~--- ®

    Water Remediation Technology LLC

    January 13,2016

    Ms. Karen BlanchardRadiation Control ProgramTexas Department of State Health ServicesMC 1986, PO Box 149347Austin , TX 78714-9347

    Subject: Water Remediation Technology , Inc. Incident Report for San Angelo, TXWater Treatment System (License No. L06316)

    Dear Ms. Blanchard :

    Enclosed is a copy of the Water Remediation Technology, Inc. (WRT) Incident Report for therelease of radium contaminated media from the WRT Radium Remova l System located at SanAngelo, Texas water treatment facility. This subject release occurred on December 15, 2015.

    If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to give me a call at716.592.3431.

    Sincerely ,

    ---;~Theodore G. AdamsWRT Corporate RSO


    cc: D. Bollig


    • • •5525 West 56th Avenue, Suite 100, Arvad a, Colorado 8000 2 • tel 303.424.5355 . fax 303.425 .7497

    emai l: info@wrtn et.com . web : www.wrtn et.com

  • Water Remediation Technology, IncIncident Report

    Release of Water and Media at the San Angelo, Texas Water Treatment PlantDecember 15,2015

    Overview of Event

    On Tuesday, December 15, 2015, a Water Remediation Technology, Inc., (WRT)Service Representative was at the San Angelo, Texas water treatment faci lity in themorning (11:00 am) to replace a damaged TideFlex check valve on the reinjection PVCline located between the Reinjection Tank and Primary Vessel on Primary Vessel TrainA.

    At 11:30 am, the Service Representative put the system back online. From 11:30 am to2:00 pm the Service Representative attempted to push water through the new checkvalve to clear media from 'around the valve without success. He then tried to close the2" PVC valve next to the Tank numerous times in order to isolate media from enteringpiping and to facilitate removal of media surrounding the check valve. At 2:00 pm, theService Representative removed the system from being online (system was nowoffline) .

    At 2:20 pm, while the system was offline and the reinjection pump was still operating,the Service Representative tried again to close the 2" PVC valve next to the PrimaryVessel. At this time the PVC fitting (nipple) directly connected to the Primary Vesselbroke.

    Immediate Corrective Actions Taken

    Upon the discovery of the failed PVC fitting , the WRT Service Representativeimmediately turned off the Reinjection Pump and closed the Isolation Valves on the Inletand Discharge of the Primary Vessel. The Service Representative notified a local SanAngelo operator who in turn contacted the San Angelo Plant Manager. The PlantManager subsequently assisted the WRT Service Representative in draining the waterin the vessel to minimize release of media from the Vessel. The Service Representativethen removed the broken piece of pipe and installed a threaded plug into the fitting onthe side of the Primary Vessel.

    After securing the system, stopping further release of water and media , and isolating thearea, the WRT Service Representative contacted the WRT Operations Manager toreport the release of media and water .

  • Later during the day, the Service Representative replaced the 2" PVC valve with a SSvalve and the failed PVC fitting/nipple with a SS nipple. The treatment system was thenplaced back online .

    It was estimated that between 6,000 - 7,000 pounds of media were released as a resultof the failure of the PVC nipple. The loading of the radium on the media was estimatedto be -120 pCi/g.

    Follow Up Actions and WRT Notifications

    The WRT Corporate Radiation Officer (CRSO) Mr. Adams was notified of the event onTuesday, December 15, 2015 at approximately 2:45 pm. Mr. Adams followed up withappropriate WRT personnel to obtain an understanding of the event and to recommendany additional actions to address the subject release.

    Mr. Adams verbally notified Ms. Karen Blanchard (512-834-6770 (X2026), TX DSHSEnvironmental Monitoring Group, Radiation Branch, Inspection Unit of the subject eventat 5:05 pm. Mr. Adams presented the available information regarding the release of themedia at the San Angelo facility.

    On Wednesday December 16, 2015, Mr. Adams informed Ms. Blanchard via email that:

    1). A WRT field team including a Sr. RCT had arrived at the San Angelo site thatafternoon to begin assessing the cause of the release and to initiate final cleanup andsurveying of the impacted area. Surveys would include scans, directs, and removableactivity (smears) measurements,

    2). Cleaned up media is being moved to a designated/labeled storage area with thetreatment system boundaries, and

    3). The failed PVC nipple and the 2" PVC valve had been replaced with a StainlessSteel (SS) nipple and a SS valve.

    On Friday, December 18, 2015, Mr. Adams provided Ms. Blanchard with an update ofthe current status of the San Angelo cleanup activities via email. The subject emailconfirmed that the media was being cleaned up, packaged in secure containers and thecontainers stored in a designated/labeled area within the treatment facility . In addition,there were no incidences of any personnel contamination or high exposures due to thespilled media or the result of the cleanup activities .

    The cleanup activities and related fina l release surveys continued through December19, 2015 . Additional final cleanup efforts and release surveys were performed by the

  • WRT Sr. RCT during December 21-23,2015. The results of all release surveysconfirmed that the media had been successfully removed from the floor surface and thatthe floor area where the media had been released was indistinguishable frombackground.

    The temporarily stored media that was cleaned up is scheduled to be removed from theSan Angelo treatment facility on Wednesday January 20, 2015 and transported to anddisposed of at the US Ecology , Grand View facility in Grand View, Idaho.

    Corrective Actions Taken to Prevent Recurrence

    Corrective actions taken by WRT to prevent recurrence or to address notedweaknesses included :

    1. Review/re- evaluation of the design and installation of the "Recirculation System"and related use of PVC fittings/nipples and need for replacement with SS nipplesand SS valves throughout the rest of the treatment systems and the need forrelocation of the "Recirculation System" and related support piping .

    2. Preparation of new operating procedures to prevenUminimize the recurrence ofthis type of event.

    3. Retraining of the WRT Service Representatives on the new operatingprocedures.

  • Ted Adams


    Ted Adams [tgadams01@aol.com]Thursday, January 14, 2016 5:06 PMDuane Bollig; Kent Stovalltgadams01 @aol com16-0114_Fwd: San Angelo Incident Review

    GentlemenFYI.I received these emails afte r my lengthy discussion wi th Karen Blanchard following her review of t he Incident Report andthe Rad Surveys t hat I sent her (which she requested ).Take care.Ted

    Sent from my iPhone

    Begin forwarded message:

    From : "Kelly,Jason (DSHS)" Date: January 14, 2016 at 4:48:17 PM ESTTo: I tgadamsOl @aol.com" Cc: "Blanchard,Karen L (DSHS)" Subject: RE: Incident Review


    I am overdue to come out and take a look at t he WRT Syst em. To gain a greate r unde rstanding of the WRT System andto unde rstand what occurred dur ing th is incident, I'd like to schedule a t rip to San Angelo to come out and take a look att his system. Wou ld th ere be a conven ient time for me to come out and take a look?

    Jason M Kelly , MPH, CPH, Program CoordinatorAdvanced Technology Licensing ProgramTexas Department of State Health ServicesRadioactive Material Licensing - MC 2835PO Box 149347Austin, Texa s 78714-9347Phone: (512) 834-6688 Ext. 2205Fax: (512) 834-6690

    From: Blanchard ,Karen L (DSHS)Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 3:42 PMTo: Ted Adams Cc: Kelly.Jason (DSHS) Subject: Incident Review



  • I have reviewed the incident and the information you have given me with Jason Kelly and Ray Fleming in licensing. Jasonwill be contacting you-he may have more questions and will likely be looking for a full commitment on the change-outof nipp les/valves from PVC to stainless steel.


    Karen BlanchardRadiation Control ProgramTexas Department of State Health ServicesPhysical Add ress:8407 Wall Street, Austin, TX 78754Mailing Address :MC 1986, PO Box 149347, Austin TX 78714-9347Phone:512-834-6770 ext . 2026l

  • Ted Adams



    Ted Adams [tgadams01@aol.com]Thursday, January 14, 2016 1:16 PM'Blanchard,Karen L (DSHS)'Duane Bollig; Kent Stovall ; Paul Tschida; tgadams01@aol.comWRT Rad Surveys San Ange lo TX Incident Report December 15 2015WRT Rad Surveys San Angelo TX December 15 2015.pdf

    Per you request, attached are the subject surveys .

    Take care.


  • ~WaterRemediation Technology, LLC


    J - } I.- J J. __DATE

    (Includes review of all surveys listed above)

    FROM SOURCE TO SOLUTION....., , ,9500Wes149'" Avenue, Sulle 0100, Wheal Ridge,Colorado 80033 • lei 303.424.5355 • fax 303.425.7497

    email:Info@wrtnel.com · web: \WJ\N.wrtnel.com

  • Survey Technician,_.!-P~au~I,=T~s~c:.l.h i!.::::d~a JL-,::=:"';";'~~~L-_Print

    Survey Date /Time 12/1 6/15 1900

    Location/Building San Angelo TX Reason for Survey Pre Radiation Survey Spill Response

    Notes/Comments: General area exposure readings taken at boundary to where media spill occurred.See map for survey locations.

    Instr. (a, 13, y)SNDetSNCal DueBKG% EFFMDA

    Inslr. (a, p~Odel19 lnslr . (a , 13, y) N/ASN 238715 SN N/ADet N/A Det N/ASN N/A SN N/ACal Due 9/15/16 Cal Due N/ABKG 10 uR/hr BKG N/A% EFF N/A % EFF N/AMDA N/A MDA N/A

    .'•. Expos,lII!lilter ~ .~ :~ ili; I

    Grid Coordsl Descrip tion I Notes ~.~~. Gross t Gross ySample Loc# , tl, f-7r ,;, ~t R) t••·:,·, Counts CP M..:'!f ~ ; '-~ . -""'-

    1 outside man door bkqd . ':: :;: f · .t i' T{) N/A N/A....~ .1':l:W . ,) ,2 inside man door .,.... ·{'t.~JW A(203 roll UP door - 1i:.~~F~~" ~~ 1. ~:;'; ; '25I ~1i+ r : " .'"::."~~4 corner of boundary area ·..·~ .:s; _", · ·~l.. ~'J~' 405 boundary area :~it-.:.. " ' ~1f~:..

    ,., .,42.. b ~ ..,'.~ ...~ .,

    6 boundary area .~ '~l _ ( '~f~i~~ ; . 43


    Survey Technician PAl.


    Survey Technician Paul Tschida ~c,~/·~ Survey Date I Time 12/18/151530Print ~-

    Location/Building San Angelo TX Reason for Survey Post Radiation Survey

    Notes/Comments: General area exposure readings taken at boundarYto where tubs are being stowedafter clean up of spilt media. Have 41 tubs filled from spill responseand 10 additional tubs from pastevents. See map for survey locations. ..

    '" .

    Inslr. (ex,~odel19 lnstr . (ex, P.y) N/A Inslr. (ex, P, y) N/A .: ' Inslr.(ex. P,Y) N/ASN 238715 SN N/A SN NfA .• . SN ; ' :..: .. N/ADel N/A Del N/A Del NIA o'Eif N/A

    . -,sN N/A SN N/A SN .: N/A SN ' N/ACal Due 9/15/16 Cal Due N/A Cal Due .:.: NIA ..:.CaiDue N/ABKG 12 uRlhr BKG NIA BKG NtA · BKG N/A%EFF N/A %EFF N/A %EFF N/A . %EF F N/AMDA N/A MDA N/A MDA · ·' .N/A MDA N/A

    .. . ............. ...Eltpps Meter

    Grid Coordsl Descrlpllon I Noles . . .. .. P&a(jin Gross y GrassySampleLoc # .. " .


    Survey Technician P AIAL. Thlt iD/+Print

    Survey DatefTIme 12./"' /'S- IS 36

    1"=22.5'Approx. Scale_-.!.~~~__Location/Building San AngeloTX


    Fig. No,_-,-_


    r\ , I

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    - . '- --~.

    1- I of- ,.- ..---

    rT.. ._..._-_.


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    Pg.:k..of~ 1-11- II.Reviewed By: _


    Survey Technician Paul Tschida F'h,JI~! Survey Date1Time 12/18/15 1600Prlnl Sl~ 12/19/15 1000

    Location/Building San Angelo TX Reason for Survey Post Decon Contamination Survey


    Instr. @P, y) 2241-2 Instr:'(ixar;r) 2241-2Insir. (0p, y)3030ESN 247403Det 43-10-1SN PR263693Cal Due 10/2/16BKG 0.1 cpm% EFF 32.9 %MDA 12 dpml100cm2

    Instr. (a@y)3030ESN 247403Del 43-10-1SN PR263693Cal Due 10/2/16BKG 81.3 cpm% EFF 20.35 %MDA 166 dpm/100cm2


    31389343-5PR34262211/15/162 cpm

    13.05-%94 doml100cm2

    SN. Det .


    . o/~· EFF


    .. 31389344:9

    . PR34312011/15/1658 cpm13.05 %1948 dpml1 OOcm2

    Flxed+Removable . Removable.-. " . . . ....

    Grid Description I Notes a : : p, y .. Grossu Net a Gross p, y Netp,yCoordsl Net Net .

    , :Smear Smear Smear SmearSample dpm/100cm2 dpm/100cm2 (cpm) dpm/100cm 2 (cpm) dpm/100cm 2

    Loc# . ,.,' . .

    1 bv man door < MDA .


    Survey Technician Paul Tschida ~Jl?~:Lk' Survey DatelTlme 12/18/151600Print sl~e 12/19/151000

    Location/Building Post Decon Survey San Angelo TX

    Flxed+Removable Removable

    Grid Description I Notes a P.r Gross a Net a Gross P. y Net P, rCoordsl Net Net Smear Smear Smear SmearSample dpm/l 00cm' dpm/100cm' (cpm) dpm/1 OOcm' .. (cpm) dpm/100cm'Loc#

    26 bv sumo olt


    Survey Technician Paul Tschida fi?eu2~~ Survey DalelTime 12/18/151600Print Slg~ 12/19/15 1000

    Post Decon Survey San Angelo TXLocation/Bu ild ing,_---!....~~~~~~~~~~~ _

    Flxed+Removable Removable

    GrId Descrlptton I Notes a P.y Gross a Net a Gross P. y Net P.yCoords/ Net Net Smear Smear . Smear SmearSample dpm/100cm' dpm/100cm' (cpm) dpm/100cin' . (cpm) dpm/100cm'Loc#

    61 adj wrench N/A N/A 0 .c:":MDA. . : 87

  • Paul TschidaPrint

    PostDeconSurvey San AngeloTXLocation/Building_-,--,,=,,-,=::.=.:.:.~~~:.:::..:.-,--,,-,=~~ _

    Fixed+Removable Removable

    Grid Description I Noles a P.y Gross a Net a GrossP.y Netp.¥Coords/ Net Net Smear Smear, Smear SmearSample dpm/100cmz dpml100cmz (cpm) dpm/100cmz (cpm) dpm/100cmzLoc #96 sump pit floor N/A N/A 0 < MDA 68 < MDA97 sump pit floor N/A N/A 0

  • PA-tALPrint

    Location/Building j:lo~, bEco~ S .. rlJey Scuv .4,v1fl1c T'f-51'1 (/ "''''/'" t:.v £cJ /Hv'" "" /!Jfl?o;'(~.II' ,01";0~ oAJ

    lX'/J,.cJ / V ~rr£- { /, /J1 £d;/J f-t', cc _/If /JET(v~~VErr"l/ / /tAl? Z .


    pDr- '0Approx. Scale S C.A L E:

    Fig. No._ -,--_

    (Indicate North)


    C"T\.. . .~ ..

    Pg'£of.£.... Reviewed By; /-/1 - 1'-

  • Survey Techniclan~PJaa!.!;!ul.,1 T~s~c!.!Jhi!.!:!da~_-f::..~~rp:.:.~~~__Print

    Survey Date /Time 12/23/151030

    Location/Building San Angelo TX Reason for Survey Post Contamination Survey

    Notes/Comments : Post contamination survey after deconning / clean up of incident that took place afterthe pipe broke on Train 1 Vessel 1. No Direct Reading were taken after this job. they were taken on aprevious survey. See map for survey locations

    Instr. Q P, y)3030ESN 247403Det 43-10-1SN PR263693Cal Due 10/2/16BKG 0.1 cpm% EFF 32.9 %MDA 12dpm/100cm2

    lnstr. (affi)y)3030ESN 247403Det 43-10-1SN PR263693Cal Due 10/2/16BKG 80.1 cpm% EFF 20.35 %MDA 165dpm/100cm2

    Instr. (u, P. y) 2241 -2SNDetSNCal DueBKG%EFFMDA

    lnstr. (a,P, y) 241-2SN

    :Del'sr\j:.::" ,c albuesiiG

    ., %'EFF'MoA

    Flxed+Removable Removable

    ' " ,

    Grid Description I Notes a p, Y :' ., Gross a Net C1 Gross P, Y Net P,YCoordsl Net Net ') l:imear Smear Smear SmearSample dpm/100cml ' dPI!l!;l libcml " (cpm) dpm/100cml (cpm) dpml100cml

    Loc# " ~ ~


    Survey Date/Time I ,. 12.:~" f> It' loSurvey Technician PA", L r~o" Il:.io-Print

    Location/Buildlng,__.:.-_---"-=--:.....__--'-'~_'__ _


    - rr "','"';

    Pg.,L of2::....



    /nT ,.1>Approx. Scale Sc..rH.t::

    Fig. No._ -,--_

    (Indicate North)

    Reviewed By: / . I'- /"