Texas Workforce Solutions · The Texas Workforce Solutions System Composition (2 of 3) • Other...

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New Board Member Orientation

Texas Workforce Solutions

Mike Nolen


TWC 101



By the end of this session, you will be able to:

• Describe the Texas Workforce Solutions System and the role of the Local Workforce Development Board.

• Distinguish the roles & responsibilities of a Board member from those of Board staff.

• Identify characteristics of successful Board members.


The Texas Workforce Solutions System Composition (1 of 3)

• TWC.

• Boards and Board staff.

• Contractors, service providers, and subcontractors including educators. Workforce Solutions Office operators, and staff.

The Texas Workforce Solutions System Composition (2 of 3)

• Other state agencies, including Texas Veterans Commission and the Health and Human Services Commission.

• Community-based organizations, veterans service organizations, and faith-based organizations.

The Texas Workforce Solutions System Composition (3 of 3)

• Local training and educational institutions.

• Other partners that support customers’ needs.

❖ Each workforce area has the flexibility to include additional partners that support the needs of their customers.

Texas Workforce Solutions Flowchart

Texas Workforce Solutions is a Market-Driven System (1 of 3)

Meeting employer needs is essential to meeting job-seeker needs.

Texas Workforce Solutions is a Market-Driven System (2 of 3)

• Economic development.

• Workforce development.

• Community development.


Texas Workforce Solutions is a Market-Driven System (3 of 3)


Guiding Principles

• Economic development.

• Demand – driven focus.

• One-stop model.

• Flexible responsiveness.


Guiding Principles

• Universal access

• Customer choice

• Accountability

• Customized training and human resource solutions


Connecting all available resources is the key to our success.

Demand-Driven System (1 of 4)

Demand-driven model is responsive to:

• Specific needs of employers.• Worker job preparation and retention

support needs.• Skill upgrading and certification.

requirements of the workplace.• Other workforce issues individuals,

communities, and employers face.

Demand-Driven System (2 of 4)

Is:➢ Beneficial to everyone.➢ Critical to success.

Is not:➢ A win/lose system.➢ An either/or approach.

Demand-Driven System (3 of 4)

A demand driven system understands that meeting employer needs is essential to meeting the needs of job seekers.

Services that address the changing needs of business and industry help increase a company’s productivity and profitability.

Demand-Driven System (4 of 4)

Employers are our primary customers and we must satisfy their needs in order to match good jobs with good employees.

Workforce and economic development are vital partners in retaining jobs and fostering economic growth.

Services to Employers (1 of 2)

▪ Matching employer’s job openings with qualified applicants.

▪ Working with state and local economic development entities to attract new employers.

▪ Providing economic and labor market information (LMI) for a specific area, including wage and salary information.

▪ Providing Rapid Response activities.


Services to Employers (2 of 2)

▪ Recruiting job candidates.

▪ Consulting with employers about assistive technology and other accommodations.

▪ Conducting pre-employment assessments.

▪ Assisting with customized training, including the Skills Development Fund.

▪ Sponsoring business seminars and job fairs.


Business Seminars

WorkInTexas.com Tax Credits

Labor Market/economic trends

Using O*Net Online

Labor/payday laws Succession planning

Employee handbooks UI benefits/tax information


Skills Development Fund

Disability awareness Orientation to Workforce Services

Services to Job SeekersOrientation Initial needs


Information and referral

Internet access

Job readiness workshops

Resource room

WorkInTexas.com Job referrals

Access to LMCI Career exploration

Career development resources

Support services

Customized training Networking

Local Workforce Development Boards

The 28 TexasWorkforce Board Areas

Local Workforce Development Boards

Boards are responsible for the comprehensive strategic and

operational planning, oversight, and evaluation of federal and state workforce programs in their area.

The Mission of a Local Workforce Development Board

• Assist employers with hiring needs.

• Improve the quality of the local workforce.

• Reduce dependency on public assistance.

Local Workforce Development Boardshave local flexibility for service delivery design.

Board Functions (1 of 2)

• Make clear decision and set policies for workforce development at the local level.

• Plan and administer program and support service expenditures (WIOA, Choices, ES, SNAP E&T, Child Care).

• Create and maintain partnerships.

• Set strategic goals and objectives.

Board Functions (2 of 2)

• Oversee workforce service delivery design and its impact on stakeholders.

• Identify and coordinate all available resources.

• Publicize and promote workforce services.

• Ensure contractors follow all laws, rules, and policies.

Board Responsibilities (1 of 3)

• Use flexibility to develop a strategic vision and operational plan.

• Procure contractor(s) and service providers for Board area.

• Monitor contractor performance.

• Communicate standards and guidelines to service providers.

Board Responsibilities (2 of 3)

• Conduct workshops to facilitate the transition from one service/system to another.

• Research and communicate labor market information on local high-growth/high-demand occupations.

• Conduct reviews of service delivery to improve customer service.

Board Responsibilities (3 of 3)

• Implement TWC policies and rules to identify and eliminate fraud.

• Encourage continuous quality improvement.

State law requires Boards to integrate and evaluate all workforce development services delivered in their workforce area.


• Planning is the Board’s key responsibility, set out in the Local Plan.

• Submitted to TWC, TWIC, & the Governor.

• Two components:



Strategic Planning (1 of 3)

Strategic planning enables Boards to:

• Attract and engage employers.

• Target industries, sectors, or clusters.

• Build strategic partnerships.

• Align resources.

Strategic Planning (2 of 3)

• Assess current workforce development.• Analyze labor market and economic factors

and trends.• Assess needs and expectations of businesses,

residents, and elected officials.• Analyze influences of state and federal law.• Identify gaps between needs and capacity to

meet those needs.

Strategic Planning (3 of 3)

• Set local mission, goals, and objectives.

• Develop service strategies and identify resources.

• Establish mechanisms to evaluate progress.

Operational Planning

• Local governance and management.

• Operational goals and objectives.

• Local service delivery system.

• Oversight of Texas Workforce Solutions Offices.

• Budget and key control certification.

Local Flexibility

Decision-making authority for service delivery design and the responsibility for providing quality service to customers reside locally with the Boards.

Boards must customize services to meet the unique needs of their particular regions and populations.

Performance Measures

Performance areas (outcomes or percentages), called “Common Measures” or “Performance Measures” determine each Board area’s successes and opportunities for improvement.

Performance Oversight and Evaluation

➢ Specific program standards.

➢ Statewide core performance standards.

➢ Evaluation of all workforce services offered.

➢ Monitoring workforce service providers and subcontractors.

Compliance Versus Strategy

➢ Leading a system.

➢ Broad and encompassing community vision.

➢ Strategic thinking, planning, evaluation.

➢ Performance excellence.

➢ Progress toward vision.

Funds Management

• The Board is the steward of all workforce funds allocated to the area.

• The Board is contractually responsible for ensuring efficient and effective use of these resources.

• The Board must file an itemized budget and financial report each fiscal year.

Board Liability

• Disallowed costs are the liability of the local workforce board.

• The Board should contractually hold a subcontractor liable for disallowed costs.

• Repayment of disallowed costs must be from local funds.

Board Member Appointment Process (1 of 2)

• The CEOs receive names of potential nominees from organizations to be represented on the Board.

• The Chief Elected Officials (CEOs) of a workforce area nominate members to the Workforce Board.

Board Member Appointment Process (2 of 2)

• The lead CEO then forwards the name of the nominee and documentation to TWC for review and approval.

• If Commissioners approve, the nominee is appointed to the Board.

Board Membership

• Unpaid.

• Members nominated by CEOs.

• 51% private sector majority.

• Reflect gender and ethnic diversity of area.

• Represent small businesses.

• Organized labor and community-based membership not less then 15% of total.

Board Members

Veterans’ Representation

A minimum of one Board member must represent the interests of veterans and be active in veteran service organizations.

Board Members

Child Care Representation

A minimum of one Board member must have expertise in child care or early childhood development.

Board Staff (1 of 5)

Board staff is the paid administrative arm of the Board that conducts the day-to-day business operations of the Board.

• Executive Director (ED). • Chief Financial Officer (CFO).• Planners.• Monitors.

Board Staff (2 of 5)

• Implement Board decisions.

• Outreach to local industry and business.

• Inform the Board about labor market trends.

• Develop compliance and operational plans and budgets.

• Negotiate, score, and recommend service provider contracts.

Board Staff (3 of 5)

• Measure performance and outcomes.

• Report program expenditures and

performance to Board and state.

• Monitor adherence to federal and state laws, rules, and policies.

• Recommend service delivery options.

Board Staff (4 of 5)

• Report program, expenditure, and

performance information to the board.

• Labor market analysis and targeting

occupations for training investments.

• Ensure training curriculum aligns with local skills requirements.

Board Staff (5 of 5)

• Monitor adherence to federal and state laws, rules,

and policies.

• Texas law prohibits Boards and Board staff from

directly providing workforce or training services.

Boards and Board Staff

Boards and Board staff must be separate from, and independent of any organization directly providing training or services to the Workforce Solutions Offices.

Selecting Service Providers (1 of 3)

• Board decides to contract a service.

• Directs staff to generate RFI, RFP.

• Workforce service providers submit information and proposals.

Selecting Service Providers (2 of 3)

• Staff and/or committee of Board members review proposals and make recommendations to the Board.

• Contract is rewarded.

• Staff negotiates terms with workforce service provider.

Selecting Service Providers (3 of 3)

• Boards have broad oversight of service providers:

• Fiscal integrity.

• Insurance and liability.

• Standards of conduct.

• Conflicts of interest.

• Board staff employment.

Board Fiscal Integrity

• Boards must develop fiscal integrity evaluation indicators for contractors.• Evaluation time frame based on contract


• Include required state components.

• Includes review of workforce service providers’ prior 3-year financial history.

• Includes other Board-approved factors.

40 T.A.C. § 801.54(a)

The Workforce Solutions Office Services (1 of 4)

Mandated Services:

➢ Available in all Workforce Solutions Offices.

➢ Board-mandated services that are program specific (WIOA, Choices, SNAP E&T, Child Care, ES, TAA).

➢ Other mandated services under a variety of programs.

The Workforce Solutions Office Services (2 of 4)

➢ Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

➢ Choices – Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

➢ Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment & Training (SNAP E&T).

➢ Child Care.

➢ Employment Service (ES).

➢ Trade Adjustment Act (TAA).

The Workforce Solutions Office Services (3 of 4)

Additional Services:

➢ Adult Education and Family Literacy .

➢ Veteran’s Employment and Training.

➢ Vocational Rehabilitation.

➢ Apprenticeship Training Program.

➢ Other mandated services under a variety of programs.

The Workforce Solutions Office Services (4 of 4)

Additional Services:

➢ Skills Development Fund.

➢ Work Opportunity Tax Credit.

➢ Senior Community Services Employment Program (SCSEP).

➢ Unemployment Insurance assistance.*

➢ Assessment.

Vocational Rehabilitation (1 of 2)

The 84th Texas Legislature passed legislation directing the transfer of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services and related programs to TWC, effective September 1, 2016.

Vocational Rehabilitation (2 of 2)

Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services help people with disabilities prepare for, find, keep, and advance in competitive, integrated employment. Texas Workforce Solutions Vocational Rehabilitation Services (TWS-VRS) delivers these services in Texas.

Board Member Liability

A Board member may not be held personally liable for the actions of the Board except in cases of personal wrongdoing.

Avoid Conflict of Interest or Appearance of Conflict of Interest

On any matter that may involve you or your organization:

❖Disclose conflicts.❖Remove yourself from participation.❖Refrain from influencing decisions.❖Abstain from voting on certain matters.

Disclose Conflicts

✓Prior to taking office.

✓Prior to specific votes.

✓Board Disclosure Officer.

✓Annual renewal.

Avoiding Conflict Appearance in Voting

What is participation?

A board member must not directly or indirectly influence, encourage, or lobby any person, including any other board member or board staff, regarding any matter in which the member, his immediate family, or the organization which he represents has a substantial interest or from which the member would receive financial benefit.

WD Letter 34-02

Scenario #1

➢Rob Johnson, the owner of XYZ corporation, has submitted a bid in response to the Wabash WDB’s RFP for a new workforce solutions office contractor.

➢Angela Wilson is a Wabash Board member who is familiar with XYZ Corporation’s track record. She has talked with several Board members about the wonderful work XYZ has done with several other Boards.

➢At the Board meeting, Angela discloses that Mr. Johnson happens to be her brother so she removes herself from the Board’s voting process in the selection of a new contractor. Is there a conflict of interest?

Board Contracts and Conflicts

Board contracting prohibitions: there are some contracts to which the Board may not enter or be a party

▪Prohibition on directly providing services.

▪Separate staffing.

▪Use of workforce services.

Scenario #2➢Tommy Wade, a Wabash WDB member, is also a

member of the Wabash Chamber of Commerce.➢Calvin Parker, an officer with one of the Wabash

WDB’s contractors, is also a member of the Chamber.

➢The Wabash WDB has posted an RFP for a workforce solutions office contractor that closes in two weeks. The Board issued clear guidance regarding any communication once the RFP has been posted.

➢During a Chamber social function, Mr. Parker tells Mr. Wade that his company would be very appreciative if he were to look favorably on their proposal.

➢What should Mr. Wade do as a result of this communication?

The Texas Public Information Act and Open Meetings Act (1 of 2)

“The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know.”

The Texas Public Information Act and Open Meetings Act (2 of 2)

When in doubt:

» Consult your Board’s legal counsel.» Contact the Office of the Attorney.

General @ 1-800-252-8011.» Contact TWC Office of General.

Counsel @ 1-512-463-7902.


New Board Member Orientation Guide, Appendices

TWC’s Workforce and Board Support Department

Desk Aids TWC Financial Manual for Grants and Contracts

Board Plan Public Information Handbook

TWC Strategic Plan Board Staff

TWC Annual Report Texas Open Meetings Handbook

Fellow Board Members

Board Website



Your Role

Your work plays a vital role in the Workforce Solutions System!



Thank You!