Text features

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Designed for a VS lesson for my EDTC 650 class at UMUC


Text Features

C CastoJuly 31, 2012

Print Features

Large Bold Print The title of the article is written with a bold print so show importance. The letters are thicker and stand out.

Font Size and Type The size of the font and type are different in each section of the page to help separate the sections and organize the spaces.

ItalicsItalics is used to show... show a foreign word.

show emphasis or contrast.

show a title of a book or movie.

show a word discussed in the sentence.

Quotation Marks

Quotation Marks surround spoken word and around words that are highlighted.


One of my favorite books is Charlotte’s Web.

Underline title of books when hand written.

Print Features

• Large bold print

•Font size/type

• Italics

• “Quotation marks”

• Underlining

Graphic Aids

Illustrations and Pictures

Images that help the reader understand the content.

Photographs Photographs help the reader understand the content.

DrawingDrawings help the reader understand the content.

Sketches Quick drawings or sketches help the reader understand processes.

CartoonsCartoons can engage a learner.

Graphic Aids

• Illustrations and pictures• Photographs• Drawing• Sketches• Cartoons

Informational Aids

Introductions and Overviews

Introductions and overviews give the reader and idea of the focus of the text.

Materials Lists

A list of material or tools needed for a task.


Events listed in chronological order.


Captions explain what an image is about.


Labels identify an item or feature.

Numbered Steps

Numbered steps explain how to complete a task.

Bulleted Lists

The dots or bullets, signify a list.

Footnoted words

Footnotes help the reader understand the text OR cite the text.


When the canine* ran through the forest all the birds…

* Canine – of or relating to dogs.


Pronunciation Key

The pronunciation key helps the reader sound out words.

Informational Aids

• Introductions and overviews

• Materials lists• Timelines• Captions

• Labels• Numbered steps• Bulleted lists• Footnoted words• Pronunciation key

Organizational Aids


The name of a movie.

The name of an article

The name of a book.

Chapter Titles

The name of a chapter.


The name of a section or part.


The names of things that come after the heading.

Tables of contents

A page at the beginning of a book lists the chapters and their pages.


A section at the end of a reference book that lists words found in the text with their page numbers.

IndexesA section at the end of a reference book that lists topics as they appear in the book.

Organizational Aids

• Titles

• Chapter titles

• Heading

• Subheadings

• Tables of contents

• Numbered steps

• Glossaries

• Indexes

Online Features


Uniform Resource Locator - The address used to go to a particular web page

Hypertext LinksA link to another web page from an image or words. The words are usually shown in blue.

vHover your mouse arrow over an image or words and it changes. Click on it and it loads a new page. c


An index on the edge (top, left, right, bottom) that directs the reader to other pages.

Drop Down MenusA list that is displayed when a title is clicked on to direct the reader to other pages.

Home PagesThe first page of a web site.

Site Maps

A link from the home page to a list of pages within the website.

Online Features

• URLs

• Hypertext links

• Sidebars

• Drop down menus

• Home pages

• Site maps


Maryland State Department of Education. (2012). Using the state curriculum: reading/ELA, grade 4. School Improvement in Maryland. Retrieved from http://mdk12.org/instruction/curriculum/reading/standard2/grade4.html


Caption - http://www.nasa.gov/news/index.html

Cartoon - http://www.andertoons.com/education/cartoon/6384/anyone-tell-me-how-semicolon-is-used-other-than-emoticons/

Chapter Titles - http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&sa=X&rlz=1C1LENN_enUS452US452&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=isch&prmd=imvnsb&tbnid=ByJRcqu6kTNt2M:&imgrefurl=http://conicelli.blogspot.com/2012/05/celebrate-maniac-magee-day-in.html&docid=1aczpT_Ccs6qDM&imgurl=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-JB2cpSZg_-U/T8de_uDwTFI/AAAAAAAACAk/E1umz6j67Zk/s1600/Maniac%252BMagee%252Bcover.jpg&w=369&h=502&ei=WtAVUO2bGdGM6QGV4IDYCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=556&vpy=77&dur=249&hovh=262&hovw=192&tx=74&ty=159&sig=113263606850010111689&page=2&tbnh=137&tbnw=105&start=26&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:26,i:249

Dropdown - http://dsc.discovery.com/

Foot noted words - http://cla.calpoly.edu/~amclamor/324theater/footnotes.pdf http://www.thefreedictionary.com/canine

Hyperlink - http://www.funbrain.com/kidscenter.html/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonial_america

Introduction - http://images.borders.com.au/images/bau/97811416/9781141618750/0/0/plain/the-treaty-of-washington-its-negotiation-execution-and-the-discussions-relating-thereto.jpg Cushing, C. (1873). The treaty of Washington its negotiation, execution, and the discussions relating thereto. Washington: Harper & Brothers.

Italics - http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Italics

Label/Drawing - http://ocas.pearsonschool.com/sf/0-328-10605-4/iText/products/0-328-10116-8/unita/ch01/020_021.html


Materials/Steps/Subtitle - http://www.diynetwork.com/decorating/how-to-make-a-tropical-flower-lamp/index.html

Pronunciation key - http://www.thefreedictionary.com/canine

Quotation Marks - http://www.timeforkids.com/news/american-hero/42556

Sketch - http://schoolhouse1.fenn.org/dduane/science8th/Monday%20Food%20Web.jpg http://www.buzzle.com/images/diagrams/water-cycle-diagram.jpg

Sidebar - http://www.timeforkids.com/news/olympian-lends-hand/42611

Table of Contents - http://ocas.pearsonschool.com/sf/0-328-10605-4/iText/products/0-328-10605-4/unita/A1.html

Timeline - http://www.onlineeducation.net/videogame_timeline/video-game-timeline.jpg

Title - http://dsc.discovery.com/ (Popular) https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3dwNAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&output=reader&authuser=0&hl=en&pg=GBS.PR8 http://www.studybreaks.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/annie.jpg

Underlining - http://www.notebookcomputerssmall.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Notebook-Paper-Background.jpg

URLs - http://www.studyisland.com/web/index/ http://www.discoveryeducation.com/ http://www.funbrain.com/

All images were retrieved on 7/29/12