Textual Analysis - Primadonna

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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The opening shot, which is a computer generated image of a long shot. This is a typical Hollywood film convention of the


The first shot is a close up of the main singers face, this is a way of addressing

the audience and exhibiting whom is singing. This shot doesn’t frame her

whole face, as we can see some of her shoulders and cannot see the top of her head. The rule of thirds applies here to

create an eye to eye connection with the audience.

The following shot is a medium shot of the singer, with the added effects on top

of the footage. This suggests she may be a model etc of some sort. The

handheld style of this shot creates the idea that she has been filmed previously.

The next shot is a tracking medium shot which also is panning to the left. It is

doing this in order to show the camera is circling around her. Which emphasises

the main idea of the song that she is the most important person.

The next shot is also doing a similar movement to the previous shot,

however it is less obvious as Marina is not turning her head to face the camera

at all times. The shot is giving a continuity element to the lyrics and is

not a change of scenery again. The next shot is fairly rapid, it is a close up shot of a dog, which pans, tilts and tracks from a low angle shot to a high

angle shot. This may be used to represent a persons point of view

looking down onto the dog and may be used as a way of disorientating the

audience with a juxtaposition.

A long shot of the artist is then shown, the frame cuts out the bottom of the

bicycle, however she is positioned slightly left of centre. In order to include the toy dog into the shot as well. As in this shot she also looks to the dog. As if

repeating the previous shot.

The medium close up of the dog is then repeated, however this time without a disorientating post-production effect.

The dog is looked down upon , creating a pattern throughout.

This shot is only 0.5 seconds long, however the artist is framed just off centre and in a close-up. Giving the

audience a chance to understand her emotions. Without any of her things, she

feels vulnerable. Shes almost bare (aside from her makeup).

This long shot is showing the significance of the girl in comparison to something

larger. In order to capture how insignificant she is. The shot is now

tracking around the chandelier rather than Marina, it could suggest or portray that her life is merely about the next big thing and when that comes she wont be

the star of the show.

This is a handheld shot which is tracking towards the piano. It has a filter added to it, in order to refer back to one of the first shots of her being filmed. She is almost

presented like an artists muse.

This shot is a close-up of her reciting the lyrics. The camera remains focused on

her face and does not contain any camera movements.

Again, positioning her just off centre of the camera shot is framing the scene

well. It is giving the audience a clue as to where she is. It is filming from a low

angle shot potentially around 45 degrees. It give the audience a peek at the mise-en-scene. Which clearly is in a

manor house. This close-up shot is positioned to the right of her face. It does this because

she isnt addressing the audience directly, she is looking down. Which as a

Primadonna she will look down upon many people as she believes she is the

most significant person.

This long shot is a chance for the audience to effectively see marinas

body. She even acts and twirls around, using high culture to do this. The

camera is clearly directed to show the golden furniture in the house.

This shot does not include Marina, she is however positioned to be in the direct

line of eye sight. In the rule of thirds she is positioned at the top of the second

row. Which, enables viewers to see her clearly. It is focusing on her and there are no camera movements to ensure

this. This shot is showing us an extreme close-up of marina, in particular her

eyes. As the eyes show the most emotion in a person, this is why the

camera is focused around this area. The camera contains movements of tilts and

pans in order to remain focused on marina’s eyeline and maintain the eyeline being in the centre of the

camera. This may to be represent the influence she has upon people.

The camera movements also follow Marinas actions, this time however at a

medium close up shot.

This extreme close-up is focusing on Marina’s lips. Which may also tie in

nicely with Laura Mulvey's male gaze, this is purely to sexualise Marina in a way which enables males to want her and females to want to be her. She is framed to the right and at an angle of

her in order to show the pulpiness of her lips. The first shot is a close up of the main

singers face, this is a way of addressing the audience and exhibiting whom is singing. This shot doesn’t frame her

whole face, as we can see some of her shoulders and cannot see the top of her head. The rule of thirds applies here to

create an eye to eye connection with the audience.

The following shot is a medium shot of the singer, with the added effects on top

of the footage. This suggests she may be a model etc of some sort. The

handheld style of this shot creates the idea that she has been filmed previously.

This shot is showing her glamourous side. It references to a vintage style of glamour. The shot is a still shot which, furthermore backs up the idea that she believes everyone is fixated with her

and her ideology.

This shot is a panning close up – two shot of Marina and a tortoise. It works to make the viewer question why there is a

tortoise and also helps to portray her wealth, as the average home doesn’t

own a tortoise.

This is a voyeuristic shot looking from what appears to be inside the

chandeliers. It may give the illusion of paparazzi, peering into her life of

glamour. It is effectively giving the impression that someone is looking into

the shot.

The shot of the crystal chandelier is a close up shot, designed to show the light reflecting off the crystal. Which in turn is also effective in giving the impression of wealth and success. It then focuses and tracks backwards away from the object

(or zooms out). This camera positioning along with the

lighting works effectively to give a silhouette like effect. The framing of the

shot is dictated by the light and the crystal chandelier in front of Marina.

There is no camera movements. It could mean that she will always steal the

limelight if she feels threatened.This is one of the longer shots in the

music video, translating to 3 seconds. The camera is focused onto Marina, and follows using a track and pan around the chandelier. This shows that even though the crystal is important and expensive,

she dictates the room.

There is no camera movements in this shot, however, the close up of her legs

and feet are hinting at pointing something out. Potentially suggesting that she is a Primadonna for wearing

high heels in the garden / on a ladder.

The long shot is showing Marina in a model like position on top of the ladder. It is almost as if the camera is making a film with her- or even an audition tape.

Almost acting as a match on action shot, this close up shot is positioning marina at the centre and the apple to the left.

The long shot of marina is using the rule of thirds in order to place her. This also makes the perfect frame to show the

extravagant nature of the room, including all of the expensive furniture.

This shot isn’t much in itself, however, the next shot provides a match on action

This match on action sequence is using close and medium shots in order to

convey continuity.

This shot is of her car being cleaned. It is a medium shot. She is still in the shot,

although is turned away.

This image is showing a close up of the cleaning of the car. It is showing

continuity and also represents the fast movement of her career and also how

out of control she is.

This is the only establishing shot throughout the whole video. This is

taken from the car. Therefore is tracking however the camera itself remains

stationary and doesn’t use any tilts or pans.



This song, uses a vast amount of fast paced editing in order to consume the music video. Most of the shots only last around a second or less. This may be because the producers want to show the fast paced lifestyle of their Primadonna. It could also reflect her lack of control over her lifestyle. The use of shot reverse shot editing is used to

Show the idea that she wants to be everywhere at all times. The video also uses many post production effects onto the aesthetic of the videos. The obvious one is the retro TV grain commonly found on lower pixilated TV’s found in the 70’s.

There is also a use of black and

white filters being added,

this is when she is in

the car. She seems to be

upset, this could reflect that she

is almost stripped of her

glamourous life and is showing

her sorrow behind the glam.

This suggests that it may be coming to an

end. Or that she is sad to leave

her extravagant home etc.

The overall Mise - en- scene conveys a very wealthy and retro style, This can be clear from the behind the scenes images of the location. It was shot in Copenhagen, in what appears to be a 80's house or gallery. These images show the extravagant nature of the location. Almost flaunting affluence. It reminds me of the great Gatsby of 20's wealth in America. The grand venue certainly reflects the vintage style of the music video. 

The golden and relatively upper class setting is used throughout the video. However there are some other places and features using props which are also featured throughout the video as well.





There are some appearances from animals throughout the video. This

may be due to the lack of other humans. The dog is symbolic to being a good friend, however it barks at her in

another shot. This may suggest that she is unworthy of being loved because

she is so self centred. There is also a tortoise in the video, which may

counter balance her fast life with the slow tortoise movements.

There are many props throughout the video. Such as the piano, Marina used to play the piano in her songs which may be a little Easter egg for her fans. A grand piano also signifies great wealth and intelligence. There is also many shots of the large chandeliers, which as I have already established as being of an upper class feature. There is also a feature of a book secrets of an accidental duchess, which obviously Marina relates to.

Typical to pastel grunge, the colours are very pale. Usually containing the colour pink. This can be seen throughout the whole video. Which also uses dark colours to contrast, again being similar to the pastel grunge theme.

Mainly, most of the video is shot inside of the manor house, however, there are scenes outside of the house. Such as the garden shot and the car and car wash. This is typical of a music video to show a variety of locations. The garden is used in order to show her soft side. And for the natural lighting and contrast with the soft green tones from the trees. The car scene has also been explained, however it just shows a different light to Marina making her appear vulnerable deep down.





Marina is signed with Atlantic records, a major American label, under the Warner Bros, umbrella oligopoly. Atlantic records seem to specialise in RnB, Rock and Hip-Hop. Although in recent years they have expanded their choice of musicians outwards to gain further broad scope for their portfolio. Marina is an indie pop artist, and is the only successful one out of Atlantic records.

679 is a London based label, also owned by the Warner Bros, company. Although starting in 2001, the label was dissolved in 2014. So therefore the only way of distributing is with the Atlantic records. Which is still okay, due to the American culture, many British fans have only succeeded in making the song number 11 in the charts. In the US it reached number 1. Most of the main record labels are situated in America so for geographical accessibility this label is good for Marina.


Marina and the Diamonds attracts many people, a lot of university students like her music. Alongside many younger girls and boys as young as 12 or 13. Many of the younger listeners will not understand the message of the song, which is basically to marry for riches and be materialistic. However those who are older have a higher chance of appreciating her controversial outlook. This is why many of those who would like indie – as they look for meaning in the lyrics are attracted to her and many who just like the pop style beat are attracted to her also.

Many of those people who watch the video will enjoy the aesthetically pleasing costumes and scenery. It is individuals to the indie genre and the pop genre in that it contains aspects of each but is appealing because of the differences.