Textures Manual With Photos

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8/3/2019 Textures Manual With Photos

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Textural Terms in Igneous Petrology

Adcumulate - Cumulus crystals continue to growand displace the intercumulus liquid. Example:Opx adcumulate texture with minor interstitialchromite and plagioclase (Bushveld Complex)

Amygdaloidal texture – Amygdule is the namegiven to a formerly open vesicle that has beenfilled with a secondary mineral(s) precipitatedfrom low-T ground waters which have penetratedinto the rock. In this case, the amygdule isprobably filled with a zeolite mineral.

Andehral - Irregularly shaped compact grainsnot bounded by any characteristic crystal faces

Annealing – texture in which many small grains join to become larger grains in order to minimizesurface energy. Example: Annealing of smallchromite grains on the right to form largemasses of chromite on the left (Bushveld


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Aphanitic - Texture that consists of a mosaic ofcrystals too small to be seen withoutmagnification. Can be either cryptocrystalline ormicrocrystalline

Bimodal - Refers to two distinct populationswithout intermediate members

Cryptocrystalline - Texture that consists of amosaic of minute crystals that cannot beresolved with an optical microscope

Crystallinity - Proportion of crystals in a glassyrock or in a magma

Crystallites - Minute crystals that do not reactvisibly to polarised light under the microscope

Cumulate - Accumulation of crystals produced bycrystal-melt fractionation. Example: Cumulate

orthopyroxene in the Bushveld Complex

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Dendritic - Crystal shapes resembling treebranches. Example: Dentritic Olivines

Embayment – A term used to describe aparticular crystal shape. Example: Embayment inOlivine Phenocryst

Euhedral - Mineral grain completely bounded byits own rational crystal faces, forming a tabular,platy, columnar or other habit. Commonly but notnecessarily formed by unrestricted growth in aliquid. Same as idiomorphic

Eutaxitic texture - Flattened, weldedvitroclasts defining a compaction foliation moreor less parallel to the depositional surface of thepyroclastic-flow deposit in the fabric is found:NOT a type of flow layering

Glassy - A texture consisting of some proportionof glass. Example: Glassy unwelded rhyolitic tuff

Graphic - Magmatic texture that consists of anintergrowth of alkali feldspar and quartz, the

latter in triangular and hooklike formsresembling ancient writing. Can be coarse where

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quartz grains are several millimeters ormicrocrystalline, visible only with a microscope,when it is called micrographic or granophyric

Holocrystalline - Texture made wholly ofcrystals. Example: Holocrystalline granite

Hypocrytalline – A term used to describe rocksthat contain both crystals and glass. Example:Hypocrystalline pitchstone with perlitic cracks

Example: Hypocrystalline Basalt Hypidiomorphic-granular - Magmatic phaneritictexture that consists of a mixture of euhedral,subhedral and anhedral grains

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Microcrystalline - Texture that consists of amosaic of crystals that are only visible under amicroscope. Example: Microcrystalline Olivinebasalt

Myrmekite - In granitic rocks, microcrystallinetexture that consists of an intergrowth ofvermicular (“wormy”) quartz in a sodic plagioclasehost

Orthocumulate - Cumulus crystals are enclosedin material that has crystallised from theinterstitial melt. Example: Opx + Chromiteorthocumulate with interstitial plagioclase(Bushveld Complex)

Ophitic – Magmatic texture in which largercrystals called oikocrysts enclose smallerrandomly oriented crystals Example: euhedral tosubhedral biotite and plagioclase crystals aresurrounded by optically-continuous, gray-coloredK-feldspar.

Parallel Growth – A term used to describe aparticular crystal growth orientation. Example:Parallel growth in olivine (also some skeletalmaterial in the left)

Perthite - The light gray streaks in thisphotomicrograph are plagioclase exsolutionlamellae in gray K-feldspar. Perthite forms as anoriginally homogeneous feldspar exsolves twofeldspars as temperature falls below thefeldspar solvus during subsolidus cooling.

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Phaneritic - Texture in which grains of majorrock forming minerals are all large enough to beidentifiable without magnification

Example 2: Phanerocrystalline granite with twoK-feldspars

Example 3: Phanerocrystalline granite with oneK-feldspar

Phenocryst - Larger crystal precipitated from amelt embedded in a finer grained or glassymatrix

Poikilitic - Magmatic texture in which largercrystals called oikocrysts enclose smaller

randomly oriented crystals

Porphyritic - Inequigranular magmatic texturemade up to two grain sizes, larger crystals

commonly euhedral called phenocrysts embeddedin a finer-grained or glassy matrix. Example:

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Porphyritic Andesite

Seriate - Phaneritic inequigranular magmatictexture in which grains range more or less

continuously in size. Contrast with bimodal.Example: Seriate textured olivine basalt underplane light

Seriate Example 2: Seriate textured olivinebasalt under crossed polarized light

Skeletal – Crystal shape. Example: olivines inpicritic basalt

Skeletal Example 2: Skeletal crystal shapedeveloped in olivine

Subhedral – Poor crystal shape development

although crystal shape still apparent. Example:Subhedral olivine in picritic basalt

Vesicular – A term given to a rock that contains

lots of vesicles. Example: Scoriaceous basaltcontaining black, ovals features that are vesicles.

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Note the acicular, white plagioclase lathsthroughout and the euhedral, white olivinephenocryst at the lower right.

Vitrophyre - Texture in which large crystals(phenocrysts) lie in a glassy matrix. Example:Vitrophyric basalt with plagioclase, augite andmagnetite

Vitrophyre – Example 2 phenocryst-bearingobsidian. The phenocrysts in the abovephotomicrograph are mostly plagioclase. Thegroundmass is obsidian glass