TG Brochure

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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Understanding & Using Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Talinga Grove is an Olive Oil Farm situated just out of Strathalbyn on the Fleurieu Peninsula of South Australia. The business, in its second decade, has a reputation for the production of premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO). Talinga Grove also has a unique marketposition with its versatile and wide range of infused EVOOs. The oil won a Gold Medal at the 2008 South Australian Olive Oil Show – the ultimate award for quality, in South Australia. There are about 3,500 12-year old trees, made up of 5 varieties. More recently Talinga Grove has begun focussing on sustainable use of olive oil, with the production of a range of natural cosmetics derived from the olive oil. Talinga Grove has 2 target markets – the food industry, and the individual consumer market. Central to TG’s sales, is its distribution network to over 500 customers throughout SA of EVOO products, and its wholesaling operations, direct to restaurants and hotels, pre-dominantly in and around Adelaide. Talinga Grove offers high quality extra virgin olive oil products including:

• Extra Virgin Olive Oil – a range of packaging options of our award winning EVOO, plus a range of infused EVOOs (lemon, lime, garlic, chilli & truffle)

• Olives - a range of packaging options of our award winning Kalamata Table olives

• Dukkah, packaged in a range of size options

• Cosmetics - a range of cosmetics produced from Talinga Grove Olive Oil, including hand cream, body butter, face food, bath syrup & soaps.

Our EVOO range comes in a variety of sizes and packaging ranging from 20L drums down to 60ml miniature packs, of all infusion fla-vours.

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Fresh Facts

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Olive Oils are all different Like fine wine, premium quality oils retain flavours and aromas unique to the region in which they’ve grown. Try a few to find one that suits your taste. They need to be stored correctly Sunlight can break down the chemical structure of the oil, and harm delicate flavours and health properties. Pick an oil packaged in tinted glass, and store away from direct sunlight and heat They are good for you Unlike refined oils, fresh extra virgin products are rich in antioxidants which are considered beneficial to heart health and general wellbeing Olive Oils are versatile Fresh Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil has plenty of flavour, so there’s much more to your bottle than salad dressing. Use for roasting, frying, baking, dipping or simply drizzle over crusty bread. Are easy to find Look for the symbol below at your local market, supermarket or deli shelf. Certified oils are free of taste and small defects, have the absolute minimum of oxidation (contain less than 0.8% free fatty ac-ids), and meet stringent industry standards of freshness and authenticity.

Olive Oil Health Benefits

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Residents of Crete in the Mediterranean have the highest consumption of olive oil per person in the world and they also have the low-est rate of death from heart related diseases in the world. It is no secret that the olive, which has been providing food and medicine to humans for millenniums, is one of the most versatile and life giving trees on earth. When eaten as part of a healthy diet, extra virgin olive oil can have a beneficial impact on the body, reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Olive oil is one of the healthiest sources of fats. Extra virgin olive oil has excellent health benefits including lowering blood pressure, preventing diabetes and aiding weight loss, especially if consumed as part of a healthy diet. Australian olive oil producers know that if they use undamaged olives, process them quickly after picking, employ the services of a spotlessly clean mill and don't strive for excessive extraction, then sound quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil will result. We want you to enjoy the health benefits associated with using the best quality olive oil available - clean, green, fresh, Australian EVOO.

Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil—How it helps your health

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• It has a lowering effect on blood pressure

• It’s beneficial during pregnancy and whilst breast feeding, passing on nutri-ents to the baby

• It helps to prevent or delay the onset of diabetes

• Olive oil-rich diets can assist with greater and long lasting weight loss than a low fact diet

• It’s beneficial for the stomach, pancreas and intestines, keeping everything lubricated and flowing nicely

• It helps ward off osteoporosis

• It may help bolster the immune system

• It contains a protective element which may assist against certain malignant tumours in the breast, prostate, endometrium and digestive tract

• It can make you beautiful—the antioxidants and anti-inflammatories present in extra virgin olive oil can reduce the day to day impact of ageing

• A diet rich in fresh, good quality extra virgin olive oil can make your skin glow, and hair shine.

Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a rich source of polyphenols and valuable antioxi-dants not found in other oils that help lower bad cholesterol and maintain good choles-terol. It is one of the principal sources of monounsaturated fat, with good fat, which helps reduce the risk of heart and cardio-vascular disease by lowering the levels of artery-clogging lipids in the blood.

The GroveAgricultural


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Like all trees, olives need year-round attention to yield to their maximum capacity, and to present us with fruit which is of pre-mium quality. Olive trees like cool/cold winters and hot summers. Even though olives are evergreen trees, they still need a cool winter so they can rest to prepare for their main shooting, flowering and fruiting in the spring. For most varieties some winter frost is preferred. Most olive growing regions of the world have average maximum daily temperatures, in the hottest month of summer, somewhere above 30 degrees Celsius. Afternoon temperatures as high as 45 degrees Celsius have very little effect on mature olives as they have an inbuilt mechanism which temporarily shuts down their system until the cooler part of the day arrives. However, apart from the cool winter and warm summer requirements, the mois-ture levels of the tree must also be adequate. There are, some basic pruning facts to keep in mind. Firstly, olive trees need sufficient light and air through their foliage to bear commercial crops. Light and air through the canopy also reduces the incidence of pests and fungal problems. The most common way of ensuring this is by pruning the tree into a vase shape. The tree is then open in the centre thus allowing light and air penetration. Most large scale olive groves like Talinga Grove, use urea and other fertilisers and trace elements to supply soil and foliage nutri-ents throughout the year. Fertigation, where the fertiliser is added through the irrigation system, is a common and economi-cal way of supplying nutrients. Leaf analysis is used to identify the nutrient status of the tree. Any deficiencies and toxicities can be found this way.

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What does EVOO mean

Extra Virgin Olive Oil means that the oil has been extracted from the fruit, without the addition of any external elements or products. Typically it means the harvested olives are undamaged, that they are then mechanically pressed, without the addition of heat or any other chemicals, and that the pressing has happened very soon (just hours), after picking. The resultant oil is then never blended with any other type of oil, and remains 100% pure Extra Virgin Olive Oil, right the way to your table. Extra Virgin Olive Oil has a maximum of 0.03% fatty acids, and is of superior taste. The privilege of being able to describe your olive oil as EVOO, requires producers such as Talinga Grove to have the oil tested. We dothat by entering our oil in major Australian Olive Oil shows, where the most rigorous scientific testing is applied. Recently the Austra-lian Competition and Consumer Commission announced the results of an enquiry into the labelling of well known olive oils in major Australian supermarkets, and identified several high profile brands which are not EVOO. Look for the logo above on olive oils, to be 100% certain the product you are buying is Extra Virgin Olive Oil. All of the natural properties of the oil are retained because no chemicals are ever used, and no other oils are added. Sometimes you will see olive oil offered for sale, and called “refined” or “virgin”, or even just called “olive oil”. Whenever you see any descriptor other than the words “Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)”, you can be certain that some external elements has been used in the production. Sometimes it can be heat, or chemicals which some producers use in order to extract the last possible droplet of oil. Sometimes it can mean another type of oil has been added to mask some problems with the oleoganic properties. Your safest and healthiest choice is always to look for EVOO, and look for the above logo—a symbol of quality, and a symbol of confi-dence for you.

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Infused Oils (how done)

At Talinga Grove, we are proud to offer you our classic and award win-ning Extra Virgin Olive Oil, but we also offer the same oil, infused with traditional flavours, appropriate for cooking or drizzling. Lemon, Lime, Garlic and Chilli are the infusions we offer in most retail outlets, but the mystical and extravagant, truffle infusion, is only avail-able, direct from our Farm Store. Our Lemon, Lime and Garlic infusions have about 1% of pure cold pressed oil, added to our traditional Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The pure lemon and lime oil is obtained by steam distillation of the rind. Our pure garlic oil is also obtained by steam distillation, but the whole fresh bulb is used. When added to the Extra Virgin Olive Oil, these pure oils ensure that the product you buy as an infused olive oil is safe to use, and has all the health benefits associated with pure oils. Our chilli oil is made using dried crushed chilli, wrapped in muslin, and then immersed into our Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and leaving to stand for about 4 weeks. The resultant flavour is one of our most popular infu-sions, widely used by our customers in Asian cooking recipes.

Recipes using Lemon Infused

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

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Recipes using Garlic Infused

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

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Recipes using Lime Infused

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

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Recipes using Chilli Infused

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

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Why choose Australian?

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Modern olive groves in Australia are generally better equipped than traditional European farms to harvest olives on time and have them processed quickly, two key elements to achieve a high quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil. In addition, it is much quicker for an Australian bottle of olive oil to reach your table than it is for imported olive oil, therefore increasing the freshness and flavour of the product. For these reasons, Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil should always be the oil you purchase. Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil is an outstanding product, produced by Aussie farmers such as Talinga Grove, obsessed with freshness, quality and value. In Australia, only those olive growers who subscribe to the Australian Olive Association Code of Practice can display this symbol below certifying that it is actually Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The Code of Practice guar-antees the authenticity and quality of certified products and distinguishes them from other products. To maintain a high stan-dard of quality, certification is the required step, and to be certified, products must have undergone official taste and laboratory testing, and be Australian. The Code of Practice has been developed with reference to the Australian Trade Practices Act and growers such as us, sign up to the Code and commit to laboratory testing of our oils in a prescribed way. This is to ensure honesty, integrity and authen-ticity in the labelling of these products. Growers are required to ensure that their oils meet defined quality criteria, are Australian, and meet taste requirements before being able to display the certification symbol on their product. The Code of Practice symbol distinguishes quality certified Aus-tralian products from all others in local and international marketplaces.

Cooking with Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil

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Frying • The nutritional value and composition of olive oil is not altered through heating. Extra virgin olive oil contains its own

natural antioxidants that protect its integrity in cooking. Olive oil is a most stable fat and stands up well to high tempera-tures. Its high smoking point (210ºC) is substantially higher than the ideal temperature for frying food (180ºC). Food fried in olive oil has a lower fat content than food fried in other oils because when olive oil is used, very little is ab-sorbed during frying. The better the quality of the extra virgin olive oil, the higher the smoking point.

• Olive oil increases in volume when reheated, so less is required for cooking and frying

• The digestibility of heated oil does not change even when re-used for frying several times Cooking • Our in olive oil once the pan is hot; it will allow the oil to spread more easily

• When making mayonnaise, make sure you use a delicately flavoured olive oil, otherwise the oil may overwhelm the

flavour of the mayonnaise

• Instead of buying ready-made salad dressing full of fat and sugar, make your own by whisking Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil with balsamic vinegar

Dipping • Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil is flavoursome on its own (unlike other oils), so it’s a tasty dip for bread and a delicious

dressing for all types of salads

Storing Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil

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Unlike wine, oil does not improve with age. As olive oil gets older, it gradually breaks down, more free oleic acid is formed, the acid-ity level rises, and flavor weakens. Extra-virgin oils keep better because they have a low acidity level to start with, but you should use lower-quality oils within months because they start out with higher acidity levels. You'll get the best quality and flavor from your olive oil if you use it within a year of pressing. Olive oil remains at its peak for about two or three months after pressing. More is at issue than flavor, however. Research shows the nutri-ents in olive oil degrade over time. • Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil is best consumed young

because its fresh aromas and flavours are at their optimum

• Higher levels of natural antioxidants and monounsaturated fats found in Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil mean that it remains fresher longer. If stored properly, most extra virgin olive oils will retain good flavour and freshness

• Olive oil should be stored in a cool and dark place out of natural light and away from the heat. The ideal tempera-ture for storing olive oil is 57°F or 14 degrees C, al-though a normal room temperature of 70ºF works very well if the olive oil is stored in a dark area where the temperature remains fairly constant. A kitchen cabinet located away from the stove and away from direct sunlight will work quite well. If you have a wine cellar, store your olive oils there and keep a small amount in your kitchen. Do not put olive oil in a container without a tight cap.

• Refrigerating extra virgin olive oil is a good way of prolong-ing the shelf life without affecting its aroma and flavour. The oil may turn a little cloudy, but it will come back to its natural state when put back at room temperature.

Body Products Range

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We take our beautiful Extra Virgin Olive Oil and blend it with other natural plant butters, waxes and essential oils to create a range of products to pamper your face, hand and body. Extra Virgin Olive Oil has been used by women of all ages for centuries as one of natures finest and most natural moisturis-ers. Emollient and conditioning, Extra Virgin Olive Oil protects the skin while at the same time letting it "breathe" and main-tain its natural moisture levels. These products are truly Food for the Skin. EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL, TG WORKMAN'S HAND CREAM Designed for tradespeople, gardeners, chefs or anyone whose hands need an extra deep moisturising treatment to counter the ravages of a hardworking life. Use both before and after work to rehydrate and restore moisture to dry skin.

EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL, TG BODY BUTTER Talinga Grove Body Butter is a rich, super emollient, creamy and all natural body product. Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil has been blended with plant butters and essential oils to relax, re-fresh and uplift the spirit while treating your skin to a superb deep moisturising treatment.

EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL, TG FACE FOOD Talinga Grove Nourishing Face Food is a rich, softening & re-plenishing facial moisturiser made with a blend of nourishing oils including Rosehip, to care for normal to dry and mature skin.

EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL, TG BATH SYRUP Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil is combined with Iceland Moss Ex-tract and essential oils to leave the skin softened, smooth and purified. Shake well before use then add liberally to warm bathwater.

Bio-diversity on the River Banks

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The Angas River meanders behind the Talinga Grove property, and is our primary source of water for the olive grove. The banks are a wonderful store of bio-diversity, with plant life, birds, fish and trees, many of which are quite rare in the District. In late 2009, an audit of the bio-diversity along the banks was done by an Environmental Scientist from the Murray Darling Basin Natural Resource Management Board, and identified all of the unique features we preserve. The top of the southern bank contains a rare stand of “Punty Bush”, and on the same side, down at water level, are some grey grasses which are quite rare on the Fleurieu Peninsula. The middle section of the bank has wattle, and the northern bank feature is Christmas Bush, several well estab-lished specimens are thriving in this locality. Two giant red gums, each estimated to be at least 500 years old, are the centrepiece of this 700 metre stretch of river we are proud to look after. The 3 natural ponds along the river (the photo below is the Eastern Pond), all contain reeds, but another rare feature is the “ribbon reed”, which rises from very deep water, and which dominates this particular pond. At almost any time of year, a stroll along our river banks will also give glimpses of the secretive Rainbow Bee Eater, a beautiful small bird with spectacular colourful markings. There are also Spotted Pardalote, the Reed Warbler, Black Faced Shrike, and the ever present Goshawk. We are seeking Government Grants to enable us to restore the banks by removing some inappropriate plants, and shrubs, and also to do a survey of fish stocks in the river, with special emphasis on the endangered Southern Pygmy Perch.

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A family involvement

Three generations of our family farm the land to grow the olives, and produce our award winning oils. Although you would have to say that our youngest, Lily, is still pretty much a dis-interested observer! However her brother Hugo and sister Isabella are always watch-ing and learning, every step of the way. With 3,500 trees to watch over, Paul Jenke has his hands full. An agronomist from Roseworthy College, Paul is in touch with the soil and the trees, managing their health, and managing our crucial watering regime. Emily Jenke, also a Roseworthy graduate, in Agricultural Business, plays the lead role managing our marketing and other key stake-holders. Emily also conducts her own highly successful community engagement business with an extensive range of blue-chip clients across Australia. She is also a Director of the Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resource Management Board, which keeps her acutely in touch with issues of sustainable agriculture. Emily’s parents, Bob & Christine Gilliver, are also deeply involved. Although working full-time as the Program Director of the prestig-ious University of South Australia’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) program, Bob lends considerable financial expertise and experience to the running of the business. Christine takes the lead role in managing our processing and manufacturing operations at the Farm Store on the property. This in-cludes, manufacture of the high quality body products range, as well as our hugely popular Dukkah. But, like all families, when big orders come through, we are all there together, helping with the bottling, the labelling, packaging and distribution. We want you and your family to enjoy our products, which we as a family, have made for you.

Just some of the outlets where you can find us

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Adelaide—North Out of Adelaide Adelaide—East

Viva Gourmet—North Adelaide Goolwa Gourmet Foods Glenunga Timesavers

Sefton Park Foodland Mt Jagged Cellar Door Romeos Foodland Mitcham

Romeos Foodland—North Adelaide Old Market Shed, Strathalbyn Glynburn Fresh

The Store, North Adelaide Taste at Hahndorf Norwood Foodland Deli

Imma & Mario’s Mercato, Campbelltown Birdwood Wine & Cheese Centre Hazelwood Park General Store

IGA, North Adelaide Currency Creek Winery Gulf Seafood, Malvern

Surrey Downs Foodland Woodside Providore One Rundle Trading, Dulwich

Bremerton Wines Langhorne Creek Frewville Foodland Deli

Rankine’s Landing, Hindmarsh Island Feast@Norwood

Cafe Lime, Goolwa

Adelaide—South Brian’s Olives, McLaren Vale Other

Brighton Fresh Veg Out, Victor Harbor “Icons” at Adelaide Airport

Pasadena Foodland Market 190, McLaren Vale Lucia’s Fine Foods (Adelaide Market)

Unley Gourmet Open House Gourmet Food, Clare Samtass Seafoods

Blackwood Foodland The Continental Delicatessen, McLaren Vale

Romeos Foodland—Mitcham Mt Barker Farmers Market

Adelaide- West

Romeos Foodland—Glenelg South

Metropolitan Fresh, Findon

Gourmet on Broadway, Glenelg

Where to find us


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