That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. —Neil Armstrong, 1969.

Post on 15-Jan-2016

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That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. —Neil Armstrong, 1969

‘Changes…..turn and face the strain’ David Bowie 1971

Changes to Key Stage 4Changes to Key Stage 4 All GCSE exams are now ‘terminal’ i.e. tested at the end

of the course. That means that there will be no module exams during

Years 10 & 11, no chance to retake any module exams and no possibility of entering controlled conditions coursework twice to improve marks.

Vocational (i.e. non-GCSE courses) can only make up 20% of a students’ learning.

Short Course GCSE does not exist any more. The School Performance tables have information about

more subjects and more combinations of subjects e.g. ‘The Basics’ – English & Maths combined; English Baccalaureate; the performance of ‘groups’ of students etc.

Decisions need to be taken:Carefully.With all the information available to you.With a long term plan in mind.With the advice of people who know and care about you.By the person who is going to be most affected by them.

September 2013

September 2015

September 2017

September 2023

Core Subjects:English, Literature, Maths, Single Science – all leading to GCSEs.RE – leading to GCSE RE at the end of Year 11.PE - for enjoyment & health.Health, Sex & Relationships Education – to prepare for adulthood.Citizenship – to develop you as a rounded and skilled person, ready to take on the rights and responsibilities of being a Citizen .Extension subjects:There is space on the timetable for 4 more GCSEs.Able Scientists (NC L7) can choose to take Triple Science in the same time slot that Additional Science is in.A life skills course takes up 2 GCSE slots for anyone who is invited by the Learning Support Team to try it.GCSE Statistics will be taken by all able Mathematicians at some point during KS4 – we’ll publish details of that before the end of the year.Students who have completed Fast Track MFL in Year 9 may start a second MFL course in Year 10. (Or may repeat their first MFL or not take a MFL in KS4).GCSE Latin is available to those on the G&T Register – taken at the end of Year 10. Details will be sent to eligible students towards the end of the Summer Term.

Offsite Vocational Courses:Level 2 Courses at York College or Bishop Burton College - students now working at NC Levels 4/5Level 1 Courses– students now working at levels NC 3/4 We can’t guarantee these courses until much later in the summer so pick 4 ‘in-Woldgate’ courses and tell us on your application form if you are interested in an off site course.Remember -you can now only take one non-GCSE course and that includes the courses we teach here at Woldgate.

The English Baccalaureate:•A specific combination of 5 GCSEs all at C+ Grades•English, Maths, Core Science + Additional Science or Triple Sciences; History or Geography; French or Spanish or Latin.•It’s still a choice – no one has to take this combination and no one will be stopped from taking this combination.•No one has to take the full combination – you can ‘pick and mix’.•Anyone can choose something from this list of GCSEs (other than the Latin & Triple Science).

I would like to apply for the Extension Courses listed over the page. The main reason I have chosen these Extension Courses is

Another reason is

My future plans include

I have looked carefully at all the information I have been given and I believe I have made a wise choice because

Box D Parent/Guardian Reference.  

Please encourage your youngster to take this seriously but please don’t do it for them!

This is your slot to say why you support the decision

Timeline: February 7th: Information evening for pupils and their families. Documents distributed in Citizenship.March 7th: Year 9 Reports Issued.Feb/March: Year 9 Assemblies & Citizenship time to focus on information gathering & decision-making. Subject information available in lessons & Assemblies.March 14th: Year 9 Student, Parent and Tutor meetings.March 18th: Deadline for application forms to be with your Tutor. Please be aware that there may be little, if any, opportunity to change your mind after this point!Easter – Half Term: Individual Interviews with Ms Holland, Mr Greenfield, Mrs Smith or Mrs Burch.June: Application process over, decisions made, timetables sorted!July: Analysis of KS3 Teacher Assessments – further interviews if needed.September: Key Stage 4 starts in all subjects. 

Take your time. Be informed. Think long term Get a reference from your family. Get a reference from your tutor. Fill in your letter of application

carefully – show us you are thinking carefully about your choices.

Aim high in all your subject areas – remember that NC Levels are reported to your parents, the DfE and on to your school records at the end of Year 9 Please take some time to

complete the Parent View Survey for Ofsted: