THE 5 MIND HACKS - Matt & Nat Mindset...

Post on 09-Sep-2018

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This book has been written with the purpose of giving you 5

time-tested and proven Mind hacks that will save you time, money

and eliminate the frustration that comes about when you're on the

journey of personal growth and goal achievement. The only thing

getting in the way of your success is you! Let’s get you out of your

own way.

Matt & Nat


Matt and Nat are two Mindset development coaches that have

been very highly trained by human potential and success expert Bob

Proctor who has been studying the mind for over 55 years. They have

used the potent contents written within the pages of this book to take

them from no sales experience to one of the top 5 Bob Proctor sales

consultants in the world in their first year of business. Matt and Nat

are extremely passionate about sharing this information and have seen

many of their clients multiply their effectiveness and transform their

results in very short periods of time. And now they're sharing it with

you so that you can place yourself on the fast track towards the

achievement of your worthy ideal. Go forth, read, study and apply the

contents to achieve the success you seek, whether that is better health,

more love, wealth creation or to express yourself more perfectly. This

book will definitely have the answers you’ve been seeking.


Within the pages of this book Matt and Nat have simply and

strategically laid out the 5 key Mind hacks essential to fast track your


The 5 key steps are:

Step 1: The ABC’s of Success.

Step 2: Program your mind for success.

Step 3: Harness your mental power.

Step 4: Creating a new you designed for success.

Step 5: The Golden key to all success.

Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines,

practiced every day.

Jim Rohn


Step 1 - The ABC’s of Success

Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal. Earl Nightingale

In order to get anywhere successfully in life you need to know

where you are and where you want to go. The problem is most people

have no idea where they really want to go. This leads to them setting

the wrong type of goals.

So in this first step we are going to focus our energy towards

setting a goal that is worthy of your time and effort. A goal that will

do what goals are designed to do; cause you to grow. All we need you

to do is allow your imagination to flow freely and take you off to a

place where there are no limitations, where you have access to all the

resources you need, where you can be, do and have anything you

really want.

We are going to break goals up into 3 simple categories.

1. A-Type Goal: This is what you know you can do. A goal that you

have previously achieved. For example, let’s say your income was

$100,000 last year and your goal is to earn it again this year. This

type of goal will not cause you to grow and motivation will very

likely be quite low.

2. B-Type Goal: This is what you think you can do. Based on your

current conditions and circumstances you formulate a plan. You

are quite certain that if you follow that plan you will achieve your

goal. There is some growth needed in the achievement, however


there isn't a whole lot of inspiration behind it. So when you are

faced with a set of challenges, the risk outweighs the reward. This

is when people go back to their comfort zone, doing what they

know they can do.

3. C-Type Goal: Here, you rule out “A” and “B” where there is

no growth and inspiration and you decide to go after what you

really want. This type of goal needs to both, excite and scare you

at the same time. It excites you because you really want to do it

but it scares you because you have no idea how you’re going to do

it. But here’s the thing, you don't need to know “the how”, you

just need to make a decision that you want to do it and then ask

yourself two very important questions: i) Am I able? Am I able to do this? No matter who you are, we are

here to tell you that you ARE able! You have deep reservoirs of

potential locked up inside of you that is waiting to be brought to

the surface. It is the second question that is the most important

question you need to ask yourself.ii) Am I willing? Am I willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it? Am

I willing to make the necessary sacrifices, to break through the

fear, to really stretch myself to achieve this goal?


When you can answer those two questions with a definite YES,

then you have a goal that motivates and inspires you to spend

your days working towards. This really is the most important

part, if you don't get this part right, you could be climbing up the

wrong ladder, only to realise it when you get to the top. Take your

time with this step, write out a shopping list of all your wants and

then pick the want that excites you more than anything else. Ask

yourself “what is it that I would love to spend my days doing?”

Write that goal in the present tense on a small card, carry it

around with you in your purse or pocket and read it as often as

possible. For example; I am so happy and grateful now that… And remember, if you know how to get there, it’s most likely the

wrong goal.

“You're either growing or dying. Stagnation does not exist in

the universe.”

Steve Siebold


Step 2 - Program your Mind for Success

“If we all did the things we are really capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves.”

Thomas Edison You have been programmed! Yes that’s right, you have been programmed to do what you do, when you do it and how you do it. You are programmed by a multitude of ideas, habits and beliefs that have been passed down to you both genetically and environmentally. This programming governs the result’s you get in all areas of your life. It controls the way you habitually think, feel and act. We call this programming a paradigm. The paradigm is not a good or a bad thing, it just is. You can have a great paradigm where you get up early and go to the gym every day, resulting in great health or, you can have a paradigm where you sleep in and are late to work every day causing you to only keep a job for 3 months. Here are 3 things you need to know about paradigms: 1. Paradigms are unseen thoughts stored deep in your subconscious

mind. And it is the subconscious mind that dictates the actions of the body.

2. You can simply identify what your paradigms are by observing your results. Pick a negative habit or belief that if changed, will make the biggest difference to your chances for success.

3. Paradigms can be changed 2 ways: i) Through emotional impact, which is generally a life altering negative experience or; ii) Through constant spaced repetition of the same thing. You need to read, say, listen and write the new habit or belief over and over again. As your paradigm starts to change so will your behaviour and your results. This may seem illogical, but you need


to change it the same way it was put there, through repetition. This is going to take a lot of persistence and help from a mentor or an accountability partner who understands these concepts well.

When you really get to understand paradigms you will become aware that highly successful people aren't successful because of what they know, they are successful because of what they do. They have consciously or unconsciously acquired successful paradigms…they’re hard wired for success.

Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.

Earl Nightingale


Step 3 - Harness your Mental Power

The Mind is the greatest power in all of creation. Dr. J.B. Rhine

You have been born with special gifts that separate you from all the other forms of life on the planet. These special gifts give you the ability to acquire anything you want within the laws of nature. You just need to be aware of how to use these gifts for you, to create success, rather than against you, setting you up for failure. Here are 3 things you need to know to harness your mental power and get them working for you rather than against you: 1. You are a creative being, and you have 6 intellectual faculties at

your disposal. They are: - Perception: There is an opposite side to everything. In and out, up and down, good and bad, etc. Your perception is simply your point of view. So if you are having a hard time solving a problem, change your point of view. Maybe with a different point of view you will find a solution. - Will: Your will is your ability to focus, to concentrate on a task eliminating all the outside noise. When you can master this you will become much more effective. Whatever you focus on expands and grows. Use your mind to focus on what you want.- Imagination: Everything is created twice. First in imagination and then we create it in our physical world. Think of your computer, it was once an idea in someones imagination, now you use it all the time. A big problem is you have been programmed to use your imagination against yourself. You use it to think of the worst case scenario. You create negative scenarios in your mind that have not happened yet and then you spend your time in a


state of worry and doubt. This type of thinking can only cause negative conditions and circumstances in your life. This will most definitely be a part of your paradigm that you want to be aware of and get sorted pretty quickly. Get in the habit of creating a picture of what you do want, it not only eliminates anxiety but it will dramatically change your results. - Reason: This is your ability to think. Thinking is your highest function. Once again it is miss-used, this is because you are programmed to live through your 5 senses. You look at your current or past results and you think that is all you are capable of. However, that is not true, that is only an indication of where your mind was at in the past. I would encourage you to start dedicating more time towards thinking of how you can do whatever it is you do in a more effective way. Think solutions rather than problems.- Memory: There is no such thing as a good or bad memory, just weak or strong memories. You can develop your memory through ridiculous association. If you want to develop your memory I would suggest buying “The Memory Book by Harry Lorayne. - Intuition: Intuition is to learn from or be lead from within. This is a very powerful tool that when followed, will lead you down the quickest path towards your goals. Remember this point; Your paradigm will always try to keep you stuck where you are and your Intuition will always try and push you forward.

2. Your mental faculties are like muscles, the more you use them , the stronger they become.

3. Don’t let what is happening outside of you control what you think, start thinking from the inside out. Be the wonderful creative being that you are.


“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of

others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and

intuition.” Steve Jobs


Step 4 - Creating a new you designed for Success.

“Self-image sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment.” Maxwell Maltz

You have 2 images that you operate with right now and there is a very good chance that one of them is holding you back from achieving the incredible success you want. Until you change this image you will keep coming back to acquiring the same results over and over again. One of your images is how the world sees you, for example, how you dress, walk, talk and conduct yourself. The other image you have is how you see yourself, for example, the inner dialogue you have of yourself.In order to achieve your worthy goal, you must create the image of the successful person you need to become in order to achieve that goal. Most people spend their time trying to change the outside, looking successful, acting successful but ultimately their results don’t lie. You absolutely must change the inner image you have of yourself and you will find that your outer world will begin to reflect your inner image of yourself. For example if you have a subconscious image of yourself as a person who weighs 100kg and you keep trying to change the outside by dieting and exercising and you lose 30kg, you will only ever get temporary results. It won’t be long until your inner thermostat brings you back up to the 100kg. However if you change the image you have of yourself deep in your psyche, then not only will you achieve your goal but you will stay at 70kg as long as you maintain that successful image of yourself. This is exactly the same with income. A person who is earning $50,000 is not earning $50,000 because they want to but it is because this is what they know how to earn, they hold the image of a person who earns $50,000. No matter how hard they try they will stay stuck on earning that income unless and until they create a new image and through a process of repetition this new image becomes fixed in the person’s paradigm. Here are 3 steps to create a new image designed for success: 1. Write about what your life is like once you have achieved that goal, all in the present tense. ‘I am so happy and grateful now that my


business is generating $50,000 a month in sales and I have an abundance of leads coming to me every day” etc. 2. Make sure to write about what your finances are like, what your health is like, what your relationships are like, how you spend your days, what you give back to the world etc. You are literally writing your life as a movie.

3. In a relaxed state, read this every single day morning and night and if you really want to get this picture in your mind fast write it out every day. Every sentence you either read or write out, close your eyes and really see yourself having, being or doing what your movie script says. This process is really essential to changing your current image and programming your new one. Don’t stop doing this until you have what you have written on your paper. It’s time for you to become the successful star of your movie. Your movie is your life and you are the creator so make sure you create a wonderful life, exactly how you want it.

“A strong, positive self-image is the best

possible preparation for success.”

Joyce Brothers


Step 5 - The Golden Key to all Success.

“A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.”

Bob Proctor

Now there is one fundamental key that when applied properly magnifies all the other steps to success. Applying this key alone can be the catalyst for major success in your life and if you really want to go from where you are right now to achieving a great level of success then you must find yourself a ‘golden key,’ that is, a mentor. A mentor is the difference between taking the long road, to fast tracking your results, saving you not just precious time and money, but the frustration, disappointment and many days of banging your head against a wall trying to figure out what to do. The 3 major things to follow when finding yourself a mentor is; 1. Hire someone who you feel resonates with you and believes in your vision or goal. Belief is a must because a mentor is there to breathe belief into you when you lose belief in yourself. 2. Hire someone who is an expert in the field you need help in. It certainly wouldn’t be wise to ask a broke web designer for financial advice. 3. Hire someone who is a product of the services they sell, someone who has results you want and walks the talk. There are many people out there that may consciously be preaching without actually living and breathing their specialty. Someone who is extremely passionate in their field does not do it for the money but they do what they love every day and this is how they became masters in their craft. When you can find the right mentor that you feel knows what they’re talking about and checks off all the boxes you’re after, trust your intuition and start doing what they say. Investing in a mentor literally saves you years in acquiring your success. So don't ask yourself “How much is this going to cost me?” but rather change your perception and ask yourself “How much is this going to save me?”


The reality is you may have a few mentors on your way to freedom because acquiring specialised knowledge is by far the fastest way to your success, period!

“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” Napoleon Hill


Without action your goal is just a wish.

Now that you have come to the end of “The 5 key Mind Hacks to Fast Track Success”, the real work begins. It is time to put what you have learned from this book into action. There is no better time to act than now! Don’t make this book the accumulation of more knowledge. Knowledge is only power when it is put into action.

If you benefited from “The 5 key Mind Hacks to Fast Track Success” please pass it on to a friend or family member who would also greatly benefit from it.

If you would like to book a free one hour consultation with Matt & Nat or one of their highly trained Mindset coaches send a brief email with your best contact details to mentioning that you have read the book and you would like to claim a free one hour consultation.

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You can do it if you really want it, do the work, be patient and you will be rewarded.

Matt & Nat