The 50-Point Manifesto of Hassan Al-Banna

Post on 01-Mar-2016

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Hassan Al Banna, founder of Muslim Brotherhood enunciated these fifty points.


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The 50-Point Manifesto of Hassan Al-Banna

Par Point de Bascule | on février 10, 2011 |

Version française ICI

The Muslim Ass ociation

of Canada (MAC)

declares on its website(archived here and here

) that it aims at applying

Islam « as understood

in its contemporary

context by the late Imam ,

Hass an AlBanna ». In

order to clarify the

dangerous implications

of this profess ion of 

f aith, Point de Bascule

reproduces the 50-point

Manifesto written in 1936 by the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood,

Hass an al-Banna. His proposals of reform are very specific and touch all

fields of human activity: political, judicial, administrative, social, educational

and economic.

When the Brotherhood republished its founder’s Manifesto in 2007, it


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En novembre 2014,Jacques Frémont participaà un forum qu’inaugura leroi du Maroc en déclarant



INDEX 3Résistance / Resistance

INDEX 4Radicalisation / Radicali zation

INDEX 1 Acteurs / Actors

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indicated that in 1947, al-Banna had sent copies of his propos als to king

Farouk of Egypt, to his prime minister and to various kings, princes and

leaders of the Muslim world. In 2007, the Muslim Brotherhood concluded its

presentation by saying « Let us pray Allah that (Hassan al-Banna’s ideas)

be fulfilled! »

This document of the Muslim Brotherhood promotes an appl ication of 

sharia that leads to a one-party State, the prohibition of dancing, the

censorship of books and movies, the implementation of specific curricula

for boys and girls and even a dress code for all citizens enforced by a

religious police.

How did Tariq Ramadan, the founder of Présence Musulm ane (Muslim

Presence), react towards this reactionary program whose existence he

referred to in a speech dedicated to the life of his grandfather? (video 2:25 –

in French)

 As for his allies at the Muslim Ass ociation of Canada, Ramadan endorses

his mentor without any reservation:

« I have studied Has san Al-Banna’s ideas with great care and there is

nothing in this heritage that I reject. His relation to God, his spirituality,

his personality, as well as his critical reflections on law, politics,

society and pluralism , testify for me to his qualities of heart and

mind… His commitment also is a continuing reason for my respect

and admiration. »

 Alain Gresh and Tariq Ramadan, L’Islam en questions, Sindbab,

2002, pp. 33-34

Text quoted by Caroline Foures t, Brother Tariq: The Doublespeak of 

Tariq Ramadan, New York, Encounter Books, 2008 pp. 4-5

The engagement of Al-Banna was that of a man who dedicated his entire

life to controlling the life of his fellow citizens in the smalles t details.

 After al-Banna’s death, the New York Times (February 13, 1949, p. 1)

described his organization as a « poli tical movement with mystic and

fascist overtones » and its supporters as « fanatics ».

How did al-Banna’s supporters manage to fool so many people in the last

sixty years in order to be invited by so many world leaders, government

authorities and Western universities to implement their agenda?

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La Commission des droitsde la personne du Québec,l’Arabie saoudite et l’Iranont condamné l’attaquecontre Charlie Hebdo touten appuyant les restrictionsà la liberté d’expression

promues par l’Organisationde la coopération islamique

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Le président de laCommission des droits de

la personne a confirmé àRadio-Canada qu’il désires’en prendre à ceux quicritiquent des idées, à ceuxqui critiquent la religionislamique en particulier 

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Point de Bascule’s Director in the media / December 22, 2014 / January 16,2015

 janvier 17, 2015

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By alerting to the Musl im Brotherhood’s objectives, Point de Bascule hopes

to reinforce growing public res istance to the Brotherhood’s extended

agenda, and the direct threat that this agenda represents for security and

civil l iberties.

There are two available English translations of the Manifesto: one that is

available on the Muslim Brotherhood websi te [] and on

other Islam ist webs ites and another one offered by Charles Wendell in his

translation of Hassan al-Banna’s book Five Tracts [Berkeley, University of 

California Press , 1978, p. 126]. We have chosen to reproduce the second


Besides a choice of words that varies from one translation to the other,

which is understandable, there are other differences that are more

subs tantial. In Wendell’s translation of Proposal 2 [Social sector], the

women’s issue is described as « one of the mos t important social

problems » while the Brotherhood’s version characterizes it as « the most

important » one.

The very firs t point of the Manifes to [Political sector] advocates a one-party

State. Wendell’s translation adds that the Brotherhood aims at the

« channeling of the political forces of the nation into a common front and a

single phalanx ». This reference to the « phalanx » is nowhere to be found

in the Brotherhood’s version.

Since the Manifesto was written in the thirties while fascism was booming,

it is revealing that Islamists have used fascist terminology in order to

describe their own objectives. The term « phalanx » was frequently used at

the time by fascis ts, notably by Spain’s fascists led by Franco to des ignate

their own organization. It would be very unlikely that the translator Wendell

had decided to add this reference to the phalanx on his own without having

found it in the original text in Arabic first. On the other hand, it is easily

conceivable that modern day Islamists may have preferred to abandon this

fascist reference.

Until now, we have not been able to access the original Arabic version of 

the Manifesto in order to compare it with both translations.

In the second group of proposals dealing with the social and the

educational sectors, the Musl im Brotherhood’s translation reads as follow:

« Proposal 26: A consideration into the means of gradually forming a

national uniform ». This proposal follows m any others that are dealing with

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non-violence is the best wayto approach your enemies.”

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Le roi Abdallah d’Arabiesaoudite est mort

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the education system promoted by al-Banna. At first glance, we could

conclude that this proposal is l imited to a dress code for students.

However, Wendell’s translation of the same proposal gives us hints that the

Musl im Brotherhood envisions a dress code not only for students but for 

everybody. « Propos al 26: Consideration of ways to arrive gradually at a

uniform mode of dress for the nation ».

Proposal 27 (as it can be found on the Brotherhood’s webs ite) confirms

that al-Banna was eager to search people’s wardrobes. It asks for « An end

to the foreign spirit in our homes with regard to language, manners, dress ,

governess es, nurses, etc; All this s hould be corrected especially in upper 

class homes ».

Political, judicial and administrative sectors

1- An end to party rivalry, and a channelling of the poli tical forces of the

nation into a common front and a single phalanx.

2- A reform of the law, so that it will conform to Islamic legis lation in

every branch.

3- A strengthening of the armed forces, and an increase in the

number of youth groups; the inspiration of the latter with zeal on the

bases of Islamic jihad.

4- A strengthening of the bonds between all Islamic countries,

especially the Arab countries, to pave the way for practical and serious

consideration of the matter of the departed Caliphate.

5- The diffusion of the Islamic spirit throughout all departments of the

government, so that all its employees wi ll feel respons ible for 

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L’ancien maire de NewYork Giuliani demande àl’actuel maire de Blasio dereprendre la surveillancedes mosquées après lemassacre de CharlieHebdo

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adhering to Islam ic teachings.

6- The surveillance of the personal conduct of all its employees, and

an end to the dichotomy between the private and profess ional


7- Setting the hours of work in summer and winter ahead, so that it

will be eas y to fulfill religious duties, and so that keeping late hours

will come to an end.

8- An end to bribery and favoritism, with consideration to be given only

to capability and legitimate reasons [for advancement].

9- Weighing all acts of the government acts in the scales of Islam ic

wisdom and doctrines; the organization of all celebrations, receptions,

official conferences, prisons and hospi tals so as not to be

incompatible with Islamic teaching; the arranging of work-schedules

so that they will not conflict with hours of prayer.

10- The employment of graduates of Al-Azhar in military and

administrative positions, and their training.

Social and educational sectors

1- Conditioning the people to respect public morality, and the

iss uance of directives fortified by the aegis of the law on this subject;the impos ition of severe penalties for moral offences.

2- Treatment of the problem of women in a way which combines the

progress ive and the protective, in accordance with Islam ic teachings,

so that this problem – one of the mos t important social problems –

will not be abandoned to the biased pens and deviant notions of 

those who err in the directions of deficiency or excess .

3- An end to prostitution, both clandestine and overt: the recognition of fornication, whatever the circumstances, as a detestable crime whose

perpetrator mus t be flogged.

4- An end to gambling in all its forms – games, lotteries, racing, and


5- A campaign against drinking, as there is one against drugs: its

prohibition, and the salvation of the nation from i ts effects.

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6- A campaign agains t ostentation in dress and loose behavior; the

instruction of women in what is proper, with particular strictness as

regards female instructors, pupils, physicians , and students, and all

those in s imilar categories.

7- A review of the curricula offered to girls and the necessity of making

them dis tinct from the boys’ curricula in many of the stages of 


8- Segregation of male and female students; private meetings

between men and women, unless between the permitted degrees [of 

relationship] to be counted as a crime for which both will be censored.

9- The encouragement of marriage and procreation, by all possib le

means; promulgation of legislation to protect and give moral support

to the family, and to solve the problems of marriage.

10- The closure of morally undesirable ballrooms and dance halls ,

and the prohibition of dancing and other such pastimes.

11- The surveillance of theatres and cinemas , and a rigorous

selection of plays and films .

12- The expurgation of songs, and a rigorous selection and

censorship of them.

13- The careful selection of lectures, songs, and subjects to be

broadcast to the nation; the use of radio broadcasting for the

education of the nation in a virtuous and moral way.

14- The confiscation of provocative s tories and books that implant the

seeds of skepticism in an insidious manner, and newspapers which

strive to dissem inate immorality and capitalize indecently on lustful


15- The supervision of summer vacation areas so as to do away with

the wholesale confusion and licence that nullify the basic aims of 


16- The regulation of business hours for cafés; surveillance of the

activities of their regular clients; ins tructing these as to what is in their 

best interest; withdrawal of permission from cafés to keep such long


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17- The utilization of these cafés for teaching il literates reading and

writing; toward this end, the ass istance of rising generation of 

elementary school teachers and s tudents.

18- A campaign against harmful customs, whether economic, moral,

or anything else; turning the masses away from these and orienting

them in the direction of ways beneficial to them, or educating them in

a way consonant with their best interests. These involve such

customs as those to do with weddings, funerals, births, the zar (a

ceremonial of exorcism), civil and religious holidays, etc. Let the

government set a good example in this res pect.

19- Due consideration for the claims of the moral censorship, and

punishment of all who are proved to have infringed any Islam ic

doctrine or attacked it, such as breaking the fast of Ramadan, wilful

neglect of prayers, insulting the faith, or any such act.

20- The annexation of the elementary village s chools to the mosques,

and a thoroughgoing reform of both, as regards employees,

cleanliness, and overall custodial care, so that the young may be

trained in prayer and the older s tudents in learning.

21- The designation of religious instruction as a basic subject in all

schools , in each according to its type, as well as in the universities.

22- Active ins tigation to memorize the Qur’an in all the free elementary

schools ; making this mem orization mandatory for obtaining diplomas

in the areas of religion and (Arabic) language; the stipulation that a

portion of it be memorized in every school.

23- The promulgation of a firm educational policy which will advance

and raise the level of education, and will supply it, in all its varieties,

with common goals and purposes; which will bring the different

cultures represented in the nation closer together, and will make the

first stage of its process one dedicated to inculcating a virtuous,

patriotic spirit and an unwavering moral code.

24- The cultivation of the Arabic language at every stage of ins truction;

the use of Arabic alone, as opposed to any foreign language, in the

primary stages.

25- The cultivation of Islamic history, and of the national history and

national culture, and the history of Islamic civilization.

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26- Consideration of ways to arrive gradually at a uniform mode of 

dress for the nation.

27- An end to the foreign spirit in our homes with regard to language,

manners, dress , governesses, nurses , etc; all these to be

Egyptianized, especially in upper class homes.

28- To give journalism a proper orientation, and to encourage authors

and writers to undertake Islam ic, Eastern subjects.

29- Attention to be given to matters of public health by diss eminating

health information through all media; increasing the numbers of 

hospitals, physicians , and mobile clinics; facilitating the means of 

obtaining medical treatment.

30- Attention to be given to village problems, as regards their 

organization, their cleanliness, the purification of their water supply,

and the means to provide them with culture, recreation, and training.

Economic sector 

1- The organization of zakat (charity) in terms of income and

expenditure, according to the teachings of the magnanimous Sacred

Law; invoking its ass istance in carrying out necessary benevolent

projects, such as homes for the aged, the poor, and orphans, and

strengthening the armed forces.

2- The prohibition of usury, and the organization of banks with this end

in view. Let the government provide a good example in this domain by

relinquishing all interest due on its own particular undertakings, for 

instance in the loan-granting banks, indus trial loans, etc.

3- The encouragement of economic projects and an increase in their 

number; giving work to unem ployed citizens in them; the transfer of 

such of these as are in the hands of foreigners to the purely national


4- The protection of the mass es from the oppress ion of monopolis tic

companies, keeping these within strict limits, and obtaining every

poss ible benefit for the masses.

5- An improvement in the lot of junior civil s ervants by raising their 

salaries, by granting them s teady increases and compensations, and

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by lowering the salaries of senior civil servants.

6- A reduction in the number of government posts, retaining only the

indispensable ones; an equitable and scrupulous distribution of the

work among civil servants.

7- The encouragement of agricultural and indus trial counselling;

attention to be paid to rais ing the production level of the peasant and

industrial worker.

8- A concern for the technical and social problems of the worker;

raising his standard of living in numerous respects.

9- The exploitation of natural resources, s uch as uncultivated land,

neglected mines , etc.

10- Priority over luxury items to be given to necessary projects in termsof organization and execution.

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