The 7 Day Junk Foods to Super Foods Challenge · 2020. 8. 21. · Healthy eating for effortless...

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The 7 Day Junk Foods to Super Foods Challenge

Use this simple plan to get the sugars and refined foods out of

your diet and the fruits and vegetables in - live a healthy life at a

healthy weight

by Dr. Becky Gillaspy


Version WLCP, Copyright © 2016 Dr. Becky Fitness, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Know someone who can benefit from this plan? Please send them a link to this page

where they can download it for free:

Does any of the following sound familiar?

“I know what I’m eating is unhealthy, but going cold turkey and switching to a healthy

diet overnight is just too overwhelming.”

“I have tried to change my diet many times, but I never feel any better. It’s like my body rejects diets.”

I have no idea how to get started with losing weight. I try to eat the right foods, but the

scale never goes down.”

“I’m just not a vegetable eater.”

If you found yourself nodding your head in agreement with any of these statements,

then this 7-Day Junk Foods to Super Foods Challenge is your solution.

This plan will challenge you to go from a Typical Junk Food Diet (i.e. sugars, refined and

processed foods) to a Super Foods Diet (i.e. fruits, veggies, whole foods) in just one



Too often people are discouraged when they try to switch to a healthy diet because they

try to change everything overnight. They feel tired and overwhelmed and end up

wondering why anyone would want to punish themselves like this.

The 7 Day Challenge lets you ease into healthy eating gradually. In fact, for the first four

days you add super foods to your diet, with no need to eliminate any favorite food.

The goal of the challenge is to demonstrate that eating healthy is doable and leads to

great results on the scale, regardless of how many times you have failed in the past.

Alright, let’s dig in…

The Big Picture…

Most diets get dropped because they require you to do a complete overhaul of your diet in one day.

“Ready, set, never eat another piece of chocolate again.”

The 7 Day Challenge starts differently, so you have a different (read that as better) outcome.

The Key?


That’s right Days 1, 2, 3 & 4 you are simply adding Super Foods (i.e. vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and seeds) to your typical diet.

As the week progresses the plan has you continue to add super foods as you strategically subtract junk foods.

Here’s How to Follow The 7 Day-Junk Foods to Super Foods Challenge

This guide provides you with the basics of how to follow the 7 Day Challenge. If you ever want more details you can visit I provide links back to relevant webpages below for your convenience.

As I mentioned earlier, the first four days you will be adding super foods to your typical diet.

DAY 1: Add 1 pound of non-starchy vegetables. Don’t worry, I show you how and it is easier than you think! No need to change anything else.

DAY 2: Add 3 pieces (servings) of fruit to your typical diet.

DAY 3: Add 1 cup of beans to your typical diet.

Day 4: Add up to 3 Tbsp. of raw nuts/seeds/dried fruit to your typical diet.

Pretty simple, right?

The first part of the week is all about easing into change, which is a good way to relieve diet anxiety.

Okay, you have an overview of the first four days. Now let’s see how you can finish strong.

For the final three days of the JF to SF Challenge you will continue to eat your Super Foods (i.e. veggies, fruits, beans, nuts/seeds and dried fruits).

These final days also bring with them the subtraction of some junk foods (i.e. foods that are too high in calories for their nutrient value).

Follow along below to see how you will strategically eliminate refined foods, sugars and processed foods and set limits on your whole grain, meat and dairy consumption for greater health and faster weight loss.

DAY 5: Subtract refined carbs and sugars (i.e. avoid white foods). Limit whole grains and starchy vegetables to 1 cup (combined total).

Day 6: Subtract red meat.

Day 7: Subtract dairy products.

The Skinny on Days 1 through 7

I recommend that you begin your 7 Day Challenge on a Friday (although any day of the week is fine).

By starting on a Friday you have the weekend to get into the swing of things.

A Friday start is also helpful because you don’t have to dramatically change your lifestyle for the weekend, since the challenge starts with you adding foods, not subtracting them.

DAY 1 Details

Day 1 is all about eating your veggies. This should be your only focus. By starting your diet week with a single goal (i.e. eating a pound of non-starchy vegetables) you make healthy eating manageable.

Remember the Karate Kid, where the young and eager Daniel tries to master the art of karate in a few days?

He does not lack motivation as there is a gang of boys waiting to beat him up at any minute. But, he soon learns that having a desire to master karate and mastering karate are two different things, which is proved by the brutal beating Daniel suffers at the hands of the gang.

Enter Mr. Miyagi, a grand master in karate who just happens to also be the caretaker at Daniel’s apartment complex. Mr. Miyagi agrees to teach Daniel the art of karate, but much to Daniel’s frustration, before he can master karate, he must master fence painting and car waxing (wax on, wax off).

Why am I sharing this story?

Because it illustrates what everyone does wrong when they start dieting…

Healthy eating for effortless weight control is a skill you must learn. If you master the first task of eating a healthy diet (i.e. how to happily eat a bunch of veggies every day), then you are ready to add new tasks (i.e. how to add fruit to your day, how to add beans to your meals…). Only then do you master weight loss for life.

You do not need to change any other aspect of your typical diet at this point, so feel free to have a donut at breakfast and a fast food burger for dinner if that is your norm. We will make these corrections later in the week when you are ready to master a new skill. Wax on, wax off.

A few last words before we leave Day 1. We are talking non-starchy veggies here (think stuff you would put on a salad). They are different from starchy veggies (think white potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn). I provide a list of common non-starchy vegetables on my website if you need a starting point.

Here are some suggestions to help your week of vegetable eating go smoothly:

1. Visit your local grocery store salad bar for a quick workday lunch

2. Fill a 4 cup measuring bowl with salad greens (equals ½ pound) and split it into small side salads to eat throughout the day. Add heavier veggies for a full pound.

3. Make a quick stir fry out of cooked chicken and frozen veggies

4. Make veggie soup and eat it all week

5. Add cooked veggies (fresh or frozen) as a side dish at dinner

6. Buy large bagged salad from Costco or Sam’s Club

DAY 2 Details

Each day this week builds on the days before, so you will continue to eat a pound of non-starchy vegetables every day for the remainder of the week.

Yep, that is 7 pounds of vegetables…think of how happy your body will be! For some of us, getting this many veggies in a year is hard (and no, french fries and ketchup do not count as veggies).

Today is all about fruit. You will add three pieces or three servings of whole fruit (1 cup = one serving) to your one pound of veggies. The rest of your eating day can be filled in with whatever foods you want (and yes, that includes French fries and ketchup).

Fruits are satisfying and fun to eat. If you have a natural sweet tooth, allowing yourself to fill up on fruit will allow you to feel good and stick with your diet long enough to reach your weight loss goal.

Yet because fruits have natural sugars, a myth has developed that fruit should be avoided on a diet. In my opinion, this “deprivation mentality” is one of the reasons dieters quit…

The natural sugars found in fruits are balanced by the high fiber content of fruit that allows for slower steadier absorption of the sugars. Therefore fiber prevents the spike in insulin that pushes sugar into your fat cells.

Three pieces of fruit will run you about 180 calories, which is a small price to pay for the satisfaction, vitamins and minerals they provide.

In fact, if you are feeling a weak moment this week and need something to eat, I recommend you add an extra piece of fruit. It will only cost you 60 fiber-filled calories, which means you will still lose weight. Even more important it will get you past your craving giving your confidence a boost – that’s priceless.

Choose from any fresh or frozen fruit your heart desires, but avoid canned fruits that have lost many of their nutrients during processing.

Here are some ideas for easily adding fruit to your day:

1. Buy 3 bananas and eat them. Really, keep it simple. While a variety is great, my point is you cannot pick the wrong whole fruits.

2. Try Apple and Peach Delight for a warm and yummy desert. The recipe is on

3. Put a banana, blueberries and non-fat yogurt in a blender with some ice cubes to whip up a smoothie you can make and take.

4. Add mandarin oranges or berries to your salad

DAY 3 Details

Day 3 you will add one cup of beans to your one pound of non-starchy veggies and three fruits.

Now, there are those of you that feel a wave of fear at even the mention of eating beans every day. After all, we all know the catchy little poem:

“Beans, beans, the magical fruit; the more I eat the more I toot.”

Yes, beans contain complex carbs that wait until they reach your large intestine to break down. This breakdown results in foul-smelling gas, but it does not have to be this way…

Here are a few sure-fire ways to reduce or eliminate gas when eating beans.

Chew them thoroughly to help out your digestive tract

Start with a ½ cup for a few days to allow your body to adapt to the high-fiber before boosting your consumption to 1 cup/day

Trade in canned beans for dried beans that have been soaked overnight

Not only are dried beans super cheap, the soaking process activates the bean’s germination cycle. This releases enzymes that help break down the complex sugars that contribute to gas and indigestion.

I share how to soak and cook dried beans on, but the basic rule is to soak 1 cup of dried beans in 3 cups of water overnight. Then cook for 1 to 2 hours.

If you must use canned beans, then rinse them thoroughly. Cooking them in their own juice will leave you feeling gassy.

The reality is that beans should become your best friend because learning to love them makes controlling your cravings and losing weight so much easier.

Beans stabilize your blood sugar, which prevents cravings for sugar. They are also packed with fiber, which fills you up for a long time.

If beans have not been a part of your diet strategy in the past, then do yourself a favor and add them this week –Please.

Here are some easy strategies to work beans into your meals.

1. Soak and cook a large batch of black beans and eat them cold on salads throughout the week

2. Eat them in chili

3. Eat them in soup

4. Mix them with brown rice and serve as a hot side dish

DAY 4 Details

By this point in the week you are eating so many super foods, that you likely do not feel capable of eating as many junk foods. I hope you are starting to see that this is a much better approach to weight loss than deprivation.

But wait…there’s more!

Day four is also a day of adding as you will be adding raw nuts, seeds and dried fruits.

These are foods that you may have avoided on past diets due to the fact that they contain a lot of calories. While this is true (1 oz. is about 200 calories), they are also packed with disease-fighting nutrients and study after scientific study proves that the proper use of nuts, seeds and dried fruits helps with weight loss.

There is a right way and a wrong way to use nuts, seeds and dried fruit on a weight loss diet.

The wrong way is to use them as snacks. The fact is they taste really good and this makes it hard to stop eating them.

The right way it to add them to salad or homemade salad dressings or include them in cooked recipes (My Weight Loss Coaching Program has quite a few recipes where nuts take the place of oils and flour).

Also, make sure the nuts and seeds are raw. Roasting changes the beneficial fats and roasting often uses hydrogenated oils, which are the heart-damaging trans fats that we are always told to steer clear of.

You can eat up to a combined total of 3 Tbsp. of dried fruit, nuts and seeds. If you do not get this many in during your day, that’s fine, but don’t deprive yourself. These tasty treats add the satisfaction and flavor you need to stay on track.

Here are some great ways to add raw nuts and seed as well as dried fruit to your day:

1. Put 2 Tbsp. of almond slices and 1 Tbsp. of raw sunflower seeds in a plastic baggy in the morning to avoid overeating

2. Sprinkle walnuts on oatmeal

3. Sprinkle nuts, seeds and dried cranberries on salads

4. Finely chop raw cashews in a food processer and use them instead of flour in a pot of Zesty Tomato Soup (recipe on

DAY 5 Details

Today you shift gears. You are now eating all of the super foods that you need and it’s time to start cleaning up your eating. We start with grains (refined and whole) and starchy vegetables.

Keep eating the pound of vegetables, 3 fruits, cup of beans and 3 Tbsp. of nuts/seed and dried fruit, but completely eliminate refined carbohydrates and sugary foods.

One of the students in my Science of Nutrition course refers to these empty calories as the 3 C’s – Cookies, Cake and Candies.

These highly processed foods have been stripped of their vitamins and minerals and provide only calories. Because hunger and cravings are partly controlled by the level of nutrients in your food, these nutrient-poor choices leave you feeling unsatisfied.

If you are a recovering sugarholic, then giving up sugary foods might feel very uncomfortable. If this is you, then I encourage you to turn to fruit, even if you have already eaten 3 pieces for your day. If you have sugar cravings eat a nectarine and a banana and wait ten minutes. If you are still on the verge of giving in to a peanut butter cup, then have two heaping spoonfuls of black beans on a leaf of lettuce.

At worst you will have consumed 175 calories, which is less than 2 peanut butter cups. This will certainly remove your physical need for sugar and should help remove any emotional need for junk foods. If there’s a will, there’s a way. Find yours.

Here are some things to keep in mind today:

1. Avoid white foods (white flour, white sugar, white rice)

2. Breads, cereals and other carbohydrate foods that have less than 3 grams of fiber are too refined and should be eliminated

3. Omit sugar from coffee and tea

You will also limit your intake of Whole Grains and Starchy Vegetables to a combined total of 1 cup. While these foods provide a good amount of nutrients, they are too calorie-dense and create problems when the ultimate goal is weight loss.

Starchy vegetables include corn, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, certain squash (i.e. butternut, acorn and winter), parsnips, rutabagas, yams and pumpkins.

Whole grains include unprocessed barley, oats, quinoa, brown and wild rice. This would include breads, cereals and pastas that contain at least 3 grams of fiber per serving.

You will not feel deprived by removing most of the whole grains and starchy vegetables from your diet, but this will take some rethinking about what a meal should look like. We are used to meat and potatoes. This can still work, if that one potato is the only starch you eat all day.

Likewise, if you have a cup of corn at dinner, your breakfast and lunch will need to be void of any grain or starchy vegetable.

Here are some suggestions to make limited whole grains/starchy veggies work for you:

1. Prepare a ¼ cup of oats for your morning oatmeal. Have a big salad at lunch. Then add butternut squash to your mixed veggies at dinner.

2. Have fresh fruit for breakfast and a sandwich made of one slice of Ezekiel Bread with your lunchtime salad. Make dinner chicken stir fry.

3. Have baked apples for breakfast, left over stir fry for lunch and fish with brown rice and beans for dinner.

DAY 6 & Day 7 Details

The last two days of our challenge ask you to Subtract Red Meats and Dairy from your diet. Some of you (okay, most of you) don’t automatically lump red meats and dairy products in with junk foods. If you would like a full explanation as to why these foods are subtracted, click on these Day 6 and Day 7 links to read about them on

The shortened version is that while these foods do provide some nutrients, there is also significant scientific evidence that a high intake of these foods increases the risk of disease, such as heart disease and cancer. Milk also contributes to digestive disorders. Milk and milk products might be the perfect food for a baby calf, but for humans…not so much.

Don’t worry about calcium. You will get plenty from the whole plant foods (i.e. vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and seeds) you will be eating this week.

Day 6 you will not only remove red meat from your diet, you will also limit your consumption of other meats (i.e. poultry, eggs, fish and seafood) to four ounces per day.

This will take some rethinking of what a meal should look like. In fact, you might want to think of meat as a flavor enhancer as opposed to the main course.

Here are some good choices for day 6:

1. Add ground turkey to soups or chili

2. Top your salad with chicken slices

3. Serve grilled fish with a cooked bag of frozen mixed vegetables

4. Have a two egg omelet loaded with veggies for breakfast

You are now ready for Day 7 and all that is left to do is remove dairy products. At this point you are eating the highest quality, disease-preventing diet possible. This knowledge alone should make you feel energized!

Removing dairy means avoiding milk, cheese, cottage cheese, and even yogurt. In my Weight Loss Coaching Program you are allowed limited dairy products and I show you how to work them in for the best results, but I wanted to give you the full experience of eating an ultra-healthy diet, so you will be asked to eliminate them on Day 7.

This 7 Day JF to SF Challenge has shared which foods to eat and which foods to avoid for optimal health and fast weight loss. In just a few pages, I provide a menu and recipes that will make Day 7 (and the other days) easy and tasty.

Easy meal ideas and recipes that taste good are vital to reaching your weight loss goal.

If you find that you enjoy this way of eating, and this challenge has proven to you that healthy weight loss is possible, then I encourage you to join my Weight Loss Coaching Program at

The program is a video-guided course that is ready for you to start right now, even if you’re reading this report at 2:00 in the morning. The program comes with over 50 approved recipes and all the motivation you need to lose the weight and keep it off.

With that being said, let’s look at some tips for finishing Day 7 strong:

1. Instead of fruit mixed in yogurt for breakfast, simply have two pieces of fruit

2. Add water to your oatmeal instead of milk

3. Add lemon to your tea and nutmeg or cinnamon to your coffee, instead of milk

4. Try almond milk or coconut milk as a replacement for cow’s milk

What about drinks and extras?

Through the week you might find yourself doing something healthy, like preparing a beautiful salad, and then say to yourself, “Um, can I have salad dressing on this?”

That is a good question. My answer is basically, yes. You can have salad dressing and other extras (i.e. olive oil, butter, salt) during this challenge, but don’t shoot yourself in the foot by overdoing it. These fatty extras add 100+ calories per tablespoon. Why go through the effort to change your diet, only to sabotage your weight loss results.

For now look for the lowest calorie dressings. These will generally be low in fat and low in sugar. I recommend Walden Farms Salad Dressing, which provide many calorie-free options.

In my Weight Loss Coaching Program, I show how to make your own salad dressings that contain all the taste of your favorites (i.e. Thousand Island, Vinaigrettes, Sweet Onion, Creamy Fruit Dressing) without the empty oil calories. I also share how to sauté vegetables without oil.

As for sugary drinks (i.e. sweetened ice tea, soda, sugary hot beverages with hard to pronounce names), I recommend giving these up starting on Day 5. Sorry, but they are diet sabotagers with no redeeming qualities when it comes to health.

Fruit juices should also be eliminated because they concentrate calories and remove some of the fiber you need to slow their uptake into your system. Alcohol should also be avoided for this week.

You may have water, coffee and unsweetened tea throughout the week without limitation. You can consume diet soda or other no calorie sweetened drinks in moderation, but for optimal health these drinks should be avoided.

What is a Serving Size?

Throughout the basic plan I occasionally refer to servings. So how much food is in a serving? The easiest way to ensure that you are getting the proper serving size is to estimate the size of the food compared to your hand.

Hand Symbol Equivalent Foods

Closed Fist 1 cup 2oz. Leafy Greens, Fruit, Beans

Cupped Hand ½ cup Cooked Starchy Veggies, Grains

Palm of Hand 4 ounces Poultry, 2 eggs, Fish, Shellfish

Small Handful 1 ounce 3 Tbsp. Nut, Seeds, Dried Fruits

Putting It All Together (a.k.a. Your 7 Day

Meal Plan)

By now you have gotten the main gist of how your week will progress. It’s basically in

with the good - then out with the junk. Yet it would be kind of cruel to leave you at this


So I want to go ahead and complete the picture by providing you with a 7 Day Meal

Plan. Below you will find a meal plan that you can follow for breakfast, lunch, dinner and

snacks along with recipes and a shopping list.

Take a few moments and look over this meal plan and go out and buy your groceries

before you start the challenge to make for smoother sailing in the days ahead.

For more details for each day visit the 7 Day Challenge on

A Few Final Notes…

Keep It Sane and Simple:

Breakfast: Think Fruit Lunch: Think Veggie Soup & Salad Dinner: Think Fish or Chicken, Bean Side Dish & Steamed Veggies Snack: Try to Avoid or Think Fruit or Raw Veggies

*If you would like to have the Peach and OJ Smoothie on Day 3, freeze a banana before beginning your week. (The recipe is included in the recipe section)

This 7 Day Challenge shows you the exact steps you can take to completely overhaul your diet in just one week. It works, but that doesn’t mean it is easy (hence the name challenge). Here is my best advice…Stick with it! You owe it to yourself to see how great you’ll feel on DAY 7.

7 Day-Junk Foods to Super Foods Challenge courtesy of


1 lb. veggies

Anything else you like

For Days 1 and 2 follow your typical diet and add in 1 pound of non-starchy veggies.

Keep it Sane and Simple (KISS): Stop by your grocery store's salad bar, steam some

frozen veggies for dinner or make Beef Vegetable Soup.

On Day 2 add three servings of fruit any way you like.

Day 2

3 servings of fruit

1 lb. veggies

Anything else you like

Day 3

1 cup beans

3 servings of fruit

1 lb. veggies

Anything else you like

Peach & OJ


Leftover vegetable

soup and large side


Fruit Dad's Easy Chili

Green Cabbage Slaw

Day 4

3 Tbsp. nuts & seeds

3 Tbsp. dried fruit

1 cup beans

3 servings of fruit

1 lb. veggies

Anything else you like

Dr. Becky's Oatmeal

topped with banana

slices and raw


Leftover chili with a

small side salad

topped with dried


Fruit and raw


Meat of your choice

Zesty Tomato Soup

(made with cashews)

Easy Rice and Beans

(see recipe section)

Day 5

Limit whole grains &

starchy veg. to 1cup

Eliminate refined carbs


3T. nuts/seeds & dr. fruit

1 cup beans

3 servings of fruit

1 lb. veggies

Fruit Leftover tomato

soup with a large

salad topped with

black beans, nuts,

seeds & dried fruit

Fruit and/or

raw veggies

Bean & Barley Soup

with Apple and

Peach Delight for


Day 6

Limit grains/st. veg. (1c.)

Eliminate refined carbs &

red meat


3T. nuts/seeds & dr. fruit

1 cup beans

3 servings of fruit

1 lb. veggies

Post Shredded

Wheat with fresh

berries, banana

slices and walnuts

Large Southern

Comfort Salad (see

recipe section). Top

with nuts, seeds and

dried fruit.

Fruit Salmon or Fish of

your choice; Baked

Zucchini D

ay 7

Limit grains/st. veg. (1c.)

Eliminate refined carbs,

red meat & dairy


3T. nuts/seeds & dr. fruit

1 cup beans

3 servings of fruit

1 lb. veggies

Fruit & Berry

Smoothie with

added flaxseed

Simple Stir Fry made

with frozen veggies,

chicken & low-

sodium soy sauce

Fruit and

small salad

Kickin' Red and Black

Bean Soup

7 Day-Junk Foods to Super Foods Challenge Recipes


INGREDIENTS 2 Peaches, sliced (use 1 and ½ cups of frozen peach slices for an easy option) 1 Apple, sliced 2 tablespoon Raisins (try Figs as a tasty substitution) ½ tablespoon Cinnamon (more if desired)

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat the oven to 375° F 2. Spray an 8 x 8 inch oven-safe baking dish with olive oil using a Misto Olive Oil Sprayer 3. Place all ingredients in the baking dish and toss together lightly 4. Cover the dish with a lid or aluminum foil 5. Bake for 45 minutes or until the apples are soft

TIPS * Use glass baking dish for easy reheating of leftovers in the microwave. * Enjoy warm or cold!


2 medium Zucchini 3 Green Onions, chopped

½ Onion, chopped 3 Plum Tomatoes, coarsely chopped 2 tablespoons Basil Leaves, chopped (use 2 teaspoons Dried Basil, if preferred) 1 tablespoon Celery Leaves (from inner stalks), chopped 2 tablespoons Olive Oil*

½ teaspoon Sea Salt ½ teaspoon Black Pepper

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat the oven to 450° F

2. Slice zucchini in half crosswise

3. Cut each half again lengthwise and slice each of the halves into equal-sized pieces so they resemble sticks

4. In a bowl, toss together to the zucchini sticks, green onions, onions, tomatoes, basil and celery leaves

5. Mix in the olive oil, salt and pepper 6. Pour into a 3-quart baking dish and bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

TIPS * Use a Misto Olive Oil Sprayer to reduce the amount of olive oil needed


INGREDIENTS 8 cups Vegetable Broth 1 (16 oz.) bag frozen Vegetables for Soup* 1 cup Pearled Barley

2 (15 oz.) cans Pinto Beans, drained and rinsed 6 ounces Tomato Paste 1 teaspoon Onion Powder ½ teaspoon Thyme ½ teaspoon Oregano (try Italian Seasoning Spice for a tasty alternative) ½ teaspoon Basil ½ teaspoon Black Pepper ¼ teaspoon Salt 2 large Bay Leaves

INSTRUCTIONS 1. In a large saucepan, water sauté* the vegetables for 5 minutes or until

vegetables begin to soften. 2. Add vegetable broth and all other ingredients and bring to a boil. 3. Reduce heat and simmer on medium-low for one hour, stirring occasionally until

barley is soft and somewhat fluffy. 4. Remove bay leaves and serve.

TIPS *If you would like more veggies, add an extra bag of frozen Vegetables for Soup

*To water saute', heat your pan on high heat until water sputters when dropped in the pan. Use small amount (2 or 3 tablespoons) of vegetable broth or water and add more water as needed until the vegetables are slightly tender.


INGREDIENTS 8 cups water 2 Soup Bones*

1 pound of Beef Cubes 1 cup of Dried Beans* 2 Beef Stew Seasoning Packets ¾ cup Brown Rice (not minute rice) 2 (16 oz.) bags of frozen Vegetables for Soup Salt and Pepper to taste


1. Place the water, soup bones, beef cubes, dried beans and beef stew seasoning packets in a large pot.

2. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 90 minutes

3. Add rice

4. Continue to simmer soup for another 45 minutes. 5. Remove the soup bones

6. Add vegetables

7. Continue to simmer for another 30 minutes

TIPS *Beef shin bones or any type of soup bone can be found in the meat department of your local grocery store *I use a bag of dried beans, such as a bean soup mix

*Substitute chicken for beef, if desired



3 (15 oz.) cans Dark Red Kidney Beans, drained and rinsed 3 (15 oz.) cans Light Red Kidney Beans, drained and rinsed 3 (15 oz.) cans Chili Beans 1 (15 oz.) can Black Beans, drained and rinsed 2 (15 oz.) cans Mexican Style Diced Tomatoes 1 (15 oz.) can Tomato Sauce

1 teaspoon Chili Powder Sliced Jalapenos to taste Tabasco to taste


1. Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan

2. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for at least 30 minutes


INGREDIENTS ¼ cup Quick Oats ½ cup Water 1 tablespoon Raisins ½ tablespoon Cinnamon ½ cup frozen Strawberries ½ cup frozen Blueberries 1 tablespoon Hemp Seeds (optional) 1 small handful Walnuts, chopped (optional)

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Place all ingredients, except the hemp seeds and walnuts, in a microwave-safe bowl 2. Microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds 3. Stir 4. Microwave for an additional 1 minute and 30 seconds

5. Top the oatmeal with hemp seeds and walnuts, if desired


INGREDIENTS 1 small onion, chopped 1 (15 oz.) can Black Beans, drained and rinsed 1 (15 oz.) can Stewed Tomatoes 2 teaspoon dried Oregano ½ teaspoon Garlic Powder 1 ½ cups uncooked Instant Brown Rice

INSTRUCTIONS In a large saucepan, water sauté the onions until tender. Add beans, tomatoes, oregano and garlic powder. Bring to a boil Stir in rice Cover and reduce heat Simmer for 5 minutes Remove from heat and let stand for 5 minutes before serving

TIPS *To water sauté simply put 1 Tbsp. of water in the saucepan with the onions and stir until tender. Add more water if needed.


INGREDIENTS 5 Ice Cubes ½ cup Unsweetened Almond Milk 2 cups Frozen Fruits & Berries (i.e. Strawberries, Blueberries, Peaches, etc.)

INSTRUCTIONS Blend all ingredients in a high-powered blender until smooth. Enjoy!


INGREDIENTS 14 ounce bag of Slaw Mix (or 5 cups of Green Cabbage, chopped) 1 medium-sized ripe Tomato, diced ½ small White Onion, diced

2 tablespoons Lime Juice ½ teaspoon Salt ¼ teaspoon Black Pepper

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Place all ingredients in a bowl. 2. Roughly squeeze and massage the cabbage to wilt it and make the tomatoes

release their juices

3. Taste test and add more lime or seasonings, if desired

4. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes

TIPS *Serve as a side dish or as a topping for rice and/or bean dishes


INGREDIENTS 1 tablespoon Olive Oil 2 cloves Garlic, minced 2 Sweet Potatoes, diced 2 cups Carrots, sliced 3 Green Onions, chopped 1 (15 oz.) can Diced Tomatoes 2 teaspoons Curry Powder ½ teaspoon Dried Thyme ¼ teaspoon Red Pepper Flakes ¼ teaspoon Ground Allspice Sea Salt and Black Pepper to taste 2 (15 oz.) cans Dark Red Kidney Beans, drained and rinsed

1 (15 oz.) can Black Beans, drained and rinsed 1 cup Unsweetened Coconut Milk 1 ½ cup Vegetable Broth or Water


1. Pour oil into a 4-quart slow cooker and set cooker on high

2. Add garlic and cover while you prepare the rest of the ingredients

3. Add sweet potatoes, carrots, green onions and tomatoes to the slow cooker 4. Stir in spices (i.e. curry powder, thyme, red pepper flakes, allspice, salt and

pepper) 5. Add beans, coconut milk and broth

6. Reduce heat, cover and cook on low for 4-6 hours


INGREDIENTS 1 cup Orange Juice 1 cup frozen Peach slices

1 frozen Banana* 2 Tablespoons slivered Almonds


1. Pour the orange juice into a blender 2. Add the peach and banana slices 3. Add the almonds 4. Blend until smooth


*Freeze for at least 24 hours before using for the smoothie. To freeze, cut a banana into ½ inch pieces, wrap tightly in plastic wrap and freeze


1 cup Water

3 cloves Garlic, minced

⅛ tsp. black pepper

1 (15 oz.) can Black Eyed Peas, drained and rinsed

1 small Yellow Bell Pepper, seeded and chopped

1 medium-sized Tomato, chopped

⅓ cup Fresh Parsley, chopped (substitute 3 tablespoons dried parsley)

¼ cup Red Onion, chopped

2 tablespoons Balsamic Vinegar (try fig vinegar for a tasty substitution)

7 cups Mixed Salad Greens

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Combine the water, garlic, and black pepper in a large saucepan; bring to a boil. 2. Add black eyed peas; cover and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Drain. 3. In a bowl, combine the black eyed peas, bell pepper, tomato, parsley, onion, and

vinegar. 4. Cover and chill for 3 hours or overnight. Serve over the salad greens with a

balsamic vinegar dressing.


INGREDIENTS 2 (28 oz.) can Whole Tomatoes (substitute 3 cups of fresh whole tomatoes if

available) 2 cups Chicken Broth (substitute 2 cups of Vegetable Broth if you prefer) 1 small Onion, chopped 2 stalks Celery, chopped 3 cloves Garlic, minced 2 tablespoons Mixed Seasoning Spice* 1 teaspoon dried Thyme 1 teaspoon dried Parsley

½ teaspoon dried Basil ½ teaspoon dried Oregano 1 Bay Leaf Sea Salt to taste ½ cup raw Cashews (alternative: create a roux with 4 tablespoons of whole

wheat flour & 2 tablespoons of butter*) 5 ounces Spinach (optional)

INSTRUCTIONS 1. In a medium stockpot combine all ingredients except cashews and spinach

2. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes

3. Discard the bay leaf 4. Meanwhile finely-grind the cashews in a food processor or blender 5. Pour tomato mixture into a blender*, add cashews and blend until smooth

6. Return mixture to the stockpot 7. Stir in spinach and let spinach wilt

TIPS * I use Mrs. Dash Original Blend, Salt-Free * Your blender may not be big enough for the entire soup, so you may need to blend half at a time * If you prefer to not use the cashews, you can replace them with a roux. To make a roux, melt the butter over low-medium heat using the empty stockpot or a saucepan. Slowly stir in the flour to make a thickened roux, do not burn. Gradually add scoops of the tomato mixture until you see no lumps forming, then stir in the remaining tomato mixture.

7 Day-Junk Foods to Super Foods Challenge Grocery List


Frozen Blueberries

Frozen Peaches

Frozen Strawberries

Frozen Stir Fry Vegetables

Frozen Vegetables for Soup (3 bags)




Bell Peppers, any color (2)

Celery, stalks and leaves

Carrots (2 cups)

Fruits, fresh & frozen, any variety

Garlic Cloves (10)

Green Onions (6)

Onion (4), Red Onion (1)

Plum Tomatoes (3)

Salad Greens or Bagged Salad Mix

Slaw Mix (or Green Cabbage)

Spinach (5 ounces)

Sweet Potatoes (2)

Tomatoes (at least 1)

Zucchini (2 medium)


Black-eyed Peas (15 ounce)

Diced Tomatoes (15 ounce)

Diced Tomatoes, Mexican Style (2- 15 ounce cans)

Stewed Tomatoes (15 ounce)

Tomato Paste (6 ounces)

Tomato Sauce (15 ounce)

Whole Tomatoes (28 ounce)


Black Beans (3- 15 ounce can) or dried beans

Chili Beans (3- 15 ounce cans)

Dried Beans for Vegetable Soup (1 cup)

Dark Red Kidney Beans (5- 15 ounce cans) or dried

Light Red Kidney Beand (3- 15 ounce cans) or dried

Pinto Beans (1 cup) or dried


Brown Rice (3/4 cup)

Instant Brown Rice (1 & ½ cup)

Pearled Barley (1 cup)

Quick Oats


Soup Bones (2)

Beef Cubes (1 pounds)

Poultry of choice

Fish of choice


Almonds, raw, slivered (at least 2 tablespoons)

Cashews, raw (at least 1/2 cup)

Hemp Seed (optional)

Walnuts, raw


Almond Milk, unsweetened

Balsamic Vinegar

Beef Stew Seasoning Packet (2)

Cereals (Kashi 7 Whole Grain Puffs, Post Shredded Wheat)

Coconut Milk, unsweetened (1 cup)

Lime Juice

Orange Juice (1 cup, no added sugar)


Vegetable Broth (up to 12 cups)

Whole Wheat Flour (optional; 4 tablespoons)


Basil, dried (or fresh Basil Leaves)

Bay Leaves

Black Pepper




Curry Powder

Garlic Powder

Ground Allspice

Mixed Seasoning Spice

Olive Oil

Onion Powder



Red Pepper Flakes

Thyme, dried