THE 7TH ANNUAL KAPOST AWARDS Best Examples of Content...

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Best Examples of Content Operations

in 2018



The 2018 Kapost Awards recognize the world’s leading content operations and the change-makers behind them who lead—and live—the content operations movement.

The annual Kapost Awards celebrates organizations and revenue teams that leverage Kapost to better-align teams, enhance the customer journey, and create high-performing content throughout the entire funnel. 2018 saw three times the number of nominations of 2017, recognizing the exceptional growth and impact of content operations among top-performing revenue teams.

These leaders no longer try to squeeze results by optimizing engagement and interaction channel by channel, silo by silo. They choose to prioritize instead the work of various teams and touch points all working together to speak in one voice.

They know that a customer experience that provides a consistent story across the entire journey is the one that wins the CX race.

We’re honored to partner with such innovative and successful organizations.

Read on to learn about the organizations that inspired us in 2018.

Sincerely, Toby Murdock, CEO, Kapost

The Best of the Best Content Operations



Table of Contents

Content Operations Leader of the Year ............................................4

Global Content Visionaries .................................................................6

Content Operations to Watch ............................................................9

Kapost Power Admin of the Year .....................................................12

Most Impactful Content Experience ................................................14

Adoption Mobilizer ............................................................................16

Best Cross-Team Collaboration ........................................................18

Biggest Transformation ....................................................................21

Customer Experience Visionary .......................................................24

Most Optimized Content Ecosystem ...............................................26

Sales Enablement Champion ............................................................28


Content Operations Leader of the Year

Deb Shore and Becky Monk, Global Digital Marketing, we salute you. Together, they have led the charge of meticulously crafting an impactful, customer-centric content operation. Instead of living in a world of reactive content production, Deb and Becky have driven a proactive approach, creating their entire next fiscal year’s marketing plan in Kapost. On top of building out all key initiatives, the two went a step further and built a standard set of Canvas views to help organize a landscape that clearly communicates their core imperative: No content should be created that isn’t aligned to strategic campaigns designed to drive revenue.

With a year’s worth of campaigns already in place—and a governance setup designed to align content creation to initiatives—SCIEX is ready to take the year head-on with the confidence that every bit of work they take on will be strategic.

The SCIEX team is the gold standard for a content operation that enables team members with a broad range of focuses to speak in one voice across the customer journey—living proof that it takes people, not just technology, to succeed.

Built out the full year’s strategic plan within Kapost to ensure all campaigns are tied to strategic priorities

Created standardized Canvas views to visualize the importance of strategically aligned content

Created governance structures to guide strategic content creation




Content Operations Leader of the Year

Gone are the days when the Hexagon corporate marketing team created content amid a cacophony of tools, processes, and strategies.

Today, marketers work in a single tool, using clear, consistent, and repeatable workflows that reel in focus around audience needs and desired outcomes.

Building a culture that values quality over quantity and working smarter over working harder—all while driving adoption of a new software—is no easy feat. Their success can be tracked to a methodology flexible enough to fit the unique needs of each division and team without losing sight of the core consistencies necessary to ensure alignment with an overarching content marketing strategy.

Across eight divisions containing numerous creatives—both employees and vendors—hundreds of pieces of written, video, and audio content have been thoughtfully planned, produced, reviewed, approved, and published throughout a variety of channels in a way that was, as PT Umphress, Web Operations and Product Management, puts it, “simply not possible before.”

As they say at Hexagon, “That’s Shaping Smart Change!”

Marketers are centralized in a single tool

Clear, consistent, repeatable workflows

Hundreds of content pieces successfully planned, produced, reviewed, approved, and published across eight divisions




Global Content Visionaries

Head of Content George Hammer wasn’t shy about introducing a major change to the content team in late 2017. His debut of what he calls the “3x3 Content Creation Process” was engineered to ensure every piece of content was well-designed, had a strategy for distribution and engagement, and was reviewed by experts prior to release. After using Kapost to embed the “3x3 Content Creation Process” into content creation workflows, enable dynamic creative and asset briefs with custom fields, and provide visibility into upcoming and in-progress content to editors and teams, 2018’s YOY results are nothing short of astounding. The team saw:

→ 45% less content → 23% more engagement → 35+ awards in six months

It’s no surprise that IBM is one of the most awarded marketing teams in the country. In a recent interview, George noted, “We need to focus not just on making content, but making it unique, different, and better than everybody else’s.” Keep building your vision, George—we’ll provide the tools.

George Hammer’s 3x3 Content Creation Process ensures every piece of content is impactful

Created 45% less content YOY

Saw 23% more engagement YOY




Global Content Visionaries

In 2016, FedEx Customer Engagement Marketing, led by Drew Bailey, decided to tackle their challenges around visibility, prioritization, alignment, and efficiency head-on using Kapost.

The team took things one step at a time, rolling out bite-sized, persona-based training modules to internal teams and testing different user education preferences, which resulted in four times more usage by content creators.

With marketers working within a centralized process, FedEx has made major advances in the strength of its content operation.

Improvements in findability and reuse have already alleviated what was once a major drain on resources. Now, customer-facing teams and content creators alike can find and content to use and repurpose.

They’ve also provided marketing leadership with much-needed visibility into their teams’ workloads, allowing them to ensure every new project is aligned with the corporate priorities and messaging framework—more than 85% is!

Similarly, streamlining the request process allows managers to review, approve, and prioritize the work that matters.

Major improvements in findability and reuse have significantly reduced waste

Centralized content for customer-facing teams and content creators alike

Internal trainings tested different education preferences




Global Content Visionaries

With the great success of global brands comes the imperative to create content for thousands yet personalize it as if it’s only speaking to one.

Nathalie Magniez, eMarketing Senior Director, says, “With teams scattered around the globe and content created for diverse audiences, in different languages and for various purposes, we needed a way to better align our stakeholders and maximize the overall impact of our content.” To do this, Steven Stryker, Head of Campaigns and eMedia, and Colin Long, Account-Based Marketing Director, began by mapping out a detailed process chart for campaigns to streamline the content creation process and also increase awareness of existing valuable content to reuse, repurpose, and localize. The potential of all content efforts was magnified, and awareness across the company skyrocketed.

“The possibility of embedding Canvas views in our intranet allowed us to share and involve a much wider audience and make people more aware of global initiatives,” says Steven. Congrats, ST team, on your inspiring vision to not only unite your teams but also the content efforts that deliver a personalized customer experience!

Centralized content inventory for all global teams to reuse, repurpose, and localize

Standardized the approach to new campaign requests

Embedded initiative plans into global intranet for visibility into campaign and content strategy




Content Operations to Watch

The US Demand Center at Siemens had a problem: The amount of content necessary to execute a viable content marketing strategy required the time of many people in the communications and marketing organizations across all divisions and business units.

As they moved toward a more strategic and streamlined content operation, the lack of overview of existing content and its performance inhibited their ability to scale. Manual channel tracking by means of multiple spreadsheets and platforms made it increasingly difficult to get a holistic view of all demand generation programs, content, and performance across buying stages.

Knowing they needed to find a way to deliver the right content to the right people at the right time, the case was made to create a Content Operations Team that ultimately selected Kapost as their technology partner and took on the mantle of “champions of change.”

After a six-month campaign to win the hearts and minds of their new Kapost users, the Demand Center has begun enjoying fruits of its labor, including a six times improvement in time-to-market.

6x improvement in time-to-market

Findable, and thus usable, content through a new tagging system

Centralized planning, production, analysis, and distribution across multiple division




Content Operations to Watch

The position of Content Strategy Lead is new to Thermo Fisher Scientific’s corporate marketing team. But if Shannon Waldschmidt is intimidated by the challenge, it’s certainly hard to tell. She’s hit the ground running, throwing her efforts behind launching a centralized content operation. The vision? To share a unified message across a diverse set of divisions and product lines, starting with the omnichannel offer management program and the development of a strategic taxonomy to power everything from planning and production to distribution and analytics. Of the many business units Shannon consults on best practices, Pete Van Overwalle, Jaime Grigorescu, and Paivi Vaananen’s Clinical Diagnostics Systems is among the innovative standouts. Their goal for the coming fiscal year is to build a content operation on a foundation of strategy rather than ad hoc requests and to streamline their complex regulatory review processes. These longtime Kapost users are living proof that a commitment to the continual refinement of processes, reporting, planning, and internal enablement truly pays off.

Strategic taxonomy to power planning, production, distribution, and analytics

Transformed ad hoc content chaos to a content operation built on strategy

Worked to build a unified message across divisions and product lines




Content Operations to Watch

It’s hard to believe Equinix is less than a year into building its content operation.“We have a clear understanding of what content is being created across regions and functions,” says James Goldman, Sr. Manager of Content Marketing. “We can also make a clear argument for not producing content if it does not offer new value to our users or support company-wide goals.” Using Kapost, the company has built a cross-functional taxonomy that allows stakeholders to find and reuse content easily and can track what content has been translated—and to which of their 12 languages. And when content needs to be created from scratch, suggested, localized, reported on, or updated, the team is ready. They’ve built out clear workflows across functions and regions to ensure the work gets done efficiently and correctly. When it’s finished, content is easily distributed through Gallery to sales enablement, social, web, and other teams. By consolidating their work, Equinix will soon retire multiple redundant content repositories and workflow tools, making both end users and the accounting department very happy. With so much progress made in so short a timeframe, there’s little doubt that Equinix will soon be leading the way in content operations.

A focus on quality over quantity when it comes to content

Centralization of content, workflows, and metadata to support alignment and reuse

Consolidation of tools to save money and improve user experience




Kapost Power Admin of the Year

“Dana lives, eats, and breathes our Kapost system,” says Global Demand Generation Director, Toni Compston-Wells. “She’s constantly thinking about the next evolution of the product.”

Dana’s commitment is evident: BHGE doubled its usage in Q3 and Q4 of 2018, in addition to doubling monthly workflow tasks from 500 to 1000. She’s also to thank for growing the number of new content pieces created in Kapost from just 24 in August to more than 130 two months later. Dana has successfully pushed users to tag their content, leading to an unprecedented tagged rate of 100%.

Perhaps her most appreciated impact has been in streamlining content production. In six months, BHGE went from zero comments to more than 500, making a huge dent in marketers’ inboxes and saving them from what Senior Marketing Operations Leader Robb Barrett, calls the “dreaded cc: effect.”

The results of this streamlining is clear: the time to produce content is six times faster.

100% tagged rate

6x faster production rate

5x more content created in Kapost within two months




DANA NEMEC | Global Demand Generation Leader —Baker Hughes, a GE company


Kapost Power Admin of the Year

When Ashleigh Brummund took the reigns of Kapost at Merrill, she inherited what Astrid Sandell, Communications Manager, described as a “real hodgepodge.” A lack of cohesion had resulted in inconsistent workflows and a library of completed assets that were nearly impossible to find, use in campaigns, or share with sales.

Ashleigh immediately embarked on a comprehensive audit and reconfiguration of Merrill’s instance. She trained marketing and sales users, built out uniform workflows, streamlined tagging to match Salesforce and Eloqua, cleaned up unused and abandoned assets, and managed the integration so that sellers could finally find the assets they needed.

Ashleigh knows Kapost inside and out and is always finding new ways to improve execution, activation, and measurement. She’s made the tool—and herself—an essential part of marketing’s success as it aligns more and more closely with sales.

Read the Merrill case study here.

Comprehensive audit and reconfiguration of 4,500+ assets

Built uniform workflows and streamlined tagging

Managed integration



ASHLEIGH BRUMMUND | Marketing Communication Specialist



Most Impactful Content Experience

Before using Kapost to align teams and strategies, Proofpoint’s design, digital, and marketing teams were pulled in countless directions as they tried to stay on top of unending requests without having time to consider why (or for whom) these assets were being created in the first place.

Today, that isn’t the case.

Proofpoint’s quarterly Content Board meetings bring together sales and marketing leaders to identify the most important business initiatives, sales goals, and customer needs. The agreed-upon themes become the Kapost initiatives that drive content creation and provide a backbone from which the marketing communication team builds content plans and sets goals for distribution, audience, and tenure.

Where those responsible for content launches were once clued in at the last minute, stakeholders are now involved from the beginning. They understand the strategic imperative behind each launch, empowering them to ensure it’s delivered with maximum impact.

Through Kapost’s Seismic integration, salespeople can not only find relevant content but also understand the strategic intent behind it.

Quarterly content board meetings bring together sales and marketing leaders to align on business initiatives, sales goals, and customer needs

Automated workflows and version control

Integration with Seismic helps sales reps find and strategically use relevant content




Most Impactful Content Experience

With nine separate websites and content spanning 17 languages, the SOLIDWORKS team must speak with a consistent, global voice to maximize the impact of their content.

Alyson Savelle, SOLIDWORKS Senior Manager, Brand Offer Marketing, is largely to thank for their success. With a deep and ever-broadening understanding of the Kapost platform, she has become a visionary for her company and knows exactly what it takes to create a cohesive, end-to-end content experience.

Her most notable step toward building this alignment has come from merging all three of SOLIDWORKS’s global Kapost instances into one, ensuring their messaging is consistent on all four corners of the globe.

Merged three global Kapost instances

Maintain a cohesive content experience across nine websites

Manage a consistent global message across 17 languages




Adoption Mobilizer

Tools are only as powerful as their users. And in a global enterprise, getting people from disparate teams—not to mention time zones—into a single platform is no easy task. Enter Tiago Vilas Boas, who Marketing Communications Executive Kristin Fallon calls GE Power’s “all-around Kapost guru and team supporter.” Tiago has earned the trust of the more than 150 users he has onboarded and supported through everything from one-on-one assistance to large team trainings. From the day he came on as the Kapost admin in the summer of 2018, Tiago zeroed in on end-user adoption to fuel advanced reporting and decision making for the leadership team. To achieve this end, he launched a sophisticated internal communications campaign to enable and excite users. On top of a monthly newsletter, Tiago developed a frame-worthy certificate to reward those who complete his custom-designed Kapost certification program. His hard work has earned him the status of trusted advisor for everyone from end users to executives. His secret? Ensuring users not only know how to use the tool but why it’s so valuable.

More than 150 users onboarded one-on-one or through large-team trainings

Developed a Kapost certificate program

Monthly internal Kapost newsletter



TIAGO VILAS BOAS | Marketing Communications Specialist



Adoption Mobilizer

Frankie Barbato has a track record of tenacity: When she knows something is right for her company, she won’t rest until she sees it through.

This eagerness to learn and always maximize her impact earned her a job at Bain. It’s also helped her prove the value of Kapost to her executive team.

After attending Kapost’s Content Operations Summit in October of 2018, Frankie returned with a clear vision for the future—including how Bain could radically increase the benefits it got from Kapost—and took it straight to key stakeholders.

With the staunch support of Tim Reason, Deputy Editor (who also has the honor of being Frankie’s boss), Frankie has successfully gotten Bain out of spreadsheets, overseen the consolidation of multiple reporting systems into Kapost, begun authoring an internal newsletter showcasing tips, metrics, and progress, and built out an integrations roadmap for the coming year.

Her determination and vision have ensured Bain is maximizing its investment and laying the groundwork for a truly impressive content operation.

Replaced spreadsheets and multiple reporting locations with Kapost

Authors internal newsletter to share tips, metrics, and progress with leadership

Built roadmap for future integrations



FRANKIE BARBATO | Editorial Operations



Best Cross-Team Collaboration

46 countries. 300 people. 250 social media handles. If it sounds impossible to get everyone working as one, Merck, known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, is here to prove you wrong. Natalie MacConnell, Associate Director of Social Media Publishing Operations, knew there was a better way: “Our goal was to change behavior, break down the silos, and train our global teams to use the Kapost platform to enable the efficient planning, creation, sharing, and reuse of social media content,” she says. Today, Kapost is the central hub where teams create their own content and shop for existing material built by other teams to reuse or repurpose.

In 2018, Merck’s global teams created nearly 4,000 pieces of social content (including 54 social media plans created with the intention of reuse across markets and franchises) and have saved untold amounts of time and resources by using one another’s content.

Merck is bulking up their training strategy to mature their content operations planning and analysis, as well as further integrating Kapost with existing platforms and processes so that everyone’s work can exist in a single, seamless ecosystem.

Unified 300 people running 250 social media accounts across 46 countries

Completed training in just six months

Saved time and resources through strategic reuse between teams




Best Cross-Team Collaboration

Like their colleagues, CT Corp marketers approach everything they do with four key goals: focus on customer success, make it better, aim high and deliver, and win, as a team.

At CT Corp, key departmental stakeholders and subject-matter experts weigh in at the right stage of the creation process for every piece of content, ensuring everything they produce delivers maximum impact.

“Like many other business operations, content production and distribution need to be able to scale with the demands of

the organization.” – Cindy Netchert, Senio Content Marketing Manager

That’s why the CT team came together to define the core components of their content operation and establish workflows. Now, marketing initiatives are considered by their business priority. Even if they’ve passed this first test, they only move ahead if their timing, scope, size, and deliverables are clearly defined ahead of time.

The result? Increased efficiency, transparency, and flexibility—not to mention impact.

Workflows to ensure content is passed through key stakeholders and subject-matter experts

Initiatives judged by their business priority

Emphasis on defining scope, size, and deliverables before production begins




Best Cross-Team Collaboration

When the Teradata team needed to create a complex, last-minute presentation for a major client, teams across the organization jumped into action, collaborating in real time to develop a stunning—and effective—final product. Instead of creative projects being tossed among email threads, instant messages, and disparate tools—often leaving them delayed, incomplete, or outsourced—stakeholders are now directly involved in the creative execution of assets via Kapost. In addition to increased efficiency, these new, streamlined operations have established more positive connections between business units.

“Using Kapost over the past year [...] has streamlined our operations, increased production output, and established

more positive connections between business areas.”– Lynn Dodds, Content Director at Teradata

Perhaps most significantly, this centralization has empowered the creative team to effectively enforce brand compliance across the organization. In the wake of a recent enhancement of Teradata’s brand, the team can easily identify and update non-compliant assets.

Expanded from two groups in Kapost to over seven in just one year

Creative projects are handled in-house rather than outsourced

Visual teams are successfully overseeing the update of non-compliant assets in the wake of new visual branding




Biggest Transformation

In July of 2017, Cylance was suffering from a host of content challenges. They wanted to improve their operations in the following areas: version control, workflow tracking, hosting and accessing content, and the reporting of key metrics. Just over a year later, Cylance’s content operation is now streamlined, uniform, and efficient. No longer an organization that runs on ad hoc requests, Cylance now manages a global strategic intake form and plans key themes and campaigns within a single source of truth—Kapost. Robust taxonomy and workflows identify owners and set a cadence for making updates to where content is stored and when it’s refreshed. Calendars offer insight into strategic timelines. Platform integrations enable both creators and consumers to connect their most important tools. And they aren’t stopping there. Cylance has its eye on more that will further improve planning and visibility into all marketing activities. Full speed ahead!

Single source of truth for planning key campaigns

Robust taxonomy and workflows

Integrations with key tools Salesforce and Marketo




Biggest Transformation

As members of an almost entirely new team, Greenway Health’s marketers were committed to “getting the word out” while improving the content processes they dealt with daily.

The challenges they faced will be familiar to many a marketer: Projects sometimes fell through the cracks, and it was hard to align regional units around common priorities. Outside marketing, customer-facing teams spent time searching for content.

The first step was to get the team out of Smartsheets and email, which served only to impede progress. Since bringing on Kapost to manage their ambitious content plans within a single source, the team is enjoying faster turnaround times and increased transparency. Regional teams can track projects from ideation to analysis, content creators know what tasks are coming up, and strategists can use insights to continue improving the way teams work.

And it’s not just marketers who have benefitted. Today, customer-facing teams can browse Gallery to find the perfect asset and check out the content calendar to ensure they’re always up to date on communications going out to their customers and prospects.

Working as a unified organization, Greenway Health’s content operation works efficiently, collaboratively, and strategically.

Traded in Smartsheets and email for a robust, centralized system

Faster turnaround times and increased transparency

Customer-facing teams enjoy strategic visibility and content findability




Biggest Transformation

The DXC Technology content team was well-schooled in using Kapost to manage content creation. The team produces hundreds of articles, blogs, papers and more on Kapost every year. Then they launched THRIVE, the company’s thought leadership platform anchored by a global website plus seven regional sites, and the needs multiplied. Tracking and aligning content, messaging, publishing schedules, and the global THRIVE editorial and marketing teams were suddenly required.

With eight websites managed by separate teams with their own content strategies and languages, calling the efforts complicated is surely an understatement. But the DXC Technology THRIVE team rose to the challenge, successfully customizing workflows, content views, and calendars for each of their sites. Their work enabled them to identify both gaps in topic coverage and opportunities to repurpose content across domains and languages. In turn, the entire production process became more transparent, giving industry, solution, and regional marketing teams access to current and coming content to include in their work.

The THRIVE chief editor considers Kapost the glue that connects sites, teams, and goals in order to drive a deeper connection to their content and invite an ever wider audience to join in.

Customized workflows, content views, and calendars for eight separate websites

Finding gaps in content coverage

Identifying opportunities for strategic repurposing across domains and languages




Customer Experience Visionary

As a trailblazer in the AI industry, it should come as no surprise that the DataRobot content team manages a data-driven “content machine” that puts their customers first. Their work is so impressive that it’s nearly impossible to believe that content marketing didn’t even exist at DataRobot a year ago.

The team recently revamped both their target personas and the pipeline progressions that define the stages of their buyer’s journey.

In Kapost Gallery, customer-facing teams can find content tagged by type, persona, and industry. And with internal data scientists collaborating with the marketing team on content, the available collection is nothing if not high quality.

These moves have served not only to streamline their content marketing production analytics but also to educate internal stakeholders on available content assets.

DataRobot is well on their way toward even more exciting growth this year, especially as they take additional strides to align content with their rapidly expanding sales enablement team to deliver an ever more seamless customer experience at every stage of the buyer’s journey.

Revamped personas and buying stages

Finished content tagged by type, persona, and industry

Streamlined marketing analytics and educated internal stakeholders




Customer Experience Visionary

LogRhythm’s team of creative, high-performing marketers always put the customer first.

Each year, the team revamps their personas to make sure they’re delivering the right content to the right people via the right channels. And in 2018, the team also rethought their custom fields in Kapost, using the content catalog and custom reports to export data and retag fields that needed attention.

Senior Manager Mandy Schnirel uses Kapost to make sure her team can collaborate easily with their international colleagues. “We’re able to stay connected despite differences in time zones,” she explains.

With teams that stay on the same page regardless of where they are in the world, LogRythm’s marketers can ensure their customers and prospects always receive a thoughtful, coherent, and thoroughly delightful experience.

Read the LogRhythm case study here.

Annual revamped personas

Updated custom fields

Alignment and collaboration across time zones for a seamless customer experience




Most Optimized Content Ecosystem

With more than 130 marketers using Kapost to produce and distribute content to more than 2,000 salespeople and 500 partners—not to mention thousands of customers and prospects—it was crucial that Ciena’s marketing team create a single source of truth for their content. So they dove right in, documenting every place—internal and external—that their content lived and conducting extensive audits that weeded out low-performing, outdated assets.

Despite the uphill climb, they pressed on, prioritizing which of their content delivery channels to tackle first. After sailing through the out-of-the-box Marketo integration, they moved on to Clickability (Web CMS), their partner portal, and Salesforce.

Buoyed by their success, the Ciena team is looking forward to pursuing integrations with their translation software, internal sales enablement apps, and more.

“With these integrations in place, we’ve been able to advance our content operation and get several steps closer to achieving our single source of truth vision for marketing content,” says Wil Mclean, Director of Content at Ciena.

We can’t wait to see it.

Audits to weed out low-performing, outdated content

Integrations with Marketo, Clickability, a partner portal, and Salesforce—and more planned

Content served up to thousands of consumers, internal and external, via Kapost




Most Optimized Content Ecosystem

Since implementing Kapost, Extreme Networks’s marketing team has designated it as their single source of truth for all content and built integrations to draw from Kapost-published assets.

You can see this hard work in action on their website’s resources center, which is populated directly via Kapost. But the content isn’t the only thing being pushed pushed there—key metadata are, too.

Driven by the marketing team, the use of Kapost expanded beyond content creation. Now, in-house creative, digital, and marketing automation teams are all using Kapost to kick off and track their projects, allowing their growing department greater visibility into everything in the pipeline and helping to determine which projects should—or shouldn’t—be prioritized.

Additional revenue teams have seen how simple it is to use Kapost and update documents and are asking for access and integrations. Kapost adoption is growing at Extreme Networks, and we can’t wait to see what this year brings.

Check out how Extreme Networks handled three acquisitions in one year here.

Integration with the Extreme Networks website and resource center

Pushing both content and its metadata to the web

Greater visibility into and prioritization of projects




Sales Enablement Champion

What’s the true impact of integrating marketing and sales enablement efforts into a single system? Just ask FactSet.

When the company first brought on Kapost, its marketers found success immediately. But the sales enablement team was siloed from marketing’s projects, unclear on what marketing was working on and how to leverage said work for the success of the sales team.

After a long journey to integrate Kapost Gallery with their instance, spearheaded by Meredith Schiffer, VP of Institutional Sales, FactSet finally aligned sales enablement and marketing. The results are impressive.

Upon getting their finished content into Salesforce, FactSet’s active members rose from 43 to more than 280, and their Gallery views exploded from just 26 in August to nearly 1,000 by November.

Now, FactSet marketers have confidence that their content is being seen and used throughout the funnel, massively increasing the impact of their work.

Integrated Kapost Gallery with

Increased active members and Gallery views from 43 to 280 and 26 to 1,000, respectively

Aligned marketing and sales enablement teams




Sales Enablement Champion

Bob Kruzner, Director of Sales Enablement at ServiceMax, had arrived at a major realization: Box folders simply did not ensure every salesperson immediate access, nor did it offer the sales team the level of intuitive search and easy navigation to the most important content, as validated by their internal Sales Advisory Board.

So, he got to work moving every last piece of existing material into Kapost where he audited and tagged it all. When he brought it to the sales team, however, the feedback cast doubt on his project: The tags and filters, they said, just weren’t intuitive enough.

Bob got back to work, reauditing, retagging, and reconfiguring his collections, all while working closely with the marketing team to ensure their content was being put to good use.

Today, he’s still hard at work creating an even more streamlined experience for the sales team through the use of recommended content in Not only is the most relevant content surfaced to users but, as users discover that the data they input drives more intuitive recommendations, he’s encouraging cleaner use of Salesforce, too.

Transfer of content out of Box and into Kapost

Multiple rounds of auditing and tagging to fit sales team needs

Recommended content via Salesforce

