The Affirmation Enhancer Tool - Inner Mastery...

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The Affirmation Enhancer Tool

An Inner Mastery Tool for Healing, Transformation, & Awakening

(2nd Generation)

Inner Mastery Tools conceived and developed by Bill Austin, Anita Briggs, & Ramanathan Iyer

Manual written by Anita Briggs DCEd, MSc, DAc.

Copyright 2007 Anita L. Briggs All Rights Reserved


INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 4 HISTORY OF TOOL DEVELOPMENT................................................................................... 5 THE 2ND GENERATION AET ............................................................................................ 6 BENEFITS OF USING THE AET.......................................................................................... 9

THE AET PACKAGE.................................................................................................... 10 A COMBINATION OF THREE TOOLS................................................................................ 10 THE AET MANUALS & SUPPORTING ARTICLES............................................................. 10 VIBRATIONALLY ENCODED IMAGES .............................................................................. 11 THE AET ATTUNEMENT ................................................................................................ 11 THE AET AUDIOS.......................................................................................................... 12


TOOL FUNCTIONALITY............................................................................................ 17 BODY CODING ............................................................................................................... 17 GENERAL INTENTIONS OF THE AFFIRMATION ENHANCER TOOL .................................... 19 SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS OF THE AFFIRMATION ENHANCER TOOL ...................................... 25

Basic AET Manifestation Steps................................................................................. 25 Step 1. Acceptance................................................................................................ 25 Step 2. Clearing Hooks and Identification with current dysfunction.................... 26 Step 3. Clearing all Hidden Agendas and Unmet Needs ...................................... 27 Step 4. Purification of Desires and Alignment with Creator/Higher Self............. 28 Step 5. Clearing of Resistance to new Desired Reality ........................................ 29 Step 6. Ability to Hold the new desired reality..................................................... 30 Step 7. Ongoing guidance, body-level and mental support .................................. 30

MODE A - Working with Affirmations...................................................................... 33 1. Create the desired Reality – Basic Manifestation Steps ................................... 33 2. Block Suppressive or Disruptive Influences..................................................... 33 3- Boost Creational Energies and Amplify Excitement........................................ 34

MODE B: Manifesting Through Imagery ................................................................. 35 1- “Transform my Reality” or “Create this Desired Reality” ............................... 35 2- “Block these Disruptive Inputs” ....................................................................... 36 3- “Boost my Creation(s) and Amplify Excitement”............................................ 36 4- “Attune to my Higher Self “ ............................................................................. 37 5- “Purify my Desired Creations”......................................................................... 38 6- “Clear Resistances and Accept & Immerse me in my Desires Fulfilled” ........ 39 7- “Support the Creation of my Desires Ongoingly”............................................ 40

Putting it All Together .............................................................................................. 40

EFFECTIVENESS AND WHAT TO EXPECT .......................................................... 42

How Often Do I Need Use the AET? ........................................................................ 42 Creating a WIN-WIN Situation................................................................................. 43 A Note on Level of Allowing ..................................................................................... 44 What if it doesn’t work instantly? ............................................................................. 44

Hidden Agendas and Unmet Needs ...................................................................... 44


Deeply Embedded Patterns ................................................................................... 45 Psychological Reversals........................................................................................ 45 Violation to a Wounded Inner Child..................................................................... 45 Trying to Bypass a Healthy Emotional Response................................................. 45

Instant Results and the Quick Fix Syndrome ............................................................ 46 What about Healing Crises?..................................................................................... 47 Can I overdo it? Is More Better?.............................................................................. 47 Measure of Effectiveness........................................................................................... 48 What does the Measure of Effectiveness Mean?....................................................... 48

APPENDIX A: VIBRATIONALLY-ENCODED IMAGES....................................... 49 Using the Audio Transmission for the Image Frequencies................................... 49 Using the Images................................................................................................... 49



Introduction The Affirmation Enhancer is a unique transformational, healing, and enlightenment tool that clears all that stands in the way of a person becoming a co-creative force in their life experience. In particular, it does extensive body-level coding to ensure that you become a powerful vibrational match to your true desires in life, and release all that may be limiting or suppressing you from striving for ever-greater things in life. The Affirmation Enhancer was developed as part of the Inner Mastery Tools (IMTs) Project, which is intended to provide the most advanced healing protocols and energies available to humanity in a format where people could direct their personal accelerated inner transformation. There is so much spiritual support available to mankind presently, and the IMTs are designed to tap into this fully, and deliver powerful healing and awakening capabilities in Tools that anyone can use. The IMTs represent effective and powerful solutions to any type of dysfunction or disruption that a person may be facing. The Tools may be regarded as live etheric software that may be run or activated by anyone who has been attuned to them. Each of the Inner Mastery Tools is a unique benevolent consciousness that has been co-created by many spiritual Councils working with us to restore the image of God/Goddess in the human being. Each Tool has a unique focus and functionality within that common goal, which supports a person toward embodying certain principles of creation. While each Tool is each geared to some practical aspect of life, their effects are far broader and impact a person on all multi-dimensional levels. For those who are clairvoyant or can sense in the etheric realm, the Inner Mastery Tools may appear as living fractals—complex, beautiful, and ever expanding. The Angelic realm is using the venue of the Inner Mastery Tools as a gateway to reach humanity and influence it toward the evolutionary goals of our time. They were elated to learn of this project and more and more have come to participate in it. So with that, I’d like to point out that this manual describes the Tool as it was formulated and coded by us—I do not know specifics about what the Angelic realm and higher hierarchies have added, but it is aligned to the intentions of each Tool and the highest good of humankind.

* * * * *

The primary goal of the Affirmation Enhancer Tool is to awaken you to yourself, and help you to fulfill your right and responsibility to choose the contents of your life in a manner that supports the truth of who you are and brings you joy and fulfilment. To this end, the Tool implements numerous body restructuring processes that will enforce or strengthen your connection to Self and greatly accelerate the manifestation of your true desires. You will increasingly embody the energies of free will, empowerment, and self-sovereignty, and all opposing limiting beliefs will simply fall away from your energy bodies. The effects will be subtle at first; but in time, you will notice old behaviors and limiting patterns simply no longer being part of who you are. Your thinking and


emotional state will become more positive, you will find you have increased self-assurance, inner knowing and strength, you may notice that your actions reflect inner guidance and wisdom, that you feel freer to express and pursue your desires, and that people respond to you with more attentiveness and respect. These are just some of the shifts you will notice from prolonged use. The more you use the Tool, the more you will feel it as a supportive and loving presence in your life, and all who come into contact with you will sense the aura emanating from the Tool and receive benefits from it. All the Inner Mastery Tools are coded to self-propagate the basic truths and principles they embody, so that all who come into contact with you as you use the Affirmation Enhancer Tool will themselves feel a new sense of empowerment and inner freedom as creative beings in life. These Inner Mastery Tools are a gift to humanity and those who choose to consciously work with them are ushering in a new reality on Earth. And there is no greater gift one can give to their children than to personally work with these Tools—they are beyond anything that we ever imagined when we were first inspired to explore the possibility of creating etheric healing Tools.

History of Tool Development The Tools began by utilizing Angelic-healing and Practical Mastery energies downloaded by Bill Austin, augmented by a process of creating etheric healing structures for the purpose of implementing specific functionality. The Tools were intended for use in my psychotherapy practice. In the course of development, twelve spiritual Intelligences came forth to offer their support in creating these Tools. (If you would like to read more about these twelve spiritual modalities, you may do so by going to the Healing Hologram website.1) The partnership with these twelve streams more than doubled the effectiveness of all the Inner Mastery Tools at that time. Meanwhile, we were testing the Tools extensively in sessions with clients and the results were astounding in many cases. Using the Affirmation Enhancer Tool with clients accelerated the healing process significantly, to the point where clients could often feel the energy shifts on the spot. Greatly encouraged by these results, we released the first version of the Affirmation Enhancer is May/07. The AET had an effectiveness factor of 220 over ordinary affirmations, meaning that it was 220 times more powerful to state an affirmation with the Tool than without it. We began to observe that while the AET worked very well in a portion of the population, the effects did not ‘stick’ in all people. Though the instantaneous shift bore out in session work in 100% of cases, for a few clients the results did not sustain. Some people were having great results, while others seemed to be having only intermittent success. And fortunately, I had one particularly challenging client in whom there was no success beyond a very short-lived energy shift. I determined that he was able to subconsciously mute the effects of the Tool. This was due to deep-seeded suppressive programming that kicked in automatically to self-sabotage him whenever there was an increase in energetic frequency beyond a certain limit.


These new challenges drove us to explore ways to improve the effectiveness of the Tool, and it was during this effort that I consulted with Ramanathan Iyer, a very advanced healer and enlightened being. In the course of this work, it was observed that a large portion of the population had damaged DNA systems and some did not have a sense of Self or identity to speak of. This hindered the workings of the Tool, as the Tool attempted to align desires to the Higher Self, which had become inaccessible in these people. Rama was able to show me a very advanced technology for what I envisioned with the Tools, which addressed the varied and hidden problems facing mankind. He had already developed a powerful etheric software interface to tap directly into great spiritual powers for transformation and healing. So together, we redesigned some of the Inner Mastery Tools, working specifically to rectify the problems we’d found, and the results were beyond all expectation. Up until this collaboration, Rama had not considered packaging his major body of work into Tools to be used by individuals and therapists, and I did not fully realize the tremendous support that was stirring in the spiritual realms for this work to be brought into practical use. The Tools Project took on a whole new dimension and all three of us felt increasingly pressured to get this important work out into world. The Tools are now being used as a gateway to humanity by the great benevolent beings of the angelic realms.

The 2nd Generation AET And thus the 2nd generation of these Inner Mastery Tools came to be. These Tools are ushering in new body and consciousness structures to assist us in accelerating into a new reality of beauty, true fulfilment and joy. The Affirmation Enhancer Tool now has an effectiveness factor of over 2900! And this number is growing as the Tool is continually upgraded with new energy frequencies that can be embodied in human form. As humanity awakens to the new possibility of life in the joy signature (this is described in more detail, below), higher frequencies will be possible and the AET effectiveness will increase accordingly. Not only has the effectiveness factor increased significantly from the previous version, but also the Tool has broader effects of great significance, and supports a return to the Self, which is necessary for conscious co-creation. Many people have been so programmed toward self-effacement that they have no identity to speak of. Many children of the light have been particularly oppressed and have essentially lost a connection to self. This and more is rectified with the new version of AET, which ensures that its positive effects will be accepted and integrated in anyone using it. Many of these effects cannot be captured in the simplistic and crude measure of effectiveness being used (the EF), and so we can state that the AET is really beyond comparison with ordinary affirmations!


This upgraded version now works in the entire population because it weeds out all such self-sabotage programs, allows a person to safely break out of their comfort zone of frequency, and enforces a self-minimum and an identity that is indestructible, so that one’s desires can and will be known in time. It may take longer for some people to notice any effects, but the Tool is now able to work effectively in all individuals. Moreover, the new version of AET also supports manifestation work with imagery, and now comes with a set of commands to support each step of the manifestation process. Imagination is necessary for manifestation, and while affirmations are great to support a person toward what they are creating, having the Tool’s support during the imagery steps of conscious creation makes the Tool more supportive of accelerated manifestation. The current 2nd generation AET is the result of continued evolution of this technology and increasing support from many powerful sources. These upgraded Tools are so powerful for many reasons. One is the result of my work with the Divine Rights, which has been a significant power of awakening in me, making me realize that so much more could be demanded within a Tool and enforced in one’s reality even if it directly impacts on others. The Divine Rights are codes in our DNA and when fully understood, become ignitions or evolutionary impulses within.2 So all the Tools enforce these Divine Rights so that self-sovereignty can be achieved. Another major reason is because of the invaluable contribution on the part of Rama. His incredible etheric software interface to the spiritual realms accesses the power of God/Goddess directly, and represents the latest and most powerful energies available to humanity at this time in our evolution. And the interface is continually and lovingly being tended and worked on to support ever-greater potential freedom for humanity. What might have taken years to evolve was accomplished within a few months’ time. And yet another reason is that our overall ability to tap into greater and higher frequencies has impacted Bill Austin’s work—as the Tools have become more important in the evolution of humanity, the participation from the various spiritual Councils has increased considerably. The tremendous spiritual support for the Tools Project is in response to a growing need for humanity to shift out of duality consciousness that fetters us to painful creations. We are entering a period where conscious manifestation is not only possible, but also imperative for us to be able to shift into a new reality of peace and cooperation. Not only will the Inner Master Tools assist you on a practical level with inner healing and transformation, but they also anchor new energies to support you in becoming an agent of change and light in the world. How the high effectiveness factor will translate in practice is that you will FEEL the shifting energy within you almost immediately. I use it on clients and not only does it shift the energy instantly as confirmed by muscle testing, but clients can actually feel a new energy replacing the old dysfunction being targeted, which then becomes more difficult for them to even access. This generally happens on the spot—and I have found that if it does not happen right away, it is because the real issue has not yet been isolated. The Tool is so powerful that it can be used as main clearing and rescripting Tool in therapy. For those who do energy psychology, you will be amazed at how the AET (and


other Inner Mastery Tools) can speed up clearing work. The AET can be added to any other healing therapy for that matter, or it can be used effectively on its own. And the greatest benefit you will notice in working with clients is that their issues and conditions resolve far more quickly than ever before. The Tool may be regarded as implementing codes within the human being that capture all the intentions and functionality for which it is designed. All codes are set in motion immediately, igniting an alchemical process of change. Codes create a vortex of specific energies that has a gradual and increasing impact in the body and at all levels of a person’s multi-dimensional being, which will translate directly into changes in behaviors and conditions of outer reality. Each time the AET and any other Inner Mastery Tool is used, the specific codes are accentuated and the energy is quickened—so there is great benefit in reapplying the Tools in everyday life situations. The AET is simple to use and will work with a person at whatever level of consciousness they find themselves to be in. It is a live consciousness that works lovingly with a person in the divine ideal manner that responds to their individual needs. For example, if your Crown chakra is closed and there is lacking a sense of Self, the Crown will be activated and you will feel a growing sense of who you are and an increasing connection to your life and purpose. If you do not know what you want but the Crown is open, then the Tool will work at whatever level of the body that is blocking desires from being felt. It may be that the Root is blocked, as this is the center of our desires, or the Heart center, which is the space within which we may feel our desires clearly. It's not quite that simple, but the Tool is a living intelligence that will work with each individual who is attuned to it in a manner reflecting divine intelligence. It is truly a unique and advanced technology. Each time the AET is used, it will help you to feel more and more, and will also ensure you feel positive emotions on the spot. The ability to truly feel deeply has been lost to many, and the Tool is here to restore this most precious of human faculties. Feeling is the language of the soul, as well as the means of communication with spirit and life. In feeling is conveyed by the soul, a vast amount of intelligence to support the life you were intended to fulfil. Without depth of feeling, life itself will lack depth, meaning, and divine intelligence and guidance. Feeling is magnetic, and feeling good will magnetize you to all good entering into your life. Feeling activates the power of attraction. Without feeling, you will never be able to connect to your true desires, let alone manifest them. And what is manifested out of untruth is subject to being undone in time. Our creations come with energies of their undoing unless they are aligned with the truth or our being. The AET will ensure that all that you consciously manifest is aligned with your truth. And you will be increasingly awakened and conscious of this process with repeated use of the Tool.


Benefits of Using the AET The general benefits of the AET are many. Some of these are listed below.

o Greater sense of Self, purpose, and presence o Greater engagement and connection to life o More energy and aliveness o Increased self-understanding, awareness, and confidence o Sense of inner guidance and intuition o Increased self-acceptance and self-love o Physical and emotional healing o Latent capacities begin to feel accessible o Greater compassion and understanding of others o People treat you with more respect and interest o Impulse toward greater conscious awareness o Willingness and ability to feel more clearly and deeply o Increased intelligence for your life o Less stress and more ease in life o Greater happiness and joy o Sense of personal power o Increased faith and understanding of the principles of creation o Love of life o Spiritual awakening

Specific benefits in terms of manifestation include:

o More meaningful goals and desires that motivate you on all levels of being o Fulfilment and greater sense of meaning in file o Exposing and ending all self-sabotage o Release of limiting and suppressive beliefs and emotional states o Ability to manifest desires with greater ease o Ability to feel your visions mentally and emotionally before they manifest in form o Ability to wield the power of Attraction o Strengthened power of imagination o Greater present-moment consciousness o Actualized self-sovereignty


The AET Package

A Combination of Three Tools This new Affirmation Enhancer Tool is really a combination of three Inner Mastery Tools, but for the sake of ease of use, it is packaged under a single Tool with a rich set of commands to access all the functions of the different Tools. Additional Tools were created to ensure a strong connection to your Higher Self and activate your organ centers so that your true desires can flow in your body, and enable a person to hold much greater levels of excitement for life in order to access very high frequency creational energies that are being made available to mankind in this accelerated phase of our evolution. The Earth is undergoing massive changes and the opportunity is there for each individual to follow suit. It is now possible to quickly shift out of the old paradigm of struggle and pain, and enter into a new dimensional structure of accelerated evolution in joy. In order to reach this new dimension in consciousness, however, a person’s frequency needs to be raised to a level at which disruption and dysfunction can no longer stick to them. One Tool, specifically, is dedicated to supporting you in holding greater levels of excitement in your body in order to anchor in these accelerated creational energies, and another Tool focuses on shifting energy on the spot into more positive states, even if you don’t know what sort of change is possible. Many people get stuck in life because they don’t know how to effectuate change in their conditions. They believe that they have to figure it out in order to change. This is wrong thinking that puts the cart before the horse. You simply have to be willing to change, and as you surrender your old fixed perceptions and emotional states, new opportunities will become available to you that were not perceptible or even available to you before your inner shift. This new Tool, accessible via specific commands within the AET will support you in making this shift in order to enter into a new reality with much expanded and richer options. Details on functionality of the AET through this set of Tools is given below.

The AET Manuals & Supporting Articles The AET package comes with two manuals, including this one, which explains the functionality and command set of the 2nd generation Tool, and how to use the various items included in the package. The second manual contains inner processing exercises that may be done with enhanced affirmations. It was written for the previous version of the Tool, before the AET had support for manifestation via imagery. But the exercises have been adapted to also include the new functionality of the tool, and some additional exercises appear in this version. The manual also comes with sets of affirmations for general themes.


Also included in the package is a set of articles to support deliberate manifestation. These may be downloaded from the AET Supporting Articles download page. There will be additions in the future—with a new series on clearing specific issues and conditions—, and you will be informed of new additions via email to the Inner Mastery Tools List. You may join the email list from the website,

Vibrationally Encoded Images Vibrationally encoded images have been created, which will support the energetic integration of the intentions and workings of the AET. The images contain activations and codes for the body to integrate, reprogramming it to align to divine principles of creation and specific evolutionary impulses appropriate for your time. These images support various aspects related to clearing and awakening so that your desires become more powerful expressions of the divine impulses within you, and that your transformation and awakening may be accelerated. No matter how difficult it may be for you to connect to your true desires or imagine a life that is deeply meaningful to you, using all the material provided in the AET package will shift this situation for you in time. The images specific to the AET appear in Appendix A of this manual. There is also a set of bonus images in the AET package, and these have been selected to cover a wide range of issues and challenges that most people face. It is interesting that in upgrading the Inner Mastery Tools, the frequencies for the images were also raised and so all the images in this new package represent upgrades from the images in the previous package. Along with the sets of images is an audio file transmission of all the image frequencies that are included in this package. The audio file provides another manner in which to absorb the frequencies.

The AET Attunement The Affirmation Enhancer Tool is accessible via attunement, and the attunement is automatic upon purchase of the Tool. We also have a vibrationally encoded image that will acclimatise you to the energies. This is further enhanced through the audio transmission that accompanies the images. The AET attunement links you etherically with the AET consciousness or ‘light codes’, which will then execute its various functions whenever you run the Tool and use it in the manner described in this manual. The etheric connection is yours for life. And all the upgrades to the etheric structures of the AET are automatically accessible to you. These upgrades are continual, and may come from us or from any number of spiritual beings involved in the creation of the Tool.


The AET Audios There are three audios that come with the Affirmation Enhancer Tool package; these describe manifestation as energetic processes in the body. The audios contain activations and may be played repeatedly to deepen your understanding and accentuate the activations and body codes. All activations and codes on the audios are also implemented in the AET. How to Manifest Your Dreams The first audio, called How to Manifest Your Dreams, describes how your entire life takes place within your body. When you attune with your own body, you can make anything happen because it all takes place from within. As you evolve the body, you evolve awareness of all life, and evolve your being into greater attunement to all of creation and power to co-create. The audio describes how achieving goals is done by reprogramming the body and properly anchoring dreams and visions in it. In the audio, you are led to feeling and understanding two of the major organ centers of the body involved in manifestation, namely the Crown and the Root (or Brain and Rectum). The information in this audio will give you an idea of the science of body and the energetic manifestation process that takes place in it. The Affirmation Enhancer Tool works with the science of the body in very specific and complex ways to ensure that your body is reprogrammed in perfect alignment to your desires, so this audio give you a description of one of the many codes of the Tool. On the audio, you are given an activation of the Crown, as well as the coding to continually download all your goals to fulfill your life purpose and to automate the process of transmitting ideas from the Brain (the organ of vision and dreams) to the Rectum (the organ of manifestation). In this manner, all your conscious and Higher Self goals will continually download into your brain and manifest for you in life. Note that the Affirmation Enhancer Tool already implements this polarity balancing and manifestation coding, but the audio gives you a chance to follow the process, as well as a better understanding of one of the many codes implemented by the AET. This coding is one of the ways in which all the goals for your highest good are supported to manifestation in your life. Other AET codes focus on optimizing the body so that you are a vibrational match to your specific desires in all organ centers and levels of your being. The body is a complex organism, and the polarity balancing is just one of hundreds of codes implemented by the AET to support all its functionality. Awakening and Attuning to Your Desires Part 1 This audio describes how desires are downloaded in the body and coded by the nervous system into the blood, which is the substance that creates anew. Your blood carries the voice of your desires, and your body is literally built out of the flow of desire for life


(blood flow). If you can’t connect to your true desires, your body and life will feel foreign to you. When the blood is coded with strong, true desire, you can feel your Self and your purpose and passion in every cell of the body. The heart organ is a lens and mechanism by which you may feel your desires. This audio will help you awaken and attune to your desires, through activations and codes transmitted in the audio. All activations and coding are already performed by the AET, but the audio gives you a clearer understanding of desire and its importance to your life and health. Awakening and Attuning to Your Desires Part 2 This audio leads you through the steps of the basic manifestation cycle implemented by the AET. In it are described the steps in terms of body codings. You may use the audio to follow meditatively, the process that the AET does on your affirmations or imaged desires.


How to Activate the Affirmation Enhancer Tool The Affirmation Enhancer Tool supports two modes of use, defined as follows:

• Mode A: Supports a person in accelerated shifting and manifestation according to stated affirmations.

• Mode B: Support a person’s efforts at manifesting their desires through imagery

work. While imagination is a necessary precursor for manifestation, enhanced affirmations provide a quick method to reprogram your energy on the spot, in support of your creation efforts. The Affirmation Enhancer Tool is so powerful that you can also manifest successfully even if your primary method is via affirmations. However, teaming affirmations with imagery will accelerate and empower your manifestation efforts. So both methods of use are supported in the 2nd generation version of the Tool. The Tool is activated by stating

“Run Affirmation Enhancer Tool”, followed by affirmations or imagery work, along with AET commands, depending on the mode being used. The first thing that happens upon ‘running’ the AET, is that all the codes for the empowerment, awakening and alignment intentions listed below are first executed. So each time you run the AET, the body activations and codes related to the intentions are accentuated, and you will integrate the principles and consciousness of the intentions more and more deeply. And there is no limit to this process, as your consciousness can always expand further in these areas. Following this fundamental portion of functionality, specific codes will execute and work on your specific desired creations, depending on how you choose to use the Tool.

Non-Practitioner and Practitioner Versions of the AET The Affirmation Enhancer Tool comes in two versions: a non-practitioner version, and a practitioner version. The Tool functionality is similar for both, but the practitioner version has several unique features that are discussed below. If you have the non-practitioner version, to run the Tool you simply state: “Run Affirmation Enhancer”, followed by your affirmations, stated silently or out loud, or following by imagining your desires and using the various commands defined for the Tool.


‘Run’ is the command to instigate activation of the Tool. The Tool will then operate and execute all the clearing and rescripting processes on each and every affirmation or statement that you make. You don’t actually have to ‘stop’ the Tool, as it runs by intention; so when you stop doing affirmations, the Tool will stop automatically. If you wish to, however, you may state with intention, silently or out loud, “Done” or “Stop”. Should you have negative thoughts while running the Tool, there is no need to worry, as the Tool will not activate on a negative or suppressive statement. For example, if you think “I am so stupid” while you’re doing your affirmation work, the Tool will not activate on that statement. The AET cannot cause harm in any manner. It will run on negatively worded positive statements however. For example, it will activate on “I no longer need to feel threatened in this situation”. But it’s always best to then add a positively worded affirmation along with the other; in this case, “I am completely safe and confident in this situation” might be appropriate. I have the Affirmation Enhancer Tool running all the time. Then whenever I state an affirmation with the intent to have the Tool activate, it activates for me.

“Creator please run the Affirmation Enhancer Tool for me continuously during the day. Whenever I state an affirmation with the intent to have the tool activate, it will activate the clearing and healing protocols for me. Whenever I think or say, “testing” with the intent to test whether something is true or false in my energy, the tool shall be muted from activation. Thank you. Activate.”

With the above directives, I can mute the tool at any time.

* * * * * The practitioner version allows you to ‘run’ the Tool on other people as well as on yourself. With the practitioner version, you can run the Tool on an individual client or a group of people— when giving a workshop or seminar, for example. If you have the practitioner version, to run the tool you would state

“Run Affirmation Enhancer Tool, on [me or client]”. You should always ask your client for permission to use any of the Inner Mastery Tools beforehand. I generally ask the client once, and then it is understood that in session work I am free to run any of the Tools and can activate them silently as well. When you run the AET on clients, the affirmations upon which the tool executes its clearing and rescripting are each rendered into trigger phrases, which will instigate Tool activation on subsequent occasions. Your client can then activate the Tool on his or her


own, by using the trigger phrases or trigger-affirmations, which are the affirmations that were done in session. This enables your clients to deepen the clearing and integration between sessions. The affirmations must be said in the same wording in order for the trigger process to work. I’ve had clients change a few words, and this invalidated the triggering of the tool clearing. Typically, a client would get anywhere from 10-20 trigger phrases to reframe an issue. With this feature, your clients can completely reprogram issues that were processed during session work. You will find the healing process accelerates considerably with this Tool’s support. In addition, the practitioner version comes with a master image that is designed to capture all the vibrational codes that get executed by the AET in the course of a client session. So not only does a client get trigger affirmations, but they also get a vibrationally encoded image that captures all the clearing/rescripting that was executed in a session as a result of all the AET imagery-commands and affirmations used. The client then can use the trigger affirmations and the encoded image between sessions, to further strengthen the shifts as they continue working on their transformations. This gives a practitioner full use of the power of the AET on clients, without the client having to purchase the Tool. However, the client cannot run the AET on their personal work; the AET will activate for them on what was already done with the practitioner. The practitioner version also comes with several additional commands. Details and suggestions on using the AET in healing work with clients is discussed separately in the AET Practitioner’s Manual, which is part of the practitioner package for the Affirmation Enhancer Tool. Any energy healer or person who works with clients in a capacity of helping them in some manner can benefit from the practitioner version of the Affirmation Enhancer Tool. Whether you are a physio or massage therapist, reiki practitioner, nurse, social worker, teacher, naturopath, or motivational speaker, enhanced affirmations can greatly support the people you help in your work. These enhanced affirmations work equally on physical issues as they do on mental, emotional, or spiritual issues. The AET has become an integral part of what I offer, and my work with clients has accelerated and is far more effective as a result.

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Tool Functionality The Affirmation Enhancer implements a number of general functions that relate to the fundamental intentions supported by the Tool, as described below. It will restore the organ centers to their proper functioning so that the body can once again become the true center of deliberate manifestation, in partnership with the Higher Self. This is no small feat given the negative programming undergone by most of humanity, and so repeated and daily use of the Tool is optimal. In addition, it will code into the body, understandings of your rights and role in creation and how to harmonize with its divine universal laws, a sense of unboundedness and inner freedom, a return to self-love and self-sovereignty, and will support awakening of true desires and the means to implement these at an organic level. The other major category of functions performed by the Tool addresses specific shifts necessary to enhance affirmations and the manifestation process at every step of the way. The AET functions as a partner in manifestation, supporting you—through clearing, healing, and rescripting protocols and codes— to alignment to your higher wisdom and life goals, so that all your creations are for your highest good. It targets all that stands in the way of successfully carrying out each step of manifestation, and supplies you with the energies you need to fulfil all your desires mentally and emotionally, so that you are a perfect vibrational match to receiving these in form. A companion presence, the AET will support you with every effort you make toward creating the life of your dreams, out of a growing sense of empowerment, freedom, and joy. The Creator intends for you to have joy and fulfilment, and your covenant or life purpose is one that will help to bring both to you. The AET can be used daily and continually, and it will look to create openings and opportunities to guide you into higher states of joyful being.

Body Coding All Affirmation Enhancer Tool functionality is implemented via body codings and activations that impact on various levels of your multi-dimensionality. Your entire life takes place within your body, and outer life is a reflection of processes taking place within your body. When you attune with your own body and shift within, you can make anything happen on the outside. The body is like a movie projector, and external life is the screen upon which you view the movie. The source of movie you are watching is your body. So change the film, and you change the movie you are watching. Similarly, change your body, and you change your life. Not many people understand the science of the body, and most will change outer circumstance by changing beliefs and intentions if they can, which in turn impacts on thought and emotional patterns. But not many people can make very deliberate changes at the level of the body to effect direct changes in life. And changing the body is the most direct way to impact on all levels of being.


Since the body is the movie projector, and changing the film changes the life you are witnessing, if you can conscientiously change certain parts of the film (within the body), you can change your life easily enough. The AET taps into infinite intelligence of the body and will do the particular body coding for you, to change your life in the manner you desire so long as it is aligned to your highest good. For the AET, changing your life is not difficult as it is simply a matter of activating and reprogramming certain parts of the body. For example, if you need to awaken to true desire, your Crown will be activated so that it can download your life purpose as magnetic codes, and your Root will be stimulated and blood quickened in the body so that you can feel these desires move through your entire organism. If you need more fun in your life, the womb/prostate region will be stimulated and in the process, your inner child will begin to feel nurtured and healed. In addition your astral body will be cleared and activated. If you need to feel empowered, then your center of self-governance will be stimulated (stomach region) and depending on your individual needs, other regions and higher dimensional bodies may be involved. The AET is an intelligence that works with your Higher Self and has access to the complete picture of your being and full power to effect change at all levels of your being. In general, AET codes focus on optimizing the body as a vehicle of manifestation, in such a manner that you are a vibrational match to your specific desires as well as the goals of your Higher Self, in all organ centers and levels of your being. This is like continually optimizing film footage to produce the most joyful of stories. The body is a complex organism, and there are hundreds of codes implemented by the AET to support all its functionality. For any desire or goal that you may have, there are body transformations that will support its manifestation in your life. In order to arrive at specific codes for your body, the AET processes through millions of pieces of energetic data and determines the exact frequency transmissions that you will need to continually move toward the most ideal pathway to get to your desired reality. It does this within a structured sequence of steps that stimulate the body deeply to ensure that you are increasingly restored to wholeness and toward ever-greater embodiment of your desires in their fulfilled state. Your body is increasingly magnetized to attract your desires in form, and this process is monitored and optimized ongoingly. The AET is based on the science of the body and everything from clearing and rescripting beliefs or past trauma, resolving neediness, awakening potential capacities within that may be needed to hold a new reality, stimulating a connection to true desires,… to attuning you to your Higher Self, is done at the energetic level of the body. You are literally being reprogrammed organically to support the life of your dreams.


General Intentions of the Affirmation Enhancer Tool The following general intentions and functionality are coded as baseline activity in the Affirmation Enhancer Tool. Using the Tool often will accelerate a consciousness shift in you toward embodying all the principles listed below.

• Unlimited potential and power…

The Tool shifts you out of a limited view of self as being at the effect of life, and awakens you to being its cause. You and your life are One, and there is a seamless flow form inner reality to outer conditions. Instils a sense of infinity in being, and of infinite potential and power. It instil a strong desire to be engaged in life and have impact. You will be impelled toward ever-greater engagement and passion for life, as inspirations from your Higher Self begin to flow naturally as intended. Clears all sense of victimization, hopelessness, reticence to partake in shaping one’s life, meaninglessness, sense of being without direction, etc.

• Awaken Self and Desires…(Crown and upper center restoration) The Tool imparts an increasing sense of Self, alignment to your Higher Self, sense of identity, and ability to DESIRE and realize the means to fulfil those desires. It enforces or enhances identity and will rebuild the organ centers and chakras if necessary. It has been found that about 30% of the population have been completely self-effaced and in need of reconstruction. The brain is the center of the Self and the Self has imaginations of all that is in creation. But the imaginations can only enter the brain if a person is attuned to their Higher Self, higher dimensional bodies, and the cosmos. Through many interferences on earth (including the satellite system), many people have lost this connection and are lacking the ‘Self’ codes necessary to manifest a life that has purpose and meaning to them. The attunement or connecting device is the hair. The hair downloads magnetic codes from the Higher Self and the higher dimensional bodies that are in communication with the cosmos. Once the hair is activated and tune into the Higher Self, it will download codes for a person’s life goals and will ensure that the brain is lit with Self-energies. The pineal gland is the center of the DNA or the identity, and the DNA/identity takes the light of Self and refracts it creating unique patterns or images of great significance and purpose to support the individual identity. Again, due to suppressive programming, many people’s DNA has been damaged. The result is a weak of missing sense of identity. Restoring the Crown/Hair will ensure that the proper DNA codes are downloaded and restored. In order to become a conscious co-creator in life, a person needs to know the Self, have a strong identity, and a sense of their purpose and life goals. And so the AET ensures that these upper organ centers are activated so that your power of imagination, vision, and co-creation is restored. This is perhaps the most important function of the AET—so


critical is it that all the Inner Mastery Tools support this process to a certain degree. The Tool implements further body-level activations to support the flow of your desire within you, to impart the ability to feel the voice of your true desires, and to impel you toward realizing them. Without desire, you stagnate, as desire is the energy of evolution—it is the very fabric of your soul. The Tool ensures that all desires are aligned to your Higher Self. Even if all ability to desire has been beaten out of you by life, so to speak, the AET will recode these to exist and for you to remember how to fulfil them. Nothing is too difficult when tapping into the power of the Creator. Also, the Tool will clear all that stands in the way of you realizing your life purpose. You will feel layers of suppression dissolving, eventually revealing the truth of your being.

• Divine Rights related to Manifestation and Purpose Activated…

The Tool imparts an increasing understanding and clarity about your role in creation--that you are the eyes/ears/heart/mind/ of the Creator (God/Goddess) and that participation in co-creation benefits the Creator’s experience directly (and that not co-creating deprives the whole of creation). You will feel an increasing sense of importance and responsibility toward life.

The Tool will increase understanding of your right to know yourself as love, to choose your beliefs and explore life from your unique viewpoint, to create and experience a life that supports the truth of your being, to seek all the blessings life has to offer, and to be in communion with that which you love! These rights are not reserved for the lucky few—it is the Creator’s intention that we each experience a growing sense of power, fulfilment, and joy that has no limits, for as we do so, we expand all of creation. These rights are powers that will enable you to impact and change the world around you in support of realizing their truth in your own unique way. The Tool imparts a growing sense of empowerment and self-love, so that conscious co-creation feels normal and right. All issues of worthiness, deservability, or self-doubt will be sloughed off as you are led to higher states of consciousness.

• Vision and Manifestation is our Purpose…

The Tool supports you to understand that nothing was held back by the Creator in creating Man/Woman, that your essence is all-powerful Love, and that you have the entire Kingdom/Queendom to draw resources from. It is right to utilize the Kingdom/Queendom fully, as it is necessary in order to fully embrace the role of VISIONARY co-creators of Heaven on Earth, to expand love, and to show forth the glory of God/Goddess. Envisioning and dreaming is our main task and all is provided to those who will fulfill their duties.


In this regard, the Tool will ensure a general commitment to life and a growing passion for life. Specifically, it will reconnect you to the body as center of manifestation and increase your ability to FEEL body and life. It will help you to understand that Heaven is nowhere else but where you are, and that God/Goddess is not apart from you in any sense. The Tool will restore balance between feminine/masculine aspects, restore the God and Goddess rays, and return you to the Self and to the eternal now, where the power of creation lies. The journey home is the Self—in fact there is no journey; there is only evolution of the Self right now.

• Faith Commands the Universe… The Tool will awaken Faith within you, and an understanding of the immense power of Faith at commanding the divine universal energies. Your job is to decide WHAT to manifest for your highest good, not HOW to manifest it. When we concern ourselves with the how which falls beyond our capability, we inevitably restrict and downsize our visions. Faith is the power that can hold us steadfast in the large dreams without succumbing to self-doubt. Faith is a great power of accelerated manifestation of even greater than we might imagine, because with faith, we bypass all distortions of self and tap right into the power of the Creator.

• Accelerated Awakening toward Higher Frequencies and the new Joy

Signature… For whoever is ready, the Tool will awaken a higher level of responsibility, freedom, inspiration, and power as co-creator of the human experience, and support a move into a new reality where dysfunction and disruption are no longer the norm. The higher the frequency a person is able to embody, the quicker the person moves out of disruptionary influences completely. The frequency of the body is equivalent to the level of consciousness—so a high frequency means a level of consciousness that no longer perceives dysfunction, but rather sees only Truth from which resolution is ever-present. The Tool will support you toward ever-higher frequencies in the body, and a paradigm shift to the joy signature, from which exclusive perception of gradations of the constants of reality is realized. In other words, all will be perceived as gradations of love, beauty, truth, goodness, and so forth, rather than as opposite and equal powers (e.g. fear, ugliness, deceit, ill-will). In the joy signature, your ability to FEEL will continually increase. In time, your mere perception will be a power of transformation in the world around you, as you perceive/feel only the resolution to the state of joy. While this may take some time working with the Tool, you will be continually moved in this direction from your present state of consciousness. Furthermore, in the joy signature you are naturally in continual pursuit of ever-greater beauty in form, as your perception contains the impulse toward greater


beingness. There is no upper limit when you perceive in gradations of the constants of reality, because they are themselves infinite. Contrast this with duality consciousness that perceives opposing forces equal to the constants. For example, if you perceive fear, there is no resolution and impulse toward expanded beingness—you are either stuck or on a downward spiral—, whereas when you experience the discomfort as the absence of love, the resolution is present in experience and perception. The AET will eventually reprogram all your most persistent perceptions rooted in pain to this new joy signature—the result will be that new options and paths of resolution open to you, that were not there with the old perceptions. This functionality addresses and rectifies a devolutionary tendency in many to associate increasing consciousness with pain, or alternatively, to associate numbing out with lessened pain. Many people are afraid to begin feeling, because most of their past experience of feeling has been painful. There is a general tendency in mankind to want to tune out, and the result is a deadened state of numbness. The AET will seed a new association of joy with feeling. In time, you will seek greater conscious awareness or wakefulness as it will be associated with ever-greater joy.

• Four Levels of Intent of the Creator…

The Tool helps you awaken to unity consciousness—not in the sense of merging but rather in already being One with all of creation. In unity consciousness, there is no separate self apart from anything, and you will naturally align to the levels of intent of the Creator. There are four main levels of intent that are upheld by all the divine universal laws of creation. Each level of intent was placed by the Creator into the physical functions of our universe3. These are: love, the increase of life, mutuality (everyone's right to their own unique visions and dreams), and personal intent (responsibility toward partaking of creation). The four levels of intent are presented in Love Without End4, and discussed in detail in The Spirituality of Wealth Program and the Ten Steps, 3 States, and 5 Principles of Manifesting from the Co-creative Mind5. Love is the greatest power and the motive force of all of creation. It is the power granted to the Children of God/Goddess and is what we are in essence. Our creations of love further evolution and are thus everlasting, whereas our less-than-love creations are subject to being undone in time. Love is the energy of transformation and transcendence, and is the basis of our evolutionary path. The increase of life is the natural result of love manifested in form. The fundamental impulse of nature is to seek increase, to propagate itself into greater complexity of form. When we consciously align with the increase of life, we harmonize with this impulse and divine resources will seek to move through us. Aligning with increase means that all you are given is multiplied under your care, and that all those in your sphere of influence are encouraged, inspired, and


supported by you to be the best they can in whatever way is appropriate and for the highest good of all. Mutuality and respect for the intentions of others, the third level of intent, is highlighted in the following teachings: 1- you must ‘keep your mind at home’, and 2- you must support the good of all in all that you do. Keeping your mind at home refers to the fact that you impact life through yourself alone. If you attempt to secure anything by outside means or through others needing to be a certain way, you will be exerting force outside your proper sphere of influence. You are sovereign over yourself, and the domain of influence where you extend the self is your life—anything beyond that is encroaching on others. As you choose to become self-sovereign according to your divine right, you must extend that same right to others. This brings us to the aspect of mutuality that relates to supporting the good of all, as captured by the golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. When you treat others as you wish to be treated and support and celebrate their successes, you also naturally uphold the increase of life. All levels of intent weave one into the other, making a unified tapestry of divine Intelligence. And the basis for any of it is love and the unity of being. Personal intent refers to your right and responsibility to know yourself and direct your life purposefully, which is the basis for free will. Free will has been largely misused and misunderstood; as mankind has moved away from knowing the Self it has been reduced to a license to do as one pleases. Personal intent that is derived from a false sense of one’s being is not supported, but rather meets with resistance by the divine universal laws of creation. And so perhaps the most critical function of the AET is to restore the Self and a sense of identity, which paves the way for true desires to be awakened. Personal intent as a specific intent that was built into creation highlights the fact that we are each meant to be an active participant in the our world. Each human being is an individuated aspect of God/Goddess, and all true desire is divine will seeking expression through our life. When we actively participate in life, all of creation is benefited. No one is without significance in creation. In support of personal intent, the AET implements many body activations that will restore the flow of true desire within the body and enhance your ability to feel and respond to that desire. It is only through expression of true desire that you can find deep happiness and fulfilment. Another important point is that intent defines WHAT is to be manifest, not HOW it is to be manifested. When we meddle in the how, we interfere with the ways in which the universe may deliver things to us. Much has been said about this within the context of faith in the Spirituality of Wealth Program. The article, Concern Yourself with What You Desire – not How it Will Come to You, on the AET Supporting Articles download page also provides some brief discussion.


The AET supports the purification of all your desired creations—whether via affirmations or imagery work— in such a manner that they will align with the four levels of Creator intent. For when in perfect alignment with these, you harmonize with all divine universal laws and are assisted with the manifestation of all that you desire. It does this by extensive clearing and resolution of unmet needs and hidden agendas, as well as by attuning you more powerfully with your Higher Self who is naturally in harmony with divine will.

• Heart Thinking…

The Tool helps to shift from the mental paradigm to heart thinking, where your connection to the world is through feeling and being. The major impulse in the Tool is toward unity, of which love is the expression. The Tool will support the opening to all levels of heart intelligence and power in order to harmonize with the being of God/Goddess. It supports a minimum of self-love, which is the basis for love of humanity, compassion, non-judgment, goodwill, and innocent perception. It will increase your understanding and connection to the transformative power of love that serves the highest good of all.

• Emotional mastery…

The Tool supports greater emotional stability and joy in living by stimulation of the Light body (the astral body of emotions). Joy of living promotes physical beauty and health. With an increased ability to feel life through the body you will balance male/female aspects, express greater beauty, and have an increasing inner sense of truth. All truth is beautiful and beauty is truth.

These intentions and functions of the AET are lofty indeed, and you may wonder why so much for an affirmation enhancer tool? The answer is because supporting the manifestation of dreams is not a matter ensuring you get what you think you want. Chances are your current state of desire reflects your belief in a limited self that has problems you want to escape from. And it is very likely that many have lost the capacity to even hear the voice of their Higher Self. The Tool will ensure that you are reconnected to your true Source of desire and that all your unmet needs are fulfilled so you feel your wholeness, and thereby can move onto real desires and life goals that will be of benefit to all of creation when expressed in form. This Tool is about awakening to the true being hidden behind all the layers of distortion and suppression.

The benefits from using the Tool are many. You will feel greater aliveness, enjoy physical and emotional healing, feel self-love, have increased self-awareness and confidence, sense an increasing inner guidance, awaken to capacities you didn’t know you had, affect people around you, become more compassionate and understanding, and much more.


Specific Functions of the Affirmation Enhancer Tool As previously stated, the Affirmation Enhancer Tool supports two distinct modes of use—mode A works on accelerating manifestation through affirmations, while mode B is used when doing imagery work. Mode A has three basic ‘commands’ or ways in which it may be used. These three commands also have an equivalent in mode B. In addition, mode B has four other commands—one supports general awakening and the other three break down the basic manifestation steps so that they may be worked on in isolation. Basic AET Manifestation Steps The AET supports creation of desires in both modes of operation. For example, you can initiate creation of your desires by stating appropriate affirmations, or by tuning into an image of the desired reality and running the command “Create my Desired Reality”. In both cases, the AET will execute a set of seven key steps that will ensure, increasingly with each step, that you are becoming a VIBRATIONAL MATCH TO YOUR DESIRES, so that manifestation will be assured as your power to wield the law of Attraction is optimized. For each affirmation or imaged desire that you wish to create, the Tool implements the following steps: Step 1. Acceptance The AET supports you to accept your current reality (relative to the affirmation or desired reality), so that you may better understand it and move on. The first step in transforming something is to accept it—without acceptance, it locks into your reality. Why is this? Your power is always exclusively in the now, and you must be present to something in order to exert power over it. When you resist current conditions, they are never in the now moment—the only moment of power. And so you cannot transform something without first accepting it. Furthermore, you can only exit a condition with love. When you accept current conditions and understand how your inner reality is allowing them, you can begin to change inwardly in a manner to support the desired transformation. You will also come to appreciate the experience for what it is providing you: the opportunity to consciously transform and grow. And when you can be grateful for the experience you underwent, you can easily leave it behind. Acceptance does not mean you love the actual limited conditions, nor does it connote passivity; it means you accept the process of growth, and you love the empowerment that the limited conditions are affording you.


So the AET targets all resistance you have to your current reality—in the way of self-judgment, blame, shame, guilt, and so forth—, as well as all tendencies to escape it. This is all cleared, and you will also be helped toward perceiving your current conditions on a positive spectrum of reality. What this means is that you will begin to regard your current life as expressing varying degrees of positive essences, rather than with negative judgment, such that in your very perception of life lies the solution toward positive transformation. This mode of perception will increase with regular use of the AET. (For a full discussion of this mode of perception—which had been coined the joy signature—refer to the articles Transcend Duality Consciousness & Focus on the Real Essences to Accelerate Manifestation and Truth as Power and Freedom over Illusion, which appear on the AET Supporting Articles download page.) Everything that is blocking you from accepting yourself right now as you are, and from accepting your life as it is, is cleared away. All clearing goes to deep levels of causation, reprogramming the past as needed. Other Inner Mastery Tools will operate for you in a manner that clears all negative backwash of thoughts and self-talk, and you will be supported to innocent perception and self-love. For all that is rescripted and cleared that would benefit from your conscious understanding, your angels and ascended teachers are instructed to provide you with insights over the coming days. Upon completion of this step, you will have greater understanding about your situation and be in position to work with it constructively.

Step 2. Clearing Hooks and Identification with current dysfunction The Tool looks for all identification and attachment (hooks) with the current dysfunction related to the desired changes, and begins a clearing process, again going to deep levels of causation. E.g. “I AM powerful in my reality” may be stated to release a sense of powerlessness—but there may be an identification with being a victim that needs to be cleared. In this case, all origins and reinforcing beliefs, behaviors, emotional states, payoffs, and past events around being a victim would be cleared and rescripted with Higher Self energies representing the divine ideal. As old limiting identities are cleared, there is room for a more expansive identity that is in alignment with your Higher Self. Upon completion of this step, you will feel less attachment to your current limiting conditions and greater freedom to reach for something better.


Step 3. Clearing all Hidden Agendas and Unmet Needs The Tool clears out all hidden agendas or less-than-love intentions, and any unmet needs that may be instigating the desire expressed by the affirmation or imaged desire. All that is so purified is then brought to conscious awareness for you in divine timing.

Hidden Agendas Hidden agendas will ultimately block your desired manifestations because it means that your inner reality is not clean and supportive of your highest interest and evolution to true empowerment. If you have to reach a goal circuitously, you are not engaging your personal power and claiming sovereignty over your life. Furthermore, hidden agendas means the affirmation or imaged desire is an instruction to the universe as to how to deliver what is truly desired. This puts unnecessary constraints on what may come to you—if you will restrict your role to being clear on the what that represents the essence of what you want, you tap in to the full power of the universe to deliver for you in the most ideal manner. For example, you may want to manifest a million dollars. And while this may be a fine desire in certain instances, if your life is a shambles and you are trying to escape from it with money, the AET will work with your Higher Self to clarify and resolve the hidden agenda, ensuring that you get what you are really asking for. In this case it may be for the capacity and means to tap into an abundance of love and prosperity so that you can transform you life toward success, rather than escape it. So the Tool would then magnetize you to attract what would best fulfil your true desire for a successful life.

Unmet Needs Similar to hidden agendas, unmet needs mean the affirmed reality will serve as a surrogate source of fulfilment, which sets the stage for further dysfunction and pain. Furthermore, the expectation that the affirmed reality will meet your needs holds the vibration of neediness, which creates more neediness. The notion that something you don’t have can cause you to feel a certain way is reality creation backwards—it is trying to make effect into cause. The truth of the matter is that the outer form of our life cannot change our inner reality. It only appears this way, because there is a feedback loop, from inner reality to expression of that inner reality in the outer world, to an inner experience of that expression in form. But the tail end of that loop—the inner experience of that expression in form— is not creative of anything; it is merely the completion of a creation cycle. We can’t use the tail end of creation to instigate a full creation cycle. This attempt to create backwards also leaves fulfilment of a desire to the future—we end up waiting (in desperation some times) for that future to give us what we want. Paraphrasing Napoleon Hill, “we can only get what we want when we stop wanting it”. In other words, when we release our neediness of something to make us feel a certain way, and feel that way by own inner changes, then we easily get what we want. For example, suppose you desire a wonderful new home, as big and beautiful as all your friends’ homes. What you really may be after is self-respect and a sense of validation or worthiness. The new home won’t give you what you want, yet there are endless ways in


which the universe may deliver a growing sense of self-respect and worth when you are consciously open to it. Once these energies are established within you, if the new home is still part of a happy story you wish to experience, then it and even more, is likely to manifest. This step clears and addresses all hidden agendas and neediness, and infuses you with energies to meet the real needs expressed in your affirmation or imaged desire. It literally rewires etherically, all neediness that is hooked into external sources, back into the Self (back into the relevant organ centers or chakras). The result is that you will be plugged into the real source of fulfilment of your needs, and will be electromagnetically vibrating wholeness and the energies of all your needs fulfilled. Therefore you will be meeting your needs internally, so that external manifestation expressing wholeness is quick and assured. Understand that you can only receive in external life what you have given yourself internally. Another way of putting this is that you can only have externally what you are conscious of having internally—and so whatever you want must be fulfilled in consciousness in order for it to become your visible Supply. (For a full discussion of this, refer to the article Clarity & Purpose and The Three Little Known Secrets of Manifestation, on the AET Supporting Articles download page.) After the execution of this step, your desires will no longer feel as emotionally charged, as all perceived neediness will be fulfilled internally, in consciousness. This alters your vibration to synchronize with the new reality you are seeking. Then in the course of the coming days and weeks, new feelings and insights will be accessible as evidence of your expanded consciousness. This will be experienced largely as subtle changes in how you feel and think. At this point, you should feel more accepting and neutral with regard to your current reality, so that your desires for a new reality are driven by an impulse to experience greater joy and freedom in life, rather than from a dissatisfaction or desperation. Step 4. Purification of Desires and Alignment with Creator/Higher Self The Tool takes your desired reality expressed in imagery or by affirmation, through all four levels of intent of the Creator: love, life (increase of life or evolution), mutuality (respect of others’ free will), and personal intent (necessary participation through vision and true desire). (See the Four Levels of Intent of the Creator, in the section, General Intentions of the Affirmation Enhancer Tool for details.) All disharmonies between your intentions and those of the Creator are cleared and rescripted and the desired reality is fully connected to your Higher Self. In addition, the desire is strengthened within the Intelligences of the heart. With repeated use, you will be reconnected to your true desires to such a degree that you cannot help but feel them within your heart. In this manner, the Tool ensures that what you create is for your highest good, and it will not support creations unless this is so. Your attempts to create what is not for your good


will result in clearings and realignments that will help you to understand and move toward greater desires that support the truth of you being. In addition, the Tool ensures that you eventually activate the power of Attraction, for when you are in alignment with Creator-intent, you harmonize with the divine universal laws of creation and wield the power of Attraction. (See Understanding The Attraction Formula in the AET Manual of Exercises.) For all that is rescripted and cleared that would benefit from your conscious understanding, your angels and ascended teachers are instructed to provide you with insights over the coming days. You will be enlightened with new perspectives, insights, and feelings that impel you toward imagining a grander life experience. And as your creations now resonate with the truth of your being, you will have a much greater sense of fulfilment from them. And as a final boost to accelerate creation in this step, your desired reality is activated in all dimensions. The Tool will reconstruct your higher dimensional bodies to synchronize with your desires. Thus your desires will propagate through your whole system and activate in all dimensions, expressing uniquely at each level in the universal language of imagery. This will greatly accelerate your feeling of your desires. Upon completion of this step, you will be fully aligned to the desires of your Higher Self and the divine universal laws of creation, and your desires will meet with full support toward accelerated manifestation. Step 5. Clearing of Resistance to new Desired Reality In this step, the Tool looks for everything that may be blocking or hindering full acceptance of the new desired reality on all levels of being, including the astral and causal bodies and all higher dimensional bodies. Resistance will prevent you from having your reality mentally and emotionally, which are necessary precursors to accepting your desires in form. All resistance—limiting beliefs, behaviors, patterns, programs, emotional habits, etc.—is cleared. All cords to limiting thought forms, past imprints, or to people that are suppressive are infused with love and light and transformed. With all that is now cleared, you are ready to integrate new energies and structures that will support you to accept and hold the new desired reality. The Tool will also ensure that you can perceive everything as gradations of the constants of reality (i.e. perceive in the joy signature), so that you are already partly resonating with that desired reality. This puts you mentally and emotionally on the path of growth toward the fulfilment of your desires and better. Upon completion of this step, you will be more open, able, and willing to reach for and receive your desires in form.


Step 6. Ability to Hold the new desired reality This step reprograms the body with relevant energies, structures, and propensities to support the new desired reality. and puts you in the energies of your desires in their fulfilled state. The Tool creates magnetic propensities in the relevant organ centers of the body such that your desires will be attracted to you in your life, and all the inner capacities and shifts you will need to fully accept and hold that new desired reality will unfold and integrate within you. Thus you fulfil the law that there is no external world—life programming is really body programming. The Tool further infuses your body with waves of energies of your desires fulfilled, and your nervous system is supported to vibrate to the new feelings that arise so that it can encode the entire body with these. You are further supported toward the mental and emotional acceptance of your desired reality by clearing and rescripting in your higher dimensional bodies, and by infusions of the specific energies of your desires fulfilled at those higher levels. Upon completion of this step, you will be powerfully magnetic to your desires, as you are in the energies of their fulfilment. And as you radiate the energies of the new desired reality that is aligned to your highest good, by the law of Attraction, your desires begin to take form in outer reality. Step 7. Ongoing guidance, body-level and mental support With this step, the AET will support you ongoingly with inspiration and inner guidance on how to move toward the fulfilment of your purified desired reality. Angels are empowered to guide you; new abilities, capacities, energies, and so forth that may be useful are continuously downloading, and all body level resistance is cleared to ensure better integration. The most optimal pathway to reaching the purified desires are calculated by your Higher Self, and you will be guided toward that pathway as an ongoing process. This operates like a magnetic tracking system, keeping you from becoming sidetracked into distractions. The AET will perform body-level monitoring and support, so that your organ and energy centers are activated sufficiently to enable the desired reality to manifest. If you have thoughts that run counter to your manifestation desires, the causative beliefs will be cleared and replaced with divine truth, and all causative past events will begin to transform by infusions of love. As well, your auric fields are infused with the energies of your desires fulfilled.


The AET will also monitor your distorted inner dialogue or self-talk, and all that does not support the new desired reality or the principles of co-creation being instilled by this Tool will trigger clearing and rescripting protocols and mute the limiting self-talk. An infusion of positive energies to support the desired reality is made, and an impulse to more positive self-talk is seeded. Your angels and etheric teachers are further empowered to continually whisper positive self-talk in support of establishing stronger impulses of self-love. For all ‘instigators’ of the limiting self-talk in you, etheric cords between you and them are infused with love/light and transmuted into connections that are mutually supportive of one another’s highest good. If deeper issues need to be brought light, your angels and teachers are empowered to bring these to conscious awareness in the days ahead. With this step, you will notice a gentle guidance and support in life toward your desired goals and may have greater insight into how you are a key player in what gets manifested in your life.

* * * * * The above steps are the basic manifestation steps of the AET that implement a full creation cycle. All commands (from Mode A or B) execute one or several of these basic steps. The following table is a quick reference and summary of functions performed with each step.


Manifestation Step Function

1. Establish acceptance of current condition o Necessary step to allow movement and change o Increases self-understanding o Clears, guilt, shame, blame, judgment.

2. Clearing of hooks and identification with current dysfunctional conditions

o Inner freedom and empowerment o Opens up new options o Impulse to reach for better

3. Resolve hidden agendas and neediness o Plugged into true source of fulfilment o Vibrating wholeness and energies of all needs

fulfilled so they will manifest in outer form o Imparts clarity and directness

4. Purify and align desires to Creator intent o Alignment to true Self and Creator intent o Harmonize with divine universal laws o Sense of fulfilment o Empowerment and enlightenment o Desires activated in all dimensions

5. Clear resistances to desired reality o Mental/emotional allowing of what is for your highest good

o Ability to reach for and receive the new o Perception of current conditions as gradations

of joy—firmly anchored on path of growth

6. Accept and Immerse in desires in their fulfilled state (Ability to hold new desired reality

o Propensities, capacities, and structures to be able to hold and sustain the new reality

o Infusion and enforced anchoring of energies of desires in their fulfilled state

o Radiating a vibrational match to desires fulfilled

7. Ongoing guidance and energetic support o Guidance to most optimal pathway to desires o New insights, capacities, energies to support

you toward your desired creation. o Monitoring and reprogramming of opposing

thoughts and negative self-talk

Table 1: Basic Manifestation Steps (creation cycle) implemented by the AET

* * * * *


MODE A - Working with Affirmations In this mode, the AET activates on affirmations that are stated (either silently or out loud) with specific intentions. The intention you hold while stating the affirmations determines which commands get executed. The ‘default’ command is to create according to the stated affirmation. This is the first option, for which all the basic manifestations steps will get executed. Mode A has two additional ‘commands’ or ways in which affirmations can trigger the execution of protocols from within the Tool. 1. Create the desired Reality – Basic Manifestation Steps Stating affirmations with the intention of having that manifest will cause the execution of all the basic manifestations steps (1-7). You can state a single affirmation, or a large set of affirmations, and all the steps will run for each and every affirmation. The AET will not execute on negative statements, so if you have the AET running and inadvertently say something negative, it will not execute on that statement. As well, the AET will not execute on things that would be harmful to you. If something is not for your highest good, it will be purified and aligned so that what gets created is for your highest good. Therefore the AET cannot cause harm in any manner. 2. Block Suppressive or Disruptive Influences When you use the triggering affirmation at times where your external reality looks contrary to the affirmation-reality, including times where others’ are making you feel the truth of the old reality, then the tool will perform additional clearings to clear all discouragement, self-doubt, or impatience, everything in you that allows others to encroach upon your reality, and all that blocks you from integrating the mastery principles that you create your reality from your beliefs and thoughts, and that outer circumstance is not proof of what is true, but rather proof of what you believe or once believed to be true. At these times, the creation forming potential of the limiting conscious thoughts will be muted, and any influences from others will be blocked from affecting your energy vibration. To use this feature, you can state an affirmation with the intention of blocking suppressive or disruptive influences from others or from unwanted outer conditions, and the AET will do the steps listed below. Note that your affirmation is the same creational one, but now you are stating it with the intention to reinforce it and block the disruptive influences. E.g. suppose you desire success and prosperity with your business. You might state as one of you creation affirmations, “I am highly successful and prosperous in my business”. Now a family member tells you you’ll never make it and you just don’t have a good business mind. If you feel deflated by this comment, you have allowed others to encroach on your desired creation. So you would tune into the negative comment, and then re-state “I am highly successful and prosperous in my business”, in order to mute the


negative influence that you took in. Or maybe you are paying a bill and feel anxious about whether you can make things work. Again, tune into the anxiety, then re-state, “I am highly successful and prosperous in my business”, in order to counteract the anxiety and restore yourself to a state that is in synchrony with your desires. When you do an affirmation with the intention of blocking disruptive influences, the AET executes the following steps:

• Blocks the negative influences from entering your energy field • Clears self-doubt and beliefs that allow others to encroach upon your creation (if

applicable) • Strengthens principles of empowerment and self-sovereignty • Runs the basic functionality of the AET on the affirmation (steps 1 – 7, above)

The hindering influences will be supported to move out of your life if they are unsupportive of your highest good, and supportive events and people will be moved into your life. This is orchestrated by your Higher Self and will always be aligned to your highest good. 3- Boost Creational Energies and Amplify Excitement You can state an affirmation with the intention of giving yourself and the manifestation process a boost or infusion of creative energies. You are instructed to support the process by generating excitement within yourself, as you tune into the desire expressed by the affirmation. The reason for doing this is that the creational energies that you want to access are high vibrational ones, and excitement is the best matching energy to them. You must be a vibrational match for these energies to move powerfully through you. In this case, the AET will execute creational energies and excitement amplifier codes, which include:

• Body restructuring so that you can hold greater excitement as a new state of being • Dissolving of oppressive futures (options) • Calculation and strengthening of the optimal option associated with your desired

manifestation • Anchoring of high vibration creational energies to accelerate manifestation • An infusion of the energies of your desires in their fulfilled state, so you are a

vibrational match to them.


MODE B: Manifesting Through Imagery This AET functionality is to support manifestation work through imagery. Imagination is a necessary precursor for manifestation, and imagining your desires and immersing in feeling them is a more effective way of creating. However, once the imagination work has been done, affirmations are a great means to reinforce the shift and accelerate manifestation. That having said, there are times where detailed imagery work is not really necessary or possible, and affirmations with the AET can effectuate quick and deep shifts into new potentials. In mode B, rather than affirmations, you imagine what you desire to have created or what you want shifted. An advantage of this mode is that the Tool will keep working deeper and deeper in your energy fields for as long as you are doing the manifestation work. So it can be used to support inner processing of things like resistances or blocks to having your desired reality. As you explore inwardly, the Tool will work at clearing what you uncover and help to highlight issues that may need to be brought to your attention. Each of the commands initiates a dynamic process in which the Tool will respond to what you are tuning into or where you are in the process—like a dialogue between you and the AET. The following three commands are the equivalents to the three commands available in mode A. 1- “Transform my Reality” or “Create this Desired Reality” This command executes all the basic manifestation steps of the AET from 1-7. To use it, you are instructed to tune into whichever of the following best applies to the manifestation work at hand:

• Your current unwanted reality (situation or condition), identify what is to be transformed, then image your desired reality (transforming old into new)

• Your current reality as a starting point, then image what you want to create

(creating greater things for yourself, but not from an unwanted place) While tuned in with the AET running, state the command, “Transform my reality”, or “Create this desired reality”, as the case may be. You can use this to transform what you don’t like in your life—either outer conditions, internal states, illness, self-image, etc.—or to manifest new things—conditions, situations, relationships, capacities, etc. Feel the old and the new and allow new insights or ideas to come to your consciousness. Tune into your attachments to your current reality or agendas and unmet needs related to what you want, etc. and consciously will that these be released. Feel the new reality and tune into any resistances you might have to that. Again, consciously release. Basically, you can work through all the steps of the basic process and do any amount of inner


processing around each step. This is a dynamic process, so the Tool will work with your processing, while also performing the many restructuring codes and functions that it is designed to do. To conclude this step, immerse in gratitude for the support you are receiving. If you have no idea how you want a current unwanted condition to transform, you can still use the Transform my Reality command, but when focusing on the new, simply image being at peace or some other positive state of being. The Tool will then support a transformation to a better frame of mind, from which you may have better insight as to what you might desire to experience. It is also recommended, in this case, that you work with command #4 (Attune to My Higher Self), as well as the audio Awakening and Attuning to Your Desires Part 1, so that you begin to awaken to true desire within. 2- “Block these Disruptive Inputs” This command is the equivalent of #2 in Mode A. It is used in the following cases:

• When you feel your desired creations are being encroached upon by others, or you feel discouraged, oppressed, or in any way unsupported with regard to your desires

• If you outer reality has not yet shifted in synchrony with your desires and you are losing faith

• You have slipped into old disruptive patterns of thinking or feeling Tune into how you feel (encroached upon, discouraged, etc.) and consciously choose to release these feelings and welcome an internal shift in perception, then imagine being self-sovereign and empowered to freely create what you desire and tune into that desired reality. The AET will execute all the steps as listed for command #2 in Mode A, along with the moving out of your life all hindering influences, and into your life supportive events and people. Again, it is recommended that you be in gratitude at the conclusion of this step. 3- “Boost my Creation(s) and Amplify Excitement” Similarly to the corresponding function in Mode A, this can be used at any time after the manifestation of the desires has been initiated with command #1. Whenever you want to give yourself and the manifestation process a boost of creative juices, so to speak, you would tune into your desired creation, feel it, generate excitement to the degree that you are able, and state the command, “Boost creation and amplify excitement!”


Another time to use this would be when you are taking action toward the fulfilment of your desired manifestations and want the action to have more creative power behind it. In this situation, connect to the action as a step bringing you closer to the manifestation of your desires, feel excited about it, and make the command statement. With this command, the AET will execute the creational energies and excitement amplifier codes, as described for Mode A. The longer you stay tuned in, the deeper the restructuring and infusing of energies. It is recommended that you be in gratitude at the conclusion of this step.

* * * * *

Mode B comes with additional commands, to enable you to work more deeply with all the steps of the manifestation process. They can be used for inner processing, and the Tool will support you with insights and greater self-awareness. You do not have to use all of the functionality of the Tool. If you prefer simplicity, then you may want to use the first three commands in both modes only. However, it is highly recommended that you also work with command #4 periodically, as this step will directly impact your evolution—each time you do, your frequency rises.6 We have isolated it into a standalone process because it is so beneficial. 4- “Attune to my Higher Self “ This process will attune you to the desires of your Higher Self and your life purpose and goals, and will align you to your proper place in creation. You are instructed to focus on your hair and the Crown organ at the top of the head, while holding the intention to be attuned and aligned to your Higher Self. This process will activate the hair, Crown, and pineal/DNA system, ensuring you are tuned into the correct source from the cosmos and able to download your life goals and interpret them in the body. Focus on your hair as a whole, feeling it and going ever deeper into feeling. The hair organ activates the crystal organ of the Crown chakra, which holds the white light energies of your Higher Self. The audio How to Manifest Your Dreams can also be used for this purpose, and will work to enhance the functioning of the Tool. When you use this command, the AET will execute all codes related to the intentions of the Tool, supporting overall alignment to a higher wisdom and empowerment to co-create in freedom. This is a dynamic process, meaning that the longer you remain in this state, the more the activations are amplified and the deeper the restructuring and integration of new codes. There is no limit to the evolution you can achieve with this process. Anything in the way


of going deeper is cleared away and replaced with Higher Self energies. This also affects and accelerates evolution of the higher dimensional bodies. It is recommended that you be in gratitude at the conclusion of this step. 5- “Purify my Desired Creations” (Cleansing, Purification and Alignment Steps) Once you have an idea of what you want to manifest and are able to tune into it, image, sense and feel it, it is very important to clear all attachments to current dysfunction, and purify your desired reality of hidden agendas, address all unmet needs, unhook from your present conditions and align it to Creator intent and the divine universal laws of creation. Tune into your desired reality and let yourself really sense and feel it. Recognize where you are presently along with your intended destination (the desired reality), and get a felt-sense for it all. Then state: “Purify my desired creations”, opening up to corrections, adjustments, and internal shifts for your highest good. With this command, the AET executes steps 1, 2, and 3 of the basic manifestation process, which will enable acceptance and detachment from where you are currently, clearing all hooks into your current conditions and resolving all neediness expressed in the desired reality so that your needs can now be met internally. It then follows with step 4 of the basic manifestation process, which ensures that you are manifesting what is for your highest good and in alignment with the divine universal laws of creation. Anything that needs to be understood consciously before it can be fully released will be brought to your conscious awareness via new insights and understandings in the days ahead. Alternatively, you can break down the process and do each of the steps in table 1 as separate sub-commands. So you would say “Purify my desired creations”, but can then tune into each step separately:

o Step 1. Acceptance o Step 2. Clearing Hooks and Identification with current dysfunction o Step 3. Clearing all Hidden Agendas and Unmet Needs o Step 4. Purification of Desires and Alignment with Creation/Higher Self

The wording is not so important as is the step #, so just say something like, step 1 acceptance, step 2 clear hooks 3- clear neediness 4- align with creator, taking time between each step to process through things and perhaps feel the shifts taking place in your body. This breakdown has been provided for added flexibility. If you find it too complicated, then simply use the command “Purify my Desired Creations”. The steps of this command will code the body so that you are ‘detached’ from both current conditions and the desired reality, so that you will be creating with far greater


inner freedom. You are also becoming a vibrational match to your desired reality, as the needs it was to fulfil are now being fulfilled internally. As with other commands in Mode B, this initiates a dynamic process, and so the longer you remain in this state, tuned into various aspects of current conditions and of your desired reality, the deeper the Tool can work and the more shifts can be integrated. If you sense hooks, neediness, or misaligned intentions in the process, you can tune into these and silently will that it be released and transformed to Higher Self energies. It is recommended that you be in gratitude at the conclusion of this step. 6- “Clear Resistances and Accept & Immerse me in my Desires Fulfilled” Once your desires have been purified, you are ready to become deeply magnetized to them so that they take form in your outer reality. Tune into your purified desired reality and let yourself really sense and feel it. Recognize where you are presently along with your intended destination (the purified desired reality), and get a felt-sense for it all. Then state: “Clear resistances and accept and immerse me in my desires fulfilled”, opening up to clearing resistances and becoming a vibrational match to what you desire. This command executes steps 5 and 6 of the basic manifestation process, clearing resistances you may have to the desired reality, and making way for new energies to be integrated that will support you to accept or hold the new desired reality—both mentally and emotionally. As resistances clear, the body is reprogrammed with relevant energies, structures and propensities to support the new desired reality. This inner restructuring process, which is accelerated every time you use this command, magnetizes you to your desired reality. You are further supported toward the mental and emotional acceptance of your purified desired reality by clearing and rescripting in your higher dimensional bodies, and by infusions of the specific energies of your desires fulfilled. As you radiate new energies that are strongly in sync with your desired reality, by the law of Attraction, that new reality begins to take form in outer reality. Alternatively, you can break down the process and do each of the steps as separate sub-commands. In this case, you would say

o Step 5. Clear Resistances to my Desired Reality o Step 6. Accept and Immerse me in my Desires Fulfilled

The wording is not so important as is the step #, so just say something like, step 5 clear resistance, and step 6, immerse me in desires fulfilled, taking time between each step to process through things and FEEL the shifts taking place in your body. This breakdown


has been provided for added flexibility. Both steps as commands are also very useful for on the spot shifting. Again, the dynamic process can be enhanced by tuning in to any resistances you may have and mentally asking for these to be released and replaced with Higher Self energies. As well, if you spend time feeling the fulfilment of your desired reality, the energies of fulfilment will be quickened and can integrate more deeply in you. Anything in the way of deeper integration of these energies will be cleared and replaced with Higher Self energies. It is recommended that you be in gratitude at the conclusion of this step. 7- “Support the Creation of my Desires Ongoingly” This command monitors your body, fields, and thoughts so that they are in synchrony with your desired reality, in the manner described in step 7 of the basic manifestation process. You can use this command in the following manner:

• To complete a full creation cycle (e.g. after doing steps 5 and 6, or steps 4, 5, and 6)

• Whenever you feel the need to realign more consciously with your desired manifestations, or if you feel you’ve lost momentum with them (you might want to do this step along with #3)

• When you feel directionless with regards to your desired manifestations (state the command and be open to receiving guidance)

Putting it All Together The full creation exercise may be accomplished in two ways:

1. Tune into your current and desired realities, and use command #1 (Transform… or Create…)

2. Tune into your current and desired realities, then do commands #5, 6, and

7 (Purify, Clear resistance/Accept desired reality, Support creation ongoingly)

You can take as much time as you wish with the creation exercise. It can be as quick as stating an affirmation or as long as a meditation. But understand that there is benefit in spending time in each of the steps at least once for manifestation work that is fairly significant, as you will become more consciously aware of the process of creation and thus more powerful and effective in your reality. That having said, the “Transform”


command can be used ANYTIME you are in an unwanted situation or less-than-love state—simply look at the current situation, imagine a better one, and state “Transform my Reality”, while being open to letting go and having a change of heart. You can also use affirmations along with the commands, and the Tool will operate on each in the appropriate mode. I always use affirmations to complete an imagery exercise and declare my desired creations to the universe. And if you’re choosing to transform an unwanted situation or emotional reaction to something, both imagery and affirmation work well together. While the attunement process occurs automatically each time you “run” the AET, doing it consciously every so often is also highly recommended. In fact, it will serve you well as a daily practice. You will notice in time, an increasing sense of Self and purpose, clear direction, and inspiration. Your thoughts and emotional states will become more positive and supportive, and you will have the confidence and feel the impulse to reach for far greater things than ever you could. The individual commands may also each be used at any time on their own. The more you use command #3 (“Boost my Creation(s) and Amplify Excitement”), for example, the more energized, passionate, committed and excited you will be in your life. Using command #6 (Step 6) (“Accept and Immerse in my Desires Fulfilled”) is recommended whenever you want to immerse more deeply in the energies of your desires fulfilled. This will make you a stronger vibrational match to your desires each time. Both steps can greatly accelerate your creations. Use command #5 (“Purify my desired creations”) when you feel needy or desperate for the new reality, or are fed up and impatient with current conditions or situations. The advantage of having this command bundled is that you may not know whether you are in neediness or attached to your dysfunction, as it may all feel a confused jumble to you. In this case, the AET will sort through it all and execute all the cleansing steps (1-4). This will bring detachment to you and fulfil all true needs within you more deeply. Or you may feel very needy or desperate for your desired change in life; in this case you may want to focus on command #5,/step 3 specifically, in order to resolve the neediness energetically. The full creation exercise or portions of it can be repeated as often as you wish. But you don’t have to do a full creation exercise on your desired manifestations daily. A suggestion in the beginning is to do the following:

1. Initial full creation exercise by whatever means you choose 2. Ongoing use of commands #2 and #3, as appropriate 3. Occasional use of #5 and #6, as needed (or specific steps within each



4. Daily use of affirmations, as follows: tune into the desired reality, feel it as deeply as you can, then make affirmations that support you being that new reality. Repeat the affirmations during the day, as appropriate.

Appendix B has a quick reference guide for the AET command set and a suggestion for making a pocketsize card with commands. Effectiveness and What to Expect The Affirmation Enhancement tool enables you to embody the energy of the affirmation instantaneously, at deep levels of being. If you do dousing or muscle testing, you will find that your energy tests positive on the affirmation, within moments of using the tool. Some people report feeling body sensations and a lifting of heaviness or light-headedness when they state the affirmations with the Tool. Several clients have noted a distinct difference in how their body feels, between stating an enhanced and trigger-affirmation versus an ordinary affirmation. If you use the SUD level (Subjective Units of Distress) that is often used with emotional release techniques, you will notice your SUD level going down as you use the Tool. Though the visible intensity of the effects may wane as more material comes up for clearing, the process can be repeated and reinforced with commands such as #2, Block Suppressive or Disruptive Influences, and #3, Boost Creational Energies and Amplify Excitement. That the visible effects wane does not mean that the effects wear off; the clearing done each time is permanent. But we have many layers of dysfunction and as they come up for clearing, it may put you energetically in resistance to the affirmation again. Each time the Tool is activated, further clearing will take place, allowing a deeper shift and integration each time. With repeated use, the desired reality will quickly become a new energetic pattern in the body, new insights and thoughts will emerge, and your outer reality will reflect this in time. See also Instant Results and the Quick Fix Syndrome, for further details on what to expect. How Often Do I Need Use the AET? Spending anywhere from a few minutes, a few times a day, with occasional 10-15 minute processing sessions (using Exercises suggested) on an issue you want changed will shift it quickly. You’ll find you get more insights about all areas of life too. This is because the tool does very broad and deep clearing and this affects your whole being. Moreover, the Tool ensures attunement to your Higher Self, and supports awareness in the coming days and weeks of all that was cleared that needs your conscious understanding.


You do not have to be super-vigilant about your thoughts or dedicate hours in your day to affirm and visualise, in order to get the change you desire. This tool is designed to support the transformation process automatically. It is purposely designed to create a WIN-WIN situation, enabling a wonderful paradigm shift as you are in the process of healing.

Creating a WIN-WIN Situation

Usually when attempting to change or heal something, when the old pattern is active once again, the tendency is to become discouraged and think that the healing is not working. While this is often not true, that mindset is regressive and will set you back into negative thinking patterns.

When you use the Affirmation Enhancer Tool, however, you are always progressing towards your goal in spite of yourself. The tool will monitor your thoughts and perceptions for you, and whenever these are in opposition to your affirmed reality, it will trigger more clearing. But naturally, if you are conscious of the opposing thoughts or perceptions, it is also beneficial to consciously change your mind on the spot—just to create new, conscious avenues of choice. You can simply state the affirmation again in those cases, with the intention to block the negative thoughts (with AET command #3).

In addition to triggering clearing when you have opposing thoughts or perceptions, the tool also infuses the positive energy of the affirmed reality through body coding. This is crucial to achieving accelerated manifestation, since you create what your body vibrates energetically. And in this manner, the Affirmation Enhancer creates a WIN-WIN situation for you.

When you feel Great YOU WIN

When you feel Bad YOU WIN

When you feel great you win, because you’re attracting a great reality. When you feel bad and negative around the situation, you win, because you’re being infused with the positive energies of your desires and are receiving another clearing and healing sweep through your dysfunction that targets the very thoughts and perceptions that are making you feel bad over the situation.

Through body coding, the AET works at the cellular level, healing you from the inside out. About two minutes on an issue, 2 or 3 times a day with the AET may be all you need to begin making leaps and bounds towards the reality of your dreams.

You can run the tool anytime, anywhere. Use it while driving, waiting in line, walking or jogging, taking a shower, etc.


A Note on Level of Allowing Repeated tool activation daily is recommended, in order to accelerate the integration of intentions, better attune you to your highest good, and instigate clearing and rescripting toward greater levels of inner freedom. Healing generally happens in layers, and this is tied in with a person’s particular level of allowing. We all have resistance to change to some degree, and certainly have resistant ‘parts’ that want our dysfunction otherwise it could not be there. Because of this, clearing or healing generally goes as fast as our comfort level allows. This resistance does slow things down even if the Tool is able to bypass a lot of it. Moreover, clearing will never interfere with the lessons that we are to consciously integrate, and so it will typically proceed in layers so that we have a chance to come to greater awareness and insight with each activation. The more is cleared, however, the more the level of allowing increases, which in turn increases the clearing that is accomplished each time. Some clients move through things more quickly than others, and this often reflects their increased level of allowing. Clients who strongly resist change have lower levels of allowing and are always slower to make the shifts. But when they begin to experience changes and feel safe with them, they too will increase their allowing. The Exercises With the Affirmation Enhancer manual contains several affirmations that may be used to increase your level of allowing. What if it doesn’t work instantly? The tool is so effective that most of the time you will notice an instant shift in how you feel, and the affirmation will test positive (by muscle test). But there are occasions where this won’t happen, and with good reason. Hidden Agendas and Unmet Needs The tool may not seem to work instantly on a specific affirmation or transformation with imagery if the desired reality does not reflect what is truly desired. For example, if you state “I AM attracting tens of millions of dollars into my life”, and you have hidden agendas, such as a need for validation or vindication, or a desire to run away from deeper issues (e.g. hate your job, want to leave your spouse), and so forth, the activation, which looks for all that is blocking you from having what you state as desired, will first work on the layers of mixed intentions and hidden agendas. So in these cases, you may not be instantly in a vibrational match with the affirmed reality, but you will be in a place of lessened fear, and greater honesty and insight to perhaps look at your intentions more deeply. You will be supported to manifest the purified desire, in order to support your highest good at each activation of the Tool. You are advised to consciously work at clearing inner polarities (attachments to dysfunction and resistances to what you desire), as this will speed things up. See Psychological Reversals and Inner Polarities, in the Exercises With the Affirmation Enhancer manual.


Deeply Embedded Patterns Another instance where it may not seem to work instantly is with deeply embedded patterns. In this case, layers are being cleared, but you may not get confirmation (by muscle test) immediately. An analog test (versus binary muscle test) would reveal to you that things have and are shifting. In this case, it’s advised to formulate several affirmations to target all the different aspects of the pattern. Another approach that is highly recommended is to use the Tool with imagery and run through commands 4-7, while processing deeply at each step. This will accelerate the desired shift. Psychological Reversals You may be very actively blocking the desired shift in many hidden ways. Not that the Tool is not having an effect, but you may not see it until all psychological reversals are cleared. It is suggested that you work with clearing psychological reversals, by using the suggested affirmations for general reversals as well as customized affirmations for specific reversals. See Psychological Reversals and Inner Polarities, in the Exercises With the Affirmation Enhancer manual. Violation to a Wounded Inner Child Another instance where the shifts may seem stalled is if the affirmed reality violates or invalidates the pain of a wounded inner child. Inner child work is indicated in this case, before your reality can change in the way you want it to. The AET will keep working to bring issues to your conscious awareness, so keep using the Tool. But you might want to tune into an inner child part and work directly at transforming past emotional states as well as conditions. You can use the AET on any part of your past in the same way as you use it in the present. You can also use some the affirmations to release your past, given in the section on Affirmations in the Exercises With the Affirmation Enhancer manual. Exercises in Healing Dysfunction and Reclaiming Divine Rights (also in that manual) may be used to great effect. Trying to Bypass a Healthy Emotional Response And finally, you will be blocked from deactivating a healthy emotional response with an affirmation. For example: “I am totally at ease with my excessive drinking” won’t work. The Affirmation Enhancer will not activate on anything that can bring harm to you. In this case, the unease is an internal message alerting you that something needs to be addressed. So in these situations, you will need to dig a little deeper and align to what is for your highest good. You might try the following in the example above:

“I choose to accept myself completely and deeply, even with the excessive drinking” “I embrace my unease about my excessive drinking as a healthy warning” or “I embrace my excessive drinking as a symptom of an unmet need” “I am at peace with myself over my excess drinking, and am open to divine guidance and inspiration”


“Even though I have unease over my drinking, I choose to release the unease to make room for divine inspiration and strength. I am filled with peace as I feel my resolve and strength increasing”

Instant Results and the Quick Fix Syndrome While this tool delivers instant results and keeps doing so each time it is used, you may not notice the effects instantly, as it is often difficult to sense changes in your thought and emotional patterns. These will be revealed to you in time, in changed thought patterns, more pleasant perceptions, less negative self-talk, healthier, less reactive behaviors, greater peace, increased positivity, and general ease and happiness in life. Around specific issues, you may notice at first that you can observe old patterns and identify them; should you be in an old dysfunctional pattern, it will feel much less natural and compelling to you. In a short period of time, you will recognize when you could do an old pattern, but you will now feel inwardly free to make a new choice; from there, the pattern will quickly become a distant memory. Even so, human nature is such that whatever stage we are in, if it feels natural we don’t really take notice. I see this with clients all the time. I have to ask them specific questions about their patterns and issues to help them notice the big changes they have made. When things are great, the tendency is forget what it was like before and take things for granted. The best advice with any self-change program is to learn to love the process. There is no end goal to this. Unless you’ve transcended the body and no longer need to be in this plane of existence, you are in a process of transformation. Allow yourself to love the process, and approach it with curiosity, and a sense of exploration and adventure. I often say to myself, when I see someone in a wonderful situation, “I wonder if I could experience that for myself! What would that feel like for me?” Then I will do affirmations that support allowing this experience for myself. In this manner, everything is approached with wonder and openness, and becomes accessible to experience. When you can embrace the process as the goal, you become more present to life, settling into it more deeply and welcoming whatever comes. The Affirmation Enhancer can become a part of that process for life. I run it first thing in the morning, all day. It automatically activates for me whenever I state an affirmation with intention to have clearing done, block disruptive input, or boost my creations. I also take regular ‘attunement breaks’ with the AET, to align more deeply with my Higher Self. I always notice greater passion and presence when I use it, but not always specific changes in terms of my desires. It’s difficult to sense changes to subconscious programming in the short term; however, they will be noticed over time. One very distinct thing that I’ve observed from use of the Tool and have had confirmed by many clients, is increased insight and self-awareness, such that situations and behaviors become more understandable at a deeper level. With greater self-awareness,


one is less likely to get stuck in fixed perceptions that create illusion, and much more capable of letting go of things that no longer serve. Many clients in session have also said they can feel the old energy releasing when they use the tool. Some feel a sense of grief, as the old ways loosen and release. You will feel this when you use the AET in a meditative state with the commands that allow for a more dynamic process (in Mode B). It is easier to feel shifts with Tool when in the meditative state, than it is when using it in the course of daily life. Another phenomenon with many people is they evaluate in terms of yes or no, on or off. They either still have the problem, or they don’t; never mind that their feelings about it have changed completely, that their guilt or shame is no longer present, and that their inner critic around the issue has been stilled. Unless the problem is completely gone, the change does not register. Understand that some issues may be older than your current life and anchored into mass consciousness, or past and genetic programming. If it takes a month of daily affirmations, then so be it. Again, the advice is to settle into the process, which is very enjoyable, and let the process become the goal. Successful and continual life changes are easiest in those who learn to enjoy the process and look out for progress as life unfolds. They look forward to it and don’t constantly measure against fixed outcomes. They know greater results are in the making, as they see an overall impact on their lives. What about Healing Crises? Even though the tool delivers great power, a lot of ease and grace has been built into the implementation, that there is no danger of a healing crisis from the Tool itself. The tool activates de-fragmentation processes at all energetic levels and executes all manner of processes to ensure integration of all the shifts with all the parts of self. We have not observed any healing crises with use of the tools in our clients. On the contrary, we’ve witnessed a gentle awakening in consciousness and greater insight and understanding around all targeted areas of dysfunction. Can I overdo it? Is More Better? Use of the AET can’t be overdone. Everything is delivered according to divine timing for maximum ease and grace. If ‘too much’ is done, it will be kept in your timeline and delivered in a manner that ensures ease of integration. More is not always better when kept too general. The more focus and precision that you can bring to your desires or to an issue to transform, the more precisely and deeply the Tool will work in you. So rather than reprogramming all the dysfunction in your life all at once, you may want to work on specific areas and aspects of your life at any point in time. You’ll be clearing a lot in either case, but it’s easier to confirm the shifts with


greater focus and to follow the process as things begin to shift. It is also very empowering to get confirmation of effect. So it may be best not to tackle everything all at once. But you can certainly put in as much time as you desire towards clearing an issue. Measure of Effectiveness The Affirmation Enhancer Tool increases the power of affirmations by a factor of over 2900. When we first began working on the tool, it had an effectiveness measure of 35, which we thought was very impressive. Relentless efforts for the next 6 months brought this number to two orders of magnitude and it had been creeping up with several change from there. Very significant advancements have been made on all the Inner Mastery Tools, and the AET broke through three orders of magnitude with Rama’s contribution and additional support from the Angelic Councils. As we suspected, the level of effect is now in synchrony with the level of planetary evolution. What does the Measure of Effectiveness Mean? It means that the Affirmation Enhancer increases the effectiveness of an affirmation by a factor of over 2900, over simple affirmation. In other words, stating the affirmation and triggering the clearing 2 times a day is equivalent to stating an ordinary affirmation over 4000 times a day, in terms of immediate impact to your energy vibration! And this does not even account for all the other programming that is included in the Tool toward awakening, self-love, and empowerment, which have not been measured numerically. (The EF is crude measure, and as the Tools evolve, we may simply drop numeric measures altogether.) It may be hard to believe that this is even possible, but experiencing the shifts will make you believe. On a more sober note, this underscores the fact that ordinary affirmation is a slow process of change at best. The AET empowers the process of change with affirmations, and its effectiveness will increase visibly with use, as you become a more effective co-creator in life.


Appendix A: Vibrationally-Encoded Images Below is a set of vibrationally encoded images that will help you clear blocks that may be impeding the energetic integration of the principles upheld by the Affirmation Enhancer Tool. The images can assist in accelerating inner transformation and awakening. Vibrationally encoded images provide another means of integrating frequencies. For some people, the images work especially powerfully, while others respond more clearly to vibrational encodings in audio files. Each method can affect changes at different levels of our being. For this reason, an audio transmission for all the images given in the AET product has also been provided. Using the Audio Transmission for the Image Frequencies The audio transmission is really intended to help you work with the images—both the AET images and those in the bonus package. You may want to listen to the audio transmission several times a week until you feel you have absorbed the energies. At that point, listening to it once or twice a month is sufficient to keep deepening the integration process. There is really no saturation point, as these frequencies are portals to infinite coding. The same holds true for the images themselves. Please do not listen to the audio transmission more than once a day; sometimes people who listen to Bill’s audios a lot in one day receive more energy than they can comfortably integrate.

Using the Images The images respond to the individual and will begin to work in you from your current point of consciousness. As soon as you look at an image, the clearing, restructuring, or awakening commences. The more frequently and the longer that you look at an image, the more deeply it works in you. Once the healing frequencies have been integrated, then looking briefly or even a glance at the images can reinforce them. It is suggested that you look at an image for a few minutes to begin with, and then for 15-30 seconds or so a few times through the day thereafter. You can work with one image for a few days, and then move on to another, rotating through them several times. Or you can simply use them as dictated by the work you do with the Tool. Understand that you there is no wrong way to use the images. You can hang them up on the fridge or a mirror, or use them as your screensaver. The vibrations are taken in instantaneously at a glance.

The Set of Images The images for this Tool include the following:


Frequencies of the AET: This image encodes the energetics of the Tool, and may be used to reinforce the general principles upheld by the Tool. It can also support the Tool’s vibration in you, enabling you to absorb it in a different manner than by attunement or audio transmission. Please note that unless you have the attunement, the AET will not activate for you in the manner described in this manual, even if you have the image. Angelic Restoration of Divine Rights The Divine Rights are codes in our DNA that become ignitions or evolutionary impulses within us when activated. The AET is designed to activate the Divine Rights related to our freedom to manifest a life that supports the truth of who we are, to be in communion with that which we love, to understand the world as it relates to us, to be restored to health by our surrender to wholeness, and more. This image holds frequencies in support of all the human rights to co-create according to the truth of our being as a unique expression of God. It may be used at any time, to strengthen a sense of free will, value to creation, ability to be self-sovereign, self-confidence, and so forth. Consciously Manifesting and Co-creating Heaven on Earth Using all Levels and Layers of Consciousness: People tend to operate in two or three aspects of consciousness rather than all of them, and for the ones they do operate in, rarely is it from all layers of that level. This image will help to realign energetically and build pathways to other levels and layers of consciousness, so that you can access them for creation. Another way of looking at it is that most people limit their creative energetic potential by coming at things from one angle, not 360 degrees. This image helps to widen the scope of consciousness being accessed for creation. It may be used at any time, and will accelerate the integration of all the general intentions upheld by the AET. Cosmic Rays and Gold Flame Purification & Cleansing of Desires: This image can help to harmonize your desires, expectations, goals, dreams, etc. with the cosmic realms of consciousness. When cosmic rays are infused into desires and expectations and are aligned to the cosmos via the Gold Flame, manifestation can be greatly accelerated. And to some extent as well, the cosmic rays act in a manner of ‘filling in the blanks’ in areas or ways that you may not consider. It may be used after command #5, “Purify My Desires”, or any time when you are tuning into your desires, in order to empower them and accelerate their manifestation. Clearing Resistances to Desires and Blocks to Functioning as a Co-creative Partner with Spirit There is much resistance to life and to empowerment, especially in these times of great acceleration. This image will work with each individual to open the channels of positive engagement in life, to the degree that is for a person’s highest good. It can help with the integration of the general intentions of the AET, and can also be used to clear specific desires (with command #6).


Attunement to the Mind and Heart of Mother/Father God Attunement or alignment to our divine origin is the most important step we can make to effect profound change toward fulfilment and love. Without it, life is illusory and meaningless, and all that we do will be subject to being undone. This image will support the activation of the Crown restoration codes that are built-in to the AET. It can accelerate the process that the AET sets in place. The image may enhance command # 4, “Attune me to my Higher Self”. Amplification of Excitement and Choosing a New Reality We are at a time in humanity where everything is accelerated. When we have clear intention aligned to the will of God and can hold excitement for life, very high vibration creational energies (Excited Creational Energies (ECEs)) can anchor in our bodies to create anew very quickly. The only requirement for you to anchor and move these through your life is that you be willing to “choose to be exciting to this reality”. Use this image in the following situations:

• When you are in an unwanted situation or state and are prepared to choose a new reality. (In this case, consciously make that choice, silently or out loud and with the AET running (e.g. “I am choosing a new reality of excitement and joy”))

• When you want to align more powerfully with the accelerated manifestation of your desires. (Tune into your desires and use the image).

• To enhance command #3 (mode A or B). “I AM a perfect child of God as I AM right now”: This image supports self-acceptance, self-love, and self-respect as a being created in the image of God. In particular, it will help to clear all that may be preventing self-acceptance right now, such as self-judgment, guilt, and shame. It will also awaken a new sense within you of this wonderful reality, that you are indeed a perfect child of God and that the ‘kingdom’ is within you. Use it often. It is suggested that you also use it in prayer before going to sleep. Look at the image while contemplating all the wonders accessible to you and how you might express the glory of being in a unique way in life.


Encoded Image: Frequencies of the AET Tool


Encoded Image: Angelic Restoration of Divine Rights


Encoded Image: Consciously Manifesting and Co-creating Heaven on Earth Using all Levels and Layers of Consciousness


Encoded Image: Cosmic Rays and Gold Flame Purification & Cleansing of Desires


Encoded Image: Clearing Resistances to Desires and Blocks to Functioning as a Co-creative Partner with Spirit


Encoded Image: Attunement to the Mind and Heart of Mother/Father God


Encoded Image: Amplification of Excitement and Choosing a New Reality


Encoded Image: “I AM a perfect child of God as I AM right now”


Appendix B: The AET Command Set Reference Guide The following is a reference guide of all AET commands. AET is run by stating "Run Affirmation Enhancer Tool". It then runs on any affirmations stated, or according to commands used. Mode A: Affirmations In mode A, the intention you hold when making the affirmation determines the command that the AET will execute for you. Remember, the AET is an intelligence and can operate on your intention. 1- State the affirmation with the intention of creating that desired reality – this command executes full clearing, rescripting, and energetic support for manifestation (i.e. basic steps of manifestation, 1 to 7, described above). 2- State the affirmation with the intention of blocking suppressive influences from others or from unwanted outer conditions – This command blocks negative influences of others or outer reality, strengthens principles of empowerment and self-sovereignty, clears beliefs allowing encroachment or self-doubt, followed by basic AET functionality (steps 1 to 7). 3- State the affirmation while generating excitement, to give the manifestation process a boost - creational energies and excitement amplifier codes: body restructuring to hold greater excitement, oppressive futures (options) dissolve, strengthens your creation, calculates and strengthens optimal option, anchors high vibration creational energies to accelerate the desired manifestation, and infuses you with energies of your desires fulfilled so you are a vibrational match to them. Mode B: Imagery Creation Work 1- “Transform my Reality” or “Create this Desired Reality” Tune into your current unwanted condition and then image a positive desired one (transformation), or simply tune into what you want directly (create). Attunes you to your Higher Self and executes the full steps of the AET (1 – 7). 2- “Block these Disruptive Inputs” Tune into the disruptive, oppressive input from another person or from unwanted outer conditions, and then tune into your purified desires. Mutes out negative influences, reinforces principles of self-sovereignty and empowerment, clears beliefs allowing encroachment or self-doubt, followed by basic AET functionality (steps 1 to 7). 3- “Boost my Creation(s) and amplify excitement” Tune into your purified desires and generate (high) excitement for greatest effect. Executes the creational energies and excitement amplifier codes: body restructuring to hold greater excitement, oppressive futures (options) dissolve, strengthens your creation-imagination and the optimal pathway towards its realization, anchors high vibration creational energies to accelerate the desired manifestation, and infuses you with energies of your desires fulfilled so you are a vibrational match to them.


4- “Attune me to my Higher Self”: Focus on your hair and Crown organ at the top of your head, under the skull. Executes the Higher Self attunement and Crown restoration codes, strengthens your ability to flow and feel the desires of your true Self, executes codes for all AET intentions, and accelerates higher dimensional bodies, clearing emotional and mental disruption. 5- “Purify My Desired Creations”: Focus on your current desires—image and feel them deeply. Executes the steps of acceptance, clearing hooks, hidden agendas and resolving unmet needs, and the purification and alignment to Creator intent, Higher Self and heart intelligences (i.e. steps 1-4 of the basic AET steps). You are now electromagnetically supplying your own needs, so that you have energetically and are no longer needy. You may notice subtle changes in your desires and how they feel. You may break this command down into each of the 4 steps (1- accept current reality 2- clear hooks 3- resolve neediness/hidden agendas 4- purify and align to Creator/Higher Self intent.) 6- “Clear Resistances and Accept and Immerse me in my Desires Fulfilled”: Focus on your purified desires—image and feel them deeply. As a dynamic process, you are encouraged to do inner processing of your resistances by tuning in to them and consciously willing their release. Clears all that is blocking you from allowing those desires to manifest for you, implements body level reprogramming to hold energies needed to support the new reality, magnetic propensities to attract energies and capacities to support it, magnetizing you to your desires in form. Infusion of energies of desires fulfilled and body coding to support deep integration. You may break this command down into each of the 2steps (5- clear resistance to my desired reality 6- Accept and immerse in my desires fulfilled.) 7- “Support the Creation of my Desires Ongoingly”: tune into purified desires. Calculates optimal pathway and guides you there, ongoing monitoring support and energy clearing to keep you on track with manifestation goals, strengthens principles of empowerment and faith, clearing of opposing distorted inner dialogue, clearing of suppressive beliefs, transformations of all opposition by love.

* * * * *

Below is a table that may be used to create a quick reference pocket card for the AET. The image is the AET introduction containing the frequencies of the Tool. So you can glance at the image before you run the AET and use the various commands. You may want to print it on thick paper and fold it in two. If you wish you can also print out the other table of images as a front cover for it. The two I selected for a cover are: Clearing Resistances to Desires and Blocks to Functioning as a Co-creative Partner with Spirit, and the Amplification of Excitement and Choosing a New Reality. This last image works well with command #3.


“Run Affirmation Enhancer Tool” Mode A: 1.Affirmation with intention to create 2.Affirmation with intention to block disruptive influences 3.Excited affirmation to boost creational energies Mode B: 1.“Transform my Reality” or “Create my Desired Reality” (initial manifestation, or when you want to shift unwanted conditions, situations, or states) 2.“Block Disruptive Inputs” (when faced with negative outside influences) 3.“Boost my Creation and Amplify Excitement” (anytime to accelerate manifestation) 4.“Attune me to my Higher Self” (daily) 5.“Purify My Desired Creations” (inner processing) – Steps 1, 2, 3, 4 6.“Clear Resistances and Accept/Immerse in my Desires Fulfilled” (inner processing and to immerse in new energies) – Steps 5, 6 7.“Support the Creation of my Desires Ongoingly” (when in need of realignment with desires)


1 2 The Divine Rights will be presented in an upcoming module to support healing and awakening: The Divine Rights Restorer Module. The DRR Module contains important information and energy clearing processes, including a dedicated Inner Master Tool, the Divine Rights Restorer Tool, which will support accelerated embodiment and ignition of the Divine Rights within a person. 3 Ibid, p. 303 4 Glenda Green. Love Without End, Jesus Speaks. Spiritis Publishing. 2002 5 The Spirituality of Wealth Program, a program to develop the consciousness of abundance that contains activations of all the Inner Mastery Tools. The Ten Steps…is an upcoming product, which lead a person through all the steps of conscious co-creation and activates the inner states and principles of the co-creative mind. Visit for details. 6 Rama refers to this as his supreme process of enlightenment and accelerated evolution.