The Aging in Mexico and the Role of the CSO's - Veronica Montes de Oca

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International Conference on Aging in the Americas USA, September 14 – 16,


The aging in México and the role of the CSO’s

Dra. Verónica Montes de Oca ZavalaInstituto de Investigaciones Sociales, UNAM

Dra. Patricia Rea ÁngelesCONACYT/Instituto de Investigaciones

Sociales, UNAMDr. Ronald Angel

The University of Texas at Austin

Background1. The Mexican characterization of population ageing2. Social and Political Participation3. CSOs in Mexico City and citizenship of older people: types of organizations4. Different forms of aging and different forms of organization Some final considerations

Fuente: CEAFA/ OMS/ Día mundial del Alzheimer


Economic security PensionsHealth Care and Medical CoverageHouseholds and familiesSocial Networks and favorable

environment, but……What about social civil organizations?

Theoretical Approach Active Aging (WHO, 2002) the process of optimizing

opportunities for health, participation and security in order to improve the quality of life of persons aged

Generativity (Villar, 2012) Social Participation (Viveros, 2005) Reference Human Right

Approach (Alfama, et al 2013) Citizenship and Human Rights

Exercise (ASO, 2015) Fuente: WHO

Political and Social Stages for Human Rights for Older Persons in Latino America (2002-2015)

Organization of American States. Inter-American Convention for the protection of Human Rights of Older Persons (OEA, 2015)

Right to social participation and the construction of citizenship, as well as political participation and non-discrimination as right key to the development and understanding of other human rights.

Article 8. Right to the participation and community integration

Article 27. Political rights Article 28 Right of meeting and

association; among others.Fuente: Red Mayor

Objective and method How will have configured the CSO’s with older

persons in Mexico? What is the role of the transition from a asistencialism approach to human rights perspective?

What can I do for reinforce the human rights perspective in the CSO’s without forget the quality of life?.

Describe and analyze different CSO’s with older persons in Mexico city

Analyze the narratives of older persons about ageing, active participation and legacy (generativity).

2015 and 2016: 9 Focus group and 48 interviews (30 women and 18 men)

National Survey about Political Culture and Citizenship Practices (ENCUP 2012):

The persons with 55 years is variable by type of organizations, per example: the men tend to have a greater participation in organizations citizens (17.5%), trade unions (14.9%), parties political (11.2%) and groups political (10.2%).

The women in that group of age also participate but to a lesser extent, for example in organizations citizens (8.8%), parties political (6.2%), groups political (5.6%) and unions (3.5%) (ENCUP 2012).

MHAS, 2013: 15.8% of persons with 55 years and older (13.8% men y 17.2% women) participates in work voluntary not paid by the organizations (at least 1 time to the week).

Social and Political Participation

Promoting Human Rights in National Law of Rights for Older Persons approved in 2002

(1) of the integrity, dignity and preference; (2) of the legal protection; (3) from the health, food and the family; (4) of education; (5) of the work; (6) of the assistance social; (7) of the participation; (8) of the denounces popular; (9) of the access to the services (Diario Oficial de la Federación 2002).

CSO in the Mexico City and the older persons citizenship: types of organizations

Type of social and political participation according with the economic changes process

Neighbors Organizations Civil Associations (A.C.) Unions Private Assistance Institutions (I.A.P.) Ethnic Communities Political Organizations Religion Organizations

Different forms of aging and different forms of organization

A) Organization focused on quality of life and personal self-development

B) Organization that combines reference of the quality of life and the rights human

C) Organization centered on quality of life and sustainability economic based on care

(D) Organization focused on human rights focused on the economy and economic sustainability

E) Organization that combines the quality of life, sustainability economic and human rights

F) Other organizations inside the country that combine defense of human rights and economic sustainability

A) Organization focused on quality of life and personal self-development

Amanecer Veracruzana Delegación Iztapalapa (higher degree marginalization) Women of 75 years and older, widowed, migrants, most with

primary incomplete, without pension income and dedicated to the household task.

The aging that experience them women can be described as an active aging, focused in the area neighborhood, based in recreational activities that seek the body functionality front it disability and chronic diseases.

This organization is characterized by the search of supports Government but with poor State response.

B) Organization that combines the quality with Human Rights

Grupo Renueva Located in the center of development Social and Cultural

"Carmen Aristegui" located in the delegation Gustavo to. Madero of the city of Mexico.

People with medium and high studies but are mostly women who ever worked but not all guaranteed a pension in old age, most are married.

High degree of autonomy, independence, personal mobility, intellectual and physical development

The active aging is part of the daily life Clear awareness of the aging and of the responsibility of the

same The exercise of the human rights as a constant Enjoyment by social and community organization

C) Organization centered in the quality of life reference and sustainability economic based on care

Granito de Arena A. C. It is common to find more women than men with more than 70

years. Provide assistance extended to people with higher cognitive

deteriorating and little personal mobility The older persons with functional or cognitive deterioration have

little level of organization The caregivers are very active in the mediation with the State

Authorities in themes: health, recreation, social security, education, culture, personal mobility, and others more.

D) Organization focused on human rights and economic sustainability

Pensioners of State for the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE)

Union Mexican of Electricians (SME) Coordinator national of workers of the education (CNTE) Mixed with male preponderance, retirees who lived an early retirement. Organizations of character Government and high degree of empowerment Characterized by a strong political organization, high and media studies that

enhance its organizational level. There is not ageing perspective, quality of life or active aging. These organizations lived the past benefits of a State that protected them as

strategic sectors of the economy for a model of development previous neoliberalism.

Foto: Periódico El Mercurio de Tamaulipas

Foto: Periódico El Excelsior

Muchos de sus integrantes, en décadas anteriores lucharon para obtener mejores condiciones

laborales por medio de la organización sindical, hoy en día continúan organizados

para demandar al Estado el respeto de sus garantías

individuales y colectivas ante las problemáticas derivadas de la aplicación de diversas reformas, especialmente la relacionada con el Sistema de Pensiones de México.

E) Organization that combines the quality of life, sustainability economic and rights human

Pensioners by National University (UNAM, Pioners in Creativity and Liberty, PICRELI)

Low grade of social organization but high grade of citizenship High grade of schooling, that affects in the promotion and

defense of these rights Basically women with degrees of PhD and with a high labor

trajectory High grade of empowerment and generativity

f) Other organizations inside the country that combine defense of human rights and economic sustainability

One of the aspects that stand out is the character of urban-rural or indigenous in our country.

In the States and rural environment defined the form of aging.

Vgr. A community of Oaxaca State fighting for recognition of their most basic rights (health, food, housing).Foto: Tirso Navarrete

Committee Community of Electricity“Sol de Cachimbo”, Oaxaca

Formed by grandmothers and communities Huave-Zapotecs who, through a process organizational strong, without collaboration of the State and with the support of various organizations national and international as Comité Melendre, Indian Goverment, Enel Green Power, ONU-Mujeres and Barefoot Collegue (Tilonia, India), they have become Solar engineers and electrify their own communities.

Fuente: Juchitán Informa

Fuente: La Jornada

Community organizing around the International FestivalXepe an Cöicoos y las Músicas del Mundo, en Punta Chueca, Sonora.

Grandparents of the nation Comcáac have a role important in the transmission of the ancestral knowledge to them new generations.

Entre otras cosas el Festival busca: Fomentar y fortalecer la cohesión comunitaria y el desarrollo

social. Compartir con el mundo a Socaaix (Punta Chueca) en toda su

magnificencia histórica, simbólica y ritual. Fomentar el diálogo cultural e intergeneracional como vía para

lograr la comunicación e interacción entre personas y grupos con identidades culturales específicas.

Honrar los espacios y las manifestaciones sagradas a través del conocimiento de la riqueza natural y cultural de los Comca’ ac.

Generar espacios para la para la reflexión, convivencia y expresión artística.

Dar acceso a la comunidad Comc’ac a bienes y servicios culturales.

Foto: Tirso Navarrete

Ecclesial communities Communities of high marginalization in Veracruz. They form the health houses, do not focus on the aging but

on community development, self-management, and the solution of local problems from a generational perspective.

Are mostly female with high degrees of poverty, low schooling and conditions of health poor, but where the training has result successful for the self-management immediate and awareness of context.

There is the awareness of the context but also the development of the spirituality and the action social community.

they do not have government support but even with violence and high discrimination towards certain organizations environments.

Consciousness of class, gender and ethnicity, although not be addresses the aging, but the older persons are integrated actively.

Fuente: Fe y Resistencia

Some Final Considerations The process of demographic change toward the aging in Mexico, is

parallel with changes in the international and national of the human rights and transformations in the economic development model tending to the privatization.

We found CSO with older persons and different combines perspectives on quality of life and self-development, economic sustainability and human rights.

The active aging paradigm is unknown in the organizations, but the human right have a little presence.

The ethnic and multicultural approach is very relevant for understand the CSO in rural and communities in Mexico.

Government institutions must be aware of this type of organizations to promote educational aspects and human rights.

References Alfama, E., Canal, R. y Cruells, M. (2013). Las políticas de envejecimiento activo en el

Estado español (2002-2012): ¿promoviendo la ciudadanía y la participación de las personas mayores?, España

Castrejón, J. L. (2016) Diferencias en el envejecimiento de las poblaciones indígenas, afrodescendientes y no indígenas ni afrodescendientes en México, 2015, ponencia presentada en el Primer Encuentro Envejecimiento e Interculturalidad. Los alcances de la ciudadanía y la sociedad civil, IISUNAM, México, 16-19 de agosto.

Diario Oficial de la Federación (2002) Ley de los Derechos de las Personas Adultas Mayores [] revisada 29 de agosto 2016.

Diario Oficial de la Federación (2011) Reforma constitucional en materia de derechos humanos [] revisada 29 de agosto 2016.

OMS. (2002). Envejecimiento activo: un marco político. Grupo Orgánico de Enfermedades No Transmisibles y Salud Mental. Departamento de Prevención de las Enfermedades No Transmisibles y Promoción de la Salud, 37(S2), 74-105.

Organización de Estados Americanos (2015), Convención Interamericana para la Protección de los Derechos Humanos de las Personas Mayores, Nueva York.