The Analysis of Textbook Used by the English

Post on 11-Nov-2014

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The Analysis of Textbook Used by the English Teacher at Second Grade Junior High School at MTsN Jambat Balo




Textbook as a book support in learning Indonesian have a very important role is to determine the merits of learning outcomes conducted for teachers using the textbook as a reference in studying material.

If the quality of teksbooks used by schools whether it is likely that the quality of Indonesian language teaching will be done, but if textbooks are used poorly, or even worse then the teaching that occurs will be very difficult. With regard to the importance of textbooks in learning the Indonesian language in use in the teaching of Indonesian in the question whether Junior High School textbooks used in schools have met the quality standards of good views of the curriculum benchmarks and relevant theories.


Is it appropriate or not textbook (English on the sky 2) used by the English teacher toward KTSP curriculum at second grade student of MTs N Jambat Balo Pagaralam.


The know wheter appropriate or not textbook (English on the sky 2) used by the English teacher toward KTSP curriculum at second grade student of MTs N Jambat Balo Pagaralam.

Limitation of Study

1. The writer only focus to analyze textbook (English on the sky 2) used by the English teacher at second grade students of MTs N Jambat Balo Pagaralam.

2. The writer only focus to analyze the appropriatness textbook (English on sky 2) used by the English teacher toward KTSP curriculum at second grade student of MTs N Jambat Balo

Significant of Study

For Students

Increase student information about the textbook in learning process.

For the Teacher

Increase the knowledge about textbook and as consideration to choose good textbook for their students.

For the Writer

As a suggestion to developed her knowledge along study about this material

Literature Review

Textbook is manual of instruction or a standard book in any branch of study. They are produced according to the demand of the educational institutions. Textbook as a teaching tool (material) which present the subject matter defined by the curriculum.

(Wikipedia, 2008)

Definition of Textbook

The Concept of Textbook

Textbook is a learning facility which is ordinary used to support a learning program. A textbook is a recorded thought which is written to achievement the golas of instructional process. (Tarigan, 1989:10)

The Function of Textbook

1. As a Teaching Tool

A book reviews assigned to secondary and post secondary students to help them to develop analytical skill.

2. As Profesional Work

Book reviewer require special skills and oblige the reviewer with precise resposibilities, the profesional reviewer does not just have to read and scrutinize the text, but to realize concleade, implied meaning the author obviouslyhas dropped hints about.

Advantage and Disadvantages of Textbook in Classroom


Textbook are specially helpfull for beginning techers, the materials to be covered and the design of each lesson are carefully spelled out in detail.

Textbook provide organized unit of work a textbook gives you all the plans and lesson you need to cover a topic in some detail.

A textbook series provides you with a balanced, chronological presentation of information.


The textbook is designed as the sole source of information.

Textbook questions tend to be low level or fact based.

Reading level of the textbook is too difficult.

The textbook has all the answer to all the questions.

Methodology of Research

In this study the researcher will use descriptive method.

Black (1993:20) states that descriptive method is procedure that describe a set of data for a group to provide enlightenment on the characteristic of that group alone.


Fraenkel and Wallen (1990:67) population is the larger group to which one hopes to apply the result.

Population of textbookNo Name of Books Publisher

1 English on sky 2 Erlangga

2 Scaffolding grade VIII center of national education departments of textbook

3 English in focus center of national education departments of textbook


Fraenkel and Wallen (1990:67) sample refers to any group on which information is obtained, the sample uses purposive sampling. The researcher will use English on sky 2 as the sample.

Technique for Collecting Data

In ccollecting the data, the writer will use a checklist, the checklist just focus on the teacher reaction / response to the appropriate of English textbook toward KTSP curriculum.

Technique for Analyzing Data

In analyzing the data, the writer will use the percentage formula.

P =

P = percentage

F = frequency of the items answered

N = number of items

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