The Animal Kids- Joysree Das

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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  • 8/2/2019 The Animal Kids- Joysree Das




    There was a deep, dark forest. It was full of trees like teak, sisam, shimul,banana

    and bamboo groves. The trees were very old and tall

  • 8/2/2019 The Animal Kids- Joysree Das


    When a strong wind blew, the leaves of the trees made a whistling sound, and the

    animal kids of the forests felt very afraid at that time, and stuckclose to theirmothers. There was a small stream flowingthrough the forest, by the side ofwhich there was an old, ruined fort made of bricks. The animal kids had their

    school deep inside the forest, but they were forbidden to gonear the fort. It was

  • 8/2/2019 The Animal Kids- Joysree Das



    One afternoon, it was school time. The animal kids had finished their sums

    which Mr. Lion their teacher had written on the blackboard. He was in the officeroom where some gentlemen had come to meet him for something very

    important. The animal children were very quiet, because they were really very

    afraid of their teacher. Some of them were laying their heads on their desks.

    Others were still working at their sums. The deep loud voice of Mr. Lion came at

  • 8/2/2019 The Animal Kids- Joysree Das


    times booming from the office. So they didnt dare to talk or make any noise.

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    Soon there was a soft whisper. It was Ele, the elephant kid, whispering to Gira,

    his, best friend, the giraffe boy,who sat beside him in the class, Isnt8x8=62?Ele always forgot his tables. Snakey, the snake girl, began to laugh, but it

    sounded like a long hiss hissssssss.Ele turned his head and snapped Stop

    laughing miss,Proudie!.We all know that you are very, very clever. Paru, theparrot, twitched her beak. She didnt like Snakey, but had to stick to her, because

    she was the only other girl in the class, and sometimes the boys turned out to be

    very naughty. Munk,monkey ,the monitor of the class said in a voice of authority,

    No quarrel,please. Otherwise I will write down your names and complain to

    Sir.Every body was silent. Why dont we answer riddles?,said Snailey,in his soft

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    slithering voice. Guess, everybody, what is a whitewashed house, with no doors

    or windows?No one knew the answer,so everybodybeganto think.

    Is it a beehive? asked Bholu the little bear, who was very fond of honey.

    No!Answered Snailey. Must be an anthill. said Rabby the rabbit. Not at

    all!Was Snaileys remark. Is it an egg? asked Dearie the small deer shaking his

    antlers. Of course the answer is an egg, said Snailey smiling. But he didnt notice

    that Mr. Lion had walked into the room. Children, here is an important

    announcement. Listen carefully. Ill have to go out of the forest on an important

    business. If you have finished your classwork, you can play for sometime in the

    school ground and then walk back home quietly. Dont be naughty. he said and

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    then walked out of the classroom.

    The children sat quiet, but as soon as they spied through the classroom window,

    Mr.Lions black, big car going out of the school gate, they rushed out into the

    school play ground, where they went on playing for some time

  • 8/2/2019 The Animal Kids- Joysree Das


    But soon they were tired and felt hungry, so they left the school and marched

    towards home along theforest path.

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    But when they were crossing the forest fort, Munk had an idea. Come; lets walk

    inside the fort today!He said in a chirpy, cheerie voice. No, not me!,Snakey

    whispered, and slithered away in the grass hurriedly. But all the others felt

    adventurous, and silently followed Munk inside the fort. They climbed the broken

    stairs and looked out through the window. And what did they see? Two wicked

    men were cutting a big Sal tree with their axes. A dull thud thud noise was coming

    out whenever their axes were striking the tree. We must stop them!Said Bholu.

    But how?Asked Dearie in a helpless voice. Lets shout. All at once .Come.

    commanded Munk.So they all shouted in a chorus. It was a cacophony. Astrangeeerie shout coming out of the haunted fort. The two wicked men turned their

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    heads towards the fort. But they felt so scared, that they threw away their axes

    and ran away fast as if they were being chased by some ghost.

    The animal children laughed in glee. We have saved our forest! Ha,ha hee

    hee!,they shouted.