Post on 30-May-2020

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Lisa: Hello, hello, hello and welcome! Welcome to The Aware Show Teleseminar Series. This is Lisa Garr and I thank you for being here because this is your oasis, this is my oasis, this is our safe haven. This is our beautiful, incredible synergistic opportunity to blend together with our energies and spirit and intentions and love and have a conversation that will transform people’s lives. That’s the intention that’s set here, that’s what has happened every single show and it’s because the intention is set there and set so high that that happens. It’s just an amazing experience and I’m so glad that everybody is in this together with me. So, thank you so much and… a lot of healing, I can tell, is already going to happen on today’s call because of the questions that are coming in. People want help. They want to know: Why the sadness? Why the uncomfortable feelings? How to not feel so alone when they’re in large a population of people, and they just feel so alone. So, that’s what we’re talking about today with a very, very popular guest and we’re going to be talking about what it would take… now, I want you to ask yourself this question, ok – just start off with these questions – because questions is a big part of what we’re talking about today… What would it take for you to have more joy and freedom in your life? What would it take for you to have more money in your life? How much money do you want? What would it take for you to have a healthy, fit, agile body? These are just to start you on and the wheels turning, and thinking, because my guest is Christie Marie Sheldon. Many of you know who she is, as I can tell from your questions coming in. She’s a highly empathic ‘Intuitive Consultant’ – and we’re going to find out more about what she does – but she’s helped people, thousands of people, over the past 15 years, to ask the right questions; so that you really can (and we all really can) live with more open space… freedom in our lives… which then, we fill in all the other things that we want, in that space. So, it’s a good thing. Welcome to the show Christie, thank you for being with me.

Christie: Oh, thank you so much for having me! Hi! *laughter*

Lisa: Really, really nice to meet you, for the first time. I love it!

Christie: Yeah, yes, and I love connecting to all these people who want change and, you know, something better in their life.

Lisa: You got that right!

Christie: So, thank you so much for having me!

Lisa: Yes! Yeah, a lot of questions coming in and I always encourage people to bring, you know, give their feedback throughout the call and ask questions throughout the call. We’ll ask them for you. If we have time, we can even open up the lines, but it’s mostly… it’s an interactive… this is an interactive healing process. So, if you’re hearing something that’s landing for you or that key for you or an experience, and I ask you, “Hey, tell me how you feel.” Go ahead and let me know because I will feed it back throughout the call because this is definitely… I love this… every… we’re all just… shrunk into this little ‘tent’… that we’re all in… *laughter*

Christie: *laughter*

Lisa: …like, universal tent… I love it! OK, so, tell me, first of all, what is an Empathic Intuitive Consultant? What is that?

Christie: Well, you know, what happens is… I have this gift (and I can tell a little bit of a story of how that awakened) but, I have this gift that I can look at anybody’s energy field – and they could be talking about anything – they could be saying, “You know, what I’d really like in my life is to, you know, be living the life of my dreams”, or… “I want to have the job that I want”, or… “I want to manifest my soul mate.” Any of those things they could be talking about; and pretty much by looking at their energy I can tell (literally in one second or less) if they’re going to get it or not…

Lisa: Wow!

Christie: …based strictly on how their energy is vibrating when they talk about that subject. *laughter* So…

Lisa: Interesting.

Christie: So, yeah, because, you know, a lot of people (probably) listening have said, “You know, I’ve done the vision chart. You know? I’ve done vision boards, and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t”. So, I want to talk today to people about why that is and how you can fix it, of course. My gifts opened up in a really interesting way, because I was just like everybody else, in that I was asking for something in my life to change *laughter* and I wanted to really help people. The other thing that I used to ask for was truth. So those two things kind of culminated.

Lisa: In what? In an awakening?

Christie: Yeah, yeah. Well, these beings of light kind of showed up in my living room, as funny as that sounds, and… *laughter*

Lisa: Uh-huh?

Christie: …and they said, “Hey, we’re going to… we’ll show you… we’ll basically answer your prayers and show you how to help people.”

Lisa: Wow! Really?

Christie: Yeah… and through a series of downloads, they kind of showed me…

Lisa: Wait. Hold the phone. You just had beings show up in your room and said… “Hey, we’ve got your number. We’re going to help you.” *laughter* That’s happiness! *laughter*

Christie: I know. Well, you want to hear the funny thing? I always laugh at my reaction, OK? My reaction, even to myself was really hilarious at the time, because there was this part of me that was so irritated that it took so long… *laughter* you know?

Lisa: Oh, yeah, uh-huh, uh-huh?

Christie: Instead of just being 1000% grateful, a little part of me was like, ‘well, it’s about time!’ You know. It was like, ‘why did I have to suffer so long?’ *laughter*

Lisa: Mmmm… uh-huh. Yeah, that makes sense.

Christie: I’m sure everybody can resonate with, right? *laughter*

Lisa: That’s truthful. That’s real. I have seen you do this. I’ve seen you do intuitive readings on… this particular thing I saw was business readings and… you sat and told a person exactly why their business wasn’t working – what block they had – around that, that was blocking it from working; and then helped them clear it, which is the best part. Illuminating the block is 80% of it I always say, because awareness, I always say, is 80% of any solution; but then you have to do the work and clear it for good… because there’s no point in realizing and going back to doing the same things that you were doing that didn’t work. So, alright, so… when you had this awakening, how did you then get the word out that you were helping people with this?

Christie: Well, what happened is, over a series of 4 months, basically they just showed me how to keep my vibration really high. I mean, that’s really it in a nutshell.

Christie: You know, I always need proof that something works before I go out in the world, so I “randomly” picked a chiropractor out of the phone book and I felt like “Oh, I need an adjustment today.” So, I went to the chiropractor and then what happened is he said “What do you do for a living?” And then I looked around his room, and there were these ascended master pictures all over the wall, like of Jesus and Buddha and angels… *laughter* …lots of stuff. So, I guess I didn’t pick a random chiropractor.

Lisa: Right, yeah.

Christie: And he said, “Hey Christie, there’s this guy that… he’s been to 30-40 other chiropractors and nobody can fix him, including me, and I’m hearing from my guides that you can actually fix him.” And I’m like, really? You know? Because, I’m kind of going okay… but the thing is, I’m open for anything, like everybody listening. The power of why everything happens for me, and can happen for you, is… as crazy as it sounds… if it felt kind of true, if it felt good, light and true, I would do it, even if it was a little, you know… out there. *laughter*

Lisa: Uh-huh, yeah, I understand that, yes, yes. To live your life by energy is very much that way, yes.

Christie: Yeah, and so he came over to my house, and I saw what happened. When he was 18, he smoked pot and felt badly about it, somehow. He had lower vibrations stuck in his energy field of guilt, and worry, and fear. I used some light and some higher vibrational energy, pulled it out, and I said, “Let me know what happens”, you know? Because I don’t know what’s going to happen. A couple weeks later he comes back and he’s like “Christie, I have to come over to your house! I want to show you something!” *laughter* …and I said, “okay”. He goes “When I left you I had this dream, and in the dream, I was sitting in all sorts of chairs. Tall chairs, short chairs, and my back didn’t hurt. But you have to understand, I’m a skeptic, because I’ve been living like this for 20-something years, and it never really fixes. You don’t even know, because I didn’t tell you this story, but I can’t even sit for longer than 15 minutes, you know what I mean? That’s how bad it is”. So then I’m like, “Well I’m going to push it and really try it out…” So there was a person building a shed behind his house, and he said “I fired him, I crawled up the ladder, I bent over, I carried wood, I nailed things, and my back still doesn’t hurt.” And so the gift in it was, obviously for me, because who knows if I would have had the guts to go say, “Hey, I can help you!” …because I didn’t even know yet.

Lisa: Yeah, right. So, that was your first experience with it all, that you had been given this gift, in a sense.

Christie: Yeah, yeah. Just a series of teachings, and that’s why I say it like this, because I can teach people the lessons that they put me through, and you too can live the higher vibration that creates really cool things that kind of sometimes defy logic.

Lisa: Yes, yes. That actually is a good point there, is it has a lot to do with belief. But this guy you said was a skeptic, so how much does believing that what you talk about is going to work, have to do with it?

Christie: The real truth is, for some people it has everything to do, and some people not. I’ll give you an example: There’s a healthy skepticism where you’re… “I’m willing to see it.” Right? There’s a willingness? And then there’s a skeptic who just wants to be right, and doesn’t want to see it.

Lisa: Right, yeah yeah yeah. Mm-hmm, I know exactly what you’re saying.

Christie: So if you have a willingness, then yeah. I had somebody who wanted to clear their blocks from money, and the wife was doing one of my courses, and she said, “Honey, look, you’ve been out of work for two years, you should do this even though it’s kind of a little different to you,” because he is very right brained, and corporate, and all that. She said, “Just give it a shot, what do you have to lose?” And so he was skeptical, but open, because he was desperate to get a job! He’d been out of work for two years, and this was a guy that was making really good money. So, he did it, and literally within a month, she sent me an email. He got a job paying him more money than he’d ever made in his whole life, and he was in his 50s. It happened within a month of raising his vibration on the energy of abundance and clearing his blocks.

Lisa: Wow.

Christie: So it can change rapidly if you really find the pattern that’s blocking you.

Lisa: I’m glad you’re giving those examples, because it’s painting a picture as to what it is that you do. So, when somebody comes to you as people are emailing in here… adrenal fatigue, traumatic stress syndrome, back pain, financial woes, things like that. Is all of that energetic blocks?

Christie: Yeah, so like, usually PTSD… I’ve seen clients of mine have PTSD just from having a shattering heartbreak, right? Because of a divorce or something. They have the same symptomology, if you just Google what the symptoms are. That’s because a shocking thing happened to them, and if they didn’t clear the whole pattern of the shock,

then it’s like it’s stuck in their energy field, kind of like a skipped record, you know what I mean?

Lisa: Yes.

Christie: And so, you have to clear those pictures out of their field, and those thoughts, and what they decided, you know? So often people will have heartbreak and they’ll go, “I am never going to have love ever again!” *laughter* You know?

Lisa: Uh-huh, yeah… in some way they make that agreement with the universe, yep. Mm-hmm.

Christie: Yeah! And so now that energy is basically a lower vibration because it’s based in fear, it’s based in probably anger, it’s based in what other emotions are stuck, which is not like an energy of what I call Love or Above, it’s living in the energy of love or graciousness or whatever. So you have to clear those feelings, otherwise you’ll still be stuck in those programs that keep yanking you back. And that’s why people go, “You know, I’m trying to do the right thing, and no matter what happens all these bad things happen to me,” and it’s really just because you have some programs that are still just locked in place that you probably, for whatever reason, they’re hidden to you and you can’t find them, and that’s why I developed tools to help people find them. The luxury in working with over 15,000 people 1-on-1, is I got to see patterns I would have never ever found on people had I only worked in groups. You know?

Lisa: Ah, yes, individual patterns. It reminds me of a friend of mine who has just never been able to find the right guy, and she’s great and fabulous, I’ve talked about her on the show before, but again, she came up with this guy that she, you know, just again, had to end another relationship because he wasn’t… and it’s really to say, “Oh, this… that… happened, this was wrong… he said that,” but I think if I really looked at it it’s probably an energetic pattern that she has, really, that different guys keep stepping into that do not enable her to make this work and I can see this. So, we’re going to get the opportunity to do a process with Christie Marie Sheldon on the phone here, which I’m really excited about. So, how do you do this? I mean, how does it work? We get to all look into ourselves?

Christie: Yeah, I’m going to have you guys choose the part of your life that you feel most blocked in. *laughter*

Lisa: Okay.

Christie: As soon as I said that, everybody is going, “Okay, I know what that is.” *laughter*

Lisa: Yeah, completely. Uh-huh.

Christie: Then I’m going to ask a series of questions that will help open the files of where the stuck energy could be. Now, what most people don’t realize, is most of the stuck energy happened before the age of 7. Had I not worked on all those people, I would have never understood that. Because what happens is, a kid’s brainwave is stuck in Theta, so basically they’re… and they’ve even done other psychological studies on this, about how much we take in from the whole universe when we’re a kid, but little babies are learning how to be people, and so, if we mimic and mirror what mommy and daddy does, we get lots of attention, they praise us. So, we learn at a very young age, duplicate mom and dad’s energy, they’ll be totally thrilled and happy with us, and they’ll feed us and clothe us and love us, right?

Lisa: Right, right.

Christie: Unfortunately, if your parents are having fights about money, or get divorced, and mom doesn’t like dad, or dad doesn’t like mom, then you now learn all of these relationship things about women don’t like men, men don’t like women, women spend all the money, men work hard, whatever the basic program is. So speaking about your friend, I had a client of mine and she couldn’t get love. To everyone else she would seem like a totally together person, and she was trying! Some clients call me, and they go “I’m not getting love,” but they won’t even go out and date. But she was willing to do everything, so what happened is, when I tracked the energy, what happened is when she was under 1 year old, her dad left her mom. So, now her mom has a baby, has no cash, totally fearful, doesn’t like men, right? Because men abandoned her.

Lisa: Yes. Imprint.

Christie: Yeah! So now she’s 30-something years old, and she can’t get a guy. All the guys she dates dump her usually on the 3rd or 4th date. Her dad came back into her life a couple times and then dumped her, so then it was like reinforced. Finally, she called me when she’d had enough, she said “I just had this date with this guy, and he had every pattern of every bad thing that’s ever happened to me!” *laughter*

Lisa: Oh, God! *laughter* Oh, that’s interesting.

Christie: She was like, “It was like four boyfriends rolled into one, plus my dad.” You know?

Lisa: Wow.

Christie: And I’m like, “Okay, so that means it’s up, right? You are ready to clear this.” Because the universe wouldn’t… the universe isn’t trying to torture you, the universe is actually only trying to show you your stuff, so you can clear it as a love gift.

Lisa: Ah, just wanting you to get it. It sometimes doesn’t feel like a love gift! It feels like a swift kick.

Christie: *laughter* Yeah, yeah.

Lisa: Been there.

Christie: So again, we clear her, I think it took a couple sessions to get all of it, because we had to really clear mom and stuff out… and within a couple months, I don’t remember the exact time, but with a few months, she met a guy and she’s now happily engaged.

Lisa: Oh, see, now that’s wonderful. I forgot to mention at the beginning of the show, for our listeners to go to our website which is Now, what you’re going to see on there is every single thing that we’re talking about and going to be talking about throughout this call, but this is a huge package and offering, because the clearings and the questions that Christie’s going to be asking us and so forth – and especially the clearings – all are existing on this package. But it’s enormous, it is probably the biggest package that I’ve ever seen, there’s so much involved in this. It’s bigger than we can talk about on this call, but we’re going to be going through the experiences of several of the clearings and exercises so you can get an idea and a benefit out of the call as well, so I just wanted to let you all know that. It’s huge, and I’ve been really enjoying listening to it, but it’ll take you a long time. It’s good, it’s great, because you get so many hours of downloads and programs with this, so just want to mention that, and it’s an exclusive offer, which is really super cool. So, meditation. How can you get a big group of people you can’t see, but you can feel, to help with a clearing? How do we do that?

Christie: Well what happens is we’re all in agreement in a way and basically step 1 is I’m going to connect you guys to the higher vibration, okay? There’s a place that everybody knows intuitively where to go, when they want to connect to a higher vibration, so I’m going to help remind you of that in case you forgot. *laughter*

Lisa: Okay, yep, thank you.

Christie: And then, we’re going to pull up, I call them the files, the old files of stuff that you might not have been looking at in a while, or didn’t know where to look, and then we’re going to take this higher vibrational light, and I do a clearing statement that really… I say the word transmute instead of transform because I think transmutation is an energy that can be brought in to just kaboom everything out of the way. *laughter*

We clear whatever this file is, and I say a clearing statement a couple times, and all you guys have to do is you can say it out loud with me, you can say it inside yourself with me, or you can just say “yes” to the energy, because at the end of the day it’s not the words, it’s the energy that we’re bringing in that is going to do the clearing. The cool thing is, because there’s so many people on the call, we’re all setting the intention to clear it not only for us, but for everybody else. So, it’s actually more powerful to do it in a group, I’ve found…

Lisa: Oh!

Christie: …because there are more people all pulling in that same kind of frequency or vibration and it’s just really, really helpful to do as a group.

Lisa: Okay great, great; and then the questions that you’re all bringing in as well… psychically Christie is going to be encompassing and bringing in all of these questions but, a lot of them I’m asking in on the call as well, so… Yes, one person feels that the universe is against her, another one feels that she is uncomfortable being here on earth. Another one, adrenal fatigue, post-traumatic stress. So, we’re going to go after all of this.

Christie: Yeah, so whatever is coming up for them, that’s the topic they should choose. We’re going to pick an area of your life that’s not where you want it to be, and then I’m going to ask you some questions and a file will open up of an age or a time or a person or an event with which that’s associated, and if that comes up that just means there’s still some stuck energy there. I’ve had more than one person say to me “Christie, I’ve been working myself spiritually for 20-30-40 years, and I’m still blocked.” And the only reason that is, the only reason, is because somehow, some way, the pattern that is blocking them has been hidden from them at some level. Because otherwise they’re smart people, I’m not talking about dummies, I’m talking about people that have really worked on themselves, right?

Lisa: Right, right.

Christie: So be open to whatever awareness pops into your head, because it’s probably something that’s been a little hidden from you, you know? It’s probably something that you haven’t paid attention to, or maybe even thought “Well I dealt with that Christie,” but if it’s coming up again, I promise you, it’s not all the way handled.

Lisa: Uh-huh, absolutely. Okay, this is great, because someone is saying that they’re aware of limitations from childhood, but really wants to reprogram the mindset, and even though she practices daily, still can’t seem to manifest a new reality.

Christie: You have to understand, these patterns get layered, so sometimes it takes more than one time. So, you don’t believe the first time your mom says “We have no money,” right? But you might believe it the 5th or the 10th or the 20th, and then, once you believe it, then every time you hear something that associates with that reality, you now usually agree with it, and then you bring in more of it. So you might be clearing 20 years of stuff, but in watching what I’ve watched with people and taking them through clearing different things, if you’ve really super duper focus on that one thing for a month or two, it will clear. Somewhere, it will clear, I promise you. So sometimes you just might have to be diligent and hit it from all angles, and that’s why I develop lots of tools, because one thing might work on that one area of your life, but you might need a different something for a different area of your life to kind of open or nudge that file, or bring it into awareness.

Lisa: Well, and that’s why you have so many tools, is because it does take probably about 30 days of clearing in different ways, to really get to the big core pictures. Yes, and there’s a lot of tools on there too, I mean a lot. Which is really so great, I mean I can’t believe the amount of stuff… and this is not stuff, these are techniques and tools that you will carry on and physically be able to clear during listening to those downloads and those MP3s and the lectures and so forth and the clearings. Okay, so I don’t want to interrupt you, we’ve got a good process to go through with people here, so let’s get to it.

Christie: Okay, so, just for everybody, here’s what we’re looking for, just to kind of sum it up really quick. What we’re looking for is lower energies, which would be labeled fear, guilt, shame, anger, apathy, any of those kind of things. We’re going to delete those files, because those files are the ones that are kind of like a suction cup on your tush, yanking you down. *laughter*

Lisa: Keeping you down.

Christie: And then we’re going to infuse you with the higher vibrations of love and gratefulness and joy and connection to source. So just to give people’s mental part of them going, “What am I looking for?” Well, you’re looking for those lower frequencies.

Lisa: Everything that’s coming up right now.

Christie: Yeah, yeah. Okay, so we’re going to take your energy up so close your eyes and obviously if you’re driving, you can listen, but…

Lisa: Listen to it when you’re not driving, yeah. Go back and listen to the replay, because I really want people to get this, and I do too. Okay.

Christie: Okay, so take your energy up 300 feet. Now, when I say 300 feet, there’s literally a dimension that kind of connects us to the light, so what I’m really saying to you is see, sense or feel the light. Intuitively, we all know where this light is, because when we pray, we generally connect to it. So see, sense or feel the light, which is 300 feet above your head, so take your energy and make yourself really, really tall, and some people see it, some people feel it, some people just take a deep breath and kind of know it’s there. However you are wired, it’s perfect. So try not to over think it, just see sense or feel the light, and everybody’s energy goes, usually, up there. *laughter* So now, imagine that this light is going to just start filling your whole field of energy. So people who are living higher vibrations are usually very, very expanded, and people living lower frequencies are usually very, very contracted. So we have to expand your energy field. So, that’s secret number 1 for higher vibrations. So allow this light to come into your crown, and some people just kind of feel it as liquid light, some people see a beam of light, some people just kind of imagine it going in, and then we’re going to ask this light, which is pure source energy…

Lisa: Mm-hmm…

Christie: …with no programming, right?... just blank slate, clean you out. *laughter*

Lisa: OK, yeah.

Christie: OK, so we’re going to ask this to just start unwinding any block that you might have about connecting to the light. Because some people actually have some fears or worries about connecting to the light, or they think God let them down. So if any of you had those thoughts or feelings growing up, allow this light to just kind of come in and unkink it. Some people might feel pressure, some people just might feel happy, some people might get emotional, any of it’s okay. Okay, and allow the light to come into your third eye, kind of washing away anything that has blocked your spiritual sight. Anywhere you don’t want to be aware, or don’t think it’s okay to know things, or if you know too much, you know it might hurt you. So, allow the light to come in and kind of wash that away, and allow the light to come in and wash away anything in your ears and hearing, where you don’t want to hear the truth, or hear what’s possible, or hear your guidance.

Lisa: There is, yes. I want to share, but I want people to have their own experience, so yes. *laughter* You’re going to hear silence from me because this is really… I’m having quite an amazing experience over here right now. Keep going… *laughter*

Christie: *laughter* All right, I can feel it. So allow the light to come into your throat. Now, the throat is an interesting energy, because it’s the bridge between your heart and

your head. Sometimes we over think things, sometimes we feel too much, so let’s clean out the throat, so that you can actually have this cool bridge between your heart and your head open, so you have a nice balance. Okay, and then allow the light to come into your heart, and see it relieving you of any heartache, heartbreak, feeling tortured by the universe, or by somebody in your life or in the past. Okay? Then allow the light to come in and release anywhere you beat yourself up or are hard on yourself, take yourself out a little bit. All right, and then allow the light to come into your solar plexus, opening up anywhere you felt like sucker punched, or shocked, or, you know, taken off course. Any of those kind of feelings or emotions. Then allow the light to come into your abdomen area, your second chakra. We’re going to ask that the light clean out anywhere you feel disapproved of, or disempowered, or the energy of “I can’t”, or “I shouldn’t”, or “I wouldn’t”, or “I couldn’t”, any of those kind of emotions. Then allow the light to come into your hip area, and just know that even though I’m talking a little fast, the light is already working on it. *laughter* So, just kind of think, “Okay, all of that stuff, it’s going to go. I don’t have to slow it down *laughter* …and keep it.” Okay, so allow the light to come into your hip area. Now, anywhere you haven’t been able to stand your truth, stand your ground, stand in your reality and you keep bending yourself into everybody else’s version of you, or some other version of you that you don’t even like anymore, that you want to move past, so allow the light to come into your hips and just kind of wiggle around and clear all that stuff about not being able to move into the truth about who you are. Okay. Now, here’s the cool thing. Mother earth wants to support us, and there’s actually a light in the center, like a dimension. It’s a dimensional light that sources us from mother earth and it feels like momma’s love. So imagine what it would be light to have mother’s love, where she just kind of cuddles you and holds you and makes you feel safe and secure. Allow the light that’s coming from above to go all the way through your body, and connect to that light in the center of the planet. And so again, some people will see just the ball of light, some people might see a crystal, some people might just take a deep breath and go “Whoo, that feels good.” If some of you are thinking “I don’t see, feel or sense anything”, just imagine it, because then you connect to it when you imagine it. Okay, perfect. I can kind of feel people connected. Okay, so now we want to pull this light up, so that we feel safe and secure in our body in moving forward and changing things, right? The only reason people sometimes don’t change things is they don’t know what the next thing is and they don’t feel safe about it. So we’re going to ask this light like an elevator to come right back up into your hips, making you feel safe and secure, into your stomach area, making you feel safe and secure, into your heart, making you feel safe and secure, and it kind of goes up to your crown, but what we’re going to do is, we’re going to have the light from above and the light from below meet in your heart, and we’re going to imagine that your field is like a sunshine, and this light that meets in your heart is going to now radiate out 360 degrees all the way around you like a big sunshine. So, this is the most important part, because the reason most people can’t get what they

want, is they’re somehow contracting their energy field, and we need to expand you to a different possibility, basically. So, I want you to take this light, that’s now being sourced from above and below, and start filling your field of energy 10 feet all the way around you. Now, this is who you really, really are, like a fully connected spiritual being in a body. Expand this light out 20 feet all the way around you; and then this light out bigger than your city. So you see, you’re always connected. You can connect to all the people, places, things in your city, and you could say “Hey, all the people, places, things, ideas and events in my city that could help me in my life, please show up now.”

Lisa: Wow!

Christie: Abundance, love, all of it. Okay? So, now some of you… just feel what feels comfortable to you… you can actually expand all the way past the planet, if you want. You can expand past the state you’re in, whatever feels good. Just connect to all the people, places, things, ideas and events that could support you and help you. Okay, so now, that felt better. Honestly, everybody – you guys feel great now. *laughter*

Lisa: Super clear, yes. Wow.

Christie: It feels way more expanded, and actually more like yourself.

Lisa: Wow. That’s fun, okay.

Christie: Yeah! So this is the higher vibrational field of energy that you can play in with different possibilities, so I’m going to ask you guys… So, we’re going to pull up the old files, okay? So think of the area of your life that you want to fix the most. Okay? So, now I’m going to ask you a question. When did you first start imprinting a block in this area of your life, at what age? So, whatever age first pops into your mind is usually the right one. Some people might get 2 or 3 ages, but pick the earliest one, okay? …because we’re going to go to the root. And then, I want you to ask, did you first believe this block or reality, did you first believe this from your mom, from your dad, or from somebody or something else? …because I want you to get a hit of where you got this from. Mom, dad, somebody or something else. Okay. So, I can see a lot of people have pulled up the file, they’re now kind of entangled in a little bit of the lower energy, now you can even get the main emotion with it if you want. So what was the main lower emotion that’s attached to this? Fear, guild, apathy, shame, not enough?

Lisa: Failure?

Christie: I hear failure for some people, yep. Okay, so whatever this is, now we’re going to clear it. We’re going to take this energy that’s pouring into you, and everybody else on this call, and we’re going to just say “Okay, we’re going to transmute everything attached to this.” So that means, all the stories attached to it, all the ideas and thoughts you had about it, any beliefs that you created from it, and we’re going to transmute and clear it, across all time, all dimensions, all space and all reality. We’re going to clear across all your realities, all time, all space dimensions, so transmute and clear… yep… okay.

Lisa: Hoo. Mmm.

Christie: Yeah! Okay, we’re going to do that one more time, and now what we’re going to do is expand it. That pattern has probably carried out through a lot of your ages. Okay? So, we’re not only going to get the root, but we’re going to, right now, think of all the other ages that it’s affected you at, even if it’s current. Okay, so we’re going to transmute and clear that, across all time, dimension, space and reality. We’re going to clear out the whole file cabinet. *laughter* Transmute and clear that…

Lisa: Oh, wow.

Christie: …across all time, dimension, space and reality. Okay. So, some people are doubting that it could clear this much, so any little bit of doubt or niggling energy that you kind of have, like, “Oh, it can’t be this easy, I’ve held this for this long.” *laughter*

Lisa: Like, you don’t need to see it or know it, what that energy is, you need to just clear it, right?

Christie: Yeah. You don’t have to know it, I’m kind of calling up that file, I’m bringing it to people’s awareness right now out loud, so they’ll let that go too…

Lisa: OK.

Christie: …because they might not even be aware, some people on this call might not even be aware, that they’re still holding on to something. Okay, so… yeah, see? Now everybody... because I opened that file for everybody… now they just let it go.

Lisa: Yes!

Christie: Love it. *laughter*

Lisa: Yeah! *laughter* Yep.

Christie: Okay, so now I’m going to pull up a couple other things. I want you to think about that area of your life, and what is a specific event that has occurred that’s kind of attached to it. That, obviously, is a lower negative emotion. If it’s money, maybe you did

bankruptcy. If it’s heartache, maybe you had a bad love affair. If it’s your body, maybe you remember hurting your body when you were a kid. So, think about whatever that thing is. Now, that’s just probably one event on a map of events, okay? So, I’m going to ask you this question: What was the earliest time, so the earliest age, in which something of a lower negative energy started attaching to your field that created that event? So, at what age did the root cause of this event first get imprinted in you? Okay, and did you believe this, or buy this energy, from your mom, your dad, or somebody else? I say something else, because you could have got it from TV or whatever.

Lisa: Or a relative or whatnot, yes.

Christie: Yeah, yeah, okay. So, whatever this is, now we’re going to take all the history of it, across all the ages. Okay? I can feel a lot of people just had light bulbs go off. They’re like, “I never correlated those two things together.” But yeah, okay so, everything that is, we’ll transmute and clear it, across all time, dimension, space, reality. So, all the stories, all the ideas, all the beliefs, all the patterning, all the imprints that you kind of sucked into your reality, and bought and sold yourself, will you please transmute and clear it, across all time, dimension, space, reality. Because nothing can happen to us unless we accidentally agree to it, or believe it. So, that’s really some… yep, okay. So, a couple of you guys are still holding onto some stuff about it. So, I can feel that a lot of people just pulled up one of their deepest programs.

Lisa: Right.

Christie: Yep, okay. So this is perfect, so today is the day to get rid of it. *laughter*

Lisa: Yeah, and believe that it can happen, too, on a call, yes.

Christie: Yes. Okay, so everybody just kind of expand your energy back out again, let lots of light come in, okay? So now we’re going to ask this light to just really come in, and some of you might feel heaviness in your body attached to this, so wherever you feel heaviness, send a lot of light there, because that’s probably part of the pattern. Okay? So pull in a lot of light, and we’re going to transmute and clear it. Yep, the whole story of it, the whole patterning of it. Everything you bought and sold yourself about it, anywhere you believe it, everywhere you think it’s real, anywhere it’s part of your reality, we’re going to transmute and clear it across all time, dimension, space and reality; and any of you guys who are using it as an excuse to be a victim, because you really don’t want to move forward, and again, you might not know that you’re doing this, but I’m going to call it up because I can feel some people are doing it. Okay? We’re going to transmute and clear that, across all time, dimension, space and reality. That was a good one. *laughter*

Christie: You guys let go of some really cold stuff. Okay, so… I’m hearing, “Do one more”. So, think of one more kind of… one of those events, you know? …that really did it in for you in this life.

Lisa: Wow, you’re going there! Okay.

Christie: Yeah! *laughter* You guys wanted results, right?

Lisa: Yes! *laughter*

Christie: Alright, so now I’m going to ask you, what is the first age that you started pulling this energy into your field? What’s the first age you started pulling this kind of energy into your field? And did you pull this in from your mom, your dad, someone or something else? Okay, I can feel a lot of dad people today, all of the sudden, right now, with this energy. Okay, so everything that this is, so this means, the whole pattern, all the stories attached to it, everywhere you really believed it, everywhere it’s part of your whole reality field, and we’re going to dislodge all of the lower negative emotions. So, ask… “What are the lower negative emotions associated with this?” Yep, okay, so we’re going to clear that and transmute it, across all time, dimension, space, reality, and then we’re going to clear and transmute that one more time, across all time, dimension, space, reality. See, now you guys are getting used to it.

Lisa: A-ha, we’re getting good at this, yes!

Christie: Yes. So, let’s go it a little quicker now. Okay, a couple people holding on to some things. Okay, you guys. Time to go, it’s an old story… and the cool thing is, you don’t have to fill in… people have this belief you have to fill in with something positive, and you actually don’t, because you’re just going to end up filling in with yourself, which is all positive, right?

Lisa: Yes. I know what we want, yeah! That’ll come, it’s just clearing the blocks to get it there, yeah.

Christie: Yeah, because you just fill in with yourself, which is infinite possibility, and it should show up, you know?

Lisa: Wow.

Christie: Yeah. Okay, so everybody who just questioned that they are… I could feel this, Okay? I can feel this from you guys… So, it’s probably why I was talking about it. Every one of you guys who doesn’t think you’re an excellent manifestor, and all the reasons why, and all the stories why, and all the patterns why, just for kicks, at what age did you

decide you are not a good manifestor? Okay, and, was that a mom belief, a dad belief, or somebody or something else belief?

Lisa: Bottom line is that it wasn’t yours, right?

Christie: Yep. Well, somewhere you bought it, you know? Yep, somewhere. Okay, so everything that is, will you transmute and clear it, across all time, dimension, space and reality. All right. That was a good one. Okay, a couple more times. Transmute and clear it, across all time, dimension, space and reality; transmute and clear it, across all time, dimension, space and reality and transmute and clear it, across all time, dimension, space and reality. Okay. So, now just kind of think of the light coming in, filling in all those empty spaces that we just kind of created. Think of being totally connected to the source of all things that can bring you all the people, places, things, ideas, events, possibilities… think of pulling that into your field. All right, cool. It feels like everyone just filled in.

Lisa: That, I mean, really… oh, my God, I’m so grateful! That was really one of the most powerful… and I’m trying to shut up over here, because I’m bursting out with energy! Wow! What a real deal, girl! Wow! You can really move energy. That was one of the most clear and powerful clearings I have ever felt, on that massive a scale. I could see it.

Christie: I love it, thank you for confirming, but yeah.

Lisa: Okay, I want to hear from people, I want to hear your experiences. This one lady just said, “As soon as we let those feelings go, she burst into tears, so unexpected, and such a release of 40 years of feeling that there was not enough, and she got to release that.” That is the level that I’m getting right now, that’s the level, that’s the gift. That is the gift. I’m so grateful right now just to sit here in this place of having this emit to you. Doing and being and sharing… ahhh. *laughter*

Christie: Yeah, I’m so happy for her, because shame means I am not enough, and that’s one of the lowest frequencies we can feel. So, what I’m hearing her say is she just let go of 40 years of one of the lowest frequencies a human being could ever feel in their body, in their life.

Lisa: For real!

Christie: So, that is huge.

Lisa: Yes, yes, that is huge. And, and… for good. Right?

Christie: Yeah! Because once a pattern is gone, it’s gone. You just filled in with yourself.

Lisa: Yeah, I know that works so incredibly. I don’t know, maybe I just… because I’ve been listening to your clearings in the package, I for some reason just got totally turned up for me, because I know, I mean, I’ve probably listened to about 10 hours of what’s probably 40 hours worth of clearings, and that was immense. To be able to do that in a group consciousness… You are so tapped in, Christie, that is beautiful. I mean, that was awesome, and as we’re talking here, people are getting this because they’re getting the package and they’re knowing what we just experienced, I’m so grateful that we got to do that, and we’re going to keep going here in terms of clearing, because the energy doesn’t just stop. It just continues to go. Just going to read a few more people. Yeah, so powerful. Someone from St. Albert said, “I think the energy block that has lived in my left hip for so many years was transmuted,” Wow! …and she goes on with, “I am infinite possibilities!” Oh wow! “My body is going crazy” (this is Diane) “with movements tightening in my abdomen.” What is that? She said, “It felt it was energy releasing”.

Christie: Yeah, she holds her breath. I feel like she’s a shallow breather, she put shock in her whole abdomen area, so her body was like “Oh, are you going to let this go? All this shock and fear? Thank you!”

Lisa: Wow, cool! What about Jennifer, Portland, says “I’m experiencing numbness in my fingers and toes, does that mean something significant?”

Christie: Um, she’s letting go of a lot of mom/dad stuff, is what I’m hearing. I feel like she should just really keep letting energy come in, and it will start clearing for her for a couple more hours.

Lisa: Yep. I’m glad you said that because this type of clearing, and you can listen to this replay over and over again and share with your friends, because that was a very beautifully powerful clearing that every single person who is on the call… you’re on this call for a reason; because you wanted to get that. You wanted to get that, and we all got that together! So now you get to share it with your friends, because I want more people to get that... *laughter*

Christie: *laughter* So do I! Awaken the world!

Lisa: …to get that feeling, because, yeah, and… and someone else says that the word ‘weight’ has lifted off of her. Let’s see here… Sally in Kansas, “I feel lighter in both senses of the word. A weight has lifted off, a light has entered in.” That’s… that’s beautiful. That’s what I’m talking about, that’s a beautiful energy. So, how is all of this into the Love or Above concept? How does one get this energy on an ongoing basis? What is Love or Above, what does that mean?

Christie: Yeah, so I coined the term because I was working on a lot of clients and I came across this cool book, David Hawkins’ Power vs. Force, and he had this scale that was basically demonstrating what I was seeing with clients. The ones that wouldn’t change as quickly usually had a lot more of the lower vibrations, and so I’ll tell you what the scale is really quick. It’s 0 to 1,000, at the top is enlightened being, and the lower vibrations are, for instance, shame is the energy on the scale of 0 to 1,000, at 20. So that means “I am not enough.” Guilt, 30, “I am bad,” you know? How many parents, you know, told their kids “You’re bad!” You know? *laughter* Obviously we don’t do it as much as …

Lisa: “What’s wrong with you?” Yeah.

Christie: Yeah, yeah, yeah. *laughter* Uh… what were we thinking, right?

Lisa: Energetic scales, you were talking about?

Christie: Yeah, yeah. So this is like an energy scale of emotions, basically…

Lisa: OK.

Christie: …and apathy, which means you quit, you give up, like “I don’t even get it anymore, I quit,” is 50. Fear is at 100, anger is at 150. I’m always happy when a client gets angry, because I know that there’s usually some lower vibration that’s kind of like bumping out of them. At least they’re not apathetic anymore, or fearful, right? They’re irritated enough to want to express it. *laughter*

Lisa: There’s a picture of this scale by the way, if you go to, and you click on the “buy now” button, it takes you in to another page and you’ll be able to see this vibration scale that Christie is talking about. Okay, keep going.

Christie: Oh, okay. Yeah, thanks…. and then, courage is 200. Now, the planet is really only vibrating a little bit over 200. So if you take the average energy of everybody on the planet, you add it all up, divide it by whatever, 7 billion, right? It’s basically a little over 200. Now, some countries have higher vibrations, right? …are a little bit more evolved, but the whole point is, if we can get people to the energy of love, which is why I call it Love or Above…

Lisa: Ah!

Christie: …1 person vibrating at the energy of love, which is 500, can positively infuse into the field around them, enough energy to lift 750,000 people vibrating below 200.

So if people want to know “What do I do with my life, how could I really change the world?” Well, vibrate the energy of love. *laughter*

Lisa: Uh-huh, yes, and…

Christie: You know?

Lisa: …permanently! I mean, keep going with it! Don’t just do it in small increments. I mean, you can get going with that.

Christie: Yeah, and when I say vibrate love, you’re right. I’m saying be love, right? Be joy, be peace. Be the higher grateful energies. Yeah, so it means that most of your emotions are over 500, that means you’re being it. So imagine you have a family of four, and mom or dad use these tools, raise their vibration, clear their blocks, so they’re not living any of the lower energies, right? Clear your blocks, live the frequency of love, which will happen automatically when you release your blocks, and then you go into the workplace, you go into the schools, you go into your community, and then you positively raise the vibration of everybody around you, and I think that’s really what happened in 2012. 2012 is really a big wake up call for everybody to live the energy of Love or Above.

Lisa: Ah yes, that makes sense. That makes perfect sense, and so, when though, when you go back into those communities, or if your families are having turmoil, or you go back to the holidays and you see relatives, you can bring that energy of love in and that’s why I like the toolkits, is that you give people actual tools to use, so when they go back into the places in life that are challenging, maybe an unfriendly work environment, or in your school where you don’t resonate with people or something like that – relatives even – you can take these tools and go back in to these environments and raise the vibration without saying a word, and that’s what I think is so cool. The tools that we have, that Christie Marie Sheldon has on the Love or Above kit are… I mean, there’s hours and hours of these, but one of them… there’s the Life Path Optimizer, where we’re talking about those questions that really unlock the keys to healing and then these clearings, there’s a connecting to your guides meditation, there’s an energy detox. One I was listening to yesterday, which I loved, was on family energy, and it was really on how to, well, the art of choosing your reality, so when you’re really conscious about that, but then the planetary shift in consciousness begins at home. If you have children, it’s very, very, very clear energy.

Christie: Yeah, I have a lot of moms and dads who send me emails, and they’ll say they teach their kids these tools, or they make it the thing that they listen to in the car, and their kids soak it in. One mom was saying her 3 year old fell down, hurt her knee and immediately she heard (and she was on the beach, so she was 10-20 feet away from the

mom) and the mom heard her clear her own energy, and then start laughing about it because she no longer hurt. You know? So if a 3 year old can do it…

Lisa: Nice, nice… yes… you can do it too. We have lived with years and years of stuffing blocks, hiding them, stuffing our energy down, not being fully who we are, who we deserve to be, and when you put it in the context of who you are being, is a way to change the world. It gives you a sense of purpose, and admission, and of this quality of being able to make such a big difference when you actually clear yourself and your blocks, and nothing really sticks to you out there. Judgment or anything like that doesn’t stick to you when you’re in that beautiful space, then you start to attract what you really want in life, and that’s living. That’s fully alive, that’s fun.

Christie: Yeah. So, like the tools, I teach people, I’ve had lots of emails from people saying just even learning how to do muscle testing if they don’t know how to do that. So that they can ask questions about, you know, “Is this the right school for my kid?” …or, “If I take this job, will it truly bring me abundance?” …or “Will I like who I work with?” So, it’s basically you get to peer into your future, learn how to get truth about things, and you can even use muscle testing to find what ages your blocks are stuck. Like you were saying, the Life-Path Optimizer. There’s actually a right way and a wrong way to ask questions. I had this client, and she kept saying “Christie, I was asking, ‘Is it my highest and best good to be with this guy? Is he my soul mate?’” She kept getting a yes, but inside myself I was thinking “Oh my God this is so much drama, please don’t do this,” because I couldn’t see where it was going to go. But how many… a lot of new-agey kind of people who have done a lot of spiritual training will ask “Is this the highest and best good for me?” But when I said to her “Let’s ask a couple other questions, let’s ask, ‘Will you end up with him?’ Let’s ask, ‘Is he only here to teach you a lesson?’ ‘Is he vibrating from an old pattern that you have?’” And basically what ended up happening is, is he was a married guy who was cheating on his wife…

Lisa: Wow, wow!

Christie: …and she had this pattern of attracting the wrong men, obviously, and so he was just the gift to show her her pattern.

Lisa: But she was able to get through all that by testing the yes or no in her body, and really getting to the highest good before she went through all that.

Christie: Yeah, or another trauma that she would have then labeled “Oh my God, this always happens to me,” and then it just reinforces it, right? So she got to get the gift of it,

the lesson of it, by asking the right question, so she could just move through the gift, clear the pattern and be over it so she could actually get it.

Lisa: And then I have to go through wrecking a bunch of other people’s lives and all of that that would have happened as a result of that, yeah, that’s how to be conscious, and living through things. I remember listening to the track in there that talks about how to feel the yes or no in your body and how to tune in, and how to do that, and once you perfect that, you can use that 57,000 times a day. I mean… Yes/no, does that feel good? Yes/no, do I want that? Yes/no, do I need this supplement? Yes/no? It takes the wavering out of your body and your life when you learn to tune in on that, and all these different modules are things that bring awareness to these things in life. When you ask questions and get immediate feedback from your body, then you understand all the energy that you’re wasting on wavering and not getting those questions answered and so forth, they’re not even asking them in the first place. The modules are also filled with clearings. There’s energetic soul cleansing clearings, which is a little bit of what Christie Marie Sheldon just did, to really get into the deep files. There’s simple exercises to just detox your head in the beginning of the day or the end of the night before you go to bed. There’s an exercise to get through hidden negative energies that might not be showing themselves or you don’t understand what they are. Everything is energy, that we talk about on all of these shows, it shows up everywhere in your life. So go to the package, which is, it’s all in there. These modules are all in there for you when you click on the buy now button, it takes you to the page where it explains all of the different ways that this affects your body, and in a positive way, and how you can cut cords. That’s another thing, what are cords, by the way?

Christie: Well, usually an energy of fear is attached to them, or it can be other things like guilt, shame, fear and anger, but generally they’re old emotions that are literally linked between two people creating a reality. I’ve had really profound emails from just this one tool, of helping people who may be connected to ex’s. I had one lady who owned a business, and she had kids, but she was like the momma bear for everybody. The 30 employees, the kids, and everybody was draining her energy. She cut the cords and she said it profoundly shifted how profitable the business was. She realized, in cutting the cords, she was sort of enabling them because she had a need to be loved, and by cutting the cords, her business started running automatically with better direction because then everybody else started being empowered, even her kids, because there really is an energy of enabling which kind of… If you take too much care of somebody then you’re not showing them that you believe they’re an infinite being, and she was kind of doing that. She said it totally resolved lots of conflict in the work, people wanting her energy and wanting mommy to love me more than she loved this other employee… There’s lots of dynamics that, just doing the cord cutting every day, she said seriously changed her whole life.

Lisa: A great way to go to sleep, too, is when you cut the cords of everybody that wants or needs anything from you, it’s a great way to do that, to really get to be able to sleep. Also, to take this to a place of – which is an odd thing, but it just came up for me – is weight loss. When you’re emotionally eating to pad yourself from those cords or emotions or stuck feelings inside your body, you want to clear that stuff so that your body can work right, detox and clear fast, and weight doesn’t stick to you from stress because of not clearing that energy. That’s a really wonderful way to de-stress your body. It’s a really great way to do that.

Christie: Yeah, yeah… and also with the weight, like, I will say to people “What are you waiting for?” Because usually also sometimes weight is something you’re waiting for that you won’t give yourself permission to actually go, do or be.

Lisa: Mmm…

Christie: So…

Lisa: Very, very clear. That’s very good. When people come to you, as clients, what are they having the biggest challenge with when they sit in front of you? What are some of the most popular things that you hear from people?

Christie: You know, it’s love and money. Well, I’d say love, money and health. Here’s the thing: we all, at some deep level, just want to feel secure and loved, right? So, if you imprinted… you know, just everyone could do a check in, you know? Did your parents really have that model? …and if not, you probably have some patterns that might be playing out in your life. Some people call me because at the end of the day they just want to be happy, and if some part of their life is a little off, it’s just kind of like the thorn in their side, it’s just kind of always annoying them. Money is a big deal, because I think the statistics were 50% of everybody who got divorced, or more, were somehow fighting about money. People want to have the feeling of “I am cared for, I have enough to care for my family, or to go do things that are happy and fun for me,” or “I want to have that feeling of plenty,” you know? Nobody wants to go around thinking “I never have enough,” right?

Lisa: Right.

Christie: That’s actually the complete opposite of how an infinite being fully connected to source would feel. They would feel like, “Oh, I’m always in the flow and I always know where to go and I always know what to do in order to have life work for me.”

So really – why people come to me – is they just want to be who they know they’re supposed to be. *laughter* It might not be playing out in their life, right?

Lisa: Yes, and they know that they’re stuck, and they know that things aren’t working right and it’s manifested in different ways for people. There’s a different way of being that’s kind of wanting to come out, yes.

Christie: Yeah! I will say to people, you didn’t get the manual when you came here. I’d say 90% of the people didn’t get their manual that said “Hey, you’re an infinite being in a body! You don’t have to believe everything that you’re seeing around you. Please don’t imprint the stuff that you don’t want, and only take in the stuff that you do want, right?

Lisa: Yep.

Christie: I mean, It would be cool if there was a model like that.

Lisa: Absolutely.

Christie: Yeah, but you know, we accidentally imprint it. So, I always say to people, if you’re not clearing your blocks, I’m telling you, it’s just sort of like… I think it’s insane, do you know what I mean? …because, you’re basically saying, “I choose to stay in patterns that don’t help me.”

Lisa: Unconsciously, that is what you’re saying, absolutely.

Christie: You know, and I don’t think it’s an accident that people are here on this call. To me, I’m giving you guys, or helping you… give you tools… you know, you have a bunch of different tools that hit all the angles, there’s a money back guarantee…

Lisa: Oh gosh, it’s huge. The offer is huge, and it’s also incredibly affordable. It is a really, really affordable price, for all that people are getting! If you don’t mind, we have people who have questions on the line.

Christie: Oh, I love it, sure.

Lisa: Is it okay?

Christie: Yeah, I love it!

Lisa: We can take callers, if you’re listening you can press *2 to raise your hand, and we’re going to be taking your questions. Some of the questions I’ll be calling on the city and state that you’re calling from, and sometimes I get to see the name on this particular technology. In the mean time I’m going to remind you, go to and you can see this offer. I mean, it’s so big!

Last night I called our wonderful Aware Show team, and I’m like, this is huge! It should be an $1100 value, I mean, it’s a huge value. The price is ridiculously affordable. *laughter* It’s really great what you’ve been able to do. You’re just making it possible for people. Okay, I’m going to go to the phones here, let’s see here. Our person who’s calling from… Bridget Malar, from London?

Caller: Oh, hello!

Lisa: Hi!

Christie: Hi ya!

Caller: Hi Christie, hi Lisa.

Lisa: How are you?

Caller: I’m good, how are you?

Christie: Good, thank you! *laughter* What can we help you with?

Caller: Yeah, I did your abundance program last year and I also worked with you on a 1-on-1 basis, I’m the actress with the block about…

Christie: Oh, yes! Of course, of course, how are you?

Caller: I’m good, I’m good, because last year, I couldn’t manifest auditions. Now I’m manifesting plenty of auditions, much more than last year, and I’m actually nailing jobs as well and booking jobs as well, but something strange is happening. Now, I’m even getting offered jobs that I don’t want, and projects seem to be getting postponed. So, am I slowing myself down, or are we creating something collectively with the producer and the director and how does that work?

Christie: Well, it feels like… for those of you listening… one of her blocks was she wasn’t nailing down the auditions and she had a little abandonment or something going on, right?

Caller: Yeah, yeah.

Christie: So now, the first thing is, if you’re getting… I would not slow down the energy, I would let yourself receive even the jobs that you don’t want to receive, okay? So don’t make that a wrongness…

Caller: Okay…

Christie: …because the universe is just showing you up a lot of things and you get the free will choice in each moment to say yes or no, does it feel fulfilling to me?

Caller: Yeah.

Christie: Now, when it’s coming for other people, though, it feels like some of the blocks are other people’s blocks, not yours, that are getting picked up, with the delays and things like that. I’m mostly hearing that you just need to keep your energy open, and don’t make a wrongness out of other things, and start sending some energy towards the whole production itself, towards the producers, towards those kind of things. I hear you have a little bit of a doubt that you don’t think that you can positively influence the world around you?

Caller: Yeah.

Christie: So, for everybody, let’s just clear that for her and everybody on this call, because I have an energy inside myself, for instance. I put a download in me that my energy positively uplifts everybody around me, and everybody’s consciousness, whoever I encounter in the grocery store, on the road, anywhere, their consciousness bumps up to my vibration versus me going down to theirs. Right? So, for those of you who are kind of people pleasers, *laughter* …sometimes you’ll accidentally take your energy down too low, and I think you’re doing that a little bit. Like, you’re going into a little doubt about it?

Caller: Yeah.

Christie: So, yeah… Okay, so everybody listening… So, we’re going to transmute and clear. Everywhere you guys would lower your frequency to those around you, and then we’re going to transmute and clear everywhere you think that you have to lower your vibe. Okay, one more time, to everybody around you, transmute and clear that, across all time, dimension, space, reality; and then we’re going to ask that the energy come in you that fills you up so much with the knowing and the believing and the having that your consciousness positively influences everybody around you. So, we’re going to ask that everything you’re currently working on or that is going to come to you in the future, we’re going to ask that the higher flow of Love and Above energy goes through all of it, positively infusing all the people, places, things, ideas and events, so that they work in

your favor, and in everybody’s favor in a very abundant, positive, grateful, joyful – easy – *laughter*…

Lisa: Yes, yes…

Christie: …easy way.

Lisa: Very, very nice. I love that… what you just said; and thank you so much for being that example for us, I really appreciate it and you have been holding since the beginning of the call, so I really am glad that we got you on there, thank you.

Caller: Thank you very much.

Lisa: Absolutely!

Caller: Thank you.

Lisa: Feels great.

Christie: Thank you.

Caller: Take care!

Lisa: Awww!

Christie: *laughter*

Lisa: So much enthusiasm! I love the fact that you said that, though… that you’re bringing… everyone that you touch feels that vibration, and when you said Love and Above, you mean everything that is love and more, right? Is that what Love and Above means?

Christie: Yeah, so the higher vibrations are love and joy and peace and enlightenment, and gratefulness. So maybe not all the words are attached to it all, so… like, I’m always a more and more and more girl, you know? *laughter*

Lisa: Yeah, well… when you live with the world of energy, then you can actually take that, yes.

Christie: Yeah, and so, for those of you… that was a little bit of tool number 11 that I have in my kit, which is the Blessing Ball of Light, where we’re sending out an energy into the future, and to the people around you. I get more comments on that tool number 11 because people say it’s like the instant charisma. You know, I’ve had people say, “I could be in my sloppy clothes…” I had one lady, she was so hilarious, she goes, “I’m 50 years old, I had no makeup, I looked like crap, but because I’d been sending all these Blessing Balls to everybody, everybody is just looking at me! *laughter* You know? …and she’s like, “You have to understand, I know it’s my energy, it’s not really because I’m out, 20 years old, lookin’ hot!” You know? *laughter*

Lisa: How did you come up with these tools, and why did you think to put them together in this way, which is really brilliant?

Christie: Well, what happened is, when I was working with my clients, I had to give them something that they would go do, and so I had to think of practical things that people could go “Okay, in 2 seconds or less, I can go do that, and that will change something.” Then they’d give me feedback. They’d go “Okay I tried this, and this didn’t work,” …or, “I did this and this really works!” So, I just kind of kept the favorites, that people said, “Okay, I can totally do that.” One of my clients (he’s one of my cool stories), Lawrence the Lawyer, he said “Christie, I want to manifest working half the time, but double my income.” I said, “Okay, let’s go for it!’ *laughter*

Lisa: Yep, mm-hmm…

Christie: One of the things he did was he used the Blessing Ball, tool number 11, and he blessed his file cabinet every day, which represented his clients. So, he was the kind of lawyer that got paid for helping hospitals get money from insurance companies that hadn’t paid. That was how he made a living. So the more files he got paid, the more money he would make. As soon as he started sending the Blessing Ball of Light, instead of going in at 7 or 8 in the morning and leaving at 4 or 5, he’d go in at 10, leave at 2, and his business partner was like, “What? What are you doing?” At the end of the month, there were stats that proved that him blessing the file cabinet, as hilarious as that sounds, actually made him more money. Doubled his money working half the time.

Lisa: Huh! So, it really… wow! When you really understand the power of energy, it’s incredible what you can manifest, and remembering that, I think that’s one of the good things about the tool kit, is it helps you with the daily practice. I’m so all about the practicality of consciousness. We can learn about it, we can go to the mountain top, but if we can’t use it in our lives with our families and our soccer fields or wherever we are in our lives, what’s the point? So, I love that you give us the tool kit, I love that you give us ideas and things and clearings and statements and balls of energy and all of that stuff.

I can use that in traffic. I can use that when I’m pushing too hard against something and I just want a tool to release it and let it go. I can use it in many different areas of my life. Okay, we’re just going to go to another caller, if we can, if you’re okay with that.

Christie: Mm-hmm, yeah!

Lisa: From Ashton Maryland, do you have a comment or question for Christie Marie Sheldon?

Caller: Is that me? This is Laura.

Lisa: Yes, please!

Christie: Hi, Laura.

Lisa: Hi, Laura.

Caller: Oh, hi!

Christie: Hi!

Caller: Thank you so much, Christie, for all you do for everything.

Christie: Oh, thank you.

Caller: I have a problem of… there’s so much going on in my life that I’m really trying to stay in this love and joy, and I can’t always stay there. So is… you know, sometimes it’s just… some days I… I just feel dragged down and… things are just a little too much.

Christie: You know what I’m getting? My main energy that I’m getting with you is I feel like you’re a little stuck in confusion or “I don’t know” a lot on a daily basis, does that come up with you, like you don’t know what to do?

Caller: I’m in the process of trying to get a house finished, built up, 250 miles away, where my husband is, and I’m at this house, trying to get things done here, and there’s been so many delays and upsets and things going on in the family, and… just… yeah, so there’s probably… *laughter*

Christie: Okay, you’re in the middle of a lot of transition.

Caller: Yeah, so that’s… ‘cause I think that’s making it a little bit hard on me… but, I…

Christie: Yeah, well, I mean… I can give you some… a couple of short… you know, like, for instance… for sure every day, connect to the light so you’re in a higher vibration.

Caller: Uh-huh.

Christie: Now, can you talk your husband into connecting into light or is that a little too weird for him?

Caller: Yeah, he’s not getting with what I’m getting into, with all this energy healing and…

Christie: Okay... that’s okay.

Caller: …which I think is wonderful.

Lisa: Yeah.

Christie: Yeah, because it…

Caller: I’ve cleared constant pains that I used to have, and I’m totally growing, but it’s just hard sustaining being in joy and love every minute.

Christie: Well, you’re kind of getting used to a new frequency, and you have a lot of people pulling on your energy.

Caller: Uh-huh.

Christie: So, the things that were coming up for me when you were talking is #1, make sure you cut your cords every day, so you pull in the higher vibrational light and you cut the cords of anything negative that’s attached to you. #2, when you connect to the light, visualize your husband connected to the light, OK? …because that’ll help. You can kind of do that for another person, so visualize while you’re doing it for you, visualize your husband so that his energy is a lot more of a higher frequency. Now again, for everybody listening, you’re going, “Well, can I do that for another person?” You can. They still have free will choice, he could turn down the energy, but she’s offering it to him, and I have a suspicion that he will take it. He’ll just feel better and he won’t know why… *laughter*

Lisa: Nice, yes.

Christie: …and then, I keep hearing that you need to ask “What should I do right now?” You know what I mean?

Caller: Uh-huh.

Christie: Like in a very practical… “What am I guided to do right now?” That will kind of open… you know, keep you kind of not confused, or something. I just get all this overwhelm, right?

Caller: Yeah.

Christie: Then, once you’re connected to the higher vibrational light, make sure you send it to all the workers. You know? I’ve done multiple home constructions, and I find that if I send a lot of light and Blessing Balls to all the workers and the people who are helping me, it’s funny what kind of kinks get solved.

Lisa: That’s, again, using the energy to work things on an energetic level, and I thank you for your phone call! Keep up the energy work and the energy healing because it’s worked for you already?

Caller: Yeah!

Lisa: That’s great evidence in your life, that it’s working for you, and you can keep going with it, and also, I like the idea about clearing the cords of all the family stuff that’s going on around you, because then it won’t get you down. Good, great. All right, thank you very much for your call.

Caller: Thank you so much, this is really, really helpful.

Lisa: Good.

Christie: You’re just getting used to a new energy, you know what I mean? The longer you do it, and kind of fix the people around you, it feels like it will go a little quicker.

Caller: Oh, thank you so much.

Lisa: I love this, wow. Thank you!

Caller: I send you love.

Lisa: Aw, thanks.

Christie: *laughter* Thank you!

Lisa: People get so much from just the people that we are taking on terms of the calls because that’s something that I could use around me as well, and I just want to remind the listeners that the toolkit there is enormous. It is a huge incredible offering, the value is so high and to have those types of tools in your toolkit for clearing things that you have been trying to bust through for years, or that are limiting you from doing things is such a huge gift, it’s such a value to yourself to have those types of tools because everything is energy; and then if you use energy to fix energy, it goes so much faster! It’s just one of those things that I love hearing from people, that it works, and that they are using energetic tools and so forth because it really does, and I also have to just say that the package has been priced at such a really, really good price, and there’s payment options, I mean, there’s like… no reason not to do this. It’s pretty accessible for people. So, I wanted to thank you so much, Christie, and to Mindvalley and for everyone for making this such a rock star deal for people. I really appreciate that, it makes it… it takes the excuses out and it makes it something that is easy to get into people’s hands, because you’re up to something big. If these tools get into so many people’s hands and we all start emanating this type of love consciousness, then this is how you take the critical mass and you shift it! *laughter*

Christie: Yes! *laughter*

Lisa: That’s how you tip the scales, absolutely. So, I appreciate so much of what you’re doing, and I’m on the same page and we’re all here to change the world so let’s do it!

Christie: Yeah, I agree! *laughter*

Lisa: *laughter* …and make it fun in the mean time. So, thank you so much, I really appreciate it. I encourage you, also, the listeners, please go to that website, take advantage of that offer, because it really is a huge value. It’s not even put on there, the biggest value… because you can’t. You can’t put a price on all those clearings and all those modules and all those things, you’ve just done a great job with that so thank you very much!

Christie: My pleasure.

Lisa: It’s been a pleasure to speak with you and to meet you for the first time! I can’t believe we’ve never done an interview before but it was so easy and I feel like I’ve known you for such a long time!

Christie: *laughter* Yeah, thank you so much, thank you… I mean, really… just also thank you for holding such a cool space for the world, I mean, you know?

Lisa: Yeah, yes!

Christie: I know you’ve been doing this for quite a while, so I really appreciate that.

Lisa: Well, thank you, and you know, when the energies are aligned and when we’re in such a great space to co-conspire to help this incredible universe that we’re in then it always is going to flow, so I’ll do it again with you, okay?

Christie: All right, love it. *laughter*

Lisa: All right, thank you so much Christie Marie Sheldon, I want to keep going forever but I have to honor everyone’s time and you’ve got things to do. So, listen to the replay of this show. Go just to the special offer and get that, because that will give you hours and hours of these clearings and tools and techniques that work. So, thank you so much.

Christie: Yeah, my pleasure! Many blessings to everyone!

Lisa: All right, and to you too, and to everyone else, and thank you to my incredible team at The Aware Show, you guys make everything so seamless and flawless and I so appreciate everything working. So, until next time, I invite you all to STAY AWARE.

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