The Battle of Austerlitz

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Napoleon's brilliance in the Battle of Austerlitz


  • 1. The Battle of Austerlitz
    By Kenisha Browning

2. Introduction
The Battle of Austerlitz was the deciding engagement of the War of the
Third Coalition (1805) during the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815). In 1805,
Napoleon Bonaparte's tactics of speed and surprise enabled his grand
army to march over 700 miles and crush the two largest armies in
The primary weapon of the era was Napoleon's mind, his tactics and
daring at the battle of Austerlitz established his reputation as one of
history's greatest commanders.
3. Personal Profiles
Russia Alexander 1st
He believed he was a messiah who was going to reenergise and restore Europes old order after the French Revolution.
He was only 27 at the time of Austerlitz, he was acceptable to flattery. He believed he was going to be a great general but had no background training and had never studied warfare or the military like Napoleon had.
Austria Francis 1st
Most conservative ruler in Europe, Francis was endangered by the radical ideas of the French Revolution. He had been badly beaten by the French in 1800 and now he saw his chance for revenge.
4. Prologue
Europe had been in turmoil since the start of the French
Revolutionary Wars in 1792. In 1797, after five years of war, the
French Republic subdued the First Coalition. A Second
Coalition was formed in 1798, but by 1801, this too was defeated,
leaving Britain the only opponent of the new French Consulate. In
March 1802, France and Britain agreed to end hostilities under the
Treaty of Amiens. For the first time in ten years, all of Europe was at
peace. However, many problems persisted between the two sides,
making implementation of the treaty increasingly difficult. The British
government resented having to turn over most of the colonial
conquests it had made since 1793. Napoleon was angry that British
troops had not evacuated the island of Malta. The tense situation
only worsened when Napoleon sent an expeditionary force to crush
the Haitian Revolution.In May 1803, Britain declared war on France.
5. The third Coalition
In December 1804, an Anglo
Swedish agreement led to the
creation of the Third Coalition.
British Prime Minister William Pitt
spent 1804 and 1805 in a flurry of
diplomatic activity geared towards
forming a new coalition against
France. Mutual suspicion between the
British and the Russians eased in the
face of several French political
mistakes, and by April 1805, Britain
and Russia had signed an alliance.
Having been defeated twice in
recent memory by France, and being
keen on revenge, Austria joined the
coalition a few months later.
6. La Grande Arme
Prior to the formation of the Third Coalition,
Napoleon had assembled an invasion force
called the Army of England around six camps
at Boulogne in Northern France. He intended
to use this invasion force to strike at England.
Although they never set foot on British soil,
Napoleon's troops received careful and
invaluable training for any possible military
operation. The men at Boulogne formed the
core for what Napoleon would later call La
Grande Arme (The Great Army). At the
start, this French army had about 200,000
men organized into seven corps, which were
Large field units that contained 36 to 40
cannon each and were capable of
independent action until other corps could
come to the rescue. A single corps could
survive at least a day without support, giving
the Grande Arme countless strategic and
tactical options on every campaign. By 1805,
the Grande Arme had grown to a force of
350,000 men, who were well equipped, well
trained, and led by competent officers.
7. Russian army
The Russian army in 1805 had many characteristics of
Ancient Rgime organization; there was no permanent
formation above the regimental level, senior officers
were largely recruited from aristocratic circles and the
Russian soldier, in line with 18th-century practice, was
regularly beaten and punished "to instil discipline".
Furthermore, many lower-level officers were poorly
trained and had difficulty getting their men to perform
the sometimes complex manoeuvres required in a
battle. However, the Russians did have a fine artillery
arm, manned by soldiers who regularly fought hard to
prevent their pieces from falling into enemy hands.
8. Austrian Army
Archduke Charles, brother of the Austrian Emperor, had started to reform
the Austrian army in 1801 by taking away power from the Hofkriegsrat, the
military council responsible for decision-making in the Austrian armed forces.
Charles was Austria's best field commander, but he was unpopular with the
royal court and lost much influence when, against his advice, Austria
decided to go to war with France. Karl Mack became the new main
commander in Austria's army, instituting infantry reforms on the eve of the
war that called for a regiment to be composed of four battalions of four
companies, rather than the older three battalions of six companies. The
sudden change came with no corresponding officer training, and as a
result these new units were not led as well as they couldhave been. The
Austrian cavalry was regarded as the best cavalry in Europe, but the
detachment of many cavalry units to various infantry formations reduced its
effectiveness against its massed French counterpart.
9. The Plan
William Pitt (British) paid the
Austrians and the Russians
in Gold to crush the newly
found French emperor on
land, while 175 British
Warships continued to hold
Napoleon off by sea.
Austria and Russia would
Target two cities allied to
the French; Italy and
10. Overview of Austerlitz
With threats emerging from the Russia
and Austria, Napoleon abandoned his
ambitions to invade England during
the summer of 1805, and turned to
deal with these new adversaries.
Moving with speed and efficiency,
200,000 French troops departed their
camps near Boulogne and began
crossing the Rhine along a 160-mile
front on September 25. Responding to
the threat, Austrian General Karl Mack
concentrated his army at the fortress
of Ulm in Bavaria. Conducting a
brilliant campaign of manoeuvre,
Napoleon swung north and
descended on the Austrian rear.
11. Overview of Austerlitz
After winning a series of battles, Napoleon
captured Mack and 23,000 men at Ulm on
October 20. Though the victory was dampened
by Vice Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson's triumph at
Trafalgar the next day, the Ulm Campaign
effectively opened the way to Vienna which fell
to French forces in November. To the northeast, a
Russian field army under General Kutusov had
gathered and absorbed many of the remaining
Austrian units. The French followed, but soon
found themselves in an unenviable disposition:
Prussian intentions were unknown and could be
hostile, the Russian and Austrian armies now
converged, and to add to Napoleon's
challenges, the French lines of communication
were extremely long and required strong
garrisons to keep them open. Napoleon realized
that the only meaningful way to capitalize on the
success at Ulm was to force the Allies to battle
and defeat them. Fortunately for him, the Russian
Tsar was eager to fight.
12. Battlefield
The battle took place six
miles southeast of the
town of Brno, between
that town and Austerlitz
in what is now the Czech
Republic. The northern
part of the battlefield
was dominated by the
700-foot Santon hill and
the 850-foot Zuran hill.
13. Allied plans and dispositions
An Allied council met on 1 December to discuss proposals for the
battle. Most of the Allied strategists had two fundamental ideas in
mind: making contact with the enemy and securing the southern
flank that led to Vienna. Although the Tsar and his immediate
entourage pushed hard for a battle, Emperor Francis of Austria was
in a more cautious mood, and he was seconded by Kutuzov, the
main Russian commander. The pressure to fight from the Russian
nobles and the Austrian commanders, however, was too strong,
and the Allies adopted Weyrother's plan. This called for a main drive
against the French right flank, which the Allies noticed was lightly
guarded and diversionary attacks against the French left. The Allies
deployed most of their troops into four columns that would attack
the French right. The Russian Imperial Guard was held in reserve
while Russian troops guarded the Allied right.
14. French plans and dispositions
Days before any actual fighting, Napoleon had given an impression to the
Allies that his army was in a weak state and that he desired a negotiated
peace. In reality, he was hoping that they would attack, and to encourage
them on this mission he deliberately weakened his right flank.On 28
November Napoleon met with his marshals who informed him of their
problems with the forthcoming battle. They even suggested a retreat, but he
shrugged off their complaints. Napoleon's plan envisioned that the Allies
would throw so many troops to enclose his right flank that their centre would
be severely weakened. He counted on a massive French thrust through the
centre to cripple the Allied army, to be conducted by 16,000 troops of Soult's
IV Corps. Meanwhile, to support his weak right flank, Napoleon ordered
Davout's III Corps force to march all the way from Vienna and join General
Legrand's men, who held the extreme southern flank that would bear the
heavy part of the Allied attack. Davout's soldiers had 48 hours to march
70 miles. Their arrival was crucial in determining the success of the French
plan. The Imperial Guard and Bernadotte's I Corps were held in reserve while
the V Corps under Lannes guarded the northern sector of the battlefield.
15. Battle is joined
16. "One sharp blow and the war is over"
A dense fog helped to cloud the advance of St. Hilaire's division, but
as they went up the slope the legendary Sun of Austerlitz' ripped
the mist apart and encouraged them forward. Russian soldiers and
commanders on top of the heights were stunned to see so many
French troops coming towards them. Allied commanders were now
able to feed some of the delayed detachments of the fourth
column into this bitter struggle. Over an hour of fighting destroyed
much of this unit. The other men from the second column, mostly
inexperienced Austrians, also participated in the struggle and
swung the numbers against one of the best fighting forces in the
French army, eventually forcing them to withdraw down the slopes.
However, gripped by desperation, St. Hilaire's men struck hard once
more and bayoneted the Allies out of the heights. To the north,
General Vandamme's division attacked an area called Star
Vinohrady and through talented skirmishing and deadly volleys broke
several Allied battalions.
17. The battle had firmly turned in France's favour,
but it was far from over. Napoleon ordered
Bernadotte's I Corps to support Vandamme's left
and moved his own command center from
Zuran Hill to St. Anthony's Chapel on the Pratzen
Heights. The difficult position of the Allies was
confirmed by the decision to send in the Russian
Imperial Guard; Grand Duke Constantine, Tsar
Alexander's brother, commanded the Guard
and counterattacked in Vandamme's section of
the field, forcing a bloody effort and the only loss
of a French standard in the battle. Sensing
trouble, Napoleon ordered his own heavy Guard
cavalry forward. These men pulverized their
Russian counterparts, but with both sides pouring
in large masses of cavalry no victory was clear
yet. The Russians had a numerical advantage
here but fairly soon the tide swung as Drouet's
Division, deployed on the flank of the action and
allowed French cavalry to seek refuge behind
their lines. The horse artillery of the Guard also
inflicted heavy casualties on the Russian cavalry
and fusiliers. The Russians broke and many died
as they were pursued by the reinvigorated
French cavalry for about a quarter of a mile.
18. Endgame
Napoleon's focus now shifted towards the southern
end of the battlefield where the French and the Allies
were still fighting over Sokolnitz and Telnitz. In an
effective double pronged assault, St. Hilaire's division
and part of Davout's III Corps smashed through the
enemy at Sokolnitz and persuaded the commanders
of the first two columns, Generals Kienmayer and
Langeron, to flee as fast as they could. Buxhowden,
the commander of the Allied left and the man
responsible for leading the attack, fled as well.
19. Endgame
20. Historical Interpretation
Napoleon did not succeed in defeating the
Allied army as thoroughly as he wanted, but
historians and enthusiasts alike recognize that
the original plan provided a significant victory.
Some historians suggest that Napoleon was so
successful at Austerlitz that he lost touch with
reality, and what used to be French foreign
policy became a "personal Napoleonic one
after the battle. In French history, Austerlitz is
acknowledged as an impressive military victory.