The Benefits of Off-Season Travel

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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The Benefits of Off-Season Travel

Marieve Rodriguez

The Benefits of Off-Season Travel

The off season tends to be the black sheep of travel – it’s the time of year in between peak “tourism times”, when you’ve missed the best weather or after a holiday/prominent festival

Too often, people miss out on traveling to a new country and exploring a region because they assume they will encounter less than ideal weather conditions

Obviously, you wouldn’t want to explore Mount Kilimanjaro in 104 degree heat or trek through excessive snow in the Alps; however, for the most part, traveling during the off-season is generally the way to go

Your Wallet Will Thank You

You get the most bang for your buck during the off-season. Hotels, airline companies, and even restaurants lower their prices

You’ll be able to book rooms at as much as 50 percent off the usual cost and flights will leave you wondering why you didn’t consider off season traveling earlier

Keep in mind, the money you save on travel and lodging can go towards souvenirs and fancy dinners.

No CrowdsThere is nothing wrong with tourists (especially seeing that you yourself are one), but during the off-season you get to experience paradise on your own

You don’t have to wake up before dawn to secure a spot on the beach or call weeks in advance to schedule a tour

You get to experience the must-see sites in your own time and discover the area through the eyes of a local.

Great WeatherI know, this sounds like a hypocritical statement. The peak season tends to have the best weather (as mentioned above), which is why everybody travels during this time

However, these days the weather is so temperamental that even during the so-called peak season, you may end up finding yourself in a torrential downpour

So who is to say that the peak season is in fact the best season to travel? Even if you travel during the rainy season of a specific country, it doesn’t typically rain 24/7 and the sun may even shine the entire time, so travel when you want to don’t let the weather define your vacation.