The Best Cubicle Configuration for Your Business

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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description | A well designed cubicle configuration for your office can greatly improve your employees’ productivity and efficiency. Learn in the following presentation how you can design your own cubicle configuration.


The Best Cubicle

Configuration for Your


“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works…”

-Steve Jobs

Your Business, Your Needs…

When designing your cubicle configuration there are many things to consider. From style to size, ultimately it’s the needs of your business that comes first.

In the following presentation we’ve compiled helpful tips on designing your cubicle layout and the best cubicle configurations for your specific industry.

Always Remember…

When designing your cubicle configuration, there are 5 important things you should always remember:

1. Space: Know the exact measurements of your office space. 2. Employees Needs: Research and examine the needs of your employees and if

applicable, what issues they are facing with their current set up. 3. Storage: As your business grows, keep in mind storage space in your planning. 4. Safety: Learn as much as possible what building and safety regulations are required

in your area. 5. Budget: Be realistic and aware of how much you can spend on cubicles and

workstation set ups.

Common Layouts

Below we’ve listed some common layouts you’ll find in offices.

1. Cluster: Cluster configurations are commonly used in large office spaces. They share a center cubicle wall or “spine” and are ideal for businesses with many employees.

2. Rows: Rows are often used for cubicles that are set against a wall and are an effective use of space.

3. Bullpen: Bullpens are one large cubicle shared by many employees. They are beneficial for team settings.

4. Private Offices: Cubicles with tall walls can be transformed into private offices for management or employees that needs more privacy.

What layout you choose will depend on your space, need, storage capacity, safety and budget.

Office Case Studies

In the next few pages we have compiled case studies specific to industries and settings that often use cubicles. We will be exploring design challenges and solutions for:

1. Call Centers2. Administrative3. Technology4. Managerial

Challenge: Call centers often face the challenge of having to accommodate many employees in an open space setting. They need more privacy for phone calls, but also supervision for quality control.

Solution: A cluster configuration with partial walls can be a beneficial solution for call centers. Cubicles can often be ordered with sound proofing walls that reduce noise and allow your employees to focus.

Call center employees generally only require a space large enough for their computer, telephone and writing utensils.

Supervisors should be placed in a central location with enough walk space to properly monitor their staff.

Call Centers

Challenge: Administrative offices face the challenge of having enough storage within the cubicle and in the office. Depending on the amount of phone calls they take, they may or may not need additional privacy.

Solution: Cluster or row configurations can work well for an administrative office. Since space for files is often an issue in these setting, invest in cubicles with overhead cabinets or drawers underneath the desk.

Due to paperwork, a large work surface if necessary for employees to effectively do their jobs.

Typically, partial walls are all that is needed for these work spaces.



Challenge: Those who work in technology are often separated into teams. They need a private environment and a space large enough to collaborate with their coworkers. They also need a space that allows them to have multiple electrical outlets for their equipment.

Solution: A bullpen configuration with taller walls may be appropriate for a technology company. Invest in cubicles that have room for multiple cables to connect to their outlets.

Cubicle walls with magnetic or soft surfaces are useful for employees to post up their notes. Overhead cabinets and drawers underneath the desk can allow employees to increase their productivity and organize their space.

Challenge: Managers and supervisors need a private space, ideally with doors and tall walls. They also need enough room to handle larger gatherings and employee meetings.

Solution: Many cubicles are available with enclosed doors and tall walls.

For the sake of cost reduction, cubicles can be configured with shared walls. An L-shaped or U-shaped desk will provide enough personal work space. Larger cubicles are a good ideal for managers that need a separate desk or other furniture for meetings and gatherings.

Overhead cabinets or drawers underneath the desk are necessary for storage and effective use of space.


For More InformationSince 1929, Arnold’s Office Furniture has been providing businesses with design and space solutions at an affordable cost. To learn more about Arnold’s and how they can help you with your cubicle configuration, contact them at:


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