The Bestowal Mission of Michael Of Nebadon in the 21st Century

Post on 08-Apr-2016

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The Divine Mission of the Creator Son of Paradise Origin




In the 21st Century



I have come to illuminate the avenues of the creature approach to the Universal Father.

I and the Creative Mother Spirit do offer to human beings at this time the original

comprehension of mine teachings from ages past placed into modern times. I and the

Mother of this Universe are seeking to bring an intellectual emancipation to the minds

of this human race, and the foster then, the spiritual illumination for individuals who

are willing to let go of their own ideas concerning God and His way. We teach the full

and complete Atonement through the Divine Plan of Salvation for human life having

completed the Earth Journey at a prior time and having returned to teach the way, the

truth, and the approach to an eternal life more abundant — the very next stage of

progressive evolutionary development for human beings. Through this Divine Plan of

Salvation and the fulfillment of the Law through Right Action of the Law of

Redemption, you are destined for greater progressive Perfection; it is your divine

inheritance waiting to be given to you once ye have prepared a place to receive of Him;

for I have been sent by the Father of Mercies in alignment with Christ, Holy Spirit, and

the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter.

In this Threefold Atonement and Initiation into Life Everlasting, you build for yourself

the Living Tapestry of the Seamless Garment of Eternal Light establishing immortality

at the close of this lifetime or the very next. This is the Demonstration and Teaching

given by the Master Jesus as he underwent the Transfiguration of human density into

Light, the Resurrection unto the Higher Christ Body of Light, and the Ascension back

unto His Universal God Self. It is the God-given way that the Creative Center and

Source has designed to expand the Kingdom of Light and Life. It is the understanding

of this Great Infinite Law of Life and its Conscious Application that awakens the

completion of the Threefold Atonement.

You weave this Garment of Life Everlasting out of the imperfections of the Garment or

Body of mortal flesh; and it must be attained while you are still in the human imperfect

form. This is your demonstration that you understand the mastery of how to redeem all

things unto Light through perfected attunement with the Father’s Will and Intent. It is

the curriculum and completion of form through the art and science of Precipitation and

Etherealization; and so, I teach the way of Salvation, the truth of Redemption, the life of

the Threefold Initiation of Atonement unto Eternity.

This Plan of Salvation and the fulfillment of the Law of Redemption brings upon each

aspirant eternal life everlasting established by your cooperation with divine will and

law before you even touch the hem of physical death. You bypass physical body death

through your mastery and cooperation. This is the Full Forgiveness of all error set into

motion by you over lifetimes of using the immaculate and pristine Life Force that is

within you and which you are, in order to create all of your lifetime experiences. You

heal all destructive momentums and accumulations of error.

It is a certainty that all paths lead to this culminating fulfillment for the individual. It is

this Initiation into Light and Life Everlasting that must be attained in order to progress

beyond the Earth curriculum of pleasure and pain, birth and death in the creative use of

the individualization of God. It is the fulfillment of the Spiritual Promise given by

Christ Jesus: ‘to have life more abundant’, to do the works of the Sonship of the One

Christ so that, ‘the things that I do, ye too shall do, and even greater’ and ‘he who

believes as I believe shall have Life Everlasting.’

In and through my service to humanity, I am able to bring down unto you more than

you can draw down unto yourselves. I work with the Infinite Holy Spirit, one with the

Universal Father and the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter Presence, in preparing your

readiness to receive a greater portion of your own inheritance. I show you the way to

create a Field of Receptivity that awakens in you the Living Tapestry of Eternal Light






1. I share with you here a few of the many benefits of my ministry to humanity. The

completion of your journey of lifetimes within the Earth must be fulfilled by you

consciously. It is how the bride and the bridegroom unite eternally; it is the way

in which the pre-personal fragment of the Father unites with the personalize soul

to become a greater being with eternal capability;

2. You become raised up into the next stage of your progressive evolutionary career

unto Paradise by learning of this vision of the Christ Intelligence for the Body of

Humanity. I know whereof I speak because I was there when the plan was

formulated and designed; for each is an inseparable member within the One

Body of Humanity, and even further still, each is a manifestation of the Universal

Body. Upon the complete and full Atonement you become a Conscious

Individualization of God Himself in every way possible for you. You cross the

bridge unto Life Everlasting and begin your journey out from the womb of the

Mother and the gestation period of earth life.

3. In the ritual of the threefold initiation of Atonement — transfiguration,

resurrection, and ascension — which I help you to fully understand there is the

highly transformative energies of the Heavenly Host which radiate unto the

students, consuming their density and darkness in order to lighten each up and

prepare each to receive in greater measure, to help you make the necessary and

permanent changes to erase your separation in the atonement process. I am sent

of the Father, commissioned from above, and in alignment with the Universal

Christ, Infinite Holy Spirit, and at one with the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter

Presence of Jesus, having just come from the higher octaves with a directive to

prepare those students to receive their inheritance in all glory and honor and


4. I explain lucidly the Law of Redemption through the atonement process and

how it is a science and an art to attain and must be understood correctly as you

apply your creative free will towards securing for yourself immortality.

5. I and others have completed the journey of the Earth in prior lifetimes; that

completion is the transfiguration, resurrection, and ascension. That is what Jesus

demonstrated and taught and is still teaching. The world of perception is the

world of time, change, of beginnings and endings. It is based on interpretation,

not on facts. It is the world of birth and death, founded on the belief in scarcity,

loss, separation, and death. Death, my beloved brothers and sister is not what

Jesus taught and is not a part of the divine plan for human beings.

6. I show people how to understand certain things within the great texts of history

that are still not fully understood.

7. I share with people where this all leads and what occurs for you after this

lifetime. If people choose to die they experience a return to fourth dimensional

levels within the Earth itself, and if they fulfill the law of Redemption and attain

the Atonement by embodying their own Christ Principle of Light, then they have

fulfilled the teachings of Jesus the Christ and as such a greater manifestation

occurs for them. Through the threefold initiation of Atonement which is the

attunement to the Plan of Salvation and the Will of the Father for human beings

you each transcend birth and rebirth and establish within eternal life

everlasting — immortality.

8. There is a very specific understanding and requirement that must be fulfilled at

some certain point in their lifetimes if they have the ears to hear and the eyes to

see and perceive. In other words, they must fulfill this initiation to access eternity

at some point during their lifetimes within the womb of the Earth Mother.

9. So I share with people where they were before this lifetime, what the purpose is

in this lifetime, and where they will be heading after this lifetime.

10. I am very adept at helping people evolve from perception to knowledge, from

overly subjective to a normal objectivity as taught in the course through the

reconciliation of opposites. How to identify and embody the Christ Principle

within them and claim their authority in Christ to command the Christ Fire of

Love to come and erase their unwanted destructive conditions in their life to

establish Harmony, Healing, and Pure Happiness — all prerequisites on the way

of the transfiguration of density into light, resurrection into the Christ Body of

Light, and Ascension into their own God Presence which is and remains a

uniquely individualized personality of the Omnipresent Christ.

11. The techniques used by Jesus to awaken out of the dream of separation,

subjectivity and the perceptual sensory world of appearances and awaken into

Knowledge and Christ Consciousness. The fallen human mind is stuck and holds

in bondage the soul personality that you are. It knows itself through outer

perceptions that confirm what it already thinks it knows as fact. Yet, it is always

a projection and judgment of what it needs to confront within itself. I take your

hand and show you how to reconcile the opposites which hold that fallen mind

in place.

12. I teach the threefold spirit endowment as given by the Christ Intelligence —

 Father, Son, and Spirit — and how this is the one and only divine circuit that

gives a person the ability and power to evolve by dissolving the ego structures of

duality — the false identification with the dream and the ego separation -they are

not meant to be individual personalities separate from God within the dream of

perception and subjectivity, but Individualizations of God with all authority and

right, power and ability to command the Life Principle of themselves into

transfiguring all darkness and density into light. This is the fulfillment of the

Spiritual Promise that they agreed to eons ago at the beginning of their

incarnations in the garment of flesh.

13. Many paths of spirit and religious understandings are intended to prepare

students in their receptivity towards fulfilling the threefold initiation of

Atonement unto the seamless garment of Light eternal. This is the core of what I

teach and share with others while walking with them through the Circuits of the

three Persons of the triune One God.

14. I show them the law of forgiveness through the law of Redemption and this

reconciliation of opposites so that they dissolve and consume fear and doubt;

thus they fulfill the Spiritual Promise of ‘as ye sow, so shall ye reap’; this I show

them the way and approach used by the Master Jesus in demonstrating how to

bring themselves to freedom and immortality — Light and greater Life more


15. I come forward down from the octaves of pure light and Life alongside the

Heavenly Host and they stand with me, as it is their Radiation and divine

energies which outpour to students that I work with. There is an intense

outpouring of the Christ Principle to each one that aligns their free will with

God’s Will and attunes their life and motivations with His Plan of Salvation and

Law of Redemption.

16. I show you the spiritual techniques given by the Christ Intelligence to humanity

to ‘remember’, and to remember is to become once again a living member of the

One Body of the Christ Supreme; for there is only One Omnipresent family of

Life everywhere. In consciousness and Radiation, I've become that One Body of

humanity. All is within Me . . . All hearts are Mine just as my heart is yours. Each

must eventually claim this for themselves in accepting their inheritance from the

Father. I am here to facilitate that receptivity in each. Once you have made the

effort to accomplish this task of your Paradise career you adjust the momentum

of your existence from birth and rebirth, error and misperception, separation and

sorrows unto existing within the Universal Body of the Supreme Christ as an

individualized Sun of God with consciousness of the totality.

17. I demonstrate and usher you into a fuller acknowledgement and recognition of

the Christ of you and together I am able to show you how to make that a

permanent accomplishment; to walk the Earth as a living Christ and to then

fulfill the Atonement; the completion of all lifetimes in the sacred ritual of

transfiguration, resurrection, and ascension. You do not just dissolve after this

lifetime into some amorphous oneness and lose your personality and

individuality; for God almighty has a much grander Plan than merely that for

each one part of Himself. Instead, you become an Individualization of the

Supreme Christ at One with the Father’s Will and Intent and in Service and

Expression within this our local universe. The garment of Light is the merging

eternally with the Christ Principle of yourself which enfolds you and surrounds

you and has been guiding you throughout the centuries of thousands of

lifetimes. You are destined at some certain point in time to fulfill the mandates of

heaven to perfect thyself…thy vibrational frequency back into Light Supreme,

even as the great I AM, and in that, you transcend degeneration, disease, and

physical death. Your physical body becomes quickened electronically,

atomically, and spiritually unto the very same frequency vibration as the

enfolding Christ of Yourself….you become a uniquely personalized

individualization of the Christ Principle in consciousness and awareness, unified

and one with the body of the Universal Christ.

18. I help students realize their role in the atonement and the role of Jesus in the

atonement for this universe. I explain how the Christ Intelligence cancels out all

errors in the atonement process for each person and what that means and how to

cooperate to receive these accelerated results. I make intercession for you in the

atonement and I have spoken of this in the past. Jesus speaks of the Resurrection

as His word and life. Just what did He mean when he said “I AM the

Resurrection and the Life Everlasting.”

19. I show and explain how to glorify God in you and as you in the Holy Encounter.

I teach and share as a brother the fuller understanding of the Plan of Salvation

and the fulfillment of the Law of Redemption which leads you into the

Atonement — full and complete and eternally permanent. Your cooperation and

attunement to the Will of the Father becomes manifest in you, by you, through

you, for you, and even as you upon your fulfillment of this Spiritual Promise.

In the Majesty of His Love and Mercy

Thy Sovereign Son Michael

Our Organizations at SOVRNTY

Sovrnty Society

The Urantia Society of Michael Of Nebadon

Sovereign Societies of Light and Life at Sovrnty Society

Salvington College Seminary