The biggest game changer in human history - February/March 2013 The biggest game changer...

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WSIFebruary/March 2013

The biggest game changerin human history

It's bigger than the Internet. Bigger than the atom bomb. Bigger than the desk-top computer, the cellphone and the iPad all rolled into one.

Fracking is the greatest game changer ever. It completely turns the oil/energy equation on its head. The old suppliers of oil (like OPEC) are about to go the way of the horse & buggy. A whole new class of millionaires and billionaires is rising up in their place. The wealth they make will dwarf that created in the high-tech era.

In fact, it's already begun. The formerly backwaters state of North Dakota has the biggest boom economy in the nation. Unemployment there is a tiny 3.2%. Personal income has doubled. The state runs a surplus. All due to fracking.

This multi-million dollar opportunity has been dumped in your lap. It could make you richer than in your wildest dreams. And all you have to do is make a few simple trades, that I tell you about in this issue...

Not everyone uses the Internet. Not everyone has a cellphone or iPad.

But unless you are an aborigine, running stark naked over the Australian outback, you consume energy. Lots of the stuff. Just about every day of your life.

Whoever controls energy controls the world. That's why one of the biggest game changers of the last century was the huge oil deposits discovered in the Middle East.

Some of the most primitive people on the planet lived there. While the rest of the world was enjoying the fruits of the industrial revolution, they lived in tents. They roamed the desert in search of food, water and grass to graze their animals.

They practiced a religion out of the Dark ages. Cruel rulers had the power of life and death over their citizens. They built their society on cruelty and oppression.

Yet for a time they became the world's richest men. Leaders the world over bowed to them, on bent knees, and handed a quarter of the wealth of the planet to them.

And what did these Arab sheiks do with their great riches? They did not advance medicine. They didn't move science or technology

forward in any way. They didn't promote freedom, democracy or the brotherhood of man.

Instead, they bought the world's biggest yachts... built palaces in the sand... and financed suicide bombers. They spread jihad, blood and suffering across every continent on earth.

They could do this for just one reason. For awhile, they were able to control the world energy market -– and rig oil to over 20 times its true, historic market value.

Look at the blue line on the chart below. It shows you crude oil prices going back to 1861. You can see the historic price is under $5 a barrel.

You also see it is only after OPEC started rigging prices, in the early 1970s, that oil rose above its fair-market price established from the mid-1800s.

I told you many years ago these sky-high oil prices would come to no good for OPEC. They were committing slow-motion suicide. Rigging prices so high would make alternative fuels economically viable. Fuels that were more abundant, less costly -– and that would

Oil is about to go back to its historic price of under $5 a barrel

end up sending OPEC back to where it came from, i.e. the stone age. I told you the vast majority of Middle East oil would stay

buried in the ground forever. Untouched, unsold, unused. The Arabs' great wealth would be as fleeting as a desert mirage.

I told you the Middle East didn't have the world's largest oil reserves. The U.S. did. By far. I said we would become the world's largest oil producer and exporter.

Back then Wall Street was screaming that oil would soar to $200 a barrel. I called that b.s. spin, aimed at taking more of your money from you.

I told you oil would fall to $10 a barrel, and then collapse from there. Just like it always has, for the last 150 years, after every failed manipulation.

As usual, my predictions were met with laughter. Scorn. Sometimes even hatred.

But now everything I told you is starting to come true. The biggest revolution ever in energy is taking place, right before your eyes. It's already starting to rewrite the global energy equation.

Before it's over, old empires will crumble to dust. New ones will rise up in their place. Some of today's richest, most powerful men will become paupers. And the Sheiks of the desert stand will be receiving UN food aid.

For you it could be far different. Their demise could make you fabulously wealthy. In fact, by making a simple trade, you could turn a few thousand dollars into millions.

Oil was always nearly as common as dirt.Fracking means we can finally tap it

Contrary to popular myth, oil is not rare. It is basically the decomposition of any kind of bio-material. Leaves. Plants. Trees, Refuse of any kind. The bodies of every animal, fish and fowl that ever lived.

In short, most all life eventually turns into oil and oil-type substances. And since life is virtually everywhere -– teeming in its infinite variety -– oil also is virtually everywhere.

The problem is concentration. Until recently, oil drillers could only recover oil when it was gathered in one spot, in large pools.

But most oil does not form in big pools. It forms in trillions of small pockets. (Literally.) Many are trapped in rock deposits, especially shale. Until now, it was impossible for us to recover that oil.

Then the new computerized technologies called fracking

(hydraulic fracturing) and horizontal drilling came along. In a nutshell, fracking lets producers collect the oil from all

those small pockets. i.e. it frees up the hundreds of trillions of barrels of oil, that till now were trapped, inaccessible to us.

Horizontal drilling lets producers pool all that oil together, into a small number of wells.

This technology brings vast amounts of new energy to market. In quantities never conceived.

How big is the boom? Well, Saudi Arabia's total reserves amount to 267 billion barrels. Hold onto your hat. U.S. reserves, from its shale deposits alone, come to over 10 trillion barrels. i.e. Saudi Arabian oil is a little side-show compared to the U.S. supplies.

And now, thanks to fracking, we can and will bring that vast, previously-unusable oil supply to market. It's why every single international energy agency agrees the U.S. will soon turn into the world's #1 largest by far oil producer... entirely self-sufficient in energy... and the world's #1 energy exporter.

The U.S. is not the only one. Canada has huge oil supplies, that fracking is opening up. So does Russia. So does Venezuela. So do countries in Europe, Asia and South America.

Truth is, we are only at the tip of the fracking iceberg. Over the next five to ten years, world oil supplies will increase by at least twenty times -– from known fracking areas alone.

(Actually, that's probably the low end of what's coming. As with every new technology that pays huge dividends, fracking firms are pouring more and more into R&D. Costs are falling. The technology is improving. Output is sure to grow, perhaps by leaps and bounds.)

There's more. Fracking not only opens up record new deposits. It also lets us take old, abandoned oil wells -– that were top producers in their day, but got tapped out -– and bring them back into production again.

As you'll see next, with fracking those old wells may produce more now than they did in their hey-day...

Even the Big Boys admit the fracking revolution is here

“The foundations of the global energy systems are shifting,” – Faith Birol, chief economist, International Energy Agency “U.S. shale more than anything else is the game changer. OPEC nations are concerned, all of them.”” – Commerze-Bank (Germany's 2nd largest bank) “U.S. to be world's top oil producer” – IEA report released November 2012 “Oil producers are very concerned about U.S. fracking” – UAE oil minister Mohammed al-Hamli

Fracking can double the oil taken from old abandoned fieldsOil field management is an art, not a science. When a

traditional oil field goes into production, management must make a key calculation. It's called “recoverable supplies.” That is how much oil they think they can take out of the ground.

Using the the old technology, a well-managed oil field might yield 50% of its reserves. Half the total oil. The other half was lost forever. We couldn't touch it.

Which brings me to the next huge advantage of fracking. It lets us go back to old wells, and recover the oil that got left behind and find more. It's like discovering brand new gushers, in wells that have long been dead.

Because of this, the rush is on to buy old stripper wells and depleted oil fields. Using fracking, entrepreneurs bring these wells back into production. What was an abandoned stripper well becomes a major oil field. They can recover almost all the oil that was left over.

Oil fields abandoned decades ago in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, North Dakota and Appalachia are coming back on stream. Fields never considered viable in the past are big producers now.

This is taking place in other countries as well. Take Venezuela and Mexico. State-owned monopolies run their fields. They are the most inefficient producers imaginable. Unwilling to partner with big oil companies, their output fell off dramatically as they over-pumped.

Now, thanks to fracking, Venezuela's proven reserves are skyrocketing. So are Mexico's. And so is their production.

You've heard of Britain's North Sea oil fields? Decades ago they made Britain one of the world's leading oil exporters. But those fields got so depleted, Britain had to import oil.

Now, very quietly, the big abandoned fields of the North Sea are producing oil again. Fracking is the reason.

All around the world, huge numbers of old abandoned oil fields are coming back into production.

Think of the benefits. If you are an oil producer, you drill fewer wells. You get far higher yields. You can go to the old oil leases, use the old infrastructure, and produce more oil than ever before.

Companies don't make claims of what these old wells will produce. But the untold secret is, they will get more oil from these fields than they did when they were first drilled.

There is a delicious irony here. Fracking cannot recover leftover oil from sand: it works on brittle rock. So even though OPEC wells leave behind huge amounts of oil, they can't recover it.

The fracking revolution leaves them in the dust. So much oil is coming to market. The energy equation has

forever changed. Mankind has enough oil for the next 2000 years. The oil manipulators will be lucky to hold oil at even $5 a barrel. That is its historic, fair-market price.

In the next several years you will see $.25 gasoline. The heating bill for a house in the northeast U.S. will plunge, from an average of $2000 a year now, down to $200. The prices of everything that require energy will fall.

This alone will transform the world. It makes the oil trade I recommend one of the hottest I've ever seen, bar none.

But there's another side to this energy revolution as well. You see, fracking doesn't only produce oil. It also produces an even better fuel. One that is non-polluting... much cheaper than oil... far cleaner... safer... more abundant...

... the auto/transport/energy fuel of the future, that the U.S. has even bigger supplies of than oil. (In fact 75% of this clean burning natural fuel is thought to be in the USA.)

I'm talking about natural gas.

Natural gas fracking:why OPEC is REALLY screwed!

Natural gas is god's energy. The cleanest-burning fuel known to man. It comes out of the ground ready to use. No refining needed. No further processing. No muss, no fuss, as I like to say plug and pump.

Natural gas is virtually pollution free. For example, light a wood fire in your house: the smoke will kill you, if you don't vent it properly. Same with bio-fuels, gasoline, diesel. All produce severe toxic waste, that plays hell with our health and our environment.

Not so with natural gas. It gives off such little CO2, so few hydrocarbons, you can run your stove all day and all night. Keep your doors and windows closed. You will suffer no ill effects.

Natural gas is the perfect auto fuel. It's far more abundant than oil, and requires no refining. So it costs less than half as much.

It is so gentle on your engine, your car runs better, longer, with about one-third the maintenance. It's so clean, if all cars ran on natural gas, air pollution would vanish overnight.

There's more. Natural gas shrinks 500 to 1, when it's cooled to a liquid. So a ship carrying natural gas can deliver far more BTUs

of energy, compared to dirty, expensive crude oil.

Say a crude oil tanker runs aground. It creates an ecological disaster, that can cover thousands of square miles. The spilled oil never totally goes away.

Now say a natural gas tanker runs aground. The gas evaporates harmlessly into the atmosphere. No dead fish or birds. No oil-fouled beaches. Worst case, you may have a brief fire, for the 500 yards that surround the ship, where all the gas quickly burns off.

You'd think the greenies would love this stuff. But they have their own agenda. (Just like the anti-gun nuts have their own agenda.) That makes them especially expert at ignoring the facts.

Facts are we have enough natural gas to serve our energy needs for the next 10,000 years. If the world turned to natural gas our cities would have no air pollution. No energy crisis.

Most important, we'd go back to the equivalent of $5 oil... and $.25 a gallon gasoline. The economic benefits would flow all across the U.S. and the world.

Why hasn't this happened? Why instead are our leaders pushing the idiotic electric car?

Why won't Obama allow fracking on federal lands? Why is he putting up every obstacle possible to natural gas pipelines?

The answer is money. Barack Hussein Obama is responding to huge pressure from his Islamic cousins.

They know their days of wealth and power are numbered. With no oil they have no money. No money

Natural gas supplies willNEVER run out –

because they constantlyrejuvenate themselves!

Due to fracking, the world now has an endless supply of natural gas. That's because natural gas creation didn't stop at the dinosaur age. Huge amounts of it form every day. You know the biggest problem at a garbage dump? Natural gas. The rotting refuge there produces it as a natural by-product. You know the biggest problem at sewage treatment plants? Venting off the methane (natural gas) they produce. Any time you have garbage, or rotting bio-materials of any kind, you naturally produce natural gas. Even cow refuse produce natural gas. Many farms run on the natural gas manure produces. It doesn't take millions of years. The process takes days, start to finish.

Goodbye to solar, windand nuclear power --

– natural gas blows themout of the water

Nuclear power plants the world over are being scrapped. Natural gas is so cheap, so clean, so safe, there's no economic reason to use nuclear. Japan, for example, is converting all its old nuclear plants to natural gas. It's easy. They remove the reactor and replace it with a natural gas boiler. They no longer use uranium to heat the water. They use natural gas. Virtually no pollution. No risk to mankind. No nuclear waste. Coal plants will no longer be able to compete. Solar and wind energy – already jokes – will go into the dustbin of history.

means no power or influence. Their reign of terror comes to an end. Their dreams of turning

the world into a Muslim concentration camp quickly die. Reality is, those dreams are DOA anyway. Dead on arrival.

Because the real oil powerhouse is the United States. We have ten times more oil and natural gas than the rest of the

world combined. Oil technology is our technology. Every well in the world, every pipeline, every refinery, uses exclusively U.S. technology.

It's sadly ironic. We have the world's greatest known reserves of oil. The greatest mind trust of oil field technology.

Yet our government has made 4/5ths of our known oil-producing strata illegal to tap. Oil's sky-high price today -– 20 times its true market price -– is a direct result of manipulating oil properties and supplies.

But even that can't stop the march forward. Government cannot prevent fracking on private lands. As the pressures build up, it will be forced to cave in and open federal lands to fracking as well.

England, e.g., had a total ban on fracking. Yet it just opened up all its land and sea to fracking.

I need you to grasp, we're not talking about just a little more oil/gas. We're not talking about just doubling commercial supplies.

We're talking about the most highly-prized, widely-used commodities in the world. Supplies are about to become as common as dirt. Prices will plunge.

You see why I say that oil/gas fracking is bigger than the Internet, the computer, the cell phone and the iPad -– all rolled into one. It has the potential to be the greatest money-maker ever seen.

Former PennsylvaniaDept of Environment chief:

U.S. carbon emissions plunging – due to fracking

John Hanger is a Democrat, who has been Secretary of the state Department of Environmental Protection and a commissioner of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. Hanger recently reported:

“US energy related carbon emissions in 2012 will fall about 12% compared to 2007. Through this September, carbon emissions have been down every month in 2012, when compared to each of the first 9 months of 2011 and 2010. No other country matches that record.

“Only the USA has had a shale gas boom and only the USA has cut substantially its carbon emissions since 2006....the shale gas boom substantially decreased US carbon emissions. Moreover, US electricity prices in 2012 have barely increased and natural gas prices have plummeted.”

Political fallout from the fracking revolution: greater even than the economic

Now let's talk about the political consequences of the energy revolution.

The old oil technology depleted most of the West's great oil fields. Together with governmental bans on new drilling, this made the world dependent on Middle East oil.

Which meant oil came from the nastiest, most vile dictatorships. Their societies of oppression were stuck in the Middle Ages. Based on a religion of hatred and tyranny, unlike anything seen since the crusades.

Their culture would be little more than a modern day curiosity, of interest to anthropologists and academics. But because of their vast oil wealth and cash flow, they were able to throw the world into turmoil -– for a while.

Now, due to fracking, their party is ending. Plunging oil prices mean the payoffs that go to the imams and ayatollahs -- the subsidies that prop up their primitive dysfunctional economies -- will no longer be there. Their vast over-consumption and opulence are about to come to an abrupt end.

Their money to buy arms, politicians and global jihad, cut off at the knees.

The OPEC nations will soon go back what they always were. Hot dusty outposts, of no consequence in the global equation.

How powerful can OPEC be, when it only gets $5 a barrel for oil, instead $100?

How much money will it have to finance jihad? To supply weapons for Islamic crazies who are destabilizing countries around the world?

How big and powerful will the Islamic empires be, with next to no oil revenues? Answer: they will soon be reduced to banana republic status.

Next is how this revolution impacts the U.S. Every year the

At even $75 a barrel oil,Saudi Arabia is dead meat

Saudi Arabia has pledged $630 billion for social welfare and building projects to appease its restless citizens. To do this, it needs $108 per barrel oil. That is what Saudi oil sells for in the Brent market. To balance its budget, Saudi Arabia needs at least $95 a barrel oil. If Brent Crude falls to $75, the Saudis are dead meat. No social welfare spending. No balanced budget. Nothing to hold back their oppressed masses. The Arab Spring, that they have barely managed to sidestep, hits them like a runaway 40 ton semi. Saudi Arabia will be another Libya. Note: Saudi Arabia produces 9.7 million barrels a day. This year the U.S. will surpass that. OPEC itself recently admitted this. No wonder UAE oil minister Mohammed al-Hamli just said, “oil producers are very concerned about U.S. fracking.”

U.S. runs a balance of trade deficit of a half-trillion to a trillion dollars. i.e. $500 billion to $1 trillion dollars leave our shores every year.

The largest source of that deficit is energy imports. In 10 years, we won't merely stop importing all oil. We will export the amount of oil we now import. This by itself will turn our trade deficit into a huge surplus.

There's more. America is source Perrier of the cheapest natural gas on the planet. Fracking brings high-volume natural gas producers back to America.

Let me give you an example. In Japan natural gas sells for $18 per million thermal units. In America, that same gas sells for under $3.40 per million thermal units.

U.S. companies can ship natural gas to Japan and unload it there, for less than $.50 per million thermal units. i.e. American firms can buy natural gas and deliver it shipped to Japan for under $4, where it sells for $18.

You see why U.S. companies are rushing to build natural gas tankers. Why construction has begun on natural gas terminals throughout the U.S. and Canada. And why U.S. exports will skyrocket even higher.

The taxes collected -- as the U.S. economy converts from an energy importer to the biggest exporter on the planet -- will pay off the federal deficit. It will reduce energy bills by 95%, on everything from cars and trucks to heating and electrical usage.

I've shown you in other issues how the dollar will soar, because the world is already buying it by the boatload. This total reversal in America's trade balance -– due to

Hidden costs of solar energy & electric cars the greenies never talk about

Along with their other huge flaws, solar energy and electric cars don't reduce greenhouse gasses. Take solar panels. Huge amounts of greenhouse gasses are released during their construction. Both while gathering the raw materials that go into them, and in their assembly. The greenies conveniently forget to present these facts. Or take the supposedly non-polluting electric cars. They run on lithium ion batteries. These batteries consume huge amounts of energy to manufacture. Your (non-electric) car has a 30 pound lead acid battery. It's easy and safe to recycle. The e-car's lithium ion battery weighs 1500 pounds. The chemicals in it are so toxic, it is an environmental nightmare. Disposing of it is as hard as disposing of any other extremely hazardous material: it cannot be released into the environment.. E-cars can't climb hills without losing power and quickly depleting their batteries.. They have 50-to-75 mile ranges. Run air conditioning in them and you drain even more power. Yes, there are no CO2 emissions from the e-car tailpipe. But it takes 8 hours to charge. And that electricity nearly always comes from coal-fired power plants: the biggest greenhouse gas polluters known to man. So the e-car doesn't eliminate or even lower air pollution. It just moves the pollution from the car's tailpipe to the smokestack at the power plant. Natural gas makes all these problems vanish.

fracking -– will send the dollar rocketing even higher. Goldman Sachs said, “U.S. production of shale gas has increased

dramatically. Oil production is rising, and will rise much further. These shifts in production are also likely to support an improving U.S. current account position, and a stronger U.S. dollar. As a direct result of U.S. reduced imports of foreign oil, the current account deficit narrowed in 2nd quarter by 12%.”

The National Intelligence Council said “because of fracking, U.S. oil production may expand to 15 million barrels a day. Enough to make the nation a major energy exporter by 2020.”

Citigroup said, “it's very possible that the U.S. could be an energy exporter, given the reserves they discovered.”

Do you see?? Even Wall Street -- that has led the charge to $100 oil -- knows when to throw in the towel.

In the next ten years, 50 million new U.S. jobs will be created. High-paying jobs in the American oil/gas industry.

In short, the #1 cause of world terrorism -– of global strife -– is about to fade to nothing. The world is about to gain an endless supply of cheap, clean energy.

This is the biggest political, energy, economic game changer ever. Just one problem. Getting from here to there.

We are seeing some results immediately. Take North Dakota (ND). It is home to some of America's biggest shale oil and gas deposits.

Natural gas prices are plungingEver since fracking has gained traction,

U.S. gas prices have steadily dropped.

Because the state government opened up those deposits to fracking, North Dakota's economy is booming.

Unemployment there is a microscopic 3.2%. Lowest in the U.S. Personal income has nearly doubled. ND's government actually runs a surplus: nearly $2 billion in the last fiscal year.

And all this is because North Dakota oil output increased from 100,000 barrels a day to 700,000. (See the graph below.) That's just the tip of the iceberg. North Dakota has hundreds of billions of oil in its shale deposits.

The entire U.S. could enjoy similar economic benefits. But under the Obama administration, the transition for our nation will be painfully longer than it has to be.

The best thing Obama could do is to get out of the way. Open up federal lands for fracking. Install natural gas pipelines. Subsidize the transition.

If he would that, in five years this depression would be over. Prosperity would return to America. We would enjoy the biggest economic boom -– the most prosperity -– of any people in history.

Sad to say, Obama won't do all of that. He will only do part of it. And that is when his hand is forced.

For example, as we speak, North Dakota, Nebraska and several other states are trying to build a new oil pipeline, called the

Keystone XL Pipeline.

This pipeline will greatly increase oil output from the region. It will lead to higher U.S. oil exports and lower energy costs. It will improve the economies of every state in the region. (See the map on the right.)

They are ready to build the pipeline. Sadly, Obama has blocked its construction for the past four years.

So the U.S. depression is still on. I always predicted it will last 10 to 20 years. I knew government special interests would stand in the way.

It took World War II to lift America (and the world) out of the Great Depression. Oil fracking is what will return prosperity to the U.S.

More new billionaires and millionaires will come out of the natural gas/oil fracking revolution than came out of high tech. This is where the next great fortunes will be made.

North Dakota personal income has already doubled -- with even more to come as they frack more of their shale oil deposits

Keystone XL Pipeline. Will greatly increase U.S. oil output. Only Obama stands in its way

Environmental wackos doing their damnedest to stop fracking.They will fail (as they already have started)

A hard and fast rule of revolutionary new technology is that it always draws its detractors. Usually they are the competitors. The people and business that will go out of business if the new tech takes hold.

In the early days of the automobile, many places outlawed cars. Other areas limited car speeds to 5 mph. Drivers were required to have someone walk in front of them at all times, waving a red flag.

Of course, superior technology quickly won out. The automobile transformed our society and economy.

When widespread residential electrical power was in its infancy, Thomas Edison pushed the inferior low-voltage DC power system. He invented and built the electric chair -- for free -- using high-voltage AC. He wanted to show that AC power would kill people, and steer the public away from his competition.

We quickly learned how to safely harness the greatly superior AC power. The AC horror stories were overcome by technology whose time had come.

Fracking is the horror of OPEC. They know it spells their doom. So they are pouring huge amounts of money into the green movement. They desperately need to spread vast amounts of disinformation about fracking -– to try and derail it before it puts them out of business. They are focusing on fracking's alleged damage to ground water supplies.

The hysteria has gotten so big, that without any investigation at all, France (for now) has banned fracking. (Nearly unlimited financing from France's nuclear industry -– which supplies 80% of all power there -– has helped grease the way as well.)

It's true that fracking can contaminate ground water -- if it's done too close to the surface. The fracked gas can bubble up through the ground water (where it eventually escapes into the air).

But in the real world this is a total non-issue. The reason is that safe-practice guidelines have completely eliminated the water contamination problem. Let me explain.

Ground water is located close to the surface. A few hundred feet below, at most. The gas layers, that fracking liberates, are much deeper.

It has been proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if fracking takes place at greater depths, there is no chance of contaminating the ground water.

England has one of the most powerful green movements on earth. At first, as a knee-jerk reaction, the environmentalists were

able to ban all fracking. Recently they did a 180 degree

reversal. Scientists there proved fracking is safe. So fracking is now approved all over Britain, both at land and sea.

Prepare yourself for a massive greenie movement against fracking in the U.S. Not because it poses any real danger. But because they know fracking means the end of the e-car. The end of solar panels. The end of wind power.

It also means the end of OPEC and Middle East oil. But they cannot stop this. Because fracking is an idea whose time has come.

Even the U.S. EPA is starting to get behind fracking. The EPA just reported, “As the administrator and the EPA have made clear, natural gas has a central role to play in our energy future. The administration continues to work to expand production of this important domestic resource, safely and responsibly.”

An historic technological game changer has struck our shores -– with huge political/economic/social repercussions. Like any great life-changing new technology, it will be subject to wide controversy and massive disinformation.

But fracking will win. It works. It means there is no energy crisis. No chance the world runs out of fuel, while keeping our world safe and clean.

Fracking liberates massive quantities of the cheapest, safest, virtually non-polluting fuels known to man. The genie is out of the bottle, and cannot be put back in.


Slaughter of the innocentsOn December 14, 2012, the most vile, detestable act one could

imagine took place in Newtown CT. It staggers the consciousness. But using this terrible crime for political gain – as Obama and the

liberal anti-2nd amendment nuts are doing – will damage our entire nation for decades to come.

When innocent children get slaughtered, it brings pain to your

EPA and ultra-liberalNY State government agree:

The doomsayers are full of it – fracking is safe!

A study just released by the New York State Department of Health concluded, “significant adverse impacts on human health are not expected from routine high-volume hydraulic fracking.”

And the EPA just said, “As the administrator and the EPA have made clear, natural gas has a central role to play in our energy future. The administration continues to work to expand production of this important domestic resource, safely and responsibly.”

heart. We all tend to hug our kids and grandkids a little harder, a little longer.

A sick psychopathic loser, whose life was a mess, tried to justify his existence by committing a heinous crime. This is beyond belief and understanding.

But to exploit these lost lives for political gain makes the tragedy even greater. To let evil men use the blood of innocents to push their tyrannical agenda, makes things even worse.

I'm going to climb up on my soapbox here. Obama, the anti-gun lobby and libs are screaming loud and long. They are trying to overthrow the 2nd amendment to the U.S. constitution. I feel compelled to point out the glaring fallacies of their argument.

The problem is not assault rifles. It's not armor-piercing bullets or high-capacity banana clips. To draw a correlation between those and these terrible crimes is false and vile.

For example, one of the highest violent crime rates in the world is in... virtually gun-free England. Each year the British suffer over 2000 violent crimes per 100,000 people. That is worse even than South Africa... and it's over four times worse than the U.S.

Overall, countries where people own guns have far less crime than countries with fewer guns. They have much fewer murders, and even much fewer murders by firearms. See the box on the next page for the exact figures. Note: the differences are so big, they might surprise you.

The school in the Newtown tragedy had installed new security protocols. This amounted to an intercom system with a camera and a remote door buzzer. i.e. a criminal, incompetent joke.

The sicko did not use automatic weapons. He used low-caliber (9mm) standard clip semi-automatic pistols. He got in by shooting out the glass. He could have kicked it in, since it wasn't the hardened, bulletproof glass that taxis, jewelers and government offices the world over use.

As soon as the shooting started, two responsible people -– the principal and the school psychologist -- ran down the hall to try and stop the shooter. They were unarmed, untrained and unprepared. He cut them down instantly.

Suppose these two brave women had been armed with simple pistols, trained to use them as defensive measures. The assault would have ended before it started.

But they had no weapons. No security. Mass murder became a slam dunk for the killer. A total ban on assault weapons would not have changed a thing. That's because the maniac didn't have any assault weapons.

Requiring background checks for gun purchases was not a factor

either. These guns were bought legally, with full background checks. In short, everything the liberal anti-gun fanatics are screaming

about would not have changed one thing. How we COULD have prevented this tragedy

What makes this tragedy even sadder is that it was totally unnecessary. With a few simple measures, it would have easily been prevented.

If schools had basic security -- like is used in many 24-hour grocers, taxis, and jewelry stores -– the assault would have ended quickly. Few if any people would have lost their lives.

UN statistics show...

3x as many guns = 1/100 th as many murders

The anti-gun lobby claims that disarming people saves lives. But the facts show the exact opposite is true. The data below were calculated from the UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) 2011 crime stats, and the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. They show you actual murder rates in nations whose citizens own lots of guns vs nations whose citizens own very few guns. First look at numbers 1 and 2. You see that nations with the highest gun ownership have less than a third as many murders. Even though they have 100x as many guns. Now look at numbers 3 and 4 below. A startling fact emerges. Nations with the lowest murder rates have far more guns than nations with the highest murder rates. In fact, they have three times as many guns – but 1/100th as many murders!

1. Nations w/10 highest rates of private gun ownershipGuns/100 people Murder rate/100,000 population

44.14 2.412. Nations w/10 lowest rates of private gun ownership Guns/100 people Murder rate/100,000 population

0.44 8.96

3. Nations w/10 highest murder ratesGuns/100 people Murder rate/100,000 population

6.84 50.674. Nations w/10 lowest murder rates

Guns/100 people Murder rate/100,000 population 20.39 0.5

If schools had a uniformed security guard -- or a few teachers trained and designated as security officers, who are discretely armed and wearing protective vests -– the assault again would have quickly ended.

(Or better yet, probably would never have started. As you saw in the box on the previous page, countries with widespread gun ownership have extremely low murder rates. Same with cities. One example is Kennesaw, Georgia. After it required heads of households to own guns, crime rates plunged by nearly 90% in two years... and stayed at those minuscule levels afterwards.)

Here's another critical element in these tragedies. Virtually every one was committed by people with known mental health problems. A study by Mother Jones magazine found that at least 38 of the 61 mass shooters in the past three decades “displayed signs of mental health problems prior to the killings.”

These mentally ill people acquired firearms that under existing laws they should not have. But those laws are not enforced. That has opened a Pandora's Box of violent crime.

To reduce the budget deficit, the federal government cut $3 billion worth of treatments and medicines for the mentally ill. Otherwise, many of the wackos who commit these unthinkable crimes would have been identified, treated or institutionalized.

Existing laws prohibit mentally unstable people from getting guns. If instead of aiming for assault bans, these laws were actually enforced –- if mental health workers reported the dangerous, unbalanced people they deal with -- we would greatly reduce these violent crimes.

None of the 'solutions' being offered are solutions. They are political sound bytes. They won't prevent these tragedies from occurring in the future.

To greatly reduce school assaults, we need to do the following.

First, harden the entrances of our schools. Preferably with bulletproof glass and electronically controlled access. Post an armed uniformed security guard at the door.

Government offices do this. So do courtrooms. So do many

Hitler on gun control "The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing.” – Adolph Hitler, April 11, 1942

Thomas Jefferson on gun control

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” – Thomas Jefferson, from the Proposed Virginia Constitution, June 1776

Mao on gun control “All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.”- Mao Tze Tung, Nov 6 1938

private companies. Are our children less important to us? In place of a trained security guard (or in addition to that

guard), two or three teachers in the school should be designated security officers. Equip them with a radio, a sidearm, and bullet-proof vests placed discretely but close by. Keep knowledge of who they are hidden from the public, including students and parents.

These trained, armed teachers would be the designated first responders. Ready to defend the students -- the school -- if a locked door is penetrated, shots are fired, or violence breaks out.

Access to schools should be strictly limited. Just like they restrict access to airplanes, cruise ships, federal buildings, courthouses, jewelry stores, and all-night grocers in bad neighborhoods.

Government keeps a database on convicted felons who are not allowed to have firearms. Same should be true of people with mental health issues; and people receiving therapy for violence/anger-management issues. They should be placed in the database. Do NOT let them have firearms.

Under no circumstances ban weapons. Just the opposite. Citizens who are trained, mentally stable and of good character, should be encouraged to have firearms. As I showed you earlier in this report, whenever this is put in place, it greatly lowers crime.

Gun-free zones: target-rich zonesfor mass murderers

Next key point. Every one of these slaughters -– be it Fort Hood, Aurora or this latest tragedy -– has one thing in common. No one on site was armed. No one could disable or stop the attacker.

Economists John Lott and William Landes did a groundbreaking study in 1999. They found a common theme of mass shootings: they occur in places where guns are banned and killers know everyone will be unarmed. Such as shopping malls and schools.

In the Aurora Colorado movie theater shooting last summer, the killer could choose among seven movie theaters. All were showing the Batman movie he was obsessed with. All were within a 20-minute drive of his home. The Cinemark Theater the killer ultimately chose wasn’t the closest. But it was the only one that posted signs saying it banned concealed handguns carried by law-abiding individuals. All the other theaters allowed people with a concealed-handgun permit to enter with their weapons.

John Lott says, “With just one exception, every public shooting since at least 1950 in the U.S. -- in which more than three people have been killed -- has taken place where citizens are not allowed to

carry guns.”There are plenty of brave

people. All it takes is one or two, so long as they are armed and trained. They can end the attacks, and greatly reduce or eliminate casualties.

Assault weapon bans are a cruel joke. Limiting the amount of ammo in a clip is absurd. The perp simply needs to carry more loaded clips. With a little training, a person can insert another clip into a pistol, and start shooting again, in under two seconds.

These crimes were not committed with automatic weapons, but semi-automatic. The outcomes would have been no different if they had automatic weapons.

Unfortunately, big-city liberals, who know nothing about weapons, are giving mindless, stupid and even dangerous solutions. These 'solutions' have no bearing on the crisis.

I am so appalled with the media. It refuses to report the real facts. It blames assault weapons and gun shows for these tragedies.

Yet in none of these massacres did the killer use automatic weapons -- the very things Obama, Holder and the like want to ban. In all these massacres, the assailants were known nutcases. There was no one on the premises with a gun to stop them.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is among those leading the charge against private gun ownership. Yet Bloomberg himself receives round-the-clock armed protection, from ten specially-trained New York State Troopers. When asked to disarm his guards -– in the spirit of the gun control laws he is pushing on the rest of us -– Bloomberg refused.

I showed you how President Obama also is exploiting this tragedy, to restrict private gun ownership. Yet everywhere Obama

Obama imposing gun control --by executive order

The U.S. constitution requires Congress to write and pass all new laws. But President Obama does not want to be bothered by that pesky detail. So he is taking gun control in his own hands:

VP Joe Biden gave us advance warning of what was to come. He said, "The president is going to act. There are executive orders. There's executive action that can be taken.”

Which is exactly what Obama did. He imposed 23 executive orders on gun control. No surprise that a tidal wave of liberal politicians and media are solidly on board with Obama and Biden:

“Confiscation could be an option” – Andrew Cuomo, New York State Governor

"If I could have banned them all - 'Mr. and Mrs. America turn them all in' - I would have!"- U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein. Feinstein's new law will ban 150 rifles and hand guns.

“We need immediate action” – NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg

"I hate guns and I cannot imagine why anyone would want to own one. If I had my way, guns for sport would be registered, and all other guns would be banned."- Deborah Prothrow-Stith, Dean of Harvard School of Public Health

“Time to talk about gun control” – Washington Post

goes, he is guarded by the most sophisticated security and weapons known to man. Same with his wife. Same with his daughters. In fact, Obama just signed a law that gives him and his wife armed protection -- for the rest of their lives.

Is it not ironic? The proliferation of guns didn't make these attacks possible. The LACK of guns -– in the hands of the good people -- did.

I leave you with one of my “Nick-isms:” “In order for evil men to slaughter innocent people, all that's necessary is for the good men to be unarmed.” That has never been more true than now.


Conservative trade recos

People often get confused about our conservative reco's. Banks are collapsing around the world, whether or not CNN news

chooses to tell you about it. (Most of the time not.) More and more governments say they won't bail them out. They don't have the money.

So when the banks piss away all their depositors' money, the depositors won't be made whole. They will lose everything.

Like most sane people, you probably already figured out Obama wants to take away your guns. Face facts. As soon as he got reelected, he unilaterally imposed 23 new gun control regulations on Americans, through Executive Orders. Through his henchwoman Democratic senator Diane Feinstein, he is trying to outlaw 150 pistols and rifles. A great start, from their standpoint.

So let me ask you a question. Do you think a government that takes away your constitutionally-guaranteed guns will not take away your money?

Absolutely, without a doubt, withdrawal limits and currency controls are coming. Same with bank 'holidays' and money controls.

A friend of mine was a very wealthy man in South Africa, before the revolution. An industrialist who owned large factories.

He was also a very kind man. He vehemently opposed apartheid. Said it was a recipe for disaster.

He was known for paying blacks and whites the same, even when the law did not require him to. He strongly believed the blacks had to be educated and integrated into society.

Apartheid finally fell. He was overjoyed. But things quickly turned ugly.

First the banking controls came. He could only take out very limited amounts of money from his accounts.

Then the confiscation order came. Squatters turned his front lawn fountain into a watering hole for their cattle. They turned his swimming pool into a communal bath and a place to wash clothes.

Finally the squatters took over his downtown Johannesburg apartment buildings. They lit fires in the living rooms, and bashed out the windows and walls. Both his wife and daughter were raped, in front of his eyes. That was the breaking point. (The police would not do anything.)

He left South Africa for Europe. He was able to sneak out $2,200 with him: money he had stowed away before apartheid fell.

He couldn't touch the millions of dollars in his bank accounts. Couldn't sell his assets. He went to Europe a pauper.

That was in year 2000. Fortunately, he is a brilliant man. Starting over with nothing, he has now regained his wealth.

He told me, “America and Obama remind me of Mandela. The controls. The redistribution of property to 'the needy.' Very much like what happened in S. Africa.”

Obamacare, the mandatory socialized medicine program, takes this to a whole new level. It is one more force moving America to the destruction that took place in S. Africa.

I repeat. A government that takes your guns, certainly is a government that will take your money. So I urge you to get your money out of the banks. Out of the money market funds and S&Ls.

Put your money into the First National Bank of Your Mattress. Keep records, pay all your taxes. Do everything nice and legal.

I think a farm in the country -- or a vacation spot overseas -- is always a good idea. I also believe you have little time left to make serious money.

The days of the entrepreneur are pretty much over. Regulations, soaring taxes, mandated worker pay, imposed medical plans and hostility toward small business mean those days are coming to an end.

You need your exit strategy. What does your life look like in the global financial collapse?

Contrary to popular myth, the dollar will be king. So it's critical you have as many dollars as possible -- and that you can get to them when you need them.

Gold and silver will wipe out. Just like they did after the 1979-1980 run-up. They will fall back to the lows we saw in the late 1980s and 1990s, if not lower.

The euro is still my choice for your diversification currency. Don't get me wrong. I expect the EU to be torn apart. Greece, Spain

and Italy (among others) will be forced to leave. But the euro currency will be maintained. In fact, with the

weak sisters in the EU gone, the euro should get stronger. Europeans have ten times the savings of Americans. The vast

majority of those savings are euros, in European banks. Interest rates will keep falling.

Every country on earth will be desperate to stimulate its economy. But none will be able to. Their banks owe too much money. Their governments owe too much money.

Greece, Spain and Italy will suffer massive inflation. Especially after they leave the euro: no one will lend them money. They will go back to their old currencies and inflate the hell out of them.

Countries like the U.S., Germany and Japan will face the opposite crisis. They will be mired in a massive deflation. They will find it impossible to escape the cycle of falling prices, falling GDP and crashing interest rates.

Global GDP growth is already virtually nonexistent. It is negative in Europe. Negative in Japan. It's anemic in America. At best. In fact, the most recent GDP report showed the U.S. economy shrank in 4th quarter 2012.

As for China: don't believe the contrived reports the communist central party releases. Chinese GDP growth has gone negative. Producer prices there fell all last year. They are falling this year too. That could never happen if China's economy were growing.

All this means U.S. government securities are still king. Short-term U.S. interest rates are hovering near zero. They will turn negative. Long-term rates will fall to a fraction of one percent and then go negative as well. Long-term U.S. government securities will not only preserve your wealth. They will soar in value, as interest rates drop lower and lower.

(Despite the normal ups and downs of every market, interest rates have steadily dropped the past five years. Just as I told you would happen. This will not change.)

Remember the key news. The money does not exist to bail out the banks. Neither does the motivation. Those days are over. Central banks and governments have been warning depositors of this for the past two years.

Money market funds: the first to fallMoney market funds are the walking dead. They will be the first

to go broke. The masses will lose everything they have there. Nearly $2.7 trillion in assets will vanish.

Quietly, government let its money market deposit insurance policy expire. Even the FDIC insurance policy you have on your bank

account will be worthless. It covers less than one penny on the dollar of U.S. bank accounts.

The biggest challenge you face now is to make money. That is getting harder and harder. Your next challenge will be how to keep the money you do have.

The world is in a deflationary depression. Few people understand this. I showed you how even China is seeing prices fall.

As more people wipe out -- as more debts go bad and are liquidated -- the depressionary spiral will get that much worse.

It pains me to see people rushing headlong into precious metals. Just like they rushed into high-tech, and housing, when they were the investing fads.

In a world gone crazy, people's wealth and freedoms are getting seized from them. Slowly, quietly, one piece at a time. I think it's pretty plain to see. We're headed down the road all great empires have gone down before.

Sadly, most people are clueless about this. Ignorance always exacts a high price. It's proven again and again, how wrong popular opinion usually is. Today's incredible misconceptions -– about the economy, inflation, interest rates and the dollar -– will cost the public dearly.

This is no accident. The present economic cycle is the most misunderstood to date.

People will never know what hit them. Time is getting short. Do not be lulled to sleep by what you are seeing.

How Obama is gutting the nationObama is the most dangerous president in U.S. history. He has a

socialist agenda. He is anti-business, anti-wealth, anti-American. He comes from a culture alien to ours. For years he was raised

as a Muslim, by a Muslim family, in the world's largest Muslim country (Indonesia). He was registered in school (two of them) as a Muslim. He attended mosque, where he prayed.

You can see this in his support of the Islamic uprising. In his betrayal of key U.S. ally Mubarak in Egypt -– and allowing the radical Muslim Brotherhood to take Mubarak's place. You can see it in his statement that “one of the sweetest sounds on earth” is the Muslim call to prayer.

You see Obama's real agenda in his government takeover of the auto industry. Of the health care industry. His appointing communists (Van Jones e.g.) to key administration positions. His annihilation of the 2nd amendment. His opening up America's borders to tens of millions of illegal aliens, and making them voting citizens (that cement the Democrats' victories for years to come).

He is anti-technology: he has gutted the NASA space agency. Funding for research is drying up like a desert creek in August. All so Obama can pay for his greatly expanded welfare programs.

(And don't forget. In 2009, Obama's newly appointed NASA director Charles Bolden said, “When I became the NASA administrator, President Obama charged me with three things. Perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations.”

(WTF?? The U.S. space agency's most important mission is to reach out to Muslims?)

Obama is also decimating the U.S. military, world's mightiest, with budget cuts. Even while enemies like North Korea test hydrogen bombs and build ICBMs that can reach Washington D.C... and Iran goes nuclear, as it refuses to hold discussions of any kind with the U.S. government.

Meanwhile, the number of Americans on welfare has soared to record highs. Same with Americans on food stamps (closing in on 50 million) and Americans on disability. (The highest on record, growing by leaps and bounds.)

These are not things healthy economies are made of. In fact, these things are destroying the wealth of America.

Let me get more personal. They are destroying your wealth too. You have to protect yourself from them. Our conservative trade recos do precisely that.

They are designed to help you keep your wealth. Screw the interest rate on your savings. Forget about it. More money has been lost by people chasing yield than any other means. Concentrate on keeping what you have.

One day my friend from South Africa was a multi-millionaire industrialist. The next day he was broke, starting life over with nothing.

He told me something very interesting. He said, “I started over in 2000. If I had to start over again today, I could never do it.”

I leave you with that thought in mind. There are damn few ways left to make any serious money.


Speculative trade recos

Obviously, all hopes of recovery have been dashed. The rally-back from the 2008 stock market lows has pretty much run its course. Stimulus is over. Markets are getting ready to crash back like never

seen before. Desperate banker manipulations -- in cocoa, coffee, sugar, gold,

silver, copper and nickel -- are failing. The EU and Asian economies are back in recession. U.S. GDP is teetering on one. Ugly things are taking place.

We are on the brink of three key events. One, the next wipeout in the stock market. Two, gold is about to go down hard. It's already well off its highs. Shrewd investors are starting to book their losses and liquidate their gold holdings and gold ETF's. Three, the oil bonanza (especially in the U.S.) is about to give us incredible opportunities.

In an inflationary recession, government stimulates by making cheap money available to the banks. The banks loan out the money over and over again, on enormous leverage. That stimulates the economy. It produces inflation. Interest rates go higher as inflation sets in.

But in a deflationary recession (depression), interest rates and inflation rates FALL. The reason is the banks are broke. The only loans they can make are token amounts. They can not leverage their balance sheets. They can't make endless leveraged loans that stimulate the economy.

Instead of loaning out the cheap money, they keep it themselves. So stimulus does nothing. Interest rates, GDP and inflation continue to drop. That is called a depression.

The U.S. has had five years of massive Fed stimulation. Yet interest rates have dropped that whole time. Inflation has plunged, to its lowest level since the 1930s. Proof this is a depression, not an inflation.

A market's job is to fool as many people as possible. That's how the people who manipulate markets make the most money. It's done its job very well this time.

Remember, speculative trades are risky. You must be prepared to lose the money you invest.

That said, the way we do it, you can never lose more than your initial investment. You face no margin calls. No time limits. No additional liability if things go really wrong.

The biggest mistake most people make is expecting their trades to make money right away. A depression is a ten, even twenty-year event. We're in the beginning third of this depression. Already it has been devastating. But we won't hit bottom for ten more years.

The oil bonanza I talked about in this issue is a huge event. Sad to say, government truly is the elephant under the carpet. Until it approves the pipelines and the oil export terminals -– until it allows fracking on federal lands -- it's going to be a slow, uphill grind.

Speculative gold tradeThe world has gone gaga for gold. This took the yellow metal

from under $300 in 2003... to $900 in 2007... to over $1900 in 2011. Since its peak, gold has steadily gone down. It now is

desperately trying to hold $1600 an ounce. Most amateurs got in above $1700. They were sure gold would

quickly rise to $2500 and beyond. They have been bitterly disappointed.

Inflation was supposed to break out all over. The dollar was supposed to get decimated. China was going to dump U.S. government debt en masse, sending interest rates to the moon. The US supposedly would be unable to finance its deficits. It default like Greece.

In reality, the opposite of all that has happened. Just like we told you. The dollar is the strongest currency in the world, and clearly the world's only reserve currency.

Inflation is the lowest in 60 years. Interest rates are the lowest in history, and keep falling further.

And China is buying U.S. debt like it's going out of style. So is everyone else. Demand is 3-to-4 times greater than supply. The cost to finance US BUDGET DEFICITS HAS NEVER BEEN LOWER.

i.e. gold is a disaster, with the big plunges still to come. A FORTUNE CAN BE MADE SELLING OR SHORTING GOLD. That is where you make money as gold prices go down. A great way to trade this is with the DGZ.

The DGZ is an inverse ETF. It goes up as gold falls, and vice versa. As I write this, its market cap is $20.4 million. Average volume the past three months has been 52,000 shares per day.

You see from the chart on the previous page that when gold was $900 an ounce, the DGZ traded for $33. Now you can buy it for a little over $12. Close to its all-time low. If gold just goes back to $900, you could nearly triple your money.

But you could do considerably better. Suppose gold goes to $500. You could make five times your money. And if gold goes to $300, where it was in 2003, and where I believe its headed, you could make eight times your money or more.

Please note, there is zero question in my mind that gold is headed back to $300 an ounce. Already the gold manipulator boys are bailing out of their positions. George Soros is just the latest to flee the market.

And as the gold industry's biggest cheerleader -– the WGC -– recently reported, gold demand in 2012 actually fell.

Demand is going to keep falling. India is the world's largest importer of gold. But its economy is in a major slowdown. What's

more, the Indian government has put new import duties on gold.

The only big buyer of gold now is Russia. Putin knows the high oil prices Russia has enjoyed are over. He's diversifying out of the doomed Russian currency (the ruble). But do you really want to trade with the Russians? The worst traders on record?

Either way, Russian buying is not enough to make up for the lost sales we are seeing elsewhere.

Everyone told you gold was the next alternate currency. But it has lost 20% of its value. That same time, everyone told you to get out of the dollar -– even as the dollar has gained 15%.

This trade is simple. Decide how much you want to bet, on what I believe will be drastically lower gold prices. Buy the corresponding shares. Stick them in your desk-top drawer. Forget about them for two years. At which time, I think you'll be deliriously happy.

Interest rate trade The best way to get in on lower interest rates (other than

buying U.S. bonds themselves) is to trade the TLT. The TLT is an ETF, based on the yield of the 20-year U.S. Treasury bond.

In mid-2012, the TLT traded at over $130 a share. The backup in interest rates has brought the TLT down to $116. The market fooled itself into believing the economy was recovering, and the Fed would soon raise rates.

That has proven 100% false. Instead of raising rates, the Fed is continuing quantum easing. I expect the 20-year to fall from its 2.79% current rate to around 0.7% – and then to negative 2%, like yields were in the last depression.

TLT: current price, $115. Net assets: $2.9 billion. Average shares traded per day, last 3 months: 5.078 million

If rates fall to under 1%, (a sure thing, in my opinion) you could possibly double your money. And when rates go negative the sky is the limit.

Stock market tradeThe stock market is in super bubble territory. The biggest I've

ever seen. The computer guys, the technical chart guys, and the market

riggers are all in the game. All desperately trying to push the hyper-rally to Pluto.

The market looks extremely toppy to me. It is setting itself up for another 1987-style crash. I have a cheap, easy way for you to get at it -– with very little risk except for your initial investment.

It's called the SPXU. The SPXU is an ETF that shorts the S&P500, with 3x leverage. In 2009 it traded for over $400 per share. With the stock market rally, it's trading now around $30 a share.

All stocks have to do is fall back to their 2009 level. You could make over 1200% profit.

I think the SPXU is a wonderful way to trade the stock market on the short side (where you make money as the stock market goes down). Calculate how much you want to invest in this trade. Then buy the shares and wait em out. This is another trade that could take a year or two more to give you its full payoff.

We risk a further stock market rally in this trade. But the global economy, including major players Japan and Europe, is in a recession, slowing down further and further.

U.S. GDP is falling off a cliff. Rhe emerging giants India and China are losing ground as well. It's just a matter of time before the stock market has another date with destiny and crashes.

So I regard this as another great trade. The SPXU has lots of volume: on average, 4.59 million shares are

traded each day. That means lots of liquidity. Net assets, $500 million.

Make sure you read the prospectus. That's true of any ETF you trade. Remember you are speculating. Only trade with money you can afford to lose.

The past several years, I had in my mind an economic/political worst-case scenario. I'm sorry to report that we've exceeded it. The past five years are the biggest economic/political disaster you could imagine. It's about to get a hell of a lot worse.

Most everyone is poorer. In fact a recent Fed study found that, on average, Americans lost nearly 40% of their wealth -- from 2008 to 2010 alone. Since then they have lost far more.

Almost everyone has been betrayed. By their pension funds, their banks and even their governments. All renege on their commitments to you. All find it ok to take your money.

Our speculative trades should help you offset that. I like them because the markets we're trading have gone to such absurd extremes. There is an excellent chance you could have a major payday in any one of them.

These trades are the height of simplicity. Buy em, hold em, wait em out.

In gold, the market has peaked. It's heading down. Interest rates are about to head down as well. Real soon now.

The bond market is lifting its head out of Wall Street's misinformation swoon. Damn right the Fed has to stimulate... and stimulate and stimulate and stimulate.

Interest rates are going down. There's no way around it. Of course the TV teleprompter talking heads won't tell you this -– until it's too late.

You may not know that during the Great Depression, interest rates on the 10-year bond went to -2%. Revisionist economic history doesn't show that. But absolutely positively it happened. Rates stayed very low for the next 3 ½ decades.

Another interesting fact you might not know: bank loans in the 1930s vanished, nearly to zero. The few loans that were made were bank-to-bank loans. Banks made virtually no loans to individuals or businesses. Just like today.

How do I know this? Because I researched the Fed's archive documents at the New York Fed.

We're going where we've gone before. In depressions, interest rates go negative. They stay negative. Inflation rates as well as GDP go negative, along with the net worth of just about everyone. Understand these key facts and you can not only preserve your wealth. You can make a fortune.

-------------------------------------Look, it's just you and me talking here. If you are like most people, these past few years have not been

so kind. Real estate has gone to hell. Business has slowed down. Money is tight. It's just not as easy to make a buck any more. The beauty of this next section is that if you have a small

amount of ready cash (several thousand dollars), you could do some amazing things.

I bet you that a few million dollars would come in handy right about now. It could set you up rather nicely for the new reality Obama & Co have already started forcing on us.

Make one serious score for some big money. Live out your days safe, secure and comfortable.

Every once in a while, those big-money days come in the trading game. Even more rare is when you can take a few thousand dollars and turn them into millions. That almost never happens.

It's happening now. A once-in-a-lifetime event is taking place. We can thank OPEC and the big bankers for it. They drove oil prices to over 20x their real market value.

For awhile they got away with it. But now this vast manipulation is blowing up in their faces. The world energy market is undergoing a radical, fundamental shift. It's still early -- which means you could make the killing of all killings from it.

Unlike the trades I told you about earlier in this issue, these next trades are not plug and play. They are more complicated. There's more volatility. They take a bit more of your time.

But your potential payoff is many, many times greater. This is where fortunes will be won and lost. Where power bases around the world will die, as new ones are born in their place.

The stakes could not be higher. That's what makes this the greatest money-making opportunity of all time. Don't try this at home without adult supervision.

In the next section, I tell you exactly how you could do this. I also give you my unique profit calculator. It shows you the kind of money you could make as reality hits the world energy markets.

For example, need $500,000? My calculator shows you how you could make that this year -– starting with $1000 or less. Need several million? You'll see how you could make that as well -– with so little start-up, I know you can easily afford it, without a second thought.

What you are about to see will blow you away. I can tell you, many many people have grasped this opportunity. I hope and pray you do as well.


How you can get a new iPad 4 free;and

You can use that iPad to...

Turn a few thousand dollarsinto millions from the U.S. energy revolution

– even Wall Street (angrily) admits it!

One of the most fantastic trading opportunities ever is here and now. The huge bubble oil market, that Wall Street and OPEC manipulated to all-time record highs.

As we speak, the manipulation is coming apart. Even Wall Street quietly admits the bubble is about to burst. The coming crash will make the 1929 stock wipeout look like a Girl Scout picnic on the beach.

You know only too well who these bastards are: the Wall Street/OPEC assholes who screwed the world. The wannabe masters of the universe who wiped out half your wealth -- and are doing their damnedest to take the rest.

Now you can turn the tables on them, sit back and laugh, as their endless greed backfires, and could make a multi-million dollar fortune for you.

(Plus I'll send you a brand-new iPad 4 – absolutely free – just for giving this a try...)

As you may know, we are not short-term traders. In this day and age that's a sucker's game.

Our trades sometimes take one, two even as much as four years to unfold. But it's worth the wait. We shoot for the moon. If a trade doesn't have the potential to make 400%, 500% or more, I won't recommend it to you.

Markets can troll along in La-La land for a long time. The longer the insanity lasts, the more people get sucked in. The more prices get driven into the stratosphere.

Then the inevitable crash comes. In bubble markets like

today's, the biggest transfers of money ever take place. Everyday people who know what's coming, have that once-in-a-generation opportunity to make a huge killing.

As we speak, one of the biggest bubble markets ever has exploded in value. Oil. Which means the greatest opportunity imaginable is knocking on our door.

This trade is so hot, you have the very real potential to turn thousands into millions. In a matter of months. With no downside risk other than your small initial investment, which can be as little as a few hundred dollars.

OPEC/Wall Street/banker manipulations drove this key market to the height of insanity. It is trading near its all-time record high.

The fundamentals scream it is about to crash. Yet hucksters, liars and thieves have promoted the shit out of it. They have told the world that this vast bubble -– already one of the biggest balloon in history -– is somehow going to keep swelling without end, so you better buy now!

Sadly, the public has bought into this b.s. en masse. Wall Street & Friends have fooled the most people ever. And now, just like in the tech wreck... just like in the housing wipeout... it's time to harvest the suckers' money.

Usually we look to make $100,000 from a $10,000 trade. To put it bluntly, in this case the numbers are one hell of a lot better.

Take the conservative approach. Invest a few thousand dollars in this trade.

You aren't looking at making a 'mere' hundred thousand dollars. You are aiming to make millions. See the Potential Profit Calculator later in this report.

Yes, you read that right. This trade could potentially turn mere thousands into millions for you -– in a year or less.

I know that's an extraordinary claim. But as you will see in this report, I can back it up with facts and figures.

Actually, all the trade has to do is go back to its long-term, historic price. (I think that's a sure thing.) Starting with a few thousand dollars, you could become a multi-millionaire. Again, you'll see proof of this a bit later in this report.

Normally that kind of return is impossible. But we live in extraordinary times. The world has never faced more peril.

Dead-broke governments are defaulting right and left. In desperation, they gave dead-broke bankers and insiders trillions of dollars. This was damn-near interest-free BORROWED money, that was supposed to grow the economy.

But the banks did NOT loan that money out to businesses or

individuals. They did NOT stimulate the economy. Instead, the bankers and Wall Street insiders used it to

manipulate this oil market (plus others). They have created one of the greatest bubbles the world has ever seen. Now this bubble is about to burst. We can greatly leverage it, while keeping our risk so low it's laughable.

You see why I feel you have to make this million dollar money-making trade now!

Look, the financial world is collapsing. Banks are wiping out. So are funds. Financial institutions. States and even entire countries.

The bubbles they blew up are about to burst. They will shake the world to its very foundations.

Before this is over, two kinds of people will be left. One, the vast majority of people. Devastated. Impoverished. Their money wiped out. Their freedoms stolen by tyrants who have already started to rise out of the ashes.

And two, the lucky few. Those who figured out things ahead of time. Who took the simple steps they needed, to be among the very, very few big winners. Rich, with enough money to bring themselves power and freedom.

I am offering you nothing other than a chance to escape this global disaster. On your terms. You know it's coming. This is your last chance to save yourself and your family from the wipeout that is circling the entire planet as we speak.

Warning! Failure to heed my words will cost you everything. But if you listen to me -– if you follow my continuing guidance -- you could become wealthier than you could ever imagine.

Things are that desperate. Desperate times bring great opportunities. That is the sad fact of life.

My friend, I know deep in your soul you feel this. I know you sense disaster is right around the corner. You can see that evil men are seizing power in countries around the globe.

More and more people are losing everything. The biggest number of Americans are becoming impoverished since the civil war: according to the U.S. Dept of Labor, nearly 90 million adult Americans have no job.

The great experiment with freedom and democracy is coming to an end. I beg you, don't turn into one of the victims.

Obama won reelection. He is about to wage no-holds-barred class warfare, on you and your lifestyle. That's what his supporters elected him to do. He is more than happy to oblige.

In fact, he's already started. Right in the middle of a

recession, he is raising taxes! The worst thing possible, if he really wants the economy to rebound.

You can do one of two things. The first is to head into this disaster blindfolded, clueless, with no money. Do that, and you guarantee you basically become a slave of the state.

Or you can buy your way out of it, with knowledge and lots of money. With eyes wide open, cashing in at every turn of the way.

That's the one thing that can save you. Lots of cold hard cash. It can give you the resources you need to make yourself immune to the socialist changes that are coming to America.

Do nothing and it's the poor house. Choose wisely, make the right moves, and it's millionaires' row. That has never been more important.

I promise, you will regret it the rest of your life -- if you do not take advantage of this multi-million dollar opportunity I am offering you. It gives you the chance to take a few thousand dollars and turn that into millions. Simply by trading the U.S. energy revolution, that even OPEC admits is here and now.

In fact, I'm so sure of this, I'm giving you a risk-free way to get in on this trading bonanza.

I expect this trade to unfold in the next 3 to 12 months. That is when the next phase of the global disaster will take hold.

So give me a year. Either you make the millions I'm talking about, or the information and constant guidance I give you don't cost you one red cent.

What's more, I'll send you a brand new iPad 4, absolutely free. I myself own an iPad: I love it. You can connect to our website

with it, or use it anyway you like. It's yours free, just for giving us a try.

So to quickly sum up, you get a trade that could turn thousands into millions.

Your risk is strictly limited: you can never lose more than your small initial investment.

If for any reason things don't work out, the information, recommendations and analysis are free: you get all your subscription money back.

Plus you get a free iPad 4 -– new, in the box -– when you join with us. It's yours to keep, no matter what.

That said, let me tell you about the trade itself -- and show you how it could make you a fortune several times over...

Bank of America admits

OPEC's fatal error could turn YOU into a multi-millionaire

OPEC/banker manipulations drove oil prices up 20 times in value. Now they are about to crash back to earth. The fundamentals alone guarantee nothing can stop this.

Demand for oil is collapsing in the global depression. At the same time, thanks to new developments in the U.S., oil supplies are soaring through the roof.

The world's top energy watchdog is the IEA. (International Energy Agency.) The IEA just shocked the world, by admitting what I've told you for years: due to the new revolution in oil production –- known as fracking -- the U.S. will soon become the #1 oil producer on earth. U.S. production is about to swamp all other nations combined.

Look out OPEC. The Yanks are coming!

Fact is, our oil shale fields contain over 20 times more oil than total Saudi reserves. That alone means world oil supplies will soar by over ten times. Oil will become about as common as dirt. It will be cheaper than bottled water.

What's more, the oil manipulators themselves are broke. Banker bailouts are over. Wall Streeters have lost so much in the derivatives casino, they are having their power and water cut off. And OPEC is losing the battle to keep its restless, oppressed majorities in line.

i.e. the Big Boys have run out of money to keep the oil bubble blown up. Just like several years ago they

Bank America admitsoil will crash to $50

For years, Wall Street has insisted oil will soar to $250 a barrel. In a stunning reversal, Bank America (BA) admits that is 100% NOT true, and that instead, oil will crash in price.

In what can only be described as a gross Freudian slip, BA said,

“U..S. booming shell oil output risks $50 a barrel oil.”

BA says oil “risks” falling to $50 because for them and their clients, this is a disaster. They have bet trillions of dollars that oil prices will go up, not down.

For you, this could turn into a vast fortune. If oil returns to its historic price, even a thousand dollar investment could turn into millions.

Fracking: the energy/oil game changer

"The fracking revolution is real" -- Marvin Odum, President of Shell Oil

“Oil producers are very concerned about U.S. fracking” -- UAE oil minister Mohammed al-Hamli

“More than anything else is the game changer. OPEC nations are concerned, all of them” – Commerzebank, Germany's 2nd largest bank “The global energy map is changing, Fracking will make the U.S. the world's largest oil producer.” – IEA

ran out of money to keep the real estate bubble blown up. You saw what happened when that bubble burst.

Bottom line: crude oil prices are about to go back to their long-term fair market value. Under $5 a barrel. You can see this on the blue line in the chart below.

One trade in particular is set to make spectacular profits for you. It goes up as oil prices fall. It also gives you 3x leverage.

When oil was at $50 a barrel, this instrument traded for around $450 per share. As I write this, you can buy in for under $6. Not if but when oil goes back to just $50, this grand slam home run trade could make you 60 times your money or more.

But I think oil will blow through $50, like a plane crashing to earth blows through a cloud. It will settle at its historic price of under $5. With the leverage my trade reco gives you, you could become a millionaire several times over, turning thousands into millions.

(Want proof? See our Oil trade Potential Profit Calculator, later in this report.)

Oil is about to go back to its historic price of under $5 a barrel

Since you are buying a special swap instrument (similar to a share of stock), you never risk more than your initial investment. As little as a hundred dollars. You never face margin calls, options, or expiration dates.

You simply sit back and watch as the oil price collapses, and your profits mount higher and higher. I think in the worst-case scenario, you make at least 60 times your money. That's if Bank America is right, and oil somehow stops its plunge at $50.

Most likely scenario, oil goes back to its long-term, fair-market value. A thousand dollar investment then makes you a multi-millionaire. See the chart below for the historical proof behind this.

Five times since 1972, OPEC has sold the world a big lie. A fairy tale that we were running out of oil. Each time, that lie ended up biting them in the ass.

The coming oil bust will be the biggest collapse of all. Because this time OPEC and Wall Street went too far. They rigged oil prices too high, for too long. They planted the seeds of their own destruction.

They made the new fracking oil technology I told you about

When oil goes back to $50 a barrel, this trade could make you 60x your money. When oil goes to $5, you could make millions.

economically feasible. Now it is spreading to countries around the world. It has already started the greatest oil supply boom of all time.

The backlash will bankrupt OPEC -- and could easily make you a multi-million dollar profit.

How you can get rich making thisgrand slam home run trade

You are reading about one of the most powerful potential money-making recommendations I have ever given. I sincerely believe you could turn thousands into millions.

I know, I know. You have heard that before. It's impossible. Not so. I'll prove it to you now.

In this section I have built an Oil Trade Potential Profit Calculator. It is based on historic values of the trade itself. i.e. actual performance, in the market, where the rubber hits the road.

You can see the profits are not only possible. They have been made before. Not that long ago, in this exact trade. They will be made again, starting with as little as one thousand dollars. Here it is ...

Oil trade Potential Profit Calculator(based on actual prices of the trade)

If you invest today... $1,000.00 $5,000.00 $10,000.00Your profits at:$50/barrel oil (2009 price)

$50,000.00 $250,000.00 $500,000.00

$25/barrel $150,000.00 $750,000.00 $1.5 million$10/barrel $750,000.00 $3.75 million $7.5 million $5/barrel (fair market value) $2.25 million $6.75 million $13.5 million

You can see that if the market just makes modest moves, you could make a huge killing. e.g. $50 a barrel oil could turn $1000 into $50,000 -– if you make the trade I am recommending.

To do this, all oil must do is go back to level it was at a few years ago. Even BA admits oil will fall to that price.

And if the market falls to its long-term historic trend prices, you could become very rich indeed.

(Please note, I think there's no way oil can't go back to its historic prices. Supply/demand forces are too strong, and the manipulations have failed.)

With this trade, you never face a margin call. There are no futures or options. No time constraints. No expiration dates.

You simply buy this baby, sit back, and wait for reality to return to the market. In my opinion, you won't have to wait long.

Then comes the cool part. If we are right, you could cash in big-time. You could have the biggest payday of your life.

Here's how you can get in on this. Subscribe to my Wall Street Insiders VIP service. I will instantly send you all the information you need to get in on this specific trade. What to buy. When, at which price.

And of course, when to get out, to make the most profits. The WSI is the only market information service I know of

designed to reveal to average investors the secret trading opportunities known only to Wall Street insiders.

It comes to you by Internet, email, fax and even SMS messages if you like. You get my best recommendations, analysis and hot news updates, literally in nano-seconds.

My goal is show the little guy how Wall Street and the big money boys set up the “retail” public for a fleecing –- and to teach ordinary investors how to use Wall Street’s own trading secrets against them. This trade is a great example of that.

Of course, my Wall Street Insiders isn’t for everyone. For one thing, a one-year subscription is $5,000. No discounts.

I realize that for many people today, that is a lot of money. But this oil trade alone could make you hundreds of times that -- if and when we are right.

If you have some speculative capital you can afford to risk -– say, $5,000 to $10,000 -– then the Wall Street Insiders could well be one of the best investments you ever make. Truly.

Perfect for people with onlya few thousand dollars to invest

I get lots of emails from people who have been hurt bad in this economic wipeout. They lost money when the housing market collapsed. Their pension funds have taken permanent hits. So have their mutual funds. And because of the global recession, their jobs and businesses are just not what they used to be.

They ask what someone with thousands of dollars to invest could

** Disclosure and Disclaimer and Privacy Policy: Trading is always a risky business: You can lose money. Never trade with money you can’t afford to lose. To see a copy of our complete disclosure,disclaimers and privacy policy, visit

do. Until now I had nothing to offer them. No low-risk investment, that could make really big life-changing profits for them, and do so in reasonably short time.

So you can imagine how ecstatic I am to report the great news to you. You can choose a market that even Wall Street admits is about to crash... invest a thousand dollars... and potentially walk home with a million dollars or more.

Usually to make profits like that, a market must go to new record highs or lows. Not this time. All oil has to do is return to its long-time historic trend line.

You simply sit back and wait for what I think will be your biggest payday ever.

I regard this as one of the most incredible money-making opportunities I've ever seen. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, to turn the tables on the assholes who have done such damage to our nation. To our world.

Another thing. This comes from my heart. It's very common for people to say, “let me wait and see what happens. Then I'll get in on the trade.”

THAT DEFINITELY WILL NOT WORK HERE. You must realize, oil will not go down in stages. It will crash, most likely in weeks at most. Just like it has in the past.

Remember the last oil collapse, from $140 a barrel to $40? You gotta be there ahead of time, waiting on the moves. Otherwise they will pass you by.

Once we get this next wipeout, the party's over. The market will crash, go down, and stay down for generations. You will have no chance to catch another move. You will have no more opportunities to make money from the markets.

So this is it. Now or never. All or nothing. You decide. If you pass this up, imagine how you will feel when the shale

oil/fracking boom brings oil to market like never seen before, and oil prices crumble -– but you are not there to make the millions this great trade would have given you.

I urge you to call now. Subscribe to my WSI, by calling us at toll-free 1-866-924-0607 (overseas subscribers call 1-913-871-0701).

You'll get my Grand Slam trading package. It gives you all the information you need to get in on this oil trade.

You'll also get instant 24 hour a day access to my WSI premium website. You get other great trading reco's, constant updates, market news, and commentaries about what's really going on. Subscribers say they've never seen anything like it.

Plus we will send you your new iPad 4 -– my gift to you -– at

once.If you want a realistic shot at turning thousands into

millions... and only risking your initial investment, in the greatest risk to reward trade I've ever seen... call me right away at 1-913-871-0701 or toll-free 1-866-924-0607... or click on the order tab below.

But whatever you do, don’t wait. This opportunity will not last long.


Nick Guarino