The book of the brazen angel

Post on 21-Oct-2014

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SOTHIS: A MAGAZINE OF THE NEW AEON, was a print spiritual magazine produced in 1970s London and Mike Magee was co-editor of this very influential publication. Sadly, it only lasted through seven editions before its outstanding success made its contributors give it up! Copies are now very hard to find.The Book of the Brazen Angel is taken from an article by Mike Magee which appeared in Sothis Vol II, Number 2 titled THE SUBSTANCE OF LUST. In the article, Mike explores the models of the universe from a diverse range of cultures and belief systems. He then goes on to explain the system of the Brazen Angel, its Grimoire and Geomancy, a system devised from a series of experiments conducted in 1974.


There are numerous Magical Traditions and Systems that have existed since time immemorial.


The Enochian System


All these traditions help us find out the relationship between the Creator and His creation …

… and reveal the secrets of life.

The System of the Brazen Angel was obtained by Mike Magee as a result of crystal skrying.

The eBook, “The Book of the Brazen Angel” is based on an article by Mike Magee which appeared in the spiritual magazine, SOTHIS in 1974.

In this eBook, Mike explores the models of the universe from a diverse range of cultures and belief systems.

He also explains the system of the Brazen Angel, and its Grimoire and Geomancy.

This eBook includes the Appendix which was published with the original SOTHIS article, which provides the sixteen fold attribution & the twenty two paths in the Brazen Angel system.

Also included are scanned images of Mike’s hand written and drawn diary from the original experiments!

Available now on

Published by:MetaPlume Corporation