The Briefcase

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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Pre-Production for a film.



The Briefcase: Treatment

The Briefcase


Jonathan Walker

Coco Robinson

Kyle Null


Shots alternating between four televisions tuned to the same channel. On the televisions we see a funeral being carried out and telecasted. The deceased is EDWARD NOHANSSON DEVEREUX, a WEALTHY business magnate. He is apparently very much loved by the public, perhaps he was known for contributing to society. We now see four viewers of this program one by one as the announcer on the screen lists Edward Devereux’s achievements in life. First, YOUNGER SOKOLOWSKY, Then MICHAEL DEVEREUX, Then THE MERCENARY, and finally THE WAITRESS. Back to the program again. The camera on the television pans up to show the body one final time. As it does an object in the casket twinkles to the camera and as the casket closes we can barely make out what appears to be a metal BRIEFCASE. We then see four reaction shots of the same four viewers. INTRIGUE, DISBELIEF, APATHY, and CONFUSION respectively. The program ends and the television is shut off and we see Younger Sokolowsky once again on a couch with a remote in his hands.


Younger Sokolowsky gets up from the ratty couch and silently moves to the kitchen counter in his small apartment. His brother, OLDER SOKOLOWSKY, asks what was on the television and a conversation ensues. They are apparently out of luck and behind on the rent. Older Sokolowsky decides to dig up the casket and fetch the briefcase thinking there must be money inside the briefcase. Younger Sokolowsky is reluctant to agree but is eventually swayed by his more convincing brother.


We see the two Sokolowsky brothers digging up the grave of Edward Devereux. First a wide shot then a close up of Younger Sokolowsky doing most of the digging. Then a shot from in the hole looking up we see Older Sokolowsky taking an extended break. We hear the stereotypical “ponk” noise that signifies a buried object has been struck by a shovel. They sigh in relief and now both are digging. We see them pull up the briefcase, eyes gleaming in joy. The briefcase is locked and the brothers are disappointed. As they discuss what to do next, a man with a gun enters from the foreground. The man wields a magnum pistol. The camera is behind the man and only shows his arm with the gun. The man tells the brothers to hand over the briefcase and mockingly thanks them for saving him some digging. The man introduces himself as Michael Devereux and makes it clear that he has no intention of

shooting the brothers; he only wants the money inside the briefcase. Now we see Michael’s entire body and the greed he wears on his face. The Sokolowsky Brothers hand over the briefcase and Michael exits.


Michael exits his car with the briefcase in his left hand and the pistol in his right. Michael finds that his front door is locked. Michael looks at his hands as if to decide which item to put down in order to grab his key. Michael decides to bite the pistol in his mouth and fishes his key out of his pocket with his now free right hand. As Michael is unlocking the door a man approaches him with a Glock and tells Michael to hand over the briefcase. The man is the Mercenary. The mercenary removes the pistol from Michael’s mouth and pockets it. Michael tries to argue that the money in the briefcase belongs to him. The Mercenary explains to Michael that the money truly belongs to Edward Devereux and takes the briefcase. As the Mercenary walks away he says “And now it belongs to me.”


We see the Mercenary driving a Buick on the highway with 50s Rock n‘ Roll on the radio and the briefcase sitting shotgun beside him.

SHOT - The camera is in a van in the left lane filming the Mercenary’s car from outside. The van then slows and the Mercenary’s car goes out of view and 10 seconds later the camera approaches the front of Michael’s car. Michael is following the Mercenary in a Lexus with the radio off. Michael’s car passes the camera and 10 seconds later the camera approaches the front of the Sokolowsky brothers’ car. The Sokolowsky Brothers are following Michael in a beat up VW Beetle. They are jamming to pop music and talking loudly over the noise of the radio. Older Sokolowsky notices that Michael has pulled over to exit and follows Michael’s car to a DINER.


We see the mercenary at the counter of the diner politely ordering breakfast and exchanging pleasantries with the Waitress. Michael slips in the diner unnoticed and hides at a table in the corner. The Sokolowsky Brothers enter the diner and sit at the counter next to the Mercenary. The brothers and the Mercenary are unaware of each other’s role in the theft of the briefcase. After the brothers order, they notice the briefcase beside the Mercenary, look at each other, then

look at the mercenary, and finally back at each other. Older Sokolowsky cancels the order and the two brothers retreat to their car to figure out their next move. On their way out the diner they see Michael. Michael sees them and whispers a tongue-in-cheek death threat to the brothers. Younger Sokolowsky asks Michael how he lost the briefcase but before Michael can answer Older Sokolowsky drags him out of the diner. Michael returns to his car a few seconds later. The Mercenary notices Michael and tells the Waitress that Michael is really starting to become a pain in the ass. Then the Mercenary pays and leaves. The Waitress is curious about the action of these four men. As the Mercenary leaves the diner, the Waitress can see the briefcase in his hand. The Waitress thinks for a minute, then takes off her apron and rushes after the mercenary.


We see three cars following the Mercenary’s Buick down the highway. The mercenary is nervous. Michael is determined. The Sokolowsky brothers are enjoying their adventure. The waitress is deep in thought. ALL drive to a BUS STATION.


We see the Mercenary pick up his ticket at the front desk and take a seat at the bus stop. Michael enters followed closely by The Sokolowsky Brothers and the Waitress. Michael asks the CLERK which bus the Mercenary is taking and purchases a ticket for the same bus. We see Michael turn around to face the Waitress and the Sokolowsky brothers. Michael turns around again and buys three more tickets from the clerk and hands them to the Waitress and the Sokolowsky Brothers. As Michael gives these tickets away the BUS pulls up and the Mercenary gets on.


The Mercenary is facing away from the door of the bus so that he cannot see the other four enter. Michael enters the bus first and takes the seat that is back to back with the Mercenary. The Waitress enters next and sits in the front-most seat. The Sokolowsky brothers enter last ad sit in a middle row just out of the Mercenary’s view. Finally a young man, the STUDENT, enters the bus and sits across from the Mercenary. The Student is in a good mood, he chats about the weather with the Mercenary and asks the Mercenary where he is headed. The bus takes off and is silent for a minute as the camera shows each character one by one again. After a minute The Student says to the Mercenary “Did you hear that somebody

dug up the grave of that millionaire, Edward Devereux, last night?”

Before the Mercenary can answer, Michael leaps from his seat and shouts to the mercenary, “It’s mine you bastard!” Michael reaches for the briefcase but the Mercenary tackles him and they fight over the briefcase. The Student is yelling at the two men to break it up. We then see the Sokolowsky brothers dive on the two men and wrestle for the briefcase and finally the Waitress enters the melee as well. The DRIVER stops the bus and yells at the passengers to calm down but he is ignored. In the middle of the fight, the briefcase slides to the back of the bus and opens. The Student separates Michael and the Mercenary and all six faces look at the briefcase that is open a crack. Michael is the first to approach the briefcase.

Michael opens the briefcase. The camera shows the six faces from the briefcase’s point of view. We then see Michael pick up a photograph. It shows Michael as a child sitting on the lap of his grandfather, Edward Devereux. The Briefcase is shown. The briefcase contains three bundles of photographs, some documents and other personal items. The photos are all of the Devereux family. Each one was hand picked by Edward himself to be buried with him. Edward Devereux wished only to be buried with his fondest memories, not money. Michael begins to cry. The Waitress comforts him. The Mercenary talks with the bus driver and explains the situation. The Mercenary tips the driver and leaves the bus without saying a word. The Sokolowsky brothers sat back down and smiled. The Briefcase is now in Michael’s hands.


Michael, the Waitress, and the Sokolowsky brothers walk from the graveyard smiling. The camera pans to a headstone which reads “Edward Devereux - Loving Husband, Father, and Grandfather - 1928-2010”

The Briefcase: Production Group Logo

The Briefcase: Script

The Briefcase


Jonathan Walker

Coco Robinson

Kyle Null


A TELEVISON is broadcasting the funeral showing of EDWARD NOHANSSON DEVEREUX. On screen, a REPORTER is commenting on the funeral ceremony. IZAAK SOKOLOWSKI is hunched forward on a dirty couch in a small apartment watching the program. REPORTER -here at the National Cathedral in

Washington D.C. In a few moments we should hear-


MICHAEL DEVEREUX is watching the same program on a flat screen television in his spacious living room. Michael is alone, unmoving, and stoic leaning back on his couch with a beer in his left hand and the remote in his right. REPORTER

-a reading from his four children and the memorial service will conclude-a truly remarkable, uh, service for-


A middle aged man dressed in a black suit, the MERCENARY is standing alone in an airport terminal lobby watching the same program on a wall mounted television. REPORTER

-truly a remarkable man, EDWARD DEVEREUX; a novel businessman, industrialist, and a generous philanthropist. Certainly a figure who-


A WAITRESS watches the small television on the counter of her DINER. She is watching the same program while hand drying a bowl. The diner is empty except for an old farmer drinking coffee, the waitress, and a cook behind the counter.

REPORTER -will be remembered in his community... I believe we will have a final look at the deceased here in just a moment before the closing of the casket.


The camera on the television program pans up for a final view of Edward Devereux before the conclusion of the memorial service. Just before the program ends on all four television screens, a silver object reflects a flash of light to the camera. Only for a moment the object can be made out. This object is THE BRIEFCASE. The four viewers of the four televisions lean in to examine the out of place item. First Izaak, then Michael, the Mercenary, and finally the Waitress.

6 INT. SOKOLOWSKI APARTMENT – AFTERNOON 6 The old TV in the Sokolowski apartment is shut off and Izaak gets up from the couch. He walks over to the kitchen counter in his small studio apartment where his older brother, FERDINAND SOKOLOWSKI, is making a sandwich. Ferdinand speaks in good English with a thin Polish accent. Izaak has a thicker Polish accent.

FERDINAND What were you watching?


Um, a funeral for, uh, Edward Devereux. The businessperson


(wryly) Why?

IZAAK I just flipped to it. And I admire the guy. He donated much to his city.


What was that shiny thing in his coffin?

IZAAK You saw it too?! I, I do not know. It looked like a silver case. FERDINAND Why would it be in his coffin? IZAAK That’s what I was thinking. Maybe- FERDINAND I bet there’s money in it. How rich was this guy? IZAAK You think? He was rich, a Forbes man. FERDINAND Probably a billionaire. I bet the cocky bastard stuffed a few million to take to the afterlife with him. IZAAK He was not a bastard he was a good man- FERDINAND Hey if you were that rich would you rather have the government take your money when you die or would you stash it in your coffin and keep it forever? IZAAK I would donate it and I think this man would have done the same thing. FERDINAND Maybe, but admit there’s a good chance it could be money IZAAK ... Well, it is possible-

FERDINAND It’s not only possible, it is likely... When is the burial?

IZAAK (stands up) No. No, no, no. FERDINAND What? IZAAK I know what you’re thinking. Do you think I am stupid? FERDINAND (walking away from counter) Look at this place little brother; it is a pile of shit. When our grandfather lived in Poland-

IZAAK That was World War II, this- FERDINAND Listen, he lived in war-torn Poland, also a pile of shit, he had to steal money and tickets to get to America. He made it to New York City and raised our father who became an accomplished metalworker. IZAAK That is a completely different – circumstance. You want to dig up this man- FERDINAND No, see, we will ignore the man. We will just dig up the briefcase. IZAAK We? I’m not digging up a dead man- FERDINAND See, you’re not listening to me. The body will remain in the coffin. We just want his money.

FERDINAND (cont.) He’s not using it. It is in our blood to steal. We will be rich and our children will be famous. Look at this place. Do you think dad would be proud of us anyway? No. We are way behind on the rent and can’t find work. Come on, who is going to care? It won’t matter when we’re rich. IZAAK I don’t know. It is immoral. To do this... FERDINAND Again. It won’t matter once we have money... If you don’t want to join me then I guess I will keep all of it. IZAAK Alright. I’ll go, but if we get caught- FERDINAND Irrelevant, we will not be caught. IZAAK You know you are a dumbass right? FERDINAND (sarcasm) Brother, it hurts me that you would throw around such hurtful words without considering my feel- IZAAK Shut up, man. FERDINAND (walking) Do we only have one shovel?

Ferdinand walks off camera and opens a closet. Izaak sits at the counter. His smile turns into a sobering stare as he sighs and wipes his eyes.


Izaak digs as Ferdinand leans on the headstone of Edward Devereux. A flashlight hangs from Ferdinand’s jeans providing ample light to the younger Sokolowski brother.


Six feet is six feet. I’m six feet. It should be as deep as I am tall. IZAAK I’d say we’re at four feet. Your turn. FERDINAND We should have bought another shovel. IZAAK That’s what I said. FERDINAND Well you should have said it louder.

Izaak continues to dig as Ferdinand looks around. IZAAK Seriously, (panting) your turn bro.

FERDINAND No way man, I got lookout. I called it. IZAAK You can’t call look out. FERDINAND And you can’t dig six feet of fresh soil. IZAAK Hey I’m tired here. I could dig twenty feet if the circumstances were different.

Izaak strikes the casket. Ferdinand jolts from his post to take over the dig. He shovels at a much faster pace. FERDINAND

(panting) You know... In the movies... When they first... hit that buried treasure... They instantly heave it out of the hole... But in real life- IZAAK It’s ‘cos all the dirt you shovel fills back in where you just dug it from. FERDINAND You aren’t kidding bro.

Izaak looks around the graveyard while Ferdinand continues to dig. Izaak eyes other headstones and then looks to read the one he is leaning on. It reads “EDWARD NOHANSSON DEVEREUX 1928-2010 LOVING HUSBAND, FATHER, and GRANDFATHER.” Izaak nods his head at the headstone then looks to Ferdinand who has finished digging. Ferdinand stabs the shovel into the casket and points the flashlight inside. The briefcase shines at the two Sokolowski brothers. Ferdinand lifts it from the casket. It doesn’t fit through the hole made by the shovel at first but one yank frees it from the cold ground. IZAAK Open it! FERDINAND

Ssh! It’s locked... Give me your keys. IZAAK What? Okay?

Izaak hands Ferdinand his keychain FERDINAND There can’t be more than a fifty or so different key shapes right?

Ferdinand tries three keys with no luck.

IZAAK Try your house key. FERDINAND It’s the same as yours, dumbass. IZAAK How about your old locker key- FERDINAND

(frustrated) They’re all too fucking big man! It needs a smaller key.

Ferdinand shakes the briefcase and tries to pry it open by hand.

IZAAK Want to bang it with the shovel? FERDINAND

Why don’t we wedge the shovel in and- MICHAEL Why don’t you hand it over to me?

IZAAK / FERDINAND (simul.) Jesus! / The Fuck!? From behind a tombstone enters Michael Devereux with a shiny black magnum in is left hand. Michael points the gun in the direction of the Sokolowskis. The Sokolowski brothers stare at the gun as if it were the one doing the talking. They speak in a frightened tone to the gun in Michael’s hand. Michael speaks in a cocky tone. FERDINAND Who are you? MICHAEL

I’m the grandson of the man whose grave you just deconsecrated. I’d kill you two here and now, but you saved me a lot of digging. Hand it over.

The Sokolowski brothers remain silent as simultaneously their eyes look to each other, then the gun, and then the

briefcase. Ferdinand hands the briefcase to Michael who shifts the gun to his right hand and grabs the briefcase with his left.

MICHAEL Thank you.

Michael walks into the darkness as silently as he came. The Sokolowski brothers look at each other as they sit motionless beside the grave of Edward Devereux.


Michael exits his Lexus with the briefcase in his left hand and the pistol in his right. He approaches the front door of his large suburban home and finds that his front door is locked. Michael looks at his hands to decide which item to put down in order to grab his HOUSE KEY. He decides to bite the pistol in his mouth and fishes his key out of his pocket with his now free right hand. As Michael is unlocking the door a man approaches him with a dirty, used GLOCK. The man is the Mercenary. The Mercenary points his Glock Michael notices the Mercenary and reacts by opening his eyes wider and not moving. The mercenary removes the pistol from Michael’s mouth and pockets it. Michael remains silent. The Mercenary speaks in a Russian accent with a reserved tone. MERCENARY I will be taking that briefcase. Michael stares at the doorknob on the door before him. MERCENARY

Don’t make this difficult. Hand It over

MICHAEL This is my money. MERCENARY

From what I understand, this was your grandfather’s money. It was never your money.

Michael is still staring at the doorknob and remains silent for a few seconds.

MICHAEL But this belongs in my family. You didn’t know my grandfather. This is not yours. It is a family matter and should remain that way. MERCENARY That’s a clever argument, son, but I have been hired to retrieve this briefcase. I was not hired to care about your family issues. Listen, I hold the status quo here. You’d be a fool to test me.

The Mercenary reaches for the briefcase and grabs the handle with his free hand. However, Michael retains his grip on the briefcase. The Mercenary raises his weapon and Michael loosens his grip. The Mercenary takes the briefcase, shakes it and walks away from the house. After TEN strides, he stops and adds one final comment while still facing away from the static Michael. MERCENARY

I once heard that nothing makes us more vulnerable than loneliness, except greed... I feel sorry for you, boy. You were twice as vulnerable as I expected.


The Mercenary drives down an unoccupied highway. The briefcase is sitting upright in the passenger seat of his black 1992 OLDSMOBILE. A 50s Rock n’ Roll radio station is playing at low volume as the Mercenary drives just under the speed limit in the far right lane. A phone rings. The Mercenary turns down the radio and answers his cell. MERCENARY

Hello... Yes... I am well and it is riding shotgun as we speak... You know I do flawless work, comrade, there’s no need to call... Don’t lie to me my friend, I wouldn’t trust me either, I understand... No, it is locked... I haven’t even bothered. I do not care what’s inside... So now you

trust me... Ha, don’t worry my friend, I only jest... You are in good hands... ... ... Yes... I apologize. It will be delivered on time... Uh huh... Goodbye.

A quarter mile behind the Mercenary is a 2008 Lexus owned and driven by Michael. The Mercenary is unaware that he is being followed. Michael has the radio off and a look of offense on his face. His eyes do not falter as he glares at the Oldsmobile ahead of him. Michael’s hands are at twelve. Another quarter mile behind Michael is a pre-90s VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE driven by Ferdinand Sokolowski. Country music I playing on the radio. Izaak wakes up from a nap in the passenger seat and looks around at the passing scenery. He leans up from his seat to change the station.

FERDINAND Whoa, hands off the radio. I’m driving I pick the station. IZAAK But you don’t like country FERDINAND Yes, but you *hate* country. IZAAK Don’t be a dick- FERDINAND Wait. Shut up. He’s pulling off at this exit.

The Sokolowsky brothers follow Michael off an exit as Michael follows the Mercenary to a DINER.


The Waitress is buffing the counter at the empty diner. The local news is playing on the same television behind the counter. The Mercenary enters the diner and sits at the counter. He sets the briefcase at his feet and smiles to the Waitress. WAITRESS Coffee hun?

MERCENARY Please. The Waitress pours a cup of coffee and hands it to the Mercenary with a smile. He sips it and smiles back. MERCENARY

This is some fine coffee ma’am Thank you.

As he talks, Michael enters the diner and sits at a booth in the corner, making sure he goes unnoticed by the careful eye of the mercenary. The Sokolowskis enter seconds later and sit out of view of Michael next to the Mercenary at the counter, not knowing he is in possession of the briefcase. The Sokolowskis and the Mercenary can not see Michael with their backs to him. Izaak looks around while Ferdinand orders orange juice from he Waitress. Izaak, who is sitting one seat away from the Mercenary, notices the briefcase at his feet first. Izaak nudges Ferdinand who looks at the briefcase, then to his brother, then finally at the Mercenary. Ferdinand mouths “What the fuck?” to his brother who mouths back “I don’t know.” They look at each other then Izaak looks down at the counter and quickly decides to engage the Mercenary. IZAAK Sup? MERCENARY (stares) Sup? Izaak turns to Ferdinand who mouths “You moron.” Izaak looks down then turns to the Mercenary again.


So... Awful windy out there isn’t it? MERCENARY Yes... It is. IZAAK Your accent. Is it Russian? MERCENARY Yes... It is.

IZAAK Hey that’s cool. We’re from Poland. Warsaw... My brother and I. Well we’re not *from* Poland but our family- MERCENARY That’s very interesting (turns)

IZAAK Yeah... W... Uh... (turns)

Izaak looks back to his brother who mouths “Way to go” before taking a gulp of his orange juice. The Mercenary lays down a twenty on the table and signals to the Waitress. MERCENARY

It was lovely coffee ma’am but I am in a hurry. Keep the change.


(confused) That’s awful generous of you sir. Thank-

As the Mercenary leaves, the waitress eyes the briefcase. She continues to stare at it as he walks past the window outside. Ferdinand gets up from the counter and walks toward his car. Izaak fishes out his wallet and throws three ones on the table for the orange juice. Izaak rushes to catch Ferdinand at the door. Before either of them reaches the door Michael stops them. MICHAEL

I am going to kill you two. FERDINAND (mocking) How’d you lose it? Michael turns around and walks out the door. As he leaves, without holding the door, he gives the Sokolowski brothers the finger over his shoulder. Ferdinand opens the door. FERDINAND

Hey, it’s anybody’s game now, my friend.

The Sokolowskis exit and head to their car. All the while, the Waitress has been listening to this odd conversation.

She looks at the men who just left so suddenly and reverts to wiping off the counter. As soon as she dismisses this incident, the NEWS ANCHOR on the television behind her interrupts. ANCHOR

This just in, authorities are reporting that a grave has been robbed at the Shea Memorial Cemetery. According to police reports, the grave of Edward Devereux, who was buried Tuesday night, has been dug up and tampered with. They have told the press that the body is still intact and the casket was apparently kicked in. Currently there are no suspects in this case...

By the time the thirty second report concludes, the waitress is already out the door and putting on her coat.


The Mercenary speeds down the empty highway as rain begins to drizzle on his window. He is on his cell again. MERCENARY

-Yes but I am being followed... Don’t worry, everything’s under control. I think I can lose him if I enter the city and bus from there... Because if I get on a bus then he will have to abandon his car in order to keep following me... Of course he won’t, he wouldn’t leave his car with no knowledge of when he might have the chance to return to it... It *will* work, I am sure of it. Plus, he won’t be able to make a move on me anyway... Because he is unarmed and we will be in public – Just don’t worry. I’ve got it under control. Forget I mentioned it.

Michael drives through the rain the same way he was driving earlier except that he looks in his rear view mirror at the morons who are following him. The Sokolowskis follow Michael much closer now that they are no longer in stealth mode. They return to a similar discussion as Izaak flips through a CD case. IZAAK

Beatles. Stones. Roses. Beatles. Zeppelin I-IV... Uh some mixes. FERDINAND Give me one of the mixes.

IZAAK Which one? There’s one labeled ‘My Party Mix’ there’s- FERDINAND That one. IZAAK What? Why? Really? FERDINAND Yeah why not? I haven’t listened to it in awhile. IZAAK I’m not in the mood to *party* FERDINAND Well then you will be duly disappointed. Pop it in. IZAAK Fine but only because I’m curious at what lame 90s songs you might have on here. FERDINAND Only the lamest of the lame.

The waitress follows the two pursuers ahead of her. She is also on the phone. WAITRESS

-and I’ll be back for my afternoon

WAITRESS (cont.) shift tomorrow... Yes... Okay will do... No I’m fine. I just – remembered something... I’m fine... I know, I know. I’ll see you tomorrow... Bye hun.

The four cars exit the interstate and proceed to park in the parking lot of the GREATER METRO AREA BUS STATION one by one. Outside it is now a downpour of heavy rain.


The Mercenary enters the bus station and quickly purchases a ticket from the CLERK at the FRONT DESK. He exits right to wait for the bus at the stop outside. As he sits down, Michael and the Sokolowski brothers enter the station and head to the front desk. The Waitress enters loudly as the three men approach the desk. Izaak turns around to face the source of the noise. IZAAK Hey! FERDINAND What? IZAAK It’s that waitress. She followed


When Izaak says this, Michael and Ferdinand both turn around to look at her. When the Waitress notices the men staring at her she approaches Ferdinand. WAITRESS

Well I’m glad I finally caught up to you guys. You forgot your change.

Izaak and Ferdinand look at each other in confusion.

MICHAEL Cut the shit lady we know that’s not why you’re here. Don’t act like you’re some Good Samaritan-


WAITRESS Excuse me young man- MICHAEL No one drives out of their way for a couple dollars worth of change. That’s such a pathetic ploy- IZAAK Easy man, do you want him to hear us? Look we’re all after the same thing and we all know it. I say we just team up and increase- MICHAEL Team up? Jesus, this is not- CLERK Excuse me. MICHAEL You three need to back off so I can get my- CLERK Excuse me! MICHAEL What? CLERK I don’t know what you people are arguing about, nor do I care, but if you are not going to purchase a ticket then I’m going to have to ask you to leave. MICHAEL I’ll take one ticket for whatever bus that last guy’s getting on. CLERK (wryly) All right, fine. Fifteen dollars.

Michael looks back at the three people behind him and the looks to the Mercenary. Michael sees, through the windows

of the station, that the Mercenary has stood up from his seat and is facing down the road as if he has seen his bus. Michael quickly turns to the clerk.

MICHAEL You know what? I’ll just take four tickets. Here’s three twenties. Thank you. (to Izaak) We are not a *team* you hear?

Michael hands the three tickets to Izaak who in turn hands one to Ferdinand and the one to the Waitress. Michael then hurries to the bus stop as the Mercenary enters the bus. The Sokolowskis and the Waitress are quick to follow.


The Mercenary is seated facing away from the door of the bus so that he cannot see the other four enter. Michael enters the bus first and takes the seat that is back to back with the Mercenary and hunches down below head height. The Waitress enters next and sits in the front-most seat. The Sokolowsky brothers enter last ad sit in a middle row just out of the Mercenary’s view. As they are seat themselves on the bus, a young man, the STUDENT, enters the bus and sits in the seat across from the Mercenary. The Student is in a animated mood and is soaked from the rain. STUDENT Woo. Barely made it huh? The bus departs with six passengers. They remain silent for a minute. The student looks to the Mercenary to break the silence. STUDENT

So... Did you hear that somebody dug up the grave of that millionaire, Edward Devereux last night?

IMMEDIATELY after hearing this Michael leaps from his seat and charges toward the Mercenary. MICHAEL It’s mine you bastard! Michael grabs the briefcase but the mercenary tackles him

and wrestles him to the ground. Ferdinand leaps from his seat and grabs the briefcase only to be punched by the Mercenary. Ferdinand drops the briefcase on the seat. Izaak and the Waitress grab it at the same time. The waitress shoves Izaak away and tries to make it to the front of the bus but Michael grabs her leg. The brawl continues between these five passengers. The BUS DRIVER looks in his mirror. DRIVER What’s going on back there? STUDENT

Hey! Knock it off guys! What is wrong with you people?

The Student’s plea is ignored as the five continue to fight. He separates Michael and the Mercenary as Izaak reaches Ferdinand and the Waitress claws for the briefcase; now on the floor. The bus driver stops the bus abruptly and the briefcase slides into a seat. When it comes to a stop, the lock is broken and it opens a crack. The Student is the first to notice. STUDENT Hey! Guys. Michael, the Sokolowskis, the Mercenary, and the Waitress stare at the open briefcase in surprise. Michael is the first to approach it. Michael turns around and opens the briefcase. The other five passengers crowd around to look inside. The briefcase, which has caused so much anxiety in just twenty-four hours, is not full of money as these strangers had expected. Instead contains two bundles of photographs, a wedding ring, and some personal letters. Michael picked up a bundle of photographs and began looking through them. The photographs are of Edward Devereux and his four children and eleven grandchildren. Izaak looks at the other photographs in perplexity at first but begins to smile after studying a few images. Michael comes across a photo of himself as a young child sitting on his grandfather’s lap. Michael begins to cry. The Waitress sets her hand on his shoulder to comfort him. She picks up the wedding ring, smiles, and puts it back down. The Mercenary heads to the front of the bus to explain to the driver what has happened. The student follows him to hear the story of the briefcase. The Mercenary hands the bus driver some cash and steps off the bus. The bus continues to move. As it does,

the Student and Ferdinand sit back down and look at Izaak, the Waitress, and Michael huddled around the briefcase. STUDENT

So that briefcase must be pretty important huh? FERDINAND ... More so than I expected. STUDENT Hmm... FERDINAND ... Where is this bus taking us?

Michael puts the photographs back into the briefcase and closes it. He sits back in a seat and the Waitress sits beside him. Izaak sits next to the Student and Ferdinand. Everyone remains silent as the skies clear and the bus continues its route.


Michael, the Waitress, and the Sokolowsky brothers stand in front of the graveyard over a restored gravesite. The Sokolowski brothers turn around to leave. Izaak pats Michael on the back and head off with his brother. The waitress gives Michael a hug and follows the path of the Sokolowski brothers. Michael stares at the headstone, which reads “EDWARD NOHANSSON DEVEREUX 1928-2010 LOVING HUSBAND, FATHER, and GRANDFATHER.”

The Briefcase: Music from the Motion Picture

Title Artist Album

1. Movie Theme Beck

2. Hard to Explain The Strokes

3. Love Like a Sunset Phoenix

4. I’ll Be Your Mirror The Velvet Underground

5. Michael Telepathe

6. “Original Song 1” Mark Mothersbaugh

7. “Original Song 2” Mothersbaugh; Thomas Mars

8. Useful Chamber Dirty Projectors

9. Low Coldplay

10. Softshock Yeah Yeah Yeahs

11. Where Damage Isn’t The Radio Dept. Already Done

The Briefcase: Preliminary Research

The names of the Sokolowski brothers were found on a Polish baby name website. Their meanings reflect their character. Izaak means young, inexperienced and laughter. Ferdinand means journey-prepared.

The actors were chosen based on their looks mostly. Mark Ruffalo (Ferdinand) looks Polish to me and Thomas Mars (Izaak) is young looking, European, and inexperienced as an actor. Casey Affleck (Michael) looks like a little whiny bastard and a spoiled greedy grandson. Kirsten Dunst the right hair color plus she worked with Ruffalo in Eternal sunshine of the Spotless Mind. And Ian McKellen (the Mercenary) is just a badass.

Thomas Mars is the lead singer of the band Phoenix. A song by Phoenix in included in the soundtrack. He is also dating Sofia Coppola who is a producer.

The songs had much to do with the mise-en-scene of the movie. “Michael” by Telepathe is used as a theme for the character of the same name. It is about jealousy and malice. “Where Damage isn’t Already Done” has the line “saw you on bus 15” in the lyrics. The bus in the movie is numbered 15. “Movie Theme” by Beck is the perfect opening credits song (not just because of the name). “Softshock” plays when the briefcase is finally opened and contains the line “Shock, Shock, to your Soft, Side” It sums up the mood of that scene. We hired Mothersbaugh not only because he makes a great score but also as an homage to Wes Anderson who often includes his work in his films.

Originally, the bus was going to be a train but budget constraints forced us to settle.

The film uses a non-specific location to allow for adaptation.

Characters that change throughout the film have names while ones who don’t are left anonymous. The waitress does not have a nametag on her uniform for this purpose.

Though credited as Executive Producer, Matt Haselton did not actually contribute to the film.

The Briefcase: Costume Design

Costume Design: The Waitress, Izaak Sokolowski

The Briefcase: Shot List Shooting Order

Location Scene Number


1 INT-Sok. Apt. 1 WS, facing TV behind Izaak’s back

2 INT-Sok. Apt. 1 Close up on TV 3 INT-Sok. Apt. 6 WS, showing whole apartment 4 INT-Sok. Apt. 6 Ferdinand POV starting at

“What were you..” 5 INT-Sok. Apt. 6 Cut to MS of both at “You saw

it too?!” 6 INT-Sok. Apt. 6 Pan around Apt. In Ferdinand

View: “Look at this” 7 INT-Sok. Apt. 6 Izaak POV starting at

“Listen, he lived in..” 8 INT-Sok. Apt. 6 Ferdinand POV starting at

“Alright. I’ll go.” 9 INT-Sok. Apt. 6 LS on both walking away: “Do

we only have” 10 INT-Sok. Apt. 6 CS on Izaak’s face sitting at

counter 11 INT-Michael

House 2 WS, facing TV behind

Michael’s back 12 EXT-Michael

House 8 WS outside house, facing car

as he gets out 13 EXT-Michael

House 8 Michael’s POV as he

approaches the door 14 EXT-Michael

House 8 LS, show Mercenary behind him

15 EXT-Michael House

8 Cut-Insert shot of door knob “I will be taking”

16 EXT-Michael House

8 LS, both men

17 EXT-Michael House

8 Mercenary POV: “But this belongs to my …”

18 EXT-Michael House

8 Michael POV-Mercenary walking from house

19 INT-Lobby 3 WS, facing TV behind Mercenary’s back

20 INT-Diner 4 MS, facing TV behind Waitress’ back

21 INT-Diner 4 WS, showing whole diner 22 INT-Diner 10 WS on diner INT 23 INT-Diner 10 Mercenary POV “Coffee hun?” 24 INT-Diner 10 MS show pouring coffee 25 INT-Diner 10 WS showing other characters


26 INT-Diner 10 CS on brothers mouthing to each other

27 INT-Diner 10 MS on Izaak and Mercenary 28 INT-Diner 10 CS on Ferdinand when Izaak

looks back at him 29 INT-Diner 10 MS on Mercenary, waitress and

Izaak 30 INT-Diner 10 Waitress POV watching

Mercenary leave, briefcase 31 INT-Diner 10 WS of Diner as Ferdinand gets

up 32 INT-Diner 10 Waitress POV as Sokolowskis

exit 33 INT-Diner 10 MS behind waitress towards TV 34 INT-Diner 10 TV POV as waitress puts on

coat and leaves 35 INT-Various 5 Split screen into 4 views of

TV watching 36 EXT-Graveyard 7 WS of boys in graveyard 37 EXT-Graveyard 7 Zoom to CS of shovel when

casket is hit 38 EXT-Graveyard 7 Izaak POV (Looks around

graveyard) 39 EXT-Graveyard 7 Briefcase POV, shining on

brothers faces 40 EXT-Graveyard 7 Ferdinand POV, shaking the

briefcase 41 EXT-Graveyard 7 MS of both brothers: “Why

don’t you hand it” 42 EXT-Graveyard 7 WS showing Michael with a gun 43 EXT-Graveyard 7 Brothers POV as Michael walks

away 44 EXT-Graveyard 14 WS behind character’s backs 45 EXT-Graveyard 14 CS on Michael’s face while he

sees the grave 46 EXT-Graveyard 14 CS on headstone 47 EXT-Highway 9 LS of unoccupied highway &

Oldsmobile 48 INT –

Oldsmobile 9 CS of briefcase sitting

upright in seat 49 INT –

Oldsmobile 9 CS of Mercenary’s face while

driving 50 INT –

Oldsmobile 9 CS of Mercenary’s hand

turning down radio 51 INT –

Oldsmobile 9 CS of Mercenary’s hand

answering phone 52 INT –

Oldsmobile 9 Briefcase POV of Mercenary on


53 EXT – Highway 9 LS of Old’s Mobile’s position on highway

54 EXT – Highway 9 Pan down to Lexus’ position on highway

55 INT – Lexus 9 CS of Michael driving in pursuit

56 INT – Lexus 9 Michael’s POV hands at 12/10 on wheel

57 EXT – Highway 9 LS of Lexus’s position on highway

58 EXT – Highway 9 Pan down to LS of Volkswagen Beetle’s position, behind the Lexus

59 INT – Volkswagen

9 Ferdinand POV driving and then pans over to Izaak that sudden wakes up from nap.

60 INT – Volkswagen

9 WS behind Izaak as he leans up to change the radio station

61 INT – Volkswagen

9 CS of Ferdinand from Izaak’s POV; reaction “hands off the radio.”

62 INT – Volkswagen

9 CS of Izaak from Ferdinand’s POV; “don’t be a dick”

63 EXT – Highway 11 LS of Highway, Oldsmobile speeding

64 EXT – Highway 11 Pan down to a WS from the highway’s POV of the Olds mobile speeding by.

65 INT – Old’s Mobile

11 WS over Mercenary’s shoulder showing rain drizzle on his window while it shows him on the phone.

66 INT – Old’s Mobile

11 CS of rear-view mirror of Mercenary’s face looking at the car following him.

67 INT – Old’s Mobile

11 Briefcase’s POV of Mercenary on the phone.

68 INT – Lexus 11 CS of rear-view mirror of Michael’s face looking at the car following him.

69 EXT – Highway 11 LS of Volkswagen following the Lexus closer

70 INT – Volkswagen

11 CS of Izaak’s hands sorting through a CD case; Ferdinand’s hand comes into view when he points at the CD he wants.

71 INT – Volkswagen

11 CS of Izaak’s face replying “Really?”

72 INT – Volkswagen

11 CS of Ferdinand’s face from Izaak’s POV “Yeah why not?”

73 INT – Waitress’ Car

11 WS from passenger seat of the waitress’ car showing her on the phone.

74 INT – Bus Station

12 CS of Mercenary’s boots rushing down the steps of the Bus Station

75 INT – Bus Station

12 WS over Mercenary’s shoulder of him purchasing tickets from the Clerk. Mercenary exists right while camera lingers on clerk and Michael & Sokolowski brother’s enter view to purchase a ticket from the clerk as well.

76 INT – Bus Station

12 WS of Mercenary sitting down outside.

77 INT – Bus Station

12 WS over the shoulder of Sokolowski brothers (reaction to the noise of the Waitress)

78 INT – Bus Station

12 WS of Michael and Ferdinand both turning around to look at the Waitress.

79 INT – Bus Station

12 LS of waitress walking to them “Well I’m glad I finally caught up…”

80 INT – Bus Station

12 CS of Michael’s face for his dialog

81 INT – Bus Station

12 CS of Ferdinand’s reply

82 INT – Bus Station

12 Cuts to CS of Michael’s reaction

83 INT – Bus Station

12 CS of Izaak’s reaction

84 INT – Bus Station

12 WS with all characters in view with the Clerk as the focus for his dialog to all of them.

85 INT – Bus Station

12 CS of Michael’s face as he notices the mercenary

86 INT – Bus Station

12 LS of Mercenary getting on the bus

87 INT – Bus Station

12 WS of Michael handing tickets to everyone

88 INT – Bus Station

12 LS of all characters heading outside to get on the bus.

89 INT – BUS 13 CS of Mercenary seated facing away from the door.

90 INT – BUS 13 WS of Michael, Waitress, Brothers entering the bus from Mercenary’s POV, followed by the STUDENT

91 INT – BUS 13 WS of Student from Mercenary’s POV sitting down in front of him.

92 INT – BUS 13 WS behind Mercenary of Michael getting up to go for the briefcase.

93 INT – BUS 13 CS over Driver’s shoulder of him watching the road and yelling back.

94 INT – BUS 13 CS of Student’s reaction to the fighting

95 INT – BUS 13 Briefcase’s POV of it being opened and looking up at the shocked faces of all characters.

96 INT – BUS 13 CS of Briefcase’s contents from Michael’s POV.

97 INT – BUS 13 CS of each characters face as it pans across.

98 INT – BUS 13 WS of Michael putting the contents of the briefcase back inside.

99 INT – BUS 13 WS from Mercenary’s original seat of Michael & Waitress sitting down.

100 EXT – HIGHWAY 13 LS of Bus driving down the highway, pan up to the clear skies.

The Briefcase: Scouted Location: Bus Stop

Fee Lane Bus Stop

The Briefcase: Mood Boards

In Front of Michael’s House

Diner Scene

The Briefcase: Story Boards

The Briefcase: Concept Art