The Buckie High The Buckie High Blether Bletherof the quiz and in the end the teachers came out on...

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The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

As we gear up to announce who will be the

prize-winners this year, the one thing they

all have in common is their ability to

commit to study. They organise their week

around the need to spend quality time

revising what they’ve done, doing past

papers and sample questions and using

study aids like flashcards, mind-maps

etc. With only 4 weeks to go before they go

on exam leave, if you haven’t already done

so, now is the time to focus all of your efforts

on the final push to do yourself justice in the

exam hall in May. Good Luck!

Neil Johnson, Rector, Buckie Community

High School

March 18 Issue: 4

The Buckie High Blether

A newsletter covering the events of Buckie Community High School

Welcome to the 4th edition of the Buckie High Blether,

our new school newsletter to keep you informed of events, news and

activities from Buckie High School. The newsletter has been put

together by Buckie High pupils, who will be responsible for its

production throughout the year. Enjoy!

The Rector’s Reflection - So what use

were the Prelims anyway?

No-one (or rather very few people) likes

exams. For many in the Senior Phase, the

Prelims were their first real experience of

‘proper’ exams and departments and pupils

spent a considerable amount of time looking in

detail at how our young people did in their

Prelims – and what they needed to do to


Even if you did very well – there is still lots

you can do to get better. Please don’t think

that you can stop working now and rely on

your Prelim mark to get you through, Prelim

grades are based on the portion of the course

you have done, there is still lots more to do –

and the things that you knew well for the

Prelim will still need to be revised, reinforced

and refreshed before the real exams come

along in May.

If you did less well than you hoped – have you

worked out why? Did you do badly in certain

types of question? Or did you just do too little

work? Whatever the grade you got, you can do

an awful lot to improve over the next few

weeks – change the way you revise, go to study

sessions, use online resources, speak to your

teachers…DON’T GIVE UP!

As we gear up to announce who will be the

World Book Day The Tardis visited the

library as part of World Book Day.

The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

Enterprising Evening

The Sixth Year Enterprise

Presentation evening took place on

15th March in the Highfield Hall, with

all the enterprise groups making their

final presentation to a panel of judges

to see which enterprise group would

be announced as the overall winner for

2018. This year’s judges were Mr

David Robertson, Pozzi’s, Ms Maxine

Scott, Educational Support Officer and

Buckie Councillor Sonya Warren.

Each group took it in turn to deliver a

presentation of their experiences

running an enterprise group. Five

groups were in the final this year and

each raised a fantastic amount of

money for their chosen charity. Over

all £3129 was raised by the five groups

for their individual charities. After the

presentations and much deliberation

by the judges the overall winning

group was announced to be ‘In The

Frame’, a group consisting of Katie

Brander, Anastasia Davidson, Georgia

Low, Eilidh Scott and Alana Slater.

Well done to ‘In The Frame’ and all

the other groups for their hard work

and dedication to their charity.

The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

World Book Day Fashion Show

World Book Day is an event partaken in all around the globe. Here at Buckie

High the literacy leaders were given the task of organising a World Book Day

event with the help of Mr Leitch, the school librarian. Literacy Leaders are

the students responsible for the first year Spelling Bee and the Christmas

writing competition. The event in question was to organise a Book Character

Fancy Dress Competition with staff doing the dressing up. After hours of

running around, asking teachers to share their love of books, they finally had

enough volunteers to dress up and take to the catwalk, a week later than

expected as the school was closed due to snow. With 14 teachers taking part

the event went off without a hitch, featuring guest appearances from the likes

of the BFG and the Cat in the Hat and Little Red Riding Hood. Many students

gathered to enjoy the event from 1st to 6th Year, each given a check sheet and

tasked with guessing who each teacher had been inspired by. “The event was

a resounding success and a great afternoon enjoyed by all” is what Megan

Smith one of our Head Girls and Literacy Leader had to say about the event.

Pancake Treats

To mark Shrove Tuesday

the School Librarian Mr

Leitch invited staff to a

pancake coffee break in

the library. Mrs Stewart

led the pancake

production team with Mrs

Bowie and Miss Murray,

who confessed that this

was the first time she had

ever made a Scotch


The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

Potter Magic!

Night was turned into day at Buckie High School, as Harry Potter Book Night

(1st February) was celebrated at lunchtimes in the library on Thursday 1st and

Friday 2nd February. The Thursday was the final of the S1 Spell Slam which took

place in the library, with 15 finalists competing to be the best Spell Caster 2018.

All S1 pupils in English were invited to write a spell poem, with each class

deciding on which were the best. These top spell poems were performed by their

respective writers in the library with great pizazz and wizardry. A jury of three

members of staff rated each poem based on content and performance. A large

crowd also gathered to watch the performances in the library including teachers.

After the last performer the jury formed a huddle and deliberated, eventually

passing their results to the

compere Mr Leitch, who delivered

them to the audience. The two

runners up were Connor Cowie

and Alyssa Burnside, with the

overall winner being Callum

Blake with his rhapsodic

performance of his spell poem

‘The Rock Mockup’. “This was a

brilliant performance” said the

jury, “A well written poem and

really engaging delivery.”

Photo 1: Left: Connor Cowie, Middle: Callum Blake (winner), right: Alyssa


The Harry Potter Book Quiz took place at lunchtime on the Friday with 9 teams

taking part, including a team of teachers called ‘Dumbledore’s Army’. With

tension high and pupils determined to beat the teachers the quiz began. Four

rounds of questions ensued with rounds entitled Fantastic Beasts, Spells,

Hogwarts Express and Miscellaneous. Scores were close throughout the duration

of the quiz and in the end the teachers came out on top – by half a point! Team

Nerd-Broom Quidditch were second, with the Hypogriffs third. Only 1 ½ points

separated the top 3 teams and standard of answers in the quiz was very high

indeed. “I’ve been really impressed with the pupils and teachers knowledge of all

things Potter. It’s incredible!” said school librarian Mr Leitch after the event.

Reflecting on the Harry Potter

events Mr Leitch said “It’s great to

see so many people wanting to be

involved with these events, and

shows the continued interest in kids

wanting to the Harry Potter books.”

Photo 2: Miss Moncrieff, Miss

Cunningham, Miss Lovelock and

Miss Smith.

The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

Youth and Philanthropy Initiative

For the fourth year in a row, Buckie High School 2nd years will be participating in YPI,

Youth and Philanthropy Initiative, in order to raise money for local social charities in and

around the Buckie and Moray area. YPI is a programme set up to engage students in local

events and charities, and have them work together in order to earn money for their chosen


So far, the charities that students have chosen are; “Big Green Bus”, “Moray Fresh Start”,

“Clan”, “Moray District Cancer Support”. Students are encouraged to do their own research

into charities and are required to talk over the phone and meet with a representative of

their chosen charity. A Charities Road Show was also organised to allow different groups to

speak to several charities over the course of an hour to increase their knowledge of local

charities and help them decide which charity they would like to promote.

Modern Studies teacher, Miss Dorothy Loveland, who co-ordinates the charity event every

year, outlined the importance of this experience for second years.

“A lot of kids don’t want to do the same as everyone else, this year has the biggest variety of

charities. The kids develop a lot of skills doing this, they have to interview charities, call

them, and this helps them to develop their communication skills and professionalism.”

Miss Loveland also made clear that students will be developing their creative skills with a

presentation that they will create together. These presentations are set to be completed

soon, as the students are doing more and more research into their projects.

An evening event will be held, in which the finalists go forward and present to the public

and judges in order to decide who will win overall. The event is planned for May 2018

The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

Story Time

The Developing Young Workforce group

planned, organised and ran two story time

sessions in February in the library at Buckie

High School for P1 pupils from Millbank

Primary School. The DYW pupils built the

visits around two stories (Billy’s Bucket and

Aliens Love Underpants) that they carefully

selected and developed activities around the

theme of the books. Several developed their

storytelling skills with Librarian Mr Leitch in

advance of the visits, and other pupils

planned snacks for break time for the P1

pupils to enjoy. The visits went very well, and

the Millbank pupils thoroughly enjoyed their

stories and visit to the High School, and the

DYW pupils also expressed their delight in the

success of the visits. The DYW group is led by

CLD worker Barbara Leitch and Business

Education teacher Mrs Hampton-Smith.

Based on the success of this year’s event it is

hoped to run it again next year.

The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

Never Such Innocence

On the 6th of this month, the Never Such Innocence charity held their World

War One centenary roadshow event at the RAF in Lossiemouth to

commemorate the fallen soldiers of both World Wars. Three Buckie

Community High School pupils, Milly Cumming, Emily Strowger and Mannix

Healy, were invited to attend this year’s event, alongside many other pupils

from Moray high schools. There was an array of art work, poetry and music

submitted and performed by the pupils. Milly, Emily and Mannix recited a

poem entitled, ‘Our Hero’ which they wrote as a dedication to George

McIntosh, Buckie’s only recipient of the Victoria Cross. The event was very

well organised. Pupils were invited to showcase their work and view a range of

interactive exhibits which gave them the opportunity to learn about WW1.

We all really enjoyed the event and appreciate all of the effort put in by both

RAF Lossiemouth and the Never Such Innocence Charity.

Our Hero

‘A Mans a Man for a that’

Was carefully engraved in stone

To commemorate a local hero

Born and bred right here at home

Two World Wars he fought in

At Ypres, without a second thought

He crossed the forbidding wilderness

Saving the comrades for whom he


Braving battle a second time

He dashed through a perilous sky

Thoughts of brotherhood and freedom

Forever in his mind’s eye

He’s a lucky one who came home to a


Whose cheers were heard for miles

For hope had allowed him to believe

That he’d come home alive

‘A Mans a Man for a that’

Is carefully engraved in stone

Commemorating our local hero

Born and bred right here at home

Private McIntosh is presented

with the Victoria Cross by King

George V in 1917.

The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

Steampunk Design Competition –

Q&A with Mrs Matthews

Why do steampunk?

It’s an opportunity for the students to experiment with making a piece

of wearable design which reflects a specific style. It’s also some good

preparation for the senior phase of Art.

Who was the winner? There were six winners in total across the year group. There were many

excellent designs, the most impressive included work by Ellis Barron,

Nina Bakir, Ben Lorimer and Tiana Paterson.

Was the show good? I was really impressed with the quality of the work produced and just

how amazingly hard all the students worked.

How many students took part? 80 students took part all together; this was every student in S3 that is

studying Art, Design and Photography.

Is this an annual event? Yes it is. For four years now, ever since I became the Principal Teacher.

Before this only some classes did it, now all S3 do.

What do the students learn from this? The students have to research a design movement, they have to

experiment with manipulating paper, they have to learn to create

textures from everyday items to use in their model, the students make

3D shapes out of things such as tinfoil or newspaper all the way to

papier-mâché, and through all of this the kids need to make sure that it

can actually be worn as intended.

The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

Excelling with the

Excelsior Award

Thanks to sponsorship from

the PTFA the library is

running a book group reading

the National Excelsior Award

short listed books. The award

is the only graphic novel

award in the UK and is based

entirely on the votes received

from Book groups around the

UK. With the deadline for

reading, rating and voting for

favourite books the 22nd

April, there has been a lot of

reading going on in the 12

student strong book group,

with Ellis Boyfield and Deia

McAllister being star readers

in the group by being the first

to read and rate all the eight

shortlisted books – and so

received a digital Hi 5 from

the organiser of the Excelsior

Award, Richard Steel via

Twitter. There is still time to

come and be involved in the

Excelsior graphic novel group

which meets on Thursday

break time in the library.

Sports Relief match

Teachers and pupils went head to head in a

netball match on the 20th March to raise money

for Sport Relief. In what turned out to be a

very tense match Team Teachers were the

victors by one point from the BCHS senior

girl’s netball team. Commenting on the match,

referee Sue Hastie said, “The match was

excellent, and the teachers did surprisingly

well considering their average age”. Over £130

was raised at the event through sponsorship

and donations to watch the match.

The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

Photography Competition

Open to young people aged 8-22 yrs.

From Portgordon to Cullen, villages along the East Moray coastline

Themes: ‘My Toon’ - Street photography

‘Far Am Fae’ - Landscape photography

‘My Folk’ - Portrait photography

‘My Life’ - A mixture of the above styles, or Still life photography, or

a photographic collage.

Entry Requirements:

1. Name, age, DOB and theme on entries. 2. Entry MUST be submitted via digital format to as a JPEG file.

3. Organisers and judges cannot enter the competition. 4. Must be from the Moray Area. 5. All participants will receive a special ‘Year of the Young

person’ certificate of entrance. 6. Finalists will be included in an exhibition and calendar.

The Judges will be young people within the community, their decision

is final.

Deadline for submissions: 24 April 2018

Age categories are:-





The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4


Mrs Aitken one of our ASN teachers, has recently been recognised for her

outstanding commitment to the community. Her reward for this was an MBE,

a Member of the Order of the British Empire. These rewards are also given to

celebrities such as Ed Sheeran & Adele, so you could say we have our very

own celebrity in Buckie High School, and the following is a Q&A between us

and Mrs Aitken.

What was the award for?

For services to Additional Support Needs and the community. Tell us about the visit to the palace?

The awards ceremony took place in the ballroom. We all went to a separate room to meet everyone else and be welcomed into the palace. When I received the MBE I spoke to Queen about why I was receiving the award. I felt as though I was accepting the award on behalf of all families and children and people I’ve worked with. I didn’t know who in advance who would be handing out the award. I feel honoured to receive this award. Who else was there?

Lots of people including Helen MacRory and Julie Walters. What does MBE mean?

Member of British Empire is a reward given to those who have made some notable contributions to the arts and sciences, charitable or welfare organisations or to the public service. Also my children can get married at St. Paul’s Cathedral if they choose to. On returning home Mrs Aitken was greeted by her friends and family who

congratulated her for her MBE they celebrated with cake, well done Mrs

Aitken on your outstanding achievement from everyone here at Buckie High!

The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

DYW competition: S3 Associated Seafoods presentations

Since Christmas, S3s have been preparing presentations on Associated Seafoods

in groups in their language lessons as part of the SQA Languages for Life and

Work Award. Their brief was not only to present their findings but to design a

sleeve for smoked salmon aimed at teenagers.

Of the 24 initial groups, each class voted for the best one and of these six, the

three best came through the

semi-finals held in school


Luis MacRae, Ross Fiske and

Finlay MacKay wrote, on

27th February: “We went to

visit Associated Seafoods,

Buckie. During this trip, we

got a tour of the factory to

experience how the product is

manufactured. We got to see

the process of the fish being

prepared which includes

gutting, cleaning, salting and

smoking. After this, the fish is cooled, packed and often shipped abroad”.

“We got a talk in the kitchen about how the products are served and which shops

they are sold in. After a break, we gave our presentations to a panel of 4 in the

ASF boardroom overlooking the Moray Firth. Group one won (Kirsty Imlach, Eve

Wilson, Luis MacRae and Finlay McKay), second place was Jorja Ralph, Lyall

Finlay and Kaylyn Sutherland and third were Kyle Duncan, Ross Fiske and Amy

Patterson. We all won an Amazon gift card and had very useful feedback from

the ASF MD Victor West. We enjoyed our experience because we got to see the

process of how fish is prepared, and the staff were nice.”

Lyall Findlay, Jorja Ralph and

Kaylyn Sutherland wrote that

“The visit was interesting

because they never thought

that it would take so many

different jobs to prepare

salmon and shellfish. We were

also told there are a lot of

office jobs at ASF. After the

presentations, it was time for

a delicious lunch of smoked

salmon, sandwiches and crisps. It was good of ASF to feed us. Victor also asked

us a lot of questions about ourselves before announcing the winners. We received

an Amazon voucher which was generous as we weren’t expecting anything. We

gave them our thanks, said goodbye and walked back to school.”

The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

Panto News

Over the Christmas period a group of 3rd year Drama students from Buckie

High produced and starred in a production of Cinderella. The show was filled

with laughs and brilliant performances from all students involved. Everyone

performed at their best and created a show that was worth seeing. Characters

such as Buttons and the Ugly Step-Sisters provided great laughs and

Cinderella dazzled the audience with a transforming dress.

Mrs Craib, the class teacher, said “the class worked incredibly hard to bring

together a fantastic performance enjoyed by everyone”

The class described both the performance and the experience as a “Magical

Christmas experience”

Next year three performances will take place, due to both the success of this

year’s performance and the eagerness to take the subject which has resulted

in three 3rd year Drama classes being taught in the new term.

Design Final

A Boxhead design completed by BCHS pupil

Isla Coull as part of an International Games

Week event in the library became a finalist

in a national Boxhead design competition.

The competition, run by Boxhead Crafts,

asked for submissions of completed

Boxheads to be photographed and shared on

their Facebook site, with four selected in

January this year as the finalists. Votes

were cast via Facebook and Twitter with

hundreds of people voting on their favourite

design. With the deadline for voting 5th

February the next few days proved tense

times for Isla as she waited to see the

results. In the end Isla was a respectable 2nd

with 470 votes. “I really enjoyed coming up

with the design, and never thought I would

make it through to the final!” said Isla.

The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

Lunchtime Oscars

Pupils and staff gathered in the library on the 19th of January for the first Best BCHS Book

Movie Trailer competition. The competition has been open to all 2nd Year English students, and

from all the entries a shortlist of 5 was drawn up. Organised by Principal Teacher of English

Mrs Wilson and School Librarian Mr Leitch, the ceremony was a fitting culmination of all the

students hard work. After a topical introduction from Mrs Wilson, the viewing began, with a

jury of three rating all 5 films with the eventual winners name being placed in a gold envelope

and handed to Mr Leitch. The result was eagerly anticipated, not least because of the high

quality of all the films. With a drumroll Mr Leitch announced the winner to be Neve Paterson

with her book trailer based on the Catherine McPhail novel ‘Another Me’. This was a very

popular result with the audience, and after her Oscar speech, Neve was presented with a

certificate and prize. “All the finalists worked really hard on their book trailers” agreed Mr

Leitch and Mrs Wilson. “The final films were all very creative and individual, and each would

have been a worthy winner”. “This has been a great success and we look forward to running

this event next year with our 2nd Years” said Mrs Wilson.

Wall to Wall

Fantastic work from S3 pupil Alexander

Theodorou in this S3 Berlin Wall task.

Here you see many of the tactics used to

stop people crossing into West Germany.

The working electricity in the spotlights is

icing on the cake! Well done!!

This newsletter was compiled by

senior students: Jamie

Anderson, Brandon Cowie,

Aimee Morton, Greg Murray,

Kellis Reid, Zak Reid, Marcus

Russell, Sam Smith, Euan

Strowger, Kirsten Maloney, Jay

Strachan and Elli Smith, with the

guidance of School Librarian Mr


The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4


S3 Administration and Business pupils

celebrated the culmination of their

enterprise project with a Dragons’ Den

session. This year our “Dragons” were

Henry Angus from Associated Seafoods,

Sandy Young from Baxters Food Group,

Lorna Wiles, PT Flexible Curriculum,

Stacey Hamilton, DHT and Stephen Leitch,


Working in groups all pupils were tasked

with producing a product or service which

was “pitched” to the panel of Dragons.

Each member of the group took part in the

presentation and the ideas this year were

many and varied from pet food to

toothbrushes fitted with timers.

The judges agreed that choosing the winner

in each class was very difficult because the

entries were very strong. However, the

final winners were:

1. Kirsty MacIntosh, Erica Wood

and Ellie Grant – Healthy

Hounds - dog biscuits

2. Jack Welford and Jack Wilson –

Imagiro – Origami set

3. Eve Wilson, Molly Taylor, Kirsty

Imlach and Emma Hepburn -

Posh Paws – pet pamper set

PT Business Education Mrs MacLeod said

“We are very grateful to our ‘Dragons’ who

were extremely helpful in their comments

and provided some excellent advice for our

pupils. The event was very successful and

will hopefully be repeated in future years.”

The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

Poetry Compet i t ion

Open to you n g people ag ed 8 -22 yr s .

Fr om Por tg or don to Cu llen , villag es a lon g th e

Eas t Mor ay coas t lin e. Th em es-

My Toon

Far am fae

My Folk

My Life

Ag e categ ories :

8-12yr s

13-15yr s

16-18yr s

19-22yr s

Points to cons ider:- 1. Or g an iser s can n ot en ter th e com pet it ion .

2 . Nam e, ag e, DOB an d th em e on back of en t r ies .

3. ‘Y ear of th e Y ou n g person celebrat ion ’ Cert if icate of

en tran ce for every on e.

4. Win n in g su bm iss ion s will be in in clu ded in a 2019

ca len da r

5 . All su bm iss ion s will be in in clu ded in an ex h ibit ion .

6 . J u dg es will be a pan el of you n g peop le, th eir

decis ion is fin a l.

Sen d su bm iss ion s to:-

Deia McAllis ter

c/o Bar ba r a Leitch

Bu ck ie Com m u n ity Hig h sch ool

West Ca th ca r t St r eet

Bu ck ie

AB56 1QB

Or em ail to bar bar a .leit ch @m or ay.g ov.u k

Su bject : Poet r y Com p.

DEADLINE: 24 Apr il 2018

The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

Sports News

The 1st Buckie Boys Brigade Senior 5-aside team

were undefeated this year on their way to qualifying

for the Scottish Finals. The finals were held in

Grangemouth and they became champions of

Scotland and have qualified for the National Finals

to be held in Ireland. The team consisted of Buckie

High School pupils past and present. They were Jay

Flett, Finlay McKay, Tommie Marandola, Innes

McKay, Jamie Wood, Brodie Christie and Evan


Well done to the eight girls who competed in round

three of the active schools football league recently,

they are still top of the table with only one round


Our Under 15s boys football team suffered a disappointing loss recently against

Elgin in the quarter final of the cup. Neil Gillies was awarded MOTM.

Our Senior girls football team also suffered a loss recently as they came up short

against Banff in the quarter final of the cup at the Buckie Astro.

Well done to all our cross country runners at the recent North of Scotland event.

Special mentions to Bruce Newlands who finished 7th, the S1 girls who came 3rd

overall in the team event and Ellyn Smith who won the Under 15s girls event.

Holiday Dates

Easter: 30th March – 15th April

May Day: 7th May

In-service: 17th-18th May

Holiday Dates

June Day: 11th June

Summer: 30th June – 13th August

The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

Taking the lead

The Leadership class ran the

annual Primary Seven Drop In this

year. The Drop-in was led by

Leadership Pupils Kia Munro,

Claire Campbell and John

Thomson under the guidance of

Barbara Leitch along with help

from twenty-two senior pupils. This

project is run to support P7s who

are transitioning into their 1st year

of High School. It allows them to

come along and meet some of the

pupils they will be in classes with

and make new friendships.

During the drop-in there were two

main areas for pupils to visit. There

were crafts in the Social Area

which also held the snack bar and

the games hall. School Librarian

Mr Leitch also ran an activity in

the library. Over all the feedback

was very positive and all of the

pupils looked as they fairly enjoyed


Each week there were over 100

pupils taking part in the activities,

with pupils coming from the Buckie

ASG primary schools.

The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

Lord of the Rings Quiz

To mark Tolkien Reading Day on

25th March, the library held a

Lord of the Rings book Quiz on

Monday 26th March in the library

at lunchtime. Seven intrepid

teams joined in the quiz –

including two teacher teams, as

they battled their way through 5

rounds of questions to see who

would be the top team. The result

clear, with Team Teachers coming

first with an epic 21/ 23 points,

with three teams tied in second

place on 18 points. All agreed this

was a most enjoyable quiz, and

the high scores from many of the

teams highlights the enduring

appeal of the Lord of the Rings

and Tolkien’s work in general.

The Winning Team of Mr Stewart (Biology), Mr

Duffy (Depute Rector) and Mr Johnson (Rector)

Christmas writing

Over the winter term the

Literacy Leaders at Buckie High

tasked 1st and 2nd Years with

writing either a short story or a

poem centred around

Christmas. Over the Christmas

holidays these two year groups

were inspired and wrote some

fantastic pieces of work. The

Literacy Leaders were then

given the near impossible task

of choosing a winner, which

after hours of debating they

finally settled on the best piece.

This piece was called ‘Christmas

Kindness’ and was written by

Neve Fraser, a 1st Year taught

by Miss Matheson. Her prize

piece of writing can be seen


The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

The Buckie High Blether

March 18 Issue: 4

Goodbye to …. Jade Sutherland (Home Economics, left)

is returning to Australia after several

years working in the UK, and Mary (The

Office) is retiring after 28 years of service

at Buckie High School. Also goodbye to

Mrs Sproates from Maths who is moving

to Elgin Academy.

Goodbye also to the 6th year newsletter group who have been responsible for producing the Buckie High Blether over the past year as part of the schools Wider Achievement programme.