The Carrollton sun (City of Carrollton) 1860-12-29 [p...

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1ar th (ty of Curroithe. ad of *be


EryS Wednesday and Saturday,IthBl dItrcrtaCT Ltol DPs.Ih othJerirson,La.e


OeiceaOi.uehft. h-ua SMAof and AnnrAestrct e.


SATITB DAY, Deo. 29, 1860.

hird Judicial Diastriot CoartB O. JU BURBTIRI, Prsdin.

-tlr * rw, eit .

arct.Henry rIEs an ak

wr zBamBs»«y va. *. **u-

C ii Wityakes r- I. Lr

. ttrresneadi tl notice the callfoin Kn ot Meetlng of, tbh cit.iens of

C J pkParib, on, ISEVENIWG,at' B aoHk, tqhitie .plaqi at the

. auotel. in this aity.

u, Tamr Ur.-For ae.n time baockV or people traelling over the Avenue

b aell Blod to the city of Now Orleans.wfth ithf producea , bave frequentlyhear troped on their route near theVi TelC , by parties unknown, and

who often committed depredations upon

them, and also upun tile citizens resi-

tdesnt i. that region t was reported

some days ago thtt an encamjmnicet wasfound in the upper portion of theipariall

of Orleans, at whlich n large number of

perso.. fromntlatity had coilgregattd

foraome object unknown, upon hearing

which it was deemed prudent biy ourplanters and the citizien generally to

,ramov the strangers frops " clsean aProximity tonur border, believing their

i,.tives were not entirely pure.Accordingly, a number of our people

assrmltild nl a Pl-rol und arrested

over uii hundred mnn who were sentito the parish of Orleans, in which their

ncanmpmenti was estallished, near the


blrrsm B>1.Grawe. un4 urr, cluotictelt C ndWe beg peroilasion of dto reader t<

call his or lir ulttntIo, to the notic'

of the Ball to be given by the

JsFFEsRsO RMILEs upon thi night oithe Analversary of that glorious eventthe Battle of New Orleans; not alnyfor the purpose of celebrating saihAnniversary but with the intention o;

sYlbg the urplus finds colleated byS the sale of tLiaket; towards building aArmory in this City whoroiu to ato,

their rinm, etc., and to drill. We oallupon all of our citizens, who in thprIsImt state of nffuir., will see thl.itoasitly or lll'porting 5ucll organi

zatioiis-tn aid tiliun in tlhir nntder

taking by inlvesting thl tmuill InII I.Ififternr dimes for a tiukIl, hliiuinthat they will nt rgpre tlIo inivrstiinio

il theoir niunftry's bhllialf,

Th, -Cst of Sr'ssin .- l-I'hom Vickt

burg Wiig stlys'At il 4' p.,suiblo ostimale it wi

cost twi'llty-thit ntillitilol d illnrs tmairilin ill tI.' It II ll' Mi,-issiippi ... itihe lUliiii'n All of this will liive tb Irtis'ed by dilntI.. t liil forn j 11Ir plt4ei

Are tlti'l rtitiv her in' stiri'l i ii''ii'i'

ait t(he i. i['l r eiiliiili, Iliot t'1'

v ln .li.niistl Lre dotlerri icl Ir p...'.I.tratfthi i gronl. outrage llin I."

D puiis r....... t h " .f'iiirr LIE .a

C('rra/ina.-'Tlit M3tiiiis nluiiiurer,

thl iQii insfait. alt er

A irnige nl.r. srilrvd t .rllight pre Iesi-iill |,nrrt]]d riiit fmtlt list ight.i

Si ol C\ liii. L. A iot il* p Bvili ilf 1buildiigs of thI city wcrt' Iitiiinflftl

tri lit tout "1 C( ii1ili "Lld th lul0zo1 i

leitirll- rieke l ioiiluid ll the ai' rllIi

Ait'li ' f . .t - 1 ii A Ifii1i"

\ ,lil" iigLo d *l" i nt); uiilti'irm erilitiv.-- TE St. JI.M[lh (M .) l. .til ..lli 19tl inlt., ot'l i;L i. in tl li unitl a t 1tiii' 'or . lii tiof lilirt I....k ol n i ll .iw.t I .n Inl

SeIInteRY, i2l. tel litt n1 t"1li.i.. r 1i rt""

lK'<l1 Jk nlk lt ( I lll HclakB 'Vla I'rl iLL

.- A ..illn inatien Iui thi lle - v 1 '' -

lllis citv ivmI. IegiFhhiliti..t liii. lIt''

iTu lusully !ipplit" *it - r Mi nnolti 4tdn , 'I'

, itlihi'dialte rtistilt hRS liurtito c:iiie 1

r.idi.t eii-it t riteni s Of bthis lttl-' i

ori 'i|']' ?.illit, . 0 - l i] ill 'ilV f 11-

thirtytl ILI f sly !iriil 8IL ilh 11flr ''i.l.

An llknr Jlf)fiLi,.-S' t(.

cr0on dnims llhl it ie f l a i llidnti' for

'liace in Liucoln'lsa cal'ite'ut.

ing anything I

cr.oase the inilsentiment parlthe present Aio

AAn AddressAli eddross hauthurty, to behcra from the I,questing their

'pipoinit corntliI

tinore on the Ideviase a progstatles. lum_

Zion!'Fatal .tfraz

Bitonl Rouge

diffculty ocwbetween Mr.Mr. Frank Mformer was .oblow from ttelhe died on ThuThe blowisboewith itlier aIshot.

clip tbho follow

sette of the 1l* On SaturdaytI derson steppe

I wood. AbourI the day ytti

r nengera 0ng

a little whiteaassistoanos an

n K god in paintS rhoband for

Sher, of sellinkthat li had p

Sfrom some norSI romptly hani

a~~~~~ "cntbc- scoundrol aid would be "artiat," aml[- at the request o a gentlomnn frott. NanMhoz, a paeserier .n board, uareel

to put the "painteor" altro alit IhatSity, when spoady and unlilited jus-

I tice will bo given lo so vile wrtrHl.Vio .oit.0 that military cI ilupiil.ilI

are liC...ig orgnalted ill mnIy of tlu i i-

Strioer panriCshei.

II ZlEssissippi Items.

, We leurni from the Part GibasnSReovellio.of thle 22d. thlat i new mnilitary

" cainpainy. "TIL] ]i Culeterno itil.,"

rI ise oriiiod (il ll.u thilii ist. Till

,- .brilp, saysn :

T, iiiimblit.i' of inatll'1'rs in thel cm--aiiy'S rIll, on tinhe ly f i"rgiiiitin iii.

i 1as .ilxt-twio. iid 'IIIny hliiv, inrI.

i.ih inlen.. Trlt riniici'llly \ Inii seif ni i-t ln I'

If a fil luit ofl Klaien Eky j'Vlins, iad1


riulirI- ly i' llsid igia gtird r"ul

i nrl, ij t hl,, to Ii Li'it I'y tl1 pt'1 0-i e ol1

ll I." ELIL" I a lily of fusltil,

1 litil.Igll-I 11( il V l e ll f k 1. ..... li... l i il li II[

.< h nt l r en ]ii.i .' I i iuth-e n "i t l (' nt i -

S II i :

~Late from Charleston, S. C.CharIoestn. Dcc. 27. 12 Ml. -Fort

Moulttie wa. aot deatroyod last niight

as previously reported. The gun car-

riages alon. were on fire. Th'l etaniiu

wa 5 sapikeBdiSda it was repourtol that

a train had been luid to blow up- thefort. This however, in doublted.

Tho eciteniont and iilignation is &o

the incresne.Majoir Ai ersons Rrsn.s-4C IARS.-

TON, pe- 27, 1 1'. M.-MNI.jr Atdcr-

saon tata that lie evacunted Flort Mul-

trio in order t allay diYmisic'uio coil-

orning that post, and at the same

timo to Btregthon hisbowi prition.

Cayt. jiser at Fort MnuUrie.

CHIAItLEBTOS, Dec. 27, 1 I'. M.-Rapl.Foster. with a small force, rtnain at

Fort Moultrie.Suveral military companies hare

boon ordered out to protect tbe inga-'zine. and asrsna.l in this

being reported that a militwary' orps

fron the interior is now en route for

thin 16eaUty.A collision is not linprobiaelo.

latest from Wasbingtoin.

Reception of the South Carolina News.

WASiNGTrON, DoO. 27.-The report

that troop havr beon ordered to the

fort in the ,jdghboreted of Charles-ton, is uot-oredited hare. Nor is it

believed that the Adminiqtration con-

templates givingany uch ader, deemo-






or H


o- 4


cr's guilt. One ol tllle nei'grn- nielong lil MrA. Allen Fnkicr. oall to -2r. Tfv-y.altir, hu i riglht-statote the Oitltrlli a ditcher, whosu niaster reside il.iMlnntgninety.

ThlIt ith plot Ais deeply laid, adllm 'fcousideraehle Lxent, ia uiidutiptedlytrei . Nowir-vllations nrc bki. In liid,

Iluily, and other whllitmen Iauive il aw-Lul doo1m aWliting tliehi.

'Tho Idot, though sealing somnn malifulr estrlutitn and deserrvedly ignoiti-

nitiusur ltath, lias lad the effect of moure

strongliy nd olosely uniting our 1".Iu-lIlt 1 itj tically, ani is tworking t :l- IIn-

tory ioiliicrn on all tIle n Igrts otf tilt

iiluitttioii.>L 'Ihi insur rctioniary inrm i-

iniit hs beni hronhlit alniit iby tlheilitrL ilientlitt y > it lrgdliledl whlitEo 1le11,

tant mon iwhn. I Ini .s'rry In fay, IIr i

rEidi d on . m.. lli.. i iLn ?lil d who l-iv I

lin ftear of G(i, iignrr.'ga''d Ifr 11Iali

TI' hatoi, yLuIILL ..- i. B ll-:vi s

TleI iilio r rxc'.lic '1ll toLok li;r-,' oil

Sutu'rdiiy. thle lit., iier tll' Iante

'liiicn . _ l

that tniiiui. n .ini-r SlulhlricIk dl'ii;S tliht

their 'nval 11111 f .tf l''ll trIl>lin, ( ay

iIIli) il'.'I' ie lulle s yx t1'1 lilt I t. ill iktuthiL ,u[cli 1i ut' .I ' ilil . uth i t' ri'liiit I IIIE L

11 1 E l lilI -I Lzilli lly lir ll . 1 IL .I tIL I1f. i il li L I r Il 1iI: " 1' ".1


l ll ILI ,' I 1 l 'l

< I I - i . . ... . , .

!ir W\ i littux r i rl *1 ir l-I-'~ ^ n rr Ii. '1 l> - I 1

liI I l r I I Idt, .u I 1. '',1-i I;i ! I. l i I l {; llr' "i iE I -- - IiIe' kl e I l, .1i1I .t I LtI 1tk iI It ll I ' ; I 1 I-

II l i - . . i .lt h I II . i L' li ] 1_ k I ,

'I- t1,'. i , l i ll,. | :1 k I I i -

1 i ,: i I T t * e iM "i ,.iat " I - ri "l, iL , InlsPles,.

nrtkda old por ePuowit oi---- recting sate Tableau.- 38 ;^ / ^ n tiAnts coatsn ~ O .nra

;artriageb, very mch to Crimin, CAase--.....- 3tntof all The barrel was P.PI Poche, ConstableFensin

,the emigrant aid society-. Criminal ase .....---- 14 r 8Abill of Justice Ilampor for $18305

dPoyroes to Take Care costs in Tarauit, as referred to the

Africans. - WisnrAmILL r nFiL ae C oemmtte.liCh, mlointthe. Council adjoirned

irtmnnt has until Wedlieitae , January 9th, 181a, atthe English 5 o'clock. P. A.tre to take A I uB copy,Zthe United C. C. PORTER, Secretary.

appren t ices A GRfNDl MILIARY, CIVIC AND FANCYgres will DilSSSB 'BALL,

hILyj ct ictWil ta s JE F.RONIf r.. .a Xn ,,0k to,.-HIU LES of ilts City, a the Ilal

sten wihl . nisrht 9f tB, nt *C JanBtaT, ISSILDston WitAh fNAAGES.L

cott'llE, anll ion. V. ranRE, C Earl .llfr,

,,i e p n.. F. FKinp . Ainrce L rI,.

SW iluinl ton lion. 11. I i n g Ciilor. F. Simijier,""S eARt ll.e ). 0.C D"'vis,

oI are i, total . F' chr. *-t Wiim P luncai,

Tl. 'liter Sloulin- . . 1i.

estrulive fir* FJind n4 s .I-Cii

the ev ning C ,.,rb.it4, y , .i. ioil.

ettimiiated at . i l fis

aind dollars, Al , 1, iLi Arthu W u..,IC;. I'rrot. ft' PrtrWiL ilur.;s,

insuraulce- iini . n

-Tlhe stm- A-Jburg o' in fe

York in lie i- 'ir e - Aini -. ..-.- I A11 rllioiltit of . tl. intl t 'itliium cn" hp hlil Ihy ciiilyfln

22*our In MASS-1 ING.'d . circullir. I - ------ _

1A -.S MEETIf. of the CIiz'nTS or Jeffrrsn.o lilitf that ..,, i l . i h iat the Cuirr]]ton lIt..l

)nel umonalhi." 'ruts* EVEN*NC. s' .'l . t..t Tumnin ( te ii,,,,BinitiD to f tle. S r . ls iger A m 'a

Eminened t li sif fr ilii Li oi Stat intve i

rees regulit- nEtD.Eoe s !I Il',r",a l ti 'l t lin e All' I rei .i lie o r

- . - - '. Sul lm it Lh i at ri'l '.p tt il l; l 1

S" , .ItA., PI'LI l Ir L IE r .rIll.

UNOIL. DISINE SERVICE.I. jI|, Iti. |iE, lAn will preawh in tlihe Mn iodhtCr I2 , l-l'ri. 1 )Eilz-.ipai lliir.h, fery SiiluY Motti nfl

I I ; n i 'r I LL o .ei , A . M .ILL T h e ] li ti al . pe -i. ,lly invited to attenil. .InH .tJ-ifli,, -n-

m I lnle. .a .- T.A t. .t ihc o fni|leiIl|irt, GErEcl,.rIhir i, 1'.It...oli!. lr, TEACHER WANTH D.

1eit r u ut.l;(ri B .! .( llpr Asea I." 1%" Dirfl r.7ý1 li ft ""

1 i'i k of Nov,,,nber il] raned NEW CARROLLTON POUND.

.11 t '(1 t - I 'Li L 'C C 'rri E i < lia LIE I I a nu l .. ... e .jJtfie ;lli,'ili.- p4 ei'iiui,nir tile 'y 1- nmro[, ) ii. np diiaorilwd ELuk " nil -ku,of tho Colar on the .Ihoulell r, eadr hi,, S lpot i.n

in Secti, II 1l thi I. it.-i o rdiiat' , r n,, I UIe, i all o Iu .

T1rm,, iir I I i- l p..rt for the two mi 'r'uiiai"I l.,oconE f.orar.,p.roveiPropertri. k ali '111 il" , waI r .d, inw- \LLv Il r nl till. n[ lk r l

* i 1 Itl, t, ,f $217 -2 c a 1i N .i W DNES. DAY Ja n ar' IP], ok. r t. will be

Il[ii..cJ. JAwCil. WliMVf dic Left fUnak.

A cr,>-r wn s rrn'd from the Muinnr,. ortili of Jefferson. December 20. 1_60.

Il':itl ii ! i nil hliri i l 2 l 'ml.. idjHilrtl'et' NBI W CARROLLTON rOU'f.

t litl' Ui-V l -iiL I 1.1

M11jrk't, r l.-11 rAS br1h1 tIo IhrP .n r ithetp 2r1. &'l.ri,. Drit hl fr $l (.;5l jIitI VI i~ndLr ''*n' Syndicb. l.e ft lank

ft, ,i i,;r Intl fln; i-i . 1Si2 a,,IrIoa I o'n' lurn.Y illhe

1 1: * : 1 1

it' i l, 1 li reporli t W;I I with i CiA, r I t it .rih[ hon, lrft ar crop.till tj I EL I Ii 'fP l fnd rlght') Inr iprilt

rrr. l]Vri1 uli l - l tio t 'lafill TI,|, theo on,nra a taken as near as porallle, no *

IL1 a liikL- I II.tOl Co' I fall. r pit ""


''I " r'tv fro'', i'uotini-'r' CARROLLTDN CITY POUND.tlll t r ,li .* it l i' l - I I Il I I' I i), irb ( t..> 1 t In 1 r. l l n tAr e o lrn F ii v n lie I ll" ,

k nlit.ui, It Ii, I ...u l . itc..r, I Ii liLLr, J thI e oI l l I .t a il to ISlI lli' l Ir L I 'I ll 'i li .r 't)

I . .1+ r ... ,., Iii': ,r. t .. .for IAl. l'iI'

SMr. C. Il, ,Ak ,Ir w. .1 le i l ' k S'" t( 1 ii I I L lo rlilt" I I I It .

. I I the r.; l r.. r, I- I' 'I ". I;, . e. , la nIL ,,: .

I ^ , I' II - v. Le IaL I.l I E ý l, pra 11e _- ,I 1 311[ 1, 1. 1c11

1 I A. v, t " 11

hi t.:„'- i.' M .. ] .. l' l-ltr.i : i --. vb : ,^ rusN i lrr ll ,Direl,.. e*..1 ., _. _

1 1 a E I , i., I L I., , 1T I t 1-1i - iil I - E'.iiv . 1.' 1 1 t r ib. 'r ilt f J I ffI.., . HrI l l ,1 I t .7 t illC *l 1. ll : ri hLl

. * !l'i .1 Ill i 11"t l - '1 ' LIE II kn I ^ J- W l-lil al] |linI Inh.:, , r"- rh ,,, ,.>... t ,,i , r .„..

II .y.'r ' * ' tLL O T.J- t l a rr' ,.'' l r" ' ," [ al r[ ,l .erpn. i


Legitalire Aes-rnalon-ii T'Iira iSB'

oIiia "f I li le iai'Lt

.... . iiieof tiil a1 I

.. - t.-L'oe f 21.1 Ws'[till. it. . iilitusalt

Ett et'aPl'd.ltih'thi l4t.n Lbho ti ballht VU

hel, of II'epstEild ci.

d.Stait cinrcntlwi--

Sfedcrnal reiitillzil ding of a convniltiat it imeet at Littlu I

lFnd.y i Jnuarni .The Riiror.-Tlio :

nnatad gritifyileng ep

or cle, I

Up to Wednesdayed at low-wnter, wlnweling. and.i at tEbitorenooln) it haa risenLeB water which basrris from the cre)w6en here and Forneerstand, thouph. thatboveFort Smith, and

»a.t unvok havbe benIearanO hs ouuld" in

water and a permanent openring of

VA.b Fort Smiii Times has

ts publication. which was sEspstO soni of the d us fire

stroeiAt he t i ng.

mmend the1 la0. fIL e,

On znotinr,and niprurId

he ruls . tiledraw a War-

Mr. Engleman0or ** thatruthistsand of

re. th; 7treets,that the finishedion, the reporta filed.n duly

lor Materialsbe paid on tlheeyor, approvede Colmittee,"

1. Oni motion,and the MayorWlarrants for

.ndo nmosnts.shells a298 76ats-. - 58 88Can-..... 23 40elling

. . 10 50ads.. 1 50Warrants :

-, cor-

.. 1 1 I I I LE '

11- \\' . .1 lr ts|tim il ll , *. *tIltill L1t pI11 L

-1 trrl H ill acf , thid * "l ti :'\ liiimilli ]11-