The Case For Fast Weight Loss

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Let’s talk about something that goes completely contrary to conventional wisdom, and that is, that a bunch of so-called experts out there are saying:

"You know, you shouldn't lose weight too fast"


"You gotta take your time and do it in very natural kind of way", etc.

What those people don't understand is that losing weight can be very, very difficult and it's one of those things, that if you do it over a long period of time, there's a very good chance that you'll just never get it done.

And, the bottom line is, 60% of Americans are now overweight, a high percentage of those are actually obese, and most methods take too long, and so,

And, the bottom line is, 60% of Americans are now overweight, a high percentage of those are actually obese, and most methods take too long, and so,

we're hearing this great advice about how it's should take a long, long time - but the fact is - one of the reasons HCG drops are so popular, is because people lose weight fast, and if they can lose weight fast it lowers the chance for them to get discouraged.

So one of the problems that these so-called experts with the 'slow-mentality' have is, taking too long allows too many opportunities for someone to get discouraged and fall off the wagon.

There's too many opportunities to cheat. See anyone can do anything for a month.

Myself included.

We can all be disciplined. For a short period of time, but...

Hardly anyone can be disciplined for a year.

All of us. Right?

Any one us can do something for a short period of time, so losing weight in chunks has huge psychological advantages.

Please understand, just being ten pounds overweight, according to the American Heart Association, is going to shorten your lifespan.

Just ten pounds! If you got fifty to lose, and you're going to do it the slow way...

well good for you if you ever do it, but the vast majority of people won’t.

It's just too hard, will take too long and so getting it done fast while you've got the motivation, is a great way to do it.

The experts aren't necessarily wrong, I'm a huge fan of diet and exercise, I love nutrition, I exercise every single day, I'm at my ideal bodyweight right now

-about ten percent body-fat –-and I compete in national triathlons...

...But I don't consider myself an expert, other than that I deal with people every day and I see all the questions we get in our forums, I hear all the success-stories, I hear all the trials that people go through as well.

And a lot of these experts, they are afraid to give out advice about losing weight fast, because of our litigious society, plus lot of them don't know HOW to get fast results.

A lot of people, these experts, are sold only on their certain brand, their certain product, which may take forever to work, so what are they gonna do?

They bash things that work quickly.

Some of these people get a lot of money if they get to work with you for a year. If they're a coach, and they gotta coach you for a year to help you lose weight, they have no interest in you losing all that weight in a month.

That's not going to do them any good.

How about the people that sell shakes...

They want you to buy the shakes for a very long time.

Not for one month! Most of these products are very inexpensive, we're selling HCG EZ drops for under 60 bucks. I mean give me a break!

Nobody wants to give you advice to lose weight really fast if it’s fast, and really cheap, and they have expensive something for sale, right?

So be careful who you listen to.

You gotta remember, HCG drops beat South Beach, Acai, and Atkins' diet combined! Still, even though the experts think that it's the devil, people who want to lose 30 pounds fast, they don't care what the experts say.

No one's been hurt by HCG drops, but there's a bunch of people who bash it, who sell other stuff, typically, but no one's been hurt by it, it's a totally natural product that helps people lose weight super-fast, but millions of people are suffering from obesity, so losing fast has all kinds of advantages...

Also, this case of being an expert... gotta be your own expert, don't even listen to me! I don't even consider me an expert, I consider myself a student. I'm very interested in my own health.

I'm very interested in experimenting and finding out what really works for me.

You must be the same way.

So ask yourself, is it wise for you - to lose weight fast?

Can you be disciplined for a three weeks to a month, and lose as much weight as you possibly can?

If you have a health condition that would preclude you from that then of course don't do that.

Do you need to go to your doctor and consult with him? Absolutely, that's recommended.

But In the end, listen to all the voices and make your own decision and become your own expert.

I went on a cruise recently with my wife, it was a dream cruise.

We went up to Alaska, it was phenomenal, spent 8 days on a Princess cruise ship and I ate whatever I wanted even though I'm a health nut.

Luckily my last big important race was over and I threw caution to the wind, I ate everything I wanted.

I had two desserts every night, I often had two meals every night.

Sometimes they'd bring me the menu and both meals looked so good I was like "I'll have two entrées and two desserts".

If I put my mind to it I can eat like a pig and I did. I put on 10 pounds in 8 days.

That's supposed to be pretty bad for you. I think it is pretty bad for you but anyway...

You know what?

I lost it in 7 days.

10 pounds in 7 days.

Supposed to be super unhealthy to lose 10 pounds in 7 days but guess what?

It didn't hurt me at all.

Give me a break.

Listen, a lot of these experts advocate nutrition and exercise as the only true method and they shy away from anything that's going to work very fast.

Here's what they don't understand.

I deal with people who are obese every single day, they're my Facebook page, they're writing our support team letters and these experts who are super healthy and have got 6-pack-abs they don't get it, how hard it is to exercise when you're lugging around an extra 40-50, 60, a 100 pounds.

You've got to get that off fast to be able to eat well and exercise.

Fast weight loss has these advantages.

It's quick so you don't have to be disciplined for long. It gives you quick feedback.

When you start losing pounds very fast it gives you additional motivation to make it easier to keep on going.

Also exercise is easier with less weight. I started this race season at 186 pounds, I should be 172...

As I lost that 14 pounds, I've got to tell you it was unbelievable how different it was running and biking just losing 14 pounds. You think about this:I want you to think about how heavy a 5 pound weight is, you probably get a feel for that right?

You've probably been to the gym and lifted a 5 pound weight, you might have one in your house.

Want to grab that and carry it around just for a day?

Maybe just put it in your back-pocket and carry it. 5 pounds.

And just see annoying that is just within an hour. ...Add it to your bike or...

...Put 5 pounds in your backpack and go for a bike-ride, then take it off and just see much easier it is.

Put on a 5 pound weight and go for a run. 5 extra pounds makes a difference.

Losing 5 pounds does make a difference.

You can exercise better with five pounds off.


OK so...

Every five pounds matters, and the faster you lose those five pounds the better.

Also another reason to lose weight super fast is the vanity factor: nobody's going to notice if you lose 40 pounds in six months, but guess what?

You lose 40 pounds in six weeks and everyone around you is going to be saying two things, one:

"you look great, what did you do?" Number two

"how in the world did you do that?"

and all of that positive feedback is going to add to your very high motivation to continue to drop those pounds.

You spread out that 40 pounds over a year, forget that.

Again, don't get me wrong, if it takes you a year to lose forty pounds, I'm your cheerleader, I'm very happy for you.

But the fact is, that it's harder.

Why not just suck it up, and go at it hard, and drop it as fast as you possibly can, so that you can adopt the lifestyle you know you should have, of good diet and exercise; which is so much easier to do when you're at your ideal weight.

OK, so in review, don't listen to the so-called experts, become your own expert, including me and everything I just said, absorb it, listen to it, throw out what you don't like, and absorb what you do like, and become your own expert and make your own decision at the end of the day.

Do get medical advice.

I am no expert, I don't have any Ph.D.,

...all I am is a guy who's read hundreds of books on nutrition, I compete in triathlons, I run, bike, swim, and I sell, and have sold, products to thousands and thousands of people on the internet to help them lose weight.

I've got feedback from hundreds of them.

We have thousands of people on our Facebook page giving us feedback every single day.

We get emails all day long.

We take toll-free phone calls 16 hours a day..

So, take it for what it's worth from me, but as far as that goes...again, I don't want to be the expert.

I don't think you should listen to other experts and just believe everything they say either, become your own expert, and if losing weight fast works for you, then get out there and do it, because chances are you'll have a lot more success, losing the weight fast, than losing it slow.

So if you want to drop 30 pounds FAST, do it the least expensive, easy, and fast way, guaranteed: