The case of the missing red tootsie pop

Post on 20-May-2015

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This is a story that a friend and I created. We are interested in getting it publish some how. Any feed back would be appreciated.


The Case of the Missing Red Tootsie Pop

By Ms. Martin and Company

Detective: Mr. Woof

Suspect: Mr. Kitty

Other Characters:

Mr. Bird

Mrs. Storekeeper

Setting: The Pet Store, Long ago.

Long ago in the pet store Mrs. Storekeeper unlocked the store door and walked in. She turned on the lights and noticed that Mr. Bird’s cage door was opened.

Mr. Bird was still sleeping . He awoke as usual and greeted Mrs. Storekeeper, when Mr. Bird noticed that his red tootsie pop was missing.

Mr. Bird had a fit! He asked all the animals in the store if they knew who took it. The animals responded, “NOT US!”

Two hours later ….Mr. Bird saw that Mr. Kitty had the lollipop stick laying right next to him. Mr. bird confronted Mr. Kitty and Mr. Kitty said, “IT’S NOT ME, I DID NOT STEAL IT!” Mr. Bird was frustrated and went and asked Mr. Woof , “Would you help me find my missing red tootsie pop?”

Mrs. Storekeeper over-heard Mr. Woof and Mr. Kitty talking about how they thought the red tootsie pop disappear. So, Mr. Woof asked all the animals again if they had taken the red tootsie pop. But as before the answer was NO!

Mr. Woof noticed that one animal in particular had said nothing. Guess who that was…..”MR. KITTY!”

Mrs. Storekeeper said, “Mr. Kitty came to the store around 10:00 PM. I was locking up the store when he asked if he get his leash that he had left. I told him to lock up the store and make sure that all the animals are in their cages,” and then I left.

The animals looked at Mrs. Storekeeper in disbelief. So, Mr. Woof decide to have a store meeting. The animals were talking very loudly about the recent information when Mr. Woof , bellowed, “All right everyone be quiet and let’s try to make sense of the situation!” They did not stop talking . One of the animals said, “When you catch him we will bring him down by tarring and feathering him!” Mr. Woof yelled, “Order in the Court!”

But that was all that was needed to be said when Mr. Kitty crawled up to Mr. Woof and confessed it was him. EVERYONE GASPED!

So fortunately for Mr. Kitty there was no tar and feathering to be done. Mr. Kitty gave Mr. bird back the red tootsie pop and everyone lived happily ever after……………OR DID THEY?
