THE CATHOLIC PARISH of ALL SAINTS NEWPORT...2 days ago  · celebration of Mass will resume from...

Post on 14-Oct-2020

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A Parish of the Archdiocese of Cardiff: 117272 TWENTY EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ZOOM COFFEE ID: 895 9611 7716

Sunday 11th October 2020

4.30pm (Vigil Mass) Michael Foley (95th Birthday) [ML] Livestreamed Mass 9am God’s blessing for Mark and Isabella Prendergast [CP] Livestreamed Mass 11am +Joan Lester [TL] Livestreamed Mass 6pm +Melville Rose [EG] Livestreamed Mass Monday 12th October

12noon +John Hurley Livestreamed Mass +Fr Chacko Thengumpally CMI [JX] Private Mass Special Intention: Rachel Healy [HK] Private Mass +Gerald Walker [CW] Private Mass Tuesday 13th October

12noon +Rita Stokes [T&SC] Livestreamed Mass Healy Family [HK] Private Mass +Ted Butler [CW] Private Mass +Norina Moon [SA] Private Mass Wednesday 14th October

12noon M&+J Wedding Anniversary [MR] Livestreamed Mass +Christopher & +Catherine Wysome [JW] Private Mass +Hilda and Gerard Madden [CW] Private Mass +Bridget Marie Robinson [MW] Private Mass Thursday 15th October: St Teresa of Avila, Virgin & Doctor of the Church

12noon Libardi Family – Thanksigivng [MdC] Livestreamed Mass Thanksgiving to Mother Mary [HK] Private Mass Lynne Hones (90th Birthday) [CW] Private Mass 82nd Birthday of Zbigniew Konierzny Private Mass Friday 16th October:

12noon +Richard Abdie [CA] Public & Livestreamed Mass Intentions of St David’s College Private Mass +Mary Curran [TW] Private Mass +Oliver Rose [DG] Private Mass Saturday 17th October: St Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Doctor of the Church

10am Thanksgiving to Mother Mary [HK] Livestreamed Mass 11.30am Family Rosary Livestream Intentions of Corrina Bryce [LHB] Private Mass Pat Bowen [CW] Private Mass Private Mass Sunday 18th October: Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

4.30pm (Vigil Mass) Anthony and Ann Carroll – 50th Wedding Anniversary Public Mass 9am +Patrick Hodges [SH] Public & Livestreamed Mass 11am John, Palmila and Peter Wilkinson [CG] Public & Livestreamed Mass 6pm +Anita Mullis [BR] Public Mass


Communion for the sick and housebound: We have received a number of requests from people who are housebound

and from the extraordinary ministers who usually visit, to resume housebound visitations. Having sought clarification

from the Archbishop, there is still a concern regarding the current situation with the Coronavirus. Because of this,

regular visits remain suspended, until further notice.

Please note, at times of serious illness and end of life situations, the clergy are on-hand to make visitations and

administer the Sacraments. Please use the emergency number above.


Please pray for the repose of the souls of all who have died recently and for those whose anniversaries occur at this


Please continue to pray for those suffering with Coronavirus, those who have died from the virus and most importantly

plead for the end of the pandemic. A Plenary Indulgence is available to all who pray for these intentions under the

usual conditions of making Sacramental Confession, Holy Communion (both as soon as possible after the lockdown)

and prayers for the intentions of Pope Francis (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be). Acts to be performed for the

indulgence include read the Holy Scriptures for at least half an hour, or recite the Rosary or the Way of the Cross. As

is evident to all, the recitation of prayers and the reading of the Bible can be done without leaving home, and therefore

in full compliance with the rules to counter the spread of the virus.

Please also remember in your prayers: George Blackborow, John & Denise Roberts, Fr Ambrose Walsh, Fr. John Daly

I.C., Fr. John Boye, Doreen Price, Olive Adams, Stanley Whitfield, Baby Roscoe Whitby, Biddy Williams, Debbie Burnett

(Reynish), Mary Richards, Reg Gough, Terrence Rose, Sr. Denise, Jeanette Bassett, John Ryan, Pat Bowen, Daniel

Gabriel, Monica Pugsley, Catherine Wenegrieme, Annie Cutinha, Jean Main, Margaret Millwater, Zoe Coleman,

Mellisah M and all the sick at home or in our hospitals, and all who care for them.

To add a request please contact one of the priests.


WE ARE BACK! Following the temporary suspension of public Masses, we are pleased to announce that the public

celebration of Mass will resume from Friday of this week. This week Masses will be public on Friday at noon, Saturday

at 4.30pm, and Sunday 9am, 11am and 6pm. Interior works taking place at St. Mary’s mean capacity will be severely

restricted the remainder of the week. The Reservation system will make tickets available from 7.30pm today (Sunday).

We thank you for your patience at this time.

NHS TEST AND TRACE – the new NHS Test and Trace app has now been launched and St. Mary’s has been registered as

a check in location. When we resume public Masses if you choose to check in via the app we will still be legally required

to take your contact information and hold it for 21 days. You can download the App from the Apple App Store or


PARISH HALL FACILITIES – remain CLOSED at this time.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION – we have one round of First Communion children remaining to receive the Sacrament please

keep them and their family in your prayers at this time. The catechists will be making contact to arrange a suitable

date in the near future.

MARRIAGES – the celebration of the Sacrament of Matrimony has resumed in a limited capacity. Congratulations to

Luke Thomas and Joanne Gapper on celebrating their nuptials on Saturday.

RCIA 2020 - candidates will be contacted this week to make final preparations for their reception into Communion

with the Catholic Church.

BAPTISMS – the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism remains suspended until safety concerns can be addressed

adequately. However, in the event of an emergency the priests remain on hand via the emergency sick call number.


SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) – Drive-thru and face-to-face Confessions are available in the grounds of St.

David’s church on Saturday between 1.00pm – 2.00pm. Traditional anonymous Confessions are available by

appointment. Due to current Newport lockdown restrictions on meeting people indoors, these will now take place in

the garden of St. Mary’s Presbytery. To access the garden, come to the back of the presbytery and enter through the

gate located to the left of the fire exit door from the church. When making an appointment please be prompt as the

priest will be waiting in the garden behind a covered screen.

CAFOD CORONAVIRUS APPEAL – CAFOD have launched a special appeal to help families in the poorest parts of the world

to survive, rebuild and heal from the Coronavirus pandemic. By texting CAFOD to 70085 you can donate £10 to the

appeal or visit

SCHOOLS ADMISSIONS REQUESTS – It’s the time of year once again where the schools admissions process is now open for

September 2021 admission. It is necessary that proof of Catholic Baptism is supplied with admissions and therefore

requests for copies of Baptism Certificates increases. Please keep in mind that requests for Baptism Certificates MUST

be made by the legal or guardian directly to comply with Data Protection Laws. Requests can be emailed to and should include the Child’s full name, Date of Birth, Place of Baptism and an approximate Date

of Baptism. For schools admissions it may also be necessary to seek a ‘Certificate of Catholic Practice’, a certificate

raised by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales and issued by the local parish. The schools will let

you know if this certificate may be necessary.

RESUMPTION OF FUNERALS IN CHURCH (AN UPDATE) – We have reached an arrangement with professional cleaning

contractors for the clean down of the church afterwards. However, much like when we open for Public Masses it will

be necessary to have stewards on duty to help with the seating arrangements and hygiene requirements of those

attending funerals. Thanks to those who have volunteered so far; at present we will only be able to safely hold two

funerals per week in the church. If you would like to help steward at funerals in the future, please could you let us

know on what days you would normally be available.

NOVEMBER – MONTH OF THE HOLY SOULS - Traditionally, during the month of November, we remember those who have

died and gone before us. It is a spiritual work of mercy to pray for our dead. As we are in very strange times and to

give everyone an opportunity to submit their Holy Souls lists, we are making the forms available online from this

weekend. Once St. Mary’s reopens, you will also be able to ask a steward for a form and envelope to take home. As

none of us can predict what is going to happen regarding our churches at this time a central Holy Souls list for All Saints

will be compiled. A Mass each day throughout November will be offered for those we name on our lists. Visit for more information. Alternatively, if you print off the page at the end

of the newsletter, you can send it in through the post.

PARISH FINANCE – We have been overwhelmed by the contributions of so many parishioners, be it to the Gable Appeal,

the weekly collection or other works. Please keep in mind when writing cheques they should be made payable to ‘All

Saints Parish’ or ‘Parish of All Saints’ not to the name of individual churches. Cheques made to individual churches

have to be returned to the sender necessitating the issuing of another cheque and the cost of another stamp. Thank

you for you continued support to our parish, its work and our churches. God bless you all.


THANK YOU! to all those who have contributed to the ‘Repair the Gable’ fund, to pay for emergency

repairs to the gable end of St Patrick’s chapel. Because of your generosity we have now hit

£8,906.00 (£9,166.00 including Gift Aid) which is 80% of our £11,000 target. If you wish to

contribute to the fund, you can do so online:

or by posting your contribution through the letterbox of the presbytery. Work is scheduled to begin

on Monday 19th October,


October is traditionally the month dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary and as Catholics we intensify our devotion by

praying the Rosary everyday. This October

nations around the world are hosting their

Rosary Crusades and we as the British Isles will

be joining them in a great union of prayer.

Once again, Catholics across England, Wales,

Scotland and the Isles are invited to take up

their rosaries for an intensive Rosary Whirlwind

Mission for the spiritual well-being of the British

Isles and for its preservation from

degeneration, disaster, sickness and war.

We are witnessing increasing levels of violence,

rebellion and lawlessness in our land. The Church is under attack, faith is being undermined, the sanctity of life is not

honoured and peace is lacking. Now we find the Covid-19 global pandemic threatens a second wave and people are

fearful of what the future may hold. So let us intercede for our Isles and for the conversion to Christ of our peoples

and that they be protected from all danger, from all sickness and from all evil.

This whirlwind of prayer will take place from wherever you are and will have four main components:

1. Invitation to a nightly online Rosary at 8pm led from a different Marian Shrine, Cathedral or Parish.

N.B. We as All Saints Newport will lead this nightly devotion for the British Isles online every MONDAY

from St. Mary’s. The full list of host shrines/parishes will be published shortly.

2. Tuesday October 13th - Feast of Our Lady the Rosary we will undertake the Rosary Whirlwind from wherever

we are. Here in Newport we will lead a service at St. Mary’s … details to follow.

3. Saturday October 31st – Eve of All Saints - National Rosary relay Rally from 9am to 9pm – where the Dioceses

of the British Isles are invited to take an hour where the Rosary is said in parishes, homes etc. throughout the

Diocese during their designated hour. Cardiff timeslot to be confirmed.

4. The Culmination of the Rosary Mission will be on Sunday November 1st – Solemnity of All Saints and our

patronal feast – when Bishop John Keenan will lead a thanksgiving Rosary at 8pm from St. Mirin’s Cathedral,

Paisley, Scotland.

Note the dates and mark them in your diaries and let us pray intently for our land in these dark and confusing times.


All Saints Parish Office, 9 Stow Hill, Newport, NP20 1TP | 01633 265533 |

Parish Clergy: Fr Michael Doyle (Parish Priest), Fr Robert James, Fr Laurence Bryce, Fr Peter McLaren,

Fr Roman Kowalski, Deacon Pasquale Cinotti, Deacon Rigo Logier.

Parish Sisters: Sr Paul Gerard Chidgey, Sr Visitation O’Donoghue

Office Administrator: Tracy Morgan

Parish Treasurer: John Wysome

Find the latest news on the Parish website:

Follow the Parish Facebook Page: /CatholicNewport or twitter: @CatholicNewport

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: CatholicNewport

Blessed Carlo Acutis

On October 10th the Church will give witness to the life of faith of a 15 year

boy from Milan who is on the path to sainthood. Venerable Carlo Acutis,

an Italian teenager was born in London on 3 May 1991, and having

returned to Italy with his parents, died in 2006 at the age of 15 having

suffered from leukaemia. Carlo was exceptionally gifted with computers

and was a gamer who loved football and casual clothes. He also had a

profound love of Jesus in the Eucharist and the Church.

From a young age Carlo seemed to have a love for God, even though his

family were not especially devout. His mother, Antonia, is recorded as

saying that before Carlo she only went to church on the major milestones

(of life) i.e. First Communion, Confirmation and her Marriage. As Carlo grew, he fell in love with the Rosary

and after making First Holy Communion would make the effort to come to Mass frequently. When he was

diagnosed with leukemia he said: “I offer all the suffering I will have to suffer for the Lord, for the Pope, and

the Church.”

His witness to the faith led to a deep conversion within Antonia, often dragging his mother to Mass every

day. Carlo also had a deep love for his neighbour. He was known in school for defending children who were

being picked on by bullies, especially those who had some form of disability.

And he was a computer lover?

YES – like most 21st century teenagers Carlo had a keen interest in technology, especially his computer and

his Playstation! Except, he wouldn’t let the technology dominate his life. As a penance and a discipline Carlo

would strictly limit himself on his gaming time, even though he would love to spend hours in front of the

screen. He also used his computer programming skills to build a website of the Eucharistic Miracles around

the world, drawing people to the reality of Christ truly present in the Blessed Sacrament.

Writing in ‘Christus Vivit’, the synod document on young people, Pope Francis proposed him as a model and

an example for young people in a digital age. Upon his death Carlo was buried, at his request, in Assisi – the

home of St. Francis of Assisi to whom he had great devotion.

October 10th save the date

On October 10th the Venerable Carlo Acutis will be declared ‘Blessed Carlo Acutis’. As is the custom before

such events, Carlo’s body was exhumed and inspected. The tomb was opened on October 1st and 14 years

after his death he is in near perfect condition. His body is now on display in a glass tomb … possibly the first

Blessed to be seen in trainers, jeans and a tracksuit top!

Find out more

Materials relating to the life and death of Carlo Acutis may be found




Please place your list together with your donation in

the envelope provided.

Church: __________________________________________




















