The Cell Cycle and Cell Division - Okanagan Mission Secondary€¦ · Chapter 7 The Cell Cycle and...

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The Cell Cycle and

Cell Division

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 The Cell Cycle

and Cell Division Key Concepts

7.1 Different Life Cycles Use Different Modes of Cell


7.2 Both Binary Fission and Mitosis Produce Genetically

Identical Cells

7.3 Cell Reproduction Is Under Precise Control

7.4 Meiosis Halves the Nuclear Chromosome Content and

Generates Diversity

7.5 Programmed Cell Death Is a Necessary Process in Living


Chapter 7 Opening

QuestionHow does infection with HPV result in uncontrolled cell


7.1Different Life Cycles Use Different Modes of Cell


Different Life Cycles Use

Different Modes of Cell

Reproduction The lifespan of an organism is linked to cell

reproduction, or cell division: a parent cell duplicates

its genetic material and then divides into two similar


Cell division is important in growth and repair of

multicellular organisms and the reproduction of all


Figure 7.1 The Importance

of Cell Division

Cell Reproduction

Organisms have two basic strategies for reproducing


Asexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction

Asexual Reproduction

Asexual reproduction

The offspring are clones—genetically identical to the parent

Any genetic variations are due to mutations (changes in DNA sequences due to environmental factors or copying errors)

Asexual Reproduction

Single-celled prokaryotes usually reproduce by binary fission

Single-celled eukaryotes can reproduce by mitosis and cytokinesis

Many multicellular eukaryotes can also reproduce by asexual means

Figure 7.2 Asexual

Reproduction on a Large Scale

Sexual Reproduction

Sexual reproduction

Involves fusion of gametes

Results in offspring with genetic variation

Gametes form by meiosis—a process of cell division that reduces genetic material by half

Sexual Reproduction

DNA in eukaryotic cells is organized into chromosomes.

Somatic cells: body cells not specialized for reproduction

Each somatic cell contains two sets of chromosomes that occur in homologous pairs.

One homolog came from the female parent and one from the male parent and have corresponding genetic information.

Sexual Reproduction Gametes have only one set of chromosomes—one

homolog from each pair.

They are haploid; number of

chromosomes = n

Fertilization: two haploid gametes fuse to form a zygote

They are diploid; number of chromosome in zygote = 2n

Sexual Reproduction

All sexual life cycles involve meiosis:

Gametes may develop immediately after meiosis

Or each haploid cell may develop into a haploid organism (haploid stage of the life cycle) that eventually produces gametes by mitosis

Fertilization results in a zygote and begins the diploid stage of the life cycle.

Sexual Life Cycles Involve

Fertilization and Meiosis (Part 1)

Sexual Life Cycles Involve

Fertilization and Meiosis (Part 2)

Sexual Life Cycles Involve

Fertilization and Meiosis (Part 3)

Sexual Reproduction

The essence of sexual reproduction is:

Random selection of half the diploid chromosome set to

form a haploid gamete

Followed by fusion of haploid gametes from separate

parents to make a diploid cell

This results in shuffling of genetic information in a

population, and no two individuals have exactly the

same genetic makeup.

Sexual Reproduction

Four events in cell division:

• Reproductive signals initiate cell division

• DNA replication

• DNA segregation—distribution of the DNA into the two

new cells

• Cytokinesis—division of the cytoplasm and separation

of the two new cells

7.2 Both Binary Fission and Mitosis Produce Genetically

Identical Cells

Binary Fission

Prokaryotes divide by binary fission: results in

reproduction of the entire organism.

Reproductive signals may be environmental factors

such as nutrient availability.

Binary Fission


Most prokaryotes have one

circular chromosome with

two important regions:

ori—where replication starts

ter—where replication ends

Replication occurs as the

DNA is threaded through a

“replication complex” of proteins at the center of the


Binary Fission


As replication proceeds, the ori

complexes move to opposite ends

of the cell.

DNA sequences adjacent to the ori

region actively bind proteins for the

segregation, using ATP.

An actin-like protein provides a

filament along which ori and other

proteins move.

Binary Fission


After chromosome segregation, the cell membrane

pinches in by contraction of a ring of protein fibers

under the surface.

As the membrane pinches in, new cell wall materials

are deposited, resulting in separation of the two cells.

Eukaryotes - Mitosis

Eukaryotic cells divide by mitosis followed by


Reproductive signals are usually related to functions of

the entire organism, not the environment of a single cell.

Most cells in a multicellular organism are specialized and

do not divide.


Replication of each chromosome occurs as they are

threaded through replication complexes.

DNA replication only occurs during a specific stage of the cell cycle.


In segregation, one copy of each chromosome ends up

in each of the two new cells.

More complex than in prokaryotes: eukaryotes have a nuclear envelope, and there are multiple chromosomes.

Cytokinesis in plant cells (which have cell walls) is

different than in animal cells (no cell walls).


In mitosis, one nucleus produces two daughter nuclei,

each containing the same number of chromosomes

as the parent nucleus.

Mitosis is continuous, but it is convenient to subdivide it

into phases.

Phases of the Cell The cell cycle is the period from one cell division to the

next, divided into stages in eukaryotes.

M phase: Mitosis (segregation of chromosomes into

two new nuclei), followed by cytokinesis.

Interphase: cell nucleus is visible and cell functions occur, including DNA replication.

Figure 7.5 The Phases of the

Eukaryotic Cell Cycle

Phases of the Cell

Interphase has three


G1 (Gap 1)—variable, may last a long time

S phase (synthesis)—DNA is replicated

G2 (Gap 2)—the cell prepares for mitosis; synthesizes microtubules for segregating chromosomes


Prophase: three structures appear

Condensed chromosomes

Reoriented centrosomes



Even during interphase, DNA is packaged by winding

around specific proteins, and other proteins coat the

DNA coils.

In prophase, the chromosomes become much more

tightly coiled and condensed.


After replication, each chromosome has two DNA molecules called sister chromatids, joined at a region called the centromere.

Both Binary Fission and Mitosis

Produce Genetically Identical

Cells Karyotype: the condensed chromosomes for a given

organism can be distinguished by their sizes and

centromere positions

Both Binary Fission and Mitosis

Produce Genetically Identical

Cells Karyotype analysis was used to identify and classify

organisms, but DNA sequencing is more commonly

used today.

Karotype analysis is still used to identify chromosome



The centrosome determines orientation of the spindle.

Consists of two centrioles—hollow tubes formed by microtubules.

The centrosome is duplicated during S phase; centrosomes move towards opposite sides of the nucleus at the G2–M transition.

Centrosome position determines the plane of cell division—important in the development of multicellular organisms.

Mitosis Centrosomes serve as poles toward which the

chromosomes move.

The spindle forms between the poles from


Polar microtubules overlap in the middle region of the

cell and keep the poles apart.

Astral microtubules interact with proteins attached to the

cell membrane; also help keep the poles apart.


Kinetochore microtubules attach to kinetochores on the chromatid centromeres.

Sister chromatids attach to kinetochore microtubules from opposite sides so that the two chromatids will move to opposite poles.

Sister chromatids become daughter chromatids after separation.


Prometaphase: the nuclear envelope breaks down

and chromatids attach to the kinetochore


Metaphase: the chromosomes line up at the midline of

the cell.

Anaphase: the chromatids separate, and daughter chromosomes move toward the poles.

The Phases of Mitosis (1)

The Phases of Mitosis (2)


Two mechanisms move the chromosomes to opposite poles:

Kinetochores have molecular motor proteins (kinesin and

dynein), which move the chromosomes along the


The kinetochore microtubules shorten from the poles,

drawing the chromosomes toward the poles.

Mitosis Telophase: nuclear envelopes form around each set

of chromosomes and nucleoli appear, and the spindle

breaks down and chromosomes become less


Cytokinesis Cytokinesis:

In animal cells, the cell membrane pinches in between

the nuclei.

A contractile ring of actin and myosin microfilaments

forms on the inner surface of the cell membrane; the

two proteins produce a contraction to pinch the cell

in two.

Figure 7.7 Cytokinesis Differs

in Animal and Plant Cells


In plant cells, vesicles

from the Golgi

apparatus appear

along the plane of cell


The vesicles fuse to form

a new cell membrane.

Contents of vesicles

also contribute to

forming the cell plate—

the beginning of the

new cell wall.


After cytokinesis, each daughter cell contains all of

the components of a complete cell.

Chromosomes are precisely distributed.

The orientation of cell division is important to

development, but there does not appear to be a

precise mechanism for distribution of the cytoplasmic


Table 7.1


Treating Cancer with Electrical Fields


7.3Cell Reproduction is Under Precise Control

Cell Control

Cell reproduction must be under precise control.

If single-celled organisms had no control over

reproduction, they would soon overrun the

environment and starve to death.

In multicellular organisms, cell reproduction must be

controlled to maintain body form and function.

Cell Control

Prokaryotic cells divide in response to environmental


In eukaryotes, cell division is related to the needs of

the entire organism.

Mammals produce growth factors that stimulate cell division and differentiation.

Example: platelets in the blood secrete growth factors

that stimulate cells to divide to heal wounds.

Cell Control

Progression through the

eukaryotic cell cycle is

tightly regulated.

The G1–S transition is

called R, the restriction


Passing this point

usually means the cell

will proceed with the

cell cycle and divide.

Cell Fusion Investigation

Specific substances trigger the transition from one

phase to another.

The first evidence for these substances came from cell

fusion experiments.

Fusion of mammalian cells at G1 and S phases showed

that a cell in S phase produces a substance that

activates DNA replication.

Figure 7.9 Regulation of the

Cell Cycle (Part 1)

Figure 7.9 Regulation of the

Cell Cycle (Part 2)

Figure 7.9 Regulation of the

Cell Cycle (Part 3)

Cell Control

The trigger substances turned out to be protein

kinases: cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs).

They catalyze phosphorylation of proteins that

regulate the cell cycle and are activated by binding

to cyclin, which exposes the active site (allosteric


Cell Control

CDKs function at cell cycle checkpoints:

G1 checkpoint is triggered by DNA damage.

S checkpoint is triggered by incomplete replication or

DNA damage.

G2 checkpoint is triggered by DNA damage.

M checkpoint is triggered by a chromosome that fails to

attach to the spindle.

Cell Control

Each CDK has a cyclin to activate

it, which is made only at the right


After the CDK acts, the cyclin is

broken down by a protease.

Synthesis and breakdown of cyclins

is important in controlling the cell


Cyclins are synthesized in response

to various signals, such as growth


Figure 7.10 Cyclins Are

Transient in the Cell Cycle

Cell Control

Example: control of the restriction point (R)

G1–S cyclin–CDK catalyzes phosphorylation of

retinoblastoma protein (RB).

RB normally inhibits the cell cycle at R, but when phosphorylated, it becomes inactive and no longer blocks the cell cycle.

7.4Meiosis Halves the Nuclear Chromosome Content and

Generates Diversity


Meiosis consists of two nuclear divisions but DNA is replicated only once.

The haploid cells produced by meiosis are genetically different from one another and from the parent cell.


The function of meiosis is to:

Reduce the chromosome number from diploid to haploid

Ensure that each haploid cell has a complete set of


Generate diversity among the products


Meiosis I

• Homologous chromosomes come together and line up along their entire lengths.

• The homologous chromosome pairs separate, but individual chromosomes made up of two sister chromatids remain together.

Figure 7.12 Meiosis:

Generating Haploid Cells (1)


Meiosis I is preceded by an S phase during which DNA

is replicated.

Each chromosome then consists of two sister


At the end of meiosis I, two nuclei form, each with half

the original chromosomes (one member of each

homologous pair).

The centromeres did not separate, so each

chromosome is still two sister chromatids.


Meiosis II

• Not preceded by DNA replication

• Sister chromatids separate

• End result: four haploid cells that are not genetically


Figure 7.12 Meiosis:

Generating Haploid Cells (2)


Shuffling of genetic material during meiosis occurs by

two processes:

Crossing over

In prophase I homologous chromosomes (synapsis) and the four chromatids form a tetrad, or bivalent.


The homologs seem to repel each other at the centromeres but remain attached at chiasmata.


Genetic material is exchanged between nonsister chromatids at the chiasmata.

Any of the four chromatids in the tetrad can participate, and a single chromatid can exchange material at more than one point.

Crossing over results in recombinant chromatids and increases genetic variability of the products.


Prophase I may last a long time.

Human males: prophase I lasts about 1 week, and 1 month for

entire meiotic cycle

Human females: prophase I begins before birth, meiosis

continues up to decades later during the monthly ovarian cycle

and is completed only after fertilization.


Independent assortment

At anaphase I, it is a matter of chance which member of a homologous pair goes to which daughter cell.

The greater the number of chromosomes, the greater the potential for genetic diversity.

In humans, 223 (8,388,608) different combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes can be produced.


Meiosis is complex, and errors can occur.


• Homologous pair fails to separate at anaphase I

• Sister chromatids fail to separate at anaphase II

Both result in aneuploidy—an abnormal number of



Most human embryos from aneuploid zygotes do not

survive. Many miscarriages are due to this.

The most common human aneuploidy is trisomy 16.

Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) is one of the few

aneuploidies that allow survival.



Sometimes, organisms with triploid (3n), tetraploid (4n),

and even higher numbers can form.

This can occur through an extra round of DNA

replication before meiosis, or lack of spindle formation

in meiosis II.

Polyploidy occurs naturally in some species and can

be desirable in plants.



Crossing over between non-homologous

chromosomes in meiosis I

Location of genes relative to other DNA sequences is

important, and translocations can have profound

effects on gene expression.


A translocation that occurs in humans between

chromosomes 9 and 22 can result in a form of


7.5Programmed Cell Death Is a Necessary Process in Living


Programmed Cell Death

Cells can die in one of two ways:

• In necrosis, the cell is damaged or starved for oxygen or

nutrients. The cell swells and bursts.

Cell contents are released to the extracellular environment and can cause inflammation.

Programmed Cell Death

• Apoptosis is genetically programmed cell death. Two possible reasons:

The cell is no longer needed (e.g., the connective tissue between the fingers of a fetus)

Old cells are prone to genetic damage that can lead to cancer—especially true of epithelial cells that die after days or weeks

Programmed Cell Death

Events of apoptosis:

• Cell detaches from its neighbors

• DNA is cut into small fragments

• Membranous lobes (“blebs”) form and break into fragments

• Surrounding living cells usually ingest remains of the dead

cell by phagocytosis

Programmed Cell Death

Programmed Cell Death

Plants use apoptosis in the hypersensitive response.

They protect themselves from disease by undergoing

apoptosis at the site of infection by a fungus or

bacterium, preventing spread to other parts of the


Programmed Cell Death

Programmed cell death is controlled by signals:

Internal signals may be linked to cell age or damaged


Both internal and external signals lead to activation of

caspases, which hydrolyze target proteins in a cascade

of events.

The cell dies as caspases hydrolyze proteins of the

nuclear envelope, nucleosomes, and cell membrane.

Answer to Opening Question

Human papilloma virus (HPV) stimulates the cell cycle

when it infects the cervix.

Two proteins regulate the cell cycle:

Oncogene proteins are mutated positive regulators of

the cell cycle—in cancer cells they are overactive or

present in excess.

Answer to Opening Question

Tumor suppressors are negative regulators of the cell cycle, but are inactive in cancer cells.

Example: RB blocks the cell cycle at R. HPV causes synthesis of E7 protein, which fits into the protein-binding site of RB, thereby inactivating it.

Figure 7.16 Molecular Changes

Regulate the Cell Cycle in

Cancer Cells

Answer to Opening Question

Chemotherapy drugs stop cell division by targeting

cell cycle events.

Some drugs block DNA replication; others damage

DNA, stopping cells at G2; and still others prevent

normal functioning of the mitotic spindle.

Unfortunately, these drugs also act on normal cells

and are toxic to rapidly dividing cells in the intestines,

skin, and bone marrow.

Answer to Opening Question

Research into more specific chemotherapy drugs is


Example: a drug has been identified that affects the

protein produced as a result of the translocation

between chromosomes 9 and 22.

It has been successful at treating leukemia caused by this
